private void UpdateExistingCustomer() { ShowCustomers(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the ID for the customer you would like to change."); string idToChange = Console.ReadLine(); C5Emails customerToChange = repo.GetCustomerByID(idToChange); Console.WriteLine("Enter the number of the customer type:\n" + "1. Current\n" + "2. Past\n" + "3. Potential\n"); string input = Console.ReadLine(); bool stopRunning = false; while (!stopRunning) { switch (input) { case "1": customerToChange.CustomerType = CustomerType.Current; stopRunning = true; break; case "2": customerToChange.CustomerType = CustomerType.Past; stopRunning = true; break; case "3": customerToChange.CustomerType = CustomerType.Potential; stopRunning = true; break; default: Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid input."); stopRunning = false; break; } } Console.WriteLine("Please enter the customer's ID."); customerToChange.ID = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter the customer's first name."); customerToChange.FirstName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter the customer's last name."); customerToChange.LastName = Console.ReadLine(); bool wasChanged = repo.AddToList(customerToChange);; if (wasChanged) { Console.WriteLine("This content was successfully changed."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Content could not be changed"); } }
private void AddNewCustomer() { C5Emails newcustomer = new C5Emails(); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the number of the customer type you would like to add:\n" + "1. Current\n" + "2. Past\n" + "3. Potential\n"); string input = Console.ReadLine(); bool stopRunning = false; while (!stopRunning) { switch (input) { case "1": newcustomer.CustomerType = CustomerType.Current; stopRunning = true; break; case "2": newcustomer.CustomerType = CustomerType.Past; stopRunning = true; break; case "3": newcustomer.CustomerType = CustomerType.Potential; stopRunning = true; break; default: Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid input."); stopRunning = false; break; } } Console.WriteLine("Please enter the customer's ID."); newcustomer.ID = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter the customer's first name."); newcustomer.FirstName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter the customer's last name."); newcustomer.LastName = Console.ReadLine(); bool wasAdded = repo.AddToList(newcustomer); if (wasAdded == true) { Console.WriteLine("Your content was succesfully added."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Oops something went wrong. Your content was not added."); } }
public void AddToDirectory_ShouldGetCorrectBoolean() { //Arrange C5Emails content = new C5Emails(); C5_Repo repository = new C5_Repo(); //Act bool addResult = repository.AddToList(content); //Assert Assert.IsTrue(addResult); }
public void GetByTitle_ShouldReturnCorrectContent() { //Arrange C5_Repo repo = new C5_Repo(); C5Emails newContent = new C5Emails("Jim", "Istired", "verytired", CustomerType.Past); repo.AddToList(newContent); string id = "Jim"; //Act C5Emails searchResult = repo.GetCustomerByID(id); //Assert Assert.AreEqual(searchResult.ID, id); }
public void DeleteExistingContent_ShouldReturnTrue() { //Arrange C5_Repo repo = new C5_Repo(); C5Emails content = new C5Emails("Jim", "Istired", "verytired", CustomerType.Past); repo.AddToList(content); //Act C5Emails oldContent = repo.GetCustomerByID("Jim"); bool removeResult = repo.DeleteExisting(oldContent); //Assert Assert.IsTrue(removeResult); }
public void UpdateExistingContent_ShouldReturnTrue() { //Arrange C5_Repo repo = new C5_Repo(); C5Emails oldContent = new C5Emails("Jim", "Istired", "verytired", CustomerType.Past); repo.AddToList(oldContent); C5Emails newContent = new C5Emails("James", "Is", "verytired", CustomerType.Past); //Act bool updateResult = repo.UpdateExistingCustomer(oldContent.ID, newContent); //Assert Assert.IsTrue(updateResult); }
public void GetDirectory_ShouldReturnCorrectCollection() { //Arrange C5Emails content = new C5Emails(); C5_Repo repo = new C5_Repo(); repo.AddToList(content); //Act List <C5Emails> contents = repo.GetCustomers(); bool directoryHasContent = contents.Contains(content); //Assert Assert.IsTrue(directoryHasContent); }
private void SeedContent() { C5Emails One = new C5Emails( "A1", "James", "Gulley", CustomerType.Potential ); C5Emails Two = new C5Emails( "A2", "Jim", "Gulley", CustomerType.Potential ); C5Emails Three = new C5Emails( "A3", "Jimmy", "Brain", CustomerType.Current ); C5Emails Four = new C5Emails( "A4", "Jimbob", "Gollmister", CustomerType.Current ); C5Emails Five = new C5Emails( "A5", "JimmyBoBob", "Brain", CustomerType.Past ); C5Emails Six = new C5Emails( "A6", "Pinky", "Snarf", CustomerType.Past ); repo.AddToList(One); repo.AddToList(Two); repo.AddToList(Three); repo.AddToList(Four); repo.AddToList(Five); repo.AddToList(Six); }
private void DeleteCustomerByID() { ShowCustomers(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the ID for the customer you would like to delete."); string customerIDToDelete = Console.ReadLine(); C5Emails customerToDelete = repo.GetCustomerByID(customerIDToDelete); bool wasDeleted = repo.DeleteExisting(customerToDelete); if (wasDeleted) { Console.WriteLine("This content was successfully deleted."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Content could not be deleted"); } }
private void ShowCustomerByID() { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the title of the content you'd like to see."); string id = Console.ReadLine(); C5Emails customer = repo.GetCustomerByID(id); if (customer != null) { ShowCustomer(customer); } else { Console.WriteLine("That title doesn't exist."); } Console.ReadKey(); }
public void ShowCustomer(C5Emails customer) { Console.WriteLine($"Customer ID: {customer.ID}"); Console.WriteLine($"Customer FirstName: {customer.FirstName}"); Console.WriteLine($"Customer LastName: {customer.LastName}"); Console.WriteLine($"Customer Type: {customer.CustomerType}"); if (customer.CustomerType == CustomerType.Current) { Console.WriteLine("Thank you for your work with us. We appreciate your loyalty. Here's a coupon."); } else if (customer.CustomerType == CustomerType.Past) { Console.WriteLine("It's been a long time since we've heard from you, we want you back"); } else if (customer.CustomerType == CustomerType.Potential) { Console.WriteLine("We currently have the lowest rates on Helicopter Insurance!"); } }