public void GetProblemById_IsAlreadyCached(IRedisClient redisClient, IRestClient restClient,
                                                   ISkeletonCodeGenerator skeletonCodeGenerator, IProblemsRepository repository,
                                                   Problem problem)
            "Given a Redis client with a cached problem"
            .x(() =>
                redisClient = MockRedisClient();
                redisClient.GetById <Problem>(Arg.Is <string>(o => o == "problemId"))
                .Returns(new Problem("problemId", null, null, 0, 0, null, null, 0));

            "And a REST api client"
            .x(() => restClient = MockProblemsApiClient());

            "And a skeleton code generator"
            .x(() => skeletonCodeGenerator = MockSkeletonCodeGenerator());

            "And the Repository"
            .x(() => repository = new CachedProblemsRepository(redisClient, restClient, skeletonCodeGenerator));

            "When I request a problem from the repository"
            .x(async() => problem = await repository.FindByIdAsync("problemId"));

            "Then the problem meta data is NOT requested using api"
            .x(() => restClient.DidNotReceive().Execute <Problem>(Arg.Any <RestRequest>()));

            "And the repository returns the problem with generated skeletonCode"
            .x(() =>
        public void GetAllProblemsScenario(IRedisClient redisClient, IRestClient restClient,
                                           ISkeletonCodeGenerator skeletonCodeGenerator, IProblemsRepository repository,
                                           IEnumerable <Problem> problems)
            "Given a Redis client"
            .x(() => redisClient = MockRedisClient());

            "And a REST api client"
            .x(() => restClient = MockProblemsApiClient());

            "And a skeleton code generator"
            .x(() => skeletonCodeGenerator = MockSkeletonCodeGenerator());

            "And the Repository"
            .x(() => repository = new CachedProblemsRepository(redisClient, restClient, skeletonCodeGenerator));

            "When I request all problems from the repository"
            .x(async() => problems = await repository.GetAllAsync());

            "Then problem meta datas are requested using api"
            .x(() => restClient.Received().Execute <List <Problem> >(Arg.Is <RestRequest>(request =>
                                                                                          request.Resource == "problems" && request.Method == Method.GET)));

            "And problems with skeleton code generated are cached by the redis client"
            .x(() => redisClient.Received().StoreAll(Arg.Is <List <Problem> >(list =>
                                                                              list.All(problem => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(problem.SkeletonCode)))));

            "And the repository returns all problems"
            .x(() =>
                var problemsAsArray = problems as Problem[] ?? problems.ToArray();
                problemsAsArray.ShouldAllBe(problem => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(problem.SkeletonCode));
        public void GetProblemById_WhenIsNotCachedYet(IRedisClient redisClient, IRestClient restClient,
                                                      ISkeletonCodeGenerator skeletonCodeGenerator, IProblemsRepository repository,
                                                      Problem problem)
            "Given a Redis client"
            .x(() => redisClient = MockRedisClient());

            "And a REST api client"
            .x(() =>
                restClient = MockProblemsApiClient();
                restClient.Execute <Problem>(Arg.Any <RestRequest>()).Returns(
                    new RestResponse <Problem> {
                    Data = new Problem("problemId", null, null, 0, 0, null, null, 0)

            "And a skeleton code generator"
            .x(() => skeletonCodeGenerator = MockSkeletonCodeGenerator());

            "And the Repository"
            .x(() => repository = new CachedProblemsRepository(redisClient, restClient, skeletonCodeGenerator));

            "When I request a problem from the repository"
            .x(async() => problem = await repository.FindByIdAsync("problemId"));

            "Then the problem meta data is requested using api"
            .x(() => restClient.Received().Execute <Problem>(Arg.Is <RestRequest>(request =>
                                                                                  request.Resource == "problems/problemId" && request.Method == Method.GET)));

            "And the problem is cached"
            .x(() => redisClient.Received()
               .Store(Arg.Is <Problem>(p => p != null && p.Id == "problemId")));

            "And the repository returns the problem"
            .x(() =>