public override void Modify(CCText text) { char b = rangeBeginSymbol[0], e = rangeEndSymbol[0]; Color normalColor = text.Color; Color[] colors = text.colors; for (int i = 0, v = 0, l = text.Length; i < l; i++) { char c = text[i]; if (c <= ' ') { continue; } if (b <= c && c <= e) { colors[v] = color; colors[v + 1] = color; colors[v + 2] = color; colors[v + 3] = color; } else { colors[v] = normalColor; colors[v + 1] = normalColor; colors[v + 2] = normalColor; colors[v + 3] = normalColor; } v += 4; } text.mesh.colors = colors; }
public override void Modify(CCText text) { float offset = text.minBounds.y, scale = 1f / (text.maxBounds.y - offset); Vector3[] vertices = text.vertices; Color[] colors = text.colors; for (int i = 0, v = 0, l = text.Length; i < l; i++) { char c = text[i]; if (c <= ' ') { continue; } Color top = Color.Lerp(bottomColor, topColor, (vertices[v].y - offset) * scale), bottom = Color.Lerp(bottomColor, topColor, (vertices[v + 2].y - offset) * scale); colors[v] = top; colors[v + 1] = top; colors[v + 2] = bottom; colors[v + 3] = bottom; v += 4; } text.mesh.colors = colors; }
public void OnSceneGUI() { CCText box = (CCText)target; if (!box.enabled) { return; } Vector3 min = box.minBounds, max = box.maxBounds; Transform t = box.transform; if (min.z == max.z) { // draw a white box to show mesh bounds and a yellow box to show caret bounds CCEditorUtility.DrawWireRectangle(min, max, t); Handles.color = Color.yellow; CCEditorUtility.DrawWireRectangle(box.CaretMinBounds, box.CaretMaxBounds, t); } else { CCEditorUtility.DrawWireCube(min, max, t); } }
private void RevolveX(CCText text) { Vector3[] vertices = text.vertices; Vector3 minBounds = notMinimum, maxBounds = notMaximum; float r = text.Offset.z - minorRadius, y2u = majorRadius == 0f ? 0f : -1f / majorRadius, x2v = r == 0f ? 0f : 1f / r; for (int i = 0, v = 0, l = text.Length; i < l; i++) { if (text[i] <= ' ') { continue; } for (int lv = v + 4; v < lv; v++) { Vector3 vertex = vertices[v]; float U = vertex.y * y2u, V = vertex.x * x2v, R = (r * Mathf.Cos(V) - majorRadius); vertex.z = R * Mathf.Cos(U); vertex.y = R * Mathf.Sin(U); vertex.x = r * Mathf.Sin(V); vertices[v] = vertex; if (vertex.x > maxBounds.x) { maxBounds.x = vertex.x; } if (vertex.x < minBounds.x) { minBounds.x = vertex.x; } if (vertex.y > maxBounds.y) { maxBounds.y = vertex.y; } if (vertex.y < minBounds.y) { minBounds.y = vertex.y; } if (vertex.z > maxBounds.z) { maxBounds.z = vertex.z; } if (vertex.z < minBounds.z) { minBounds.z = vertex.z; } } } text.minBounds = minBounds; text.maxBounds = maxBounds; }
public void TypewriterSay(CCText targetText, string s, float extraTime = 1f) { float timeMod = 1; ResetTypewriter(s); currentText = targetText; t = s.Length * timeMod * charInterval + 6 + extraTime; showing = true; }
static void CreateTextBox() { CCFont font = Selection.activeObject as CCFont; CCText newBox = CCEditorUtility.CreateGameObjectWithComponent <CCText>("New Text Box"); if (font != null) { // set its font to the currently selected font newBox.Font = font; } }
public override void Modify(CCText text) { if (revolveMode == RevolveMode.X) { RevolveX(text); } else { RevolveY(text); } }
public override void Modify(CCText text) { if (wrapMode == WrapMode.X) { WrapX(text); } else { WrapY(text); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (t < 1) { t += UnityEngine.Time.deltaTime / 5; gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1) * (t * 2 + 1); Vector3 pos = gameObject.transform.localPosition; pos.y -= UnityEngine.Time.deltaTime * -0.6f; gameObject.transform.localPosition = pos; CCText text = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <CCText>(); Color rgba = text.Color; rgba.a = 1 - t; text.Color = rgba; } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { cct = GetComponent <CCText>(); // if (rainbow){ // myColors = new Color[7]; // myColors[0]; // myColors[1]=new Color(1,3,0,1); // orange? // myColors[2]=Color.yellow; // myColors[3]; // myColors[4]; // myColors[5]=Color.cyan; // myColors[6]=new Color(1,0,1,1); // // // } }
public override void Modify(CCText text) { char b = beginSymbol[0], e = endSymbol[0]; Color currentColor = text.Color; Color[] colors = text.colors; for (int i = 0, v = 0, l = text.Length; i < l; i++) { char c = text[i]; if (c <= ' ') { continue; } if (c == b) { colors[v] = currentColor; colors[v + 1] = currentColor; colors[v + 2] = currentColor; colors[v + 3] = currentColor; currentColor = color; } else if (c == e) { currentColor = text.Color; colors[v] = currentColor; colors[v + 1] = currentColor; colors[v + 2] = currentColor; colors[v + 3] = currentColor; } else { colors[v] = currentColor; colors[v + 1] = currentColor; colors[v + 2] = currentColor; colors[v + 3] = currentColor; } v += 4; } text.mesh.colors = colors; }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { serializedBox.Update(); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(color); Object oldFont = font.objectReferenceValue; EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(font); if (font.objectReferenceValue != null && oldFont != font.objectReferenceValue && !((CCFont)font.objectReferenceValue).IsValid) { font.objectReferenceValue = oldFont; Debug.LogWarning("CCText refused to accept an invalid CCFont. Please import font data first."); } EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(modifier); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(alignment); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel("Anchor"); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(horizontalAnchor, anchorContent, anchorWidth); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(verticalAnchor, anchorContent, anchorWidth); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(bounding); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(width); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(chunkSize); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(lineHeight); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(tabSize); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(offset); if (!serializedBox.isEditingMultipleObjects) { if (textFieldStyle == null) { EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeControls(); textFieldStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.textField); textFieldStyle.wordWrap = true; } CCText box = (CCText)target; GUILayout.Label("Text", text.prefabOverride ? EditorStyles.boldLabel : EditorStyles.label); string newText = EditorGUILayout.TextArea(text.stringValue, textFieldStyle, GUILayout.Height(81f)); if (!newText.Equals(text.stringValue)) { text.stringValue = newText; } if (box.enabled) { GUILayout.Label(" using " + box.UsedSpriteCount + " of " + box.SpriteCount + " sprites", EditorStyles.miniLabel); } } if (serializedBox.ApplyModifiedProperties() || CCEditorUtility.UndoRedoEventHappened) { foreach (CCText t in targets) { if (PrefabUtility.GetPrefabType(t) != PrefabType.Prefab) { if (t.LineHeight < 0) { t.LineHeight = 0; } if (t.TabSize < 0.001f) { t.TabSize = 0.001f; } if (t.Width < 0) { t.Width = 0; } t.ResetColors(); t.UpdateText(); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Modify a CCText. /// </summary> /// <param name="text"> /// A <see cref="CCText"/>. /// </param> public abstract void Modify(CCText text);
private void WrapX(CCText text) { Vector3[] vertices = text.vertices; Vector3 minBounds = notMinimum, maxBounds = notMaximum; float r = text.Offset.z - radius, y2r = r == 0f ? 0f : 1f / r; for (int i = 0, v = 0, l = text.Length; i < l; i++) { if (text[i] <= ' ') { continue; } // vertex 0 Vector3 vertex = vertices[v]; float rad = vertex.y * y2r; vertex.y = Mathf.Sin(rad) * r; vertex.z = Mathf.Cos(rad) * r; vertices[v] = vertex; if (vertex.x > maxBounds.x) { maxBounds.x = vertex.x; } if (vertex.x < minBounds.x) { minBounds.x = vertex.x; } if (vertex.y > maxBounds.y) { maxBounds.y = vertex.y; } if (vertex.y < minBounds.y) { minBounds.y = vertex.y; } if (vertex.z > maxBounds.z) { maxBounds.z = vertex.z; } if (vertex.z < minBounds.z) { minBounds.z = vertex.z; } // vertex 1 vertices[v + 1].y = vertex.y; vertices[v + 1].z = vertex.z; // vertex 2 vertex = vertices[v + 2]; rad = vertex.y * y2r; vertex.y = Mathf.Sin(rad) * r; vertex.z = Mathf.Cos(rad) * r; vertices[v + 2] = vertex; if (vertex.x > maxBounds.x) { maxBounds.x = vertex.x; } if (vertex.x < minBounds.x) { minBounds.x = vertex.x; } if (vertex.y > maxBounds.y) { maxBounds.y = vertex.y; } if (vertex.y < minBounds.y) { minBounds.y = vertex.y; } if (vertex.z > maxBounds.z) { maxBounds.z = vertex.z; } if (vertex.z < minBounds.z) { minBounds.z = vertex.z; } // vertex 3 vertices[v + 3].y = vertex.y; vertices[v + 3].z = vertex.z; v += 4; } text.minBounds = minBounds; text.maxBounds = maxBounds; }