private void OnCOMPortDataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e) { do { var rxChar = Convert.ToByte(COMPort.ReadByte()); RawData[DataIndex++] = rxChar; if (DataIndex >= RawData.Length) { DataIndex = 0; DataValid = false; try { RocketData.Bytes = RawData; DataLastUpdateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; DataStreamValid++; } catch (ArgumentException ex) { Console.WriteLine($@"Rocket Data Error: {ex.Message}"); DataStreamInvalid++; } } else if (rxChar == 0xFF) { if (DataIndex >= 8) { DataValid = true; } } else if (!DataValid) { DataIndex = 0; } } while (IsConnected && COMPort.BytesToRead > 0); }
public void clearDataCOM() { try { COMPort.DiscardInBuffer(); } catch (Exception ex) {} }
protected virtual void ConnectToPort(object obj) { if (IsConnected || SerialPort.GetPortNames().All(x => x != SelectedPort)) { COMPort.Close(); } else { DataIndex = 0; DataValid = false; COMPort.PortName = SelectedPort; COMPort.BaudRate = 115200; COMPort.DataBits = 8; COMPort.StopBits = StopBits.One; COMPort.Handshake = Handshake.None; COMPort.Parity = Parity.None; try { COMPort.Open(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($@"Error opening port: {ex.Message}"); } DataLastUpdateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; } OnPropertyChanged(nameof(ComboIsEnabled)); OnPropertyChanged(nameof(IsConnected)); OnPropertyChanged(nameof(ConnectText)); OnPropertyChanged(nameof(ConnectIsEnabled)); }
private void InitializeSerialPorts() { var ArrayComPortsNames = SerialPort.GetPortNames(); var i = 0; foreach (string array in ArrayComPortsNames) { Model.COMPort port = new COMPort(); port.Id = i; port.COM = array; Model.COMPort.COMPorts.Add(port); i++; } Ports.ItemsSource = Model.COMPort.COMPorts; Ports.DisplayMemberPath = "COM"; BaudRates.ItemsSource = Model.BaudRate.BaudRates; BaudRates.DisplayMemberPath = "Value"; HandShakes.ItemsSource = EHandshake.Handshakes; Parities.ItemsSource = EParity.Parities; StopBites.ItemsSource = EStopBits.StopBites; HandShakes.DisplayMemberPath = "Name"; Parities.DisplayMemberPath = "Name"; StopBites.DisplayMemberPath = "Name"; var settings = Settings.Instance; DataBits.Text = settings.DataBits.ToString(); BaudRates.SelectedIndex = settings.BaudRate != null ? settings.BaudRate.Id : BaudRate.Default.Id; HandShakes.SelectedIndex = settings.Handshake != null ? settings.Handshake.Id : EHandshake.Default.Id; Parities.SelectedIndex = settings.Parity != null ? settings.Parity.Id : EParity.Default.Id; StopBites.SelectedIndex = settings.StopBits != null ? settings.StopBits.Id - 1 : EStopBits.Default.Id - 1; }
public dynArduino() { //InPortData.Add(new PortData(null, "loop", "The loop to execute.", typeof(dynLoop))); InPortData.Add(new PortData(null, "i/o", "Switch Arduino on?", typeof(dynBool))); InPortData.Add(new PortData(null, "tim", "How often to receive updates.", typeof(dynTimer))); OutPortData.Add(new PortData(null, "S", "Serial output", typeof(dynDouble))); //OutPortData[0].Object = this.Tree; base.RegisterInputsAndOutputs(); port = new SerialPort("COM3", 9600); port.NewLine = "\r\n"; port.DtrEnable = true; //port.DataReceived += new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler(serialPort1_DataReceived); com3Item = new System.Windows.Controls.MenuItem(); com3Item.Header = "COM3"; com3Item.IsCheckable = true; com3Item.IsChecked = true; com3Item.Checked += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(com3Item_Checked); com4Item = new System.Windows.Controls.MenuItem(); com4Item.Header = "COM4"; com4Item.IsCheckable = true; com4Item.IsChecked = false; com4Item.Checked += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(com4Item_Checked); this.MainContextMenu.Items.Add(com3Item); this.MainContextMenu.Items.Add(com4Item); portState = COMPort.COM3; port.PortName = "COM3"; }
private void OnCOMPortDataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e) { do { var rxChar = Convert.ToByte(COMPort.ReadByte()); RawData[DataIndex++] = rxChar; if (DataIndex >= RawData.Length) { DataIndex = 0; } if (DataValid) { DataValid = false; try { //GSData.Bytes = _portDataRaw; DataLastUpdateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; DataStreamValid++; } catch (ArgumentException) { DataStreamInvalid++; } } else if (rxChar == 0xFF) { if (DataIndex >= 8) { DataValid = true; } } else { DataIndex = 0; } } while (COMPort.BytesToRead > 0); }
private async void ConnectBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { ConnectBtn.Enabled = false; LoadMessagesBtn.Enabled = false; DisconnectBtn.Enabled = false; if (ComPortsComboBox.SelectedItem == null) { throw new Exception("Select Valid COM Port"); } COMPort portt = (COMPort)ComPortsComboBox.SelectedItem; AppendStatus($"Connecting to PORT: {portt.AttachedTo} {portt.Description}"); //Try Connect await modemService.ConnectToCOMPortAsync(portt); AppendStatus($"CONNECTED to PORT: {portt.AttachedTo} {portt.Description}"); ConnectBtn.Enabled = true; LoadMessagesBtn.Enabled = true; DisconnectBtn.Enabled = true; } catch (Exception ex) { AppendStatus($"ERROR: " + ex.Message); LoadMessagesBtn.Enabled = false; DisconnectBtn.Enabled = false; } }
/// <summary> /// Override lai ham nhan du lieu tu router emboard qua cong COM /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> public override void comPort_DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e) { try { if (COMPort.IsOpen == true) { DataReadCOM = COMPort.ReadLine(); //DataReadCOM = COMPort.ReadExisting(); if (DataReadCOM[0] != '#' && DataReadCOM[0] != 'R') // sai o cho nay, can hoi lai { DisplayData(DataReadCOM, txtShowData); } if ((DataReadCOM.Length >= 6) && (DataReadCOM[0] == '#')) { WebServer.dataSendToWeb.Enqueue(DataReadCOM); //convertData(DataReadCOM); DataProcess.Enqueue(DataReadCOM); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ERR = ex.Message; } }
/// <summary> /// 处理接收到的Ntrip数据。 /// </summary> /// <param name="myBytes"></param> private void ProcessReceivingData(byte[] myBytes) { //写到串口 if (COMPort.IsOpen) { COMPort.Write(myBytes, 0, myBytes.Length); } //写到本地接收器 if (this.Option.IsWriteToLocal) { WriteRawDataToLocal(myBytes); } //实时解析处理器 if (Rtcm3DataReceiver != null) { Rtcm3DataReceiver.Receive(myBytes); } if (ReceivedByteCount == 0) { OnInfoProduced(Name + " NTRIP Client is receiving data."); } ReceivedByteCount += myBytes.Length; OnInstantInfoProduced(Name + " Connected, " + Strings.Format(ReceivedByteCount, "###,###,###,##0") + " bytes received."); }
public Task <bool> ConnectToCOMPortAsync(COMPort port) { return(Task.Run(() => { return ConnectToCOMPort(port); })); }
private void COMPort_DataReceived(object sender, System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e) { if (firstStart) { Display.Series[0].Points.Clear(); Display.Series[1].Points.Clear(); Display.Series[2].Points.Clear(); firstStart = false; } if (NumMode.Checked == false) { byte[] buf = new byte[COMPort.BytesToRead]; COMPort.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length); foreach (Byte mes in buf) { countByte++; value = value << 8 | mes; if (countByte == length) { //Display.Series[seriousCount].Points.AddY(value); this.Invoke(new Action(() => { Display.Series[seriousCount].Points.AddY(value); })); value = 0; seriousCount++; countByte = 0; } if (seriousCount == seriousnum) { seriousCount = 0; } } } else { byte[] buf = new byte[COMPort.BytesToRead]; COMPort.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length); foreach (Byte mes in buf) { countByte++; value = value * 10 + (mes - '0'); if (countByte == length) { //Display.Series[seriousCount].Points.AddY(value); this.Invoke(new Action(() => { Display.Series[seriousCount].Points.AddY(value); })); value = 0; seriousCount++; countByte = 0; } if (seriousCount == seriousnum) { seriousCount = 0; } } } }
public void SendPacket() { if (!IsConnected) { return; } var data = GSCommand.Bytes; COMPort.Write(data, 0, data.Length); }
public void SendPacket(bool launchArmed) { RocketCommand.LaunchArmed = launchArmed; if (!IsConnected) { return; } var data = RocketCommand.Bytes; COMPort.Write(data, 0, data.Length); }
private void btnWrite_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { byte[] buff = new byte[41]; buff[0] = 0xaa; buff[1] = 0x57; // W buff[2] = Convert.ToByte(chkPPMA.Checked); buff[3] = (byte)(cbFrameA.SelectedIndex + 4); buff[4] = (byte)(cbChannelsA.SelectedIndex + 1); buff[5] = (byte)(cbChA1.SelectedIndex); buff[6] = (byte)(cbChA2.SelectedIndex); buff[7] = (byte)(cbChA3.SelectedIndex); buff[8] = (byte)(cbChA4.SelectedIndex); buff[9] = (byte)(cbChA5.SelectedIndex); buff[10] = (byte)(cbChA6.SelectedIndex); buff[11] = (byte)(cbChA7.SelectedIndex); buff[12] = (byte)(cbChA8.SelectedIndex); buff[13] = (byte)(cbChA9.SelectedIndex); buff[14] = (byte)(cbChA10.SelectedIndex); buff[15] = (byte)(cbChA11.SelectedIndex); buff[16] = (byte)(cbChA12.SelectedIndex); buff[17] = (byte)(cbChA13.SelectedIndex); buff[18] = (byte)(cbChA14.SelectedIndex); buff[19] = (byte)(cbChA15.SelectedIndex); buff[20] = (byte)(cbChA16.SelectedIndex); buff[21] = Convert.ToByte(chkPPMB.Checked); buff[22] = (byte)(cbFrameB.SelectedIndex + 4); buff[23] = (byte)(cbChannelsB.SelectedIndex + 1); buff[24] = (byte)(cbChB1.SelectedIndex); buff[25] = (byte)(cbChB2.SelectedIndex); buff[26] = (byte)(cbChB3.SelectedIndex); buff[27] = (byte)(cbChB4.SelectedIndex); buff[28] = (byte)(cbChB5.SelectedIndex); buff[29] = (byte)(cbChB6.SelectedIndex); buff[30] = (byte)(cbChB7.SelectedIndex); buff[31] = (byte)(cbChB8.SelectedIndex); buff[32] = (byte)(cbChB9.SelectedIndex); buff[33] = (byte)(cbChB10.SelectedIndex); buff[34] = (byte)(cbChB11.SelectedIndex); buff[35] = (byte)(cbChB12.SelectedIndex); buff[36] = (byte)(cbChB13.SelectedIndex); buff[37] = (byte)(cbChB14.SelectedIndex); buff[38] = (byte)(cbChB15.SelectedIndex); buff[39] = (byte)(cbChB16.SelectedIndex); buff[40] = 0x5d; COMPort.Open(); COMPort.Write(buff, 0, 41); COMPort.Close(); }
public static void ThreadWriteProcess() { COMPort cp = new COMPort("COM1"); cp.Open(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { Thread.Sleep(100); cp.setBuffer(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("hello world")); cp.Write(); } cp.Close(); }
public static void ThreadReadProcess() { COMPort cp = new COMPort("COM2"); cp.Open(); while (true) { Thread.Sleep(100); if (cp.Read() > 0) { Console.WriteLine(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(cp.getBuffer())); } } }
public bool ConnectToCOMPort(COMPort port) { //Will Close any Active or Open Port DisconnectFromCOMPort(); ActiveSerialPort.PortName = port.AttachedTo; ActiveSerialPort.BaudRate = 9600; ActiveSerialPort.Parity = System.IO.Ports.Parity.None; ActiveSerialPort.DataBits = 8; ActiveSerialPort.StopBits = System.IO.Ports.StopBits.One; ActiveSerialPort.Handshake = System.IO.Ports.Handshake.None; ActiveSerialPort.RtsEnable = true; ActiveSerialPort.ReceivedBytesThreshold = 1; ActiveSerialPort.NewLine = Environment.NewLine; ActiveSerialPort.ReadTimeout = 1000; ActiveSerialPort.Open(); return(IsCOMPortOpen()); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (button1.Text == "打开串口") { if (comboBoxBaudRate.SelectedIndex == 1) { COMPort.BaudRate = 115200; } else { COMPort.BaudRate = 9600; } try { COMPort.PortName = comboBoxCOM.Text; COMPort.Open(); } catch (ArgumentException exc) { MessageBox.Show(exc.Message); return; } if (COMPort.IsOpen) { MessageBox.Show("打开成功"); string s = "SGT_Debuger Online"; byte[] buf = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(s); COMPort.Write(buf, 0, s.Length); button1.Text = "关闭串口"; } else { MessageBox.Show("存在问题"); } } else { string s = "SGT_Debuger Offline"; byte[] buf = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(s); COMPort.Write(buf, 0, s.Length); COMPort.Close(); button1.Text = "打开串口"; } }
// Executes at start public void Initialize(FrmMain main) { mainForm = main; CATCommon radio1 = main.COMMainProvider.RadioObject(1); if (main.ContestDataProvider.OPTechnique == ContestData.Technique.SO2V) { // Find Microham port foreach (COMPort _comport in main.COMMainProvider._com) { if (_comport._mk2r != null) { microHamPort = _comport; } } if (microHamPort != null) { // Initialize temporary stereo mode to DXLog's stereo mode to support temporary toggle // At start up, radio 1 is always focused and stereo audio is forced main.SetListenStatusMode(COMMain.ListenMode.R1R2, true, false); tempStereoToggle = false; lastFocusedRadio = 1; main.ContestDataProvider.FocusedRadioChanged += new ContestData.FocusedRadioChange(HandleFocusChange); // Only initialize radio if present and ICOM if (radio1 != null) { if (radio1.IsICOM()) { // Initialize radio to DW off, Split off and Main VFO focused radio1.SendCustomCommand(IcomDualWatchOn); radio1.SendCustomCommand(IcomSelectMain); radio1.SendCustomCommand(IcomSplitOff); } } } else { main.COMMainProvider.SignalMessage("ICOM_SO2V: ERROR no Microham device"); } } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (comboBoxBaudRate.SelectedIndex == 1) { COMPort.BaudRate = 115200; } else { COMPort.BaudRate = 9600; } try { COMPort.PortName = comboBoxCOM.Text; COMPort.Open(); } catch (ArgumentException exc) { MessageBox.Show(exc.Message); return; } button1.Text = "连接成功"; }
private void ModbusSendReceive(object param) { lock (this) { try { ModbusParam parameters; if (param is ModbusParam) { parameters = (ModbusParam)param; } else { throw new ModbusPDUException("Wrong parametrization of ModbusSendReceive method."); } byte[] responseFrame = new byte[(int)parameters.ResponseSize]; COMPort.DiscardInBuffer(); COMPort.Write(parameters.RequestADU, 0, parameters.RequestADU.Length); Thread.Sleep(ResponseWaitingDelay); COMPort.Read(responseFrame, 0, (int)parameters.ResponseSize); byte[] adu = ModbusSerialPDU.extractADU(responseFrame); if (responseFrame[1] > (byte)127) { throw new ModbusPDUException(String.Format("Modbus application error : function {0:X}, exception {1:X}", responseFrame[1], responseFrame[2])); } else if (responseFrame[1] == 0x03) { Int16[] values = GetValuesFromResponseADU03(adu); ModbusDataReceived(values); } } catch (Exception ex) { commException = ex; ModbusError(ex); } } }
/// <summary> /// 串口输入。 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void SerialInput(object sender, System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e) { try { ReceiveBuffer += COMPort.ReadExisting(); if (ReceiveBuffer.IndexOf("\r\n") + 1 == 1)// == 1 为添加 { //If InStr(ReceiveBuffer, Chr(13)) Then //Contains at least one carridge return string[] lines = ReceiveBuffer.Split('\n'); //Dim lines() As String = Split(ReceiveBuffer, Chr(13)) for (var i = 0; i <= (lines.Length - 1) - 1; i++) { if (lines[(int)i].Length > 5) { SendSerialLineToUIThread(lines[(int)i].Trim()); } } ReceiveBuffer = lines[(lines.Length - 1)]; } else { //Data doesn't contain any line breaks if (ReceiveBuffer.Length > 4000) { ReceiveBuffer = ""; SendSerialLineToUIThread("No line breaks found in data stream."); } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex.Message); } }
public ApexValidator(COMPort comm, CultureInfo culture) { comPort = comm; currentCulture = culture; }
public ApexValidator(string comm, CultureInfo culture) { comPort = (COMPort)Enum.Parse(typeof(COMPort), comm); currentCulture = culture; }
private void SendOut(char[] message) { COMPort.Write(message, 0, 5); Thread.Sleep(100); }
private void COMPort_DataReceived(object sender, System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e) { labelMES.Text = COMPort.ReadExisting(); }
public ApexValidator(COMPort comm, string culture) { comPort = comm; currentCulture = new CultureInfo(culture); }
private void btnRead_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { byte[] buff = new byte[41]; buff[0] = 0xaa; buff[1] = 0x52; // R for (int i = 2; i < 40; i++) { buff[i] = 0; } buff[40] = 0x5d; COMPort.Open(); COMPort.Write(buff, 0, 41); int cnt = 0; while (cnt < 40) { if (COMPort.BytesToRead > 40) { cnt = COMPort.Read(buff, 0, 41); } } COMPort.Close(); chkPPMA.Checked = (buff[2] == 1); if (buff[3] - 4 < 7) { cbFrameA.SelectedIndex = buff[3] - 4; } if (buff[4] - 1 < 16) { cbChannelsA.SelectedIndex = buff[4] - 1; } if (buff[5] < 17) { cbChA1.SelectedIndex = buff[5]; } if (buff[6] < 17) { cbChA2.SelectedIndex = buff[6]; } if (buff[7] < 17) { cbChA3.SelectedIndex = buff[7]; } if (buff[8] < 17) { cbChA4.SelectedIndex = buff[8]; } if (buff[9] < 17) { cbChA5.SelectedIndex = buff[9]; } if (buff[10] < 17) { cbChA6.SelectedIndex = buff[10]; } if (buff[11] < 17) { cbChA7.SelectedIndex = buff[11]; } if (buff[12] < 17) { cbChA8.SelectedIndex = buff[12]; } if (buff[13] < 17) { cbChA9.SelectedIndex = buff[13]; } if (buff[14] < 17) { cbChA10.SelectedIndex = buff[14]; } if (buff[15] < 17) { cbChA11.SelectedIndex = buff[15]; } if (buff[16] < 17) { cbChA12.SelectedIndex = buff[16]; } if (buff[17] < 17) { cbChA13.SelectedIndex = buff[17]; } if (buff[18] < 17) { cbChA14.SelectedIndex = buff[18]; } if (buff[19] < 17) { cbChA15.SelectedIndex = buff[19]; } if (buff[20] < 17) { cbChA16.SelectedIndex = buff[20]; } chkPPMB.Checked = (buff[21] == 1); if (buff[22] - 4 < 7) { cbFrameB.SelectedIndex = buff[22] - 4; } if (buff[23] - 1 < 16) { cbChannelsB.SelectedIndex = buff[23] - 1; } if (buff[24] < 17) { cbChB1.SelectedIndex = buff[24]; } if (buff[25] < 17) { cbChB2.SelectedIndex = buff[25]; } if (buff[26] < 17) { cbChB3.SelectedIndex = buff[26]; } if (buff[27] < 17) { cbChB4.SelectedIndex = buff[27]; } if (buff[28] < 17) { cbChB5.SelectedIndex = buff[28]; } if (buff[29] < 17) { cbChB6.SelectedIndex = buff[29]; } if (buff[30] < 17) { cbChB7.SelectedIndex = buff[30]; } if (buff[31] < 17) { cbChB8.SelectedIndex = buff[31]; } if (buff[32] < 17) { cbChB9.SelectedIndex = buff[32]; } if (buff[33] < 17) { cbChB10.SelectedIndex = buff[33]; } if (buff[34] < 17) { cbChB11.SelectedIndex = buff[34]; } if (buff[35] < 17) { cbChB12.SelectedIndex = buff[35]; } if (buff[36] < 17) { cbChB13.SelectedIndex = buff[36]; } if (buff[37] < 17) { cbChB14.SelectedIndex = buff[37]; } if (buff[38] < 17) { cbChB15.SelectedIndex = buff[38]; } if (buff[39] < 17) { cbChB16.SelectedIndex = buff[39]; } }
void com3Item_Checked(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e) { portState = COMPort.COM3; com4Item.IsChecked = false; com3Item.IsChecked = true; }
public ApexValidator(string comm) { comPort = (COMPort)Enum.Parse(typeof(COMPort), comm); }
static void Main(string[] args) { String localCallSign; String cmd; String loopback; Int32 channel = 0; Int32 baud = 9600; String tmpc; DataLinkProvider dlProvider; DataLinkProvider digi1; DataLinkProvider digi2; Connection.ConnectionParameterBuf conParams; Connection.ConnectionStatus cstat; Connection.ConnectionStatus[] mcstat = new Connection.ConnectionStatus[12]; DataLinkProvider[] testProvider = new DataLinkProvider[12]; Console.Write("Local station callsign-SSID? (e.g. KA1XYZ-5) ? "); localCallSign = Console.ReadLine(); // // Set loopback mode to Y if you are not using a TNC. // Console.Write("Use loopback mode? (y/[n]) "); tmpc = Console.ReadLine(); loopback = tmpc; Console.Write("TNC Channel number? ([0]/1/2) "); tmpc = Console.ReadLine(); if (tmpc.Length > 0) { channel = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); } // // Step 1: Create the low level Com Port that communicates directly // with the TNC // if (loopback.ToUpper().StartsWith("Y")) { // // Use loopback. No data goes out the serial port // tncComPort = new COMPort("COM1", 9600, true); } else { // // No loopback. Use the real TNC // Console.Write("Com Port? (COM1, COM2, etc) "); String comp = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); Console.Write("Baud? ([9600],19200, etc) "); tmpc = Console.ReadLine(); if (tmpc.Length > 0) { baud = Convert.ToInt32(tmpc); // (JNW Feb 15) } tncComPort = new COMPort(comp, baud); } Char[] c = { ' ' }; // // Tell the KISS layer if there are any characters to 'escape' in // the data stream. The reason for this is some KISS implementations // (Like the TNC in the Kenwood D710A) actually act upon certain // character sequences even when in KISS mode. // // Example: Escape the 'C' character (needed on TM-D710) // // You can also add escape byte for non printable characters using the // SetEscapedCharList(). In this case, supply a string that contains the // comma separated list of bytes to escape. Example: A string value of: // "03, 0d" will exclude byte valus 0x03 and 0x0d // tncComPort.escapedCharList = "C"; //tncComPort.SetEscapedCharsList("03, 0d"); // // Step 2: Create a TNC channel on top of the COM port. TNCs like // the KPC3+ have one channel (channel 0). Other TNCs like the KAM // Plus have 2 (one for VHF (channel 0) and one for HF (channel 1). The // KISS protocol dictates that TNC Channels MUST be in the range of 0-15. // tncVHFChannel = tncComPort.CreateChannel(channel); // // (Optional) Enable the packet monitor function if we want to // monitor all incoming and outgoing packets. Setting the value // to 'Both' enables queue monitoring as well as file logging of // the packets. (We defined the filename above by setting the static // member: Support.pktLogFile above.) // tncVHFChannel.packetMonitorEnable = TNCChannel.PacketMonitorType.Both; // // Step 3: Create a DataLinkProvider assigning it the desited // local station callsign-ssid. Multiple Data Link Providers \ // are supported, however each must have a unique callsign-ssid. // dlProvider = tncVHFChannel.CreateProvider(localCallSign); digi1 = tncVHFChannel.CreateProvider("RELAY1"); digi1.digipeatEnable = true; digi2 = tncVHFChannel.CreateProvider("RELAY2"); digi2.digipeatEnable = true; // // Note: 3a.1 - 3a-3 are optional steps you would do if you want // to change any of the default connection parameter settings for // this particular connection, like MAXIFrame, MaxWindowsSize, etc. // Unless you are planning to change the defaults, you don't have // to do this and can skip right to step 4. // // // Step 3a.1: (Optional) Create a Connection parameter buf to // use during XID negotiation. // conParams = new Connection.ConnectionParameterBuf(); // // Step 3a.2: (Optional) Make any changes to the parameter values // in the parameter buffer here // //conParams.maxWindowSize = 1; //conParams.maxIFrame = 2; // // Step 3a.3: Create a connection using the connection parameters // specified in the parameter buffer and skip step 4 below. // con = dlProvider.CreateConnection(conParams); for (Int32 i = 0; i < testProvider.Length; i++) { testProvider[i] = tncVHFChannel.CreateProvider("T6EST-" + i.ToString()); mcon[i] = testProvider[i].CreateConnection(conParams); mcon[i].registerStateHandlers.ReportConnectionEvents += new EventHandler <ConnectionEvents>(NotifyConnectionState); mcon[i].registerIndicationHandlers.ReportIndicationEvents += new EventHandler <IndicationEvents>(NotifyIndicationEvents); } // // Step 4: Create the Connection using default parameters // //con = dlProvider.CreateConnection(); // // Register for connection state change notifications, if desired // con.registerStateHandlers.ReportConnectionEvents += new EventHandler <ConnectionEvents>(NotifyConnectionState); // // Register for protocol indication event notifications, if desired // con.registerIndicationHandlers.ReportIndicationEvents += new EventHandler <IndicationEvents>(NotifyIndicationEvents); // // Launch our packet monitor thread. (If we chose to monitor packets // above). // MonitorThread = new Thread(PacketMonitor); MonitorThread.Name = "PacketMonitor Thread"; MonitorThread.Start(); // // Launch the thread the displays the data stream coming back from // the remote station // ReaderThread = new Thread(Reader); ReaderThread.Name = "Reader Thread"; ReaderThread.Start(); // // Create a thread that adds a second DataLinkProvider with a different // callsign that we can perform loopback testing with. We only start // the thread when requested by the command '@listener callsign-ssid'. // You would typically only do this when testing in loopback mode. // // In an applications where you wait for other stations to connect, // you can create a pool of connection threads that would permit // multiple independent incoming connections to your app simultaneously. // ResponderThread = new Thread(Responder); // // Command processing loop // StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Commands:" + CRLF); sb.Append(" @h - this help text" + CRLF); sb.Append(" @listener callsign-ssid - Create a second DataLinkProvider for callsign-ssid" + CRLF); sb.Append(" @con callsign-ssid [digi1] [digi2]" + CRLF); sb.Append(" - Connect to remote station callsign-ssid using optional relays" + CRLF); sb.Append(" @mcon n callsign-ssid - Connect T6EST-n to remote station callsign-ssid" + CRLF); sb.Append(" @xid - Initiate XID negotiation" + CRLF); sb.Append(" @data callsign-ssid text - Send 'text' to calllsign-ssid as a datagram packet" + CRLF); sb.Append(" @test callsign-ssid text - Send a TEST command to callsign-ssid & " + CRLF); sb.Append(" wait 5 seconds for a response" + CRLF); sb.Append(" @disc - Disconnect from the currently connected station" + CRLF); sb.Append(" @mdisc n - Disconnect T6EST-n" + CRLF); sb.Append(" @digi callsign-ssid - Create a digipeater at callsign-ssid" + CRLF); sb.Append(" @bye - Disconnect from the currently connected station & " + CRLF); sb.Append(" and exit the program" + CRLF); sb.Append(" @koff - Send the Exit KISS mode sequence to the TNC" + CRLF); sb.Append(" (other text) - Send as data to the connected station" + CRLF + CRLF); Console.WriteLine(sb.ToString()); while (true && dlProvider.Enabled) { // // Command loop // Console.Write(">>> "); cmd = Console.ReadLine(); if (cmd.StartsWith("@h")) { Console.WriteLine(sb.ToString()); continue; } if (cmd.StartsWith("@xid")) { Console.WriteLine("Initiate XID negotiation with remote. status: " + con.InitiateXID().ToString()); continue; } if (cmd.StartsWith("@test ")) { // // Test command requested // String h = cmd.Substring(6); Int32 q = h.IndexOf(" "); String c1 = h.Substring(0, q); h = h.Substring(q + 1); Byte[] resp = dlProvider.LinkTest(c1, "", "", Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(h), 5000); String respC = "(Timeout)"; if (resp != null) { respC = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(resp); } Console.WriteLine("Test response: " + respC); continue; } if (cmd.StartsWith("@koff")) { // // Send the Kiss Exit command to the TNC // tncVHFChannel.SetKissModeOff(); continue; } if (cmd.StartsWith("@digi ")) { // // Start a digipeater // String h = cmd.Substring(6); DataLinkProvider dl = tncVHFChannel.CreateProvider(h); dl.digipeatEnable = true; dl.accessControlListType =; dl.AccessControlListAdd("n6prw-3"); continue; } if (cmd.StartsWith("@data ")) { // // Send UI datagram // String h = cmd.Substring(6); Int32 q = h.IndexOf(" "); String c1 = h.Substring(0, q); h = h.Substring(q + 1); dlProvider.SendDatagram(c1, Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(h), Frame.ProtocolVersion.V22); Console.WriteLine("Datagram Sent: " + h); continue; } if (cmd.StartsWith("@mcon ")) { // // Connect to remote station // String[] h = cmd.Substring(6).Split(c); Int32 m = 0; if (h.Length == 2) { m = Convert.ToInt32(h[0]); mcstat[m] = mcon[m].Connect(h[1]); Console.WriteLine("Connect status: " + mcstat[m].ToString()); } continue; } if (cmd.StartsWith("@con ")) { // // Connect to remote station // cstat = Connection.ConnectionStatus.Busy; String[] h = cmd.Substring(5).Split(c); if (h.Length == 1) { cstat = con.Connect(h[0]); } if (h.Length == 2) { cstat = con.Connect(h[0], h[1]); } if (h.Length == 3) { cstat = con.Connect(h[0], h[1], h[2]); } Console.WriteLine("Connect status: " + cstat.ToString()); continue; } if (cmd.StartsWith("@listener ")) { // // Start the listener we'll use for loopback testing // String h = cmd.Substring(10); responderCallSign = h; if (!ResponderThread.IsAlive) { ResponderThread.Start(); } continue; } if (cmd.StartsWith("@disc")) { // // Disconnect from the remote station // cstat = con.Disconnect(); Console.WriteLine("Disconnected: status: " + cstat.ToString()); continue; } if (cmd.StartsWith("@mdisc ")) { // // Disconnect from the remote station // String[] h = cmd.Substring(7).Split(c); Int32 m = 0; if (h.Length == 1) { m = Convert.ToInt32(h[0]); mcstat[m] = mcon[m].Disconnect(); Console.WriteLine("Disconnected: status: " + mcstat[m].ToString()); } continue; } if (cmd.StartsWith("@exit")) { // // Exit KISS mode // tncVHFChannel.SetKissModeOff(); Console.WriteLine("Kiss mode exited"); break; } if (cmd.StartsWith("@bye")) { // // Disconnect and close the program // cstat = con.Disconnect(); Console.WriteLine("Disconnected: status: " + cstat.ToString()); break; } // everything else is treated as data if (!con.isConnected) { Console.WriteLine("Not connected..."); continue; } else { if (cmd.Length > 0) { con.Send(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(cmd + CR)); } else { Console.WriteLine("Nothing to send"); } } } //con.Close(); //dlProvider.Close(); //tncVHFChannel.Close(); // // Time to go. Just shutting down the lower layer is sufficient. // All the upper instances will be shut down as well. // tncComPort.Close(); Console.Write("Press return to exit"); cmd = Console.ReadLine(); }
void com4Item_Checked(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e) { portState = COMPort.COM4; com4Item.IsChecked = true; com3Item.IsChecked = false; }
public ApexValidator(COMPort comm) { comPort = comm; }
// TBD split this constructor up into 5 separate user story abstractions in a new User stories layer // Do we need a layer called plug-in to pul this off? // or can each user stor object have some public instances that get wired by the us private Application() { // First part of the code is to set up a real farming device simulator instance that we configure with mock data. // In the real application, this would be a real farming device connected to the physical COM port of the PC. // This simulated device gets wired to the COMPort abstraction and pretends to be connected to a real serial COM port. // The simulated device is not part of the application, so is not shown on the application-diagram even though we instantiate and configure it here. // The simulated device emulates the real devices ability to receive SCP commands and respond to them. var simulatedExternalDevice = new RealFarmingDeviceSimulator(); // Configure the simulated device with some session data // Farmers call their files inside devices "sessions". They can configure the fields that they want to use, so here we have three sessions, each with different fields. simulatedExternalDevice.AddSession(name: "session0", date: "2021-02-28", columns: new[] { "F01FID", "F11EID" }); simulatedExternalDevice.AddSession(name: "session1", date: "2021-03-31", columns: new[] { "F01FID", "F11EID", "F10Weight" }); simulatedExternalDevice.AddSession(name: "session2", date: "2021-04-30", columns: new[] { "F01FID", "F11EID", "F10Weight", "F12Remark" }); simulatedExternalDevice.AddSessionData(index: 0, sessionData: new[] { "1", "EID0000000000000" }); simulatedExternalDevice.AddSessionData(index: 0, sessionData: new[] { "2", "EID0000000000001" }); simulatedExternalDevice.AddSessionData(index: 1, sessionData: new[] { "013", "EID0000000000010", "342" }); simulatedExternalDevice.AddSessionData(index: 1, sessionData: new[] { "001", "EID0000000000011", "373" }); simulatedExternalDevice.AddSessionData(index: 1, sessionData: new[] { "002", "EID0000000000012", "304" }); simulatedExternalDevice.AddSessionData(index: 2, sessionData: new[] { "0123", "EID0000000000021", "405", "healthy" }); simulatedExternalDevice.AddSessionData(index: 2, sessionData: new[] { "1023", "EID0000000000022", "376", "pregnant" }); simulatedExternalDevice.AddSessionData(index: 2, sessionData: new[] { "0412", "EID0000000000023", "354", "black spot" }); simulatedExternalDevice.AddSessionData(index: 2, sessionData: new[] { "0219", "EID0000000000024", "395", "lame" }); // -------------------------- BEGIN CODE MANUALLY GENERATED FROM DIAGRAM -------------------------------------------------------------- // The following code has been manually generated from the diagram in application-diagram.drawio (read-only version in application-diagram.pdf) // Refer to that diagram for how this application works, not this code. // Also is a commentary on reading the diagram. // Take an interest in this code if: // 1. You want to understand how the diagram was hand-coded // 2. You want to know all the mechanics of how the ALA diagram was made to actually execute // 3. You have modified the diagram and need to correspondingly modify this code // First instantiate any domain abstractions that we can't instantiate anonymously in the later code because they need to be referred to by name because the diagram has circular wiring: var saveFileBrowser = new SaveFileBrowser(title: "Save file", extension: "CSV"); var textConnected = new Text("Connected", false) { Color = Brushes.Green }; var textSearching = new Text("Searching for a device...") { Color = Brushes.Red }; var scpProtocol = new SCPProtocol(); var arbitrator = new Arbitrator() { InstanceName = "scpDevice" }; var ignoredDataFlowConnector = new DataFlowConnector <string>(); var sessionListScp = new SCPSessions() { InstanceName = "sessionList" }; var sessionDataScp = new SCPData() { InstanceName = "forGrid" }; var sessionDataScpImport = new SCPData() { InstanceName = "import" }; var saveToCsvFileTransact = new Transfer() { InstanceName = "save to csv file transact", AutoLoadNextBatch = true }; var sessionListGrid = new Grid() { InstanceName = "sessions", RowHeight = 50, PrimaryKey = "index" }; var sessionDataGrid = new Grid() { InstanceName = "data" }; var csvFileReaderWriter = new CSVFileReaderWriter(); var comPort = new COMPort(); // Now do all the wiring of the diagram // Note any instances of domain abstractions not already instantiated anonymously in this code. // Note that a.wireTo(b) is an extension method that uses reflection to wire 'a' to 'b' via 'ports'. The ports on 'a' and 'b' must be a programmming paradigm interface of the same interface type - 'a' must have a private field of the interface and 'b' must implement the interface. // Note that the fluent style is used: wireTo returns its first argument, allowing you to call wireTo again to wire it some thing else. // Note that InstanceName properties are not needed by the code - they are just to help when debugging because if there are multiple instances of the same domain abstraction you often dont know which instance you have break-pointed into. // Sometimes WireTo has a second parameter which is the name of the specific port it is wiring to. This ensures wiring to the correct port if there is more than one port of a given type. mainWindow // UI .WireTo(new Vertical(true) { Layouts = new int[] { 0, 0, 2, 0 } } .WireTo(new Horizontal() { InstanceName = "menubar" } .WireTo(new Menubar() .WireTo(new Menu("File") .WireTo(new MenuItem("Import from device") .WireTo(new Wizard("Where do you want to put it?") .WireTo(new RadioButton("Local CSV file") .WireTo(saveFileBrowser) ) .WireTo(new RadioButton("Cloud")) ) ) .WireTo(new MenuItem("Exit") .WireTo(mainWindow) ) ) ) ) .WireTo(new Horizontal() { InstanceName = "toolbar" } .WireTo(new Toolbar() .WireTo(new Tool("5000Import.png") .WireTo(saveFileBrowser .WireTo(csvFileReaderWriter, "dataFlowOutputFilePathNames") .WireTo(saveToCsvFileTransact .WireTo(sessionDataScpImport .WireTo(scpProtocol, "SCPPort") .WireTo(arbitrator, "arbitrator") , "tableDataFlowSource") .WireTo(csvFileReaderWriter, "tableDataFlowDestination") , "fileSelected") ) ) ) ) .WireTo(new Horizontal() { InstanceName = "mainPanel", Ratios = new int[] { 1, 3 } } .WireTo(sessionListGrid .WireTo(sessionListScp .WireTo(scpProtocol, "requestResponseDataFlow") .WireTo(arbitrator, "arbitrator") , "dataSource") .WireTo(sessionListScp, "dataFlowSelectedPrimaryKey") .WireTo(sessionDataGrid .WireTo(sessionDataScp .WireTo(scpProtocol, "SCPPort") .WireTo(arbitrator, "arbitrator") , "dataSource") , "eventRowSelected") ) .WireTo(sessionDataGrid) ) .WireTo(new Horizontal() { InstanceName = "statusbar" } .WireTo(new Statusbar() .WireTo(textConnected) .WireTo(textSearching) ) ) ) .WireTo(new Timer() { Delay = 3000 } .WireTo(new SCPSense() { InstanceName = "scpSence" } .WireTo(arbitrator, "arbitrator") .WireTo(scpProtocol .WireTo(comPort .WireTo(scpProtocol, "outputForCharactersReceiveFromTheCOMPort") .WireTo(simulatedExternalDevice .WireTo(comPort, "responseOutput") , "virtualComPortTx") , "scpCommand") , "requestResponseDataFlow") .WireTo(new DataFlowConnector <bool>() .WireTo(textConnected) .WireTo(new Not() .WireTo(textSearching) ) .WireTo(new ToEvent <bool>() .WireTo(sessionListGrid) ) , "IsDeviceConnected") ) , "appStart"); // -------------------------- END CODE MANUALLY GENERATED FROM DIAGRAM -------------------------------------------------------------- // See logging.cs for an explantion of why we wire up logging instead of using a programming paradigm layer abstraction for it // This logging instance is configured to output to the specified file // We will all the logging output ports of all the programming paradigms to it var debugLoggerToFile = new LoggerToFile(@"C:\ProgramData\Example_ALA\debugLog.txt") { InstanceName = "debugLoggerToFile" }; var debugLoggerToWindow = new LoggerToWindow() { InstanceName = "debugLoggerToWindow" }; // This wires the static diagnostic output port of WireManyPorts abstraction to logging so we get diagnostic output of it wiring up all the other diagnostic outputs WireMany.diagnosticOutput += debugLoggerToWindow.WriteLine; WireMany.diagnosticOutput += wiringLoggerToFile.WriteLine; // this method call will look through all the domain abstractions and wire all their static event diagnosticOutput ports to debugLoggingToWindow // doing the equivalent of the lines below without us having to do every one individually WireMany.WireManyTo("DomainAbstractions", "diagnosticOutput", debugLoggerToWindow, "WriteLine"); WireMany.WireManyTo("DomainAbstractions", "diagnosticOutput", debugLoggerToFile, "WriteLine"); // These manual wirings are how we used to do it - they are now done by WireMany above // Do it this way to override anything that you want to go to a special place // Arbitrator.diagnosticOutput += (s) => Debug.WriteLine(s); // SCPProtocol.diagnosticOutput += (s) => Debug.WriteLine(s); // Grid.diagnosticOutput += (s) => Debug.WriteLine(s); // CSVFileReaderWriter.diagnosticOutput += (s) => Debug.WriteLine(s); // Transfer.diagnosticOutput += (s) => Debug.WriteLine(s); }
} // New // Function to open the KISS TNC private bool Open() { bool OpenRet = default; OpenRet = true; string strConfiguration; bool blnInKissStartSequence = false; var strLine = default(string); bool blnOnAir1200 = false; bool blnOnAir9600 = false; strAPSFile = Globals.stcSelectedChannel.TNCConfigurationFile; if (File.Exists(strAPSFile) == false) { Globals.queChannelDisplay.Enqueue("R*** .aps Configuration file not found..."); OpenRet = false; } else { try { strConfiguration = File.ReadAllText(strAPSFile); var objStringReader = new StringReader(strConfiguration); do { try { strLine = objStringReader.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strLine)) { break; } var strCommand = strLine.Split(';'); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strCommand[0].Trim())) { var strTokens = strCommand[0].Trim().Split(' '); var switchExpr = strTokens[0].Trim().ToUpper(); switch (switchExpr) { // These key words define the 1200 and 9600 baud segments case "BEGIN1200B": { blnOnAir1200 = true; blnOnAir9600 = false; break; } case "BEGIN9600B": { blnOnAir9600 = true; blnOnAir1200 = false; break; } case "END1200B": { blnOnAir9600 = false; blnOnAir1200 = false; if (Globals.stcSelectedChannel.TNCOnAirBaud == 1200) { break; } break; } case "END9600B": { blnOnAir9600 = false; blnOnAir1200 = false; if (Globals.stcSelectedChannel.TNCOnAirBaud == 9600) { break; } break; } } if (blnOnAir1200 & Globals.stcSelectedChannel.TNCOnAirBaud == 1200 | blnOnAir9600 & Globals.stcSelectedChannel.TNCOnAirBaud == 9600) { var switchExpr1 = strTokens[0].Trim().ToUpper(); switch (switchExpr1) { case "KISSSTART": { strKissStart = new string[0]; blnInKissStartSequence = true; break; } case "KISSEND": { blnInKissStartSequence = false; break; } case "TXDELAY": { intTXDelay = Convert.ToInt32(strTokens[1]); break; } case "PERSISTANCE": { intPersistance = Convert.ToInt32(strTokens[1]); break; } case "SLOTTIME": { intSlottime = Convert.ToInt32(strTokens[1]); break; } case "FULLDUPLEX": { blnFullDuplex = Convert.ToBoolean(strTokens[1]); break; } case "MAXFRAMESIZE": { intMaxFrameSize = Convert.ToInt32(strTokens[1]); break; } case "MAXFRAMES": { intMaxFrames = Convert.ToInt32(strTokens[1]); break; } case "ACKTIMER": { intACKTimer = Convert.ToInt32(strTokens[1]); break; } case "MAXRETRY": { intMaxRetry = Convert.ToInt32(strTokens[1]); break; } case "POLLTHRESH": { intPollThresh = Convert.ToInt32(strTokens[1]); break; } case "KISSEXIT": { blnExitKiss = Convert.ToBoolean(strTokens[1]); break; } case "ESCAPE": { strEscapeChars = strTokens[1].Trim(); break; } default: { if (blnInKissStartSequence) { Array.Resize(ref strKissStart, strKissStart.Length + 1); strKissStart[strKissStart.Length - 1] = strCommand[0].Trim().ToUpper(); } break; } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("[ModemNativeKiss.Open] " + strLine + Globals.CR + ex.Message); } }while (true); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("[ModemNativeKiss.Open] " + ex.Message); } } if (objSerial != null) { objSerial.Close(); Thread.Sleep(Globals.intComCloseTime); objSerial.Dispose(); objSerial = null; } // Open the serial port... try { objSerial = new SerialPort( Globals.stcSelectedChannel.TNCSerialPort, Convert.ToInt32(Globals.stcSelectedChannel.TNCBaudRate), Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One); objSerial.Handshake = Handshake.None; objSerial.RtsEnable = true; try { objSerial.Open(); } catch { Globals.queChannelDisplay.Enqueue("R*** Failed to open serial port on " + Globals.stcSelectedChannel.TNCSerialPort + ". Port may be in use by another application."); Log.Error("[ClinetNativeKISS.Open] Failed to open serial port on " + Globals.stcSelectedChannel.TNCSerialPort); return(false); } if (objSerial.IsOpen == false) { Globals.queChannelDisplay.Enqueue("R*** Failed to open serial port on " + Globals.stcSelectedChannel.TNCSerialPort + ". Port may be in use by another application."); Log.Error("[ModemNativeKiss.Open] Failed to open serial port on " + Globals.stcSelectedChannel.TNCSerialPort); return(false); } else { Globals.queChannelDisplay.Enqueue("G*** Serial port " + Globals.stcSelectedChannel.TNCSerialPort + " opened"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("[ModemNativeKiss.Open] " + ex.Message); return(false); } OpenRet = InitializeKISSTnc(); // initialize the TNC to KISS mode if (OpenRet == false) { Log.Error("[ClientNativeKiss.Open] Failed to Initialize KISS TNC"); enmState = LinkStates.LinkFailed; if (objSerial != null) { objSerial.Close(); Thread.Sleep(Globals.intComCloseTime); objSerial.Dispose(); objSerial = null; } return(false); } else { // All OK so set up Peter's Native KISS DLL try { objKissComPort = new COMPort(objSerial); // Globals.stcSelectedChannel.TNCSerialPort, Convert.ToInt32(Globals.stcSelectedChannel.TNCBaudRate)); // set up the optional escape characters if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strEscapeChars)) { objKissComPort.escapedCharList = strEscapeChars; // Escape characters from .aps file } objKissChannel = objKissComPort.CreateChannel(0); // Create TNC Channel 0 objKissDLProvider = objKissChannel.CreateProvider(Globals.SiteCallsign); // Create a DLProvider for the Site Call sign // set up the KISS parameters from default values or as updated from the .aps file objConParam = new Connection.ConnectionParameterBuf(); objConParam.ackTimer = 1000 * intACKTimer; // convert from Sec to ms. objConParam.maxRetry = intMaxRetry; objConParam.maxIFrame = intMaxFrameSize; objConParam.maxWindowSize = intMaxFrames; objConParam.pollThresh = 1000 * intPollThresh; // convert from Sec to ms objKissChannel.SetPersistence(intPersistance); objKissChannel.SetSlotTime(intSlottime); objKissChannel.SetTXDelay(intTXDelay); objKissChannel.SetTXFullDuplex(Convert.ToInt32(blnFullDuplex)); enmState = LinkStates.Initialized; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("[ClientNativeKiss.Open] Call to DLL Error: " + ex.ToString()); return(false); } } // Extended logging added for debugging if (File.Exists(Globals.SiteRootDirectory + @"Log\NativeKISSax25PktLog.log")) { File.Delete(Globals.SiteRootDirectory + @"Log\NativeKISSax25PktLog.log"); } Support.pktLogFile = Globals.SiteRootDirectory + @"Log\NativeKISSax25PktLog.log"; objKissChannel.packetMonitorEnable = TNCChannel.PacketMonitorType.LogFile; return(OpenRet); } // Open