Ejemplo n.º 1
 public OrbitalWithMouseCameraMode(CameraControlSystem cam
                                   , MOIS.MouseButtonID activateButton
                                   , Radian initialHorizontalRotation
                                   , Radian initialVerticalRotation, float initialZoom = 1)
     : base(cam, initialHorizontalRotation, initialVerticalRotation, initialZoom)
     _activateButton = activateButton;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void setupCameraControlSystem()
            // Ogre::camera points to -Z by default

            // Create the camera system using the previously created ogre camera.
            mCameraCS = new CameraControlSystem(sceneMgr, "CameraControlSystem", camera);

            // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Register a "Fixed" camera mode. In this mode the camera position and orientation
            // never change.

            FixedCameraMode camMode1;

            camMode1 = new FixedCameraMode(mCameraCS, Vector3.UNIT_Y);
            //mCameraCS->registerCameraMode("Fixed (2)",camMode1);
            mCameraCS.RegisterCameraMode("Fixed", camMode1);
            camMode1.CameraPosition = new Vector3(-500, 0, -500);
            float roll = 0; float yaw = 225; float pitch = 10;

            camMode1.CameraOrientation = new Quaternion(new Radian(new Degree(roll)), Vector3.UNIT_Z)
                                         * new Quaternion(new Radian(new Degree(yaw)), Vector3.UNIT_Y)
                                         * new Quaternion(new Radian(new Degree(pitch)), Vector3.UNIT_X);

            // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Register a "FixedTracking" camera mode. In this mode the camera position is fixed
            // and the camera always points to the target.

            FixedTrackingCameraMode camMode2;

            camMode2 = new FixedTrackingCameraMode(mCameraCS, Vector3.UNIT_Y);
            mCameraCS.RegisterCameraMode("FixedTracking", camMode2);
            camMode2.CameraPosition = new Vector3(500, 0, -100);

            // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Register a "Chase" camera mode with default tightness (0.01). In
            // this mode the camera follows the target. The second parameter is the relative position
            // to the target. The orientation of the camera is fixed by a yaw axis (UNIT_Y by default).

            ChaseCameraMode camMode3;

            camMode3 = new ChaseCameraMode(mCameraCS, new Vector3(0, 0, -200), Vector3.UNIT_Y);
            //mCameraCS.registerCameraMode("Chase(0.01 tightness)",camMode3);
            mCameraCS.RegisterCameraMode("Chase", camMode3);

            // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Register a "ChaseFreeYawAxis" camera mode with max tightness. This mode is
            // similar to "Chase" camera mode but the camera orientation is not fixed by
            // a yaw axis. The camera orientation will be the same as the target.

            camMode3 = new ChaseFreeYawAxisCameraMode(mCameraCS, new Vector3(0, 0, -200)
                                                      , new Radian(0), new Radian(new Degree(180)), new Radian(0));
            mCameraCS.RegisterCameraMode("ChaseFreeYawAxis", camMode3);
            camMode3.CameraTightness = 0.05f;

            // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Register a "FirstPerson" camera mode.

            //FirstPersonCameraMode* camMode4 = new FirstPersonCameraMode(mCameraCS,Vector3(0,17,-16)
            FirstPersonCameraMode camMode4 = new FirstPersonCameraMode(mCameraCS, new Vector3(0, 6, -20)
                                                                       , new Radian(0), new Radian(new Degree(180)), new Radian(0));

            mCameraCS.RegisterCameraMode("FirstPerson", camMode4);
            camMode4.IsCharacterVisible = false;

            // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Register a "PlaneBinded" camera mode. In this mode the camera is constrained to the
            // limits of a plane. The camera always points to the target, perpendicularly to the plane.

            Plane mPlane = new Plane(Vector3.UNIT_Z, new Vector3(0, 0, -200));
            PlaneBindedCameraMode camMode5 = new PlaneBindedCameraMode(mCameraCS, mPlane, Vector3.UNIT_Y);

            mCameraCS.RegisterCameraMode("PlaneBinded (XY)", camMode5);
            cameraModeNames.Add("PlaneBinded (XY)");

            // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Register another "PlaneBinded" camera mode using a top point of view.

            //            mPlane = new Plane(Vector3.UNIT_Y, new Vector3(0, 1000, 0));
            //            camMode5 = new PlaneBindedCameraMode(mCameraCS, mPlane, Vector3.UNIT_Z);
            //            mCameraCS.registerCameraMode("PlaneBinded (XZ)", camMode5);
            //            cameraModeNames.Add("PlaneBinded (XZ)");

            // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Register a "ThroughTarget" camera mode. In this mode the camera points to a given
            // position (the "focus") throuh the target. The camera orientation is fixed by a yaw axis.

            ThroughTargetCameraMode camMode6 = new ThroughTargetCameraMode(mCameraCS, 400, Vector3.ZERO, Vector3.UNIT_Y);

            mCameraCS.RegisterCameraMode("ThroughTarget", camMode6);
            //camMode6.CameraFocusPosition=atheneNode._getDerivedPosition() - Vector3(0,100,0);
            camMode6.CameraFocusPosition = atheneNode._getDerivedPosition() + new Vector3(0, 100, 0);

            // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Register a "ClosestToTarget" camera mode. In this camera mode the position of the
            // camera is chosen to be the closest to the target of a given list. The camera
            // orientation is fixed by a yaw axis.

            ClosestToTargetCameraMode camMode7 = new ClosestToTargetCameraMode(mCameraCS, Vector3.UNIT_Y);

            mCameraCS.RegisterCameraMode("ClosestToTarget", camMode7);

            Vector3 camPos1 = new Vector3(-400, 0, -400);
            Vector3 camPos2 = new Vector3(-400, 0, 1400);
            Vector3 camPos3 = new Vector3(1400, 0, 1400);


            // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Register an "Attached" camera mode. In this mode the camera node is attached to the
            // target node as a child.

            AttachedCameraMode camMode8 = new AttachedCameraMode(mCameraCS, new Vector3(200, 0, 0)
                                                                 , new Radian(0), new Radian(new Degree(90)), new Radian(0));

            //mCameraCS.registerCameraMode("Attached (lateral)",camMode8);
            mCameraCS.RegisterCameraMode("Attached", camMode8);

            // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Register a "Free" camera mode. In this mode the camera is controlled by the user.
            // The camera orientation is fixed to a yaw axis.

            yaw = 225; pitch = -10;
            FreeCameraMode camMode9 = new FreeCameraMode(mCameraCS, Vector3.ZERO, new Degree(yaw), new Degree(pitch)
                                                         , SwitchingMode.CurrentState);

            mCameraCS.RegisterCameraMode("Free", camMode9);
            camMode9.MoveFactor = 30;

            // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Register a "FixedDirection" camera mode. In this mode the
            // target is always seen from the same point of view.

            FixedDirectionCameraMode camMode10 = new FixedDirectionCameraMode(mCameraCS, new Vector3(-1, -1, -1), 1000, Vector3.UNIT_Y);

            mCameraCS.RegisterCameraMode("Fixed direction", camMode10);
            cameraModeNames.Add("Fixed direction");
            camMode10.CameraTightness = 0.01f;

            // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Register an "Orbital" camera mode. This is basically an attached camera mode where the user
            // can mofify the camera position. If the scene focus is seen as the center of a sphere, the camera rotates arount it.
            // The last parameter indicates if the camera should be reset to its initial position when this mode is selected.

            OrbitalCameraMode camMode12 = new OrbitalCameraMode(mCameraCS, new Radian(0), new Radian(0), 200, false);

            mCameraCS.RegisterCameraMode("Orbital", camMode12);
            camMode12.ZoomFactor     = 100;
            camMode12.RotationFactor = 50;
            //camMode12.CollisionsEnabled = true;
            //camMode12.collisionDelegate = camMode12.DefaultCollisionDetectionFunction;
            // ** Uncomment for custom collisions calculation. By default the collisions are based on ogre basic raycast feature **
            //camMode12.collisionDelegate = CollidableCamera::newCollisionDelegate(this
            //	, &CameraControlSystemDemo::CustomCollisionDetectionFunction);

            // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Register a RTS camera mode.

            RTSCameraMode camMode13 = new RTSCameraMode(mCameraCS,
                                                        new Vector3(500, 1300, 1000)
                                                        , Vector3.NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z
                                                        , Vector3.NEGATIVE_UNIT_X
                                                        , new Radian(new Degree(70))
                                                        , 0, 1000);

            mCameraCS.RegisterCameraMode("RTS", camMode13);
            camMode13.MoveFactor = 20;

            // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Register the custom "Dummy" camera mode defined previously. It basically goes forward
            // and backward constantly

            DummyCameraMode camMode14 = new DummyCameraMode(mCameraCS, 400);

            mCameraCS.RegisterCameraMode("Dummy", (CameraMode)camMode14);

            // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Register an "OrbitalWithMouse" camera mode.

            OrbitalWithMouseCameraMode camMode15 = new OrbitalWithMouseCameraMode(mCameraCS, MOIS.MouseButtonID.MB_Left, new Radian(0), new Radian(0), 200);

            mCameraCS.RegisterCameraMode("Orbital + mouse", camMode15);
            cameraModeNames.Add("Orbital + mouse");
            camMode15.ZoomFactor     = 3;
            camMode15.RotationFactor = 10;

            // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Register a spheric camera mode.

            Vector3 relativePositionToCameraTarget = new Vector3(0, 50, -300);

            // THIS IS NOT NECESSARY. just needed for the demo showing integer values in the sliders
            relativePositionToCameraTarget = relativePositionToCameraTarget.NormalisedCopy * 300;

            SphericCameraMode camMode16 = new SphericCameraMode(mCameraCS, relativePositionToCameraTarget, 700, Vector3.ZERO, Vector3.UNIT_Y);

            // outer radious = inner radious = relativePositionToCameraTarget.length() for a perfect sphere
            camMode16.HeightOffset = 50;
            mCameraCS.RegisterCameraMode("Spherical", camMode16);

            // Set the camera target
            mCameraCS.TargetNode = headNode;

            //mCameraCS.CurrentCameraMode=camMode1;// fixed camera of cause works
            //mCameraCS.CurrentCameraMode=camMode2;//fixed tracking camera works
            //mCameraCS.CurrentCameraMode=camMode3;//chase camera works
            //mCameraCS.CurrentCameraMode=camMode4;//first person camera works
            //mCameraCS.CurrentCameraMode=camMode5;// plane binded (XY) (YZ) camera works
            //mCameraCS.CurrentCameraMode=camMode6;// through target camera works, cs game
            //mCameraCS.CurrentCameraMode=camMode7;// closest target camera works
            //mCameraCS.CurrentCameraMode=camMode8;// attached camera works
            //mCameraCS.CurrentCameraMode=camMode9;// free camera works
            //mCameraCS.CurrentCameraMode=camMode10;// fix direction camera works
            //mCameraCS.CurrentCameraMode = camMode12;// orbital camera works, but the head entity flickered
            //mCameraCS.CurrentCameraMode=camMode13;// RTS camera works?
            //mCameraCS.CurrentCameraMode=camMode14;// dummy camera works
            mCameraCS.CurrentCameraMode = camMode15;// orbital with mouse camera works
            //mCameraCS.CurrentCameraMode=camMode16;// spherical camera works
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public CameraModeWithTightness(CameraControlSystem cam)
     : base(cam)
     _tightness = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public CameraModeWithTightness(CameraControlSystem cam)
     : base(cam)
     _tightness = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public DummyCameraMode(CameraControlSystem cam, float speed = 1)
     : base(cam)
     _speed = speed;
     _directionWhenStopped = 1;