public void It_should_notify_execution_progress()
            var progressNotifier = new CapturingProgressNotifier();

            var feature = new TestableFeatureRunnerRepository(progressNotifier, fixture => progressNotifier).GetRunnerFor(GetType());
            var runner  = feature.GetBddRunner(this);

            catch { }

            string[] expected =
                "Feature Start: CoreBddRunner progress notification tests [label1, label2]: feature description",
                "Scenario Start: It should notify execution progress [lab1, lab2] <category 1, category 2>",
                "Step Start: 1/3 GIVEN step one",
                "Step Finish: 1/3 GIVEN step one | Status:Passed | ExecutionTimePresent:True | Details:",
                "Step Start: 2/3 WHEN step two with comment",
                "Step 2/3 Comment: some comment",
                "Step Finish: 2/3 WHEN step two with comment | Status:Passed | ExecutionTimePresent:True | Details:",
                "Step Start: 3/3 THEN step three should throw exception",
                "Step Finish: 3/3 THEN step three should throw exception | Status:Failed | ExecutionTimePresent:True | Details:Step 3: exception reason",
                "Scenario Finish: It should notify execution progress [lab1, lab2] <category 1, category 2> | Status:Failed | ExecutionTimePresent:True | Steps:3 | Details:Step 3: exception reason",
                "Feature Finish: CoreBddRunner progress notification tests [label1, label2]: feature description | Scenarios:1"
            Assert.That(progressNotifier.Notifications, Is.EqualTo(expected), "Expected:\r\n{0}\r\n\r\nGot:\r\n{1}\r\n\r\n", string.Join("\r\n", expected), string.Join("\r\n", progressNotifier.Notifications));
        public void It_should_notify_execution_progress_for_parameterized_steps()
            var progressNotifier = new CapturingProgressNotifier();

            var feature = new TestableFeatureRunnerRepository(progressNotifier, fixture => progressNotifier).GetRunnerFor(GetType());
            var runner  = feature.GetBddRunner(this);

                    TestStep.CreateAsync(Given_step_with_parameter, () => "abc"),
                    TestStep.CreateAsync(When_step_with_parameter, ThrowingParameterInvocation),
                    TestStep.CreateAsync(Then_step_with_parameter, () => 2.22));

            string[] expected =
                "Feature Start: CoreBddRunner progress notification tests [label1, label2]: feature description",
                "Scenario Start: It should notify execution progress for parameterized steps [lab1, lab2] <category 1, category 2>",
                "Step Start: 1/3 GIVEN step with parameter \"abc\"",
                "Step Finish: 1/3 GIVEN step with parameter \"abc\" | Status:Passed | ExecutionTimePresent:True | Details:",
                "Scenario Finish: It should notify execution progress for parameterized steps [lab1, lab2] <category 1, category 2> | Status:Failed | ExecutionTimePresent:True | Steps:3 | Details:Step 2: parameter exception",
                "Feature Finish: CoreBddRunner progress notification tests [label1, label2]: feature description | Scenarios:1"
            Assert.That(progressNotifier.Notifications, Is.EqualTo(expected), "Expected:\r\n{0}\r\n\r\nGot:\r\n{1}\r\n\r\n", string.Join("\r\n", expected), string.Join("\r\n", progressNotifier.Notifications));
        public void It_should_notify_execution_progress_of_composite_steps()
            var progressNotifier = new CapturingProgressNotifier();

            var feature = new TestableFeatureRunnerRepository(progressNotifier, fixture => progressNotifier).GetRunnerFor(GetType());
            var runner  = feature.GetBddRunner(this);

            catch { }

            string[] expected =
                "Feature Start: CoreBddRunner progress notification tests [label1, label2]: feature description",
                "Scenario Start: It should notify execution progress of composite steps [lab1, lab2] <category 1, category 2>",
                "Step Start: 1/1 Composite group",
                "Step Start: 1.1/1.2 Passing step group with comment",

                "Step Start: 1.1.1/1.1.3 GIVEN step one",
                "Step Finish: 1.1.1/1.1.3 GIVEN step one | Status:Passed | ExecutionTimePresent:True | Details:",

                "Step Start: 1.1.2/1.1.3 WHEN step two with comment",
                "Step 1.1.2/1.1.3 Comment: some comment",
                "Step Finish: 1.1.2/1.1.3 WHEN step two with comment | Status:Passed | ExecutionTimePresent:True | Details:",

                "Step Start: 1.1.3/1.1.3 THEN step three",
                "Step Finish: 1.1.3/1.1.3 THEN step three | Status:Passed | ExecutionTimePresent:True | Details:",

                "Step Finish: 1.1/1.2 Passing step group with comment | Status:Passed | ExecutionTimePresent:True | Details:",

                "Step Start: 1.2/1.2 Bypassed step group",

                "Step Start: 1.2.1/1.2.3 GIVEN step one",
                "Step Finish: 1.2.1/1.2.3 GIVEN step one | Status:Passed | ExecutionTimePresent:True | Details:",

                "Step Start: 1.2.2/1.2.3 WHEN step two is bypassed",
                "Step Finish: 1.2.2/1.2.3 WHEN step two is bypassed | Status:Bypassed | ExecutionTimePresent:True | Details:Step 1.2.2: bypass reason",

                "Step Start: 1.2.3/1.2.3 THEN step three",
                "Step Finish: 1.2.3/1.2.3 THEN step three | Status:Passed | ExecutionTimePresent:True | Details:",

                "Step Finish: 1.2/1.2 Bypassed step group | Status:Bypassed | ExecutionTimePresent:True | Details:Step 1.2.2: bypass reason",

                "Step Finish: 1/1 Composite group | Status:Bypassed | ExecutionTimePresent:True | Details:Step 1.2.2: bypass reason",

                "Scenario Finish: It should notify execution progress of composite steps [lab1, lab2] <category 1, category 2> | Status:Bypassed | ExecutionTimePresent:True | Steps:1 | Details:Step 1.2.2: bypass reason",
                "Feature Finish: CoreBddRunner progress notification tests [label1, label2]: feature description | Scenarios:1"
            Assert.That(progressNotifier.Notifications, Is.EqualTo(expected), "Expected:\r\n{0}\r\n\r\nGot:\r\n{1}\r\n\r\n", string.Join("\r\n", expected), string.Join("\r\n", progressNotifier.Notifications));
        public void It_should_instantiate_new_scenario_progress_notifier_for_each_scenario()
            var notifiers = new List <CapturingProgressNotifier>();

            Func <object, IScenarioProgressNotifier> captureNotifierCreation = fixture =>
                var notifier = new CapturingProgressNotifier();

            var runner = new TestableFeatureRunnerRepository(NoProgressNotifier.Default, captureNotifierCreation).GetRunnerFor(GetType()).GetBddRunner(this);

            runner.Test().TestNamedScenario("scenario1", TestStep.CreateSync(Given_step_one));
            runner.Test().TestNamedScenario("scenario2", TestStep.CreateSync(Given_step_one));
            runner.Test().TestNamedScenario("scenario3", TestStep.CreateSync(Given_step_one));

            Assert.That(notifiers.Count, Is.EqualTo(3));
            Assert.That(notifiers[0].Notifications.Count(n => n.StartsWith("Scenario Start: scenario1")), Is.EqualTo(1), "scenario1");
            Assert.That(notifiers[1].Notifications.Count(n => n.StartsWith("Scenario Start: scenario2")), Is.EqualTo(1), "scenario2");
            Assert.That(notifiers[2].Notifications.Count(n => n.StartsWith("Scenario Start: scenario3")), Is.EqualTo(1), "scenario3");