// GET: Admin
        public ActionResult Index()
            //logic to pull data from the database
            using (CarInsuranceQuoteDataEntities db = new CarInsuranceQuoteDataEntities())
                var quotedatas = (from c in db.QuoteDatas
                                  select c).ToList();

        public ActionResult UserInput(string firstName, string lastName, string emailAddress,
                                      DateTime dateOfBirth, int carYear, string carMake, string carModel,
                                      string dUI, int ticket, string coverageType)
            //Utilizing entity framework:
            //create an instance of the database to control open/close
            using (CarInsuranceQuoteDataEntities db = new CarInsuranceQuoteDataEntities())
                //create an instance of database table QuoteData
                var userinput = new QuoteData();
                //Assign user input value to the database parameters
                userinput.FirstName    = firstName;
                userinput.LastName     = lastName;
                userinput.EmailAddress = emailAddress;
                userinput.DateOfBirth  = dateOfBirth;
                userinput.CarYear      = carYear;
                userinput.CarMake      = carMake;
                userinput.CarModel     = carModel;
                userinput.DUI          = dUI;
                userinput.Ticket       = ticket;
                userinput.CoverageType = coverageType;
                //calcaulate quote based on usre input
                int quote = 50;
                //Perfrom logic checks on Age
                int age = DateTime.Now.Year - dateOfBirth.Year;
                if (age < 25 & age > 17)
                    quote = quote + 25;
                else if (age < 18)
                    quote = quote + 100;
                else if (age > 100)
                    quote = quote + 25;

                //Perform logic check on carYear
                if (carYear < 2000 || carYear > 2015)
                    quote = quote + 25;
                //Perform logic checks on carMake and model
                if (carMake.ToLower() == "porsche")
                    quote = quote + 25;

                if (carMake.ToLower() == "porsche" & carModel.ToLower() == "911 carrera")
                    quote = quote + 25;

                //Perform logic check on speeding tickets
                if (ticket > 0)
                    quote = quote + ticket * 10;

                //Perform logic check on DUI
                if (dUI.ToLower() == "yes" || dUI.ToLower() == "once" || dUI.ToLower() == "yeah" || dUI.ToLower() == "y")
                    quote = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToDouble(quote) * 1.25);
                //Perform logic check on coverage type
                if (coverageType.ToLower() == "full coverage")
                    quote = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToDouble(quote) * 1.50);

                userinput.Quote = quote;
                //save quote in viewbag to access in view
                ViewBag.Quote = userinput.Quote;

                //add instance of user input to the database db and table QuoteData
