public void TestCharacterConstructors()
            var swiftCode = @"public func Echo (c: Character) -> Character { return c; }";

            var           callingCode = new CodeElementCollection <ICodeElement> ();
            StringBuilder expected    = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (string c in TestCases)
                CSIdentifier testIdentifier = (CSIdentifier)$@"""{c}""";

                var ctorCall     = CSFunctionCall.Ctor("SwiftCharacter", testIdentifier);
                var fromCall     = CSFunctionCall.Function("SwiftCharacter.FromCharacter", testIdentifier);
                var implicitCall = new CSCastExpression((CSSimpleType)"SwiftCharacter", testIdentifier);

                foreach (var call in new CSBaseExpression [] { ctorCall, fromCall, implicitCall })
                    CSLine print = CSFunctionCall.FunctionLine("Console.Write", CSFunctionCall.Function("TopLevelEntities.Echo", call));

            TestRunning.TestAndExecute(swiftCode, callingCode, expected.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 2
        void WrapMultipleMethod(string type, string return1, string return2, string expected)
            string swiftCode = String.Format("public final class MontyWMM{3} {{ public init() {{ }}\n public func val() -> {0} {{ return {1}; }}; public func val1() -> {0} {{ return {2}; }}}}",
                                             type, return1, return2, type);
            CodeElementCollection <ICodeElement> callingCode = new CodeElementCollection <ICodeElement> ();

            callingCode.Add(CSFunctionCall.ConsoleWriteLine(CSConstant.Val("{0} {1}"),
            TestRunning.TestAndExecute(swiftCode, callingCode, expected, testName: $"WrapMultiMethod{type}");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        void WrapSingleMethod(string type, string returnVal, string expected)
            string swiftCode = String.Format("public final class MontyWSM{2} {{ class InnerMonty {{\n}}\npublic init() {{}}\n public func val() -> {0} {{ return {1}; }} }}",
                                             type, returnVal, type);

            CodeElementCollection <ICodeElement> callingCode = new CodeElementCollection <ICodeElement> ();


            TestRunning.TestAndExecute(swiftCode, callingCode, expected, testName: $"WrapSingleMethod{type}");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        void WrapSingleProperty(string type, string returnVal, string reassignVal, string expected)
            string swiftCode = String.Format("public final class MontyWSP{2} {{ public init() {{ }}\npublic var val:{0} = {1}; }}",
                                             type, returnVal, type);

            CodeElementCollection <ICodeElement> callingCode = new CodeElementCollection <ICodeElement> {
                CSAssignment.Assign("var nothing", CSFunctionCall.Ctor($"MontyWSP{type}")),
                CSAssignment.Assign("nothing.Val", new CSConstant(reassignVal)),

            TestRunning.TestAndExecute(swiftCode, callingCode, expected, testName: $"WrapSingleProperty{type}");
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void UnicodeInClassNameAndProperty()
            string swiftCode =
                "public class cd1\x1800 {\n" +
                "   public init() { }\n" +
                "   public var v\x3004:Int = 3\n" +

            var callingCode = new CodeElementCollection <ICodeElement> {
                CSVariableDeclaration.VarLine((CSSimpleType)"Cd1U1800", "cl", CSFunctionCall.Ctor("Cd1U1800")),

            TestRunning.TestAndExecute(swiftCode, callingCode, "3\n");
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void TestMissingNSObject(PlatformName platform)
            string swiftCode =
                "import Foundation\n" +
                "public final class MissingNSObject {\n" +
                "   public init() { }\n" +
                "   public func val() -> Int { return 5; }\n" +
                "   public func skip(a:NSObject) { }\n" +

            CodeElementCollection <ICodeElement> callingCode = new CodeElementCollection <ICodeElement> ();

            TestRunning.TestAndExecute(swiftCode, callingCode, "5\n", platform: platform);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void UnicodeInClassNameAndMethod()
            string swiftCode =
                "public class cc1\x1800 {\n" +
                "   public init() { }\n" +
                "   public func doIt\x3004() -> Int {\n" +
                "       return 3\n" +
                "   }\n" +

            var callingCode = new CodeElementCollection <ICodeElement> {
                CSVariableDeclaration.VarLine((CSSimpleType)"Cc1U1800", "cl", CSFunctionCall.Ctor("Cc1U1800")),

            TestRunning.TestAndExecute(swiftCode, callingCode, "3\n");
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void UnicodeInStructName()
            string swiftCode =
                "public struct s\x1800 {\n" +
                "   public init() { }\n" +
                "   public func doIt() -> Int {\n" +
                "       return 3\n" +
                "   }\n" +

            var callingCode = new CodeElementCollection <ICodeElement> {
                CSVariableDeclaration.VarLine((CSSimpleType)"SU1800", "st", CSFunctionCall.Ctor("SU1800")),

            TestRunning.TestAndExecute(swiftCode, callingCode, "3\n");
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void NSObjectObjCMethodTest1()
            string swiftCode =
                "import Foundation\n" +
                "@objc\n" +
                "open class ItsLessSimple : NSObject {\n" +
                "    public override init () { }\n" +
                "    @objc open func returns15() -> Int {\n" +
                "        return 15\n" +
                "    }\n" +

            var objID       = new CSIdentifier("obj");
            var objDecl     = CSVariableDeclaration.VarLine(CSSimpleType.Var, objID, CSFunctionCall.Ctor("ItsLessSimple"));
            var printer     = CSFunctionCall.ConsoleWriteLine(CSFunctionCall.Function(objID.Name + ".Returns15"));
            var callingCode = CSCodeBlock.Create(objDecl, printer);

            TestRunning.TestAndExecute(swiftCode, callingCode, "15\n", platform: PlatformName.macOS);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void ExtensionOnClassTest()
            var swiftCode =
                "public class Hamburger {\n" +
                "    public init () { }\n" +
                "    public func AddOnions () {}\n" +
                "}\n" +
                "public extension Hamburger {" +
                "    public func Price () -> Double {\n" +
                "        return 2.99\n" +
                "    }\n" +

            var myDecl  = CSVariableDeclaration.VarLine(CSSimpleType.Var, "burg", CSFunctionCall.Ctor("Hamburger"));
            var printer = CSFunctionCall.ConsoleWriteLine(new CSFunctionCall("burg.Price", false));

            var callingCode = CSCodeBlock.Create(myDecl, printer);

            TestRunning.TestAndExecute(swiftCode, callingCode, "2.99\n");
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void ExtensionOnUserTypeTest()
            var swiftCode =
                @"public class HotDogOnUserType
    public init ()


public extension HotDogOnUserType
    public func Price () -> Double { return 2.99 }

            var myDecl  = CSVariableDeclaration.VarLine(CSSimpleType.Var, "dawg", CSFunctionCall.Ctor("HotDogOnUserType"));
            var printer = CSFunctionCall.ConsoleWriteLine(new CSFunctionCall("dawg.Price", false));

            var callingCode = CSCodeBlock.Create(myDecl, printer);

            TestRunning.TestAndExecute(swiftCode, callingCode, "2.99\n");
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void ArcClassStruct()
            string swiftCode =
                "public final class Foo {\npublic var _nm:String\npublic init(name:String) {\n_nm = name }\n" +
                "deinit {\nprint(_nm)\n}\n}\n" +
                "public struct Bar {\n public var a:Foo\n public init(f:Foo) {\n a = f\n}\n }\n"

            swiftCode += TestRunning.CreateSwiftConsoleRedirect();

            using (TempDirectoryFilenameProvider provider = new TempDirectoryFilenameProvider(null, true)) {
                Utils.CompileSwift(swiftCode, provider);

                string libFileName = Path.Combine(provider.DirectoryPath, "libXython.dylib");
                var    errors      = new ErrorHandling();

                ModuleInventory.FromFile(libFileName, errors);


                CSUsingPackages use = new CSUsingPackages("System", "System.Runtime.InteropServices", "SwiftRuntimeLibrary");

                CSNamespace ns     = new CSNamespace("Xython");
                CSFile      csfile = CSFile.Create(use, ns);

                CSIdentifier inst  = new CSIdentifier("inst");
                CSLine       newer = CSVariableDeclaration.VarLine((CSSimpleType)"Foo", inst, CSFunctionCall.Ctor("Foo",
                                                                                                                  CSFunctionCall.Function("SwiftString.FromString", CSConstant.Val("nothing"))));

                CSIdentifier inst1  = new CSIdentifier("bar");
                CSLine       newer1 = CSVariableDeclaration.VarLine((CSSimpleType)"Bar", inst1, CSFunctionCall.Ctor("Bar", inst));

                CSLine disposer  = CSFunctionCall.FunctionCallLine(inst.Name + ".Dispose", false);
                CSLine disposer1 = CSFunctionCall.FunctionCallLine(inst1.Name + ".Dispose", false);

                CSCodeBlock mainBody = CSCodeBlock.Create(newer, newer1, disposer, disposer1);

                CSMethod main = new CSMethod(CSVisibility.Public, CSMethodKind.Static, CSSimpleType.Void,
                                             (CSIdentifier)"Main", new CSParameterList(new CSParameter(CSSimpleType.CreateArray("string"), "args")),
                CSClass mainClass = new CSClass(CSVisibility.Public, "NameNotImportant", new CSMethod [] { main });

                string csOutFilename  = provider.ProvideFileFor(provider.UniqueName(null, "CSWrap", "cs"));
                var    exeOutFilename = provider.UniquePath(null, "CSWrap", "exe");

                CodeWriter.WriteToFile(csOutFilename, csfile);

                Compiler.CSCompile(provider.DirectoryPath, Directory.GetFiles(provider.DirectoryPath, "*.cs"), exeOutFilename);


                string output = Compiler.RunWithMono(exeOutFilename, provider.DirectoryPath);
                Assert.AreEqual("nothing\n", output);
        public void TestCharacterCreation()
            var           swiftCode   = @"
public class CharacterHolder
    public var C: Character;
    public init (c: Character) {C = c }
            var           callingCode = new CodeElementCollection <ICodeElement> ();
            StringBuilder expected    = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (string c in TestCases)
                CSIdentifier testIdentifier = (CSIdentifier)$@"""{c}""";

                Action <ICSExpression> testCharacter = creation => {
                    CSCodeBlock block = new CSCodeBlock();
                    block.Add(CSVariableDeclaration.VarLine((CSSimpleType)"SwiftCharacter", (CSIdentifier)"Char", creation));

                    block.Add(CSVariableDeclaration.VarLine((CSSimpleType)"CharacterHolder", (CSIdentifier)"Foo", CSFunctionCall.Ctor("CharacterHolder", (CSIdentifier)"Char")));
                    block.Add(CSFunctionCall.FunctionLine("Console.Write", (CSIdentifier)"(string)Foo.C"));



                testCharacter(CSFunctionCall.Function("SwiftCharacter.FromCharacter", (testIdentifier)));
                testCharacter(new CSCastExpression((CSSimpleType)"SwiftCharacter", testIdentifier));

            TestRunning.TestAndExecute(swiftCode, callingCode, expected.ToString());
        public void TestCharacterReturns()
            var           swiftCode   = @"
public class CharacterEcho
    var C : Character;
    public init (c : Character) { C = c }
    public func GetValue () -> Character { return C }
    public var Value : Character { get { return C; } }
            var           callingCode = new CodeElementCollection <ICodeElement> ();
            StringBuilder expected    = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (string c in TestCases)
                CSIdentifier testIdentifier = (CSIdentifier)$@"""{c}""";

                CSCodeBlock block     = new CSCodeBlock();
                var         ctorParam = new CSCastExpression((CSSimpleType)"SwiftCharacter", testIdentifier);
                CSLine      instance  = CSVariableDeclaration.VarLine((CSSimpleType)"CharacterEcho", (CSIdentifier)"Foo", CSFunctionCall.Ctor("CharacterEcho", ctorParam));

                // First the properties
                var explicitCastProp = (CSIdentifier)"(string)Foo.Value";
                var toStringProp     = (CSIdentifier)"Foo.Value.ToString ()";

                // Then the function returns as well
                var explicitCastFun = (CSIdentifier)"(string)Foo.GetValue ()";
                var toStringFun     = (CSIdentifier)"Foo.GetValue ().ToString ()";

                foreach (var call in new CSBaseExpression [] { explicitCastProp, toStringProp, explicitCastFun, toStringFun })
                    CSLine print = CSFunctionCall.FunctionLine("Console.Write", call);


            TestRunning.TestAndExecute(swiftCode, callingCode, expected.ToString());
        public void PropertyWithPrivateSet()
            string swiftCode = $@"public class Node {{
    public init() {{ }}
    public init(parent: Node) {{ Parent = parent }}

    open private(set) weak var Parent: Node?

            var parentDecl = CSVariableDeclaration.VarLine((CSSimpleType)"Node", "parent", CSFunctionCall.Ctor("Node"));
            var childDecl  = CSVariableDeclaration.VarLine((CSSimpleType)"Node", "child", CSFunctionCall.Ctor("Node", (CSIdentifier)"parent"));

            var callingCode = CSCodeBlock.Create(parentDecl, childDecl);

            TestRunning.TestAndExecute(swiftCode, callingCode, "");
        public void IgnoresPrivateClassProperty()
            var swiftCode = @"public class Pluralize {
				public init() { }
					class var hidden: Int { return 3; }
					public func nothing() { }

            var pluralDecl = CSVariableDeclaration.VarLine((CSSimpleType)"Pluralize", "plural", CSFunctionCall.Ctor("Pluralize"));
            var noop       = CSFunctionCall.FunctionLine("plural.Nothing");

            var output = CSFunctionCall.ConsoleWriteLine(CSConstant.Val("Success"));

            var callingCode = CSCodeBlock.Create(pluralDecl, noop, output);

            TestRunning.TestAndExecute(swiftCode, callingCode, "Success\n");