Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void Configure(this Transform transform, List <String> Data)
            String Classname = Data[Data.FindIndex(n => n == "classname") + 1], Targetname = Data[Data.FindIndex(n => n == "targetname") + 1];

            transform.name = Classname;

            //ResourceManager.LoadModel("editor/axis_helper").SetParent(transform, false);

            Int32 OriginIndex = Data.FindIndex(n => n == "origin");

            if (OriginIndex != -1)
                //Old but gold
                String[] origin = Data[OriginIndex + 1].Split(' ');

                while (origin.Length != 3)
                    Int32 TempIndex = OriginIndex + 1;
                    origin = Data[Data.FindIndex(TempIndex, n => n == "origin") + 1].Split(' ');
                //Old but gold

                transform.position = new Vector3(-origin[1].ToSingle(), origin[2].ToSingle(), origin[0].ToSingle()) * uLoader.UnitScale;

            Int32 AnglesIndex = Data.FindIndex(n => n == "angles");

            if (AnglesIndex != -1)
                Vector3 EulerAngles = Data[AnglesIndex + 1].ToVector3();

                EulerAngles = new Vector3(EulerAngles.x, -EulerAngles.y, -EulerAngles.z);

                if (Classname.StartsWith("light", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    EulerAngles.x = -EulerAngles.x;

                Int32 PitchIndex = Data.FindIndex(n => n == "pitch");
                if (PitchIndex != -1)
                    EulerAngles.x = -Data[PitchIndex + 1].ToSingle();

                transform.eulerAngles = EulerAngles;

            if (Classname.Contains("trigger"))
                for (Int32 i = 0; i < transform.childCount; i++)
                    GameObject Child = transform.GetChild(i).gameObject;
                    Child.AddComponent <BoxCollider>().isTrigger = true;

            if (Classname.Equals("env_sprite"))
                //TODO: fix scale
                LensFlare lensFlare = transform.gameObject.AddComponent <LensFlare>();

                if (VBSPFile.GlowFlare == null)
                    String path = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.FindAssets("Glow t:Flare")[0]);
                    VBSPFile.GlowFlare = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Flare>(path);

                lensFlare.flare      = VBSPFile.GlowFlare;
                lensFlare.brightness = Data[Data.FindIndex(n => n == "scale") + 1].ToSingle();
                lensFlare.fadeSpeed  = Data[Data.FindIndex(n => n == "GlowProxySize") + 1].ToSingle();
                lensFlare.color      = Data[Data.FindIndex(n => n == "rendercolor") + 1].ToColor32();


            /*if (Classname.Equals("point_viewcontrol"))
             * {
             *  transform.gameObject.AddComponent<point_viewcontrol>().Start();
             * }*/

            //3D Skybox
            if (uLoader.Use3DSkybox && Classname.Equals("sky_camera"))
                //Setup 3DSkybox
                Camera playerCamera = new GameObject("CameraPlayer").AddComponent <Camera>();
                Camera skyCamera    = transform.gameObject.AddComponent <Camera>();

                CameraFly camFly = playerCamera.gameObject.AddComponent <CameraFly>();
                camFly.skyScale    = Data[Data.FindIndex(n => n == "scale") + 1].ToSingle();
                camFly.offset3DSky = transform.position;
                camFly.skyCamera   = skyCamera.transform;

                playerCamera.depth      = -1;
                playerCamera.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Depth;

                skyCamera.depth      = -2;
                skyCamera.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Skybox;
                //Setup 3DSkybox
            //3D Skybox


            //shadow_control used to change parameters of dynamic shadows on the map: direction, color, length.
            if (Classname.Equals("shadow_control"))
                //It can be integrated for Unity?
                //String[] color = Data[Data.FindIndex(n => n == "color") + 1].Split(' ');
                //RenderSettings.subtractiveShadowColor = new Color32(Byte.Parse(color[0]), Byte.Parse(color[1]), Byte.Parse(color[2]), 255);
                RenderSettings.ambientGroundColor = Data[Data.FindIndex(n => n == "color") + 1].ToColor();

                //Set light direction by shadow_control
                if (VBSPFile.LightEnvironment != null)
                    if ((VBSPFile.LightEnvironment.rotation == Quaternion.identity) && !uLoader.IgnoreShadowControl)
                        VBSPFile.LightEnvironment.rotation = transform.rotation;



            //Lights parsing
            if (!uLoader.UseWorldLights && Classname.Contains("light") && !Classname.StartsWith("point"))
                Color ambientLight;
                if (Classname.Equals("light_environment"))
                    if (VBSPFile.LightEnvironment != null)

                    VBSPFile.LightEnvironment = transform;

                    //TODO: Correct parse ambient color
                    String _ambient = Data[Data.FindIndex(n => n == "_ambient") + 1];
                    ambientLight = _ambient.ToColor();
                    RenderSettings.ambientLight = ambientLight;

                    //Set light direction by shadow_control
                    if (VBSPFile.ShadowControl != null)
                        if (!uLoader.IgnoreShadowControl && transform.rotation == Quaternion.identity)
                            transform.rotation = VBSPFile.ShadowControl.rotation;


                if (uLoader.ParseLights)
                    Light Light = transform.gameObject.AddComponent <Light>();

                    if (Classname.Equals("light_spot"))
                        Light.type = LightType.Spot;
                    else if (Classname.Equals("light_environment"))
                        Light.type = LightType.Directional;

                    Vector4 _lightColor    = Data[Data.FindIndex(n => n == "_light") + 1].ToColorVec();
                    Single  intensity      = _lightColor.w;
                    Single  m_Attenuation0 = 0;
                    Single  m_Attenuation1 = 0;
                    Single  m_Attenuation2 = 0;

                    Light.color = new Color(_lightColor.x / 255, _lightColor.y / 255, _lightColor.z / 255, 255);

                    Single LightRadius = 256;

                    if (Light.type == LightType.Spot || Light.type == LightType.Point)
                        if (Light.type == LightType.Spot)
                            //Single inner_cone = Converters.ToSingle(Data[Data.FindIndex(n => n == "_cone2") + 1]);
                            Single cone = Data[Data.FindIndex(n => n == "_cone") + 1].ToSingle() * 2;
                            //radius -= inner_cone / cone;
                            Light.spotAngle = Mathf.Clamp(cone, 0, 179);

                        Single _distance = Data[Data.FindIndex(n => n == "_distance") + 1].ToInt32();

                        if (_distance != 0)
                            LightRadius = _distance;
                            intensity  *= 1.5f;
                            Single  _fifty_percent_distance = Data[Data.FindIndex(n => n == "_fifty_percent_distance") + 1].ToSingle();
                            Boolean isFifty = _fifty_percent_distance != 0;

                            if (isFifty)
                                //New light style
                                Single _zero_percent_distance = Data[Data.FindIndex(n => n == "_zero_percent_distance") + 1].ToSingle();

                                if (_zero_percent_distance < _fifty_percent_distance)
                                    // !!warning in lib code???!!!
                                    Debug.LogWarningFormat("light has _fifty_percent_distance of {0} but no zero_percent_distance", _fifty_percent_distance);
                                    _zero_percent_distance = 2.0f * _fifty_percent_distance;

                                Single a = 0, b = 1, c = 0;
                                if (!MathLibrary.SolveInverseQuadraticMonotonic(0, 1.0f, _fifty_percent_distance, 2.0f, _zero_percent_distance, 256.0f, ref a, ref b, ref c))
                                    Debug.LogWarningFormat("can't solve quadratic for light {0} {1}", _fifty_percent_distance, _zero_percent_distance);

                                Single v50   = c + _fifty_percent_distance * (b + _fifty_percent_distance * a);
                                Single scale = 2.0f / v50;
                                a *= scale;
                                b *= scale;
                                c *= scale;
                                m_Attenuation2 = a;
                                m_Attenuation1 = b;
                                m_Attenuation0 = c;
                                //Old light style
                                Single constant_attn  = Data[Data.FindIndex(n => n == "_constant_attn") + 1].ToSingle();
                                Single linear_attn    = Data[Data.FindIndex(n => n == "_linear_attn") + 1].ToSingle();
                                Single quadratic_attn = Data[Data.FindIndex(n => n == "_quadratic_attn") + 1].ToSingle();

                                // old-style manually typed quadrtiac coefficients
                                if (quadratic_attn < 0.001)
                                    quadratic_attn = 0;

                                if (linear_attn < 0.001)
                                    linear_attn = 0;

                                if (constant_attn < 0.001)
                                    constant_attn = 0;

                                if ((constant_attn < 0.001) &&
                                    (linear_attn < 0.001) &&
                                    (quadratic_attn < 0.001))
                                    constant_attn = 1;

                                m_Attenuation2 = quadratic_attn;
                                m_Attenuation1 = linear_attn;
                                m_Attenuation0 = constant_attn;

                            // FALLBACK: older lights use this
                            if (m_Attenuation2 == 0.0f)
                                if (m_Attenuation1 == 0.0f)
                                    // Infinite, but we're not going to draw it as such
                                    LightRadius = 2000;
                                    LightRadius = (intensity / 0.03f - m_Attenuation0) / m_Attenuation1;
                                Single a       = m_Attenuation2;
                                Single b       = m_Attenuation1;
                                Single c       = m_Attenuation0 - intensity / 0.03f;
                                Single discrim = b * b - 4 * a * c;
                                if (discrim < 0.0f)
                                    // Infinite, but we're not going to draw it as such
                                    LightRadius = 2000;
                                    LightRadius = (-b + Mathf.Sqrt(discrim)) / (2.0f * a);
                                    if (LightRadius < 0)
                                        LightRadius = 0;

                                    //TODO: Find the best way to fix that
                                    if (isFifty)
                                        //TODO: WHY?
                                        LightRadius /= 10;
                                        //TODO: Not enough intensity?
                                        LightRadius *= 10;

                        Light.range = (LightRadius * uLoader.UnitScale);

                    Light.intensity = (intensity / 255f) * 1.75f;

                    Light.lightmapBakeType = LightmapBakeType.Baked;
                    if (uLoader.UseDynamicLight)
                        Light.shadows = LightShadows.Soft;
                        if (Light.type == LightType.Directional)
                            Light.shadowBias       = 0.1f;
                            Light.shadowNormalBias = 0;
                            Light.shadowBias = 0.01f;



            #region Counter-Strike entities test

            /*if (Classname.Equals("info_player_terrorist"))
             * {
             *  //Placeholder model (can be removed if needed)
             *  ResourceManager.LoadModel("player/t_phoenix").SetParent(transform, false);
             * }
             * //Counter-Strike CT spawn point
             * if (Classname.Equals("info_player_counterterrorist"))
             * {
             *  //Placeholder model (can be removed if needed)
             *  ResourceManager.LoadModel("player/ct_urban").SetParent(transform, false);
             * }
             * //Default spawn point
             * if (Classname.Equals("info_player_start"))
             * {
             *  //Placeholder model (can be removed if needed)
             *  ResourceManager.LoadModel("editor/playerstart").SetParent(transform, false);
             * }
             * //weapon spawn point
             * if (Classname.Contains("weapon_"))
             * {
             *  //Placeholder model (can be removed if needed)
             *  ResourceManager.LoadModel("weapons/w_rif_ak47").SetParent(transform, false);
             * }
             * //hostage spawn point
             * if (Classname.Equals("hostage_entity"))
             * {
             *  String[] hostages =
             *  {
             *      "characters/hostage_01",
             *      "characters/hostage_02",
             *      "characters/hostage_03",
             *      "characters/hostage_04"
             *  };
             *  ResourceManager.LoadModel(hostages[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, hostages.Length)]).SetParent(transform, false);
             * }*/

            Int32 RenderModeIndex = Data.FindIndex(n => n == "rendermode");
            if (RenderModeIndex != -1)
                if (Data[RenderModeIndex + 1] == "10")
                    for (Int32 i = 0; i < transform.childCount; i++)
                        GameObject Child = transform.GetChild(i).gameObject;
                        Child.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = false;

            if (Classname.Contains("prop_") || Classname.Contains("npc_"))// || Classname.Equals("asw_door"))
                string ModelName = Data[Data.FindIndex(n => n == "model") + 1];

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ModelName))
                    uResourceManager.LoadModel(ModelName, uLoader.LoadAnims, uLoader.UseHitboxesOnModel).SetParent(transform, false);


            if (uLoader.ParseDecals && Classname.Equals("infodecal"))
                String  DecalName     = Data[Data.FindIndex(n => n == "texture") + 1];
                VMTFile DecalMaterial = uResourceManager.LoadMaterial(DecalName);

                Single DecalScale = DecalMaterial.GetSingle("$decalscale");

                if (DecalScale <= 0)
                    DecalScale = 1f;

                Int32  DecalWidth   = DecalMaterial.Material.mainTexture.width;  //X
                Int32  DecalHeight  = DecalMaterial.Material.mainTexture.height; //Y
                Sprite DecalTexture = Sprite.Create((Texture2D)DecalMaterial.Material.mainTexture, new Rect(0, 0, DecalWidth, DecalHeight), Vector2.zero);

                Decal DecalBuilder = transform.gameObject.AddComponent <Decal>();

                if (uLoader.DebugMaterials)
                    transform.gameObject.AddComponent <DebugMaterial>().Init(DecalMaterial);

                DecalBuilder.MaxAngle = 87.5f;
                DecalBuilder.Offset   = 0.001f;
                DecalBuilder.Sprite   = DecalTexture;
                DecalBuilder.Material = DecalMaterial.Material;
                DecalBuilder.Material.SetTextureScale("_MainTex", new Vector2(-1, 1));

                Single ScaleX = (DecalWidth * DecalScale) * uLoader.UnitScale;
                Single ScaleY = (DecalHeight * DecalScale) * uLoader.UnitScale;

                Single DepthSize = ScaleX;
                if (ScaleY < DepthSize)
                    DepthSize = ScaleY;

                transform.localScale = new Vector3(ScaleX, ScaleY, DepthSize);
                transform.position  += new Vector3(0, 0, 0.001f);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void Configure(List <String> Data)
            this.Data = Data;

            String Classname = Data[Data.FindIndex(n => n == "classname") + 1], Targetname = Data[Data.FindIndex(n => n == "targetname") + 1];

            name = Classname;

            //StudioMDLLoader.Load("editor/axis_helper").SetParent(transform, false);

            if (Data.Contains("origin"))
                String[] Array = Data[Data.FindIndex(n => n == "origin") + 1].Split(' ');

                while (Array.Length != 3)
                    Int32 TempIndex = Data.FindIndex(n => n == "origin") + 1;
                    Array = Data[Data.FindIndex(TempIndex, n => n == "origin") + 1].Split(' ');

                transform.position = new Vector3(-Single.Parse(Array[0]), Single.Parse(Array[2]), -Single.Parse(Array[1])) * ConfigLoader.WorldScale;

            if (Data.Contains("angles"))
                String[] Array = Data[Data.FindIndex(n => n == "angles") + 1].Split(' ');
                if (!Classname.Contains("prop_"))
                    EulerAngles    = new Vector3(Single.Parse(Array[0]), -Single.Parse(Array[1]), -Single.Parse(Array[2]));
                    EulerAngles.y -= 90;
                    EulerAngles = new Vector3(-Single.Parse(Array[2]), Single.Parse(Array[1]), Single.Parse(Array[0]));

                //float y = EulerAngles.y;

                /*if (Mathf.Approximately(y, 90) || Mathf.Approximately(y, 270))
                 *  EulerAngles.y += 90;
                 * if (Mathf.Approximately(y, 0) || Mathf.Approximately(y, 180))
                 *  EulerAngles.y -= 90;*/

                if (Data.Contains("pitch"))
                    EulerAngles.x = -Single.Parse(Data[Data.FindIndex(n => n == "pitch") + 1]);

                transform.eulerAngles = EulerAngles;

            if (Classname.Contains("trigger"))
                for (Int32 i = 0; i < transform.childCount; i++)
                    GameObject Child = transform.GetChild(i).gameObject;
                    Child.AddComponent <BoxCollider>().isTrigger = true;

            //if (Classname.Equals("point_viewcontrol"))
            //    gameObject.AddComponent<point_viewcontrol>();

            //3D Skybox
            if (Classname.Equals("sky_camera"))
                //Setup 3DSkybox
                Camera    playerCamera = new GameObject("CameraPlayer").AddComponent <Camera>();
                CameraFly camFly       = playerCamera.gameObject.AddComponent <CameraFly>();
                camFly.skyScale    = float.Parse(Data[Data.FindIndex(n => n == "scale") + 1]);
                camFly.offset3DSky = transform.position;
                if (ConfigLoader.use3DSkybox)
                    Camera skyCamera = gameObject.AddComponent <Camera>();
                    skyCamera.depth        = 0f;
                    skyCamera.farClipPlane = 70f;

                    playerCamera.depth      = 1f;
                    playerCamera.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Depth;
                    camFly.skyCamera        = skyCamera.transform;
                //Setup 3DSkybox
            //3D Skybox

            //Simple light

             * {
             *  String[] color = Data[Data.FindIndex(n => n == "color") + 1].Split(' ');
             *  RenderSettings.subtractiveShadowColor = new Color32(Byte.Parse(color[0]), Byte.Parse(color[1]), Byte.Parse(color[2]), 255);
             * }*/

            if (Classname.Contains("light_") || Classname.Equals("light"))
                if (Classname.Equals("light_environment"))
                    if (RenderSettings.sun != null)

                    String[] _ambient = Data[Data.FindIndex(n => n == "_ambient") + 1].Split(' ');
                    RenderSettings.ambientLight = new Color32(Byte.Parse(_ambient[0]), Byte.Parse(_ambient[1]), Byte.Parse(_ambient[2]), 255);

                Light light = gameObject.AddComponent <Light>();

                if (Classname.Equals("light_spot"))
                    light.type = LightType.Spot;
                else if (Classname.Equals("light_environment"))
                    RenderSettings.sun = light;
                    light.type         = LightType.Directional;

                String[] _light = Data[Data.FindIndex(n => n == "_light") + 1].Split(' ');
                light.color = new Color32(Byte.Parse(_light[0]), Byte.Parse(_light[1]), Byte.Parse(_light[2]), 255);
                if (light.type == LightType.Point || light.type == LightType.Spot)
                    String[] _distance = Data[Data.FindIndex(n => n == "_distance") + 1].Split(' ');

                    Int32 _distance_value = 0;
                    if (Int32.TryParse(_distance[0], out _distance_value))
                        light.range = _distance_value > 0 ? _distance_value * ConfigLoader.WorldScale : 10;
                        light.range = 10;

                    if (light.type == LightType.Spot)
                        String[] _inner_cone = Data[Data.FindIndex(n => n == "_inner_cone") + 1].Split(' ');
                        String[] _cone       = Data[Data.FindIndex(n => n == "_cone") + 1].Split(' ');
                        light.spotAngle = Int32.Parse(_inner_cone[0]) + Int32.Parse(_cone[0]);

                light.lightmapBakeType = ConfigLoader.DynamicLight ? LightmapBakeType.Mixed : LightmapBakeType.Baked;
                if (ConfigLoader.DynamicLight)
                    light.shadows = LightShadows.Soft;
                    if (light.type == LightType.Directional)
                        light.shadowBias       = 0.1f;
                        light.shadowNormalBias = 0;
                        light.shadowBias = 0.01f;
            //Simple light

            if (Classname.Equals("info_player_terrorist"))
                StudioMDLLoader.Load("player/t_phoenix").SetParent(transform, false);

            if (Classname.Equals("info_player_counterterrorist"))
                StudioMDLLoader.Load("player/ct_urban").SetParent(transform, false);

            if (Classname.Equals("info_player_start"))
                StudioMDLLoader.Load("editor/playerstart").SetParent(transform, false);

            if (Classname.Contains("weapon_"))
                StudioMDLLoader.Load("weapons/w_rif_ak47").SetParent(transform, false);

            if (Classname.Equals("hostage_entity"))//hostage_entity
                String[] hostages = new[] { "characters/hostage_01", "characters/hostage_02", "characters/hostage_03", "characters/hostage_04" };
                StudioMDLLoader.Load(hostages[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, hostages.Length)]).SetParent(transform, false);

            if (Data.Contains("rendermode"))
                if (Data[Data.FindIndex(n => n == "rendermode") + 1] == "10")
                    for (Int32 i = 0; i < transform.childCount; i++)
                        GameObject Child = transform.GetChild(i).gameObject;
                        Child.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = false;

            if (Classname.Contains("prop_") || Classname.Contains("npc_"))
                string ModelName = Data[Data.FindIndex(n => n == "model") + 1];
                StudioMDLLoader.Load(ModelName).SetParent(transform, false);

            if (Classname.Equals("infodecal"))
                //This is just an example, you need to implement a complete decal system.
                if (ConfigLoader.LoadInfoDecals)
                    String   TextureName = Data[Data.FindIndex(n => n == "texture") + 1];
                    Material DecalMat    = MaterialLoader.Load(TextureName);

                    int x = DecalMat.mainTexture.width;
                    int y = DecalMat.mainTexture.height;

                    float  decalScale = 1;
                    String Value      = MaterialLoader.GetParametr("$decalscale");

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Value))
                        decalScale *= float.Parse(Value);

                    SpriteRenderer DecalRender = gameObject.AddComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
                    DecalRender.sprite = Sprite.Create((Texture2D)DecalMat.mainTexture, new Rect(0, 0, x, y), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), 1);

                    DecalRender.flipX = true;
                    DecalRender.flipY = true;

                    transform.localScale = new Vector3(decalScale * ConfigLoader.WorldScale, decalScale * ConfigLoader.WorldScale, 1);
 private void OnKeyDown(object sender, KeyboardKeyEventArgs e)
     if (e.Key == KeyboardKey.U)
         _sceneState.SunPosition = _sceneState.Camera.Eye;
     else if (e.Key == KeyboardKey.W)
         _clipmap.Wireframe = !_clipmap.Wireframe;
     else if (e.Key == KeyboardKey.B)
         if (!_clipmap.BlendRegionsEnabled)
             _clipmap.BlendRegionsEnabled = true;
             _clipmap.ShowBlendRegions    = false;
         else if (_clipmap.ShowBlendRegions)
             _clipmap.BlendRegionsEnabled = false;
             _clipmap.ShowBlendRegions = true;
     else if (e.Key == KeyboardKey.L)
         _clipmap.LodUpdateEnabled = !_clipmap.LodUpdateEnabled;
     else if (e.Key == KeyboardKey.C)
         _clipmap.ColorClipmapLevels = !_clipmap.ColorClipmapLevels;
         if (_clipmap.ColorClipmapLevels)
             _clipmap.ShowImagery = false;
             _clipmap.Lighting    = true;
     else if (e.Key == KeyboardKey.I)
         _clipmap.ShowImagery = !_clipmap.ShowImagery;
         _clipmap.Lighting    = !_clipmap.ShowImagery;
         if (_clipmap.ShowImagery)
             _clipmap.ColorClipmapLevels = false;
     else if (e.Key == KeyboardKey.S)
         _clipmap.Lighting = !_clipmap.Lighting;
     else if (e.Key == KeyboardKey.Z)
         if (_lookCamera != null)
             double     longitude = -119.5326056;
             double     latitude  = 37.74451389;
             Geodetic3D halfDome  = new Geodetic3D(Trig.ToRadians(longitude), Trig.ToRadians(latitude), 2700.0);
             _lookCamera.ViewPoint(_ellipsoid, halfDome);
             _lookCamera.Azimuth   = 0.0;
             _lookCamera.Elevation = Trig.ToRadians(30.0);
             _lookCamera.Range     = 10000.0;
     else if (e.Key == KeyboardKey.F)
         if (_lookCamera != null)
             _lookCamera             = null;
             _flyCamera              = new CameraFly(_sceneState.Camera, _window);
             _flyCamera.MovementRate = 1200.0;
         else if (_flyCamera != null)
             _flyCamera = null;
             _sceneState.Camera.Target = new Vector3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
             _lookCamera = new CameraLookAtPoint(_sceneState.Camera, _window, _ellipsoid);
     else if (_flyCamera != null && (e.Key == KeyboardKey.Plus || e.Key == KeyboardKey.KeypadPlus))
         _flyCamera.MovementRate *= 2.0;
     else if (_flyCamera != null && (e.Key == KeyboardKey.Minus || e.Key == KeyboardKey.KeypadMinus))
         _flyCamera.MovementRate *= 0.5;
     else if (e.Key == KeyboardKey.E)
         if (_clipmap.Ellipsoid.MaximumRadius == _clipmap.Ellipsoid.MinimumRadius)
             _clipmap.Ellipsoid = Ellipsoid.Wgs84;
             _globe.Shape       = Ellipsoid.Wgs84;
             double radius = Ellipsoid.Wgs84.MaximumRadius;
             _clipmap.Ellipsoid = new Ellipsoid(radius, radius, radius);
             _globe.Shape       = _clipmap.Ellipsoid;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void Update( CameraFly _Caller, float _DeltaTime, bool _bEnable, float _Importance, float _CloudAltitudeKm, float _CloudThicknessKm )
            m_Bolt.enabled = _bEnable;
            if ( !_bEnable )

            // Update current strike if any

            m_TimeBeforeNextStrike -= _DeltaTime;
            if ( m_TimeBeforeNextStrike < 0.0f )
            {	// Now striking...

                // Draw a random duration and time before another strike...
                float	StrikeDuration = Random.Range( DURATION_MIN, DURATION_MAX );
                m_TimeBeforeNextStrike = Random.Range( Mathf.Lerp( DELAY_BETWEEN_STRIKES_MAX, DELAY_BETWEEN_STRIKES_MIN, _Importance ), DELAY_BETWEEN_STRIKES_MAX );
                m_TimeBeforeNextStrike += StrikeDuration;

                // Draw a random variation speed
                float	VariationSpeed = Random.Range( VARIATION_SPEED_MIN, VARIATION_SPEED_MAX );

                // Draw a new random position somewhere about in front of the camera
                Matrix4x4	Camera2World = _Caller.Manager.Camera.camera.cameraToWorldMatrix;
                Vector3		Right = Camera2World.GetColumn( 0 );
                Vector3		At = -Camera2World.GetColumn( 2 );
                Vector3		Pos = Camera2World.GetColumn( 3 );

                float		StrikeAngle = 0.5f * Mathf.PI + 0.5f * Mathf.Deg2Rad * ANGULAR_SLICE * (2.0f * Random.value - 1.0f);
                float		StrikeDistance = Random.Range( STRIKE_RANGE_MIN, STRIKE_RANGE_MAX );
                Vector2		StrikeOffsetXZ = StrikeDistance * new Vector2( Mathf.Cos( StrikeAngle ), Mathf.Sin( StrikeAngle ) );

                Vector3		StrikePosition = Pos + StrikeOffsetXZ.x * Right + StrikeOffsetXZ.y * At;

                // Set bolt's altitude in the middle of the cloud layer
                Vector3		BoltPosition = m_Bolt.transform.position;
                float		BoltAltitude = (_CloudAltitudeKm + 0.5f * _CloudThicknessKm) / _Caller.Manager.WorldUnit2Kilometer;
                BoltPosition.y = BoltAltitude;
                m_Bolt.transform.position = BoltPosition;

                // Start in the clouds
                m_Bolt.P0 = new Vector3( StrikePosition.x, 0.0f, StrikePosition.z );

                // End in the ground
                m_Bolt.P1 = new Vector3( StrikePosition.x, -BoltAltitude, StrikePosition.z );

                // Strike !!!
                m_Bolt.StartStrike( STRIKE_INTENSITY, StrikeDuration, VariationSpeed );