Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Count how many articles that are du to
        /// be sent to CompactStore
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ident"></param>
        /// <param name="vartOrdernr"></param>
        /// <returns>No of items or -1 if error (ident fails)</returns>
        /// 2018-04-22
        private Decimal countArtForStorageAut(string vartOrdernr)
            string sSql = "SELECT coalesce(sum(oa.coAntal),0) - coalesce(sum(oa.ciAntal),0) sum_antal "
                          + " FROM orderArt oa "
                          + " where oa.vart_ordernr = :vart_ordernr ";
            NxParameterCollection pc = new NxParameterCollection();

            pc.Add("vart_ordernr", vartOrdernr);
            string    error       = "";
            DataTable dt          = cdb.getData(sSql, ref error, pc);
            Decimal   orderArtSum = 0;

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                orderArtSum = Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[0]["sum_antal"]);
            sSql = "select coalesce(sum(oas.antal),0) sum_oas "
                   + " from oaStorage oas "
                   + " join orderArt oa on oas.orderArtId = oa.orderArtId "
                   + " where oa.vart_ordernr = :vart_ordernr ";
            error = "";
            dt    = cdb.getData(sSql, ref error, pc);
            Decimal sum_oas = 0;

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                sum_oas = Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[0]["sum_oas"]);
            return(orderArtSum - sum_oas);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a list of all reuse material sizes
        /// Set reuseMatId to 0 to get all objects
        /// Otherwise return only the object matching the
        /// Id number

        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ident"></param>
        /// <param name="reuseMatId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// 2018-08-31 KJBO
        public List <gReuseMatCL> getReuseMaterial(string ident, int reuseMatId)
            List <gReuseMatCL> rmList = new List <gReuseMatCL>();
            CReparator         cr     = new CReparator();
            int identOK = cr.checkIdent(ident);

            if (identOK == -1)
                gReuseMatCL gm = new gReuseMatCL();
                gm.ErrCode    = -10;
                gm.ErrMessage = "Ogiltigt login";

            NxParameterCollection pc = new NxParameterCollection();
            string sSql = " SELECT gm.reuseMatId, gm.minDiam, gm.reusePercentage, coalesce(min(gmNext.minDiam), 1500) gmMaxDiam "
                          + " FROM gReuseMat gm "
                          + " left outer join gReuseMat gmNext on gm.minDiam < gmNext.minDiam ";

            if (reuseMatId > 0)
                sSql += "where gm.reuseMatId = :reuseMatId ";
                pc.Add("reuseMatId", reuseMatId);
            sSql += " group by gm.reuseMatId, gm.minDiam, gm.reusePercentage ";
            string    errText = "";
            DataTable dt      = cdb.getData(sSql, ref errText, pc);

            int errCode = -100;

            if (errText != "")
                gReuseMatCL gm = new gReuseMatCL();
                if (errText.Length > 2000)
                    errText = errText.Substring(1, 2000);
                gm.ErrCode    = errCode;
                gm.ErrMessage = errText;
            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                gReuseMatCL gm = new gReuseMatCL();
                gm.ErrCode         = 0;
                gm.ErrMessage      = "";
                gm.reuseMatId      = Convert.ToInt32(dr["reuseMatId"]);
                gm.minDiam         = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["minDiam"]);
                gm.maxDiam         = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["gmMaxDiam"]);
                gm.reusePercentage = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["reusePercentage"]);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Get working costs (and cuttingMargin)
        /// Return always one row. If nothing is stored then
        /// the return value in in ErrCode will be -100. As this
        /// error is expected the first time something is stored this
        /// has to be taken care of in the calling code.
        /// All other errors shall be shown to the user
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ident"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// 2018-08-17 KJBO
        public gWorkingCostCL getWorkingCosts(string ident)
            gWorkingCostCL wc      = new gWorkingCostCL();
            CReparator     cr      = new CReparator();
            int            identOK = cr.checkIdent(ident);

            if (identOK == -1)
                wc.ErrCode    = -10;
                wc.ErrMessage = "Ogiltigt login";

            string sSql = " select workingCostId, cuttingHourNet, cuttingHourSales, handlingHourNet, handlingHourSales, cuttingMargin "
                          + " from gWorkingCost ";

            string    errText = "";
            DataTable dt      = cdb.getData(sSql, ref errText);

            int errCode = -100;

            if (errText != "")
                if (errText.Length > 2000)
                    errText = errText.Substring(1, 2000);
                wc.ErrCode    = errCode;
                wc.ErrMessage = errText;

            if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                wc.ErrCode    = -100;
                wc.ErrMessage = "Det finns ingen registrerad arbetskostnad";

            DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0];

            wc.workingCostId     = Convert.ToInt32(dr["workingCostId"]);
            wc.cuttingHourNet    = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["cuttingHourNet"]);
            wc.cuttingHourSales  = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["cuttingHourSales"]);
            wc.handlingHourNet   = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["handlingHourNet"]);
            wc.handlingHourSales = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["handlingHourSales"]);
            wc.cuttingMargin     = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["cuttingMargin"]);
            wc.ErrCode           = 0;
            wc.ErrMessage        = "";

Ejemplo n.º 4
        private bool drawingExists(string ventil_id, int drawingNo)
            string sSql = " select count(*) countDrawing "
                          + " from valveDrawing "
                          + " where ventil_id = :ventil_id "
                          + " and drawingNo = :drawingNo ";
            NxParameterCollection pc = new NxParameterCollection();

            pc.Add("ventil_id", ventil_id);
            pc.Add("drawingNo", drawingNo);
            string    err = "";
            DataTable dt  = cdb.getData(sSql, ref err, pc);

            if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
            return(Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["countDrawing"]) > 0);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private string resetOrderArt()
            string result = "";

            string sSql = " select orderArtId, coAntal - ciAntal coAntal "
                          + " from orderArt "
                          + " where vart_ordernr = :vart_ordernr ";
            NxParameterCollection pc = new NxParameterCollection();

            pc.Add("vart_ordernr", vart_ordernr);
            DataTable dt = cdb.getData(sSql, ref result, pc);

            if (result != "")

            string sSqlDelete = " delete from oaPyramid "
                                + " where orderArtId = :orderArtId ";
            NxParameterCollection pcDelete = new NxParameterCollection();

            pcDelete.Add("orderArtId", 1);

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                int orderArtId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["orderArtId"]);
                pcDelete["orderArtId"].Value = orderArtId;
                cdb.updateData(sSqlDelete, ref result, pcDelete);
                if (result != "")

            // Return here. The last code is replaced with resendxOrderArt
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private string dnExists(string dn)
            string sSql = " select count(*) antal "
                          + " from dn "
                          + " where dn = :dn ";
            string errTxt            = "";
            NxParameterCollection pc = new NxParameterCollection();

            pc.Add("dn", dn);
            DataTable dt = cdb.getData(sSql, ref errTxt, pc);

            if (errTxt != "")
            if (dt.Rows.Count == 1)
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns all gaskets or just one
        /// If gasketId = 0 all registered gasket will be returned
        /// if gasketId > 0 then the gasket with that primary key
        /// will be returned.
        /// If a gasket id is provided and this gasket don't exists
        /// then the errorCode will return -100 and the calling program
        /// needs to take the correct action.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ident"></param>
        /// <param name="gasketId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// 2018-08-17 kjbo
        public List <gGasketCL> getGasket(string ident, int gasketId)
            List <gGasketCL> gasketList = new List <gGasketCL>();

            CReparator cr      = new CReparator();
            int        identOK = cr.checkIdent(ident);

            if (identOK == -1)
                gGasketCL gasket = new gGasketCL();
                gasket.ErrCode    = -10;
                gasket.ErrMessage = "Ogiltigt login";

            string sSql = " select g.gasketId, g.gasketTypeId, g.materialThicknId, g.outerDiam, g.innerDiam, g.reusableMaterial, g.cuttingMargin, "
                          + " g.standardPriceProduct, g.handlingTime, g.price, g.note, g.description "
                          + ", coalesce(g.Type2SecHoleCount,0) Type2SecHoleCount, coalesce(g.Type2SecHoleDiam,0) Type2SecHoleDiam "
                          + " , gt.\"description\" materialThicknName "
                          + " , gs.\"description\" materialSizeName "
                          + " , gm.material materialName "
                          + " , gtp.gasketType gasketTypeName "
                          + ",  gt.buyPrice / ((gs.materialLength * 1000) * (gs.materialWidth * 1000)) materialCostMm2 "
                          + ",  gt.SellPrice / gt.buyPrice materialMarginPercent "
                          + ", (gt.cuttingTime * 1000) / 60 cuttingSpeedMmSek "
                          + " from gGasket g "
                          + " join gMaterialThickn gt on g.materialThicknId = gt.materialThicknId "
                          + " join gMaterialSize gs on gt.materialSizeId = gs.materialSizeId "
                          + " join gMaterial gm on gs.materialId = gm.materialId "
                          + " join gGasketType gtp on g.gasketTypeId = gtp.gasketTypeId ";

            if (gasketId > 0)
                sSql += " where gasketId = :gasketId ";
            NxParameterCollection pc = new NxParameterCollection();

            if (gasketId > 0)
                pc.Add("gasketId", gasketId);
            string    errText = "";
            DataTable dt      = cdb.getData(sSql, ref errText, pc);

            int errCode = -100;

            if (errText != "")
                gGasketCL gasket = new gGasketCL();
                if (errText.Length > 2000)
                    errText = errText.Substring(1, 2000);
                gasket.ErrCode    = errCode;
                gasket.ErrMessage = errText;

            if (gasketId > 0 && dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                gGasketCL gasket = new gGasketCL();
                gasket.ErrCode    = -100;
                gasket.ErrMessage = "Det finns ingen packning med id " + gasketId.ToString();

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                gGasketCL gasket = new gGasketCL();
                gasket.gasketId             = Convert.ToInt32(dr["gasketId"]);
                gasket.gasketTypeId         = Convert.ToInt32(dr["gasketTypeId"]);
                gasket.materialThicknId     = Convert.ToInt32(dr["materialThicknId"]);
                gasket.outerDiam            = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["outerDiam"]);
                gasket.innerDiam            = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["innerDiam"]);
                gasket.reusableMaterial     = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["reusableMaterial"]);
                gasket.cuttingMargin        = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["cuttingMargin"]);
                gasket.standardPriceProduct = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["standardPriceProduct"]);
                gasket.handlingTime         = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["handlingTime"]);
                gasket.Type2SecHoleCount    = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Type2SecHoleCount"]);
                gasket.Type2SecHoleDiam     = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["Type2SecHoleDiam"]);
                gasket.price                 = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["price"]);
                gasket.note                  = dr["note"].ToString();
                gasket.description           = dr["description"].ToString();
                gasket.materialName          = dr["materialName"].ToString();
                gasket.materialSizeName      = dr["materialSizeName"].ToString();
                gasket.materialThicknName    = dr["materialThicknName"].ToString();
                gasket.gasketTypeName        = dr["gasketTypeName"].ToString();
                gasket.materialCostMm2       = Convert.ToDouble(dr["materialCostMm2"]);
                gasket.materialMarginPercent = Convert.ToDouble(dr["materialMarginPercent"]);
                gasket.cuttingSpeedMmSek     = Convert.ToDouble(dr["cuttingSpeedMmSek"]);
                if (gasket.gasketTypeId == 1 || gasket.gasketTypeId == 2)
                    gasket.cuttingLengthOuterMm = Convert.ToDouble(gasket.outerDiam) * Math.PI;
                    gasket.cuttingLengthInnerMm = Convert.ToDouble(gasket.innerDiam) * Math.PI;
                    Double dArea    = Convert.ToDouble((gasket.outerDiam + (gasket.cuttingMargin * 2)) * (gasket.outerDiam + (gasket.cuttingMargin * 2)));
                    Double reusable = Convert.ToDouble(1 - (gasket.reusableMaterial / 100));
                    gasket.materialArea = dArea * reusable;
                // 2018-08-30
                // Add time to cut the exra holes when typeId = 2
                if (gasket.gasketTypeId == 2)
                    gasket.cuttingLengthOuterMm += (Convert.ToDouble(gasket.Type2SecHoleDiam) * Math.PI) * gasket.Type2SecHoleCount;
                gasket.ErrCode    = 0;
                gasket.ErrMessage = "";
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of all registered materials
        /// If materialId <> 0 then only the material ID that
        /// matches the current ID will be returned.
        /// In that case this will be 0 or 1 instance of gMaterialCL
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ident"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// 2018-08-15 KJBO
        public List <gMaterialCL> getMaterial(string ident, int materialId)
            List <gMaterialCL> gmList = new List <gMaterialCL>();

            CReparator cr      = new CReparator();
            int        identOK = cr.checkIdent(ident);

            if (identOK == -1)
                gMaterialCL gm = new gMaterialCL();
                gm.ErrCode    = -10;
                gm.ErrMessage = "Ogiltigt login";

            string sSql = " SELECT materialId, material, materialShort "
                          + " FROM gMaterial";

            if (materialId != 0)
                sSql += " where materialId = :materialId";

            NxParameterCollection pc = new NxParameterCollection();

            if (materialId != 0)
                pc.Add("materialId", materialId);
            string    errText = "";
            DataTable dt      = cdb.getData(sSql, ref errText, pc);

            int errCode = -100;

            if (errText != "")
                gMaterialCL gm = new gMaterialCL();
                if (errText.Length > 2000)
                    errText = errText.Substring(1, 2000);
                gm.ErrCode    = errCode;
                gm.ErrMessage = errText;

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                gMaterialCL gm = new gMaterialCL();
                gm.ErrCode       = 0;
                gm.ErrMessage    = "";
                gm.material      = dr["material"].ToString();
                gm.materialId    = Convert.ToInt32(dr["materialId"]);
                gm.materialShort = dr["materialShort"].ToString();

Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of ordered arts for a given order
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="orderArtId"></param>
        /// <param name="vartOrdernr"></param>
        /// <param name="ident"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <OrderArtCL> getOrderArt(int orderArtId, string vartOrdernr, bool getStock)
            List <OrderArtCL> orderArts = new List <OrderArtCL>();

            if (orderArtId == 0 && vartOrdernr == "")
                OrderArtCL oa = new OrderArtCL();
                oa.ErrCode    = -101;
                oa.ErrMessage = "Felaktigt argument";

            string sSql = "SELECT oa.orderArtId, oa.vart_ordernr, oa.artnr, oa.coAntal, oa.ciAntal, sum(coalesce(r.antal,0)) ordAntal, a.artnamn, a.artikelkod, coalesce(oa.tempCiAntal,0) tempCiAntal "
                          + " FROM orderArt oa "
                          + " join artikel a on oa.artnr = a.artnr "
                          + " left outer join reservdel r on (oa.vart_ordernr = r.vart_ordernr and oa.artnr = r.artnr) ";

            if (orderArtId > 0)
                sSql += " where oa.orderArtId = :orderArtId ";
                sSql += " where oa.vart_ordernr = :vart_ordernr ";
            sSql += " group by oa.orderArtId, oa.vart_ordernr, oa.artnr, oa.coAntal, oa.ciAntal, a.artnamn, a.artikelkod, oa.tempCiAntal ";
            NxParameterCollection np = new NxParameterCollection();

            if (orderArtId > 0)
                np.Add("orderArtId", orderArtId);
                np.Add("vart_ordernr", vartOrdernr);
            string    errText = "";
            DataTable dt      = cdb.getData(sSql, ref errText, np);

            if (errText != "")
                OrderArtCL oa = new OrderArtCL();
                if (errText.Length > 2000)
                    errText = errText.Substring(1, 2000);
                oa.ErrCode    = -100;
                oa.ErrMessage = errText;
            // 2018-05-22 KJBO
            PyramidServ.ServiceSoapClient client = new PyramidServ.ServiceSoapClient();
            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                OrderArtCL oa = new OrderArtCL();
                oa.OrderArtId  = Convert.ToInt32(dr["orderArtId"]);
                oa.VartOrdernr = dr["vart_ordernr"].ToString();
                oa.Artnr       = dr["artnr"].ToString();
                oa.ArtNamn     = dr["artnamn"].ToString();
                oa.Artikelkod  = dr["artikelkod"].ToString();
                oa.CoAntal     = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["coAntal"]);
                oa.CiAntal     = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["ciAntal"]);
                oa.OrdAntal    = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["ordAntal"]);
                // 2018-05-02 KJBO
                oa.TempCiAntal = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["tempCiAntal"]);
                oa.Stock       = 0;
                if (getStock)
                    oa.Stock = getPyramidArtStock(oa.Artikelkod, client);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of material thickness
        /// if parameter materialThicknId = 0 then all registered material thickness will be returned
        /// if the parameter is > 0 then only one (or error) will be returned
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ident"></param>
        /// <param name="materialThicknId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// 2018-08-16 KJBO
        public List <gMaterialThicknCL> getMaterialThickn(string ident, int materialThicknId)
            List <gMaterialThicknCL> gmList = new List <gMaterialThicknCL>();

            CReparator cr      = new CReparator();
            int        identOK = cr.checkIdent(ident);

            if (identOK == -1)
                gMaterialThicknCL gm = new gMaterialThicknCL();
                gm.ErrCode    = -10;
                gm.ErrMessage = "Ogiltigt login";

            string sSql = " SELECT mt.materialThicknId, mt.materialSizeId, mt.\"description\", mt.thicknShort, mt.thickness, mt.buyPrice, mt.sellPrice, mt.cuttingTime "
                          + " , ms.\"description\" materialSize, m.material "
                          + " FROM gMaterialThickn mt "
                          + " join gMaterialSize ms on mt.materialSizeId = ms.materialSizeId "
                          + " join gMaterial m on ms.materialId = m.materialId ";

            if (materialThicknId > 0)
                sSql += " where mt.materialThicknId = :materialThicknId ";

            NxParameterCollection pc = new NxParameterCollection();

            if (materialThicknId != 0)
                pc.Add("materialThicknId", materialThicknId);
            string    errText = "";
            DataTable dt      = cdb.getData(sSql, ref errText, pc);

            int errCode = -100;

            if (errText != "")
                gMaterialThicknCL gm = new gMaterialThicknCL();
                if (errText.Length > 2000)
                    errText = errText.Substring(1, 2000);
                gm.ErrCode    = errCode;
                gm.ErrMessage = errText;

            if (materialThicknId > 0 && dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                gMaterialThicknCL gm = new gMaterialThicknCL();
                gm.ErrCode    = -1;
                gm.ErrMessage = "Det finns ingen registrerad med id " + materialThicknId.ToString();

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                gMaterialThicknCL gm = new gMaterialThicknCL();
                gm.ErrCode          = 0;
                gm.ErrMessage       = "";
                gm.materialThicknId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["materialThicknId"]);
                gm.materialSizeId   = Convert.ToInt32(dr["materialSizeId"]);
                gm.description      = dr["description"].ToString();
                gm.thicknShort      = dr["thicknShort"].ToString();
                gm.thickness        = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["thickness"]);
                gm.buyPrice         = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["buyPrice"]);
                gm.sellPrice        = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["sellPrice"]);
                gm.cuttingTime      = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["cuttingTime"]);
                gm.materialSize     = dr["materialSize"].ToString();
                gm.materialName     = dr["material"].ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns registered material sizes
        /// if materialSizeId is 0 then all registered material sizes will be returned
        /// else the material size that matches the materiallSizeId will be returned
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ident"></param>
        /// <param name="materialSizeId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <gMaterialSizeCL> getMaterialSize(string ident, int materialSizeId)
            List <gMaterialSizeCL> gmList = new List <gMaterialSizeCL>();

            CReparator cr      = new CReparator();
            int        identOK = cr.checkIdent(ident);

            if (identOK == -1)
                gMaterialSizeCL gm = new gMaterialSizeCL();
                gm.ErrCode    = -10;
                gm.ErrMessage = "Ogiltigt login";

            string sSql = " SELECT ms.materialSizeId, ms.materialId, ms.\"description\", ms.sizeShort, ms.materialLength, ms.materialWidth, ms.defaultVal, m.material materialName "
                          + " FROM gMaterialSize ms "
                          + " join gMaterial m on ms.materialId = m.materialId ";

            if (materialSizeId != 0)
                sSql += " where materialSizeId = :materialSizeId ";

            NxParameterCollection pc = new NxParameterCollection();

            if (materialSizeId != 0)
                pc.Add("materialSizeId", materialSizeId);
            string    errText = "";
            DataTable dt      = cdb.getData(sSql, ref errText, pc);

            int errCode = -100;

            if (errText != "")
                gMaterialSizeCL gm = new gMaterialSizeCL();
                if (errText.Length > 2000)
                    errText = errText.Substring(1, 2000);
                gm.ErrCode    = errCode;
                gm.ErrMessage = errText;

            if (materialSizeId > 0 && dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                gMaterialSizeCL gm = new gMaterialSizeCL();
                gm.ErrCode    = -1;
                gm.ErrMessage = "Det finns inget registrerat material med id " + materialSizeId.ToString();

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                gMaterialSizeCL gm = new gMaterialSizeCL();
                gm.ErrCode        = 0;
                gm.ErrMessage     = "";
                gm.materialSizeId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["materialSizeId"]);
                gm.materialId     = Convert.ToInt32(dr["materialId"]);
                gm.description    = dr["description"].ToString();
                gm.sizeShort      = dr["sizeShort"].ToString();
                gm.materialLength = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["materialLength"]);
                gm.materialWidth  = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["materialWidth"]);
                gm.defaultVal     = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["defaultVal"]);
                gm.materialName   = dr["materialName"].ToString();
