private static InserterPosition GetPositions(PlayerAction_Build __instance, PlanetFactory ___factory, PlanetAuxData ___planetAux, NearColliderLogic ___nearcdLogic, BuildPreview buildPreview, CachedInserter cachedInserter)
            Vector3    absoluteBuildingPos;
            Quaternion absoluteBuildingRot;

            // When using AdvancedBuildDestruct mod, all buildPreviews are positioned 'absolutely' on the planet surface.
            // In 'normal' mode the buildPreviews are relative to __instance.previewPose.
            // This means that in 'normal' mode the (only) buildPreview is always positioned at {0,0,0}

            if (buildPreview.lpos ==
                absoluteBuildingPos = __instance.previewPose.position;
                absoluteBuildingRot = __instance.previewPose.rotation;
                absoluteBuildingPos = buildPreview.lpos;
                absoluteBuildingRot = buildPreview.lrot;

            InserterPosition position = null;

            if (currentPositionCache.Count > 0)
                position = currentPositionCache.Dequeue();

            bool isCacheValid = position != null &&
                                position.cachedInserter == cachedInserter &&
                                position.absoluteBuildingPos == absoluteBuildingPos &&
                                position.absoluteBuildingRot == absoluteBuildingRot;

            if (isCacheValid)

            var posDelta  = cachedInserter.posDelta;
            var pos2Delta = cachedInserter.pos2Delta;

            Vector3 absoluteInserterPos  = absoluteBuildingPos + absoluteBuildingRot * cachedInserter.posDelta;
            Vector3 absoluteInserterPos2 = absoluteBuildingPos + absoluteBuildingRot * cachedInserter.pos2Delta;

            Quaternion absoluteInserterRot  = absoluteBuildingRot * cachedInserter.rot;
            Quaternion absoluteInserterRot2 = absoluteBuildingRot * cachedInserter.rot2;

            int startSlot = cachedInserter.startSlot;
            int endSlot   = cachedInserter.endSlot;

            short pickOffset   = cachedInserter.pickOffset;
            short insertOffset = cachedInserter.insertOffset;

            // Find the desired belt/building position
            // As delta doesn't work over distance, re-trace the Grid Snapped steps from the original
            // to find the target belt/building for this inserters other connection
            var testPos = absoluteBuildingPos;

            // Note: rotates each move relative to the rotation of the new building
            for (int u = 0; u < cachedInserter.snapCount; u++)
                testPos = ___planetAux.Snap(testPos + absoluteBuildingRot * cachedInserter.snapMoves[u], true, false);

            // Find the other entity at the target location
            int otherId = 0;

            // find building nearby
            int found = ___nearcdLogic.GetBuildingsInAreaNonAlloc(testPos, 0.2f, _nearObjectIds);

            // find nearest building
            float maxDistance = 0.2f;

            for (int x = 0; x < found; x++)
                var       id = _nearObjectIds[x];
                float     distance;
                ItemProto proto;
                if (id == 0 || id == buildPreview.objId)
                else if (id > 0)
                    EntityData entityData = ___factory.entityPool[id];
                    proto    = LDB.items.Select((int)entityData.protoId);
                    distance = Vector3.Distance(entityData.pos, testPos);
                    PrebuildData prebuildData = ___factory.prebuildPool[-id];
                    proto = LDB.items.Select((int)prebuildData.protoId);
                    if (proto.prefabDesc.isBelt)
                        // ignore unbuilt belts
                    distance = Vector3.Distance(prebuildData.pos, testPos);

                // ignore entitites that ore not (built) belts or don't have inserterPoses
                if ((proto.prefabDesc.isBelt == cachedInserter.otherIsBelt || proto.prefabDesc.insertPoses.Length > 0) && distance < maxDistance)
                    otherId     = id;
                    maxDistance = distance;

            if (otherId != 0)
                var buildingId = buildPreview.objId;

                if (buildingId == 0)
                    // the original calculatePose code doesn't correctly handle calculation where one of the entity is a BuildPreview
                    // as it has objId 0 and is not registered in either the entityPool or prebuildPool
                    // To address that we override the 4 critical methods GetObjectPose/GetObjectProtoId/ObjectIsBelt/GetLocalInserts
                    // only for this specific execution of CalculatePose, by returning the expected value for the current buildPreview
                    overridePoseMethods = true;
                    overriddenProto     = buildPreview.item;
                    overriddenPose      = new Pose(absoluteBuildingPos, absoluteBuildingRot);

                if (cachedInserter.incoming)
                    CalculatePose(__instance, otherId, buildingId);
                    CalculatePose(__instance, buildingId, otherId);

                overridePoseMethods = false;

                bool hasNearbyPose = false;
                if (__instance.posePairs.Count > 0)
                    float minDistance = 1000f;
                    PlayerAction_Build.PosePair bestFit = new PlayerAction_Build.PosePair();

                    for (int j = 0; j < __instance.posePairs.Count; ++j)
                        var posePair = __instance.posePairs[j];
                        if (
                            (cachedInserter.incoming && cachedInserter.endSlot != posePair.endSlot) ||
                            (!cachedInserter.incoming && cachedInserter.startSlot != posePair.startSlot)
                        float startDistance = Vector3.Distance(posePair.startPose.position, absoluteInserterPos);
                        float endDistance   = Vector3.Distance(posePair.endPose.position, absoluteInserterPos2);
                        float poseDistance  = startDistance + endDistance;

                        if (poseDistance < minDistance)
                            minDistance   = poseDistance;
                            bestFit       = posePair;
                            hasNearbyPose = true;
                    if (hasNearbyPose)
                        // if we were able to calculate a close enough sensible pose
                        // use that instead of the (visually) imprecise default

                        absoluteInserterPos  = bestFit.startPose.position;
                        absoluteInserterPos2 = bestFit.endPose.position;

                        absoluteInserterRot  = bestFit.startPose.rotation;
                        absoluteInserterRot2 = bestFit.endPose.rotation * Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, 180f, 0.0f);

                        pickOffset   = (short)bestFit.startOffset;
                        insertOffset = (short)bestFit.endOffset;

                        startSlot = bestFit.startSlot;
                        endSlot   = bestFit.endSlot;

                        posDelta  = Quaternion.Inverse(absoluteBuildingRot) * (absoluteInserterPos - absoluteBuildingPos);
                        pos2Delta = Quaternion.Inverse(absoluteBuildingRot) * (absoluteInserterPos2 - absoluteBuildingPos);

            position = new InserterPosition()
                cachedInserter      = cachedInserter,
                absoluteBuildingPos = absoluteBuildingPos,
                absoluteBuildingRot = absoluteBuildingRot,

                otherId = otherId,

                posDelta             = posDelta,
                pos2Delta            = pos2Delta,
                absoluteInserterPos  = absoluteInserterPos,
                absoluteInserterPos2 = absoluteInserterPos2,

                absoluteInserterRot  = absoluteInserterRot,
                absoluteInserterRot2 = absoluteInserterRot2,

                pickOffset   = pickOffset,
                insertOffset = insertOffset,

                startSlot = startSlot,
                endSlot   = endSlot,

        public static void SetCopyInfo_Postfix(PlayerAction_Build __instance, PlanetFactory ___factory, PlanetAuxData ___planetAux, int objectId, int protoId)
            cachedInserters.Clear(); // Remove previous copy info
            if (objectId < 0)        // Copied item is a ghost, no inserters to cache
            var sourceEntityProto = LDB.items.Select(protoId);
            var sourceEntityId    = objectId;
            var sourceEntity      = ___factory.entityPool[sourceEntityId];
            var sourcePos         = sourceEntity.pos;
            var sourceRot         = sourceEntity.rot;

            // Set the current build rotation to the copied building rotation
            Quaternion zeroRot = Maths.SphericalRotation(sourcePos, 0f);
            float      yaw     = Vector3.SignedAngle(zeroRot.Forward(), sourceRot.Forward(), zeroRot.Up());

            if (sourceEntityProto.prefabDesc.minerType != EMinerType.Vein)
                yaw = Mathf.Round(yaw / 90f) * 90f;
            __instance.yaw = yaw;

            // Ignore building without inserter slots
            if (sourceEntityProto.prefabDesc.insertPoses.Length == 0)

            // Find connected inserters
            var inserterPool = ___factory.factorySystem.inserterPool;
            var entityPool   = ___factory.entityPool;

            for (int i = 1; i < ___factory.factorySystem.inserterCursor; i++)
                if (inserterPool[i].id == i)
                    var inserter       = inserterPool[i];
                    var inserterEntity = entityPool[inserter.entityId];

                    var pickTarget   = inserter.pickTarget;
                    var insertTarget = inserter.insertTarget;

                    if (pickTarget == sourceEntityId || insertTarget == sourceEntityId)
                        ItemProto itemProto = LDB.items.Select(inserterEntity.protoId);

                        bool      incoming = insertTarget == sourceEntityId;
                        var       otherId  = incoming ? pickTarget : insertTarget; // The belt or other building this inserter is attached to
                        Vector3   otherPos;
                        ItemProto otherProto;

                        if (otherId > 0)
                            otherPos   = entityPool[otherId].pos;
                            otherProto = LDB.items.Select((int)___factory.entityPool[otherId].protoId);
                            otherPos   = ___factory.prebuildPool[-otherId].pos;
                            otherProto = LDB.items.Select((int)___factory.prebuildPool[-otherId].protoId);

                        // Store the Grid-Snapped moves from assembler to belt/other
                        int       path              = 0;
                        Vector3[] snaps             = new Vector3[6];
                        var       snappedPointCount = ___planetAux.SnapLineNonAlloc(sourcePos, otherPos, ref path, snaps);
                        Vector3   lastSnap          = sourcePos;
                        Vector3[] snapMoves         = new Vector3[snappedPointCount];
                        for (int s = 0; s < snappedPointCount; s++)
                            // note: reverse rotation of the delta so that rotation works
                            Vector3 snapMove = Quaternion.Inverse(sourceRot) * (snaps[s] - lastSnap);
                            snapMoves[s] = snapMove;
                            lastSnap     = snaps[s];

                        bool otherIsBelt = otherProto != null && otherProto.prefabDesc.isBelt;

                        // Cache info for this inserter
                        CachedInserter ci = new CachedInserter
                            incoming = incoming,
                            protoId  = inserterEntity.protoId,

                            // rotations + deltas relative to the source building's rotation
                            rot       = Quaternion.Inverse(sourceRot) * inserterEntity.rot,
                            rot2      = Quaternion.Inverse(sourceRot) * inserter.rot2,
                            posDelta  = Quaternion.Inverse(sourceRot) * (inserterEntity.pos - sourcePos), // Delta from copied building to inserter pos
                            pos2Delta = Quaternion.Inverse(sourceRot) * (inserter.pos2 - sourcePos),      // Delta from copied building to inserter pos2

                            // store to restore inserter speed
                            refCount = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)(inserter.stt - 0.499f) / itemProto.prefabDesc.inserterSTT),

                            // not important?
                            pickOffset   = inserter.pickOffset,
                            insertOffset = inserter.insertOffset,

                            // needed for pose?
                            t1 = inserter.t1,
                            t2 = inserter.t2,

                            filterId  = inserter.filter,
                            snapMoves = snapMoves,
                            snapCount = snappedPointCount,

                            startSlot = -1,
                            endSlot   = -1,

                            otherIsBelt = otherIsBelt

                        // compute the start and end slot that the cached inserter uses
                        CalculatePose(__instance, pickTarget, insertTarget);

                        if (__instance.posePairs.Count > 0)
                            float minDistance = 1000f;
                            for (int j = 0; j < __instance.posePairs.Count; ++j)
                                var   posePair      = __instance.posePairs[j];
                                float startDistance = Vector3.Distance(posePair.startPose.position, inserterEntity.pos);
                                float endDistance   = Vector3.Distance(posePair.endPose.position, inserter.pos2);
                                float poseDistance  = startDistance + endDistance;

                                if (poseDistance < minDistance)
                                    minDistance  = poseDistance;
                                    ci.startSlot = posePair.startSlot;
                                    ci.endSlot   = posePair.endSlot;

Ejemplo n.º 3
            public static void PlayerAction_BuildSetCopyInfoPostfix(PlayerAction_Build __instance, ref PlanetFactory ___factory, PlanetAuxData ___planetAux, int objectId, int protoId)
                cachedInserters.Clear(); // Remove previous copy info
                if (objectId < 0)        // Copied item is a ghost, no inserters to cache
                var sourceEntityProto = LDB.items.Select(protoId);

                // Ignore building without inserter slots
                if (sourceEntityProto.prefabDesc.insertPoses.Length == 0)

                var sourceEntityId = objectId;
                var sourceEntity   = ___factory.entityPool[sourceEntityId];
                var sourcePos      = sourceEntity.pos;
                var sourceRot      = sourceEntity.rot;

                // Find connected inserters
                var inserterPool = ___factory.factorySystem.inserterPool;
                var entityPool   = ___factory.entityPool;

                for (int i = 1; i < ___factory.factorySystem.inserterCursor; i++)
                    if (inserterPool[i].id == i)
                        var inserter       = inserterPool[i];
                        var inserterEntity = entityPool[inserter.entityId];

                        var pickTarget   = inserter.pickTarget;
                        var insertTarget = inserter.insertTarget;

                        if (pickTarget == sourceEntityId || insertTarget == sourceEntityId)
                            bool incoming = insertTarget == sourceEntityId;
                            var  otherId  = incoming ? pickTarget : insertTarget; // The belt or other building this inserter is attached to
                            var  otherPos = entityPool[otherId].pos;

                            // Store the Grid-Snapped moves from assembler to belt/other
                            int       path              = 0;
                            Vector3[] snaps             = new Vector3[6];
                            var       snappedPointCount = ___planetAux.SnapLineNonAlloc(sourcePos, otherPos, ref path, snaps);
                            Vector3   lastSnap          = sourcePos;
                            Vector3[] snapMoves         = new Vector3[snappedPointCount];
                            for (int s = 0; s < snappedPointCount; s++)
                                // note: reverse rotation of the delta so that rotation works
                                Vector3 snapMove = Quaternion.Inverse(sourceRot) * (snaps[s] - lastSnap);
                                snapMoves[s] = snapMove;
                                lastSnap     = snaps[s];

                            // Cache info for this inserter
                            var ci = new CachedInserter();
                            ci.incoming = incoming;
                            ci.protoId  = inserterEntity.protoId;

                            // rotations + deltas relative to the source building's rotation
                            ci.rot       = Quaternion.Inverse(sourceRot) * inserterEntity.rot;
                            ci.rot2      = Quaternion.Inverse(sourceRot) * inserter.rot2;
                            ci.posDelta  = Quaternion.Inverse(sourceRot) * (inserterEntity.pos - sourcePos); // Delta from copied building to inserter pos
                            ci.pos2Delta = Quaternion.Inverse(sourceRot) * (inserter.pos2 - sourcePos);      // Delta from copied building to inserter pos2

                            ItemProto itemProto = LDB.items.Select(ci.protoId);
                            ci.refCount = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)(inserter.stt - 0.499f) / itemProto.prefabDesc.inserterSTT);
                            // compute the start and end slot that the cached inserter uses
                            if (!incoming)
                                CalculatePose(__instance, sourceEntityId, otherId);
                                CalculatePose(__instance, otherId, sourceEntityId);

                            if (__instance.posePairs.Count > 0)
                                float minDistance = 1000f;
                                PlayerAction_Build.PosePair bestFit = new PlayerAction_Build.PosePair();
                                bool hasNearbyPose = false;
                                for (int j = 0; j < __instance.posePairs.Count; ++j)
                                    float startDistance = Vector3.Distance(__instance.posePairs[j].startPose.position, inserterEntity.pos);
                                    float endDistance   = Vector3.Distance(__instance.posePairs[j].endPose.position, inserter.pos2);
                                    float poseDistance  = startDistance + endDistance;

                                    if (poseDistance < minDistance)
                                        minDistance   = poseDistance;
                                        bestFit       = __instance.posePairs[j];
                                        hasNearbyPose = true;
                                if (hasNearbyPose)
                                    ci.startSlot = bestFit.startSlot;
                                    ci.endSlot   = bestFit.endSlot;

                            // not important?
                            ci.pickOffset   = inserter.pickOffset;
                            ci.insertOffset = inserter.insertOffset;
                            // needed for pose?
                            ci.t1 = inserter.t1;
                            ci.t2 = inserter.t2;

                            ci.filterId  = inserter.filter;
                            ci.snapMoves = snapMoves;
                            ci.snapCount = snappedPointCount;

Ejemplo n.º 4
            public static void PlayerAction_BuildSetCopyInfoPostfix(ref PlanetFactory ___factory, int objectId, PlanetAuxData ___planetAux)
                cachedInserters.Clear(); // Remove previous copy info

                var sourceEntity = objectId;
                var sourcePos    = ___factory.entityPool[objectId].pos;
                var sourceRot    = ___factory.entityPool[objectId].rot;
                // Find connected inserters
                int matches      = 0;
                var inserterPool = ___factory.factorySystem.inserterPool;
                var entityPool   = ___factory.entityPool;

                for (int i = 1; i < ___factory.factorySystem.inserterCursor; i++)
                    if (inserterPool[i].id == i)
                        var inserter     = inserterPool[i];
                        var pickTarget   = inserter.pickTarget;
                        var insertTarget = inserter.insertTarget;
                        if (pickTarget == sourceEntity || insertTarget == sourceEntity)
                            var  inserterType = ___factory.entityPool[inserter.entityId].protoId;
                            bool incoming     = insertTarget == sourceEntity;
                            var  otherId      = incoming ? pickTarget : insertTarget; // The belt or other building this inserter is attached to
                            var  otherPos     = ___factory.entityPool[otherId].pos;

                            // Store the Grid-Snapped moves from assembler to belt/other
                            Vector3   begin             = sourcePos;
                            Vector3   end               = otherPos;
                            int       path              = 0;
                            Vector3[] snaps             = new Vector3[6];
                            var       snappedPointCount = ___planetAux.SnapLineNonAlloc(begin, end, ref path, snaps);
                            Vector3   lastSnap          = begin;
                            Vector3[] snapMoves         = new Vector3[snappedPointCount];
                            for (int s = 0; s < snappedPointCount; s++)
                                Vector3 snapMove = snaps[s] - lastSnap;
                                snapMoves[s] = snapMove;
                                lastSnap     = snaps[s];

                            // Cache info for this inserter
                            var ci = new CachedInserter();
                            ci.incoming  = incoming;
                            ci.protoId   = inserterType;
                            ci.rot       = ___factory.entityPool[inserter.entityId].rot;
                            ci.rot2      = inserter.rot2;
                            ci.pos2delta = inserter.pos2; // YukkuriC: record abs pos first
                            ci.posDelta  = entityPool[inserter.entityId].pos;

                            // YukkuriC: dump relative transforms
                                                entityPool[inserter.entityId].pos, ___factory.entityPool[inserter.entityId].rot,
                                                out ci.posDelta, out ci.rot);
                                                inserter.pos2, inserter.rot2,
                                                out ci.pos2delta, out ci.rot2);

                            // not important?
                            ci.pickOffset   = inserter.pickOffset;
                            ci.insertOffset = inserter.insertOffset;
                            // needed for pose?
                            ci.t1 = inserter.t1;
                            ci.t2 = inserter.t2;

                            ci.filterId  = inserter.filter;
                            ci.snapMoves = snapMoves;
                            ci.snapCount = snappedPointCount;

Ejemplo n.º 5
            public static void PlayerAction_BuildSetCopyInfoPostfix(PlayerAction_Build __instance, ref PlanetFactory ___factory, int objectId, PlanetAuxData ___planetAux)
                cachedInserters.Clear(); // Remove previous copy info
                if (objectId < 0)        // Copied item is a ghost, no inserters to cache

                var sourceEntity = objectId;
                var sourcePos    = ___factory.entityPool[objectId].pos;
                // Find connected inserters
                int matches      = 0;
                var inserterPool = ___factory.factorySystem.inserterPool;
                var entityPool   = ___factory.entityPool;

                for (int i = 1; i < ___factory.factorySystem.inserterCursor; i++)
                    if (inserterPool[i].id == i)
                        var inserter     = inserterPool[i];
                        var pickTarget   = inserter.pickTarget;
                        var insertTarget = inserter.insertTarget;
                        if (pickTarget == sourceEntity || insertTarget == sourceEntity)
                            var  inserterType = ___factory.entityPool[inserter.entityId].protoId;
                            bool incoming     = insertTarget == sourceEntity;
                            var  otherId      = incoming ? pickTarget : insertTarget; // The belt or other building this inserter is attached to
                            var  otherPos     = ___factory.entityPool[otherId].pos;

                            // Store the Grid-Snapped moves from assembler to belt/other
                            Vector3   begin             = sourcePos;
                            Vector3   end               = otherPos;
                            int       path              = 0;
                            Vector3[] snaps             = new Vector3[6];
                            var       snappedPointCount = ___planetAux.SnapLineNonAlloc(begin, end, ref path, snaps);
                            Vector3   lastSnap          = begin;
                            Vector3[] snapMoves         = new Vector3[snappedPointCount];
                            for (int s = 0; s < snappedPointCount; s++)
                                Vector3 snapMove = snaps[s] - lastSnap;
                                snapMoves[s] = snapMove;
                                lastSnap     = snaps[s];

                            // Cache info for this inserter
                            var ci = new CachedInserter();
                            ci.otherDelta = (otherPos - sourcePos); // Delta from copied building to other belt/building
                            ci.incoming   = incoming;
                            ci.protoId    = inserterType;
                            ci.rot        = ___factory.entityPool[inserter.entityId].rot;
                            ci.rot2       = inserter.rot2;
                            ci.pos2delta  = (inserter.pos2 - entityPool[inserter.entityId].pos); // Delta from inserter pos2 to copied building
                            var posDelta = entityPool[inserter.entityId].pos - sourcePos;        // Delta from copied building to inserter pos
                            if (!incoming)
                                posDelta = sourcePos - entityPool[inserter.entityId].pos;            // Reverse for outgoing inserters
                            ci.posDelta = posDelta;

                            // compute the start and end slot that the cached inserter uses
                            if (!incoming)
                                CalculatePose(__instance, sourceEntity, otherId);
                                CalculatePose(__instance, otherId, sourceEntity);

                            if (__instance.posePairs.Count > 0)
                                float minDistance = 1000f;
                                PlayerAction_Build.PosePair bestFit = new PlayerAction_Build.PosePair();
                                bool hasNearbyPose = false;
                                for (int j = 0; j < __instance.posePairs.Count; ++j)
                                    float startDistance = Vector3.Distance(__instance.posePairs[j].startPose.position, entityPool[inserter.entityId].pos);
                                    float endDistance   = Vector3.Distance(__instance.posePairs[j].endPose.position, inserter.pos2);
                                    float poseDistance  = startDistance + endDistance;

                                    if (poseDistance < minDistance)
                                        minDistance   = poseDistance;
                                        bestFit       = __instance.posePairs[j];
                                        hasNearbyPose = true;
                                if (hasNearbyPose)
                                    ci.startSlot = bestFit.startSlot;
                                    ci.endSlot   = bestFit.endSlot;

                            // not important?
                            ci.pickOffset   = inserter.pickOffset;
                            ci.insertOffset = inserter.insertOffset;
                            // needed for pose?
                            ci.t1 = inserter.t1;
                            ci.t2 = inserter.t2;

                            ci.filterId  = inserter.filter;
                            ci.snapMoves = snapMoves;
                            ci.snapCount = snappedPointCount;
