/// <summary>
    /// Disables investigation mode and restores previously used patrol points
    /// </summary>
    public void StopInvestigating()
        m_lPatrolPointList    = new List <PatrolPoints>(m_lOriginalPatrolPoints);
        m_bInvestigationMode  = false;
        m_fInvestigationTimer = m_fInvestigationTime;
        CS_GuardPatrolAction cGuardPatrol = GetComponent <CS_GuardPatrolAction>();

        if (cGuardPatrol != null)
    /// <summary>
    /// Tells the guard to investigate an area
    /// It will save the old patrol points and generate a smaller patrol path around the investigation point
    /// Use StopInvestigating() to halt
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="a_tPositionToInvestigate">The exact point you want the guard to investigate</param>
    /// <param name="a_iAmountOfPoints">The amount of patrol points you want the guard to look around</param>
    /// <param name="a_fRangeToInvestigate">The range at which he should investigate around the center</param>
    public void InvestigateArea(Transform a_tPositionToInvestigate, int a_iAmountOfPoints, float a_fRangeToInvestigate)
        if (!m_bInvestigationMode)
            m_lOriginalPatrolPoints = new List <PatrolPoints>(m_lPatrolPointList); //Save the old patrol points
        m_bInvestigationMode  = true;                                              //Set to investigation mode
        m_fInvestigationTimer = m_fInvestigationTime;                              //set the investigation timer
        m_v3PatrolCenter      = a_tPositionToInvestigate.position;                 //Set the center
        m_lPatrolPointList.Clear();                                                //Clear the patrol list to start a new one
        GeneratePositions(a_iAmountOfPoints, a_fRangeToInvestigate);               //Generate the positions for this new point
        ChooseRoute();                                                             //Choose a "coherent" route around the points
        GetComponent <CS_Guard>().ResetPointsForInvestigating();                   //Reset other variables
        CS_GuardPatrolAction cGuardPatrol = GetComponent <CS_GuardPatrolAction>(); //Get the patrol action

        if (cGuardPatrol != null)
            cGuardPatrol.InvestigationMode(true);//Changes the cost of patrolling whilst investigating, to give it priority over other actions