private void checkDapAnDaChon()
            CT_BaiThi ct = (CT_BaiThi)CT_BaiThi.thithu[index];

            if (ct.getDapAnDaChon().Equals(""))
                rdoA.Checked = false;
                rdoB.Checked = false;
                rdoC.Checked = false;
                rdoD.Checked = false;
                switch (ct.getDapAnDaChon())
                case "A":
                    rdoA.Checked = true;
                    rdoB.Checked = false;
                    rdoC.Checked = false;
                    rdoD.Checked = false;

                case "B":
                    rdoA.Checked = false;
                    rdoB.Checked = true;
                    rdoC.Checked = false;
                    rdoD.Checked = false;

                case "C":
                    rdoA.Checked = false;
                    rdoB.Checked = false;
                    rdoC.Checked = true;
                    rdoD.Checked = false;

                case "D":
                    rdoA.Checked = false;
                    rdoB.Checked = false;
                    rdoC.Checked = false;
                    rdoD.Checked = true;
        private void capNhatThongBaoDapAnDaChon(int cau)
            CT_BaiThi ct = (CT_BaiThi)CT_BaiThi.thithu[cau];

            String[] arr = new string[2];
            arr[0] = ct.getThuTu().ToString();
            arr[1] = ct.getDapAnDaChon().ToString();
            ListViewItem baiThi = new ListViewItem(arr);

            this.summarylistview.Items[cau] = baiThi;
        private void frmTracNghiem_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            soCauThi = boDe.Count;
            this.cT_BAITHITableAdapter.Connection.ConnectionString = Program.connstr;
            // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'dS.CT_BAITHI' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.
            // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'dSQLTN.CT_BAITHI' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.
            toolStripStatusHOTEN.Text  = "Họ và tên: " + Program.mHoTen;
            toolStripStatusMAGV.Text   = "Mã SV:" + Program.mUserId;
            toolStripStatusNHOM.Text   = "nhóm: SINHVIEN";
            toolStripStatusMALOP.Text  = "mã lớp: ";
            toolStripStatusTENLOP.Text = "tên lớp: ";

            BoDe b = (BoDe)boDe[index];

            lblNOIDUNG.Text = "Câu " + index + 1 + ": " + b.NoiDung;
            rdoA.Text       = b.DapAnA;
            rdoB.Text       = b.DapAnB;
            rdoC.Text       = b.DapAnC;
            rdoD.Text       = b.DapAnD;

            soCauThi = g.SoCauThi;
            String lenh = "EXEC SP_TIMKIEMMH '" + g.MaMH + "'";

            Program.myReader = Program.ExecSqlDataReader(lenh);
            String tenMH = Program.myReader.GetString(1);

            lblLOP.Text         = "Lớp: " + "";
            lblMONHOC.Text      = "Môn học: " + tenMH;
            lblNGAYTHI.Text     = "Ngày thi: " + g.NgayThi.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
            lblTRINHDO.Text     = "Trình độ: " + g.TrinhDo;
            btnCAUTRUOC.Enabled = false;
            mm         = g.ThoiGian;
            t.Interval = 1000;

            t.Tick += new EventHandler(this.t_Tick);

            //Copy dữ liệu từ bộ đề sang chi tiết bài thi
            int i = 1;

            foreach (BoDe b2 in boDe)
                int       cauHoi      = b2.CauHoi;
                String    maMH        = b2.MaMH;
                String    trinhDo     = b2.TrinhDo;
                String    noiDung     = b2.NoiDung;
                String    A           = b2.DapAnA;
                String    B           = b2.DapAnB;
                String    C           = b2.DapAnC;
                String    D           = b2.DapAnD;
                String    dapAn       = b2.DapAnDung;
                String    maGV        = b2.MaGV;
                String    dapAnDaChon = "";
                CT_BaiThi ct          = new CT_BaiThi(cauHoi, i, noiDung, A, B, C, D, dapAn, dapAnDaChon);
            /*cập nhật thông báo đáp án đã chọn*/
            //     capNhatThongBaoDapAnDaChon();
            numericUpDownCAUINDEX.Maximum = 100;
            numericUpDownCAUINDEX.Minimum = 1;

            summarylistview.View          = View.Details;
            summarylistview.GridLines     = true;
            summarylistview.FullRowSelect = true;
            foreach (CT_BaiThi ct in CT_BaiThi.thithu)
                String[] arr = new string[2];
                arr[0] = ct.getThuTu().ToString();
                arr[1] = ct.getDapAnDaChon().ToString();
                ListViewItem baiThi = new ListViewItem(arr);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void ThiThu_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            boDe     = BoDe.boDe;
            soCauThi = boDe.Count;
            dS.EnforceConstraints = false;
            this.cTBAITHITableAdapter.Connection.ConnectionString = Program.connstr;

            BoDe b = (BoDe)boDe[index];

            lblNOIDUNG.Text = "Câu " + index + 1 + ": " + b.NoiDung;
            rdoA.Text       = b.DapAnA;
            rdoB.Text       = b.DapAnB;
            rdoC.Text       = b.DapAnC;
            rdoD.Text       = b.DapAnD;
            Dangky g = Dangky.dangky;

            soCauThi            = g.SoCauThi;
            lblMONHOC.Text      = "Môn: " + Program.maMH;
            lblLOP.Text         = "Lớp: " + Program.mMalop;
            lblNGAYTHI.Text     = "Ngày thi: " + g.NgayThi.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
            lblTRINHDO.Text     = "Trình độ: " + g.TrinhDo;
            btnCAUTRUOC.Enabled = false;
            mm         = g.ThoiGian;
            t.Interval = 1000;// bộ tính là 1s

            t.Tick += new EventHandler(this.t_Tick);

            //Copy dữ liệu từ bộ đề sang chi tiết bài thi
            int i = 1;

            foreach (BoDe b2 in BoDe.boDe)
                String         maCH    = b2.MaCH;
                String         noiDung = b2.NoiDung;
                String         loaiCH  = b2.LoaiCH;
                String         dapAn   = b2.DapAn;
                String         maMH    = b2.MaMH;
                String         maTD    = b2.MaTD;
                String         maGV    = b2.MaGV;
                DataTable      lc      = Program.ExecSqlDataTable("EXEC SP_GET_LUA_CHON '" + maCH + "'");
                List <LuaChon> listLC  = convertToListLC(lc);
       = listLC;
                LuaChon[] arrluachon  = listLC.ToArray();
                String    A           = arrluachon[0].TenLC;
                String    B           = arrluachon[1].TenLC;
                String    C           = arrluachon[2].TenLC;
                String    D           = arrluachon[3].TenLC;
                String    dapAnDaChon = "";
                CT_BaiThi ct          = new CT_BaiThi(maCH, i, noiDung, A, B, C, D, dapAn, dapAnDaChon);
            /*cập nhật thông báo đáp án đã chọn*/
            //     capNhatThongBaoDapAnDaChon();
            numericUpDownCAUINDEX.Maximum = 100;
            numericUpDownCAUINDEX.Minimum = 1;

            summarylistview.View          = View.Details;
            summarylistview.GridLines     = true;
            summarylistview.FullRowSelect = true;
            foreach (CT_BaiThi ct in CT_BaiThi.ct_baiThi)
                String[] arr = new string[2];
                arr[0] = ct.getThuTu().ToString();
                arr[1] = ct.getDapAnDaChon().ToString();
                ListViewItem baiThi = new ListViewItem(arr);