Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void write_halign()
            del = b2 - b1;
            if (del < 0)
                del = 0.0 - del;
            if (del > 360)
                del = del - 360;
            //string strTemp = "";
            string strModelName = (modnam.Length > 8)? modnam.Substring(0, 8) : modnam;
            string strLabelStr  = (stglbl.Length > 4) ? stglbl.Substring(0, 4) : stglbl;

            CHalignFilData FilDataObj = new CHalignFilData();

            FilDataObj.sMod       = strModelName;
            FilDataObj.sString    = strLabelStr;
            FilDataObj.iSlno      = elno;
            FilDataObj.iEltype    = eltype;
            FilDataObj.dStartchn  = chn1;
            FilDataObj.dEndchn    = chn2;
            FilDataObj.dHipx      = hipx;
            FilDataObj.dHipy      = hipy;
            FilDataObj.dT1        = t1;
            FilDataObj.dT2        = t2;
            FilDataObj.dRadius    = rad;
            FilDataObj.dEllength  = l;
            FilDataObj.dStartx    = xs;
            FilDataObj.dStarty    = ys;
            FilDataObj.dEndx      = xe;
            FilDataObj.dEndy      = ye;
            FilDataObj.dB1        = b1;
            FilDataObj.dB2        = b2;
            FilDataObj.dDeviation = del;
            FilDataObj.iTurn      = turn;

            //fprintf(fp2, "%8s %4s %4d %4d %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %4d\n", modnam, stglbl, elno, eltype, chn1, chn2, hipx, hipy, t1, t2, rad, l, xs, ys, xe, ye, b1, b2, del, turn);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        void ProcessData()
            BinaryWriter fp2 = null;
            StreamWriter fp3 = null;

            string nam;
            string lbl;

            int ind = 0, len, ival;
            int slno, eltype, turn;

            double x, y, z;
            double stchn, RC, sc = 0, inc, seglen, segend;    //, seginc;
            double RCI, num, val;
            double T1, T2, R, D, lastRC = -999.999;

            /* Select a Polyline from screen */
            /* User Input data in dialog box */
            modnam = this.tbModelName_.Text;
            stglbl = this.tbStringlabel_.Text;

            stchn = this.tbStartChainage_.Value;

            inc = this.tbChainageInterval_.Value;

            string csTemp = Path.Combine(this.app.AppDataPath, "MODEL.FIL");

            fp2 = new BinaryWriter(new FileStream(csTemp, FileMode.Append), Encoding.Default);

            if (this.checkMasterString_.Checked == true)
                csTemp = Path.Combine(this.app.AppDataPath, "HALIGN.FIL");
                fp3    = new StreamWriter(csTemp, true);
            CLabtype lab = null;
            CPTStype pts = null;
            CModType mod = null;
            CStgType stg = null;
            ClSTtype lst = null;

            lab      = new CLabtype();
            lab.attr = CLabtype.Type.Model;
            mod      = new CModType();
            mod.name = modnam;
            lab.Tag  = mod;

            lab       = new CLabtype();
            lab.attr  = CLabtype.Type.String;
            stg       = new CStgType();
            stg.label = stglbl;
            lab.Tag   = stg;

            RC = stchn;
            sx     = sy = sz = -999.999;
            T1     = T2 = R = D = 0;
            turn   = 0;
            B1     = B2 = 0.0;
            slno   = 1;
            eltype = 1;
            turn   = 1;
            ind    = 0;

            for (int vx = 0; vx < this.ptCords.Length; vx++)
                ex = this.ptCords[vx].X;
                ey = this.ptCords[vx].Y;
                ez = this.ptCords[vx].Z;
                //		fscanf(fp1, "%lf %lf %lf", &ex, &ey, &ez);  /* close in vc++    */

                if (ind == 0)
                    lab      = new CLabtype();
                    lab.attr = CLabtype.Type.Point;
                    pts      = new CPTStype();
                    pts.mc   = RC;
                    pts.mx   = ex;
                    pts.my   = ey;
                    pts.mz   = ez;
                    lab.Tag  = pts;

                    sc = RC;
                    sx = ex;
                    sy = ey;
                    sz = ez;
                    B1 = B2;

                    ind = 1;

                if (ex == sx && ey == sy)

                tt = string.Format("{0:f0}", inc);//sprintf(tt,"%.0f", inc);

                len = tt.Length;

                RCI  = RC;
                num  = Math.Pow(10, len);
                RCI  = RCI / num;
                ival = (int)RCI;
                RCI  = ival * num;
                while (RCI < RC)
                    RCI += inc;
                RC = RCI;

                if (RC == sc)
                    RC += inc;  /* NEW */

                seglen = Math.Sqrt((ex - sx) * (ex - sx) + (ey - sy) * (ey - sy));      /* NEW */

                segend = sc + seglen;                                                   /* NEW */

                if (this.checkMasterString_.Checked == true)
                    if (B1 == 0)
                        B1 = B2;
                    D = B1 - B2; if (D < 0)
                        D += 360;
                    if (D > 360)
                        D -= 360;

                    CHalignFilData fildata = new CHalignFilData();
                    fildata.sMod       = modnam;
                    fildata.sString    = stglbl;
                    fildata.iSlno      = slno;
                    fildata.iEltype    = (short)eltype;
                    fildata.dStartchn  = sc;
                    fildata.dEndchn    = segend;
                    fildata.dHipx      = ex;
                    fildata.dHipy      = ey;
                    fildata.dT1        = T1;
                    fildata.dT2        = T2;
                    fildata.dRadius    = R;
                    fildata.dEllength  = seglen;
                    fildata.dStartx    = sx;
                    fildata.dStarty    = sy;
                    fildata.dEndx      = ex;
                    fildata.dEndy      = ey;
                    fildata.dB1        = B2;
                    fildata.dB2        = B2;
                    fildata.dDeviation = D;
                    fildata.iTurn      = (short)turn;

                    //fprintf(fp3, "%s %s %d %d %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f %.3f %.3f %.3f %d\n", modnam, stglbl, slno, eltype, sc, segend, ex, ey, T1, T2, R, seglen, sx, sy, ex, ey, B2, B2, D, turn);
                    slno++;     /* NEW */

                val = Math.Abs(RC - segend);/* fabs will be abs in VC++*/
                if (val < 0.001)
                    segend = RC;

                while (true)
                    if (segend < RC)
                        if (segend + inc != RC)
                            val = Math.Abs(segend - lastRC);
                            if (val > 0.001)
                                lab      = new CLabtype();
                                lab.attr = CLabtype.Type.Point;
                                pts      = new CPTStype();
                                pts.mc   = segend;
                                pts.mx   = ex;
                                pts.my   = ey;
                                pts.mz   = ez;
                                lab.Tag  = pts;

                                lastRC = segend;
                        RC = segend;

                        ind = 0;
                        if ((RC - sc) > 0.001)
                            x = sx + (RC - sc) * Math.Sin(B2 / r9);     /*  E  */
                            y = sy + (RC - sc) * Math.Cos(B2 / r9);     /*  N  */
                            z = sz + (RC - sc) * (ez - sz) / (segend - sc);

                            if (RC != lastRC)
                                lab      = new CLabtype();
                                lab.attr = CLabtype.Type.Point;
                                pts      = new CPTStype();
                                pts.mc   = RC;
                                pts.mx   = x;
                                pts.my   = y;
                                pts.mz   = z;
                                lab.Tag  = pts;

                                lastRC = RC;
                        RC += inc;

                sc = RC;
                sx = ex;
                sy = ey;
                sz = ez;
                B1 = B2;

                ind = 1;
            }// end for previously while


            if (this.checkMasterString_.Checked == true)

            csTemp      = Path.Combine(this.app.AppDataPath, "MODEL.LST");
            fp2         = new BinaryWriter(new FileStream(csTemp, FileMode.Append), Encoding.Default);
            lst         = new ClSTtype();
            lst.strMod1 = modnam;
            lst.strStg  = stglbl;

            csTemp = Path.Combine(this.app.AppDataPath, "MODEL.FIL");
            fp2    = new BinaryWriter(new FileStream(csTemp, FileMode.Append), Encoding.Default);

            lab      = new CLabtype();
            lab.attr = CLabtype.Type.Model;
            mod      = new CModType();
            nam      = modnam + "%%";
            mod.name = nam;
            lab.Tag  = mod;

            lab       = new CLabtype();
            lab.attr  = CLabtype.Type.String;
            stg       = new CStgType();
            lbl       = stglbl;
            stg.label = lbl;
            lab.Tag   = stg;

            for (int vx = 0; vx < this.ptCords.Length; vx++)
                ex = this.ptCords[vx].X;
                ey = this.ptCords[vx].Y;
                ez = this.ptCords[vx].Z;

                lab      = new CLabtype();
                lab.attr = CLabtype.Type.Point;
                pts      = new CPTStype();
                pts.mc   = RC;
                pts.mx   = ex;
                pts.my   = ey;
                pts.mz   = ez;
                lab.Tag  = pts;


            csTemp      = Path.Combine(this.app.AppDataPath, "MODEL.LST");
            fp2         = new BinaryWriter(new FileStream(csTemp, FileMode.Append), Encoding.Default);
            lst         = new ClSTtype();
            lst.strMod1 = nam;
            lst.strStg  = lbl;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Unreachable code segment
        /// </summary>
        private void save_halign()
            double last_chn1 = 0.0;
            double last_chn2 = 0.0;
            string last_mod  = "NULL";
            string last_stg  = "NULL";

            string strhalignPath = Path.Combine(this.m_strWorkingDirPath, "halign.tmp");

            if (File.Exists(strhalignPath) == false)
                throw new Exception("Failed to open file : " + strhalignPath);

            StreamReader readerfp2 = new StreamReader(strhalignPath);
            StreamWriter writerfp3 = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(this.m_strWorkingDirPath, "HALIGN.FIL"), true);

            while (readerfp2.EndOfStream == false)
                //int iIndex = 0;
                string         strValTSV  = readerfp2.ReadLine();
                CHalignFilData FilDataObj = CHalignFilData.Parse(strValTSV);
                //string[] Values = strValTSV.Split(new char[] { '\t' });
                modnam = FilDataObj.sMod;
                stglbl = FilDataObj.sString;

                if (last_mod.CompareTo(modnam) == 0 && last_stg.CompareTo(stglbl) == 0)

                elno   = (short)FilDataObj.iSlno;
                eltype = FilDataObj.iEltype;
                chn1   = FilDataObj.dStartchn;
                chn2   = FilDataObj.dEndchn;
                hipx   = FilDataObj.dHipx;
                hipy   = FilDataObj.dHipy;
                t1     = FilDataObj.dT1;
                t2     = FilDataObj.dT2;
                rad    = FilDataObj.dRadius;
                l      = FilDataObj.dEllength;
                xs     = FilDataObj.dStartx;
                ys     = FilDataObj.dStarty;
                xe     = FilDataObj.dEndx;
                ye     = FilDataObj.dEndy;
                b1     = FilDataObj.dB1;
                b2     = FilDataObj.dB2;
                del    = FilDataObj.dDeviation;
                turn   = FilDataObj.iTurn;

                del = b2 - b1;
                if (del < 0)
                    del = del + 360;
                if (del > 360)
                    del = del - 360;

                FilDataObj.sMod       = modnam;
                FilDataObj.sString    = stglbl;
                FilDataObj.iSlno      = elno;
                FilDataObj.iEltype    = eltype;
                FilDataObj.dStartchn  = chn1;
                FilDataObj.dEndchn    = chn2;
                FilDataObj.dHipx      = hipx;
                FilDataObj.dHipy      = hipy;
                FilDataObj.dT1        = t1;
                FilDataObj.dT2        = t2;
                FilDataObj.dRadius    = rad;
                FilDataObj.dEllength  = l;
                FilDataObj.dStartx    = xs;
                FilDataObj.dStarty    = ys;
                FilDataObj.dEndx      = xe;
                FilDataObj.dEndy      = ye;
                FilDataObj.dB1        = b1;
                FilDataObj.dB2        = b2;
                FilDataObj.dDeviation = del;
                FilDataObj.iTurn      = turn;


                last_chn1 = chn1;
                last_chn2 = chn2;

                last_mod = modnam;
                last_stg = stglbl;
