Ejemplo n.º 1
        public int RunCommand(CKAN.GameInstance ksp, object raw_options)
            AvailableOptions opts     = (AvailableOptions)raw_options;
            IRegistryQuerier registry = RegistryManager.Instance(ksp).registry;

            var compatible = registry
                             .Where(m => !m.IsDLC);

            user.RaiseMessage("Modules compatible with KSP {0}", ksp.Version());

            if (opts.detail)
                foreach (CkanModule module in compatible)
                    user.RaiseMessage("* {0} ({1}) - {2} - {3}", module.identifier, module.version, module.name, module.@abstract);
                foreach (CkanModule module in compatible)
                    user.RaiseMessage("* {0} ({1}) - {2}", module.identifier, module.version, module.name);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public int RunCommand(CKAN.GameInstance ksp, object raw_options)
            ListOptions options = (ListOptions)raw_options;

            IRegistryQuerier registry = RegistryManager.Instance(ksp).registry;

            ExportFileType?exportFileType = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.export))
                exportFileType = GetExportFileType(options.export);

                if (exportFileType == null)
                    user.RaiseError("Unknown export format: {0}", options.export);

            if (!(options.porcelain) && exportFileType == null)
                user.RaiseMessage("\r\nKSP found at {0}\r\n", ksp.GameDir());
                user.RaiseMessage("KSP Version: {0}\r\n", ksp.Version());

                user.RaiseMessage("Installed Modules:\r\n");

            if (exportFileType == null)
                var installed = new SortedDictionary <string, ModuleVersion>(registry.Installed());

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ModuleVersion> mod in installed)
                    ModuleVersion current_version = mod.Value;
                    string        modInfo         = string.Format("{0} {1}", mod.Key, mod.Value);
                    string        bullet          = "*";

                    if (current_version is ProvidesModuleVersion)
                        // Skip virtuals for now.
                    else if (current_version is UnmanagedModuleVersion)
                        // Autodetected dll
                        bullet = "A";
                            // Check if upgrades are available, and show appropriately.
                            log.DebugFormat("Check if upgrades are available for {0}", mod.Key);
                            CkanModule      latest  = registry.LatestAvailable(mod.Key, ksp.VersionCriteria());
                            CkanModule      current = registry.GetInstalledVersion(mod.Key);
                            InstalledModule inst    = registry.InstalledModule(mod.Key);

                            if (latest == null)
                                // Not compatible!
                                log.InfoFormat("Latest {0} is not compatible", mod.Key);
                                bullet = "X";
                                if (current == null)
                                    log.DebugFormat(" {0} installed version not found in registry", mod.Key);

                                // Check if mod is replaceable
                                if (current.replaced_by != null)
                                    ModuleReplacement replacement = registry.GetReplacement(mod.Key, ksp.VersionCriteria());
                                    if (replacement != null)
                                        // Replaceable!
                                        bullet  = ">";
                                        modInfo = string.Format("{0} > {1} {2}", modInfo, replacement.ReplaceWith.name, replacement.ReplaceWith.version);
                            else if (latest.version.IsEqualTo(current_version))
                                // Up to date
                                log.InfoFormat("Latest {0} is {1}", mod.Key, latest.version);
                                bullet = (inst?.AutoInstalled ?? false) ? "+" : "-";
                                // Check if mod is replaceable
                                if (current.replaced_by != null)
                                    ModuleReplacement replacement = registry.GetReplacement(latest.identifier, ksp.VersionCriteria());
                                    if (replacement != null)
                                        // Replaceable!
                                        bullet  = ">";
                                        modInfo = string.Format("{0} > {1} {2}", modInfo, replacement.ReplaceWith.name, replacement.ReplaceWith.version);
                            else if (latest.version.IsGreaterThan(mod.Value))
                                // Upgradable
                                bullet = "^";
                        catch (ModuleNotFoundKraken)
                            log.InfoFormat("{0} is installed, but no longer in the registry", mod.Key);
                            bullet = "?";

                    user.RaiseMessage("{0} {1}", bullet, modInfo);
                var stream = Console.OpenStandardOutput();
                new Exporter(exportFileType.Value).Export(registry, stream);

            if (!(options.porcelain) && exportFileType == null)
                user.RaiseMessage("\r\nLegend: -: Up to date. +:Auto-installed. X: Incompatible. ^: Upgradable. >: Replaceable\r\n        A: Autodetected. ?: Unknown. *: Broken. ");
                // Broken mods are in a state that CKAN doesn't understand, and therefore can't handle automatically

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public int RunCommand(CKAN.GameInstance ksp, object raw_options)
            ShowOptions options = (ShowOptions)raw_options;

            if (options.Modname == null)
                // empty argument
                user.RaiseMessage("show <module> - module name argument missing, perhaps you forgot it?");

            // Check installed modules for an exact match.
            var registry = RegistryManager.Instance(ksp).registry;
            var installedModuleToShow = registry.InstalledModule(options.Modname);

            if (installedModuleToShow != null)
                // Show the installed module.

            // Module was not installed, look for an exact match in the available modules,
            // either by "name" (the user-friendly display name) or by identifier
            CkanModule moduleToShow = registry
                mod => mod.name == options.Modname ||
                mod.identifier == options.Modname

            if (moduleToShow == null)
                // No exact match found. Try to look for a close match for this KSP version.
                user.RaiseMessage("{0} not found or installed.", options.Modname);
                user.RaiseMessage("Looking for close matches in mods compatible with KSP {0}.", ksp.Version());

                Search search  = new Search(user);
                var    matches = search.PerformSearch(ksp, options.Modname);

                // Display the results of the search.
                if (!matches.Any())
                    // No matches found.
                    user.RaiseMessage("No close matches found.");
                else if (matches.Count() == 1)
                    // If there is only 1 match, display it.
                    user.RaiseMessage("Found 1 close match: {0}", matches[0].name);

                    moduleToShow = matches[0];
                    // Display the found close matches.
                    string[] strings_matches = new string[matches.Count];

                    for (int i = 0; i < matches.Count; i++)
                        strings_matches[i] = matches[i].name;

                    int selection = user.RaiseSelectionDialog("Close matches", strings_matches);

                    if (selection < 0)

                    // Mark the selection as the one to show.
                    moduleToShow = matches[selection];
