Ejemplo n.º 1
    /// <summary>
    /// Determines if car should move or not. Moves car if it should
    /// </summary>
    private void Update()
        // if car is stopped, start stop timer
        if (m_stopped)
            m_stopTimer += Time.deltaTime;
            if (m_stopTimer >= StopTime)
                m_stopped   = false;
                m_stopTimer = 0.0f;

        if (!m_stopped && !m_waiting)
            transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * Speed * Time.deltaTime);

        // stop car if about to collide with car in same lane
        if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position + transform.forward + Vector3.up, transform.forward, out RaycastHit hit, m_collider.bounds.size.z + StopDistance))
            if (hit.collider.tag == "Car")
                CarActor other = hit.collider.GetComponent <CarActor>();
                if (other.Lane == Lane)
                    m_waiting = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public Player(Game game, CarActor carActor, KeyConfig keyboardConfiguration, CameraController cameraController)
     : base(game)
     this.carActor         = carActor;
     this.keyConfig        = keyboardConfiguration;
     this.cameraController = cameraController;
 public CameraController(Game game, CarActor carActor)
     : base(game)
     this.carActor_ = carActor;
     cameraState_   = new LinkedList <CameraState>();
     listener_      = new AudioListener();
 public static void updateStateFromNetwork(this CarActor carActor, PacketReader reader)
     // read values and apply to carActor:
     // position and orientation and velocity
     carActor.WorldTransform  = reader.ReadMatrix();
     carActor.LinearVelocity  = reader.ReadVector3();
     carActor.AngularVelocity = reader.ReadVector3();
 public static void sendStateToNetwork(this CarActor carActor, PacketWriter writer)
     // read values from carActor and send over network:
     // position, orientation and velocity
 public CarSoundManager(CarActor car, CameraController camera, Game game)
     : base(game)
     cueArray = new Cue[CarSoundEmitters.AudioEmitters.Count];
     car_ = car;
     listener_ = camera.Listener;
     camera_ = camera;
     state_ = camera.CurrentCamera.State;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public CarSoundManager(CarActor car, CameraController camera, Game game)
     : base(game)
     cueArray  = new Cue[CarSoundEmitters.AudioEmitters.Count];
     car_      = car;
     listener_ = camera.Listener;
     camera_   = camera;
     state_    = camera.CurrentCamera.State;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public ParticleController(Game game, CarActor carActor) : base(game)
            this.carActor = carActor;

            particleSystems = new List <ParticleSystem>();
            particleSystems.Add(new ParticleSystem(game, game.Content, "Particles/FireSettings"));
            particleSystems.Add(new ParticleSystem(game, game.Content, "Particles/ProjectileTrailSettings"));

            fireEmitter  = new ParticleEmitter(particleSystems[0], 10f, Vector3.Zero);
            smokeEmitter = new ParticleEmitter(particleSystems[1], 50f, Vector3.Zero);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public virtual void Update(CarActor carActor)
            // This method can be over-ridden in other classes, i.e. to keep an offset from the target for a chase camera.
            // This simple camera is fixed in place (but turns to track the target).
            // Perhaps this method should be made abstract?

            Vector3 carPos = carActor.WorldTransform.Translation;

            this.target_ = carPos;
            //this.target_ = Vector3.Lerp(target_, carPos, lerpFactor_);
            viewNeedsUpdate_ = true; // lazy eval >> don't actually update the view matrix until needed.

            //get behind the target:
            Vector3 rightOri = carActor.WorldTransform.Forward; // TODO: POSSIBLE ERROR SOURCE
            Vector3 vel      = carActor.LinearVelocity + Vector3.UnitY * 3f;

            currentFov_ = Lerp(currentFov_, fov_ + (vel.Length() / (CarActor.ForwardSpeed * 2f)), 0.1f);

            switch (cameraState_)
            case CameraState.Chase:
                position_ = Vector3.Lerp(position_, carPos - (rightOri * offset_ * vel.Length() / 14) - (rightOri * offset_ * 3) + (Vector3.UnitY * offset_), lerpFactor_);
                //this.currentFov_ = Math.Min(car.Body.Velocity.LengthSquared() / 1000 + this.fov_, MathHelper.Pi - 0.1f);
                //this.projectionNeedsUpdate_ = true;

            case CameraState.Reverse:
                position_ = Vector3.Lerp(position_, carPos + (rightOri * offset_ * vel.Length() / 7) + (rightOri * offset_ * 7) + (Vector3.UnitY * offset_), lerpFactor_);

            case CameraState.Dynamic:
                Vector3 velocity = vel;
                velocity.Y = 0;
                position_  = Vector3.Lerp(position_, carPos - (velocity * offset_ * vel.Length() / 16) - (velocity * offset_ * 4) + (Vector3.UnitY * offset_), lerpFactor_);

            case CameraState.TopDown:
                position_ = Vector3.Lerp(position_, new Vector3(0f, 200f, 30f), lerpFactor_);

            case CameraState.Count:
                throw new Exception("Logic error; Camera state set to count");

            this.viewNeedsUpdate_       = true;
            this.projectionNeedsUpdate_ = true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public HUD(Game game, CarActor car, int xEdge, int yEdge)
     : base(game)
     spriteFont = Game.Content.Load <SpriteFont>("GameplayFont");
     counter    = 0;
     lapCount   = 0;
     lapPosX    = 0;
     lapPosZ    = 0;
     oldLapPosX = 0;
     oldLapPosZ = 0;
     content    = game.Content;
     this.xEdge = xEdge;
     this.yEdge = yEdge;
     carActor   = car;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public override void DrawCar(CarActor owner)
            // draw the wheels
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                DrawWheel(owner.Wheels[i], wheelModelLeft, wheelModelTransformsLeft);
            for (int i = 2; i < 4; i++)
                DrawWheel(owner.Wheels[i], wheelModelRight, wheelModelTransformsRight);

            // draw the car itself.
            foreach (ModelMesh mesh in carModel_.Meshes)
                DrawModelMesh(mesh, carModelTransforms_[mesh.ParentBone.Index] * owner.WorldTransform, true);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public abstract void DrawCar(CarActor owner);
 public static void updateFromNetwork(this CarActor carActor, PacketReader reader)
     // update input first, then state. ORDER is important!
 public static void sendToNetwork(this CarActor carActor, PacketWriter writer)
     // send input first, then state. ORDER is important!
 public static void updateInputFromNetwork(this CarActor carActor, PacketReader reader)
     // read values and apply to carActor:
     // accleration
     carActor.Acceleration = reader.ReadSingle();
 public static void sendInputToNetwork(this CarActor carActor, PacketWriter writer)
     // read values from carActor and send over network:
     // accleration