Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void Move(Character pUser, CInPacket p)
            var dwNpcId = p.Decode4();
            var item    = this[dwNpcId];

            if (item == null)
            if (item.Controller != pUser)
                return;                                       //TODO: Validate you require controller to move a npc
            var act1 = p.Decode1();
            var act2 = p.Decode1();

            byte[] aMovePath = null;

            if (p.Available > 0)
                aMovePath = p.DecodeBuffer(p.Available);

            Field.Broadcast(CPacket.NpcMove(item, act1, act2, aMovePath));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void Handle_MobMove(WvsGameClient c, CInPacket p)
            int dwMobId = p.Decode4();

            var nMobCtrlSN = p.Decode2();
            var v7         = p.Decode1();               //v85 = nDistance | 4 * (v184 | 2 * ((unsigned __int8)retaddr | 2 * v72)); [ CONFIRMED ]

            var pOldSplit           = (v7 & 0xF0) != 0; //this is a type of CFieldSplit
            var bMobMoveStartResult = (v7 & 0xF) != 0;

            var pCurSplit         = p.Decode1();
            var bIllegealVelocity = p.Decode4();
            var v8 = p.Decode1();

            var bCheatedRandom   = (v8 & 0xF0) != 0;
            var bCheatedCtrlMove = (v8 & 0xF) != 0;

            p.Decode4(); //Loopy Decode 1
            p.Decode4(); //Loopy Decode 2


            var movePath = p.DecodeBuffer(p.Available);

            //if (pMob->m_pController->pUser != pCtrl
            //    && (!pOldSplit
            //        || pMob->m_bNextAttackPossible
            //        || !CLifePool::ChangeMobController(&v5->m_lifePool, pCtrl->m_dwCharacterID, pMob, 1)))
            //    CMob::SendChangeControllerPacket(v9, v10, 0);
            //    return;

            c.SendPacket(CPacket.MobMoveAck(dwMobId, nMobCtrlSN, bMobMoveStartResult, 0, 0, 0));

            var mobMove = CPacket.MobMove(dwMobId, bMobMoveStartResult, pCurSplit, bIllegealVelocity, movePath);

            c.GetCharField().Broadcast(mobMove, c);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void Handle_UserMove(WvsGameClient c, CInPacket p)
            var v1          = p.Decode8();
            var portalCount = p.Decode1(); //CField::GetFieldKey(v20);
            var v2          = p.Decode8();
            var mapCrc      = p.Decode4();
            var dwKey       = p.Decode4();
            var dwKeyCrc    = p.Decode4();

            var movePath = p.DecodeBuffer(p.Available);


            c.GetCharField().Broadcast(CPacket.UserMovement(c.Character.CharId, movePath), c);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void Handle_ClientDumpLog(WvsLoginClient c, CInPacket p)
            //Thank you to Mordred for this handler!

            var callType         = p.Decode2();
            var errorCode        = p.Decode4();
            var backupBufferSize = p.Decode2();
            var rawSeq           = p.Decode4();
            var type             = p.Decode2();
            var backupBuffer     = p.DecodeBuffer(backupBufferSize - 6);

            var callTypeName = Enum.GetName(typeof(CrashCallType), callType);
            var logTypeName  = Enum.GetName(typeof(SendOps), type);

                         "RawSeq: {0} CallType: {1} ErrorCode: {2} BackupBufferSize: {3} Type: {4} - {5} Packet: {6}",
                         rawSeq, callTypeName, errorCode, backupBufferSize,
                         type, logTypeName,
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public static void Skip(this CInPacket packet, int length)