Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void FillChart(IChart chart, IChartAxis[] axis)
            if (!(chart is XSSFChart))
                throw new ArgumentException("Chart must be instance of XSSFChart");

            XSSFChart       xssfChart      = (XSSFChart)chart;
            CT_PlotArea     plotArea       = xssfChart.GetCTChart().plotArea;
            int             allSeriesCount = plotArea.GetAllSeriesCount();
            CT_ScatterChart scatterChart   = plotArea.AddNewScatterChart();


            for (int i = 0; i < series.Count; ++i)
                Series s = (Series)series[i];
                s.SetId(allSeriesCount + i);
                s.SetOrder(allSeriesCount + i);

            foreach (IChartAxis ax in axis)
                scatterChart.AddNewAxId().val = (uint)ax.Id;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void FillChart(SS.UserModel.IChart chart, params IChartAxis[] axis)
            if (!(chart is XSSFChart))
                throw new ArgumentException("Chart must be instance of XSSFChart");

            XSSFChart   xssfChart      = (XSSFChart)chart;
            CT_PlotArea plotArea       = xssfChart.GetCTChart().plotArea;
            int         allSeriesCount = plotArea.GetAllSeriesCount();
            CT_BarChart barChart       = plotArea.AddNewBarChart();

            barChart.AddNewVaryColors().val = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < series.Count; ++i)
                Series s = (Series)series[i];
                s.SetId(allSeriesCount + i);
                s.SetOrder(allSeriesCount + i);

            foreach (IChartAxis ax in axis)
                barChart.AddNewAxId().val = (uint)ax.Id;