Ejemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Add the IfcDocumentInformation to the Model object
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cOBieSheet">COBieSheet of COBieDocumentRow to read data from</param>
 public void SerialiseDocument(COBieSheet <COBieDocumentRow> cOBieSheet)
     using (ITransaction trans = Model.BeginTransaction("Add Document"))
             int count = 1;
             ProgressIndicator.ReportMessage("Starting Documents...");
             ProgressIndicator.Initialise("Creating Documents", cOBieSheet.RowCount);
             for (int i = 0; i < cOBieSheet.RowCount; i++)
                 BumpTransaction(trans, count);
                 COBieDocumentRow row = cOBieSheet[i];
         catch (Exception)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Add the document references to the IfcDocumentInformation object
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="row">COBieDocumentRow holding row data</param>
 /// <param name="ifcDocumentInformation">IfcDocumentInformation object to add references too</param>
 private void AddDocumentReference(COBieDocumentRow row, IfcDocumentInformation ifcDocumentInformation)
     if (ValidateString(row.File))
         //get locations, assume we have the same number of locations and document names
         List <string> strLocationValues = null;
         if (ValidateString(row.Directory))
             strLocationValues = SplitString(row.Directory, ':');
         List <string> strNameValues = SplitString(row.File, ':');
         //see if we have a location match to every document name
         if ((strLocationValues != null) && (strNameValues.Count != strLocationValues.Count))
             strLocationValues = null; //cannot match locations to document so just supply document names
         //create the Document References
         if (strNameValues.Count > 0)
             int i = 0;
             foreach (var name in strNameValues)
                 var docref = Model.Instances.New <IfcDocumentReference>();
                 docref.Name = new IfcLabel(name);
                 if (strLocationValues != null)
                     docref.Location = strLocationValues[i];
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if the document information is already within the model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="row">COBieDocumentRow data</param>
        /// <returns>bool</returns>
        private bool CheckIfExistOnMerge(COBieDocumentRow row)
            if (XBimContext.IsMerge)
                if (ValidateString(row.Name)) //we have a primary key to check
                    IfcRoot ifcRoot = GetObjectRelationship(row);
                    if (ifcRoot != null)
                        IfcRelAssociatesDocument ifcRelAssociatesDocument = Model.FederatedInstances.Where <IfcRelAssociatesDocument>(di => di.RelatedObjects.Contains(ifcRoot)).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (ifcRelAssociatesDocument != null)
                            string testName = row.Name.ToLower().Trim();
                            if ((ifcRelAssociatesDocument.RelatingDocument is IfcDocumentInformation) &&
                                ((ifcRelAssociatesDocument.RelatingDocument as IfcDocumentInformation).Name.ToString().ToLower().Trim() == testName)
                                Console.WriteLine("{0} : with document {1} attached to {2} exists so skip on merge", ifcRelAssociatesDocument.GetType().Name, row.Name, ifcRoot.Name);
                                return(true); //we have it so no need to create
Ejemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Add the document references to the IfcDocumentInformation object
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="row">COBieDocumentRow holding row data</param>
 /// <param name="ifcDocumentInformation">IfcDocumentInformation object to add references too</param>
 private void AddDocumentReference(COBieDocumentRow row, IfcDocumentInformation ifcDocumentInformation)
     if (ValidateString(row.File))
         //get locations, assume we have the same number of locations and document names
         List <string> strLocationValues = null;
         if (ValidateString(row.Directory))
             strLocationValues = SplitString(row.Directory, ':');
         List <string> strNameValues = SplitString(row.File, ':');
         //see if we have a location match to every document name
         if ((strLocationValues != null) && (strNameValues.Count != strLocationValues.Count))
             strLocationValues = null; //cannot match locations to document so just supply document names
         //create the Document References
         if (strNameValues.Count > 0)
             IfcDocumentReference[] ifcDocumentReferences = new IfcDocumentReference[strNameValues.Count];
             int i = 0;
             foreach (string name in strNameValues)
                 ifcDocumentReferences[i] = Model.Instances.New <IfcDocumentReference>(dr => { dr.Name = name; });
                 if (strLocationValues != null)
                     ifcDocumentReferences[i].Location = strLocationValues[i];
             ifcDocumentInformation.SetDocumentReferences(true, ifcDocumentReferences);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Add the data to the Document Information object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="row">COBieDocumentRow holding the data</param>
        private void AddDocument(COBieDocumentRow row)
            if (CheckIfExistOnMerge(row))
                return; //already in document
            IfcDocumentInformation   ifcDocumentInformation   = Model.Instances.New <IfcDocumentInformation>();
            IfcRelAssociatesDocument ifcRelAssociatesDocument = Model.Instances.New <IfcRelAssociatesDocument>();

            //Add Created By, Created On and ExtSystem to Owner History.
            SetUserHistory(ifcRelAssociatesDocument, row.ExtSystem, row.CreatedBy, row.CreatedOn);

            if (Contacts.ContainsKey(row.CreatedBy))
                ifcDocumentInformation.DocumentOwner = (IfcPersonAndOrganization)Contacts[row.CreatedBy];

            //using statement will set the Model.OwnerHistoryAddObject to IfcConstructionProductResource.OwnerHistory as OwnerHistoryAddObject is used upon any property changes,
            //then swaps the original OwnerHistoryAddObject back in the dispose, so set any properties within the using statement
            using (COBieXBimEditScope context = new COBieXBimEditScope(Model, ifcRelAssociatesDocument.OwnerHistory))
                //create relationship between Document and ifcObjects it relates too
                ifcRelAssociatesDocument.RelatingDocument = ifcDocumentInformation;
                //Add Name
                if (ValidateString(row.Name))
                    ifcDocumentInformation.Name = row.Name;

                //Add Category
                if (ValidateString(row.Category))
                    ifcDocumentInformation.Purpose = row.Category;

                //Add approved By
                if (ValidateString(row.ApprovalBy))
                    ifcDocumentInformation.IntendedUse = row.ApprovalBy;

                //Add Stage
                if (ValidateString(row.Stage))
                    ifcDocumentInformation.Scope = row.Stage;

                //Add GlobalId
                AddGlobalId(row.ExtIdentifier, ifcRelAssociatesDocument);

                //Add Object Relationship
                IfcRoot ifcRoot = GetObjectRelationship(row);
                //add to the document relationship object
                if (ifcRoot != null)

                //Add Document reference
                AddDocumentReference(row, ifcDocumentInformation);

                //add Description
                if (ValidateString(row.Description))
                    ifcDocumentInformation.Description = row.Description;

                //Add Reference
                if (ValidateString(row.Reference))
                    ifcDocumentInformation.DocumentId = row.Reference;
                    ifcDocumentInformation.DocumentId = ""; //required field so add blank string
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Add the object the document relates too
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="row">COBieDocumentRow holding row data</param>
        private IfcRoot GetObjectRelationship(COBieDocumentRow row)
            IfcRoot ifcRoot = null;

            if ((ValidateString(row.SheetName)) && (ValidateString(row.RowName)))
                string sheetName = row.SheetName.ToLower().Trim();
                sheetName = char.ToUpper(sheetName[0]) + sheetName.Substring(1);

                string rowName = row.RowName.ToLower().Trim();

                string extObject = string.Empty;
                if (ValidateString(row.ExtObject)) //if valid change to correct type
                    extObject = row.ExtObject.Trim().ToUpper();

                switch (sheetName)
                case Constants.WORKSHEET_TYPE:
                    //get all types, one time only
                    if (IfcTypeObjects == null)
                        IfcTypeObjects = Model.FederatedInstances.OfType <IfcTypeObject>();
                    ifcRoot = IfcTypeObjects.Where(to => to.Name.ToString().ToLower().Trim() == rowName).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (ifcRoot == null)
                        string typeName = string.Empty;
                        if (ValidateString(extObject))
                            typeName = extObject;
                            typeName = "IFCBUILDINGELEMENTPROXYTYPE";
                        ifcRoot             = COBieXBimType.GetTypeInstance(typeName, Model);
                        ifcRoot.Name        = row.RowName;
                        ifcRoot.Description = "Created to maintain relationship with document object from COBie information";

                case Constants.WORKSHEET_COMPONENT:
                    //get all types, one time only
                    if (IfcElements == null)
                        IfcElements = Model.FederatedInstances.OfType <IfcElement>();
                    ifcRoot = IfcElements.Where(to => to.Name.ToString().ToLower().Trim() == rowName).FirstOrDefault();
                    string elementTypeName = "IFCVIRTUALELEMENT";
                    if (ifcRoot == null)
                        if (ValidateString(extObject))     //if valid change to correct type
                            elementTypeName = extObject;

                        ifcRoot             = COBieXBimComponent.GetElementInstance(elementTypeName, Model);
                        ifcRoot.Name        = row.RowName;
                        ifcRoot.Description = "Created to maintain relationship with document object from COBie information";
                    else if ((ifcRoot.GetType().Name.ToUpper() == elementTypeName) && //check type, if IFCVIRTUALELEMENT and
                             (ValidateString(extObject)) &&
                             (extObject != elementTypeName) &&                        //not IFCVIRTUALELEMENT then delete virtual, and add correct type
                             (ValidateString(ifcRoot.Description)) &&                 //ensure we set to maintain relationship on another sheet
                             (ifcRoot.Description.ToString().Contains("COBie information"))
                            Model.Delete(ifcRoot);     //remove IFCVIRTUALELEMENT, probably added by system sheet
                            elementTypeName     = extObject;
                            ifcRoot             = COBieXBimComponent.GetElementInstance(elementTypeName, Model);
                            ifcRoot.Name        = row.RowName;
                            ifcRoot.Description = "Created to maintain relationship with document object from COBie information";
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Failed to delete ifcRelDecomposes in AddObjectRelationship() - {0}", ex.Message));

                case Constants.WORKSHEET_JOB:
                    ifcRoot = Model.FederatedInstances.Where <IfcProcess>(to => to.Name.ToString().ToLower().Trim() == rowName).FirstOrDefault();

                case Constants.WORKSHEET_ASSEMBLY:
                    ifcRoot = Model.FederatedInstances.Where <IfcRelDecomposes>(to => to.Name.ToString().ToLower().Trim() == rowName).FirstOrDefault();

                case Constants.WORKSHEET_CONNECTION:
                    ifcRoot = Model.FederatedInstances.Where <IfcRelConnects>(to => to.Name.ToString().ToLower().Trim() == rowName).FirstOrDefault();

                case Constants.WORKSHEET_FACILITY:
                    ifcRoot = Model.FederatedInstances.Where <IfcBuilding>(to => to.Name.ToString().ToLower().Trim() == rowName).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (ifcRoot == null)
                        ifcRoot = Model.FederatedInstances.Where <IfcSite>(to => to.Name.ToString().ToLower().Trim() == rowName).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (ifcRoot == null)
                        ifcRoot = Model.FederatedInstances.Where <IfcProject>(to => to.Name.ToString().ToLower().Trim() == rowName).FirstOrDefault();

                case Constants.WORKSHEET_FLOOR:
                    ifcRoot = Model.FederatedInstances.Where <IfcBuildingStorey>(to => to.Name.ToString().ToLower().Trim() == rowName).FirstOrDefault();

                case Constants.WORKSHEET_RESOURCE:
                    ifcRoot = Model.FederatedInstances.Where <IfcConstructionEquipmentResource>(to => to.Name.ToString().ToLower().Trim() == rowName).FirstOrDefault();

                case Constants.WORKSHEET_SPACE:
                    ifcRoot = Model.FederatedInstances.Where <IfcSpace>(to => to.Name.ToString().ToLower().Trim() == rowName).FirstOrDefault();

                case Constants.WORKSHEET_SPARE:
                    ifcRoot = Model.FederatedInstances.Where <IfcConstructionProductResource>(to => to.Name.ToString().ToLower().Trim() == rowName).FirstOrDefault();

                case Constants.WORKSHEET_SYSTEM:
                    ifcRoot = Model.FederatedInstances.Where <IfcGroup>(to => to.Name.ToString().ToLower().Trim() == rowName).FirstOrDefault();

                case Constants.WORKSHEET_ZONE:
                    ifcRoot = Model.FederatedInstances.Where <IfcZone>(to => to.Name.ToString().ToLower().Trim() == rowName).FirstOrDefault();

                //case "document": //not derived from IfcRoot
                //    ifcRoot = Model.FederatedInstances.Where<IfcDocumentInformation>(to => to.Name.ToString().ToLower().Trim() == rowName).FirstOrDefault();
                //    break;
                //case "contact": //not derived from IfcRoot
                //    ifcRoot = Model.FederatedInstances.Where<IfcPersonAndOrganization>(to => to.Name.ToString().ToLower().Trim() == rowName).FirstOrDefault();
                //    break;
                //case "issue": //not derived from IfcRoot
                //    ifcRoot = Model.FederatedInstances.Where<IfcApproval>(to => to.Name.ToString().ToLower().Trim() == rowName).FirstOrDefault();
                //    break;