public void VerifyThat_GivenAContestId_GetCandidatesByContestId_ReturnsOnlyMatchingRows()
            // Arrange
            var testCandidates = new List <Candidate>
                new Candidate
                    Id               = 1,
                    ElectionId       = 1,
                    ContestId        = 1,
                    CandidateName    = "John Doe",
                    ShortDescription = "Traffic Officer",
                    LongDescription  =
                        "This is where the Candidate's looooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnong description goes.",
                    SortOrder = 1
                new Candidate
                    Id               = 2,
                    ElectionId       = 1,
                    ContestId        = 2,
                    CandidateName    = "Elizabeth Banks",
                    ShortDescription = "Actor",
                    LongDescription  = "Great Actress.. voiced Wild Style in the Lego Movie!!",
                    SortOrder        = 2
                new Candidate
                    Id               = 3,
                    ElectionId       = 1,
                    ContestId        = 1,
                    CandidateName    = "Jack Smith",
                    ShortDescription = "Certified Public Accountant",
                    LongDescription  = "I like, do people's taxes and stuff.",
                    SortOrder        = 3
                new Candidate
                    Id               = 4,
                    ElectionId       = 1,
                    ContestId        = 1,
                    CandidateName    = "Mary Jones",
                    ShortDescription = "Investment Officer",
                    LongDescription  =
                        "I help people figure out which stocks they should buy..Stuff like that.",
                    SortOrder = 4
                new Candidate
                    Id               = 5,
                    ElectionId       = 1,
                    ContestId        = 1,
                    CandidateName    = "Hank Brown",
                    ShortDescription = "Budget Analyst",
                    LongDescription  =
                        "I help companies figure out how to efficiently spend their monies.",
                    SortOrder = 5

            var mockRepo = new Mock <ICandidatesRepository>();

            mockRepo.Setup(mut => mut.GetMany(It.IsAny <Expression <Func <Candidate, bool> > >()))
                new Func <Expression <Func <Candidate, bool> >, IEnumerable <Candidate> >(expr =>
                var rows = testCandidates.Where(expr.Compile());

            var candidateServices = new CandidatesServices(mockRepo.Object);

            // Act
            var results = candidateServices.GetCandidatesByContestId(1);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(4, results.Count());
 public CandidateController(CandidatesServices candidatesServices)
     this.candidatesServices = candidatesServices;