Ejemplo n.º 1
		static void DrawIcon (MonoTextEditor editor, Cairo.Context cr, DocumentLine lineSegment, double x, double y, double width, double height)
			if (lineSegment.IsBookmarked) {
				var color1 = editor.ColorStyle.Bookmarks.Color;
				var color2 = editor.ColorStyle.Bookmarks.SecondColor;
				DrawRoundRectangle (cr, x + 1, y + 1, 8, width - 4, height - 4);

				// FIXME: VV: Remove gradient features
				using (var pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient (x + width / 4, y, x + width / 2, y + height - 4)) {
					pat.AddColorStop (0, color1);
					pat.AddColorStop (1, color2);
					cr.SetSource (pat);
					cr.FillPreserve ();

				// FIXME: VV: Remove gradient features
				using (var pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient (x, y + height, x + width, y)) {
					pat.AddColorStop (0, color2);
					//pat.AddColorStop (1, color1);
					cr.SetSource (pat);
					cr.Stroke ();
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private Cairo.Gradient createGradient(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, Color c)
     Cairo.Gradient gradient = new Cairo.LinearGradient(x1, y1, x2, y2);
     gradient.AddColorStop(0, new Cairo.Color(c.R / 256.0, c.G / 256.0, c.B / 256.0, 1.0));
     gradient.AddColorStop(0.5, new Cairo.Color(c.R / 256.0, c.G / 256.0, c.B / 256.0, 1.0));
     gradient.AddColorStop(0.5, new Cairo.Color(c.R / 256.0, c.G / 256.0, c.B / 256.0, 0.5));
     gradient.AddColorStop(1.0, new Cairo.Color(c.R / 256.0, c.G / 256.0, c.B / 256.0, 0.1));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 protected void DrawBorder(Cairo.Context cr, Cairo.Color color, double x, double y, double size)
     using (var pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient(x, y + size, x + size, y))
         pat.AddColorStop(0, color);
         cr.Pattern = pat;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 protected void FillGradient(Cairo.Context cr, Cairo.Color color1, Cairo.Color color2, double x, double y, double size)
     using (var pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient(x + size / 4, y, x + size / 2, y + size - 4)) {
         pat.AddColorStop(0, color1);
         pat.AddColorStop(1, color2);
         cr.Pattern = pat;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        void DrawBlockBg(Cairo.Context ctx, double x, int width, BlockInfo block)
            if (!IsChangeBlock(block.Type))

            var    color  = block.Type == BlockType.Added ? Styles.LogView.DiffAddBackgroundColor : Styles.LogView.DiffRemoveBackgroundColor;
            double y      = block.YStart;
            int    height = block.YEnd - block.YStart;

            double markerx = x + LeftPaddingBlock;
            double rd      = RoundedSectionRadius;

            if (block.SectionStart)
                ctx.Arc(x + rd, y + rd, rd, 180 * (Math.PI / 180), 270 * (Math.PI / 180));
                ctx.LineTo(markerx, y);
                ctx.MoveTo(markerx, y);

            ctx.LineTo(markerx, y + height);

            if (block.SectionEnd)
                ctx.LineTo(x + rd, y + height);
                ctx.Arc(x + rd, y + height - rd, rd, 90 * (Math.PI / 180), 180 * (Math.PI / 180));
                ctx.LineTo(x, y + height);
            if (block.SectionStart)
                ctx.LineTo(x, y + rd);
                ctx.LineTo(x, y);

            ctx.Rectangle(markerx, y, width - markerx, height);

            // FIXME: VV: Remove gradient features
            using (Cairo.Gradient pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient(x, y, x + width, y)) {
                pat.AddColorStop(0, color.AddLight(0.21).ToCairoColor());
                pat.AddColorStop(1, color.AddLight(0.3).ToCairoColor());
Ejemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Renders the background. Rendering will automatically be clipped to border constraints in later steps.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual void RenderBackground(Cairo.Context context, Gdk.Rectangle region)
     using (var lg = new Cairo.LinearGradient(0, region.Y, 0, region.Y + region.Height)) {
         lg.AddColorStop(0, TopColor);
         lg.AddColorStop(1, BottomColor);
         context.Rectangle(region.X, region.Y, region.Width, region.Height);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        protected override void MakePatterns()
            d_outer = new Cairo.LinearGradient(0, 1, 0, 0);
            d_outer.AddColorStopRgb(0, new Cairo.Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.8));
            d_outer.AddColorStopRgb(d_object != null ? d_object.Allocation.Height : 1, new Cairo.Color(1, 1, 1));

            d_inner = new Cairo.LinearGradient(0, 1, 0, 0);
            d_inner.AddColorStopRgb(0, new Cairo.Color(0.75, 0.85, 1));
            d_inner.AddColorStopRgb((d_object != null ? d_object.Allocation.Height : 1) * 0.8, new Cairo.Color(1, 1, 1));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private void SetBackground()
            Cairo.Color light = CairoExtensions.GdkColorToCairoColor(Style.Background(StateType.Normal));
            Cairo.Color dark  = CairoExtensions.ColorShade(light, 0.85);

            Cairo.LinearGradient grad = new Cairo.LinearGradient(0, Allocation.Y, 0, Allocation.Y + Allocation.Height);
            grad.AddColorStop(0, dark);
            grad.AddColorStop(1, light);
            FillPattern = grad;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        protected virtual void MakePatterns()
            d_outer = new Cairo.LinearGradient(0, 1, 0, 0);
            d_outer.AddColorStopRgb(0, new Cairo.Color(1, 1, 1));
            d_outer.AddColorStopRgb(d_object != null ? d_object.Allocation.Height : 1, new Cairo.Color(1, 1, 1));

            d_inner = new Cairo.LinearGradient(0, 1, 0, 0);
            d_inner.AddColorStopRgb(0, new Cairo.Color(1, 1, 1));
            d_inner.AddColorStopRgb(d_object != null ? d_object.Allocation.Height : 1, new Cairo.Color(1, 1, 1));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        void DrawBlockBg(Cairo.Context ctx, double x, int width, BlockInfo block)
            if (!IsChangeBlock(block.Type))

            x += 0.5;
            Gdk.Color color  = block.Type == BlockType.Added ? baseAddColor : baseRemoveColor;
            double    y      = block.YStart + 0.5;
            int       height = block.YEnd - block.YStart;

            double markerx = x + LeftPaddingBlock - 0.5;
            double rd      = RoundedSectionRadius;

            if (block.SectionStart)
                ctx.Arc(x + rd, y + rd, rd, 180 * (Math.PI / 180), 270 * (Math.PI / 180));
                ctx.LineTo(markerx, y);
                ctx.MoveTo(markerx, y);

            ctx.LineTo(markerx, y + height);

            if (block.SectionEnd)
                ctx.LineTo(x + rd, y + height);
                ctx.Arc(x + rd, y + height - rd, rd, 90 * (Math.PI / 180), 180 * (Math.PI / 180));
                ctx.LineTo(x, y + height);
            if (block.SectionStart)
                ctx.LineTo(x, y + rd);
                ctx.LineTo(x, y);
            ctx.Color = color.AddLight(0.1).ToCairoColor();

            ctx.Rectangle(markerx, y, width - markerx, height);
            using (Cairo.Gradient pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient(x, y, x + width, y)) {
                pat.AddColorStop(0, color.AddLight(0.21).ToCairoColor());
                pat.AddColorStop(1, color.AddLight(0.3).ToCairoColor());
                ctx.Pattern = pat;
Ejemplo n.º 11
		void DrawFace (Cairo.PointD center, double radius, Cairo.Context e)
			e.Arc (center.X, center.Y, radius, 0, 360);
			Cairo.Gradient pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient (100, 200, 200, 100);
			pat.AddColorStop (0, Generator.ConvertC (new Eto.Drawing.Color (240, 240, 230, 75)));
			pat.AddColorStop (1, Generator.ConvertC (new Eto.Drawing.Color (0, 0, 0, 50)));
			e.LineWidth = 0.1;
			e.Pattern = pat;
			e.FillPreserve ();
			e.Stroke ();
Ejemplo n.º 12
 private void DrawCenterFilledCircle(Cairo.PointD center, double radius, Cairo.Context e)
     e.Arc(center.X, center.Y, radius, 0, 360);
     Cairo.Gradient pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient(100, 200, 200, 100);
     pat.AddColorStop(0, CairoUtil.ColorFromRgb(240, 235, 229, 0.3));
     pat.AddColorStop(1, CairoUtil.ColorFromRgb(0, 0, 0, 0.2));
     e.LineWidth = 0.1;
     e.Pattern   = pat;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 static void DrawFace(Cairo.PointD center, double radius, Cairo.Context e)
     e.Arc(center.X, center.Y, radius, 0, 360);
     Cairo.Gradient pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient(100, 200, 200, 100);
     pat.AddColorStop(0, Eto.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(240, 240, 230, 75).ToCairo());
     pat.AddColorStop(1, Eto.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 50).ToCairo());
     e.LineWidth = 0.1;
     e.Pattern   = pat;
        protected override bool OnExposeEvent(Gdk.EventExpose e)
            if (TextEditor == null)
            using (Cairo.Context cr = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(e.Window))
                cr.LineWidth = 1;
                cr.Rectangle(0, 0, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height);

                if (TextEditor.ColorStyle != null)
                    var grad = new Cairo.LinearGradient(0, 0, Allocation.Width, 0);
                    var col  = (HslColor)TextEditor.ColorStyle.Default.CairoBackgroundColor;
                    col.L *= 0.95;
                    grad.AddColorStop(0, col);
                    grad.AddColorStop(0.7, TextEditor.ColorStyle.Default.CairoBackgroundColor);
                    grad.AddColorStop(1, col);
                    cr.Pattern = grad;

                cr.Color = (HslColor)Style.Dark(State);
                cr.MoveTo(-0.5, 0.5);
                cr.LineTo(Allocation.Width, 0.5);

                cr.MoveTo(-0.5, Allocation.Height - 0.5);
                cr.LineTo(Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height - 0.5);

                if (TextEditor == null)

                if (TextEditor.HighlightSearchPattern)
                    var severity = DrawQuickTasks(cr);
                    DrawIndicator(cr, severity);


Ejemplo n.º 15
		static void DrawFace (Cairo.PointD center, double radius, Cairo.Context e)
			e.Arc (center.X, center.Y, radius, 0, 360);
			Cairo.Gradient pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient (100, 200, 200, 100);
			pat.AddColorStop (0, Eto.Drawing.Color.FromArgb (240, 240, 230, 75).ToCairo ());
			pat.AddColorStop (1, Eto.Drawing.Color.FromArgb (0, 0, 0, 50).ToCairo ());
			e.LineWidth = 0.1;
			e.Pattern = pat;
			e.FillPreserve ();
			e.Stroke ();
Ejemplo n.º 16
 void DrawFace(Cairo.PointD center, double radius, Cairo.Context e)
     e.Arc(center.X, center.Y, radius, 0, 360);
     Cairo.Gradient pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient(100, 200, 200, 100);
     pat.AddColorStop(0, Generator.ConvertC(new Eto.Drawing.Color(240, 240, 230, 75)));
     pat.AddColorStop(1, Generator.ConvertC(new Eto.Drawing.Color(0, 0, 0, 50)));
     e.LineWidth = 0.1;
     e.Pattern   = pat;
        void DrawNormal(Gdk.EventExpose evnt)
            using (var ctx = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(GdkWindow))
                var x = Allocation.X;
                var y = Allocation.Y;

                ctx.Rectangle(x, y + 1, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height - 1);
                using (var g = new Cairo.LinearGradient(x, y + 1, x, y + Allocation.Height - 1))
                    g.AddColorStop(0, Styles.DockTabBarGradientStart);
                    g.AddColorStop(1, Styles.DockTabBarGradientEnd);

                ctx.MoveTo(x + 0.5, y + 0.5);
                ctx.LineTo(x + Allocation.Width - 0.5d, y + 0.5);

                if (active)
                    ctx.Rectangle(x, y + 1, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height - 1);
                    using (var g = new Cairo.LinearGradient(x, y + 1, x, y + Allocation.Height - 1))
                        g.AddColorStop(0, new Cairo.Color(0, 0, 0, 0.01));
                        g.AddColorStop(0.5, new Cairo.Color(0, 0, 0, 0.08));
                        g.AddColorStop(1, new Cairo.Color(0, 0, 0, 0.01));

                    /*             double offset = Allocation.Height * 0.25;
                     *             var rect = new Cairo.Rectangle (x - Allocation.Height + offset, y, Allocation.Height, Allocation.Height);
                     *             var cg = new Cairo.RadialGradient (rect.X + rect.Width / 2, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2, 0, rect.X, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2, rect.Height / 2);
                     *             cg.AddColorStop (0, Styles.DockTabBarShadowGradientStart);
                     *             cg.AddColorStop (1, Styles.DockTabBarShadowGradientEnd);
                     *             ctx.Pattern = cg;
                     *             ctx.Rectangle (rect);
                     *             ctx.Fill ();
                     *             rect = new Cairo.Rectangle (x + Allocation.Width - offset, y, Allocation.Height, Allocation.Height);
                     *             cg = new Cairo.RadialGradient (rect.X + rect.Width / 2, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2, 0, rect.X, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2, rect.Height / 2);
                     *             cg.AddColorStop (0, Styles.DockTabBarShadowGradientStart);
                     *             cg.AddColorStop (1, Styles.DockTabBarShadowGradientEnd);
                     *             ctx.Pattern = cg;
                     *             ctx.Rectangle (rect);
                     *             ctx.Fill ();*/
Ejemplo n.º 18
 void FillGradient(Cairo.Context cr, double y, double h)
     cr.Rectangle(0.5, y, Allocation.Width, h);
     using (var grad = new Cairo.LinearGradient(0, y, Allocation.Width, y)) {
         var col = (HslColor)Style.Base(StateType.Normal);
         col.L *= 0.95;
         grad.AddColorStop(0, col);
         grad.AddColorStop(0.7, (HslColor)Style.Base(StateType.Normal));
         grad.AddColorStop(1, col);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        protected override bool OnExposeEvent(Gdk.EventExpose evnt)
            using (var context = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(evnt.Window)) {
                if (pickerCircle == null || pickerCircle.Width != Radius * 2 + 100 || pickerCircle.Height != Radius * 2 + 100)
                    pickerCircle = new Cairo.ImageSurface(Cairo.Format.ARGB32, Radius * 2 + 100, Radius * 2 + 100);
                    using (var g = new Cairo.Context(pickerCircle)) {
                        // apparently quartz needs the surface initialized
                        g.Color = new Color(0, 0, 0);
                    DrawPickerCircle(pickerCircle, Radius);

                Gdk.Point center = PickerCenter();

                context.Arc(center.X, center.Y, Radius, 0, Math.PI * 2);
                pickerCircle.Show(context, center.X - pickerCircle.Width / 2, center.Y - pickerCircle.Height / 2);

                context.Arc(center.X, center.Y, Radius + 5, 0, Math.PI * 2);
                context.LineWidth = 10;

                using (var lg = new Cairo.LinearGradient(0, center.Y - (Radius + 30), 0, center.Y + (Radius + 30))) {
                    lg.AddColorStop(0, new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.3));
                    lg.AddColorStop(1, new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.1));
                    context.Pattern = lg;

                context.Arc(center.X, center.Y, Radius + 15, 0, Math.PI * 2);
                context.LineWidth = 10;

                using (var lg = new Cairo.LinearGradient(0, center.Y - (Radius + 30), 0, center.Y + (Radius + 30))) {
                    lg.AddColorStop(0, new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.1));
                    lg.AddColorStop(1, new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.3));
                    context.Pattern = lg;

                if (HighlightColor.HasValue)
                    DrawColorOverlay(context, center, HighlightColor.Value);

                Gdk.Rectangle selectedRegion = new Gdk.Rectangle(Allocation.X + 40, Allocation.Bottom - 100, Allocation.Width - 80, 50);
                DrawSelectedColorBox(context, selectedRegion);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        void DrawTab(Gdk.EventExpose evnt, Tab tab, int pos)
            Gdk.Rectangle rect = GetTabArea(tab, pos);
            StateType     st;

            if (tab.Active)
                st = StateType.Normal;
                st = StateType.Active;

            if (DockFrame.IsWindows)
                GdkWindow.DrawRectangle(Style.DarkGC(Gtk.StateType.Normal), false, rect);
                if (tab.Active)
                    GdkWindow.DrawRectangle(Style.LightGC(Gtk.StateType.Normal), true, rect);
                    using (Cairo.Context cr = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(evnt.Window))
                        cr.MoveTo(rect.X, rect.Y);
                        cr.RelLineTo(rect.Width, 0);
                        cr.RelLineTo(0, rect.Height);
                        cr.RelLineTo(-rect.Width, 0);
                        cr.RelLineTo(0, -rect.Height);
                        Cairo.Gradient pat    = new Cairo.LinearGradient(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.X, rect.Y + rect.Height);
                        Cairo.Color    color1 = DockFrame.ToCairoColor(Style.Mid(Gtk.StateType.Normal));
                        pat.AddColorStop(0, color1);
                        color1.R *= 1.2;
                        color1.G *= 1.2;
                        color1.B *= 1.2;
                        pat.AddColorStop(1, color1);
                        cr.Pattern = pat;
                Gtk.Style.PaintExtension(Style, GdkWindow, st, ShadowType.Out, evnt.Area, this, "tab", rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height, Gtk.PositionType.Top);
Ejemplo n.º 21
            void FillGradient(Cairo.Context cr, double y, double h)
                cr.Rectangle(0.5, y, Allocation.Width, h);
                var grad = new Cairo.LinearGradient(0, y, Allocation.Width, y);
                var col  = (Mono.TextEditor.HslColor)Style.Base(StateType.Normal);

                col.L *= 0.95;
                grad.AddColorStop(0, col);
                grad.AddColorStop(0.7, (Mono.TextEditor.HslColor)Style.Base(StateType.Normal));
                grad.AddColorStop(1, col);
                cr.Pattern = grad;

Ejemplo n.º 22
        void DrawShadow(Cairo.Context ctx, Gdk.Rectangle ar, PositionType pos, List <Section> secs)
            foreach (Section s in secs)
                Cairo.Gradient pat = null;
                Gdk.Rectangle  r   = ar;
                switch (pos)
                case PositionType.Top:
                    r.Height = shadowSize > r.Height ? r.Height / 2 : shadowSize;
                    r.X     += s.Offset;
                    r.Width  = s.Size;
                    pat      = new Cairo.LinearGradient(r.X, r.Y, r.X, r.Bottom);

                case PositionType.Bottom:
                    r.Y      = r.Bottom - shadowSize;
                    r.Height = shadowSize > r.Height ? r.Height / 2 : shadowSize;
                    r.X      = r.X + s.Offset;
                    r.Width  = s.Size;
                    pat      = new Cairo.LinearGradient(r.X, r.Bottom, r.X, r.Y);

                case PositionType.Left:
                    r.Width  = shadowSize > r.Width ? r.Width / 2 : shadowSize;
                    r.Y     += s.Offset;
                    r.Height = s.Size;
                    pat      = new Cairo.LinearGradient(r.X, r.Y, r.Right, r.Y);

                case PositionType.Right:
                    r.X      = r.Right - shadowSize;
                    r.Width  = shadowSize > r.Width ? r.Width / 2 : shadowSize;
                    r.Y     += s.Offset;
                    r.Height = s.Size;
                    pat      = new Cairo.LinearGradient(r.Right, r.Y, r.X, r.Y);
                Cairo.Color c = darkColor.ToCairoColor();
                pat.AddColorStop(0, c);
                c.A = 0;
                pat.AddColorStop(1, c);
                ctx.Rectangle(r.X, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height);
Ejemplo n.º 23
        private void RenderBackground(Gdk.Window window, Gdk.Region region)
            var cr = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(window);

            var grad = new Cairo.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, Allocation.Height);

            grad.AddColorStop(0, CairoExtensions.RgbToColor(0xffffff));
            grad.AddColorStop(1, CairoExtensions.RgbToColor(0xc3c3c3));
            cr.Pattern = grad;
            cr.Rectangle(0, 0, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height);

Ejemplo n.º 24
 void DrawGradient(Cairo.Context cr, Gdk.Rectangle rect, int fx, int fy, int fw, int fh, Cairo.Color c1, Cairo.Color c2)
     cr.MoveTo(rect.X, rect.Y);
     cr.RelLineTo(rect.Width, 0);
     cr.RelLineTo(0, rect.Height);
     cr.RelLineTo(-rect.Width, 0);
     cr.RelLineTo(0, -rect.Height);
     Cairo.LinearGradient pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient(rect.X + rect.Width * fx, rect.Y + rect.Height * fy, rect.X + rect.Width * fw, rect.Y + rect.Height * fh);
     pat.AddColorStop(0, c1);
     pat.AddColorStop(1, c2);
     cr.Pattern = pat;
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public new void Draw(Cairo.Context cr)
            Gdk.Rectangle rect;

            if (GradientBackround)
                rect = new Gdk.Rectangle(Allocation.X, Allocation.Y, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height);
                HslColor gcol = useCustomColor ? customColor : Parent.Style.Background(Gtk.StateType.Normal);

                cr.MoveTo(rect.X, rect.Y);
                cr.RelLineTo(rect.Width, 0);
                cr.RelLineTo(0, rect.Height);
                cr.RelLineTo(-rect.Width, 0);
                cr.RelLineTo(0, -rect.Height);
                using (Cairo.Gradient pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.X, rect.Y + rect.Height - 1)) {
                    Cairo.Color color1 = gcol;
                    pat.AddColorStop(0, color1);
                    gcol.L -= 0.1;
                    if (gcol.L < 0)
                        gcol.L = 0;
                    pat.AddColorStop(1, gcol);
                    cr.Pattern = pat;

            //FIXME: Get this drawing properly again!
//			Gdk.Color colour = Parent.Style.Dark (Gtk.StateType.Normal);
//			cr.SetSourceRGB (colour.Red, colour.Green, colour.Blue);
//			rect = Allocation;
//			for (int n=0; n<topMargin; n++)
//				GdkWindow.DrawLine (borderColor, rect.X, rect.Y + n, rect.Left + rect.Width - 1, rect.Y + n);
//			for (int n=0; n<bottomMargin; n++)
//				GdkWindow.DrawLine (borderColor, rect.X, rect.Top + rect.Height - 1 - n, rect.Left + rect.Width - 1, rect.Top + rect.Height - 1 - n);
//			for (int n=0; n<leftMargin; n++)
//				GdkWindow.DrawLine (borderColor, rect.X + n, rect.Y, rect.X + n, rect.Top + rect.Height - 1);
//			for (int n=0; n<rightMargin; n++)
//				GdkWindow.DrawLine (borderColor, rect.Left + rect.Width - 1 - n, rect.Y, rect.Left + rect.Width - 1 - n, rect.Top + rect.Height - 1);
Ejemplo n.º 26
        protected override Cairo.LinearGradient CreateGradient()
            double r, g, b;

            r = (double)frameColor.Red / ushort.MaxValue;
            g = (double)frameColor.Green / ushort.MaxValue;
            b = (double)frameColor.Blue / ushort.MaxValue;

            Cairo.LinearGradient grad = new Cairo.LinearGradient(0, 0, x + width, 0);
            grad.AddColorStop(.1, new Cairo.Color(r, g, b, 0));
            grad.AddColorStop(.35, new Cairo.Color(r, g, b, fillAlpha));
            grad.AddColorStop(.65, new Cairo.Color(r, g, b, fillAlpha));
            grad.AddColorStop(.9, new Cairo.Color(r, g, b, 0));

Ejemplo n.º 27
        private void DrawSocketConnection(Cairo.Context cr, NodeViewConnection c)
            Cairo.LinearGradient pat;
            RGBA colSrc, colSink;

            Rectangle allocation;
            Rectangle allocParent;
            int       x0, x1, y0, y1;

            allocParent = c.Source.Parent.Allocation;
            allocation  = c.Source.Allocation;
            x0          = allocation.X + allocation.Width / 2 + allocParent.X;
            y0          = allocation.Y + allocation.Height / 2 + allocParent.Y;

            allocParent = c.Sink.Parent.Allocation;
            allocation  = c.Sink.Allocation;
            x1          = allocation.X + allocation.Width / 2 + allocParent.X;
            y1          = allocation.Y + allocation.Height / 2 + allocParent.Y;

            pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient(x0, y0, x1, y1);

            colSrc  = c.Source.RGBA;
            colSink = c.Sink.RGBA;

                new Cairo.Color(colSrc.Red, colSrc.Green, colSrc.Blue, colSrc.Alpha)

                new Cairo.Color(colSink.Red, colSink.Green, colSink.Blue, colSink.Alpha)


            NodeConnectingCurve(cr, x0, y0, x1, y1);


Ejemplo n.º 28
        protected void DrawIndicator(Cairo.Context cr, Severity severity)
            cr.Rectangle(3, Allocation.Height - IndicatorHeight + 4, Allocation.Width - 6, IndicatorHeight - 6);

            var darkColor = (HslColor)GetIndicatorColor(severity);

            darkColor.L *= 0.5;

            using (var pattern = new Cairo.LinearGradient(0, 0, Allocation.Width - 3, IndicatorHeight)) {
                pattern.AddColorStop(0, darkColor);
                pattern.AddColorStop(1, GetIndicatorColor(severity));
                cr.Pattern = pattern;

            cr.Color = darkColor;
Ejemplo n.º 29
            protected override bool OnExposeEvent(Gdk.EventExpose evnt)
                using (var ctx = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(GdkWindow)) {
                    ctx.Rectangle(0, 0, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height);
                    Cairo.LinearGradient g = new Cairo.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, Allocation.Height);
                    g.AddColorStop(0, Styles.BreadcrumbBackgroundColor);
                    g.AddColorStop(1, Styles.BreadcrumbGradientEndColor);
                    ctx.Pattern = g;

                    ctx.MoveTo(0.5, Allocation.Height - 0.5);
                    ctx.RelLineTo(Allocation.Width, 0);
                    ctx.Color     = Styles.BreadcrumbBottomBorderColor;
                    ctx.LineWidth = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 30
        void DrawGradient(Cairo.Context cr, Gdk.Rectangle rect, int fx, int fy, int fw, int fh, Cairo.Color c1, Cairo.Color c2)
            cr.MoveTo(rect.X, rect.Y);
            cr.RelLineTo(rect.Width, 0);
            cr.RelLineTo(0, rect.Height);
            cr.RelLineTo(-rect.Width, 0);
            cr.RelLineTo(0, -rect.Height);

            // FIXME: VV: Remove gradient features
            using (var pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient(rect.X + rect.Width * fx, rect.Y + rect.Height * fy, rect.X + rect.Width * fw, rect.Y + rect.Height * fh)) {
                pat.AddColorStop(0, c1);
                pat.AddColorStop(1, c2);
                cr.Source = pat;
Ejemplo n.º 31
        protected override bool OnExposeEvent(Gdk.EventExpose evnt)
            using (Cairo.Context cr = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(GdkWindow)) {
                Gdk.Rectangle rect = Allocation;

                if (BackgroundColor.HasValue)
                    cr.Rectangle(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);

                if (GradientBackround)
                    Color gcol = Util.ToXwtColor(Style.Background(Gtk.StateType.Normal));

                    cr.MoveTo(rect.X, rect.Y);
                    cr.RelLineTo(rect.Width, 0);
                    cr.RelLineTo(0, rect.Height);
                    cr.RelLineTo(-rect.Width, 0);
                    cr.RelLineTo(0, -rect.Height);
                    using (var pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.X, rect.Bottom)) {
                        Cairo.Color color1 = gcol.ToCairoColor();
                        pat.AddColorStop(0, color1);
                        gcol.Light -= 0.1;
                        pat.AddColorStop(1, gcol.ToCairoColor());

                cr.SetSourceColor(color.HasValue ? color.Value.ToCairoColor() : Style.Dark(Gtk.StateType.Normal).ToXwtColor().ToCairoColor());
                cr.Rectangle(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, topMargin);
                cr.Rectangle(rect.X, rect.Y + rect.Height - bottomMargin, rect.Width, bottomMargin);
                cr.Rectangle(rect.X, rect.Y, leftMargin, rect.Height);
                cr.Rectangle(rect.X + rect.Width - rightMargin, rect.Y, rightMargin, rect.Height);
            bool res = base.OnExposeEvent(evnt);

Ejemplo n.º 32
        protected override bool OnExposeEvent(Gdk.EventExpose evnt)
            using (var context = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(evnt.Window)) {
                var alloc = Allocation;

                // TODO: VV: Remove preflight gradient features and replace with a flat color

                Cairo.LinearGradient lg;

                if (bar.Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal)
                    lg = new Cairo.LinearGradient(alloc.X, 0, alloc.X + alloc.Width, 0);
                    lg = new Cairo.LinearGradient(0, alloc.Y, 0, alloc.Y + alloc.Height);

                using (lg) {
                    Cairo.Color primaryColor = Styles.DockBarPrelightColor.ToCairoColor();
                    primaryColor.A = hoverProgress;

                    Cairo.Color transparent = primaryColor;
                    transparent.A = 0;

                    lg.AddColorStop(0.0, transparent);
                    lg.AddColorStop(0.35, primaryColor);
                    lg.AddColorStop(0.65, primaryColor);
                    lg.AddColorStop(1.0, transparent);


            if (HasFocus)
                Gtk.Style.PaintFocus(Style, GdkWindow, State, Allocation, this, "button", Allocation.X + 2, Allocation.Y + 2, Allocation.Width - 4, Allocation.Height - 4);
Ejemplo n.º 33
		public void DrawIcon (TextEditor editor, Cairo.Context cr, LineSegment lineSegment, int lineNumber, double x, double y, double width, double height)
			if (lineSegment.IsBookmarked) {
				Cairo.Color color1 = editor.ColorStyle.BookmarkColor1;
				Cairo.Color color2 = editor.ColorStyle.BookmarkColor2;
				DrawRoundRectangle (cr, x + 1, y + 1, 8, width - 4, height - 4);
				Cairo.Gradient pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient (x + width / 4, y, x + width / 2, y + height - 4);
				pat.AddColorStop (0, color1);
				pat.AddColorStop (1, color2);
				cr.Pattern = pat;
				cr.FillPreserve ();
				pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient (x, y + height, x + width, y);
				pat.AddColorStop (0, color2);
				//pat.AddColorStop (1, color1);
				cr.Pattern = pat;
				cr.Stroke ();
Ejemplo n.º 34
        void DrawBookmark(Gdk.Drawable win, int x, int y)
            Cairo.Color color1 = ToCairoColor(Style.BookmarkColor1);
            Cairo.Color color2 = ToCairoColor(Style.BookmarkColor2);

            Cairo.Context cr = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(win);
            DrawRoundRectangle(cr, x + 1, y + 1, 8, Width - 4, Editor.LineHeight - 4);
            Cairo.Gradient pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient(x + Width / 4, y, x + Width / 2, y + Editor.LineHeight - 4);
            pat.AddColorStop(0, color1);
            pat.AddColorStop(1, color2);
            cr.Pattern = pat;

            pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient(x, y + Editor.LineHeight, x + Width, y);
            pat.AddColorStop(0, color2);
            //pat.AddColorStop (1, color1);
            cr.Pattern = pat;
		public void DrawIcon (TextEditor editor, Gdk.Drawable win, LineSegment lineSegment, int lineNumber, int x, int y, int width, int height)
			if (lineSegment.IsBookmarked) {
				Cairo.Color color1 = Style.ToCairoColor (editor.ColorStyle.BookmarkColor1);
				Cairo.Color color2 = Style.ToCairoColor (editor.ColorStyle.BookmarkColor2);
				Cairo.Context cr = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create (win);
				DrawRoundRectangle (cr, x + 1, y + 1, 8, width - 4, height - 4);
				Cairo.Gradient pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient (x + width / 4, y, x + width / 2, y + height - 4);
				pat.AddColorStop (0, color1);
				pat.AddColorStop (1, color2);
				cr.Pattern = pat;
				cr.FillPreserve ();
				pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient (x, y + height, x + width, y);
				pat.AddColorStop (0, color2);
				//pat.AddColorStop (1, color1);
				cr.Pattern = pat;
				cr.Stroke ();
			protected override bool OnExposeEvent (Gdk.EventExpose evnt)
				using (var context = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create (evnt.Window)) {
					context.Rectangle (
					context.Clip ();
					context.LineWidth = 1;
					if (Background != null && Background.Width > 0) {
						for (int x=0; x < Allocation.Width; x += Background.Width) {
							Background.Show (context, x, -TitleBarHeight);
					} else {
						context.Rectangle (0, 0, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height);
						using (var lg = new Cairo.LinearGradient (0, 0, 0, Allocation.Height)) {
							lg.AddColorStop (0, Style.Light (Gtk.StateType.Normal).ToCairoColor ());
							lg.AddColorStop (1, Style.Mid (Gtk.StateType.Normal).ToCairoColor ());
							context.SetSource (lg);
						context.Fill ();

					context.MoveTo (0, Allocation.Height - 0.5);
					context.RelLineTo (Allocation.Width, 0);
					context.SetSourceColor (MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Styles.ToolbarBottomBorderColor);
					context.Stroke ();

					context.MoveTo (0, Allocation.Height - 1.5);
					context.RelLineTo (Allocation.Width, 0);
					context.SetSourceColor (MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Styles.ToolbarBottomGlowColor);
					context.Stroke ();

				return base.OnExposeEvent (evnt);
Ejemplo n.º 37
		void DrawBlockBg (Cairo.Context ctx, double x, int width, BlockInfo block)
			if (!IsChangeBlock (block.Type))
			var color = block.Type == BlockType.Added ? Styles.LogView.DiffAddBackgroundColor : Styles.LogView.DiffRemoveBackgroundColor;
			double y = block.YStart;
			int height = block.YEnd - block.YStart;
			double markerx = x + LeftPaddingBlock;
			double rd = RoundedSectionRadius;
			if (block.SectionStart) {
				ctx.Arc (x + rd, y + rd, rd, 180 * (Math.PI / 180), 270 * (Math.PI / 180));
				ctx.LineTo (markerx, y);
			} else {
				ctx.MoveTo (markerx, y);
			ctx.LineTo (markerx, y + height);
			if (block.SectionEnd) {
				ctx.LineTo (x + rd, y + height);
				ctx.Arc (x + rd, y + height - rd, rd, 90 * (Math.PI / 180), 180 * (Math.PI / 180));
			} else {
				ctx.LineTo (x, y + height);
			if (block.SectionStart) {
				ctx.LineTo (x, y + rd);
			} else {
				ctx.LineTo (x, y);
			ctx.SetSourceColor (color.AddLight (0.1).ToCairoColor ());
			ctx.Fill ();
			ctx.Rectangle (markerx, y, width - markerx, height);

			// FIXME: VV: Remove gradient features
			using (Cairo.Gradient pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient (x, y, x + width, y)) {
				pat.AddColorStop (0, color.AddLight (0.21).ToCairoColor ());
				pat.AddColorStop (1, color.AddLight (0.3).ToCairoColor ());
				ctx.SetSource (pat);
				ctx.Fill ();
Ejemplo n.º 38
		protected override bool OnExposeEvent (Gdk.EventExpose evnt)
			using (var context = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create (evnt.Window)) {
				var alloc = Allocation;

				// TODO: VV: Remove preflight gradient features and replace with a flat color

				Cairo.LinearGradient lg;

				if (bar.Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal) {
					lg = new Cairo.LinearGradient (alloc.X, 0, alloc.X + alloc.Width, 0);
				} else {
					lg = new Cairo.LinearGradient (0, alloc.Y, 0, alloc.Y + alloc.Height);

				using (lg) {
					Cairo.Color primaryColor = Styles.DockBarPrelightColor.ToCairoColor ();
					primaryColor.A = hoverProgress;

					Cairo.Color transparent = primaryColor;
					transparent.A = 0;

					lg.AddColorStop (0.0, transparent);
					lg.AddColorStop (0.35, primaryColor);
					lg.AddColorStop (0.65, primaryColor);
					lg.AddColorStop (1.0, transparent);

					context.Rectangle (alloc.ToCairoRect ());
					context.SetSource (lg);
				context.Fill ();
			return base.OnExposeEvent (evnt);
Ejemplo n.º 39
		protected override bool OnExposeEvent (Gdk.EventExpose evnt)
			Gdk.Rectangle rect;
			if (GradientBackround) {
				rect = new Gdk.Rectangle (Allocation.X, Allocation.Y, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height);
				HslColor gcol = Style.Background (Gtk.StateType.Normal);
				using (Cairo.Context cr = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create (GdkWindow)) {
					cr.NewPath ();
					cr.MoveTo (rect.X, rect.Y);
					cr.RelLineTo (rect.Width, 0);
					cr.RelLineTo (0, rect.Height);
					cr.RelLineTo (-rect.Width, 0);
					cr.RelLineTo (0, -rect.Height);
					cr.ClosePath ();
					Cairo.Gradient pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient (rect.X, rect.Y, rect.X, rect.Bottom);
					Cairo.Color color1 = gcol;
					pat.AddColorStop (0, color1);
					gcol.L -= 0.1;
					if (gcol.L < 0) gcol.L = 0;
					pat.AddColorStop (1, gcol);
					cr.Pattern = pat;
					cr.FillPreserve ();
			bool res = base.OnExposeEvent (evnt);
			Gdk.GC borderColor = Style.DarkGC (Gtk.StateType.Normal);
			rect = Allocation;
			for (int n=0; n<topMargin; n++)
				GdkWindow.DrawLine (borderColor, rect.X, rect.Y + n, rect.Right - 1, rect.Y + n);
			for (int n=0; n<bottomMargin; n++)
				GdkWindow.DrawLine (borderColor, rect.X, rect.Bottom - n - 1, rect.Right - 1, rect.Bottom - n - 1);
			for (int n=0; n<leftMargin; n++)
				GdkWindow.DrawLine (borderColor, rect.X + n, rect.Y, rect.X + n, rect.Bottom - 1);
			for (int n=0; n<rightMargin; n++)
				GdkWindow.DrawLine (borderColor, rect.Right - n - 1, rect.Y, rect.Right - n - 1, rect.Bottom - 1);
			return res;
Ejemplo n.º 40
		protected override bool OnExposeEvent (Gdk.EventExpose evnt)
			Gdk.Rectangle rect = Allocation;
			if (GradientBackround) {
				HslColor gcol = Style.Background (Gtk.StateType.Normal);
				using (Cairo.Context cr = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create (GdkWindow)) {
					cr.NewPath ();
					cr.MoveTo (rect.X, rect.Y);
					cr.RelLineTo (rect.Width, 0);
					cr.RelLineTo (0, rect.Height);
					cr.RelLineTo (-rect.Width, 0);
					cr.RelLineTo (0, -rect.Height);
					cr.ClosePath ();
					Cairo.Gradient pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient (rect.X, rect.Y, rect.X, rect.Bottom);
					Cairo.Color color1 = gcol;
					pat.AddColorStop (0, color1);
					gcol.L -= 0.1;
					if (gcol.L < 0) gcol.L = 0;
					pat.AddColorStop (1, gcol);
					cr.Pattern = pat;
					cr.FillPreserve ();
			bool res = base.OnExposeEvent (evnt);
			//for some reason we seem to need to paint a sightly bigger box to align with the header
			//even though the allocation appears to be the same
			rect.Width += 1;
			rect.Height += 1;
			using (Cairo.Context cr = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create (GdkWindow)) {
				cr.Color = (HslColor) Style.Dark (Gtk.StateType.Normal);
				double y = rect.Y + topMargin / 2d;
				cr.LineWidth = topMargin;
				cr.Line (rect.X, y, rect.Right, y);
				cr.Stroke ();
				y = rect.Bottom - bottomMargin / 2d;
				cr.LineWidth = bottomMargin;
				cr.Line (rect.X, y, rect.Right, y);
				cr.Stroke ();
				double x = rect.X + leftMargin / 2d;
				cr.LineWidth = leftMargin;
				cr.Line (x, rect.Y, x, rect.Bottom);
				cr.Stroke ();
				x = rect.Right - rightMargin / 2d;
				cr.LineWidth = rightMargin;
				cr.Line (x, rect.Y, x, rect.Bottom);
				cr.Stroke ();
			return res;
Ejemplo n.º 41
		protected override bool OnExposeEvent (Gdk.EventExpose evnt)
			Gdk.Rectangle rect;
			if (GradientBackround) {
				rect = new Gdk.Rectangle (Allocation.X, Allocation.Y, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height);
				HslColor gcol = Style.Background (Gtk.StateType.Normal);
				using (Cairo.Context cr = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create (GdkWindow)) {
					cr.NewPath ();
					cr.MoveTo (rect.X, rect.Y);
					cr.RelLineTo (rect.Width, 0);
					cr.RelLineTo (0, rect.Height);
					cr.RelLineTo (-rect.Width, 0);
					cr.RelLineTo (0, -rect.Height);
					cr.ClosePath ();
					Cairo.Gradient pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient (rect.X, rect.Y, rect.X, rect.Bottom);
					Cairo.Color color1 = gcol;
					pat.AddColorStop (0, color1);
					gcol.L -= 0.1;
					if (gcol.L < 0) gcol.L = 0;
					pat.AddColorStop (1, gcol);
					cr.Pattern = pat;
					cr.FillPreserve ();
			} else if (BackgroundColor != null) {
				using (Cairo.Context cr = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create (GdkWindow)) {
					cr.Rectangle (Allocation.X, Allocation.Y, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height);
					cr.Color = BackgroundColor.Value.ToCairoColor ();
					cr.Fill ();
			} else if (useChildBackgroundColor && Child != null) {
				using (Cairo.Context cr = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create (GdkWindow)) {
					cr.Rectangle (Allocation.X, Allocation.Y, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height);
					cr.Color = Child.Style.Base (StateType.Normal).ToCairoColor ();
					cr.Fill ();
			bool res = base.OnExposeEvent (evnt);
			var borderColor = new Gdk.GC (GdkWindow);
			borderColor.RgbFgColor = BorderColor != null ? BorderColor.Value : Style.Dark (Gtk.StateType.Normal);

			rect = Allocation;
			for (int n=0; n<topMargin; n++)
				GdkWindow.DrawLine (borderColor, rect.X, rect.Y + n, rect.Right - 1, rect.Y + n);
			for (int n=0; n<bottomMargin; n++)
				GdkWindow.DrawLine (borderColor, rect.X, rect.Bottom - n, rect.Right, rect.Bottom - n);
			for (int n=0; n<leftMargin; n++)
				GdkWindow.DrawLine (borderColor, rect.X + n, rect.Y, rect.X + n, rect.Bottom);
			for (int n=0; n<rightMargin; n++)
				GdkWindow.DrawLine (borderColor, rect.Right - n, rect.Y, rect.Right - n, rect.Bottom);

			if (showTopShadow) {
				using (Cairo.Context cr = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create (GdkWindow)) {
					cr.Rectangle (Allocation.X, Allocation.Y, Allocation.Width, shadowSize);
					Cairo.Gradient pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient (rect.X, rect.Y, rect.X, rect.Y + shadowSize);
					pat.AddColorStop (0, new Cairo.Color (0, 0, 0, shadowStrengh));
					pat.AddColorStop (1, new Cairo.Color (0, 0, 0, 0));
					cr.Pattern = pat;
					cr.Fill ();

			borderColor.Dispose ();
			return res;
		protected override bool OnExposeEvent (Gdk.EventExpose e)
			if (TextEditor == null)
				return true;
			using (Cairo.Context cr = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create (e.Window)) {
				cr.LineWidth = 1;
				cr.Rectangle (0, 0, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height);
				if (TextEditor.ColorStyle != null) {
					var col = (HslColor)TextEditor.ColorStyle.PlainText.Background;
					col.L *= 0.95;
					if (flatStyle) {
						using (var pattern = new Cairo.SolidPattern (col)) {
							cr.Pattern = pattern;
					} else {
						using (var grad = new Cairo.LinearGradient (0, 0, Allocation.Width, 0)) {
							grad.AddColorStop (0, col);
							grad.AddColorStop (0.7, TextEditor.ColorStyle.PlainText.Background);
							grad.AddColorStop (1, col);
							cr.Pattern = grad;
				cr.Fill ();

				cr.Color = (HslColor)Style.Dark (State);
				cr.MoveTo (-0.5, 0.5);
				cr.LineTo (Allocation.Width, 0.5);

				cr.MoveTo (-0.5, Allocation.Height - 0.5);
				cr.LineTo (Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height - 0.5);
				cr.Stroke ();*/

				if (TextEditor == null)
					return true;
				if (TextEditor.HighlightSearchPattern) {
					DrawSearchResults (cr);
					DrawSearchIndicator (cr);
				} else {
					if (!Debugger.DebuggingService.IsDebugging) {
						var severity = DrawQuickTasks (cr);
						DrawIndicator (cr, severity);
				DrawCaret (cr);
				DrawBar (cr);
				DrawLeftBorder (cr);
			return true;
Ejemplo n.º 43
        void DrawTab(Gdk.EventExpose evnt, Tab tab, int pos)
            Gdk.Rectangle rect = GetTabArea (tab, pos);
            StateType st;
            if (tab.Active)
                st = StateType.Normal;
                st = StateType.Active;

            if (DockFrame.IsWindows) {
                GdkWindow.DrawRectangle (Style.DarkGC (Gtk.StateType.Normal), false, rect);
                if (tab.Active) {
                    GdkWindow.DrawRectangle (Style.LightGC (Gtk.StateType.Normal), true, rect);
                else {
                    using (Cairo.Context cr = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create (evnt.Window)) {
                        cr.NewPath ();
                        cr.MoveTo (rect.X, rect.Y);
                        cr.RelLineTo (rect.Width, 0);
                        cr.RelLineTo (0, rect.Height);
                        cr.RelLineTo (-rect.Width, 0);
                        cr.RelLineTo (0, -rect.Height);
                        cr.ClosePath ();
                        Cairo.Gradient pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient (rect.X, rect.Y, rect.X, rect.Y + rect.Height);
                        Cairo.Color color1 = DockFrame.ToCairoColor (Style.Mid (Gtk.StateType.Normal));
                        pat.AddColorStop (0, color1);
                        color1.R *= 1.2;
                        color1.G *= 1.2;
                        color1.B *= 1.2;
                        pat.AddColorStop (1, color1);
                        cr.Pattern = pat;
                        cr.FillPreserve ();
                Gtk.Style.PaintExtension (Style, GdkWindow, st, ShadowType.Out, evnt.Area, this, "tab", rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height, Gtk.PositionType.Top);
Ejemplo n.º 44
		protected override bool OnExposeEvent (EventExpose evnt)
			using (var ctx = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create (GdkWindow)) {

				ctx.Rectangle (0, 0, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height);
				using (var g = new Cairo.LinearGradient (0, 0, 0, Allocation.Height)) {
					g.AddColorStop (0, Styles.BreadcrumbBackgroundColor);
					g.AddColorStop (1, Styles.BreadcrumbGradientEndColor);
					ctx.SetSource (g);
				ctx.Fill ();

				if (widths == null)
					return true;

				// Calculate the total required with, and the reduction to be applied in case it doesn't fit the available space

				bool widthReduced;
				var currentWidths = GetCurrentWidths (out widthReduced);

				// Render the paths

				int textTopPadding = topPadding + (height - textHeight) / 2;
				int xpos = leftPadding, ypos = topPadding;

				for (int i = 0; i < leftPath.Length; i++) {
					bool last = i == leftPath.Length - 1;

					// Reduce the item size when required
					int itemWidth = currentWidths [i];
					int x = xpos;
					xpos += itemWidth;

					if (hoverIndex >= 0 && hoverIndex < Path.Length && leftPath [i] == Path [hoverIndex] && (menuVisible || pressed || hovering))
						DrawButtonBorder (ctx, x - padding, itemWidth + padding + padding);

					int textOffset = 0;
					if (leftPath [i].DarkIcon != null) {
						int iy = (height - (int)leftPath [i].DarkIcon.Height) / 2 + topPadding;
						ctx.DrawImage (this, leftPath [i].DarkIcon, x, iy);
						textOffset += (int) leftPath [i].DarkIcon.Width + iconSpacing;
					layout.Attributes = (i == activeIndex) ? boldAtts : null;
					layout.SetMarkup (GetFirstLineFromMarkup (leftPath [i].Markup));

					ctx.Save ();

					// If size is being reduced, ellipsize it
					bool showText = true;
					if (widthReduced) {
						int w = itemWidth - textOffset;
						if (w > 0) {
							ctx.Rectangle (x + textOffset, textTopPadding, w, height);
							ctx.Clip ();
						} else
							showText = false;
					} else
						layout.Width = -1;

					if (showText) {
						// Text
						ctx.SetSourceColor (Styles.BreadcrumbTextColor.ToCairoColor ());
						ctx.MoveTo (x + textOffset, textTopPadding);
						Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout (ctx, layout);
					ctx.Restore ();

					if (!last) {
						xpos += arrowLeftPadding;
						if (leftPath [i].IsPathEnd) {
							Style.PaintVline (Style, GdkWindow, State, evnt.Area, this, "", ypos, ypos + height, xpos - arrowSize / 2);
						} else {
							int arrowH = Math.Min (height, arrowSize);
							int arrowY = ypos + (height - arrowH) / 2;
							DrawPathSeparator (ctx, xpos, arrowY, arrowH);
						xpos += arrowSize + arrowRightPadding;
				int xposRight = Allocation.Width - rightPadding;
				for (int i = 0; i < rightPath.Length; i++) {
					//				bool last = i == rightPath.Length - 1;

					// Reduce the item size when required
					int itemWidth = currentWidths [i + leftPath.Length];
					xposRight -= itemWidth;
					xposRight -= arrowSize;
					int x = xposRight;
					if (hoverIndex >= 0 && hoverIndex < Path.Length && rightPath [i] == Path [hoverIndex] && (menuVisible || pressed || hovering))
						DrawButtonBorder (ctx, x - padding, itemWidth + padding + padding);
					int textOffset = 0;
					if (rightPath [i].DarkIcon != null) {
						ctx.DrawImage (this, rightPath [i].DarkIcon, x, ypos);
						textOffset += (int) rightPath [i].DarkIcon.Width + padding;
					layout.Attributes = (i == activeIndex) ? boldAtts : null;
					layout.SetMarkup (GetFirstLineFromMarkup (rightPath [i].Markup));

					ctx.Save ();

					// If size is being reduced, ellipsize it
					bool showText = true;
					if (widthReduced) {
						int w = itemWidth - textOffset;
						if (w > 0) {
							ctx.Rectangle (x + textOffset, textTopPadding, w, height);
							ctx.Clip ();
						} else
							showText = false;
					} else
						layout.Width = -1;

					if (showText) {
						// Text
						ctx.SetSourceColor (Styles.BreadcrumbTextColor.ToCairoColor ());
						ctx.MoveTo (x + textOffset, textTopPadding);
						Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout (ctx, layout);

					ctx.Restore ();

				ctx.MoveTo (0, Allocation.Height - 0.5);
				ctx.RelLineTo (Allocation.Width, 0);
				ctx.SetSourceColor (Styles.BreadcrumbBottomBorderColor);
				ctx.LineWidth = 1;
				ctx.Stroke ();

			return true;
Ejemplo n.º 45
		public bool DrawBackground (TextEditor editor, Cairo.Context g, TextViewMargin.LayoutWrapper layout2, int selectionStart, int selectionEnd, int startOffset, int endOffset, double y, double startXPos, double endXPos, ref bool drawBg)
			if (!IsVisible || DebuggingService.IsDebugging)
				return true;
			EnsureLayoutCreated (editor);
			double x = editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset;
			int right = editor.Allocation.Width;
			int errorCounterWidth = 0;
			bool isCaretInLine = startOffset <= editor.Caret.Offset && editor.Caret.Offset <= endOffset;
			int ew = 0, eh = 0;
			if (errors.Count > 1 && errorCountLayout != null) {
				errorCountLayout.GetPixelSize (out ew, out eh);
				errorCounterWidth = ew + 10;
			double x2 = System.Math.Max (right - LayoutWidth - border - (ShowIconsInBubble ? errorPixbuf.Width : 0) - errorCounterWidth, fitsInSameLine ? editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset + editor.LineHeight / 2 : editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset);
			bool isEolSelected = editor.IsSomethingSelected && editor.SelectionMode != SelectionMode.Block ? editor.SelectionRange.Contains (lineSegment.Offset + lineSegment.EditableLength) : false;
			int active = editor.Document.GetTextAt (lineSegment) == initialText ? 0 : 1;
			int highlighted = active == 0 && isCaretInLine ? 1 : 0;
			int selected = 0;
			double topSize = editor.LineHeight / 2;
			double bottomSize = editor.LineHeight / 2 + editor.LineHeight % 2;
			if (!fitsInSameLine) {
				if (isEolSelected) {
					x -= (int)editor.HAdjustment.Value;
					editor.TextViewMargin.DrawRectangleWithRuler (g, x, new Cairo.Rectangle (x, y + editor.LineHeight, editor.TextViewMargin.TextStartPosition, editor.LineHeight), editor.ColorStyle.Default.CairoBackgroundColor, true);
					editor.TextViewMargin.DrawRectangleWithRuler (g, x + editor.TextViewMargin.TextStartPosition, new Cairo.Rectangle (x + editor.TextViewMargin.TextStartPosition, y + editor.LineHeight, editor.Allocation.Width + (int)editor.HAdjustment.Value, editor.LineHeight), editor.ColorStyle.Selection.CairoBackgroundColor, true);
					x += (int)editor.HAdjustment.Value;
				} else {
					editor.TextViewMargin.DrawRectangleWithRuler (g, x, new Cairo.Rectangle (x, y + editor.LineHeight, x2, editor.LineHeight), editor.ColorStyle.Default.CairoBackgroundColor, true);
			DrawRectangle (g, x, y, right, topSize);
			g.Color = colorMatrix[active, TOP, LIGHT, highlighted, selected];
			g.Fill ();
			DrawRectangle (g, x, y + topSize, right, bottomSize);
			g.Color = colorMatrix[active, BOTTOM, LIGHT, highlighted, selected];
			g.Fill ();
			g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (x, y + 0.5));
			g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (x + right, y + 0.5));
			g.Color = colorMatrix[active, TOP, LINE, highlighted, selected];
			g.Stroke ();
			g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (x, y + editor.LineHeight - 0.5));
			g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD ((fitsInSameLine ? x + right : x2 + 1), y + editor.LineHeight - 0.5));
			g.Color = colorMatrix[active, BOTTOM, LINE, highlighted, selected];
			g.Stroke ();
			if (editor.Options.ShowRuler) {
				double divider = Math.Max (editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset, x + editor.TextViewMargin.RulerX);
				g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (divider + 0.5, y));
				g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (divider + 0.5, y + editor.LineHeight));
				g.Color = colorMatrix[active, BOTTOM, LINE, highlighted, selected];
				g.Stroke ();
			// draw background
			if (layout2.StartSet || selectionStart == endOffset) {
				double startX;
				double endX;
				if (selectionStart != endOffset) {
					var start = layout2.Layout.IndexToPos ((int)layout2.SelectionStartIndex);
					startX = (int)(start.X / Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
					var end = layout2.Layout.IndexToPos ((int)layout2.SelectionEndIndex);
					endX = (int)(end.X / Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
				} else {
					startX = x2;
					endX = startX;
				if (editor.MainSelection.SelectionMode == SelectionMode.Block && startX == endX)
					endX = startX + 2;
				startX += startXPos;
				endX += startXPos;
				startX = Math.Max (editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset, startX);
				// clip region to textviewmargin start
				if (isEolSelected)
					endX = editor.Allocation.Width + (int)editor.HAdjustment.Value;
				if (startX < endX) {
					DrawRectangle (g, startX, y, endX - startX, topSize);
					g.Color = colorMatrix[active, TOP, LIGHT, highlighted, 1];
					g.Fill ();
					DrawRectangle (g, startX, y + topSize, endX - startX, bottomSize);
					g.Color = colorMatrix[active, BOTTOM, LIGHT, highlighted, 1];
					g.Fill ();
					g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (startX, y + 0.5));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (endX, y + 0.5));
					g.Color = colorMatrix[active, TOP, LINE, highlighted, 1];
					g.Stroke ();
					if (startX < x2) {
						g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (startX, y + editor.LineHeight - 0.5));
						g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (System.Math.Min (endX, x2 + 1), y + editor.LineHeight - 0.5));
						g.Color = colorMatrix[active, BOTTOM, LINE, highlighted, 1];
						g.Stroke ();
						if (x2 + 1 < endX) {
							g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 1, y + editor.LineHeight - 0.5));
							g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (endX, y + editor.LineHeight - 0.5));
							g.Color = colorMatrix[active, BOTTOM, LIGHT, highlighted, 1];
							g.Stroke ();
					if (editor.Options.ShowRuler) {
						double divider = Math.Max (editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset, x + editor.TextViewMargin.RulerX);
						g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (divider + 0.5, y));
						g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (divider + 0.5, y + editor.LineHeight));
						g.Color = colorMatrix[active, BOTTOM, LINE, highlighted, 1];
						g.Stroke ();
			if (!fitsInSameLine)
				y += editor.LineHeight;
			double y2 = y + 0.5;
			double y2Bottom = y2 + editor.LineHeight - 1;
			selected = isEolSelected && (CollapseExtendedErrors || errors.Count == 1) ? 1 : 0;
			// draw message text background
			if (CollapseExtendedErrors || errors.Count == 1) {
				if (!fitsInSameLine) {
					// draw box below line 
					g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y2 - 1));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y2Bottom));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, y2Bottom));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, y2 - 1));
					g.ClosePath ();
					g.Color = colorMatrix[active, BOTTOM, LIGHT, highlighted, selected];
					g.Fill ();
					g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y2 - 1));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y2Bottom));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, y2Bottom));
					g.Color = colorMatrix[active, BOTTOM, LINE, highlighted, selected];
					g.Stroke ();
				} else {
					// draw 'arrow marker' in the same line
					g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y2));
					double mid = y2 + topSize;
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 - editor.LineHeight / 2 + 0.5, mid));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, mid));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, y2));
					g.ClosePath ();
					g.Color = colorMatrix[active, TOP, DARK, highlighted, selected];
					g.Fill ();
					g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y2Bottom));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 - editor.LineHeight / 2 + 0.5, mid));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, mid));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, y2Bottom));
					g.ClosePath ();
					g.Color = colorMatrix[active, BOTTOM, DARK, highlighted, selected];
					g.Fill ();
					// draw border
					g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y2));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 - editor.LineHeight / 2 + 0.5, y2 + editor.LineHeight / 2));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y2Bottom));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, y2Bottom));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, y2));
					g.ClosePath ();
					g.Color = colorMatrix[active, BOTTOM, LINE, highlighted, selected];
					g.Stroke ();
			} else {
				if (!fitsInSameLine) {
					// draw box below line
					g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y2 - 1));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y2Bottom));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, y2Bottom));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, y2 - 1));
					g.ClosePath ();
				} else {
					// draw filled arrow box
					g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y2));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 - editor.LineHeight / 2 + 0.5, y2 + editor.LineHeight / 2));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y2Bottom));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, y2Bottom));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, y2));
					g.ClosePath ();
				g.Color = colorMatrix[active, BOTTOM, LIGHT, highlighted, selected];
				g.Fill ();
				// draw light bottom line
				g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, y2Bottom));
				g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y2Bottom));
				g.Stroke ();
				// stroke left line
				if (fitsInSameLine) {
					g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y2));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 - editor.LineHeight / 2 + 0.5, y2 + editor.LineHeight / 2));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y2Bottom));
				} else {
					g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y2 - 1));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y2Bottom + 1));
				g.Color = colorMatrix[active, BOTTOM, LINE, highlighted, selected];
				g.Stroke ();
				// stroke top line
				if (fitsInSameLine) {
					g.Color = colorMatrix[active, BOTTOM, LINE, highlighted, selected];
					g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, y2));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y2));
					g.Stroke ();
			if (editor.Options.ShowRuler) {
				double divider = Math.Max (editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset, x + editor.TextViewMargin.RulerX);
				if (divider >= x2) {
					g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (divider + 0.5, y2));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (divider + 0.5, y2Bottom));
					g.Color = colorMatrix[active, BOTTOM, DARK, highlighted, selected];
					g.Stroke ();
			if (errors.Count > 1 && errorCountLayout != null) {
				double rX = x2 + (ShowIconsInBubble ? errorPixbuf.Width : 0) + border + LayoutWidth;
				double rY = y + editor.LineHeight / 6;
				double rW = errorCounterWidth - 2;
				double rH = editor.LineHeight * 3 / 4;
				BookmarkMarker.DrawRoundRectangle (g, rX, rY, 8, rW, rH);
				g.Color = oldIsOver ? new Cairo.Color (0.3, 0.3, 0.3) : new Cairo.Color (0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
				g.Fill ();
				if (CollapseExtendedErrors) {
					g.Color = gcLight;
					g.Save ();
					g.Translate (x2 + (ShowIconsInBubble ? errorPixbuf.Width : 0) + border + LayoutWidth + 4, y + (editor.LineHeight - eh) / 2 + eh % 2);
					g.ShowLayout (errorCountLayout);
					g.Restore ();
				} else {
					g.MoveTo (rX + rW / 2 - rW / 4, rY + rH - rH / 4);
					g.LineTo (rX + rW / 2 + rW / 4, rY + rH - rH / 4);
					g.LineTo (rX + rW / 2, rY + rH / 4);
					g.ClosePath ();
					g.Color = new Cairo.Color (1, 1, 1);
					g.Fill ();
			for (int i = 0; i < layouts.Count; i++) {
				LayoutDescriptor layout = layouts[i];
				x2 = right - layout.Width - border - errorPixbuf.Width;
				if (i == 0)
					x2 -= errorCounterWidth;
				x2 = System.Math.Max (x2, fitsInSameLine ? editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset + editor.LineHeight / 2 : editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset);
				if (i > 0) {
					editor.TextViewMargin.DrawRectangleWithRuler (g, x, new Cairo.Rectangle (x, y, right, editor.LineHeight), isEolSelected ? editor.ColorStyle.Selection.CairoBackgroundColor : editor.ColorStyle.Default.CairoBackgroundColor, true);
					g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (x2 + 0.5, y + editor.LineHeight));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, y + editor.LineHeight));
					g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (right, y));
					g.ClosePath ();
					if (CollapseExtendedErrors) {
						Cairo.Gradient pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient (x2, y, x2, y + editor.LineHeight);
						pat.AddColorStop (0, colorMatrix[active, TOP, LIGHT, highlighted, selected]);
						pat.AddColorStop (1, colorMatrix[active, BOTTOM, LIGHT, highlighted, selected]);
						g.Pattern = pat;
					} else {
						g.Color = colorMatrix[active, TOP, LIGHT, highlighted, selected];
					g.Fill ();
					if (editor.Options.ShowRuler) {
						double divider = Math.Max (editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset, x + editor.TextViewMargin.RulerX);
						if (divider >= x2) {
							g.MoveTo (new Cairo.PointD (divider + 0.5, y));
							g.LineTo (new Cairo.PointD (divider + 0.5, y + editor.LineHeight));
							g.Color = colorMatrix[active, BOTTOM, DARK, highlighted, selected];
							g.Stroke ();
				int lw, lh;
				layout.Layout.GetPixelSize (out lw, out lh);
				g.Color = (HslColor)(selected == 0 ? gc : gcSelected);
				g.Save ();
				g.Translate (x2 + errorPixbuf.Width + border, y + (editor.LineHeight - layout.Height) / 2 + layout.Height % 2);
				g.ShowLayout (layout.Layout);
				g.Restore ();
				y += editor.LineHeight;
				if (!UseVirtualLines)
			return true;
Ejemplo n.º 46
			protected override bool OnExposeEvent (EventExpose evnt)
				bool hideButton = widget.OriginalEditor.Document.ReadOnly || !widget.DiffEditor.Document.ReadOnly;
				using (Cairo.Context cr = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create (evnt.Window)) {
					int delta = widget.OriginalEditor.Allocation.Y - Allocation.Y;
					if (widget.Diff != null) {
						foreach (Diff.Hunk hunk in widget.Diff) {
							if (!hunk.Same) {
								int y1 = delta + widget.DiffEditor.LineToVisualY (hunk.Right.Start) - (int)widget.OriginalEditor.VAdjustment.Value;
								int y2 = delta + widget.DiffEditor.LineToVisualY (hunk.Right.Start + hunk.Right.Count) - (int)widget.OriginalEditor.VAdjustment.Value;
								if (y1 == y2)
									y2 = y1 + 1;
								int z1 = delta + widget.OriginalEditor.LineToVisualY (hunk.Left.Start) - (int)widget.DiffEditor.VAdjustment.Value;
								int z2 = delta + widget.OriginalEditor.LineToVisualY (hunk.Left.Start + hunk.Left.Count) - (int)widget.DiffEditor.VAdjustment.Value;
								if (z1 == z2)
									z2 = z1 + 1;
								cr.MoveTo (Allocation.Width, y1);
								cr.CurveTo (Allocation.Width / 2, y1,
									Allocation.Width / 2,  z1,
									0, z1);
								cr.LineTo (0, z2);
								cr.CurveTo (Allocation.Width / 2, z2, 
									Allocation.Width / 2, y2,
									Allocation.Width, y2);
								cr.ClosePath ();
								cr.Color = GetColor (hunk, fillAlpha);
								cr.Fill ();
								cr.Color = GetColor (hunk, lineAlpha);
								cr.MoveTo (Allocation.Width, y1);
								cr.CurveTo (Allocation.Width / 2, y1,
									Allocation.Width / 2,  z1,
									0, z1);
								cr.Stroke ();
								cr.MoveTo (0, z2);
								cr.CurveTo (Allocation.Width / 2, z2, 
									Allocation.Width / 2, y2,
									Allocation.Width, y2);
								cr.Stroke ();
								if (!hideButton) {
									bool isButtonSelected = selectedHunk != null && hunk.Left.Start == selectedHunk.Left.Start && hunk.Right.Start == selectedHunk.Right.Start;
									cr.Save ();
									int x, y, r;
									GetButtonPosition (hunk, z1, z2, y1, y2, out x, out y, out r);
									FoldingScreenbackgroundRenderer.DrawRoundRectangle (cr, true, true, x, y, r / 2, r, r);
									cr.Color = new Cairo.Color (1, 0, 0);
									cr.Fill ();
									FoldingScreenbackgroundRenderer.DrawRoundRectangle (cr, true, true, x + 1, y + 1, (r - 2) / 2, r - 2, r - 2);
									var shadowGradient = new Cairo.LinearGradient (x, y, x + r, y + r);
									if (isButtonSelected) {
										shadowGradient.AddColorStop (0, new Cairo.Color (1, 1, 1, 0));
										shadowGradient.AddColorStop (1, new Cairo.Color (1, 1, 1, 0.8));
									} else {
										shadowGradient.AddColorStop (0, new Cairo.Color (1, 1, 1, 0.8));
										shadowGradient.AddColorStop (1, new Cairo.Color (1, 1, 1, 0));
									cr.Source = shadowGradient;
									cr.Fill ();
									cr.LineWidth = 2;
									cr.LineCap = Cairo.LineCap.Round;
									cr.Color = isButtonSelected ? new Cairo.Color (0.9, 0.9, 0.9) : new Cairo.Color (1, 1, 1);
									int a = 4;
									cr.MoveTo (x + a, y + a);
									cr.LineTo (x + r - a, y + r - a);
									cr.MoveTo (x + r - a, y + a);
									cr.LineTo (x + a, y + r - a);
									cr.Stroke ();
									cr.Restore ();
				var result = base.OnExposeEvent (evnt);
				Gdk.GC gc = Style.DarkGC (State);
				evnt.Window.DrawLine (gc, Allocation.X, Allocation.Top, Allocation.X, Allocation.Bottom);
				evnt.Window.DrawLine (gc, Allocation.Right, Allocation.Top, Allocation.Right, Allocation.Bottom);
				evnt.Window.DrawLine (gc, Allocation.Left, Allocation.Y, Allocation.Right, Allocation.Y);
				evnt.Window.DrawLine (gc, Allocation.Left, Allocation.Bottom, Allocation.Right, Allocation.Bottom);
				return result;
Ejemplo n.º 47
        protected override bool OnExposeEvent(Gdk.EventExpose evnt)
            Gdk.Rectangle rect = Allocation;

            //Gdk.Rectangle.Right and Bottom are inconsistent
            int right = rect.X + rect.Width, bottom = rect.Y + rect.Height;

            var bcolor = backgroundColorSet ? BackgroundColor : Style.Background (Gtk.StateType.Normal);
            using (Cairo.Context cr = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create (evnt.Window)) {

                if (GradientBackround) {
                    cr.NewPath ();
                    cr.MoveTo (rect.X, rect.Y);
                    cr.RelLineTo (rect.Width, 0);
                    cr.RelLineTo (0, rect.Height);
                    cr.RelLineTo (-rect.Width, 0);
                    cr.RelLineTo (0, -rect.Height);
                    cr.ClosePath ();
                    using (Cairo.Gradient pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient (rect.X, rect.Y, rect.X, bottom)) {
                        pat.AddColorStop (0, bcolor.ToCairoColor ());
                        Xwt.Drawing.Color gcol = bcolor.ToXwtColor ();
                        gcol.Light -= 0.1;
                        if (gcol.Light < 0)
                            gcol.Light = 0;
                        pat.AddColorStop (1, gcol.ToCairoColor ());
                        cr.SetSource (pat);
                        cr.Fill ();
                } else {
                    if (backgroundColorSet) {
                        Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC (GdkWindow);
                        gc.RgbFgColor = bcolor;
                        evnt.Window.DrawRectangle (gc, true, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);
                        gc.Dispose ();

            base.OnExposeEvent (evnt);

            using (Cairo.Context cr = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create (evnt.Window)) {
                cr.SetSourceColor (Style.Dark (Gtk.StateType.Normal).ToCairoColor ());

                double y = rect.Y + topMargin / 2d;
                cr.LineWidth = topMargin;
                cr.Line (rect.X, y, right, y);
                cr.Stroke ();

                y = bottom - bottomMargin / 2d;
                cr.LineWidth = bottomMargin;
                cr.Line (rect.X, y, right, y);
                cr.Stroke ();

                double x = rect.X + leftMargin / 2d;
                cr.LineWidth = leftMargin;
                cr.Line (x, rect.Y, x, bottom);
                cr.Stroke ();

                x = right - rightMargin / 2d;
                cr.LineWidth = rightMargin;
                cr.Line (x, rect.Y, x, bottom);
                cr.Stroke ();

                return false;
Ejemplo n.º 48
		protected void FillGradient (Cairo.Context cr, Cairo.Color color1, Cairo.Color color2, double x, double y, double size)
			using (var pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient (x + size / 4, y, x + size / 2, y + size - 4)) {
				pat.AddColorStop (0, color1);
				pat.AddColorStop (1, color2);
				cr.Pattern = pat;
				cr.FillPreserve ();
Ejemplo n.º 49
		public override void DrawAfterEol (TextEditor textEditor, Cairo.Context g, double y, EndOfLineMetrics metrics)
			if (!IsVisible)
			EnsureLayoutCreated (editor);
			int errorCounterWidth = 0, eh = 0;
			if (errorCountLayout != null) {
				errorCountLayout.GetPixelSize (out errorCounterWidth, out eh);
				errorCounterWidth = Math.Max (15, Math.Max (errorCounterWidth + 3, (int)(editor.LineHeight * 3 / 4)));

			var sx = metrics.TextRenderEndPosition;
			var width = LayoutWidth + errorCounterWidth + editor.LineHeight;
			var drawLayout = layouts[0].Layout;
			int ex = 0 , ey = 0;
			bool customLayout = true; //sx + width > editor.Allocation.Width;
			bool hideText = false;
			bubbleIsReduced = customLayout;
			var showErrorCount = errorCounterWidth > 0 && errorCountLayout != null;
			if (customLayout) {
				width = editor.Allocation.Width - sx;
				string text = layouts[0].Layout.Text;
				drawLayout = new Pango.Layout (editor.PangoContext);
				drawLayout.FontDescription = cache.fontDescription;
				var paintWidth = (width - errorCounterWidth - editor.LineHeight + 4);
				var minWidth = Math.Max (17, errorCounterWidth) + editor.LineHeight;
				if (paintWidth < minWidth) {
					hideText = true;
					drawLayout.SetMarkup ("<span weight='heavy'>···</span>");
					width = minWidth;
					showErrorCount = false;
					sx = Math.Min (sx, editor.Allocation.Width - width);
				} else {
					drawLayout.Ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.End;
					drawLayout.Width = (int)(paintWidth * Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
					drawLayout.SetText (text);
					int w2, h2;
					drawLayout.GetPixelSize (out w2, out h2);
					width = w2 + errorCounterWidth + editor.LineHeight;
			bubbleDrawX = sx - editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset;
			bubbleDrawY = y;
			bubbleWidth = width;

			var bubbleHeight = editor.LineHeight - 1;
			g.RoundedRectangle (sx, y + 1, width, bubbleHeight, editor.LineHeight / 2 - 1);
			g.SetSourceColor (TagColor.Color);
			g.Fill ();

			// Draw error count icon
			if (showErrorCount) {
				var errorCounterHeight = bubbleHeight - 2;
				var errorCounterX = sx + width - errorCounterWidth - 3;
				var errorCounterY = y + 1 + (bubbleHeight - errorCounterHeight) / 2;

				g.RoundedRectangle (
					errorCounterX - 1, 
					errorCounterY - 1, 
					errorCounterWidth + 2, 
					errorCounterHeight + 2, 
					editor.LineHeight / 2 - 3

				g.SetSourceColor (new Cairo.Color (0, 0, 0, 0.081));
				g.Fill ();

				g.RoundedRectangle (
					editor.LineHeight / 2 - 3
				using (var lg = new Cairo.LinearGradient (errorCounterX, errorCounterY, errorCounterX, errorCounterY + errorCounterHeight)) {
					lg.AddColorStop (0, CounterColor.Color);
					lg.AddColorStop (1, CounterColor.Color.AddLight (-0.1));
					g.Pattern = lg;
					g.Fill ();

				g.Save ();

				int ew;
				errorCountLayout.GetPixelSize (out ew, out eh);

				g.Translate (
					errorCounterX + (errorCounterWidth - ew) / 2,
					errorCounterY + (errorCounterHeight - eh) / 2
				g.SetSourceColor (CounterColor.SecondColor);
				g.ShowLayout (errorCountLayout);
				g.Restore ();

			// Draw label text
			if (!showErrorCount || !hideText) {
				g.Save ();
				g.Translate (sx + editor.LineHeight / 2, y + (editor.LineHeight - layouts [0].Height) / 2 + 1);

				// draw shadow
				g.SetSourceColor (MessageBubbleCache.ShadowColor);
				g.ShowLayout (drawLayout);
				g.Translate (0, -1);

				g.SetSourceColor (TagColor.SecondColor);
				g.ShowLayout (drawLayout);
				g.Restore ();

			if (customLayout)
				drawLayout.Dispose ();

Ejemplo n.º 50
		void DrawIndicator (Cairo.Context cr, QuickTaskSeverity severity)
			cr.Rectangle (3, Allocation.Height - Allocation.Width + 3, Allocation.Width - 6, Allocation.Width - 6);
			var darkColor = (HslColor)GetIndicatorColor (severity);
			darkColor.L *= 0.5;
			using (var pattern = new Cairo.LinearGradient (0, 0, Allocation.Width - 3, Allocation.Width - 3)) {
				pattern.AddColorStop (0, darkColor);
				pattern.AddColorStop (1, GetIndicatorColor (severity));
				cr.Pattern = pattern;
				cr.FillPreserve ();
			cr.Color = darkColor;
			cr.Stroke ();
Ejemplo n.º 51
		void DrawBlockBg (Cairo.Context ctx, double x, int width, BlockInfo block)
			if (!IsChangeBlock (block.Type))
			x += 0.5;
			Gdk.Color color = block.Type == BlockType.Added ? baseAddColor : baseRemoveColor;
			double y = block.YStart + 0.5;
			int height = block.YEnd - block.YStart;
			double markerx = x + LeftPaddingBlock - 0.5;
			double rd = RoundedSectionRadius;
			if (block.SectionStart) {
				ctx.Arc (x + rd, y + rd, rd, 180 * (Math.PI / 180), 270 * (Math.PI / 180));
				ctx.LineTo (markerx, y);
			} else {
				ctx.MoveTo (markerx, y);
			ctx.LineTo (markerx, y + height);
			if (block.SectionEnd) {
				ctx.LineTo (x + rd, y + height);
				ctx.Arc (x + rd, y + height - rd, rd, 90 * (Math.PI / 180), 180 * (Math.PI / 180));
			} else {
				ctx.LineTo (x, y + height);
			if (block.SectionStart) {
				ctx.LineTo (x, y + rd);
			} else {
				ctx.LineTo (x, y);
			ctx.Color = color.AddLight (0.1).ToCairoColor ();
			ctx.Fill ();
			ctx.Rectangle (markerx, y, width - markerx, height);
			Cairo.Gradient pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient (x, y, x + width, y);
			pat.AddColorStop (0, color.AddLight (0.21).ToCairoColor ());
			pat.AddColorStop (1, color.AddLight (0.3).ToCairoColor ());
			ctx.Pattern = pat;
			ctx.Fill ();
		public override void DrawAfterEol (MonoTextEditor textEditor, Cairo.Context g, EndOfLineMetrics metrics)
			if (!IsVisible)
			EnsureLayoutCreated (editor);
			int errorCounterWidth = 0, eh = 0;
			if (errorCountLayout != null) {
				errorCountLayout.GetPixelSize (out errorCounterWidth, out eh);
				errorCounterWidth = Math.Max (15, Math.Max (errorCounterWidth + 3, (int)(editor.LineHeight * 3 / 4)));

			var sx = metrics.TextRenderEndPosition;
			var width = LayoutWidth + errorCounterWidth + editor.LineHeight;
			var drawLayout = layouts[0].Layout;
			var y = metrics.LineYRenderStartPosition;
			bool customLayout = true; //sx + width > editor.Allocation.Width;
			bool hideText = false;
			bubbleIsReduced = customLayout;
			var showErrorCount = errorCounterWidth > 0 && errorCountLayout != null;
			double roundingRadius = editor.LineHeight / 2 - 1;

			if (customLayout) {
				width = editor.Allocation.Width - sx;
				string text = layouts[0].Layout.Text;
				drawLayout = new Pango.Layout (editor.PangoContext);
				drawLayout.FontDescription = cache.fontDescription;
				var paintWidth = (width - errorCounterWidth - editor.LineHeight + 4);
				var minWidth = Math.Max (25, errorCounterWidth) * editor.Options.Zoom;
				if (paintWidth < minWidth) {
					hideText = true;
					showErrorCount = false;
//					drawLayout.SetMarkup ("<span weight='heavy'>···</span>");
					width = minWidth;
					//roundingRadius = 10 * editor.Options.Zoom;
					sx = Math.Min (sx, editor.Allocation.Width - width);
				} else {
					drawLayout.Ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.End;
					drawLayout.Width = (int)(paintWidth * Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
					drawLayout.SetText (text);
					int w2, h2;
					drawLayout.GetPixelSize (out w2, out h2);
					width = w2 + errorCounterWidth + editor.LineHeight - 2;

			bubbleDrawX = sx - editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset;
			bubbleDrawY = y + 2;
			bubbleWidth = width;
			var bubbleHeight = editor.LineHeight;

			g.RoundedRectangle (sx, y, width, bubbleHeight, roundingRadius);
			g.SetSourceColor (TagColor.Color);
			g.Fill ();

			// Draw error count icon
			if (showErrorCount) {
				var errorCounterHeight = bubbleHeight - 2;
				var errorCounterX = sx + width - errorCounterWidth - 1;
				var errorCounterY = Math.Round (y + (bubbleHeight - errorCounterHeight) / 2);

				g.RoundedRectangle (
					editor.LineHeight / 2 - 2

				using (var lg = new Cairo.LinearGradient (errorCounterX, errorCounterY, errorCounterX, errorCounterY + errorCounterHeight)) {
					lg.AddColorStop (0, CounterColor.Color);
					lg.AddColorStop (1, CounterColor.Color.AddLight (-0.1));
					g.SetSource (lg);
					g.Fill ();

				g.Save ();

				int ew;
				errorCountLayout.GetPixelSize (out ew, out eh);

				var tx = Math.Round (errorCounterX + (2 + errorCounterWidth - ew) / 2);
				var ty = Math.Round (errorCounterY + (-1 + errorCounterHeight - eh) / 2);

				g.Translate (tx, ty);
				g.SetSourceColor (CounterColor.SecondColor);
				g.ShowLayout (errorCountLayout);
				g.Restore ();

			if (hideText) {
				// Draw dots
				double radius = 2 * editor.Options.Zoom;
				double spacing = 1 * editor.Options.Zoom;

				sx += 1 * editor.Options.Zoom + Math.Ceiling((bubbleWidth - 3 * (radius * 2) - 2 * spacing) / 2);

				for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
					g.Arc (sx, y + bubbleHeight / 2, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2);
					g.SetSourceColor (TagColor.SecondColor);
					g.Fill ();
					sx += radius * 2 + spacing;
			} else {
				// Draw label text
				var tx = Math.Round (sx + editor.LineHeight / 2);
				var ty = Math.Round (y + (editor.LineHeight - layouts [0].Height) / 2) - 1;

				g.Save ();
				g.Translate (tx, ty);

				g.SetSourceColor (TagColor.SecondColor);
				g.ShowLayout (drawLayout);
				g.Restore ();

			if (customLayout)
				drawLayout.Dispose ();
Ejemplo n.º 53
        protected override bool OnExposeEvent(Gdk.EventExpose args)
            Gdk.Window win = GdkWindow;
            int rwidth, rheight;

            Cairo.Context ctx = CairoHelper.Create (win);

            win.GetSize (out rwidth, out rheight);

            if (autoStartY || autoEndY) {
                double nstartY = double.MaxValue;
                double nendY = double.MinValue;
                GetValueRange (AxisDimension.Y, out nstartY, out nendY);

                if (!autoStartY) nstartY = startY;
                if (!autoEndY) nendY = endY;
                if (nendY < nstartY) nendY = nstartY;

                if (nstartY != startY || nendY != endY) {
                    yrangeChanged = true;
                    startY = nstartY;
                    endY = nendY;

            if (autoStartX || autoEndX) {
                double nstartX = double.MaxValue;
                double nendX = double.MinValue;
                GetValueRange (AxisDimension.X, out nstartX, out nendX);

                if (!autoStartX) nstartX = startX;
                if (!autoEndX) nendX = endX;
                if (nendX < nstartX) nendX = nstartX;

                if (nstartX != startX || nendX != endX) {
                    xrangeChanged = true;
                    startX = nstartX;
                    endX = nendX;

            if (yrangeChanged) {
                FixOrigins ();
                int right = rwidth - 2 - AreaBorderWidth;
                left = AreaBorderWidth;
                left += MeasureAxisSize (AxisPosition.Left) + 1;
                right -= MeasureAxisSize (AxisPosition.Right) + 1;
                yrangeChanged = false;
                width = right - left + 1;
                if (width <= 0) width = 1;

            if (xrangeChanged) {
                FixOrigins ();
                int bottom = rheight - 2 - AreaBorderWidth;
                top = AreaBorderWidth;
                bottom -= MeasureAxisSize (AxisPosition.Bottom);
                top += MeasureAxisSize (AxisPosition.Top);

                // Make room for cursor handles
                foreach (ChartCursor cursor in cursors) {
                    if (cursor.Dimension == AxisDimension.X && top - AreaBorderWidth < cursor.HandleSize)
                        top = cursor.HandleSize + AreaBorderWidth;

                xrangeChanged = false;
                height = bottom - top + 1;
                if (height <= 0) height = 1;

            if (AutoScaleMargin != 0 && height > 0) {
                double margin = (double)AutoScaleMargin * (endY - startY) / (double) height;
                if (autoStartY) startY -= margin;
                if (autoEndY) endY += margin;

            //			Console.WriteLine ("L:" + left + " T:" + top + " W:" + width + " H:" + height);

            // Draw the background

            if (backgroundDisplay == BackgroundDisplay.Gradient) {
                ctx.Rectangle (left - 1, top - 1, width + 2, height + 2);
                using (var pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient (left - 1, top - 1, left - 1, height + 2)) {
                    pat.AddColorStop (0, backroundColor);
                    Cairo.Color endc = new Cairo.Color (1,1,1);
                    pat.AddColorStop (1, endc);
                    ctx.SetSource (pat);
                    ctx.Fill ();
            } else {
                ctx.Rectangle (left - 1, top - 1, width + 2, height + 2);
                ctx.SetSourceColor (backroundColor);
                ctx.Fill ();
            //			win.DrawRectangle (Style.WhiteGC, true, left - 1, top - 1, width + 2, height + 2);
            win.DrawRectangle (Style.BlackGC, false, left - AreaBorderWidth, top - AreaBorderWidth, width + AreaBorderWidth*2, height + AreaBorderWidth*2);

            // Draw selected area

            if (enableSelection) {
                int sx, sy, ex, ey;
                GetPoint (selectionStart.Value, selectionStart.Value, out sx, out sy);
                GetPoint (selectionEnd.Value, selectionEnd.Value, out ex, out ey);
                if (sx > ex) {
                    int tmp = sx; sx = ex; ex = tmp;
                Gdk.GC sgc = new Gdk.GC (GdkWindow);
               		sgc.RgbFgColor = new Color (225, 225, 225);
                win.DrawRectangle (sgc, true, sx, top, ex - sx, height + 1);

            // Draw axes

            Gdk.GC gc = Style.BlackGC;

            foreach (Axis ax in axis)
                DrawAxis (win, gc, ax);

            // Draw values
            foreach (Serie serie in series)
                if (serie.Visible)
                    DrawSerie (ctx, serie);

            // Draw cursors
            foreach (ChartCursor cursor in cursors)
                DrawCursor (cursor);

            // Draw cursor labels
            foreach (ChartCursor cursor in cursors)
                if (cursor.ShowValueLabel)
                    DrawCursorLabel (cursor);

            ((IDisposable)ctx).Dispose ();
            return true;
        public void DrawIcon(TextEditor editor, Cairo.Context cr, DocumentLine lineSegment, int lineNumber, double x, double y, double width, double height)
            if (BookmarkService.Instance.CheckLineForBookmark (editor.FileName, lineSegment.LineNumber)) {
                Cairo.Color color1 = editor.ColorStyle.Bookmarks.Color;
                Cairo.Color color2 = editor.ColorStyle.Bookmarks.SecondColor;

                if (Bookmark.BookmarkType == BookmarkType.Local)
                    DrawRoundRectangle (cr, x + 1, y + 1, 8, width - 4, height - 4);
                    DrawCircle (cr, x + (width / 2), y + (height / 2), 6);

                using (var pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient (x + width / 4, y, x + width / 2, y + height - 4)) {
                    pat.AddColorStop (0, color1);
                    pat.AddColorStop (1, color2);
                    cr.Pattern = pat;
                    cr.FillPreserve ();

                using (var pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient (x, y + height, x + width, y)) {
                    pat.AddColorStop (0, color2);
                    //pat.AddColorStop (1, color1);
                    cr.Pattern = pat;
                    cr.Stroke ();

                cr.Color = new Cairo.Color (0, 0, 0);
                cr.SelectFontFace (DesktopService.DefaultMonospaceFont, Cairo.FontSlant.Normal, Cairo.FontWeight.Bold);
                cr.SetFontSize (12);
                var te = cr.TextExtents (Bookmark.Number.ToString ());
                cr.MoveTo (x + 5, y + 1 + te.Height);
                cr.ShowText (Bookmark.Number.ToString ());
Ejemplo n.º 55
		static void DrawCloseButton (Cairo.Context context, Gdk.Point center, bool hovered, double opacity, double animationProgress)
			if (hovered) {
				double radius = 6;
				context.Arc (center.X, center.Y, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2);
				context.SetSourceRGBA (.6, .6, .6, opacity);
				context.Fill ();

				context.SetSourceRGBA (0.95, 0.95, 0.95, opacity);
				context.LineWidth = 2;

				context.MoveTo (center.X - 3, center.Y - 3);
				context.LineTo (center.X + 3, center.Y + 3);
				context.MoveTo (center.X - 3, center.Y + 3);
				context.LineTo (center.X + 3, center.Y - 3);
				context.Stroke ();
			} else {
				double lineColor = .63 - .1 * animationProgress;
				double fillColor = .74;

				double heightMod = Math.Max (0, 1.0 - animationProgress * 2);
				context.MoveTo (center.X - 3, center.Y - 3 * heightMod);
				context.LineTo (center.X + 3, center.Y + 3 * heightMod);
				context.MoveTo (center.X - 3, center.Y + 3 * heightMod);
				context.LineTo (center.X + 3, center.Y - 3 * heightMod);

				context.LineWidth = 2;
				context.SetSourceRGBA (lineColor, lineColor, lineColor, opacity);
				context.Stroke ();

				if (animationProgress > 0.5) {
					double partialProg = (animationProgress - 0.5) * 2;
					context.MoveTo (center.X - 3, center.Y);
					context.LineTo (center.X + 3, center.Y);

					context.LineWidth = 2 - partialProg;
					context.SetSourceRGBA (lineColor, lineColor, lineColor, opacity);
					context.Stroke ();

					double radius = partialProg * 3.5;

					// Background
					context.Arc (center.X, center.Y, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2);
					context.SetSourceRGBA (fillColor, fillColor, fillColor, opacity);
					context.Fill ();

					// Inset shadow
					using (var lg = new Cairo.LinearGradient (0, center.Y - 5, 0, center.Y)) {
						context.Arc (center.X, center.Y + 1, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2);
						lg.AddColorStop (0, new Cairo.Color (0, 0, 0, 0.2 * opacity));
						lg.AddColorStop (1, new Cairo.Color (0, 0, 0, 0));
						context.Pattern = lg;
						context.Stroke ();

					// Outline
					context.Arc (center.X, center.Y, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2);
					context.SetSourceRGBA (lineColor, lineColor, lineColor, opacity);
					context.Stroke ();
Ejemplo n.º 56
        protected override bool OnExposeEvent(Gdk.EventExpose evnt)
            Gdk.Rectangle rect;

            if (DrawBackground) {
                GdkWindow.DrawRectangle (Style.BackgroundGC (Gtk.StateType.Normal), true, Allocation.X, Allocation.Y, Allocation.Width - 1, Allocation.Height - 1);

            if (GradientBackround) {
                rect = new Gdk.Rectangle (Allocation.X, Allocation.Y, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height);
                Color gcol = Util.ToXwtColor (Style.Background (Gtk.StateType.Normal));

                using (Cairo.Context cr = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create (GdkWindow)) {
                    cr.NewPath ();
                    cr.MoveTo (rect.X, rect.Y);
                    cr.RelLineTo (rect.Width, 0);
                    cr.RelLineTo (0, rect.Height);
                    cr.RelLineTo (-rect.Width, 0);
                    cr.RelLineTo (0, -rect.Height);
                    cr.ClosePath ();
                    Cairo.Gradient pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient (rect.X, rect.Y, rect.X, rect.Bottom);
                    Cairo.Color color1 = Util.ToCairoColor (gcol);
                    pat.AddColorStop (0, color1);
                    gcol.Light -= 0.1;
                    pat.AddColorStop (1, Util.ToCairoColor (gcol));
                    cr.Pattern = pat;
                    cr.FillPreserve ();

            bool res = base.OnExposeEvent (evnt);

            Gdk.GC borderColor;
            if (color != null) {
                borderColor = new Gdk.GC (GdkWindow);
                borderColor.RgbFgColor = Util.ToGdkColor (color.Value);
                borderColor = Style.DarkGC (Gtk.StateType.Normal);

            rect = Allocation;
            for (int n=0; n<topMargin; n++)
                GdkWindow.DrawLine (borderColor, rect.X, rect.Y + n, rect.Right, rect.Y + n);

            for (int n=0; n<bottomMargin; n++)
                GdkWindow.DrawLine (borderColor, rect.X, rect.Bottom - n, rect.Right, rect.Bottom - n);

            for (int n=0; n<leftMargin; n++)
                GdkWindow.DrawLine (borderColor, rect.X + n, rect.Y, rect.X + n, rect.Bottom);

            for (int n=0; n<rightMargin; n++)
                GdkWindow.DrawLine (borderColor, rect.Right - n, rect.Y, rect.Right - n, rect.Bottom);

            if (color != null)
                borderColor.Dispose ();

            return res;
Ejemplo n.º 57
		protected void DrawBorder (Cairo.Context cr, Cairo.Color color, double x, double y, double size)
			using (var pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient (x, y + size, x + size, y)) {
				pat.AddColorStop (0, color);
				cr.Pattern = pat;
				cr.Stroke ();
Ejemplo n.º 58
		protected override bool OnExposeEvent (Gdk.EventExpose evnt)
			var alloc = Allocation;
			using (var ctx = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create (GdkWindow)) {
				ctx.Rectangle (alloc.X, alloc.Y, alloc.X + alloc.Width, alloc.Y + alloc.Height);
				Cairo.LinearGradient gr;
				if (Orientation == Gtk.Orientation.Vertical)
					gr = new Cairo.LinearGradient (alloc.X, alloc.Y, alloc.X + alloc.Width, alloc.Y);
					gr = new Cairo.LinearGradient (alloc.X, alloc.Y, alloc.X, alloc.Y + alloc.Height);
				using (gr) {
					gr.AddColorStop (0, Styles.DockBarBackground1);
					gr.AddColorStop (1, Styles.DockBarBackground2);
					ctx.SetSource (gr);
				ctx.Fill ();

				// Light shadow
				double offs = ShowBorder ? 1.5 : 0.5;
				switch (Position) {
				case PositionType.Left:ctx.MoveTo (alloc.X + alloc.Width - offs, alloc.Y); ctx.RelLineTo (0, Allocation.Height); break;
				case PositionType.Right: ctx.MoveTo (alloc.X + offs, alloc.Y); ctx.RelLineTo (0, Allocation.Height); break;
				case PositionType.Top: ctx.MoveTo (alloc.X, alloc.Y + alloc.Height - offs); ctx.RelLineTo (Allocation.Width, 0); break;
				case PositionType.Bottom: ctx.MoveTo (alloc.X, alloc.Y + offs); ctx.RelLineTo (Allocation.Width, 0); break;
				ctx.LineWidth = 1;
				ctx.SetSourceColor (Styles.DockBarSeparatorColorLight);
				ctx.Stroke ();

			if (Child != null)
				PropagateExpose (Child, evnt);

			if (ShowBorder) {
				using (var ctx = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create (GdkWindow)) {
					ctx.LineWidth = 1;

					// Dark separator
					switch (Position) {
					case PositionType.Left:ctx.MoveTo (alloc.X + alloc.Width - 0.5, alloc.Y); ctx.RelLineTo (0, Allocation.Height); break;
					case PositionType.Right: ctx.MoveTo (alloc.X + 0.5, alloc.Y); ctx.RelLineTo (0, Allocation.Height); break;
					case PositionType.Top: ctx.MoveTo (alloc.X, alloc.Y + alloc.Height + 0.5); ctx.RelLineTo (Allocation.Width, 0); break;
					case PositionType.Bottom: ctx.MoveTo (alloc.X, alloc.Y + 0.5); ctx.RelLineTo (Allocation.Width, 0); break;
					ctx.SetSourceColor (Styles.DockSeparatorColor.ToCairoColor ());
					ctx.Stroke ();
			return true;
Ejemplo n.º 59
		protected override bool OnExposeEvent (Gdk.EventExpose e)
			if (TextEditor == null)
				return true;
			using (Cairo.Context cr = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create (e.Window)) {
				cr.LineWidth = 1;
				cr.Rectangle (0, 0, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height);
				if (TextEditor.ColorStyle != null) {
					if (Platform.IsWindows) {
						using (var pattern = new Cairo.SolidPattern (win81Background)) {
							cr.SetSource (pattern);
					} else {
						var col = new Cairo.Color (229 / 255.0, 229 / 255.0, 229 / 255.0);
						using (var grad = new Cairo.LinearGradient (0, 0, Allocation.Width, 0)) {
							grad.AddColorStop (0, col);
							grad.AddColorStop (0.5, new Cairo.Color (1, 1, 1));
							grad.AddColorStop (1, col);
							cr.SetSource (grad);
				cr.Fill ();

				if (TextEditor == null)
					return true;
				if (TextEditor.HighlightSearchPattern) {
					DrawSearchResults (cr);
					DrawSearchIndicator (cr);
				} else {
					if (!Debugger.DebuggingService.IsDebugging) {
						var severity = DrawQuickTasks (cr);
						DrawIndicator (cr, severity);
				DrawCaret (cr);
				DrawBar (cr);
				DrawLeftBorder (cr);
			return true;
Ejemplo n.º 60
		void DrawNormal (Gdk.EventExpose evnt)
			using (var ctx = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create (GdkWindow)) {
				var x = Allocation.X;
				var y = Allocation.Y;

				ctx.Rectangle (x, y + 1, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height - 1);
				using (var g = new Cairo.LinearGradient (x, y + 1, x, y + Allocation.Height - 1)) {
					g.AddColorStop (0, Styles.DockTabBarGradientStart);
					g.AddColorStop (1, Styles.DockTabBarGradientEnd);
					ctx.Pattern = g;
					ctx.Fill ();

				ctx.MoveTo (x + 0.5, y + 0.5);
				ctx.LineTo (x + Allocation.Width - 0.5d, y + 0.5);
				ctx.Color = Styles.DockTabBarGradientTop;
				ctx.Stroke ();

				if (active) {

					ctx.Rectangle (x, y + 1, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height - 1);
					using (var g = new Cairo.LinearGradient (x, y + 1, x, y + Allocation.Height - 1)) {
						g.AddColorStop (0, new Cairo.Color (0, 0, 0, 0.01));
						g.AddColorStop (0.5, new Cairo.Color (0, 0, 0, 0.08));
						g.AddColorStop (1, new Cairo.Color (0, 0, 0, 0.01));
						ctx.Pattern = g;
						ctx.Fill ();

/*					double offset = Allocation.Height * 0.25;
					var rect = new Cairo.Rectangle (x - Allocation.Height + offset, y, Allocation.Height, Allocation.Height);
					var cg = new Cairo.RadialGradient (rect.X + rect.Width / 2, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2, 0, rect.X, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2, rect.Height / 2);
					cg.AddColorStop (0, Styles.DockTabBarShadowGradientStart);
					cg.AddColorStop (1, Styles.DockTabBarShadowGradientEnd);
					ctx.Pattern = cg;
					ctx.Rectangle (rect);
					ctx.Fill ();

					rect = new Cairo.Rectangle (x + Allocation.Width - offset, y, Allocation.Height, Allocation.Height);
					cg = new Cairo.RadialGradient (rect.X + rect.Width / 2, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2, 0, rect.X, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2, rect.Height / 2);
					cg.AddColorStop (0, Styles.DockTabBarShadowGradientStart);
					cg.AddColorStop (1, Styles.DockTabBarShadowGradientEnd);
					ctx.Pattern = cg;
					ctx.Rectangle (rect);
					ctx.Fill ();*/