Ejemplo n.º 1
    void FindBrackets(CalculationList calculationList)                                                                                               // this method scrolls through the inputted calculation list, finding other calculation lists inside of it and then entering it
        List <Inputs> currentCalculationList = calculationList.calculationList;                                                                      // creates a new variable that holds the list of actual inputs

        Debug.Log("Finding brackets in " + calculationList.IDcode);                                                                                  // debug logs which list we are performing what stage in
        for (int i = 0; i < currentCalculationList.Count; i++)                                                                                       // loops through all indexes in the list
            if (currentCalculationList[i].GetType() == typeof(CalculationList))                                                                      // if the current index is a calculation list, run below
                Debug.Log("Brackets found");                                                                                                         // debug logs that a list was found
                if ((currentCalculationList[i] as CalculationList).calculationList.Count != 0)                                                       // if the list actually has something in it, let's look in it it
                    Debug.Log("Entering list " + (currentCalculationList[i] as CalculationList).IDcode);                                             // debug log that we are entering it
                    FindBrackets(currentCalculationList[i] as CalculationList);                                                                      // run this method in the new list we found
                    if ((currentCalculationList[i] as CalculationList).calculationList[0].GetType() == typeof(Number))                               // at this point, a proper list will be reduceded to one value. if it has, run this code
                        currentCalculationList[i] = new Number(((currentCalculationList[i] as CalculationList).calculationList[0] as Number).value); // replaces the index holding the list with a number equal to the list's remaing number
                        Debug.Log("Compressing list into type(Num) with a value of " + (currentCalculationList[i] as Number).value);                 // debug log the new number being created
                        Debug.Log("Math Error. No number available"); // if there isn't one number in the list, something went wrong. Debug log an error
                        failedCalculation         = true;             // set failed calculation to true (something went wrong to trigger this)
                        currentCalculationList[i] = new Number(0);    // replace the index with a 0 (to avoid crashes, I explained this in input types)
                else    // if the list is empty, just replace it with a zero
                    currentCalculationList[i] = new Number(0);

        CalculateFunctions(calculationList);    // if there are no more calculation lists in the current list, start looking for functions in it
Ejemplo n.º 2
 void NavigateToList(List <int> listID)        // takes in an ID, and sets the currentCalculationList to this ID
     currentCalculationList = mainMemory;      // the porcess start at the origin, the main memory
     for (int i = 0; i < listID.Count; i++)    // for the length of the ID
         int index = listID[i];                // set the index being looked in to the value in the current index of the ID list
         Debug.Log("Checking index " + index); // debug log what index is being checked
         if (currentCalculationList.calculationList[index].GetType() == typeof(CalculationList))
         {                                     // if there is a list there, great! debug log this and enter the list
             Debug.Log("Entering list " + (currentCalculationList.calculationList[index] as CalculationList).IDcode);
             currentCalculationList = currentCalculationList.calculationList[index] as CalculationList;
         else if (currentCalculationList.calculationList[index].GetType() == typeof(Function))
         {   // if there is a function there, that's still fine! we'll just enter it's embededList
             Debug.Log("Entering function " + (currentCalculationList.calculationList[index] as Function).embededCalculationList.IDcode);
             currentCalculationList = (currentCalculationList.calculationList[index] as Function).embededCalculationList;
         {   // if neither are present, that means our ID was messed up somewhere. Log this error and stop looking
             Debug.LogWarning("ID error. No valid target at " + index + " in " + currentCalculationList.IDcode);
     // after it is finished navigating, print what list the function ended in
     Debug.Log("Landed in " + currentCalculationList.IDcode);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public bool failedCalculation;                      // this variable stores whether or not an error came up that would cause the calculation to be incorrect

    public void Calculate(CalculationList mainEquation) // this is the public method accessed by other classes to start calculating the memory
        failedCalculation = false;                      // sets the bool to true (it can't have failed at the beginning)
        FindBrackets(mainEquation);                     // calls this custom method using the inputted calculation list
        // by here the calculations should be complete,
        if (mainEquation.calculationList.Count != 1)
        {    // if the main list isn't reduced to one value, then set the calculation to failed
            Debug.Log("Error. Too many Inputs left it list");
            failedCalculation = true;

        if (mainEquation.calculationList[0].GetType() != typeof(Number))
        {   // if the remaing value isn't a number, then set the calculation to failed
            Debug.Log("Error. Final Input isn't a number");
            failedCalculation = true;

        if (!failedCalculation)
        {    // if the calculation didn't fail, print the remaining number
            Debug.Log("Final value: " + (mainEquation.calculationList[0] as Number).value);
        {   // if it did fail, debug log "Error"
            Debug.LogWarning("Math Error");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public ICalculation CreateCalculation(List <double> listOfValues, Func <List <double>, double> _operation)
            var _calculation = CalculationList.Create(listOfValues, _operation);

Ejemplo n.º 5
 public void Resolve()
     if (CurrentCalculation.CanBeOperated())
         CalculatedNumbers.Add(new CalculatedNumber(CurrentCalculation));
         CalculationList.Add(new Calculation(CurrentCalculation));
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public void RestartGame()
     foreach (var number in Numbers)
     Message = new Message(Objetive);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public void ClearEquation()              // this function resets the calculator
     Debug.Log("Clearing equation");      // debug log what is happening
     rangeMode = false;                   // set range mode to false
     mainMemory.calculationList.Clear();  // delete everything in the mainMemory
     currentCalculationList = mainMemory; // set the current calculation list to the main memory
     equationText         = "";
     equationDisplay.text = "";  // set the equation string and both displays to blank strings
     resultDisplay.text   = "";
Ejemplo n.º 8
    void CalculateFunctions(CalculationList calculationList)                    // this method looks for functions in the inputted list, enters them to calculate them into one number, and then applies the function to them
        List <Inputs> currentCalculationList = calculationList.calculationList; // creates a new variable to hold the list of inputs rather than the object

        Debug.Log("Finding functions in " + calculationList.IDcode);            // debug logs which method we are performing on what list
        for (int i = 0; i < currentCalculationList.Count; i++)                  // index through each value
            if (currentCalculationList[i].GetType() == typeof(Function))        // if the index is a Function
                Debug.Log("Function found");
                if ((currentCalculationList[i] as Function).embededCalculationList.calculationList.Count != 0)
                    Debug.Log("Entering embeded list");                                           // debug log what we found
                    FindBrackets((currentCalculationList[i] as Function).embededCalculationList); // enter it's embeded calculation list, and look for brackets in it
                    Debug.Log("Function is empty");
                    failedCalculation = true;

                Debug.Log("Calculating function");                         // at this stage, the function should have one numnber in it
                currentFunc = currentCalculationList[i] as Function;       // set currentFunc to the our current function (to avoid repeated casting)
                if (currentFunc.embededCalculationList.calculationList.Count == 1)
                {                                                          // if the function has one value left in it, continue
                    if (currentFunc.embededCalculationList.calculationList[0].GetType() == typeof(Number))
                    {                                                      // if the function has one NUMBER left in it (which it should be) run as normal
                            float functionValue = currentFunc.Calculate(); // calculate what the value should be, and store it in this variable
                            if ((currentCalculationList[i] as Function).failedCalculation)
                                failedCalculation = true;
                            }                                                                           // if the function's failedCalculation is true, set the bedmas's failedCalculation to true
                            currentCalculationList[i] = new Number(Convert.ToDecimal(functionValue));   // replaces the index containing the function with a number containing the value that was calculated
                    {                                              // if it isn't a number, print what is going wrong
                        Debug.Log("Math Error. Trying to get " + currentFunc.functionType + " of type " + currentFunc.embededCalculationList.calculationList[0].GetType());
                        failedCalculation         = true;          // set failedCalulation to true
                        currentCalculationList[i] = new Number(0); // replace the value with a 0 (it needs a number)
                {                                              // if the embeded list is too long
                    Debug.Log("Math Error. Too many values in " + currentFunc.embededCalculationList.IDcode);
                    failedCalculation         = true;          // set failedCalulation to true
                    currentCalculationList[i] = new Number(0); // replace the value with a 0

        MultiplyDivide(calculationList);    // no more functions in here? move on to DM (dividing and multipling)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    bool nextNumberNegative;                            // is the next number negative?

    void Awake()                                        // this is a built in Unity function that allows you to write code that runs as soon as the program starts
        Screen.SetResolution(550, 400, false);          // the ui doesn't work very well, haven't figured that out yet, so i restrict the app window size
        equationDisplay.text   = "";                    // sets the equation display text to an empty string
        resultDisplay.text     = "";                    // sets the result display text to an empty string
        equationText           = "";                    // sets the equation string to blank
        mainMemory             = new CalculationList(new List <int> {
        }, "mainMemory");                               // sets the main memory to a new calculationList with an empty ID and a hard coded name
        currentCalculationList = mainMemory;            // sets the current input list to the main memory

        if (instance != null)
        {   // if if instance has been assigned to, that means that multiples of this script exist, which will cause problems.
            Debug.Log("Multiple instances of Calculation found");
        instance = this;    // set instance to be this script
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public void EqualsPressed()                    // this function runs when the equals button is pressed
     if (!rangeMode)                            // if the calculator isn't in range mode, do what you would expect an equal button to do
         PrintMemory(mainMemory, true);         // print the entire memory
         bedmasBrain.Calculate(mainMemory);     // uses bedmas brains's calculate method on our main memory (AKA what you use a calculator for)
         if (bedmasBrain.failedCalculation)     // if some part of the bedmas calculation failed
             resultDisplay.text = "Math Error"; // set our result to Math Error, rather than a number
             resultDisplay.text = (mainMemory.calculationList[0] as Number).value.ToString("G29"); // set our result text to bedmasBrain's remaining number
             previousAns        = new Number((mainMemory.calculationList[0] as Number).value);     // set our previousAns to this number
             Debug.Log("Previous answer: " + previousAns.value);                                   // debug log this saving feature
         currentCalculationList = mainMemory;                                                      // set the current input list to main memory
     else                                                                                          // if the calculator is in range mode, run something completely different
         if (minNotMax)                                                                            // if the user is entering the min
             minNotMax = false;                                                                    // set this bool to max, not min
             Debug.Log("Inputing random range max");                                               // debug log and give the user instructions for inputting max range
             resultDisplay.text   = "Enter range max.\nPress equal for number";
             equationText        += " - ";                                                         // create a visual barrier for the min value and the max value
             equationDisplay.text = equationText;                                                  // update our text display to our equation string
             mainMemory.calculationList.Add(new Operator(Operator.OperatorType.mul));              // add a place holder operator in the main memory (just in case an operation needs to be done on these numbers, and to seperate the numbers) *** This step isn't really needed, it just makes me feel better ***
         else                                                                                      // if they are entering the max number...
             float minRange     = (float)(mainMemory.calculationList[0] as Number).value;          // set the min to the first number entered
             float maxRange     = (float)(mainMemory.calculationList[2] as Number).value;          // set the max to the second number entered
             float randomNumber = UnityEngine.Random.Range(minRange, maxRange);                    // generate a random number based off of these ranges
             mainMemory.calculationList.Clear();                                                   // remove all indexs from the main memory
             mainMemory.calculationList.Add(new Number(Convert.ToDecimal(randomNumber)));          // set the first index to our new number
             resultDisplay.text = (mainMemory.calculationList[0] as Number).value.ToString();      // output the new value in our result box
             previousAns        = new Number((mainMemory.calculationList[0] as Number).value);     // save our random number in previousAns
             Debug.Log("Previous answer: " + previousAns.value);                                   // debug log the value created
             rangeMode = false;                                                                    // exit range mode
Ejemplo n.º 11
    void PrintMemory(CalculationList calculationList, bool firstIteration = false)  // this is a debugging function that steps through the memory, printing what it finds (the firstIteration = false means that unless specified, the function isn't printing in the firstIteration, AKA it's false)
        if (firstIteration)
        {   // if this iteration was started by me pressing "P", debug log when the printing started (this will only happen for the first list being printed)
            Debug.Log("---------------   Pritning time: " + Time.time + "   ---------------");
        // debug log what list is being printedß
        Debug.Log("---------------   Pritning at " + calculationList.IDcode + "   ---------------");
        for (int i = 0; i < calculationList.calculationList.Count; i++)
        {     // index through every value in the inputted list
            if (calculationList.calculationList[i].GetType() == typeof(Number))
            { // if a number is found, print what value it has and where it is
                Debug.Log("Number " + (calculationList.calculationList[i] as Number).value + " at index " + i);
            else if (calculationList.calculationList[i].GetType() == typeof(Operator))
            {   // if an operator is found, debug log what type it is and where it is
                Debug.Log("Operator " + (calculationList.calculationList[i] as Operator).operatorType + " at index " + i);
            else if (calculationList.calculationList[i].GetType() == typeof(Function))
            {                                                                                         // debug log where the function is and what type it is...
                Debug.Log("Function " + (calculationList.calculationList[i] as Function).functionType + " at index " + i);
                PrintMemory((calculationList.calculationList[i] as Function).embededCalculationList); // and start printing it's contents (the bool is set to false because it isn't the first print)
            else if (calculationList.calculationList[i].GetType() == typeof(CalculationList))
            {                                                                       // debug log where the brackets are...
                Debug.Log("CalculationList at index " + i);
                PrintMemory(calculationList.calculationList[i] as CalculationList); // and start printing it's contents

        if (calculationList.calculationList.Count == 0)
            Debug.Log("List is empty"); // if there isn't anything in the list, debug log that

        Debug.Log("---------------   End of " + calculationList.IDcode + "   ---------------"); // debug log that the end of the inputted list has been reached

        if (firstIteration)
        {                                                                            // if wew have reached here, that means that the function is at the end of the printing function on the main memory
            Debug.Log("Current calculation list: " + currentCalculationList.IDcode); // as extra info, debug log what list values are being inputted into...
            Debug.Log("Current equation text: |" + equationText + "|");              // and debug log what our equationText is, so what are display internally looks like
Ejemplo n.º 12
    void MultiplyDivide(CalculationList calculationList)                           // this method looks for the * and / operator, and applies that operator to the surronding numbers
        List <Inputs> currentCalculationList = calculationList.calculationList;    // same drill, set it to the list...

        Debug.Log("Finding multiplication/division in " + calculationList.IDcode); // and log what we are doing...
        for (int i = 0; i < currentCalculationList.Count; i++)                     // and look at each index
            if (currentCalculationList[i].GetType() == typeof(Operator))
            {                                                                                                          // if we find an operator...
                currentOper = currentCalculationList[i] as Operator;                                                   // set currentOper to the operator we found (to avoid casting)
                if (currentOper.operatorType == Operator.OperatorType.div || currentOper.operatorType == Operator.OperatorType.mul)
                {                                                                                                      // we only care about multiplying and dividing right now, so only do math if the operator is either of those to types
                    if (i != 0 && i != currentCalculationList.Count - 1)
                    {                                                                                                  // if the operator isn't at the beginning of the list ('_+3' what are we adding?) or the end ('3/_' dividing by what), do some math
                        if (currentCalculationList[i + 1].GetType() == typeof(Number) && currentCalculationList[i - 1].GetType() == typeof(Number))
                        {                                                                                              // if the two numbers surronding the operator are numbers
                            currentNum1 = currentCalculationList[i - 1] as Number;                                     // the number before the operator is stored here
                            currentNum2 = currentCalculationList[i + 1] as Number;                                     // the number after the operator is stored here

                            currentCalculationList[i] = new Number(SimpleMath(currentNum1, currentNum2, currentOper)); // we replace the index holding the operator with the operation applied to the 2 stored numbers
                            currentCalculationList.RemoveAt(i + 1);                                                    // next we delete the second number
                            currentCalculationList.RemoveAt(i - 1);                                                    // and then the first number
                            i--;                                                                                       // subtract our current index by one so we don't miss a number
                            Debug.Log("No numbers found around operator"); // if there weren't enough numbers on each side of the operator, debug log this
                            failedCalculation = true;                      // set the calculation to failed
                        Debug.Log("Invalid operator location"); // if the operator wasn't in a possible location to do math, debug log this fact
                        failedCalculation = true;               // save that the calculation has failed

        AddSubtract(calculationList);   // move onto the final step in bedmas, addition and subraction in our calculation list
Ejemplo n.º 13
    void AddSubtract(CalculationList calculationList)   // this method is the exact same as above, but with + and -
        List <Inputs> currentCalculationList = calculationList.calculationList;

        Debug.Log("Finding addition/subtraction in " + calculationList.IDcode); // if you still can't understand these 3 lines I can't help you
        for (int i = 0; i < currentCalculationList.Count; i++)
            if (currentCalculationList[i].GetType() == typeof(Operator))
            {     // check if the current index is equal to type operator
                if (i != 0 && i != currentCalculationList.Count - 1)
                { // if the operator isn't on either end of the list
                    currentOper = currentCalculationList[i] as Operator;
                    if (currentOper.operatorType == Operator.OperatorType.add || currentOper.operatorType == Operator.OperatorType.sub)
                    {                                                                                                  // now we only care about addition and subtraction
                        if (currentCalculationList[i + 1].GetType() == typeof(Number) && currentCalculationList[i - 1].GetType() == typeof(Number))
                        {                                                                                              // we can only do the math if the two numbers surronding the operator are numbers
                            currentNum1 = currentCalculationList[i - 1] as Number;                                     // the first number in the equation is stored here
                            currentNum2 = currentCalculationList[i + 1] as Number;                                     // the next number is held here

                            currentCalculationList[i] = new Number(SimpleMath(currentNum1, currentNum2, currentOper)); // we replace the index here with the operator applied to these 2 numbers
                            currentCalculationList.RemoveAt(i + 1);                                                    // delete the second number
                            currentCalculationList.RemoveAt(i - 1);                                                    // and the first number next
                            i--;                                                                                       // subract our current index by one (we just moved everything down one, so we need to account for that)
                            Debug.Log("No numbers found around operator"); // if there weren't enough numbers on each side of the operator, debug log this
                            failedCalculation = true;                      // set the calculation to failed
                        Debug.Log("Invalid operator location"); // if the operator wasn't in a possible location to do math, debug log this fact
                        failedCalculation = true;               // saved that the calculation has failed
Ejemplo n.º 14
    // the above bool stores whether or not a function is possible, such as ASIN(ø) when ø > 1, which throw an error in calculating

    public Function(FunctionType functionType, List <int> ID) // constructor takes an ID list for it's embededCalculationList, and the enum for it's function type
        this.functionType      = functionType;                // sets the objects functionType to the enum inputted
        embededCalculationList = new CalculationList(ID);     // creates an embededList with an ID equal to the inputted ID