Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override void ParseBytes(CR2WBinaryReader br, uint size)
            base.ParseClass(br, this);

            var zero        = br.ReadUInt32();
            var mipCount    = br.ReadUInt32();
            var width       = br.ReadUInt32();
            var height      = br.ReadUInt32();
            var unknown5    = br.ReadUInt32();
            var sizeorpitch = br.ReadUInt32();

            //var unknown7    = br.ReadUInt32();

            Console.WriteLine("zero        {0}", zero);
            Console.WriteLine("mipCount    {0}", mipCount);
            Console.WriteLine("width       {0}", width);
            Console.WriteLine("height      {0}", height);
            Console.WriteLine("unknown5    {0}", unknown5);
            Console.WriteLine("sizeorpitch {0}", sizeorpitch);
            //Console.WriteLine("unknown7    {0}", sizeorpitch);

            var ddsheader = new DDSStruct
                size        = 124,
                flags       = 659463,
                width       = width,
                height      = height,
                sizeorpitch = sizeorpitch,
                depth       = 1,
                mipmapcount = 1,
                reserved    = new uint[10],

            ddsheader.ddscaps.caps1      = 4096;
            ddsheader.pixelformat.size   = 32;
            ddsheader.pixelformat.flags  = 5;
            ddsheader.pixelformat.fourcc = DDSHelper.FOURCC_DXT1;

            var dds = new DDSImage(br, ddsheader, true);

            Form form = new Form
                Text       = LinkageName,
                ClientSize = new Size((int)width, (int)height),
            PictureBox pictureBox = new PictureBox
                Image  = dds.BitmapImage,
                Width  = (int)width,
                Height = (int)height

            var t = new Task(() =>

Ejemplo n.º 2
 protected void ParseClass(CR2WBinaryReader br, object instance)
     while (true)
         var nameId = br.ReadUInt16();
         if (nameId == 0)
         var typeId = br.ReadInt16();
         var size   = br.ReadUInt32() - 4;
         var prop   = GetPropertybyW3Name(br.names[nameId], instance.GetType());
         var value  = ParseProperty(br, prop.PropertyType);
         prop.SetValue(instance, value);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 protected void ParseClass(CR2WBinaryReader br, object instance)
     while (true)
         var nameId = br.ReadUInt16();
         if (nameId == 0)
         var typeId = br.ReadInt16();
         var size   = br.ReadUInt32() - 4;
         var prop   = instance.GetType().GetREDProperty(br.names[nameId], br.names[typeId]);
         if (prop == null)
             Console.WriteLine("ERROR - Property ({0} : {1}) not found in {2}, skipping!", br.names[nameId], br.names[typeId], instance.GetType().Name);
             br.BaseStream.Seek(size, SeekOrigin.Current);
         var value = ParseProperty(br, prop.PropertyType);
         prop.SetValue(instance, value);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        protected object ParseProperty(CR2WBinaryReader br, Type proptype)
            //Basic / Value Types
            switch (proptype.Name)
            case "Byte":              return(br.ReadByte());

            case "UInt16":            return(br.ReadUInt16());

            case "UInt32":            return(br.ReadUInt32());

            case "UInt64":            return(br.ReadUInt64());

            case "SByte":             return(br.ReadSByte());

            case "Int16":             return(br.ReadInt16());

            case "Int32":             return(br.ReadInt32());

            case "Int64":             return(br.ReadInt64());

            case "Boolean":           return(br.ReadBoolean());

            case "Single":            return(br.ReadSingle());

            case "Double":            return(br.ReadDouble());

            case "CName":             return(br.ReadCName());

            case "CGUID":             return(br.ReadCGUID());

            case "IdTag":             return(br.ReadIdTag());

            case "TagList":           return(br.ReadTagList());

            case "EngineTransform":   return(br.ReadEngineTransform());

            case "EngineQsTransform": return(br.ReadEngineQsTransform());

            case "CDateTime":         return(br.ReadCDateTime());

            case "String":            return(br.ReadStringDefaultSingle());

            //Parse Enumarators
            if (proptype.IsEnum)

            //Parse Generic Types (Array, Soft, Ptr, Handle)
            if (proptype.IsGenericType)
                var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(proptype);
                var genprop  = proptype.GetTypeInfo().GenericTypeArguments[0];
                if (proptype.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Array <>))
                    var length = br.ReadUInt32();
                    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                        var value = ParseProperty(br, genprop);
                        proptype.GetMethod("Add").Invoke(instance, new[] { value });
                else if (proptype.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Soft <>))
                    var id = br.ReadUInt16() - 1;
                    if (br.resources[id].type != genprop.Name)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Soft type mistatch. Expected Type: {genprop.Name}. Type Read: {br.resources[id].type}.");
                    proptype.GetProperty("DepotPath").SetValue(instance, br.resources[id].path);
                    proptype.GetProperty("Flags").SetValue(instance, br.resources[id].flags);

            //Parse classes
            if (proptype.IsClass)
                var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(proptype);
                ParseClass(br, instance);

            //Any Unknown Type
            //Should be impossible to reach if all types get covered above.
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override void ParseBytes(CR2WBinaryReader br, uint size)
            base.ParseBytes(br, size);

             *  This is a temporary solution for reading the contents of a CBitmapTexture
             *  What this does is contruct a dds header object and parse it and the raw bytes
             *  using the dds library.
             *  The bitmap bytes from the cr2w has a header 28 bytes long, containing data about the
             *  image such as size and height etc...
             *  There are 4 unknown ones.
             *  This class should in the end support reading all xbm files with means supporting not just
             *  dds but tga, bmp, png, and jpg.

            var zero        = br.ReadUInt32();
            var mipCount    = br.ReadUInt32();
            var width       = br.ReadUInt32();
            var height      = br.ReadUInt32();
            var unknown5    = br.ReadUInt32();
            var sizeorpitch = br.ReadUInt32();

            Console.WriteLine("zero        {0}", zero);
            Console.WriteLine("mipCount    {0}", mipCount);
            Console.WriteLine("width       {0}", width);
            Console.WriteLine("height      {0}", height);
            Console.WriteLine("unknown5    {0}", unknown5);
            Console.WriteLine("sizeorpitch {0}", sizeorpitch);

            var ddsheader = new DDSStruct
                size        = 124,
                flags       = 659463,
                width       = width,
                height      = height,
                sizeorpitch = sizeorpitch,
                depth       = 1,
                mipmapcount = 1,
                reserved    = new uint[10],

            ddsheader.ddscaps.caps1      = 4096;
            ddsheader.pixelformat.size   = 32;
            ddsheader.pixelformat.flags  = 5;
            ddsheader.pixelformat.fourcc = DDSHelper.FOURCC_DXT1;

            var dds = new DDSImage(br, ddsheader, true);

            Form form = new Form
                Text       = "Image",
                ClientSize = new Size((int)width, (int)height),
            PictureBox pictureBox = new PictureBox
                Image  = dds.BitmapImage,
                Width  = (int)width,
                Height = (int)height

            var t = new Task(() =>
