Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static bool IsOneToOne(Cardinality cardinality1, Cardinality cardinality2)
            if (cardinality1 == One && cardinality2 == One)
                return true;

            return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static bool IsManyToMany(Cardinality cardinality1, Cardinality cardinality2)
            if (cardinality1 == Many && cardinality2 == Many)
                return true;

            return false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void SetCardinality(Cardinality cardinality)
            if (this.Items.Count != 0) {
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            this.Cardinality = cardinality;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public InputGroup(string name, string preMessage, string postMessage, bool isPrompt, Cardinality cardinality)
     this.Items = new HashSet<InputBase>();
     this.Name = name;
     this.Cardinality = cardinality;
     this.PreMessage = preMessage;
     this.PostMessage = postMessage;
     this.IsPrompt = IsPrompt;
        public AtomSymbol(IEnumerable<Annotation> annotations, TypeLookup type, Cardinality cardinality, Identifier name)
            : base(type, cardinality)
            Annotations = Guard.NotNull(annotations, "annotations")
                .GroupBy(x => x.Name)
                .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => new ReadOnlyCollection<Annotation>(x.ToList()))

            Name = Guard.NotNull(name, "name");
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public RunWorkPlan(
     DataSet dataSet,
     Cardinality cardinality,
     IndexType indexType,
     ReservationBufferSize reservationBufferSize,
     CacheSize cacheSize,
     Drive drive,
     CacheType cacheType,
     WorkPlan workPlan)
     : base(dataSet, cardinality, indexType, reservationBufferSize, cacheType, cacheSize)
     Drive = drive;
     WorkPlan = workPlan;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static string CardinalityToString(Cardinality cardinality)
            switch (cardinality)
                case Cardinality.One:
                    return "1";
                case Cardinality.ZeroToOne:
                    return "0..1";
                case Cardinality.Many:
                    return "*";

            throw new NotImplementedException();
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public sxPropertyDefinition(IPropertyTemplate pt)
            m_def = null;
            m_desc = null;
            m_temp = pt;

            m_id = m_temp.Id.ToString();
            m_displayName = m_temp.DisplayName;
            m_name = m_temp.SymbolicName;
            m_cardinality = m_temp.Cardinality;
            m_choiceList = m_temp.ChoiceList;
            m_typeID = m_temp.DataType;
            m_hidden = m_temp.IsHidden;
            m_required = m_temp.IsValueRequired;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public Experiment(
     DataSet dataSet,
     Cardinality cardinality,
     IndexType indexType,
     ReservationBufferSize reservationBufferSize,
     CacheType cacheType,
     CacheSize cacheSize)
     DataSet = dataSet;
     Cardinality = cardinality;
     IndexType = indexType;
     ReservationBufferSize = reservationBufferSize;
     CacheType = cacheType;
     CacheSize = cacheSize;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void testExistenceCardinalityAndOccurrences()
            // second attribute of root object
            CAttribute attr = (CAttribute) definition.getAttributes().get(1);
            Cardinality card = new Cardinality(true, false, interval(0, 8));
            assertCAttribute(attr, "members", CAttribute.Existence.OPTIONAL, card, 2);

            // 1st PERSON
            CComplexObject obj = (CComplexObject) attr.getChildren().get(0);
            assertCComplexObject(obj, "PERSON", null, interval(1, 1), 1);

            // 2nd PERSON
            obj = (CComplexObject) attr.getChildren().get(1);
            assertCComplexObject(obj, "PERSON", null,
                    new Interval(new java.lang.Integer(0), null, java.lang.Boolean.TRUE, java.lang.Boolean.FALSE), 1);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the string value of the cardinality value.
        /// </summary>
        public static string ConvertToString(Cardinality value)
            switch (value)
                case Cardinality.OneToOne:
                    return CardinalityConstants.Captions.OneToOne;

                case Cardinality.ZeroToOne:
                    return CardinalityConstants.Captions.ZeroToOne;

                case Cardinality.OneToMany:
                    return CardinalityConstants.Captions.OneToMany;

                case Cardinality.ZeroToMany:
                    return CardinalityConstants.Captions.ZeroToMany;

            return CardinalityConstants.Captions.OneToOne;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private void AppendValues(StringBuilder buffer, GeneralTimingSpecification value, int indentLevel, FormatContext context)
            Interval <PlatformDate>            duration    = value.Duration;
            IVL <TS, Interval <PlatformDate> > ivlDuration = new IVLImpl <TS, Interval <PlatformDate> >(duration);
            IvlTsPropertyFormatter             formatter   = new GtsBoundedPivlFormatter.CustomIvlTsPropertyFormatter(RequiresOperatorOnFirstRepetition
                                                                                                                          (context), RequiresSpecializationType(context));
            PeriodicIntervalTime frequency = value.Frequency;

            buffer.Append(formatter.Format(new Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Marshalling.HL7.Formatter.FormatContextImpl("IVL<TS.FULLDATE>"
                                                                                                                     , RequiresSpecializationType(context), Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Xml.ConformanceLevel.MANDATORY, Cardinality.Create("1")
                                                                                                                     , "comp", context), ivlDuration, indentLevel + 1));
            // constraints not passed down
            buffer.Append(CreatePivlTsElement(new Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Marshalling.HL7.Formatter.FormatContextImpl("PIVL<TS.DATETIME>"
                                                                                                                        , RequiresSpecializationType(context), Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Xml.ConformanceLevel.MANDATORY, Cardinality.Create("1")
                                                                                                                        , "comp", context), frequency, indentLevel + 1));
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public AssertionLineBuilder WithCardinality(Cardinality aCardinality)
     _cardinality = aCardinality;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary>Get a flag indicating whether or not the relationship is mandatory.</summary>
 /// <remarks>Get a flag indicating whether or not the relationship is mandatory.</remarks>
 /// <returns>true if the relationship is mandatory; false otherwise.</returns>
 public static bool IsMandatory(Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Xml.ConformanceLevel conformanceLevel, Cardinality cardinality)
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public Association.Association AddAssociation(string associationName, string navigationProperty1Name, EntityType navigationProperty1EnityType, Cardinality navigationProperty1Cardinality, string navigationProperty2Name, EntityType navigationProperty2EnityType, Cardinality navigationProperty2Cardinality)
     var association = new Association.Association { Container = this, Name = associationName };
     var navigationProperty1 = new NavigationProperty(association) { Name = navigationProperty1Name, Cardinality = navigationProperty1Cardinality };
     association.PropertyEnd1 = navigationProperty1;
     var navigationProperty2 = new NavigationProperty(association) { Name = navigationProperty2Name, Cardinality = navigationProperty2Cardinality };
     association.PropertyEnd2 = navigationProperty2;
     return association;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a specification for a new attribute which can be used in a new
 /// <see cref="MediaItemAspectMetadata"/> instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="attributeName">Name of the string attribute to be created.
 /// TODO: Describe constraints on the name value. See also other CreateXXXAttributeSpecification methods.</param>
 /// <param name="attributeType">Type of the attribute to be stored in the attribute to be created.
 /// For a list of supported attribute types, see <see cref="SUPPORTED_BASIC_TYPES"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="cardinality">Cardinality of the new attribute.</param>
 /// <param name="indexed">Set to <c>true</c> if the new attribute should be indexed in the media library.
 /// This should only be done if the attribute will often occur in filter criteria.</param>
 public static AttributeSpecification CreateAttributeSpecification(string attributeName,
     Type attributeType, Cardinality cardinality, bool indexed)
   if (!SUPPORTED_BASIC_TYPES.Contains(attributeType))
     throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Attribute type {0} is not supported for media item aspect attributes",
   return new AttributeSpecification(attributeName, attributeType, cardinality, indexed);
 public InvocationExpectation(Cardinality cardinality)
     this.cardinality = cardinality;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public RoleDefinition()
     this.cardinality = Cardinality.Item;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 private Cardinality CalculateContextCardinality(Cardinality context, Type type)
     String enumerableName = typeof(IEnumerable<>).Name;
     if (enumerableName == type.Name || (type.GetInterface(enumerableName) != null))
         return Cardinality.ZeroOrMore;
     return Cardinality.Single;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets possible association tables between this entity and the supplied entity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity1"></param>
        /// <param name="secondEntity"></param>
        /// <param name="CardinalityPrimary"></param>
        /// <param name="CardinalityForeign"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ITable GetAssociationTable(this Entity entity1, Entity secondEntity, out Cardinality CardinalityPrimary, out Cardinality CardinalityForeign, out IKey mainKey, out IKey associationKey)
            CardinalityPrimary = null;
            CardinalityForeign = null;
            mainKey            = null;
            associationKey     = null;

            ITable associationTable = null;

            foreach (ITable table in entity1.GetMappingSet().Database.AssociationTables())
                //ITable primaryTable = table.Relationships.FirstOrDefault(r => entity1.MappedTables().Contains(r.PrimaryTable));
                bool primaryFound = false;
                bool foreignFound = false;

                #region Primary
                foreach (Relationship relationship in table.Relationships)
                    if (entity1.MappedTables().Contains(relationship.PrimaryTable))
                        associationTable   = table;
                        CardinalityPrimary = relationship.ForeignKey.IsUnique ? Cardinality.One : Cardinality.Many;                        // relationship.PrimaryCardinality;
                        //CardinalityForeign = relationship.ForeignCardinality;
                        mainKey = relationship.PrimaryKey;
                        //associationKey = relationship.ForeignKey;
                        primaryFound = true;
                    else if (entity1.MappedTables().Contains(relationship.ForeignTable))
                        associationTable   = table;                                                                 // relationship.ForeignTable;
                        CardinalityPrimary = relationship.PrimaryKey.IsUnique ? Cardinality.One : Cardinality.Many; // relationship.ForeignCardinality;
                        //CardinalityForeign = relationship.PrimaryCardinality;
                        mainKey = relationship.ForeignKey;
                        //associationKey = relationship.PrimaryKey;
                        primaryFound = true;

                #region Foreign
                foreach (Relationship relationship in table.Relationships)
                    if (secondEntity.MappedTables().Contains(relationship.ForeignTable))
                        associationTable = table;
                        //CardinalityPrimary = relationship.PrimaryCardinality;
                        CardinalityForeign = relationship.PrimaryKey.IsUnique ? Cardinality.One : Cardinality.Many;                        // relationship.ForeignCardinality;
                        //mainKey = relationship.PrimaryKey;
                        associationKey = relationship.ForeignKey;
                        foreignFound   = true;
                    else if (secondEntity.MappedTables().Contains(relationship.PrimaryTable))
                        //associationTable = table;// relationship.ForeignTable;
                        //CardinalityPrimary = relationship.ForeignCardinality;
                        CardinalityForeign = relationship.ForeignKey.IsUnique ? Cardinality.One : Cardinality.Many;                        // relationship.PrimaryCardinality;
                        //mainKey = relationship.ForeignKey;
                        associationKey = relationship.PrimaryKey;
                        foreignFound   = true;

                if (primaryFound && foreignFound)
                    associationTable   = null;
                    CardinalityPrimary = null;
                    CardinalityForeign = null;
                    mainKey            = null;
                    associationKey     = null;

                //                if (entity1.MappedTables().Contains(relationship.PrimaryTable))// &&
                //                //secondEntity.MappedTables().Contains(relationship.ForeignTable))
                //                {
                //                    associationTable = table;// relationship.PrimaryTable;
                //                    CardinalityPrimary = relationship.PrimaryCardinality;
                //                    CardinalityForeign = relationship.ForeignCardinality;
                //                    mainKey = relationship.PrimaryKey;
                //                    associationKey = relationship.ForeignKey;

                //                    if (oneFound)
                //                        break;
                //                    else
                //                        oneFound = true;
                //                }
                //                else if (entity1.MappedTables().Contains(relationship.ForeignTable) &&
                //                {
                //                    associationTable = table;// relationship.ForeignTable;
                //                    CardinalityPrimary = relationship.ForeignCardinality;
                //                    CardinalityForeign = relationship.PrimaryCardinality;
                //                    mainKey = relationship.ForeignKey;
                //                    associationKey = relationship.PrimaryKey;

                //                    if (oneFound)
                //                        break;
                //                    else
                //                        oneFound = true;
                //                }
            if (associationTable != null)

            ITable unpureAssociationTable = null;

            if (associationTable == null)
                foreach (ITable table in entity1.MappedTables())
                    foreach (Relationship relationship in table.Relationships)
                        ITable possibleAssociationTable = null;

                        if (entity1.MappedTables().Contains(relationship.PrimaryTable) &&
                            Cardinality.IsOneToMany(relationship.ForeignCardinality, relationship.PrimaryCardinality))
                            possibleAssociationTable = relationship.ForeignTable;
                            CardinalityPrimary       = relationship.PrimaryCardinality;
                            mainKey = relationship.ForeignKey;
                        else if (entity1.MappedTables().Contains(relationship.ForeignTable) &&
                                 Cardinality.IsOneToMany(relationship.PrimaryCardinality, relationship.ForeignCardinality))
                            possibleAssociationTable = relationship.PrimaryTable;
                            CardinalityPrimary       = relationship.ForeignCardinality;
                            mainKey = relationship.PrimaryKey;
                        if (possibleAssociationTable != null)
                            foreach (ITable otherTable in secondEntity.MappedTables())
                                foreach (Relationship otherRelationship in otherTable.Relationships.Where(r => r.PrimaryTable == possibleAssociationTable || r.ForeignTable == possibleAssociationTable))
                                    if (otherRelationship.PrimaryTable == otherTable &&
                                        Cardinality.IsOneToMany(otherRelationship.ForeignCardinality, otherRelationship.PrimaryCardinality) &&
                                        possibleAssociationTable.Relationships.Where(r => r.PrimaryTable == otherRelationship.ForeignTable || r.ForeignTable == otherRelationship.ForeignTable).Count() > 0)
                                        unpureAssociationTable = otherRelationship.ForeignTable;
                                        CardinalityForeign     = otherRelationship.PrimaryCardinality;
                                        associationKey         = otherRelationship.ForeignKey;
                                    else if (otherRelationship.ForeignTable == otherTable &&
                                             Cardinality.IsOneToMany(otherRelationship.PrimaryCardinality, otherRelationship.ForeignCardinality) &&
                                             possibleAssociationTable.Relationships.Where(r => r.PrimaryTable == otherRelationship.PrimaryTable || r.ForeignTable == otherRelationship.PrimaryTable).Count() > 0)
                                        unpureAssociationTable = otherRelationship.PrimaryTable;
                                        CardinalityForeign     = otherRelationship.ForeignCardinality;
                                        associationKey         = otherRelationship.PrimaryKey;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public virtual void TestIvlTsWithConstraintsInValid()
            ModelToXmlResult        result              = new ModelToXmlResult();
            PlatformDate            dateLow             = DateUtil.GetDate(2012, 4, 3);
            DateWithPattern         dateWithPatternLow  = new DateWithPattern(dateLow, "yyyyMMdd");
            PlatformDate            dateHigh            = DateUtil.GetDate(2012, 6, 8);
            DateWithPattern         dateWithPatternHigh = new DateWithPattern(dateHigh, "yyyyMMdd");
            Interval <PlatformDate> ivlTs = IntervalFactory.CreateLowHigh((PlatformDate)dateWithPatternLow, (PlatformDate)dateWithPatternHigh
            DateInterval        dateInterval = new DateInterval(ivlTs);
            BareANY             dataType     = new IVLTSCDAR1Impl(dateInterval);
            ConstrainedDatatype constraints  = new ConstrainedDatatype("ivl", "IVL<TS>");

            constraints.Relationships.Add(new Relationship("low", "TS", Cardinality.Create("0")));
            constraints.Relationships.Add(new Relationship("high", "TS", Cardinality.Create("0")));
            FormatContext formatContext = new Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Marshalling.HL7.Formatter.FormatContextImpl(result, string.Empty
                                                                                                                    , "ivl", "IVLTSCDAR1", null, Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Xml.ConformanceLevel.MANDATORY, Cardinality.Create("1"), false, SpecificationVersion
                                                                                                                    .R02_04_03, null, null, null, constraints, true);
            string xml = this.formatter.Format(formatContext, dataType);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, result.GetHl7Errors().Count);
            string expected = "<ivl><low value=\"20120503\"/><high value=\"20120708\"/></ivl>";

            AssertXml("ivl output", expected, xml, true);
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public ExpectationBuilder(Cardinality cardinality) {
     expectation = new InvocationExpectation(cardinality);
 public TypeReferenceSyntax(QualifiedIdentifier name, Cardinality cardinality)
     Name = Guard.NotNull(name, "name");
     Cardinality = Guard.NotNull(cardinality, "cardinality");
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public static Signature BinderSignature(String name, Type type, Cardinality cardinality)
     return new BinderSignature() { Kind = SignatureKind.Binder, Type = type, Cardinality = cardinality , Name = name};
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public static Signature ReferenceSignature(Type type, Cardinality cardinality)
     return new Signature() { Kind = SignatureKind.Reference, Type = type, Cardinality = cardinality };
Ejemplo n.º 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Return a string representation of the XmlQueryType using the specified format.  The following formats are
        /// supported:
        ///   "G" (General): This is the default mode, and is used if no other format is recognized.  This format is
        ///                  easier to read than the canonical format, since it excludes redundant information.
        ///                  (e.g. element instead of element(*, xs:anyType))
        ///   "X" (XQuery): Return the canonical XQuery representation, which excludes Qil specific information and
        ///                 includes extra, redundant information, such as fully specified types.
        ///                 (e.g. element(*, xs:anyType) instead of element)
        ///   "S" (Serialized): This format is used to serialize parts of the type which can be serialized easily, in
        ///                     a format that is easy to parse.  Only the cardinality, type code, and strictness flag
        ///                     are serialized.  User-defined type information and element/attribute content types
        ///                     are lost.
        ///                     (e.g. One;Attribute|String|Int;true)
        /// </summary>
        public string ToString(string format)
            string[]      sa;
            StringBuilder sb;
            bool          isXQ;

            if (format == "S")
                sb = new StringBuilder();

                for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
                    if (i != 0)


            isXQ = (format == "X");

            if (Cardinality == XmlQueryCardinality.None)
            else if (Cardinality == XmlQueryCardinality.Zero)

            sb = new StringBuilder();

            switch (Count)
            case 0:
                // This assert depends on the way we are going to represent None

            case 1:

                sa = new string[Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
                    sa[i] = this[i].ItemTypeToString(isXQ);


                sb = new StringBuilder();
                for (int i = 1; i < sa.Length; i++)
                    sb.Append(" | ");



            if (!isXQ && IsDod)

Ejemplo n.º 27
        public virtual void TestFormatValueNonNull()
            string result = new ListPropertyFormatter(this.formatterRegistry).Format(new Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Marshalling.HL7.Formatter.FormatContextImpl
                                                                                         (new ModelToXmlResult(), null, "name", "LIST<EN>", Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Xml.ConformanceLevel.OPTIONAL, Cardinality.
                                                                                         Create("0-4"), false, SpecificationVersion.R02_04_02, null, null, null, false), (BareANY)LISTImpl <ANY <object>, object> .Create
                                                                                     <EN <EntityName>, EntityName>(typeof(ENImpl <EntityName>), CreateEntityNameList()));

            Assert.AreEqual("<name xsi:type=\"PN\"><family>Flinstone</family><given>Fred</given></name>" + SystemUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR
                            + "<name xsi:type=\"PN\"><family>Flinstone</family><given>Wilma</given></name>" + SystemUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR, result, "non null"
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a specification for a new string attribute which can be used in a new
        /// <see cref="MediaItemAspectMetadata"/> instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attributeName">Name of the string attribute to be created.
        /// TODO: Describe constraints on the name value. See also other CreateXXXAttributeSpecification methods.</param>
        /// <param name="maxNumChars">Maximum number of characters to be stored in the attribute to
        /// be created.</param>
        /// <param name="cardinality">Cardinality of the new attribute.</param>
        /// <param name="indexed">Set to <c>true</c> if the new attribute should be indexed in the media library.
        /// This should only be done if the attribute will often occur in filter criteria.</param>
        public static AttributeSpecification CreateStringAttributeSpecification(string attributeName,
                                                                                uint maxNumChars, Cardinality cardinality, bool indexed)
            AttributeSpecification result = new AttributeSpecification(attributeName, typeof(string), cardinality, indexed)
                MaxNumChars = maxNumChars

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a specification for a new string attribute which can be used in a new
        /// <see cref="MediaItemAspectMetadata"/> instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attributeName">Name of the string attribute to be created.
        /// TODO: Describe constraints on the name value. See also other CreateXXXAttributeSpecification methods.</param>
        /// <param name="maxNumChars">Maximum number of characters to be stored in the attribute to
        /// be created.</param>
        /// <param name="cardinality">Cardinality of the new attribute.</param>
        /// <param name="indexed">Set to <c>true</c> if the new attribute should be indexed in the media library.
        /// This should only be done if the attribute will often occur in filter criteria.</param>
        public static MultipleAttributeSpecification CreateMultipleStringAttributeSpecification(string attributeName,
                                                                                                uint maxNumChars, Cardinality cardinality, bool indexed, params int[] compositeIndexIds)
            MultipleAttributeSpecification result = new MultipleAttributeSpecification(attributeName, typeof(string), cardinality, indexed, compositeIndexIds)
                MaxNumChars = maxNumChars

        private static Element CreateElement(IElementContainer parent, string elementName, Cardinality cardinality)
            var child = (Element)parent.CreateElement();
            var elementInstanceCount = parent.Elements.Where(e => e.DefinitionName == elementName).Count() + 1;

            child.DefinitionName = elementName;
            child.InstanceName = elementName + elementInstanceCount.ToString();
            child.Info = Mock.Of<IElementInfo>(ei => ei.Name == elementName && ei.CodeIdentifier == elementName && ei.Cardinality == cardinality);

            var property = CreateProperty(child, elementName + "Property1", elementName + "Value1");

            return child;
Ejemplo n.º 31
 internal AttributeSpecification(string name, Type type, Cardinality cardinality, bool indexed)
   _attributeName = name;
   _attributeType = type;
   _cardinality = cardinality;
   _indexed = indexed;
        private static Element CreateElement(IElementContainer parent, string elementName, Cardinality cardinality = Cardinality.OneToOne, Action<Element> initializer = null)
            var element = CreateElement(parent, elementName, cardinality);

            if (initializer != null)

            return element;
Ejemplo n.º 33
 // Query nodes
 public virtual TypeNode GetResultType(Expression source, TypeNode elementType, Cardinality card){
   if (source == null) return null;
   TypeNode stype = source.Type;
   if (stype == null) return null;
   if (elementType == null){
     if (source is Literal && stype == SystemTypes.Type){
       elementType = (TypeNode)((Literal)source).Value;
       elementType = (stype is TupleType) ? stype : this.typeSystem.GetStreamElementType(source, this.TypeViewer);
   Cardinality resultCard = this.typeSystem.GetCardinalityOr(this.typeSystem.GetCardinality(source, this.TypeViewer), card);
   Cardinality elementCard = this.typeSystem.GetCardinality(elementType, this.TypeViewer);
   switch( resultCard ){
     case Cardinality.None:
       return elementType;
     case Cardinality.ZeroOrOne:
       if (this.typeSystem.GetCardinality(elementType, this.TypeViewer) == Cardinality.ZeroOrOne){
         return elementType;
       else if(elementType.Template == SystemTypes.GenericNonNull){
         return this.typeSystem.GetStreamElementType(elementType, this.TypeViewer);
         return SystemTypes.GenericBoxed.GetTemplateInstance(this.currentType, elementType);
     case Cardinality.ZeroOrMore:
       return SystemTypes.GenericIEnumerable.GetTemplateInstance(this.currentType, elementType);
     case Cardinality.One:
       if (this.typeSystem.GetCardinality(elementType, this.TypeViewer) == Cardinality.One){
         return elementType;
       else if (elementType.Template == SystemTypes.GenericBoxed){
         return this.typeSystem.GetStreamElementType(elementType, this.TypeViewer);
         return SystemTypes.GenericNonNull.GetTemplateInstance(this.currentType, elementType);
     case Cardinality.OneOrMore:
       return SystemTypes.GenericNonEmptyIEnumerable.GetTemplateInstance(this.currentType, elementType);
Ejemplo n.º 34
        private void SerialiseCardinalityInternal(XmlWriter writer, string elementName, Cardinality cardinality)

            if (cardinality == null)
                cardinality = Cardinality.One;

            writer.WriteAttributeString("min", cardinality.Start.ToString());
            writer.WriteAttributeString("max", cardinality.End.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 35
 public static Signature ValueSignature(Type type, Cardinality cardinality)
     return new Signature() { Kind = SignatureKind.Value, Type = type, Cardinality = cardinality };
 public TypeReference(TypeLookup type, Cardinality cardinality)
     _TypeLookup = Guard.NotNull(type, "type");
     Cardinality = Guard.NotNull(cardinality, "cardinality");
Ejemplo n.º 37
 /// <summary>Get a flag indicating whether or not the relationship is populated.</summary>
 /// <remarks>Get a flag indicating whether or not the relationship is populated.</remarks>
 /// <returns>true if the relationship is populated; false otherwise.</returns>
 public static bool IsPopulated(Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Xml.ConformanceLevel conformanceLevel, Cardinality cardinality)
     // - this *almost* matches what MB was doing prior to a Remixer change to BaseMifProcessorImpl
     // - IGNORED and NOT_ALLOWED with a min cardinality > 0 (a very strange state!) will behave differently than before the Remixer change
     // - populated should eventually be removed as a conformance altogether
     return(Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Xml.ConformanceLevel.POPULATED.Equals(conformanceLevel) || (Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Xml.ConformanceLevel
                                                                                                  .REQUIRED.Equals(conformanceLevel) && cardinality.Mandatory));
Ejemplo n.º 38
        public virtual void TestFormatValueNonNull()
            string result = new SetPropertyFormatter(this.formatterRegistry).Format(new Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Marshalling.HL7.Formatter.FormatContextImpl
                                                                                        (new ModelToXmlResult(), null, "blah", "SET<TEL.PHONEMAIL>", Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Xml.ConformanceLevel.MANDATORY, Cardinality
                                                                                        .Create("1-4"), false, SpecificationVersion.R02_04_03, null, null, null, false), SETImpl <ANY <object>, object> .Create <TEL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 , TelecommunicationAddress>(typeof(TELImpl), MakeTelecommunicationAddressSet("Fred")));

            AssertXml("non null", "<blah specializationType=\"TEL.PHONE\" value=\"mailto:Fred\" xsi:type=\"TEL\"/>", result);
Ejemplo n.º 39
 private bool IsSingleCardinality(Cardinality cardinality)
     return(cardinality == null ? true : cardinality.Single);
Ejemplo n.º 40
 public static Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Error.Hl7Error CreateWrongNumberOfAssociationsError(string xmlName, XmlElement @base
                                                                                             , int size, Cardinality cardinality)
     return(new Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Error.Hl7Error(Hl7ErrorCode.NUMBER_OF_ASSOCIATIONS_INCORRECT_FOR_CARDINALITY, System.String.Format
                                                             ("Association \"{0}\" has a cardinality of \"{1}\", but {2} occurrences were found ({3}). For cases where the association only supports a single value, only the first occurence will have been retained."
                                                             , xmlName, cardinality, size, XmlDescriber.DescribeSingleElement(@base)), @base));
Ejemplo n.º 41
 protected void Validate(Cardinality cardinality)
     Invariant(cardinality.Interval != null, string.Format(
                   CommonStrings.XMustNotBeNull, "Cardinality.Interval"));
     Invariant(!cardinality.Interval.LowerUnbounded, AmValidationStrings.CardinalityLowerUnbounded);
Ejemplo n.º 42
        protected void CompileStatementParts(MIA_Management miaManagement, IFilter filter, Namespace ns, BindVarNamespace bvNamespace,
                                             ICollection <MediaItemAspectMetadata> requiredMIATypes, string outerMIIDJoinVariable, ICollection <TableJoin> tableJoins,
                                             IList <object> resultParts, IList <BindVar> resultBindVars)
            if (filter == null)

            MediaItemIdFilter mediaItemIdFilter = filter as MediaItemIdFilter;

            if (mediaItemIdFilter != null)
                ICollection <Guid> mediaItemIds = mediaItemIdFilter.MediaItemIds;
                if (mediaItemIds.Count == 0)
                    resultParts.Add("1 = 2");
                    if (mediaItemIds.Count == 1)
                        BindVar bindVar = new BindVar(bvNamespace.CreateNewBindVarName("V"), mediaItemIds.First(), typeof(Guid));
                        resultParts.Add(" = @" + bindVar.Name);
                        bool first = true;
                        ICollection <string> clusterExpressions = new List <string>();
                        foreach (IList <Guid> mediaItemIdsCluster in CollectionUtils.Cluster(mediaItemIds, MAX_IN_VALUES_SIZE))
                            IList <string> bindVarRefs = new List <string>(MAX_IN_VALUES_SIZE);
                            foreach (Guid mediaItemId in mediaItemIdsCluster)
                                BindVar bindVar = new BindVar(bvNamespace.CreateNewBindVarName("V"), mediaItemId, typeof(Guid));
                                bindVarRefs.Add("@" + bindVar.Name);
                            if (!first)
                                resultParts.Add(" OR ");
                            first = false;
                            resultParts.Add(" IN (" + StringUtils.Join(", ", bindVarRefs) + ")");
                        resultParts.Add(StringUtils.Join(" OR ", clusterExpressions));

            BooleanCombinationFilter boolFilter = filter as BooleanCombinationFilter;

            if (boolFilter != null)
                int         numOperands  = boolFilter.Operands.Count;
                IEnumerator enumOperands = boolFilter.Operands.GetEnumerator();
                if (!enumOperands.MoveNext())
                if (numOperands > 1)
                CompileStatementParts(miaManagement, (IFilter)enumOperands.Current, ns, bvNamespace,
                                      requiredMIATypes, outerMIIDJoinVariable, tableJoins, resultParts, resultBindVars);
                while (enumOperands.MoveNext())
                    switch (boolFilter.Operator)
                    case BooleanOperator.And:
                        resultParts.Add(" AND ");

                    case BooleanOperator.Or:
                        resultParts.Add(" OR ");

                        throw new NotImplementedException(string.Format(
                                                              "Boolean filter operator '{0}' isn't supported by the media library", boolFilter.Operator));
                    CompileStatementParts(miaManagement, (IFilter)enumOperands.Current, ns, bvNamespace,
                                          requiredMIATypes, outerMIIDJoinVariable, tableJoins, resultParts, resultBindVars);
                if (numOperands > 1)

            NotFilter notFilter = filter as NotFilter;

            if (notFilter != null)
                resultParts.Add("NOT (");
                CompileStatementParts(miaManagement, notFilter.InnerFilter, ns, bvNamespace,
                                      requiredMIATypes, outerMIIDJoinVariable, tableJoins, resultParts, resultBindVars);

            FalseFilter falseFilter = filter as FalseFilter;

            if (falseFilter != null)
                resultParts.Add("1 = 2");

            // Must be done before checking IAttributeFilter - EmptyFilter is also an IAttributeFilter but must be
            // compiled in a different way
            EmptyFilter emptyFilter = filter as EmptyFilter;

            if (emptyFilter != null)
                MediaItemAspectMetadata.AttributeSpecification attributeType = emptyFilter.AttributeType;
                Cardinality cardinality = attributeType.Cardinality;
                if (cardinality == Cardinality.Inline || cardinality == Cardinality.ManyToOne)
                    resultParts.Add(new QueryAttribute(attributeType));
                    resultParts.Add(" IS NULL"); // MTO attributes are joined with left outer joins and thus can also be checked for NULL
                else if (cardinality == Cardinality.OneToMany)
                    resultParts.Add("NOT EXISTS(");
                    resultParts.Add("SELECT V.");
                    resultParts.Add(" FROM ");
                    resultParts.Add(" V WHERE V.");
                else if (cardinality == Cardinality.ManyToMany)
                    resultParts.Add("NOT EXISTS(");
                    resultParts.Add("SELECT NM.");
                    resultParts.Add(" FROM ");
                    resultParts.Add(" NM INNER JOIN ");
                    resultParts.Add(" V ON NM.");
                    resultParts.Add(" = V.");
                    resultParts.Add(" WHERE NM.");

            IAttributeFilter attributeFilter = filter as IAttributeFilter;

            if (attributeFilter != null)
                // For attribute filters, we have to create different kinds of expressions, depending on the
                // cardinality of the attribute to be filtered.
                // For Inline and MTO attributes, we simply create
                // QA [Operator] [Comparison-Value]
                // for OTM attributes, we create
                // INNER JOIN [OTM-Value-Table] V ON V.MEDIA_ITEM_ID=[Outer-Join-Variable-Placeholder]
                // WHERE [...] and V.VALUE [Operator] [Comparison-Value])
                // for MTM attributes, we create
                // INNER JOIN [MTM-NM-Table] NM ON NM.MEDIA_ITEM_ID=[Outer-Join-Variable-Placeholder]
                // INNER JOIN [MTM-Value-Table] V ON NM.ID = V.ID
                // WHERE [...] AND V.VALUE [Operator] [Comparison-Value])

                MediaItemAspectMetadata.AttributeSpecification attributeType = attributeFilter.AttributeType;
                Cardinality cardinality = attributeType.Cardinality;
                if (cardinality == Cardinality.Inline || cardinality == Cardinality.ManyToOne)
                    BuildAttributeFilterExpression(attributeFilter, new QueryAttribute(attributeType), bvNamespace,
                                                   resultParts, resultBindVars);
                else if (cardinality == Cardinality.OneToMany)
                    string joinTable = miaManagement.GetMIACollectionAttributeTableName(attributeType);
                    string attrName;
                    if (!_innerJoinedTables.TryGetValue(joinTable, out attrName))
                        TableQueryData tqd = new TableQueryData(joinTable);

                        tableJoins.Add(new TableJoin("LEFT OUTER JOIN", tqd,
                                                     new RequestedAttribute(tqd, MIA_Management.MIA_MEDIA_ITEM_ID_COL_NAME), outerMIIDJoinVariable));
                        attrName = new RequestedAttribute(tqd, MIA_Management.COLL_ATTR_VALUE_COL_NAME).GetQualifiedName(ns);
                        _innerJoinedTables.Add(joinTable, attrName);
                    BuildAttributeFilterExpression(attributeFilter, attrName, bvNamespace, resultParts, resultBindVars);
                else if (cardinality == Cardinality.ManyToMany)
                    string miaCollectionAttributeNMTableName = miaManagement.GetMIACollectionAttributeNMTableName(attributeType);
                    string attrName;
                    if (!_innerJoinedTables.TryGetValue(miaCollectionAttributeNMTableName, out attrName))
                        TableQueryData tqdMiaCollectionAttributeNMTable = new TableQueryData(miaCollectionAttributeNMTableName);

                        tableJoins.Add(new TableJoin("LEFT OUTER JOIN", tqdMiaCollectionAttributeNMTable,
                                                     new RequestedAttribute(tqdMiaCollectionAttributeNMTable, MIA_Management.MIA_MEDIA_ITEM_ID_COL_NAME), outerMIIDJoinVariable));

                        TableQueryData tqdMiaCollectionAttributeTable = new TableQueryData(miaManagement.GetMIACollectionAttributeTableName(attributeType));

                        tableJoins.Add(new TableJoin("LEFT OUTER JOIN", tqdMiaCollectionAttributeTable,
                                                     new RequestedAttribute(tqdMiaCollectionAttributeNMTable, MIA_Management.FOREIGN_COLL_ATTR_ID_COL_NAME),
                                                     new RequestedAttribute(tqdMiaCollectionAttributeTable, MIA_Management.FOREIGN_COLL_ATTR_ID_COL_NAME)));
                        attrName = tqdMiaCollectionAttributeTable.GetAlias(ns) + "." + MIA_Management.COLL_ATTR_VALUE_COL_NAME;
                        _innerJoinedTables.Add(miaCollectionAttributeNMTableName, attrName);
                    BuildAttributeFilterExpression(attributeFilter, attrName, bvNamespace, resultParts, resultBindVars);
            throw new InvalidDataException("Filter type '{0}' isn't supported by the media library", filter.GetType().Name);
Ejemplo n.º 43
 public IntOptions Fast(Cardinality cardinality)
Ejemplo n.º 44
        protected override string FormatDenominator(FormatContext context, PhysicalQuantity denominator, int indentLevel)
            string        denominatorType = Hl7DataTypeName.Create(context.Type).GetInnerTypes()[1].ToString();
            FormatContext newContext      = new Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Marshalling.HL7.Formatter.FormatContextImpl(denominatorType, context
                                                                                                                      .IsSpecializationType(), Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Xml.ConformanceLevel.MANDATORY, Cardinality.Create("1"), "denominator"
                                                                                                                      , context);

            return(this.pqFormatter.Format(newContext, new PQImpl(denominator), indentLevel));
Ejemplo n.º 45
        public virtual void TestParse()
            XmlNode node = CreateNode("<top>" + "<something>" + "<numerator unit=\"mg\" value=\"1000\" />" + "<denominator unit=\"d\" value=\"1\" />"
                                      + "</something>" + "<something>" + "<numerator unit=\"mg\" value=\"1001\"	/>" + "<denominator unit=\"d\" value=\"2\" />"
                                      + "</something>" + "</top>");
            BareANY result = new SetElementParser(ParserRegistry.GetInstance()).Parse(ParseContextImpl.Create("SET<RTO<PQ.DRUG,PQ.TIME>>"
                                                                                                              , null, SpecificationVersion.V01R04_2_SK, null, null, Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Xml.ConformanceLevel.MANDATORY, Cardinality
                                                                                                              .Create("1-5"), null, false), AsList(node.ChildNodes), null);
            ICollection <Ratio <PhysicalQuantity, PhysicalQuantity> > set = ((SET <RTO <PhysicalQuantity, PhysicalQuantity>, Ratio <PhysicalQuantity
                                                                                                                                    , PhysicalQuantity> >)result).RawSet();

            Assert.IsNotNull(set, "null");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, set.Count, "size");
            bool foundFirst  = false;
            bool foundSecond = false;

            foreach (Ratio <PhysicalQuantity, PhysicalQuantity> ratio in set)
                if (ratio.Numerator.Quantity.Value == 1000 && ratio.Denominator.Quantity.Value == 1)
                    foundFirst = true;
                    if (ratio.Numerator.Quantity.Value == 1001 && ratio.Denominator.Quantity.Value == 2)
                        foundSecond = true;
Ejemplo n.º 46
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns whether the cardinality is either <see cref="Cardinality.ZeroToOne"/> or <see cref="Cardinality.OneToOne"/>
 /// </summary>
 public static bool IsAnyToOne(this Cardinality cardinality)
     return(cardinality == Cardinality.OneToOne || cardinality == Cardinality.ZeroToOne);
 public MultipleAttributeSpecification(string name, Type type, Cardinality cardinality, bool indexed, params int[] compositeIndexIds) : base(name, type, cardinality, indexed, compositeIndexIds)
Ejemplo n.º 48
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns whether the cardinality is either <see cref="Cardinality.ZeroToMany"/> or <see cref="Cardinality.OneToMany"/>
 /// </summary>
 public static bool IsAnyToMany(this Cardinality cardinality)
     return(cardinality == Cardinality.OneToMany || cardinality == Cardinality.ZeroToMany);
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a specification for a new attribute which can be used in a new
 /// <see cref="MediaItemAspectMetadata"/> instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="attributeName">Name of the string attribute to be created.
 /// TODO: Describe constraints on the name value. See also other CreateXXXAttributeSpecification methods.</param>
 /// <param name="attributeType">Type of the attribute to be stored in the attribute to be created.
 /// For a list of supported attribute types, see <see cref="SUPPORTED_BASIC_TYPES"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="cardinality">Cardinality of the new attribute.</param>
 /// <param name="indexed">Set to <c>true</c> if the new attribute should be indexed in the media library.
 /// This should only be done if the attribute will often occur in filter criteria.</param>
 public static SingleAttributeSpecification CreateSingleAttributeSpecification(string attributeName,
                                                                               Type attributeType, Cardinality cardinality, bool indexed, params int[] compositeIndexIds)
     if (!SUPPORTED_BASIC_TYPES.Contains(attributeType))
         throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Attribute type {0} is not supported for media item aspect attributes",
     return(new SingleAttributeSpecification(attributeName, attributeType, cardinality, indexed, compositeIndexIds));
Ejemplo n.º 50
 public UIAssociation AddAssociation(string associationName, string navigationProperty1Name, UIEntityType navigationProperty1EntityType, Cardinality navigationProperty1Cardinality, string navigationProperty2Name, UIEntityType navigationProperty2EntityType, Cardinality navigationProperty2Cardinality)
     var association = CSDL.AddAssociation(associationName, navigationProperty1Name, navigationProperty1EntityType.BusinessInstance, navigationProperty1Cardinality, navigationProperty2Name, navigationProperty2EntityType.BusinessInstance, navigationProperty2Cardinality);
     return new UIAssociation { NavigationProperty1 = navigationProperty1EntityType.Properties[association.PropertyEnd1] as UIRelatedProperty, NavigationProperty2 = navigationProperty2EntityType.Properties[association.PropertyEnd2] as UIRelatedProperty };
Ejemplo n.º 51
 public virtual Cardinality GetCardinalityOr(Cardinality source, Cardinality element) {
   switch( source ) {
     case Cardinality.None:
       switch( element ) {
         case Cardinality.None:        return Cardinality.None;
         case Cardinality.One:         return Cardinality.None;
         case Cardinality.ZeroOrOne:   return Cardinality.ZeroOrOne;
         case Cardinality.OneOrMore:   return Cardinality.ZeroOrMore;
         case Cardinality.ZeroOrMore:  return Cardinality.ZeroOrMore;
     case Cardinality.ZeroOrOne:
       switch( element ) {
         case Cardinality.None:        return Cardinality.ZeroOrOne;
         case Cardinality.One:         return Cardinality.ZeroOrOne;
         case Cardinality.ZeroOrOne:   return Cardinality.ZeroOrOne;
         case Cardinality.OneOrMore:   return Cardinality.ZeroOrMore;
         case Cardinality.ZeroOrMore:  return Cardinality.ZeroOrMore;
     case Cardinality.ZeroOrMore:
       return Cardinality.ZeroOrMore;
     case Cardinality.One:
       switch (element) {
         case Cardinality.None:        return Cardinality.None;
         case Cardinality.One:         return Cardinality.One;
         case Cardinality.ZeroOrOne:   return Cardinality.ZeroOrOne;
         case Cardinality.OneOrMore:   return Cardinality.OneOrMore;
         case Cardinality.ZeroOrMore:  return Cardinality.ZeroOrMore;
         default:                      return element;
     case Cardinality.OneOrMore:
       switch( element ) {
         case Cardinality.None:        return Cardinality.ZeroOrMore;
         case Cardinality.One:         return Cardinality.OneOrMore;
         case Cardinality.ZeroOrOne:   return Cardinality.ZeroOrMore;
         case Cardinality.OneOrMore:   return Cardinality.OneOrMore;
         case Cardinality.ZeroOrMore:  return Cardinality.ZeroOrMore;
   return Cardinality.None;
 /// <summary>
 /// Serializes the specified cardinality.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cardinality">The cardinality.</param>
 private void Serialize(Cardinality cardinality)
Ejemplo n.º 53
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a specification for a new string attribute which can be used in a new
 /// <see cref="MediaItemAspectMetadata"/> instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="attributeName">Name of the string attribute to be created.
 /// TODO: Describe constraints on the name value. See also other CreateXXXAttributeSpecification methods.</param>
 /// <param name="maxNumChars">Maximum number of characters to be stored in the attribute to
 /// be created.</param>
 /// <param name="cardinality">Cardinality of the new attribute.</param>
 /// <param name="indexed">Set to <c>true</c> if the new attribute should be indexed in the media library.
 /// This should only be done if the attribute will often occur in filter criteria.</param>
 public static AttributeSpecification CreateStringAttributeSpecification(string attributeName,
     uint maxNumChars, Cardinality cardinality, bool indexed)
   AttributeSpecification result = new AttributeSpecification(attributeName, typeof(string), cardinality, indexed)
     {MaxNumChars = maxNumChars};
   return result;
Ejemplo n.º 54
 /// <summary>Get a flag indicating whether or not the relationship is required.</summary>
 /// <remarks>Get a flag indicating whether or not the relationship is required.</remarks>
 /// <returns>true if the relationship is required; false otherwise.</returns>
 public static bool IsRequired(Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Xml.ConformanceLevel conformanceLevel, Cardinality cardinality)
     return(Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Xml.ConformanceLevel.REQUIRED.Equals(conformanceLevel) && !cardinality.Mandatory);
Ejemplo n.º 55
 public RoleDefinition() {
     this.cardinalityField = Cardinality.Item;
Ejemplo n.º 56
 /// <summary>Get a flag indicating whether or not the relationship is optional.</summary>
 /// <remarks>Get a flag indicating whether or not the relationship is optional.</remarks>
 /// <returns>true if the relationship is optional; false otherwise.</returns>
 public static bool IsOptional(Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Xml.ConformanceLevel conformanceLevel, Cardinality cardinality)
Ejemplo n.º 57
 /// <summary>Get a flag indicating whether or not the relationship is ignored.</summary>
 /// <remarks>Get a flag indicating whether or not the relationship is ignored.</remarks>
 /// <returns>true if the relationship is ignored; false otherwise.</returns>
 public static bool IsIgnored(Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Xml.ConformanceLevel conformanceLevel, Cardinality cardinality)
Ejemplo n.º 58
 /// <summary>Get a flag indicating whether or not the relationship is not allowed.</summary>
 /// <remarks>Get a flag indicating whether or not the relationship is not allowed.</remarks>
 /// <returns>true if the relationship is not allowed; false otherwise.</returns>
 public static bool IsNotAllowed(Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Xml.ConformanceLevel conformanceLevel, Cardinality cardinality)
Ejemplo n.º 59
        public UIAssociation AddAssociation(string associationName, string navigationProperty1Name, UIEntityType navigationProperty1EntityType, Cardinality navigationProperty1Cardinality, string navigationProperty2Name, UIEntityType navigationProperty2EntityType, Cardinality navigationProperty2Cardinality)
            var association = CSDL.AddAssociation(associationName, navigationProperty1Name, navigationProperty1EntityType.BusinessInstance, navigationProperty1Cardinality, navigationProperty2Name, navigationProperty2EntityType.BusinessInstance, navigationProperty2Cardinality);

            return(new UIAssociation {
                NavigationProperty1 = navigationProperty1EntityType.Properties[association.PropertyEnd1] as UIRelatedProperty, NavigationProperty2 = navigationProperty2EntityType.Properties[association.PropertyEnd2] as UIRelatedProperty
Ejemplo n.º 60
 public bool Equals(Cardinality obj)
     if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) return false;
     if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) return true;
     return obj.Start == Start && obj.End == End;