Ejemplo n.º 1
        public JsonResult GetClientInfo(string card)
            LCManager.Infrastructure.Request.GetClientInfoRequest clientInfoRequest = new LCManager.Infrastructure.Request.GetClientInfoRequest();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(card))
                try { clientInfoRequest.Card = Convert.ToInt64(card); } catch { }
                return(Json(new LCManager.Infrastructure.Response.GetClientInfoResponse {
                    ErrorCode = 10, Message = "Не указана карта клиента"
            try { clientInfoRequest.Operator = Convert.ToInt16(JwtProps.GetOperator()); } catch { }
            HttpResponseMessage response = HttpClientService.PostAsync("api/values/ClientInfo", clientInfoRequest).Result;

            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                LCManager.Infrastructure.Response.GetClientInfoResponse clientInfoResponse = response.Content.ReadAsAsync <LCManager.Infrastructure.Response.GetClientInfoResponse>().Result;
                if (clientInfoResponse.ErrorCode == 0)
                    CardInfoResponse      response2 = new CardInfoResponse();
                    CardStatisticsRequest request2  = new CardStatisticsRequest
                        Card = clientInfoResponse.Card
                    HttpResponseMessage responseMessage2 = HttpClientService.PostAsync("api/card/GetCard", request2).Result;
                    if (responseMessage2.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        response2 = responseMessage2.Content.ReadAsAsync <CardInfoResponse>().Result;
                        if (response2.ErrorCode == 0)
                            return(Json(new { data1 = clientInfoResponse, data2 = response2 }));
                    return(Json(new DefaultResponse {
                        ErrorCode = 11, Message = "Ошибка запроса к ClientInfo"
            return(Json(new DefaultResponse {
                ErrorCode = 11, Message = "Ошибка запроса к ClientInfo"
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void performTest(String method)
            bool         print    = true;
            ResCode      res_code = new ResCode();
            SignResponse resp     = null;

            writeToFile("\nTESTING: " + method);
            switch (method)
            case string t when t == "SignPDF_NOPIN":
                resp     = client.SignPDF_NOPIN(certID, File.ReadAllBytes(fnTestPDF), 1, 0, 0, 150, 150, File.ReadAllBytes(fnSig), "");
                res_code = resp.Result;
                if (resp.SignedBytes != null)
                    saveFile(fnSignedPDF, resp.SignedBytes);

            case string t when t == "SignPDF_NOPIN_FIELD":
                print = false;
                writeToFile("* " + method + " method was not defined");

            case string t when t == "SignPDF_PIN_FilePath":
                print = false;
                //String path = Path.GetFullPath(fnTest);
                //String path = fnTest;
                //String path = "/etc/hosts";
                //String path = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe";
                String path = "C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\iisstart.htm";
                //String path = "signed.pdf";
                //String path = "C:\\test.pdf";
                res_code = client.SignPDF_PIN_FilePath(certID, path, "aaa.pdf", 1, 0, 0, 150, 150, pinCode, File.ReadAllBytes(fnSig), "").Result;
                writeToFile("Not testing 'SignPDF_PIN_FilePath' functionality as it takes input file paths that are located on the server side.");

            case string t when t == "SignPDF_PIN":
                resp     = client.SignPDF_PIN(certID, File.ReadAllBytes(fnTestPDF), 1, 0, 0, 150, 150, pinCode, File.ReadAllBytes(fnSig), "");
                res_code = resp.Result;
                if (resp.SignedBytes != null)
                    saveFile(fnSignedPDF, resp.SignedBytes);

            case string t when t == "SignPDF_SetImage":
                resp     = client.SignPDF_SetImage(File.ReadAllBytes(fnTestPDF), 1, 0, 0, 150, 150, File.ReadAllBytes(fnSig), "");
                res_code = resp.Result;
                if (resp.SignedBytes != null)
                    saveFile(fnPosted, resp.SignedBytes);

            case string t when t == "Get_PDFSigners":
                print = false;
                String[] strRes = client.Get_PDFSigners(File.ReadAllBytes(fnSignedPDF), "");
                writeToFile("Exspected strRes is: " + "NOT NULL");
                writeToFile("strRes is: " + String.Join("", strRes));
                writeToFile("TEST " + (strRes != null ? "PASSED" : "FAILED"));

            case string t when t == "VerifyPDF":
                MultiSignValidationResponse msvRes = client.VerifyPDF(File.ReadAllBytes(fnSignedPDF));
                res_code = msvRes.OperationResult;

            case string t when t == "SignPDF_PIN_Placeholder":
                resp     = client.SignPDF_PIN_Placeholder(certID, File.ReadAllBytes(fnTestPDF), pinCode, "dip", 150, 150, File.ReadAllBytes(fnSig), "");
                res_code = resp.Result;
                if (resp.SignedBytes != null)
                    saveFile(fnSignedPDFPlaceholder, resp.SignedBytes);

            case string t when t == "EncryptPDF_UserOwnerPasswords":
                resp     = client.EncryptPDF_UserOwnerPasswords(File.ReadAllBytes(fnTestPDF), "tony1", "tony");
                res_code = resp.Result;
                if (resp.SignedBytes != null)
                    saveFile(fnSignedPDFEncrypted, resp.SignedBytes);

            case string t when t == "SignCMS_PIN":
                resp = client.SignCMS_PIN(certID, digest, pinCode, CTInterfaces.CTDigestAlg.SHA1, "", "");
                if (resp.SignedBytes != null)
                    dygestedContent = resp.SignedBytes;
                res_code = resp.Result;

            case string t when t == "SignCMS_NOPIN":
                print = false;
                writeToFile("* " + method + " method was not defined");

            case string t when t == "SignRAW_PIN":
                resp     = client.SignRAW_PIN(certID, CTInterfaces.CTDigestAlg.SHA1, digest, pinCode, "");
                res_code = resp.Result;

            case string t when t == "VerifyCMS":
                if (dygestedContent != null)
                    resp     = client.VerifyCMS(digest, dygestedContent);
                    res_code = resp.Result;
                    res_code = ResCode.NO_PERM_TOKEN_PROVIDED;

            case string t when t == "SignXml_PIN":
                resp     = client.SignXml_PIN(certID, File.ReadAllBytes(fnTestXml), pinCode, "");
                res_code = resp.Result;
                if (resp.SignedBytes != null)
                    saveFile(fnSignedXml, resp.SignedBytes);
                    writeToFile("Error: " + res_code);

            case string t when t == "SignForeclosure":
                resp     = client.SignForeclosure(certID, pinCode, File.ReadAllBytes(fnTestXml), "");
                res_code = resp.Result;
                if (resp.SignedBytes != null)
                    saveFile(fnSignedXmlForeclosure, resp.SignedBytes);

            case string t when t == "AddIdNumberToIkul":
                resp     = client.AddIdNumberToIkul(File.ReadAllBytes(fnTestXml), idNumber, "");
                res_code = resp.Result;
                if (resp.SignedBytes != null)
                    saveFile(fnSignedXmlIdNumber, resp.SignedBytes);

            case string t when t == "AddSigningTime":
                resp     = client.AddSigningTime(File.ReadAllBytes(fnTestXml), date, "");
                res_code = resp.Result;
                if (resp.SignedBytes != null)
                    saveFile(fnSignedXmlSigningTime, resp.SignedBytes);

            case string t when t == "SetCred_Absolute":
                try {
                    res_code = client.SetCred_Absolute(certID, pinCode, new DateTime(2050, 1, 1), "", "");
                catch (Exception e) {
                    print = false;
                    writeToFile("EXCEPRION: " + e.ToString());

            case string t when t == "SetCred_Sliding":
                try {
                    res_code = client.SetCred_Sliding(certID, pinCode, new TimeSpan(13, 0, 0), "", "");
                }catch (Exception e) {
                    print = false;
                    writeToFile("EXCEPRION: " + e.ToString());

            case string t when t == "Cred_Verify":
                res_code = client.Cred_Verify(certID, pinCode, "");

            case string t when t == "Cred_IsAvailable":
                print = false;
                bool boolRes = client.Cred_IsAvailable(certID, "", "");
                writeToFile("Exspected Result is: " + true);
                writeToFile("Result is: " + boolRes.ToString());
                writeToFile("TEST " + (boolRes == true ? "PASSED" : "FAILED"));

            case string t when t == "Cred_Remove":

                print = false;
                writeToFile("* " + method + " method was not defined");

            case string t when t == "GetVersion":
                String version = client.GetVersion().ToString();
                if (IsValidVersion(version))
                    res_code = ResCode.SUCCESS;
                    writeToFile("Version is: " + client.GetVersion().ToString());
                    res_code = ResCode.NO_PERM_TOKEN_PROVIDED;

            case string t when t == "GetCardInfo":
                CardInfoResponse info = client.GetCardInfo(certID, pinCode, "");
                res_code = info.Result;

            case string t when t == "SignWord_PIN":
                resp     = client.SignWord_PIN(certID, File.ReadAllBytes(fnTestWord), pinCode, "", "");
                res_code = resp.Result;
                if (resp.SignedBytes != null)
                    saveFile(fnSignedWord, resp.SignedBytes);

            case string t when t == "SignExcel_PIN":
                resp     = client.SignExcel_PIN(certID, File.ReadAllBytes(fnTestExcel), pinCode, "", "");
                res_code = resp.Result;
                if (resp.SignedBytes != null)
                    saveFile(fnSignedExcel, resp.SignedBytes);

            case string t when t == "SignTiff_PIN":
                resp     = client.SignTiff_PIN(certID, File.ReadAllBytes(fnTestTiff), pinCode, 150, 150, File.ReadAllBytes(fnSig), "", "");
                res_code = resp.Result;
                if (resp.SignedBytes != null)
                    saveFile(fnSignedTiff, resp.SignedBytes);

            case string t when t == "VerifyTiff":
                MultiSignValidationResponse msvResTiff = client.VerifyTiff(File.ReadAllBytes(fnSignedTiff));
                res_code = msvResTiff.OperationResult;

            case string t when t == "SignWord_NOPIN":
                print = false;
                writeToFile("* " + method + " method was not defined");

            case string t when t == "SignExcel_NOPIN":
                print = false;
                writeToFile("* " + method + " method was not defined");

            case string t when t == "SignTiff_NOPIN":
                print = false;
                writeToFile("* " + method + " method was not defined");

            case string t when t == "SignMeches_PIN":
                resp     = client.SignMeches_PIN(certID, File.ReadAllBytes(fnTestPDF), "", "pdf", pinCode, "");
                res_code = resp.Result;
                if (resp.SignedBytes != null)
                    saveFile(fnSignedPDFMech, resp.SignedBytes);

            if (print)
                writeToFile("Exspected ResCode is: " + ResCode.SUCCESS.ToString());
                writeToFile("ResCode is: " + res_code.ToString());
                writeToFile("TEST " + (res_code == ResCode.SUCCESS ? "PASSED" : "FAILED"));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Получает базовую инфу по карте ПЛ (статус, тип, оператор, баланс, кол-во покупок, сумма покупок, кол-во начисленных бонусов, кол-во списанных бонусов
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CardInfoResponse GetCard(CardStatisticsRequest request)
            CardInfoResponse response = new CardInfoResponse();

                var cmd = _cnn.CreateCommand();
                cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                cmd.CommandText = "CardGet";
                if (request.Card > 0)
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@number", request.Card);

                //cmd.Parameters.Add("@status", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 20);
                //cmd.Parameters["@status"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                //cmd.Parameters.Add("@virtual", SqlDbType.Bit, 100);
                //cmd.Parameters["@virtual"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                //cmd.Parameters.Add("@name", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 20);
                //cmd.Parameters["@name"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                //cmd.Parameters.Add("@fullbalance", SqlDbType.Decimal);
                //cmd.Parameters["@fullbalance"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                //cmd.Parameters.Add("@balance", SqlDbType.Decimal);
                //cmd.Parameters["@balance"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                //cmd.Parameters.Add("@purchases", SqlDbType.Int);
                //cmd.Parameters["@purchases"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                //cmd.Parameters.Add("@purchasesum", SqlDbType.Decimal);
                //cmd.Parameters["@purchasesum"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                //cmd.Parameters.Add("@charged", SqlDbType.Decimal);
                //cmd.Parameters["@charged"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                //cmd.Parameters.Add("@redeemed", SqlDbType.Decimal);
                //cmd.Parameters["@redeemed"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@errormessage", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100);
                cmd.Parameters["@errormessage"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@result", SqlDbType.Int);
                cmd.Parameters["@result"].Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;
                var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                while (reader.Read())
                    if (!reader.IsDBNull(0))
                        response.Status = reader.GetString(0);
                    if (!reader.IsDBNull(1))
                        response.Type = reader.GetBoolean(1);
                    if (!reader.IsDBNull(2))
                        response.OperatorName = reader.GetString(2);
                    if (!reader.IsDBNull(3))
                        response.FullBalance = reader.GetDecimal(3);
                    if (!reader.IsDBNull(4))
                        response.Balance = reader.GetDecimal(4);
                    if (!reader.IsDBNull(5))
                        response.Purchases = reader.GetInt16(5);
                    if (!reader.IsDBNull(6))
                        response.PurchaseSum = reader.GetDecimal(6);
                    if (!reader.IsDBNull(7))
                        response.Charged = reader.GetDecimal(7);
                    if (!reader.IsDBNull(8))
                        response.Redeemed = reader.GetDecimal(8);
                    //if (!reader.IsDBNull(14))
                    //    if (reader.GetBoolean(14) == false)
                    //    {
                    //        returnValue.Gender = -1;
                    //    }
                    //    else
                    //    {
                    //        returnValue.Gender = 1;
                    //    }

                //try { response.Status = Convert.ToString(cmd.Parameters["@status"].Value); } catch { }
                //try { response.OperatorName = Convert.ToString(cmd.Parameters["@name"].Value); } catch { }
                //try { response.Type = Convert.ToString(cmd.Parameters["@virtual"].Value); } catch { }
                //try { response.FullBalance = Convert.ToDecimal(cmd.Parameters["@fullbalance"].Value); } catch { }
                //try { response.Balance = Convert.ToDecimal(cmd.Parameters["@balance"].Value); } catch { }
                //try { response.Purchases = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.Parameters["@purchases"].Value); } catch { }
                //try { response.PurchaseSum = Convert.ToDecimal(cmd.Parameters["@purchasesum"].Value); } catch { }
                //try { response.Charged = Convert.ToDecimal(cmd.Parameters["@charged"].Value); } catch { }
                //try { response.Redeemed = Convert.ToDecimal(cmd.Parameters["@redeemed"].Value); } catch { }
                response.ErrorCode = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.Parameters["@result"].Value);
                response.Message   = Convert.ToString(cmd.Parameters["@errormessage"].Value);
            catch (Exception e)
                response.ErrorCode = 10;
                response.Message   = e.Message;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        /// <param name="okMessage"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private ExecuteResult <CardInfoResponse> GetInfo(GetCardInfoRequest request, string okMessage)
            if (request == null || request.AuthUser == null)
                return(new ExecuteResult <CardInfoResponse>(null)
                    StatusCode = StatusCode.ClientError, Message = "参数错误"

            var entities = _cardRepository.GetListForUserId(request.AuthUser.Id, CardType.YintaiMemberCard, DataStatus.Normal).ToList();

            if (entities.Count == 0)
                return(new ExecuteResult <CardInfoResponse>(null)
                    StatusCode = StatusCode.ClientError, Message = "你还没有绑定会员卡,请您先绑定"

            if (entities.Count > 1)
                return(new ExecuteResult <CardInfoResponse>(null)
                    StatusCode = StatusCode.InternalServerError, Message = "服务器开小差了,请您等等再试"

            var entity = entities[0];

            var pointResult = _groupCardService.GetPoint(new GroupCardPointRequest
                CardNo = entity.CardNo

            var cardProfile = JsonExtension.FromJson_ <CardProfile>(entity.CardProfile);

            if (pointResult.Success)
                var response = new CardInfoResponse
                    Point    = pointResult.Point,
                    CardLvl  = cardProfile.Lvl,
                    CardNo   = entity.CardNo,
                    CardType = cardProfile.Type,
                    User_Id  = entity.User_Id,
                    LastDate = DateTime.Now,
                    Id       = entity.Id

                var result = new ExecuteResult <CardInfoResponse>(response);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(okMessage))
                    result.Message = okMessage;


            return(new ExecuteResult <CardInfoResponse>(null)
                StatusCode = StatusCode.InternalServerError, Message = String.Concat("查询积分失败,", pointResult.Desc)