//private void FindFrcpt2AndTocpt2SweepLine(List<CAtBd> pSgAtBdLt, List<CAtBd> pBSAtBdLt, CParameterThreshold ParameterThreshold)
        //    double dblVerySmall = ParameterThreshold.dblVerySmall;
        //    int intGIDCount = 0;
        //    SortedSet<CPoint> EventQueueYGID = new SortedSet<CPoint>(new CCptYGIDReverseCompare());
        //    for (int i = 0; i < pSgAtBdLt.Count; i++)
        //    {
        //        CPoint cpt0 = pSgAtBdLt[i].CptLt[0];
        //        CPoint cptlast = pSgAtBdLt[i].CptLt[pSgAtBdLt[i].CptLt.Count - 1];
        //        cpt0.LID = i;
        //        cpt0.GID = intGIDCount;
        //        cpt0.strBelong = "Sg";
        //        EventQueueYGID.Add(cpt0);
        //        intGIDCount++;

        //        cptlast.LID = i;
        //        cptlast.GID = intGIDCount;
        //        cptlast.strBelong = "Sg";
        //        EventQueueYGID.Add(cptlast);
        //        intGIDCount++;
        //    }

        //    for (int i = 0; i < pBSAtBdLt.Count; i++)
        //    {
        //        foreach (CPoint cpt in pBSAtBdLt[i].CptLt)
        //        {
        //            cpt.GID = intGIDCount;
        //            cpt.LID = i;
        //            cpt.strBelong = "BS";
        //            //BSCptLt.Add(cpt);
        //            intGIDCount++;

        //            //make two copies
        //            CPoint ucpt = new CPoint(cpt.ID, cpt.X, cpt.Y + dblVerySmall);
        //            ucpt.GID = intGIDCount;
        //            ucpt.LID = cpt.LID;
        //            ucpt.strBelong = cpt.strBelong;
        //            ucpt.strSweepStatus = "Up";
        //            ucpt.CorrespondingPt = cpt;
        //            EventQueueYGID.Add(ucpt);
        //            intGIDCount++;

        //            CPoint dcpt = new CPoint(cpt.ID, cpt.X, cpt.Y - dblVerySmall);
        //            dcpt.GID = intGIDCount;
        //            dcpt.LID = cpt.LID;
        //            dcpt.strBelong = cpt.strBelong;
        //            dcpt.strSweepStatus = "Down";
        //            dcpt.CorrespondingPt = cpt;
        //            EventQueueYGID.Add(dcpt);
        //            intGIDCount++;
        //        }
        //    }

        //    //sweep
        //    SortedSet<CPoint> StripCPtXGID = new SortedSet<CPoint>(new CCptXGIDCompare());
        //    //double dblSweepY = EventQueueYTD.ElementAt(0).Key.Y;
        //    foreach (CPoint cpt in EventQueueYGID)
        //    {
        //        if (cpt.strBelong == "BS")
        //        {
        //            if (cpt.strSweepStatus == "Up")
        //            {
        //                StripCPtXGID.Add(cpt.CorrespondingPt);
        //            }
        //            else if (cpt.strSweepStatus == "Down")
        //            {
        //                StripCPtXGID.Remove(cpt.CorrespondingPt);
        //            }
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            CPoint frcpt = new CPoint(-1, -1, cpt.X - dblVerySmall, cpt.Y);
        //            CPoint tocpt = new CPoint(intGIDCount, intGIDCount, cpt.X + dblVerySmall, cpt.Y);

        //            SortedSet<CPoint> StripView = StripCPtXGID.GetViewBetween(frcpt, tocpt);
        //            foreach (CPoint cptview in StripView)
        //            {
        //                if (cpt.ID == 0)
        //                {
        //                    pSgAtBdLt[cpt.LID].Frcpt2 = cptview;
        //                }
        //                else
        //                {
        //                    pSgAtBdLt[cpt.LID].Tocpt2 = cptview;
        //                }
        //                break;  // we only need one
        //            }

        //            frcpt = null;
        //            tocpt = null;
        //        }
        //    }

        //private void FindFrcpt2AndTocpt2Grid(List<CAtBd> pSgAtBdLt, List<CAtBd> pBSAtBdLt, CParameterThreshold ParameterThreshold)
        //    List<CPolyline> SgCPlLt = CHelpFunc.GetCplLtFromAtBdLt(pSgAtBdLt);
        //    List<CPolyline> BScpllt = CHelpFunc.GetCplLtFromAtBdLt(pBSAtBdLt);

        //    IEnvelope pSgEnvelope = CHelpFunc.GetEnvelope(SgCPlLt);
        //    IEnvelope pBSEnvelope = CHelpFunc.GetEnvelope(BScpllt);

        //    IEnvelope pUnionEnvelope = new EnvelopeClass();
        //    pUnionEnvelope.XMin = Math.Min(pSgEnvelope.XMin, pBSEnvelope.XMin);
        //    pUnionEnvelope.YMin = Math.Min(pSgEnvelope.YMin, pBSEnvelope.YMin);
        //    pUnionEnvelope.XMax = Math.Max(pSgEnvelope.XMax, pBSEnvelope.XMax);
        //    pUnionEnvelope.YMax = Math.Max(pSgEnvelope.YMax, pBSEnvelope.YMax);

        //    int intSgPtNum = SgCPlLt.Count * 2;
        //    int intBSPtNum = CHelpFunc.SumPointsNumber(BScpllt);

        //    int intMaxPtNum = Math.Max(intSgPtNum, intBSPtNum);
        //    int intRowColCount = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Sqrt(Convert.ToDouble(intMaxPtNum)));

        //    double dblWidth = Math.Max((pUnionEnvelope.XMax - pUnionEnvelope.XMin) / Convert.ToDouble(intRowColCount), CConstants.dblVerySmall);
        //    double dblHeight = Math.Max((pUnionEnvelope.YMax - pUnionEnvelope.YMin) / Convert.ToDouble(intRowColCount), CConstants.dblVerySmall);

        //    intRowColCount++;  //+1, so that the bordered point can be covered
        //    C5.LinkedList<CPoint>[,] aSgCptLkGrid = new C5.LinkedList<CPoint>[intRowColCount, intRowColCount];
        //    C5.LinkedList<CPoint>[,] aBSCptLkGrid = new C5.LinkedList<CPoint>[intRowColCount, intRowColCount];
        //    for (int i = 0; i < intRowColCount; i++)
        //    {
        //        for (int j = 0; j < intRowColCount; j++)
        //        {
        //            aSgCptLkGrid[i, j] = new C5.LinkedList<CPoint>();
        //            aBSCptLkGrid[i, j] = new C5.LinkedList<CPoint>();
        //        }
        //    }

        //    //Fill points in Grids
        //    for (int i = 0; i < pSgAtBdLt.Count; i++)
        //    {
        //        List<CPoint> cptlt = pSgAtBdLt[i].CptLt;
        //        cptlt[0].BelongedCPolyline = pSgAtBdLt[i] as CPolyline;
        //        cptlt[cptlt.Count - 1].BelongedCPolyline = pSgAtBdLt[i] as CPolyline;
        //        CHelpFunc.FillCptinGrid(cptlt[0], dblWidth, dblHeight, pUnionEnvelope, aSgCptLkGrid);
        //        CHelpFunc.FillCptinGrid(cptlt[cptlt.Count - 1], dblWidth, dblHeight, pUnionEnvelope, aSgCptLkGrid);
        //    }
        //    for (int i = 0; i < pBSAtBdLt.Count; i++)
        //    {
        //        List<CPoint> cptlt = pBSAtBdLt[i].CptLt;
        //        foreach (CPoint cpt in cptlt)
        //        {
        //            cpt.LID = i;
        //            CHelpFunc.FillCptinGrid(cpt, dblWidth, dblHeight, pUnionEnvelope, aBSCptLkGrid);
        //        }
        //    }

        //    for (int i = 0; i < intRowColCount; i++)
        //    {
        //        for (int j = 0; j < intRowColCount; j++)
        //        {
        //            //the first column
        //            int intJ = j - 1;
        //            if (intJ >= 0)
        //            {
        //                //Lower
        //                if (i - 1 >= 0)
        //                {
        //                    LookingForNeighboursInGrid(ref aSgCptLkGrid[i, j], aBSCptLkGrid[i - 1, intJ], pSgAtBdLt, pBSAtBdLt, CConstants.dblVerySmall);
        //                }
        //                //Midle
        //                LookingForNeighboursInGrid(ref aSgCptLkGrid[i, j], aBSCptLkGrid[i, intJ], pSgAtBdLt, pBSAtBdLt, CConstants.dblVerySmall);
        //                //Upper
        //                if (i + 1 < intRowColCount)
        //                {
        //                    LookingForNeighboursInGrid(ref aSgCptLkGrid[i, j], aBSCptLkGrid[i + 1, intJ], pSgAtBdLt, pBSAtBdLt, CConstants.dblVerySmall);
        //                }
        //            }

        //            //the second column
        //            intJ = j;
        //            //Lower
        //            if (i - 1 >= 0)
        //            {
        //                LookingForNeighboursInGrid(ref aSgCptLkGrid[i, j], aBSCptLkGrid[i - 1, intJ], pSgAtBdLt, pBSAtBdLt, CConstants.dblVerySmall);
        //            }
        //            //Midle
        //            LookingForNeighboursInGrid(ref aSgCptLkGrid[i, j], aBSCptLkGrid[i, intJ], pSgAtBdLt, pBSAtBdLt, CConstants.dblVerySmall);
        //            //Upper
        //            if (i + 1 < intRowColCount)
        //            {
        //                LookingForNeighboursInGrid(ref aSgCptLkGrid[i, j], aBSCptLkGrid[i + 1, intJ], pSgAtBdLt, pBSAtBdLt, CConstants.dblVerySmall);
        //            }

        //            //the third column
        //            intJ = j + 1;
        //            if (intJ < intRowColCount)
        //            {
        //                //Lower
        //                if (i - 1 >= 0)
        //                {
        //                    LookingForNeighboursInGrid(ref aSgCptLkGrid[i, j], aBSCptLkGrid[i - 1, intJ], pSgAtBdLt, pBSAtBdLt, CConstants.dblVerySmall);
        //                }
        //                //Midle
        //                LookingForNeighboursInGrid(ref aSgCptLkGrid[i, j], aBSCptLkGrid[i, intJ], pSgAtBdLt, pBSAtBdLt, CConstants.dblVerySmall);
        //                //Upper
        //                if (i + 1 < intRowColCount)
        //                {
        //                    LookingForNeighboursInGrid(ref aSgCptLkGrid[i, j], aBSCptLkGrid[i + 1, intJ], pSgAtBdLt, pBSAtBdLt, CConstants.dblVerySmall);
        //                }
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }

        //private void LookingForNeighboursInGrid(ref C5.LinkedList<CPoint> SgCptLkGrid, C5.LinkedList<CPoint> BSCptLkGrid, List<CAtBd> pSgAtBdLt, List<CAtBd> pBSAtBdLt, double dblVerySmall)
        //    foreach (CPoint Sgcpt in SgCptLkGrid)
        //    {
        //        if (Sgcpt.CorrespondingPt == null)
        //        {
        //            foreach (CPoint BScpt in BSCptLkGrid)
        //            {
        //                if (Sgcpt.Equals2D(BScpt, dblVerySmall) == true)
        //                {
        //                    Sgcpt.CorrespondingPt = BScpt;
        //                    if (Sgcpt.ID == 0)
        //                    {
        //                        //Sgcpt.
        //                        pSgAtBdLt[Sgcpt.LID].Frcpt2 = BScpt;
        //                        //pSgAtBdLt[Sgcpt.LID].pFrAtBd = pBSAtBdLt[BScpt.LID];
        //                    }
        //                    else
        //                    {
        //                        pSgAtBdLt[Sgcpt.LID].Tocpt2 = BScpt;
        //                        //pSgAtBdLt[Sgcpt.LID].pToAtBd = pBSAtBdLt[BScpt.LID];
        //                    }
        //                    break;  // we only need one
        //                }
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }


        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pBSAtBdLt"></param>
        /// <param name="pSSAtBdLt"></param>
        /// <param name="ParameterThreshold"></param>
        /// <remarks>the number of Administrative Boundaries in pBSAtBdLt and that in pSSAtBdLt are the same.Besides, the topological structrues are the same</remarks>
        private double CalRatioofPtNum(List <CAtBd> pBSAtBdLt, List <CAtBd> pSSAtBdLt, CParameterThreshold ParameterThreshold)
            int intBSInnerPtNum = 0;
            int intSSInnerPtNum = 0;

            List <CPoint> BSEndPtLt = new List <CPoint>(pBSAtBdLt.Count * 2);

            //List<CPoint> SSEndPtLt = new List<CPoint>();
            for (int i = 0; i < pBSAtBdLt.Count; i++)
                intBSInnerPtNum += (pBSAtBdLt[i].CptLt.Count - 2);
                intSSInnerPtNum += (pSSAtBdLt[i].CptLt.Count - 2);

                BSEndPtLt.Add(pBSAtBdLt[i].CptLt[pBSAtBdLt[i].CptLt.Count - 1]);

            var CorrCptsLt      = CGeoFunc.LookingForNeighboursByGrids(BSEndPtLt, CConstants.dblVerySmallCoord);
            int intIntersection = CGeoFunc.GetNumofIntersections(CorrCptsLt);

            //do we need this?*******************************************************************************
            //int intAloneEnds = CGeoFunc.GetNumofAloneEnds(EndPtLt, CorrCptsLt);
            //int intRealPtNum = intInnerPtNum + intSgIntersection + intAloneEnds;

            //notice that there are the same intersections of the larger-scale polylines and the smaller-scale polylines
            int intBSRealPtNum = intBSInnerPtNum + intIntersection;
            int intSSRealPtNum = intSSInnerPtNum + intIntersection;

            double dblRatioofPtNum = Convert.ToDouble(intBSRealPtNum) / Convert.ToDouble(intSSRealPtNum);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void btnStatistic_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            double        dblProp     = 0;
            List <double> dbllt       = new List <double>();
            List <CPoint> CResultPtLt = _DataRecords.ParameterResult.CResultPtLt;

            for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++)
                CPolyline cpl = CGeoFunc.GetTargetcpl(CResultPtLt, dblProp);
                dblProp = dblProp + 0.01;

            CHelpFuncExcel.ExportDataltToExcel(dbllt, "Length", _DataRecords.ParameterInitialize.strSavePath);
            //if (dblProp < 0 || dblProp > 1)
            //    MessageBox.Show("请输入正确参数!");
            //    return null;
            //List<CPoint> CResultPtLt = pDataRecords.ParameterResult.CResultPtLt;
            //CPolyline cpl = this.CGeoFunc.GetTargetcpl(CResultPtLt, dblProp);

            //// 清除绘画痕迹
            //IMapControl4 m_mapControl = pDataRecords.ParameterInitialize.m_mapControl;
            //IGraphicsContainer pGra = m_mapControl.Map as IGraphicsContainer;
            //this.ViewPolyline(m_mapControl, cpl);  //显示生成的线段
            //return cpl;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// from time t to n-1
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="crg"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IEnumerable <double> EstimateMinComp_EdgeNumber(CRegion crg, CRegion lscrg)
            var intEdgeCountSS = new SortedSet <int>(new CIntCompare());

            foreach (var pCorrCphs in crg.AdjCorrCphsSD.Keys)

            IEnumerator <int> intEdgeCountSSEt = intEdgeCountSS.GetEnumerator();
            int intEdgeCountAtmost             = crg.intExteriorEdgeCount + 2 * crg.intInteriorEdgeCount;
            int intEstCount = crg.GetCphCount();

            while (intEstCount > 1)

                //if intEstCount == lscrg.GetCphCount(), we are estimating from the start map (t==1)
                //we define that the estimation value of the start map is 0, therefore we skip intEstCount == lscrg.GetCphCount()
                if (intEstCount < lscrg.GetCphCount())
                    int intAverageEdgeCount = Convert.ToInt32(
                        Math.Floor(Convert.ToDouble(intEdgeCountAtmost) / Convert.ToDouble(intEstCount)));
                    yield return(CGeoFunc.CalCompRegularPolygon(intAverageEdgeCount));

                intEdgeCountAtmost -= (2 * intEdgeCountSSEt.Current);
        //public override void JudgeAndFormCEdgeLt()
        //    if (this.CEdgeLt == null)
        //    {
        //        FormCEdgeLt();
        //    }

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>SetPolygon will first set IPoint</remarks>
        public IPolygon4 SetPolygon()
            //Build a polygon segment-by-segment.
            IPolygon4 polygon = new PolygonClass();

            IGeometryCollection geometryCollection = (IGeometryCollection)polygon;

            var exteriorCptLt = this.CptLt;

            if (CGeoFunc.IsClockwise(exteriorCptLt, true) == false)
                exteriorCptLt = exteriorCptLt.AsEnumerable().Reverse().ToList(); //this will not change this.CptLt

            //add the holes
            if (this.HoleCpgLt != null)
                foreach (var holecpg in this.HoleCpgLt)
                    var interiorCptLt = holecpg.CptLt;
                    if (CGeoFunc.IsClockwise(exteriorCptLt, true) == true)
                        interiorCptLt = interiorCptLt.AsEnumerable().Reverse().ToList(); //this will not change holecpg.CptLt
            this.pPolygon = polygon;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static bool IsCutValid(List <CPoint> cptlt, CEdgeGrid pEdgeGrid,
                                      double dblThreshold, out int intIndexMaxDis)
            var tplWithinTDis = IsWithinTDis(cptlt, dblThreshold);

            intIndexMaxDis = tplWithinTDis.Item2;
            if (tplWithinTDis.Item1 == false)

            //if the baseline is outside of the polygon, then the baseline is not a valid choice
            throw new ArgumentException(
                      "IsClockwise is not helpful. instead test if the edge between the two edges. see CCptbCtgl");
            if (CGeoFunc.IsClockwise(cptlt, false) == false)

            var cedgebaseline = new CEdge(cptlt[0], cptlt.Last());
            //we don't test the four edges
            var IgnoreCEdgeSS = new SortedSet <CEdge>
            var blnIntersect = pEdgeGrid.BlnIntersect(cedgebaseline, true, true, true, IgnoreCEdgeSS);

        /// <summary>
        /// 插入一定数量的点
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cptlt">点列</param>
        /// <param name="intInsertNum">需插入点的数量</param>
        private void InsertVertex(List<CPoint> cptlt, int intInsertNum)
            SortedList<double, CPoint> dblDisLt = new SortedList<double, CPoint>(new CCmpDbl());
            for (int i = 1; i < cptlt.Count; i++)
                double dblDis = CGeoFunc.CalDis(cptlt[i - 1], cptlt[i]);
                dblDisLt.Add(dblDis, cptlt[i]);

            for (int i = 0; i < intInsertNum; i++)

                CPoint cpt0 = dblDisLt.Values[dblDisLt.Values.Count -1];
                int intIndex = cptlt.IndexOf(cpt0);
                double dblnewX = (cptlt[intIndex - 1].X + cptlt[intIndex].X) / 2;
                double dblnewY = (cptlt[intIndex - 1].Y + cptlt[intIndex].Y) / 2;
                CPoint newcpt = new CPoint(0, dblnewX, dblnewY);
                newcpt.CorrespondingPtLt = new List<CPoint>();
                cptlt.Insert(intIndex, newcpt);//插入点

                double dblnewDis = dblDisLt.Keys[dblDisLt.Values.Count - 1] / 2;
                dblDisLt.RemoveAt(dblDisLt.Values.Count - 1);
                dblDisLt.Add(dblnewDis, newcpt);
                dblDisLt.Add(dblnewDis, cpt0);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void CGABM()
            List <CPolyline> pInterLSCPlLt   = this.ObjCGeoLtLt[0].AsExpectedClassEb <CPolyline, CGeoBase>().ToList();
            List <CPolyline> pInterSSCPlLt   = this.ObjCGeoLtLt[1].AsExpectedClassEb <CPolyline, CGeoBase>().ToList();
            List <CPolyline> pInterLSSgCPlLt = this.ObjCGeoLtLt[2].AsExpectedClassEb <CPolyline, CGeoBase>().ToList();
            List <CPolyline> pInterSSSgCPlLt = this.ObjCGeoLtLt[3].AsExpectedClassEb <CPolyline, CGeoBase>().ToList();

            _CorrCptsLtLt   = CGeoFunc.GetCorrCptsLtLt(pInterLSCPlLt, pInterSSCPlLt);
            _SgCorrCptsLtLt = CGeoFunc.GetCorrCptsLtLt(pInterLSSgCPlLt, pInterSSSgCPlLt);


            //to save memory
            this.ObjCGeoLtLt[0] = null;
            this.ObjCGeoLtLt[1] = null;
            this.ObjCGeoLtLt[2] = null;
            this.ObjCGeoLtLt[3] = null;

            //CTranslation pTranslation=new CTranslation ();
            //double dblSum = pTranslation.CalTranslationCorr(_CorrCptsLtLt);
            //double dblSumSg = pTranslation.CalTranslationCorr(_SgCorrCptsLtLt);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Deflection (i.e. the integral distance between two line segments)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="LastCorrCpts">the last pair of corresponding points</param>
        /// <param name="CurrentCorrCpts">the current pair of corresponding points</param>
        /// <param name="pStandardVectorCpt"></param>
        /// <returns>the integral distance between the two line segments</returns>
        private static double CalDeflection(CCorrCpts LastCorrCpts, CCorrCpts CurrentCorrCpts, double dblFrTotalLength, double dblToTotalLength)
            double dblfrlength = CGeoFunc.CalDis(LastCorrCpts.FrCpt, CurrentCorrCpts.FrCpt);
            double dbltolength = CGeoFunc.CalDis(LastCorrCpts.ToCpt, CurrentCorrCpts.ToCpt);

            return(CalDeflectionSub(LastCorrCpts, CurrentCorrCpts, dblfrlength, dbltolength));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cptlt"></param>
        /// <param name="pEnvelopeLayer"></param>
        /// <param name="pEnvelopeIpe"></param>
        /// <param name="dblFactor"></param>
        /// <param name="intSubtract">In ipe, the first vertex and the last vertex are not identical.
        /// Therefore, 0 if shape is polyline, 1 if shape is polygon</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>
        ///<path stroke="1 0.643 0.161" pen="fat">
        ///96 192 m
        ///160 144 l
        ///208 224 l
        ///*********************multi polylines*****************************
        ///<path stroke="0 1 0.161" pen="fat">
        ///96 96 m
        ///112 32 l
        ///176 48 l
        ///208 112 l
        ///256 80 m
        ///256 32 l
        ///304 32 l
        ///336 80 l
        ///<path stroke="1 0.643 0.208" fill="0.212 0.388 0.047" pen="fat">
        ///400 224 m
        ///352 128 l
        ///448 80 l
        ///544 192 l
        ///*********************polygon with two holes*********************
        ///<path stroke="1 0.2 0.502" fill="0.094 1 0" pen="fat">
        ///400 224 m
        ///352 128 l
        ///448 80 l
        ///544 192 l
        ///416 176 m
        ///384 160 l
        ///416 128 l
        ///448 192 m
        ///448 144 l
        ///496 176 l
        /// </remarks>
        public static string AddCoordinates(List <CPoint> cptlt, IEnvelope pEnvelopeLayer,
                                            CEnvelope pEnvelopeIpe, double dblFactor, int intSubtract = 0)
            int intRealCount = cptlt.Count - intSubtract;

            double[] dblx = new double[intRealCount];
            double[] dbly = new double[intRealCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < intRealCount; i++)
                dblx[i] = CGeoFunc.CoordinateTransform(
                    cptlt[i].X, pEnvelopeLayer.XMin, pEnvelopeIpe.XMin, dblFactor);
                dbly[i] = CGeoFunc.CoordinateTransform(
                    cptlt[i].Y, pEnvelopeLayer.YMin, pEnvelopeIpe.YMin, dblFactor);

            string str = AddXY(dblx[0], dbly[0]) + " m\n";

            for (int j = 1; j < dblx.Length; j++)
                str += AddXY(dblx[j], dbly[j]) + " l\n";

Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// 显示并返回多个插值线段
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pDataRecords">数据记录</param>
        /// <param name="dblProp">差值参数</param>
        /// <returns>插值线段</returns>
        public static List <CPolyline> DisplayInterpolations(CDataRecords pDataRecords, double dblProp)
            if (dblProp < 0 || dblProp > 1)
            List <List <CPoint> > CResultPtLtLt = pDataRecords.ParameterResult.CResultPtLtLt;

            List <CPolyline> cpllt = new List <CPolyline>();

            for (int i = 0; i < CResultPtLtLt.Count; i++)
                CPolyline cpl = CGeoFunc.GetTargetcpl(CResultPtLtLt[i], dblProp);

            // 清除绘画痕迹
            IMapControl4       m_mapControl = pDataRecords.ParameterInitialize.m_mapControl;
            IGraphicsContainer pGra         = m_mapControl.Map as IGraphicsContainer;

            //m_mapControl.ActiveView.Refresh();   //由于在下一步“ViewPolyline”中有刷新的命令,此语句可省略
            ViewPolylines(m_mapControl, cpllt);  //显示生成的线段
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private CPolygon DetectFaceForSg(CPolyline SgCpl, CDCEL pInterLSDCEL)
            var identitycpt = CGeoFunc.GetInbetweenCpt(SgCpl.CptLt[0], SgCpl.CptLt[1], 0.5);

            //comparing to the method which traverses along DCEL, this method only needs to detect the face once
        public void SetAxisAngleAndReverseLt()
            var cpg = this;

            cpg.CEdgeLt.ForEach(cedge => cedge.JudgeAndSetAxisAngle());
            var fAxisAngleLt = new List <double>(cpg.CEdgeLt.Count);

            foreach (var cedge in this.CEdgeLt)

            //the index of ReverseAxisAngleLt indicates the index of the starting point
            var fReverseAxisAngleLt = new List <double>(cpg.CEdgeLt.Count);

            for (int i = 1; i < fAxisAngleLt.Count; i++)
                fReverseAxisAngleLt.Add(CGeoFunc.CalReversedCEdgeAxisAngle(fAxisAngleLt[i - 1]));

            this.AxisAngleLt        = fAxisAngleLt;
            this.ReverseAxisAngleLt = fReverseAxisAngleLt;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private CPolyline DisplayInterpolation(double dblProp, IMapControl4 m_mapControl)
            List <CCorrCpts> pCorrCptsLt = _DataRecords.ParameterResult.CCorrCptsLt;
            int intPtNum = pCorrCptsLt.Count;

            List <CPoint> newcptlt = new List <CPoint>();
            double dblLastX    = (1 - dblProp) * pCorrCptsLt[intPtNum - 1].FrCpt.X + dblProp * pCorrCptsLt[intPtNum - 1].ToCpt.X;
            double dblLastY    = (1 - dblProp) * pCorrCptsLt[intPtNum - 1].FrCpt.Y + dblProp * pCorrCptsLt[intPtNum - 1].ToCpt.Y;
            CPoint newlastcpt  = new CPoint(intPtNum - 1, dblLastX, dblLastY);
            double dblLast1X   = (1 - dblProp) * pCorrCptsLt[intPtNum - 2].FrCpt.X + dblProp * pCorrCptsLt[intPtNum - 2].ToCpt.X;
            double dblLast1Y   = (1 - dblProp) * pCorrCptsLt[intPtNum - 2].FrCpt.Y + dblProp * pCorrCptsLt[intPtNum - 2].ToCpt.Y;
            CPoint newlast1cpt = new CPoint(intPtNum - 2, dblLast1X, dblLast1Y);

            newcptlt.Insert(0, newlastcpt);
            newcptlt.Insert(0, newlast1cpt);

            double dblPreAxisAngle = CGeoFunc.CalAxisAngle(newlast1cpt, newlastcpt);   //前一个线段的绝对角

            for (int i = pCorrCptsLt.Count - 3; i >= 0; i--)
                double dblAngle = (1 - dblProp) * _adblFrAngle[i] + dblProp * _adblToAngle[i];
                double dblCurAxisAngle = dblPreAxisAngle - dblAngle;      //当前线段的绝对角(0到2*PI)
                if (dblCurAxisAngle >= 2 * Math.PI)
                    dblCurAxisAngle = dblCurAxisAngle - 2 * Math.PI;
                else if (dblCurAxisAngle < 0)
                    dblCurAxisAngle = dblCurAxisAngle + 2 * Math.PI;

                double dblLength = (1 - dblProp) * _adblFrLength[i] + dblProp * _adblToLength[i];
                double dblNewX = newcptlt[0].X + dblLength * Math.Cos(dblCurAxisAngle);
                double dblNewY = newcptlt[0].Y + dblLength * Math.Sin(dblCurAxisAngle);
                CPoint newcpt  = new CPoint(i, dblNewX, dblNewY);
                newcptlt.Insert(0, newcpt);
                if (dblCurAxisAngle >= Math.PI)
                    dblPreAxisAngle = dblCurAxisAngle - Math.PI;
                    dblPreAxisAngle = dblCurAxisAngle + Math.PI;
            CPolyline newcpl = new CPolyline(0, newcptlt);

            IGraphicsContainer pGra = m_mapControl.Map as IGraphicsContainer;

            CHelpFunc.ViewPolyline(m_mapControl, newcpl);
        private void FindFrcpt2AndTocpt2Grid(List <CAtBd> pSgAtBdLt, List <CAtBd> pBSAtBdLt, CParameterThreshold ParameterThreshold)
            //SgCptLt for pSgAtBdLt
            List <CPoint> SgCptLt = new List <CPoint>(pSgAtBdLt.Count * 2);

            foreach (CAtBd pAtBd in pSgAtBdLt)
                CPoint cpt0 = pAtBd.CptLt[0];
                cpt0.BelongedObject = pAtBd;
                CPoint cptlast = pAtBd.CptLt[pAtBd.CptLt.Count - 1];
                cptlast.BelongedObject = pAtBd;

            //BSCptLt for pBSAtBdLt
            int intCount = 0;

            foreach (CAtBd pAtBd in pBSAtBdLt)
                intCount += pAtBd.CptLt.Count;
            List <CPoint> BSCptLt = new List <CPoint>(intCount);

            foreach (CAtBd pAtBd in pBSAtBdLt)
                foreach (CPoint cpt in pAtBd.CptLt)
                    //cpt.BelongedObject = pAtBd;

            var CorrCptsLt = CGeoFunc.LookingForNeighboursByGrids(SgCptLt, BSCptLt, CConstants.dblVerySmallCoord);

            foreach (CCorrCpts CorrCpt in CorrCptsLt)
                CorrCpt.FrCpt.isTraversed = false;
            foreach (CCorrCpts CorrCpt in CorrCptsLt)
                CPoint frcpt = CorrCpt.FrCpt;
                if (frcpt.isTraversed == false)  //we only need one
                    CAtBd pAtBd = frcpt.BelongedObject as CAtBd;
                    if (frcpt.ID == 0)
                        pAtBd.Frcpt2 = CorrCpt.ToCpt;
                        pAtBd.Tocpt2 = CorrCpt.ToCpt;
                    frcpt.isTraversed = true;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        private void Preprocess(List <CPoint> frcptlt, List <CPoint> tocptlt, bool isDP = false)
            CGeoFunc.CalAbsAndRatioLengthFromStart(frcptlt, isDP);
            CGeoFunc.CalAbsAndRatioLengthFromStart(tocptlt, isDP);

            this.dblFrTotalLength = frcptlt.Last().dblAbsLengthFromStart;
            this.dblToTotalLength = tocptlt.Last().dblAbsLengthFromStart;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        //this method takes a lot of time, please do not use it if not necessary
        public IPolyline5 SetPolyline()
            var cptlt = new List <CPoint>(2);

            _pPolyline = CGeoFunc.GetIplFromCptLt(cptlt);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public static double CalLengthPaths(Paths paths)
            double dblLength = 0;

            foreach (var path in paths)
                dblLength += CGeoFunc.CalLengthForIntptEb(path);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public static IEnumerable <CEdge> GenerateCEdgeEbByPathsCptEbEb(IEnumerable <IEnumerable <CPoint> > pathsCptEbEb)
     foreach (var cptEb in pathsCptEbEb)
         foreach (var cedge in CGeoFunc.FormCEdgeEb(cptEb, true))
             yield return(cedge);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        //public virtual void SetCEdgeLtLtLength()
        //    this.CEdgeLtLt.ForEach(cedgelt => cedgelt.ForEach(cedge => cedge.SetLength()));

        public virtual double SetLengthSimple()
            this.dblLengthSimple = CGeoFunc.CalLengthForCptEb(this.CptLt);

            if (this.dblLengthSimple == 0)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("mightbe forgot to set _CptLt for a polygon!");
        private static double GetDividedMinAngle(CEdge newCEdge,
                                                 CEdge firstCEdge, CEdge secondCEdge, CEdge thirdCEdge, CEdge fourthCEdge)
            var dblAngle1 = CGeoFunc.CalAngle_Counterclockwise(firstCEdge.dblAxisAngle, newCEdge.dblAxisAngle);
            var dblAngle2 = CGeoFunc.CalAngle_Counterclockwise(newCEdge.dblAxisAngle, secondCEdge.dblAxisAngle);
            var dblAngle3 = Math.PI - CGeoFunc.CalAngle_Counterclockwise(newCEdge.dblAxisAngle, thirdCEdge.dblAxisAngle);
            var dblAngle4 = Math.PI - CGeoFunc.CalAngle_Counterclockwise(fourthCEdge.dblAxisAngle, newCEdge.dblAxisAngle);

            return(Math.Min(dblAngle1, Math.Min(dblAngle2, Math.Min(dblAngle3, dblAngle4))));
Ejemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// QueryMovedPt
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dblRatioforMovePt">the ratio of length1 (start point to target point) to length2 (start point to end point) on a base line</param>
        /// <param name="dblLengthforMovePt">the distance of the original point (on the polyline) to the targest point (on the base line)</param>
        /// <param name="dblAngleDiffforMovePt">the angle difference of segment1 (target point to original point) and segment2 (target point to end point)</param>
        ///  <param name="dblProp">t</param>
        ///  <param name="intID">ID of the original point</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CPoint QueryMovedPt(double dblRatioforMovePt, double dblLengthforMovePt, double dblAngleDiffforMovePt, double dblProp, int intID)
            double dblAngle        = _dblAxisAngle - dblAngleDiffforMovePt;
            CPoint targetcpt       = CGeoFunc.GetInbetweenCpt(_FrCpt, _ToCpt, dblRatioforMovePt);
            double dblresultLength = (1 - dblProp) * dblLengthforMovePt;
            double dblresultX      = targetcpt.X + dblresultLength * Math.Cos(dblAngle);
            double dblresultY      = targetcpt.Y + dblresultLength * Math.Sin(dblAngle);

            return(new CPoint(intID, dblresultX, dblresultY));
Ejemplo n.º 22
        private void DetermineOuterOrHole(List <CPolygon> rawfaceLt)
            foreach (CPolygon cpg in rawfaceLt)
                var AxisAngleCEdgeLt = cpg.LeftMostCpt.AxisAngleCEdgeLt;

                //find UpperCorrectAxisAngleCEdge and LowerCorrectAxisAngleCEdge
                //UpperCorrectAxisAngleCEdge has angle most close to 90 degrees
                //LowerCorrectAxisAngleCEdge has angle most close to 270 degrees
                var UpperCorrectAxisAngleCEdge = AxisAngleCEdgeLt[0];
                var dblUpperAngleToHalfPI      = MakeAngleCorrect(
                    CGeoFunc.CalAngle_Counterclockwise(AxisAngleCEdgeLt[0].dblAxisAngle, CConstants.dblHalfPI));

                var LowerCorrectAxisAngleCEdge = AxisAngleCEdgeLt[0];
                var dblLowerAngleToHalfPI      = dblUpperAngleToHalfPI;
                for (int i = 1; i < AxisAngleCEdgeLt.Count; i++)
                    double dblAngleToHalfPI = MakeAngleCorrect(
                        CGeoFunc.CalAngle_Counterclockwise(AxisAngleCEdgeLt[i].dblAxisAngle, CConstants.dblHalfPI));

                    if (dblAngleToHalfPI <= dblUpperAngleToHalfPI)
                        dblUpperAngleToHalfPI      = dblAngleToHalfPI;
                        UpperCorrectAxisAngleCEdge = AxisAngleCEdgeLt[i];

                    if (dblAngleToHalfPI > dblLowerAngleToHalfPI)
                        dblLowerAngleToHalfPI      = dblAngleToHalfPI;
                        LowerCorrectAxisAngleCEdge = AxisAngleCEdgeLt[i];

                cpg.IsHole = false;  //a hole means that the direction is clockwise
                var TestCEdgeStartAtExtreme = cpg.cedgeStartAtLeftMost;
                    if (TestCEdgeStartAtExtreme.cpgIncidentFace.GID == cpg.GID)  //TestCEdgeStartAtExtreme belongs to face cpg
                        //if the component is a hole, the following must hold
                        if (TestCEdgeStartAtExtreme.GID == UpperCorrectAxisAngleCEdge.GID &&
                            TestCEdgeStartAtExtreme.cedgePrev.GID == LowerCorrectAxisAngleCEdge.cedgeTwin.GID)
                            cpg.IsHole = true;  //inner boundary
                    TestCEdgeStartAtExtreme = TestCEdgeStartAtExtreme.GetLargerAxisAngleCEdge();
                } while (TestCEdgeStartAtExtreme.GID != cpg.cedgeStartAtLeftMost.GID);
Ejemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>递归找到对应河流,同时记录对应支流对应交汇点</summary>
        /// <param name="CCorrespondRiverLt">对应河流记录列</param>
        /// <param name="pBSRiver">大比例尺表达河流</param>
        /// <param name="pSSRiver">小比例尺表达河流</param>
        /// <param name="pParameterThreshold">阈值参数</param>
        /// <remarks ></remarks>
        private void RecursiveFindCorrespondRiverLt(ref List <CCorrespondRiver> CCorrespondRiverLt, CRiver pBSRiver, CRiver pSSRiver, CParameterThreshold pParameterThreshold)
            pBSRiver.CCorrRiver = pSSRiver;
            pSSRiver.CCorrRiver = pBSRiver;
            CCorrespondRiver pCorrespondRiver = new CCorrespondRiver(pSSRiver, pBSRiver);

            pCorrespondRiver.blnCorr = true;

            if (pSSRiver.CTributaryLt == null)

            pBSRiver.CCorrTriJunctionPtLt = new List <CPoint>();
            pSSRiver.CCorrTriJunctionPtLt = new List <CPoint>();
            List <CRiver> pBSTributaryLt = pBSRiver.CTributaryLt;
            List <CRiver> pSSTributaryLt = new List <CRiver>();


            for (int i = 0; i < pBSTributaryLt.Count; i++)
                bool blnIsOverlap = false;
                for (int j = 0; j < pSSTributaryLt.Count; j++)
                    blnIsOverlap = CGeoFunc.IsOverlap(pBSTributaryLt[i], pSSTributaryLt[j], pParameterThreshold.dblOverlapRatio);  //判断两河流是否重叠
                    if (blnIsOverlap == true)
                        RecursiveFindCorrespondRiverLt(ref CCorrespondRiverLt, pBSTributaryLt[i], pSSTributaryLt[j], pParameterThreshold); //递归找到对应河流

            for (int i = pBSRiver.CCorrTriJunctionPtLt.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
                if (pBSRiver.CCorrTriJunctionPtLt[i].Equals2D(pBSRiver.CCorrTriJunctionPtLt[i - 1]))
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public static string DrawIpt(IPoint ipt, IEnvelope pEnvelopeLayer, CEnvelope pEnvelopeIpe, string strShape,
                                     CColor StrokeColor, string strWidth = "normal")
            double dblFactor = pEnvelopeIpe.Height / pEnvelopeLayer.Height;
            double dblx      = CGeoFunc.CoordinateTransform(
                ipt.X, pEnvelopeLayer.XMin, pEnvelopeIpe.XMin, dblFactor);
            double dbly = CGeoFunc.CoordinateTransform(
                ipt.Y, pEnvelopeLayer.YMin, pEnvelopeIpe.YMin, dblFactor);

            return(drawIpeMark(dblx, dbly, strShape, AddColor(StrokeColor), strWidth));
Ejemplo n.º 25
        //private static CPolygon GenerateCpgEbByPolyNode(PolyNode cpgnode, int intID, bool blnReverse = false)
        //    var cptlt = ContourToCptEb(cpgnode.Contour, blnReverse).ToList();
        //    var holecptlt = GetOLHCptLtEb(cpgnode, blnReverse).ToLtLt();

        //    return new CPolygon(intID, cptlt, holecptlt);

        //public static IEnumerable<CPolygon> GenerateOLHCpgEbByPolyTree(PolyTree pPolyTree, int intID, bool blnReverse = false)
        //    foreach (var polyNode in pPolyTree.Childs)
        //    {
        //        yield return GenerateOLHCpgEbByPolyNode(polyNode, intID, blnReverse);
        //    }

        private static CPolygon GenerateOLHCpgEbByPolyNode(PolyNode cpgnode, int intID, bool blnReverse = false)
            //tiny edges cause problems for our Imai-Iri algorithm
            var cptlt     = CGeoFunc.RemoveClosePointsForCptEb(ConvertPathToCptEb(cpgnode.Contour, blnReverse)).ToList();
            var holecptlt = GetOLHCptLtEb(cpgnode, blnReverse).ToLtLt();

            var cpg = new CPolygon(intID, cptlt, holecptlt);

            //CSaveFeature.SaveCpgEb(clipperMethods.ScaleCpgEb(CHelpFunc.MakeLt(cpg), 1 / CConstants.dblFclipper), "Cpg");

        public override void FormCEdgeLt()
            this.CEdgeLt = CGeoFunc.FormCEdgeEb(this.CptLt).ToList();

            if (this.HoleCpgLt != null)
                foreach (var holecpg in this.HoleCpgLt)
Ejemplo n.º 27
        private static bool IsBaselineRightHandSide(CEdge CEdgeBaseline, CEdge CEdgeRef)
            double dblAngle = CGeoFunc.CalAngle_Counterclockwise(CEdgeBaseline, CEdgeRef);

            if (dblAngle < Math.PI)  //it doesn't matter we are simplifying a exterior ring or a interior ring (hole)
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public CPatch Unite(CPatch other, double dblSharedSegLength)
            var unitedcph = UniteNoAttribute(other);

            unitedcph.dblArea   = this.dblArea + other.dblArea;
            unitedcph.dblLength = this.dblLength + other.dblLength - 2 * dblSharedSegLength;
            if (CConstants.blnComputeMinComp == true || CConstants.blnComputeAvgComp == true)
                unitedcph.dblComp = CGeoFunc.CalCompactness(unitedcph.dblArea, unitedcph.dblLength);

Ejemplo n.º 29
 private void btnReduce_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         _dblProp      = _dblProp - 0.02;
         pbScale.Value = Convert.ToInt16(100 * _dblProp);
         _RelativeInterpolationCplLt = CGeoFunc.DisplayInterpolationMix(_DataRecords, _dblProp);
     catch (Exception)
 private double FindMinLength(List<CPoint> cptlt)
     double dblMinDis = double.MaxValue;
     for (int i = 0; i < cptlt.Count - 1; i++)
         double dblDis = CGeoFunc.CalDis(cptlt[i], cptlt[i + 1]);
         if (dblDis < dblMinDis)
             dblMinDis = dblDis;
     return dblMinDis;