/// <summary>
        /// Handles a player executing a regular command. A regular command can be executed by any player.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctfBot">The <see cref="CaptureTheFlagBot"/> instance.</param>
        /// <param name="player">The player executing the command.</param>
        /// <param name="parsedCommand">The command being executed.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// True if the command was successfully handled, if not, false. A successful handle is when the parsed command is not equal to null and also the ValidCommands string
        /// array contains the parsed command.
        /// </returns>
        public override bool Handle(CaptureTheFlagBot ctfBot, Player player, ParsedCommand parsedCommand)
            bool canHandle = base.Handle(ctfBot, player, parsedCommand);

            if (canHandle)
                switch (parsedCommand.Command)
                case "amiadmin":
                    string result = MySqlDatabase.Loaded && MySqlDatabase.GetRow(player.Username).IsAdministrator ? "You are an administrator." : "You are not an administrator.";

                    ctfBot.SendPrivateMessage(player, result);

                case "coins":
                    if (MySqlDatabase.Loaded)
                        PlayerData row = MySqlDatabase.GetRow(player.Username);

                        ctfBot.SendPrivateMessage(player, $"You currently have {row.Statistics.Coins} coin{(row.Statistics.Coins == 1 ? "" : "s")}.");

                case "donatecoins":
                    if (MySqlDatabase.Loaded)
                        if (parsedCommand.Parameters.Length >= 2)
                            if (parsedCommand.Parameters[0] != player.Username)
                                PlayerData playerToDonateData = MySqlDatabase.GetRow(parsedCommand.Parameters[0]);

                                if (playerToDonateData != null)
                                    PlayerData donatorData = MySqlDatabase.GetRow(player.Username);

                                    if (int.TryParse(parsedCommand.Parameters[1], out int amount))
                                        if (donatorData.Statistics.Coins >= amount)
                                            playerToDonateData.Statistics.Coins += amount;
                                            donatorData.Statistics.Coins        -= amount;

                                            ctfBot.SendPrivateMessage(player, $"Success! You donated {amount} coin{(amount == 1 ? "" : "s")} to player {parsedCommand.Parameters[0].ToUpper()}.");
                                            ctfBot.SendPrivateMessage(player, "You don't have enough coins to donate that amount!");
                                        ctfBot.SendPrivateMessage(player, "Third parameter of command is invalid! It must be a number.");
                                    ctfBot.SendPrivateMessage(player, $"Player {parsedCommand.Parameters[0].ToUpper()} does not exist.");
                                ctfBot.SendPrivateMessage(player, "You can't donate coins to yourself!");
                            ctfBot.SendPrivateMessage(player, "Insufficient amount of parameters for command.");

                case "help":
                    ctfBot.SendPrivateMessage(player, "Command prefixes: . > ! #");

                    ctfBot.SendPrivateMessage(player, "Regular Commands:");
                    ctfBot.SendPrivateMessage(player, StringArrayToString(ctfBot.BotCommands[2].ValidCommands));

                    ctfBot.SendPrivateMessage(player, "Game Commands:");
                    ctfBot.SendPrivateMessage(player, StringArrayToString(ctfBot.BotCommands[1].ValidCommands));

                    ctfBot.SendPrivateMessage(player, "Administrator Commands:");
                    ctfBot.SendPrivateMessage(player, StringArrayToString(ctfBot.BotCommands[0].ValidCommands));

                    ctfBot.SendPrivateMessage(player, "Tips:");
                    ctfBot.SendPrivateMessage(player, "- Press arrow keys/WASD keys around an enemy player to attack them.");
                    ctfBot.SendPrivateMessage(player, "- Use hard hat/worker smiley to dig dirt.");
                    ctfBot.SendPrivateMessage(player, "- Use doctor/nurse smiley to heal your teammates.");
                    ctfBot.SendPrivateMessage(player, "- There is an item shop in the clouds.");
                    ctfBot.SendPrivateMessage(player, "- Watch out for traps around the map.");

                case "spectate":
                    if (!player.IsPlayingGame && !player.CanToggleGodMode)
                        ctfBot.SetForceFly(player, !player.IsInGodMode);

                        if (player.IsInGodMode)

                        ctfBot.SendPrivateMessage(player, player.IsInGodMode ? "You have left spectate mode." : $"You have entered spectate mode. Type {parsedCommand.Prefix}spectate again to exit out of spectate mode.");
                        string privateMessage = player.IsPlayingGame ? "This command is only available to players not playing!" : "You can toggle God mode! Use that instead.";

                        ctfBot.SendPrivateMessage(player, privateMessage);

                case "totalwins":
                case "totallosses":
                case "losses":
                case "wins":
                    if (MySqlDatabase.Loaded)
                        PlayerData row         = MySqlDatabase.GetRow(player.Username);
                        int        resultCount = parsedCommand.Command == "totalwins" || parsedCommand.Command == "wins" ? row.Statistics.TotalWins : row.Statistics.TotalLosses;
                        string     type        = parsedCommand.Command == "totalwins" || parsedCommand.Command == "wins" ? "won" : "lost";

                        ctfBot.SendPrivateMessage(player, $"You have {type} {resultCount} time{(row.Statistics.TotalWins == 1 ? "" : "s")}.");

                case "totalkills":
                    if (MySqlDatabase.Loaded)
                        PlayerData playerData = MySqlDatabase.GetRow(player.Username);

                        ctfBot.SendPrivateMessage(player, $"You have killed a total of {playerData.Statistics.TotalKills} player{(playerData.Statistics.TotalKills == 1 ? "" : "s")}.");
                ctfBot.SendPrivateMessage(player, $"The command \"{parsedCommand.Command}\" is invalid!");
