Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>Applies the composer rules and orients the camera accordingly</summary>
        /// <param name="curState">The current camera state</param>
        /// <param name="statePrevFrame">The camera state on the previous frame (unused)</param>
        /// <param name="deltaTime">Used for calculating damping.  If less than
        /// or equal to zero, then target will snap to the center of the dead zone.</param>
        /// <returns>curState with RawOrientation applied</returns>
        public CameraState MutateCameraState(
            CameraState curState, CameraState statePrevFrame, float deltaTime)
            if (!IsValid || !curState.HasLookAt)

            CameraState newState = curState;

            newState.ReferenceLookAt = GetTrackedPoint(newState.ReferenceLookAt);
            if ((newState.ReferenceLookAt - newState.CorrectedPosition).AlmostZero())
                return(newState);  // navel-gazing, get outa here
            CinemachineBrain brain  = CinemachineCore.Instance.FindPotentialTargetBrain(VirtualCamera);
            float            aspect = brain != null ? brain.OutputCamera.aspect : 1;
            float            fovH   = CameraUtilities.CalculateHorizontalFOV(newState.Lens.FieldOfView, aspect);

            Rect softGuideFOV = ScreenToFOV(SoftGuideRect, newState.Lens.FieldOfView, fovH, aspect);

            if (deltaTime <= 0)
                // No damping, just snap to central bounds, skipping the soft zone
                Rect rect = new Rect(softGuideFOV.center, Vector2.zero); // Force to center
                newState.RawOrientation = PlaceWithinScreenBounds(
                    ref newState, rect, newState.RawOrientation, fovH, 0);
                // Start with previous frame's orientation (but with current up)
                Quaternion rigOrientation = Quaternion.LookRotation(
                    statePrevFrame.RawOrientation * Vector3.forward, newState.ReferenceUp);

                // First force the previous rotation into the hard bounds, no damping
                Rect hardGuideFOV = ScreenToFOV(HardGuideRect, newState.Lens.FieldOfView, fovH, aspect);
                newState.RawOrientation = PlaceWithinScreenBounds(
                    ref newState, hardGuideFOV, rigOrientation, fovH, 0);

                // Now move it through the soft zone, with damping
                newState.RawOrientation = PlaceWithinScreenBounds(
                    ref newState, softGuideFOV, newState.RawOrientation, fovH, deltaTime);
            newState.RawOrientation = UnityQuaternionExtensions.Normalized(newState.RawOrientation);