private async Task <(CSPlugin, PluginState, string)> CastToPlugin(Type type) { CSPlugin plugin = null; PluginState state = PluginState.Error; string message = null; dynamic instance = Activator.CreateInstance(type); try { plugin = (CSPlugin)instance; //* Can be casted into IPlugin -> Valid. state = PluginState.Valid; await Task.Run(() => { plugin.OnValidated(); //* If ends, plugin is ready. state = PluginState.Ready; }); } catch (InvalidCastException e) { message = e.Message; //* Error at casting (maybe bad impementation). } return(plugin, state, message); }
public void LoadPlugin(string dir) { FileInfo info = null; foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(dir, Pattern)) { try { Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); info = new FileInfo(file); string name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(info.Name); if (Plugins.TryGetValue(name, out CSPlugin p)) { if (p.Container.Running) { logger.LogWarning(string.Format("[CSharp] Failed to load {0} because its already initialized", p.Title)); break; } logger.LogInfo(string.Format("[CSharp] Succesfully loaded plugin {0}, {1}, Author {2} ({3})", p.Title, p.Version, p.Author, p.Description)); p.Container.Start(); break; } if (!Assemblies.TryGetValue(name, out Assembly assembly)) { assembly = Assembly.Load(File.ReadAllBytes(file)); Assemblies.Add(name, assembly); } if (this.IsSecure(assembly, out ViolationType violationType)) { foreach (Type type in assembly.GetExportedTypes()) { if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(CSPlugin)) && type.IsPublic && !type.IsAbstract) { object instance = Activator.CreateInstance(type); CSPlugin plugin = (CSPlugin)instance; if (name != plugin.Title) { logger.LogWarning($"[CSharp] Failed to load plugin {plugin.Title} because the file name is not the same as the title"); return; } if (((plugin.CoreVersion.ToString() == "") || (plugin.CoreVersion >= Redox.Version)) || Bootstrap.RedoxMod.Config.LoadIncompitablePlugins) { plugin.FileInfo = info; PluginContainer container = new PluginContainer(plugin, instance, Language); PluginCollector.GetCollector().AddPlugin(container); Plugins.Add(plugin.Title, plugin); logger.LogInfo(string.Format("[CSharp] Succesfully loaded plugin {0}, {1}, Author {2} ({3})", plugin.Title, plugin.Version, plugin.Author, plugin.Description)); } else { logger.LogWarning($"[Redox] Plugin \"{plugin.Title}\" is not compitable with the current redox version!"); } } } sw.Stop(); int time = sw.Elapsed.Milliseconds; if (time > 500) { logger.LogSpeed(string.Format("[CSharp] Plugin {0} took {1} milliseconds to load", name, time)); } } else { logger.LogWarning(string.Format("[CSharp] {0} has been blocked due security violation: {1}", assembly.GetName().Name, violationType)); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogError(string.Format("[CSharp] Failed to load {0}, Error: {1}", info.Name, ex)); } } }
public Configuration(string name, CSPlugin plugin) { Settings = new Dictionary <string, object>(); this.plugin = plugin; = name + ".json"; }
public PluginInfo(CSPlugin plug, PluginState state, string msg) { Plugin = plug; State = state; Message = msg; }