// save a book
        private void _btnSave_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // choose file
            SaveFileDialog dlg = new SaveFileDialog();

            dlg.DefaultExt = "xls";
            dlg.FileName   = "*.xls";
            if (dlg.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)

            // clear book

            // copy grids to book sheets
            foreach (TabPage pg in _tab.TabPages)
                C1FlexGrid grid  = pg.Controls[0] as C1FlexGrid;
                XLSheet    sheet = _book.Sheets.Add(grid.Name);
                SaveSheet(grid, sheet, false);

            // save selected sheet index
            _book.Sheets.SelectedIndex = _tab.SelectedIndex;

            // save the book
        private void btnExcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (gridView2.RowCount > 0)
                    C1XLBook xls = null;
                    xls = new C1XLBook();
                    //Console.WriteLine("Building Excel File...");

                    XLSheet Sheet = xls.Sheets.Add("AQL");
                    Create_Sheet(ref Sheet, gridView2);
                    #region Create WorkBook
                    //Console.WriteLine("Sending xls to path...");
                    string _patch = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop);
                    string _filename;
                    _filename = "AQL_Report_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy") + "-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM").ToUpper() + "-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd").ToUpper() + ".xlsx";
                    xls.Save(_patch + _filename);
                    System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(_patch + _filename);
                    //Console.WriteLine("Excel Completed...");
            catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public MainWindow()

            // C1XLBookがExcelブックを表すクラス
            C1XLBook book = new C1XLBook();

            // XLSheetがExcelのシートを表す
            XLSheet sheet = book.Sheets[0];

            // 1行目の1から3列目に値を設定する
            sheet[0, 0].Value = 1;
            sheet[0, 1].Value = 2;
            sheet[0, 2].Value = 3;

            // スタイルを設定する
            XLStyle style = new XLStyle(book);

            style.ForeColor = Colors.Blue;

            sheet[0, 1].Style = style;

            // 式を用いる
            // 1行目の1から3列のSUM(合計)を4列目に求める
            sheet[0, 3].Formula = "SUM(A1: C1)";

            // 画像を設定する
            WriteableBitmap img = new WriteableBitmap(new BitmapImage(new Uri("icon.png", UriKind.Relative)));

            sheet[1, 0].Value = img;

            // 保存する
        private static void InternalSave(Action <C1XLBook> action)
            var dlg = new SaveFileDialog();

            dlg.Filter = "Excel Files (*.xlsx)|*.xlsx";
            if (dlg.ShowDialog() == true)
                    var book = new C1XLBook();
                    if (action != null)
                    using (var stream = dlg.OpenFile())
                catch (Exception x)
        public MainWindow()

            C1XLBook book = new C1XLBook();

            // ファイルを読み込む

            // シートを編集する
            book.Sheets[0][0, 0].Value = 5;

            // データをFlexGrid用に加工する
            List <int> list = new List <int>();

            list.Add(Convert.ToInt32(book.Sheets[0][0, 0].Value));
            list.Add(Convert.ToInt32(book.Sheets[0][0, 1].Value));
            list.Add(Convert.ToInt32(book.Sheets[0][0, 2].Value));

            // FlexGridで表示する
            FlexGrid.ItemsSource = list;

            // 別名で保存する
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the current book into an XLSX stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream"></param>
        public void Save(Stream stream)
            // create the book to save
            var book = new C1XLBook();

            // no sheets
            if (Sheets.Count == 0)
                var xlSheet = book.Sheets.Add("Sheet1");
                ExcelFilter.Save(this, xlSheet);
                // save each sheet
                foreach (var sheet in Sheets)
                    var xlSheet = book.Sheets.Add(sheet.SheetName);
                    ExcelFilter.Save(sheet.Grid, xlSheet);

            // save the book
            book.Save(stream, C1.WPF.Excel.FileFormat.OpenXml);
        private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // step 1: create a new workbook
            C1XLBook book = new C1XLBook();

            // step 2: get the sheet that was created by default, give it a name
            XLSheet sheet = book.Sheets[0];

            sheet.Name = "Hello World";

            // step 3: create styles for odd and even values
            XLStyle styleOdd = new XLStyle(book);

            styleOdd.Font      = new Font("Tahoma", 9, FontStyle.Italic);
            styleOdd.ForeColor = Color.Blue;
            XLStyle styleEven = new XLStyle(book);

            styleEven.Font      = new Font("Tahoma", 9, FontStyle.Bold);
            styleEven.ForeColor = Color.Red;

            // step 3: write content and format into some cells
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                XLCell cell = sheet[i, 0];
                cell.Value = i + 1;
                cell.Style = ((i + 1) % 2 == 0)? styleEven: styleOdd;

            // step 4: save the file
            string fileName = Application.StartupPath + @"\hello.xls";

 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void lnkArtilceExcel_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e)
         string appPath = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "Resources\\ArticleDemo.xlsx");
         //Code is added by irfan for Mantis issue on 09/02/2018===============================
         C1XLBook book = new C1XLBook();
         XLSheetCollection sheets       = book.Sheets;
         XLSheet           articleSheet = sheets[0];
         if (articleSheet.Rows.Count > 0)
             if (articleSheet.Rows.Count != 1)
                 for (int i = 1; i <= articleSheet.Rows.Count; i++)
                     i = 1;
     catch (Exception ex)
         CommonFunc.ShowMessage(ex.Message, MessageType.Information);
         Logger.Log(ex.Message, Logger.LogingLevel.Error);
        private void _btnSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Debug.Assert(_book != null);
            var dlg = new SaveFileDialog();

            dlg.Filter = "Excel Files (*.xlsx)|*.xlsx";
            if (dlg.ShowDialog().Value)
                    // information
                    _lblStatus.Text = string.Format("Saving {0}...", dlg.SafeFileName);

                    // save workbook
                    using (var stream = dlg.OpenFile())
                    _lblStatus.Text = string.Format("Saved {0}", dlg.SafeFileName);;
                catch (Exception x)
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private void ContextMenu_export_grfstk(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            SaveFileDialog dlg = new SaveFileDialog();

            dlg.DefaultExt       = "xls";
            dlg.Filter           = "Excel |*.xls";
            dlg.InitialDirectory = ic.iniC.pathSaveExcelAppointment;
            dlg.FileName         = "*.xls";
            if (dlg.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
            // clear book
            C1XLBook _book = new C1XLBook();
            XLSheet  sheet = _book.Sheets.Add("stock" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-") + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString());

            ic.SaveSheet(grfStk, sheet, _book, false);

            _book.Sheets.SelectedIndex = 0;
            // save the book
            if (File.Exists(dlg.FileName))
                //Process p = new Process();
                //p.StartInfo.FileName = dlg.FileName;
                string argument = "/select, \"" + dlg.FileName + "\"";
                Process.Start("explorer.exe", argument);
        private void Save(C1XLBook wb)
            if (wb != null)
                string path = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "test.xls");
                if (cbOpenXml.Checked)
                    path += "x";
                if (_radioDialog.Checked)
                    SaveFileDialog dlg = new SaveFileDialog();
                    dlg.Filter           = GetFilter(cbOpenXml.Checked);
                    dlg.Title            = "Save As MS Excel File";
                    dlg.OverwritePrompt  = true;
                    dlg.RestoreDirectory = true;
                    DialogResult dr = dlg.ShowDialog();
                    if (dr != DialogResult.OK)
                    path = dlg.FileName;


                if (_cbPreview.Checked)
                    try { Process.Start(path); }
                    catch { }
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void ExportBudgetForPrimavera(string saveLoc, int budgetID)
            SqlDataReader dr;
            C1XLBook      book  = new C1XLBook();
            XLSheet       sheet = book.Sheets[0];
            int           indx;
            decimal       tmpRate;

            // must be output with the following columns
            // code,blank,description,quantity,uom,hours,rate,cost

            dr = CBBudgetLine.GetExportListByBudget(budgetID);

            indx    = 0;
            tmpRate = 0;

            while (dr.Read())
                sheet[indx, 3].Value = dr["Activity"];                                                      //  code
                sheet[indx, 4].Value = "";                                                                  //  blank
                sheet[indx, 5].Value = dr["FullDescription"];                                               //  description
                sheet[indx, 6].Value = dr["Quantity"].ToString();                                           //  quantity
                sheet[indx, 7].Value = dr["UOM"];                                                           //  uom
                sheet[indx, 8].Value = dr["TotalHours"].ToString();                                         //  hours
                tmpRate = GetHourRate(Convert.ToInt32(dr["TotalHours"]), Convert.ToDecimal(dr["TotalDollars"]));
                sheet[indx, 9].Value  = tmpRate.ToString("#,##0.00");                                       //  rate
                sheet[indx, 10].Value = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["TotalDollars"]).ToString("#,##0.00");         //  cost



Ejemplo n.º 13
        public string WriteExcle(FlexigridParam param, dynamic[] query, int from = 1)
            var      names   = param.QType.GetString().Split(',');
            var      cols    = param.Cols.GetString().Split(',');
            C1XLBook _book   = new C1XLBook();
            string   path    = @"~/Files/a.xls";
            string   xlsPath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(path);

            string  guid         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            string  saveFileName = xlsPath.Path(guid);
            XLSheet sheet        = _book.Sheets[0];
            XLCell  cell         = sheet[0, 0];
            Dictionary <string, string> propertyName;

            PropertyInfo[] properties;
            for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++)
                cell = sheet[0, i];
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(names[i]))
                    cell.Value = names[i]; //列值
            for (int i = 0; i < query.Length; i++)
                propertyName = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                if (query[i] == null)
                Type type = query[i].GetType();
                properties = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
                foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)
                    object o = property.GetValue(query[i], null);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(property.Name) && o != null)
                        propertyName.Add(property.Name, o.ToString());
                int j = 0;
                cols.All(a =>
                    cell = sheet[i + from, j];
                    if (propertyName.ContainsKey(a))  //列名
                        cell.Value = propertyName[a]; //列值
            LogClassModels.WriteServiceLog(LogType.Operation, string.Format("../../../Files/{0}.xls", guid) + ",", "导出数据",
                                           Result.Succeed);        //写入日志
            return(string.Format("../../../Files/{0}.xls", guid)); //path.Replace("b",guid);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public void Save(string filename, C1FlexGrid flexgrid)
            // create the book to save
            var book = new C1XLBook();
            var  xlSheet = book.Sheets.Add("Sheet1");
            ExcelExport.ExcelFilter.Save(flexgrid, xlSheet);

            // save the book
            book.Save(filename, C1.WPF.Excel.FileFormat.OpenXml);
        public void Save(string filename, C1FlexGrid flexgrid)
            // create the book to save
            var book = new C1XLBook();

            var xlSheet = book.Sheets.Add("Sheet1");

            ExcelExport.ExcelFilter.Save(flexgrid, xlSheet);

            // save the book
            book.Save(filename, C1.WPF.Excel.FileFormat.OpenXml);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void ExportBudgetForPrimavera(string saveLoc, int PCNID)
            SqlDataReader dr;
            C1XLBook      book  = new C1XLBook();
            XLSheet       sheet = book.Sheets[0];
            int           indx;
            decimal       tmpRate;

            // must be output with the following columns
            // code,blank,description,quantity,uom,hours,rate,cost

            // dr = CBBudgetLine.GetExportListByBudget(budgetID);
            dr = CBBudgetLine.GetExportList_Expense_ByPCNID(PCNID);

            indx    = 1;
            tmpRate = 0;

            sheet[0, 3].Value  = "PCNID";
            sheet[0, 4].Value  = "Code";
            sheet[0, 5].Value  = "Description";
            sheet[0, 6].Value  = "DlrsPerItem"; //  quantity
            sheet[0, 7].Value  = "NumItems";
            sheet[0, 8].Value  = "MUPerc";
            sheet[0, 9].Value  = "MarkUp";                                                          //  uom
            sheet[0, 10].Value = "TotalCost";

            while (dr.Read())
                sheet[indx, 3].Value = dr["PCNID"];                                                      //  code

                sheet[indx, 4].Value = dr["Code"];
                //  description
                sheet[indx, 5].Value  = dr["Description"].ToString();
                sheet[indx, 6].Value  = dr["DlrsPerItem"]; //  quantity
                sheet[indx, 7].Value  = dr["NumItems"];
                sheet[indx, 8].Value  = dr["MUPerc"];
                sheet[indx, 9].Value  = dr["MarkUp"];                                                       //  uom
                sheet[indx, 10].Value = dr["TotalCost"].ToString();                                         //  hours
                // tmpRate = GetHourRate(Convert.ToInt32(dr["TotalHours"]), Convert.ToDecimal(dr["TotalDollars"]));
                // sheet[indx, 9].Value = tmpRate.ToString("#,##0.00");                                        //  rate
                // sheet[indx, 10].Value = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["TotalDollars"]).ToString("#,##0.00");         //  cost


Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void NestedReferencesClassMappingTest()
            using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) {
                // Create some test data to parse
                using (var book = new C1XLBook()) {
                    var sheet = book.Sheets[0];

                    // Write the header fields
                    sheet[0, 0].Value = "AId";
                    sheet[0, 1].Value = "BId";
                    sheet[0, 2].Value = "CId";
                    sheet[0, 3].Value = "DId";

                    // Write out the first record
                    sheet[1, 0].Value = "a1";
                    sheet[1, 1].Value = "b1";
                    sheet[1, 2].Value = "c1";
                    sheet[1, 3].Value = "d1";

                    // Write out the second record
                    sheet[2, 0].Value = "a2";
                    sheet[2, 1].Value = "b2";
                    sheet[2, 2].Value = "c2";
                    sheet[2, 3].Value = "d2";

                    // Save it to the stream

                // Now parse the Excel file
                stream.Position = 0;
                using (var excel = _factory.CreateReader(stream)) {
                    excel.Configuration.RegisterClassMap <AMap>();
                    var records = excel.GetRecords <A>().ToList();

                    // Make sure we got our records
                    Assert.AreEqual(2, records.Count);
                    for (var i = 0; i < records.Count; i++)
                        var rowId = i + 1;
                        var row   = records[i];
                        Assert.AreEqual("a" + rowId, row.Id);
                        Assert.AreEqual("b" + rowId, row.B.Id);
                        Assert.AreEqual("c" + rowId, row.B.C.Id);
                        Assert.AreEqual("d" + rowId, row.B.C.D.Id);
        public void EnsureInternalsAreSetupWhenPassingReaderAndConfigTest()
            using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) {
                // Make sure the stream is a valid Excel file
                using (var book = new C1XLBook()) {

                stream.Position = 0;
                var config = new ExcelConfiguration();
                using (var excel = new ExcelReader(stream, config)) {
                    Assert.AreSame(config, excel.Configuration);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Closes the writer and saves the written data to the stream. Automatically called
        /// when disposed.
        /// </summary>
        public void Close()
            if (_book != null)
                // Set the column widths if we are doing auto sizing

                // Now save the Excel file to the output stream
                _book.Save(_stream, FileFormat.OpenXml);

                // Clean up and dispose of everything
                _sheet    = null;
                _book     = null;
                _graphics = null;
Ejemplo n.º 20
        private void BtnExcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //throw new NotImplementedException();
            if (grfRptName.Row == 1 && grfRpt.Rows.Count > 0)
                SaveFileDialog dlg = new SaveFileDialog();
                dlg.DefaultExt       = "xls";
                dlg.Filter           = "Excel |*.xls";
                dlg.InitialDirectory = ic.iniC.pathSaveExcelAppointment;
                dlg.FileName         = "*.xls";
                if (dlg.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)

                // clear book
                C1XLBook _book = new C1XLBook();

                // copy grids to book sheets
                //foreach (TabPage pg in _tab.TabPages)
                //    C1FlexGrid grid = pg.Controls[0] as C1FlexGrid;
                XLSheet sheet = _book.Sheets.Add("pharmacy");
                ic.SaveSheet(grfRpt, sheet, _book, false);

                // save selected sheet index
                if (_book.Sheets.Count >= 1)
                    _book.Sheets.SelectedIndex = 1;

                // save the book
                Process.Start("explorer.exe", dlg.FileName);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        private string CreateExcelFile()
            //clear Excel book, remove the single blank sheet
            _c1xl.DefaultFont = new Font("Tahoma", 8);

            //create Excel styles
            _styTitle  = new XLStyle(_c1xl);
            _styHeader = new XLStyle(_c1xl);
            _styMoney  = new XLStyle(_c1xl);
            _styOrder  = new XLStyle(_c1xl);

            //set up styles
            _styTitle.Font       = new Font(_c1xl.DefaultFont.Name, 15, FontStyle.Bold);
            _styTitle.ForeColor  = Color.Blue;
            _styHeader.Font      = new Font(_c1xl.DefaultFont, FontStyle.Bold);
            _styHeader.ForeColor = Color.White;
            _styHeader.BackColor = Color.DarkGray;
            _styMoney.Format     = XLStyle.FormatDotNetToXL("c");
            _styOrder.Font       = _styHeader.Font;
            _styOrder.ForeColor  = Color.Red;

            //create report with one sheet per category
            DataTable dt = GetCategories();

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)

            //save xls file
            string uid      = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            string filename = Server.MapPath("~") + "\\Temp\\testexcel" + uid + ".xls";


Ejemplo n.º 22
        public void ExportBudgetForPrimavera_GetDrawingLogMainByProjList(string saveLoc, string xml, int sortCode, int drwgSpec)
            SqlDataReader dr;
            C1XLBook      book  = new C1XLBook();
            XLSheet       sheet = book.Sheets[0];
            int           indx;
            decimal       tmpRate;

            // must be output with the following columns
            // code,blank,description,quantity,uom,hours,rate,cost

            //  dr = CBBudgetLine.GetExportListByBudget(budgetID);
            dr = CBDrawingLog.GetExportListForDrawingLog_Proj(xml, sortCode, drwgSpec);

            indx    = 0;
            tmpRate = 0;

            while (dr.Read())
                sheet[indx, 3].Value  = dr["DrawingID"].ToString();            //  code
                sheet[indx, 4].Value  = "";                                    //  blank
                sheet[indx, 5].Value  = dr["Department"];                      //  description
                sheet[indx, 6].Value  = dr["Project"].ToString();              //  quantity
                sheet[indx, 7].Value  = dr["ProjectNumber"];                   //  uom
                sheet[indx, 8].Value  = dr["Title1"].ToString();               //  hours
                sheet[indx, 9].Value  = dr["RevisionNumber"].ToString();
                sheet[indx, 10].Value = dr["IssueDate"].ToString();            //  rate
                sheet[indx, 11].Value = dr["IssuedFor"].ToString();            //  cost
                sheet[indx, 12].Value = dr["TransNo"].ToString();



Ejemplo n.º 23
 private static void InternalSave(Action<C1XLBook> action)
     var dlg = new SaveFileDialog();
     dlg.Filter = "Excel Files (*.xlsx)|*.xlsx";
     if (dlg.ShowDialog() == true)
             var book = new C1XLBook();
             if (action != null)
             using (var stream = dlg.OpenFile())
         catch (Exception x)
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public void DoExport()
            int rBillNo = 0;
            int cBillNo = 1;

            int rBillDate = 0;
            int cBillDate = 10;

            int rBillMonth = 2;
            int cBillMonth = 0;

            int rContact = 5;
            int cContact = 3;

            int rCustomer = 5;
            int cCustomer = 7;

            int rContract = 7;
            int cContract = 1;

            int rRate = 11;
            int cRate = 9;

            int rRateDate = 11;
            int cRateDate = 12;

            int rRent = 15;

            int rManager = 23;

            int rParking = 31;

            int rExtra = 39;

            int rElec = 47;

            int rWater = 55;

            int rService = 63;

            int rPaid = 70;

            int rDept = 77;

            int rOffice = 88;
            int cOffice = 3;

            int rPhone = 89;
            int cPhone = 3;

            int rBank = 88;
            int cBank = 7;

            int rAccountName = 89;
            int cAccountName = 7;

            int rAccount = 90;
            int cAccount = 7;

            int rSum = 81;
            int cSum = 12;

            int rSumVND = 80;
            int cSumVND = 12;

            int rSumRead = 82;
            int cSumRead = 13;

            using (SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase())

                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                DataSet dsCus = new DataSet();

                string sql = string.Empty;

                string Bank = "";
                string Account = "";
                string AccountName = "";
                string Office = "";
                string OfficeAddress = "";
                string OfficePhone = "";

                ds = new DataSet();
                sql = " SELECT Bank,Account,AccountName,Office,OfficeAddress,OfficePhone";
                sql += " FROM Mst_Building";
                sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + sBuildingId + "' ";
                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    if (ds != null)
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
                            Bank = rowType["Bank"].ToString();
                            Account = rowType["Account"].ToString();
                            AccountName = rowType["AccountName"].ToString();
                            Office = rowType["Office"].ToString();
                            OfficeAddress = rowType["OfficeAddress"].ToString();
                            OfficePhone = rowType["OfficePhone"].ToString();

                //Danh sách Bill
                sql = "  Select BillDate,UsdExchangeDate,UsdExchange,BillNo,B.Name,B.ContactName,A.CustomerId, A.YearMonths, A.Id ";
                sql += " From	PaymentBillInfo A, Customer B";
                sql += " Where	A.BuildingId = B.BuildingId and A.CustomerId = B.CustomerId and B.DelFlag = 0 and A.BuildingId = '" + sBuildingId + "' and YearMonth = '" + sYearMonth + "'";

                string BillDate = "";
                string UsdExchangeDate = "";
                string UsdExchange = "";
                string BillNo = "";
                string Name = "";
                string ContactName = "";
                string CustomerId = "";
                string lsYearmonth = "";
                string id = "";

                string maxYearMonth = "";

                using (SqlCommand cmCus = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter daCus = new SqlDataAdapter(cmCus);

                    if (dsCus != null)
                        string strDT = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");

                        DataTable dtCus = dsCus.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow rowCus in dtCus.Rows)
                            BillDate = rowCus[0].ToString();
                            UsdExchangeDate = rowCus[1].ToString();
                            UsdExchange = rowCus[2].ToString();
                            BillNo = rowCus[3].ToString();
                            Name = rowCus[4].ToString();
                            ContactName = rowCus[5].ToString();
                            CustomerId = rowCus[6].ToString();
                            lsYearmonth = rowCus[7].ToString();
                            id = rowCus[8].ToString();

                            string[] strTmpYearMonth = lsYearmonth.Split(',');

                            for (int l = 0; l < strTmpYearMonth.Length; l++)
                                string tmp = strTmpYearMonth[l];
                                if (maxYearMonth == "")
                                    maxYearMonth = tmp;
                                if (maxYearMonth.CompareTo(tmp) < 0)
                                    maxYearMonth = tmp;

                            C1XLBook xlbBook = new C1XLBook();
                            //ShowData(drpYear.SelectedValue + drpMonth.SelectedValue);
                            XLStyle xlstStyle = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                            xlstStyle.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center;
                            xlstStyle.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center;
                            xlstStyle.WordWrap = true;
                            xlstStyle.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
                            xlstStyle.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            xlstStyle.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            xlstStyle.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            xlstStyle.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            xlstStyle.Format = "#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)";

                            XLStyle xlstStyleH = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                            xlstStyleH.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center;
                            xlstStyleH.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center;
                            xlstStyleH.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Bold);
                            xlstStyleH.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            xlstStyleH.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            xlstStyleH.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            xlstStyleH.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            xlstStyleH.WordWrap = true;

                            XLStyle xlstStyleSum = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                            xlstStyleSum.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Right;
                            xlstStyleSum.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center;
                            xlstStyleSum.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Bold);
                            xlstStyleSum.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            xlstStyleSum.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            xlstStyleSum.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            xlstStyleSum.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            xlstStyleSum.WordWrap = true;

                            string fileName = sFilePath + @"\Template\BillTongQuat.xlsx";
                            if (!Directory.Exists(sFilePath + @"\Building\" + sBuildingId + @"\Bill"))
                                Directory.CreateDirectory(sFilePath + @"\Report\Building\" + sBuildingId + @"\Bill");

                            string strFilePath = sFilePath + @"\Building\" + sBuildingId + @"\Bill\Bill" + "_" + CustomerId + "_" + BillNo + id + "_" + strDT + ".xlsx";
                            string strFilePathExport = sFilePath.Replace(@"\", "/") + @"/Building/" + sBuildingId + @"/Bill/Bill" + "_" + CustomerId + "_" + BillNo + id + "_" + strDT + ".xlsx";

                            string fileNameDes = strFilePath;

                            //string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + sBuildingId + @"\TongHopDienTich" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".xls");
                            File.Copy(fileName, fileNameDes);

                            XLSheet xlsSheet = xlbBook.Sheets["TongHop"];
                            XLSheet xlsSheetEn = xlbBook.Sheets["TongHop_En"];

                            //Thông tin về Ngân hàng của Tòa Nhà
                            xlsSheet[rOffice, cOffice].Value = xlsSheet[rOffice, cOffice].Value.ToString().Replace("{%VAN_PHONG%}", Office);
                            xlsSheet[rPhone, cPhone].Value = xlsSheet[rPhone, cPhone].Value.ToString().Replace("{%DIEN_THOAI%}", OfficePhone);

                            xlsSheet[rBank, cBank].Value = xlsSheet[rBank, cBank].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NGAN_HANG%}", Bank);
                            xlsSheet[rAccountName, cAccountName].Value = xlsSheet[rAccountName, cAccountName].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TEN_TAI_KHOAN%}", AccountName);
                            xlsSheet[rAccount, cAccount].Value = xlsSheet[rAccount, cAccount].Value.ToString().Replace("{%SO_TAI_KHOAN%}", Account);
                            //Thông tin về Ngân hàng của Tòa Nhà

                            xlsSheet[rCustomer, cCustomer].Value = xlsSheet[rCustomer, cCustomer].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TEN_CONG_TY%}", Name);
                            xlsSheet[rContact, cContact].Value = xlsSheet[rContact, cContact].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NGUOI_DAI_DIEN%}", ContactName);

                            //Bill No
                            xlsSheet[rBillNo, cBillNo].Value = xlsSheet[rBillNo, cBillNo].Value.ToString().Replace("{%BILL_NO%}", BillNo);

                            //Thông tin về Ngân hàng của Tòa Nhà
                            xlsSheetEn[rOffice, cOffice].Value = xlsSheetEn[rOffice, cOffice].Value.ToString().Replace("{%VAN_PHONG%}", Office);
                            xlsSheetEn[rPhone, cPhone].Value = xlsSheetEn[rPhone, cPhone].Value.ToString().Replace("{%DIEN_THOAI%}", OfficePhone);

                            xlsSheetEn[rBank, cBank].Value = xlsSheetEn[rBank, cBank].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NGAN_HANG%}", Bank);
                            xlsSheetEn[rAccountName, cAccountName].Value = xlsSheetEn[rAccountName, cAccountName].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TEN_TAI_KHOAN%}", AccountName);
                            xlsSheetEn[rAccount, cAccount].Value = xlsSheetEn[rAccount, cAccount].Value.ToString().Replace("{%SO_TAI_KHOAN%}", Account);
                            //Thông tin về Ngân hàng của Tòa Nhà

                            xlsSheetEn[rCustomer, cCustomer].Value = xlsSheetEn[rCustomer, cCustomer].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TEN_CONG_TY%}", Name);
                            xlsSheetEn[rContact, cContact].Value = xlsSheetEn[rContact, cContact].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NGUOI_DAI_DIEN%}", ContactName);

                            //Bill No
                            xlsSheetEn[rBillNo, cBillNo].Value = xlsSheetEn[rBillNo, cBillNo].Value.ToString().Replace("{%BILL_NO%}", BillNo);
                            //Ngay Thang Nam
                            DateTime dtime = DateTime.Today;

                            string strTmp = xlsSheet[rBillDate, cBillDate].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NGAY%}", dtime.ToString("dd"));
                            strTmp = strTmp.Replace("{%THANG%}", dtime.ToString("MM"));
                            xlsSheet[rBillDate, cBillDate].Value = strTmp.Replace("{%NAM%}", dtime.ToString("yyyy"));

                            strTmp = xlsSheetEn[rBillDate, cBillDate].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NGAY%}", dtime.ToString("dd"));
                            strTmp = strTmp.Replace("{%THANG%}", dtime.ToString("MM"));
                            xlsSheetEn[rBillDate, cBillDate].Value = strTmp.Replace("{%NAM%}", dtime.ToString("yyyy"));

                            xlsSheet[rBillMonth, cBillMonth].Value = xlsSheet[rBillMonth, cBillMonth].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NAM_THANG%}", sMonth + "/" + sYear);
                            xlsSheetEn[rBillMonth, cBillMonth].Value = xlsSheetEn[rBillMonth, cBillMonth].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NAM_THANG%}", sMonth + "/" + sYear);

                            //Thông tin Tỉ giá
                            xlsSheet[rRate, cRate].Value = xlsSheet[rRate, cRate].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TI_GIA%}", UsdExchange);
                            xlsSheet[rRateDate, cRateDate].Value = xlsSheet[rRateDate, cRateDate].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NGAY_AP_DUNG%}", UsdExchangeDate);
                            //Thông tin Tỉ giá
                            xlsSheetEn[rRate, cRate].Value = xlsSheetEn[rRate, cRate].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TI_GIA%}", UsdExchange);
                            xlsSheetEn[rRateDate, cRateDate].Value = xlsSheetEn[rRateDate, cRateDate].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NGAY_AP_DUNG%}", UsdExchangeDate);

                            Hashtable contractIdLst = new Hashtable();
                            string contract = "";

                            //Thue phong
                            ds = new DataSet();
                            sql = " Select A.*, B.ContractDate";
                            sql += " FROM PaymentRoom A, RentContract B";
                            sql += " WHERE A.ContractId = B.ContractId and A.BuildingId = B.BuildingId and A.BuildingId = '" + sBuildingId + "' and A.CustomerId = '" + CustomerId + "' and A.YearMonth in (" + lsYearmonth + ")";

                            int sumRow = 0;
                            int j = 0;
                            decimal[] LastSumPriceVND = new decimal[7] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
                            decimal[] LastSumPriceUSD = new decimal[7] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };

                            decimal PaidPriceVND = 0;
                            decimal PaidPriceUSD = 0;

                            int line = 0;
                            using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                                SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                                line = rRent - 3 + j;

                                XLCellRange mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 1, 3);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 4, 5);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 4, 5);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 2, line + 2, 4, 5);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 6, 7);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 6, 7);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 8, 9);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 8, 9);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 10, 11);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 10, 11);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 12, 13);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 12, 13);

                                if (ds != null)
                                    int count = 0;
                                    DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                                    int k = 0;
                                    foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
                                        decimal tmp01 = Convert.ToDecimal(rowType["LastRentSumUSD"]);
                                        decimal tmp02 = Convert.ToDecimal(rowType["LastRentSumVND"]);

                                        string ContractId = Func.ParseString(rowType["ContractId"]);
                                        string ContractNo = Func.ParseString(rowType["ContractNo"]);
                                        string YearMonth = Func.ParseString(rowType["YearMonth"]);
                                        string Area = Func.ParseString(rowType["Area"]);
                                        string Regional = Func.ParseString(rowType["Regional"]);
                                        string Floor = Func.ParseString(rowType["Floor"]);
                                        string BeginContract = Func.ParseString(rowType["ContractDate"]);

                                        if (!contractIdLst.ContainsKey(ContractId + "(" + Func.FormatDMY(BeginContract) + ")"))
                                            contractIdLst.Add(ContractId + "(" + Func.FormatDMY(BeginContract) + ")", ContractNo + "(" + Func.FormatDMY(BeginContract) + ")");
                                            contract += ";" + ContractNo + "(" + Func.FormatDMY(BeginContract) + ")";
                                        if (tmp01 > 0 || tmp02 > 0)

                                            if (count >= 1)
                                                xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rRent + 1 + j);
                                                xlsSheetEn.Rows.Insert(rRent + 1 + j);
                                            int tmp = rRent + j;
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 1].Value = Name;
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 4].Value = rowType["Area"];
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 6].Value = rowType["MonthRentPriceUSD"];
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 7].Value = rowType["MonthRentPriceVND"];

                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 8].Value = rowType["MonthRentSumUSD"];
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 9].Value = rowType["MonthRentSumVND"];

                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 10].Value = rowType["VatRentPriceUSD"];
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 11].Value = rowType["VatRentPriceVND"];

                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 12].Value = rowType["LastRentSumUSD"];
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 13].Value = rowType["LastRentSumVND"];

                                            XLCellRange mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 1, 3);

                                            mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 4, 5);

                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 1].Value = Name;
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 4].Value = rowType["Area"];
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 6].Value = rowType["MonthRentPriceUSD"];
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 7].Value = rowType["MonthRentPriceVND"];

                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 8].Value = rowType["MonthRentSumUSD"];
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 9].Value = rowType["MonthRentSumVND"];

                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 10].Value = rowType["VatRentPriceUSD"];
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 11].Value = rowType["VatRentPriceVND"];

                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 12].Value = rowType["LastRentSumUSD"];
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 13].Value = rowType["LastRentSumVND"];

                                            mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 1, 3);

                                            mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 4, 5);

                                            LastSumPriceVND[0] += Convert.ToDecimal(rowType["LastRentSumVND"]);
                                            LastSumPriceUSD[0] += Convert.ToDecimal(rowType["LastRentSumUSD"]);
                                    mCell = new XLCellRange(rRent + 1 + j, rRent + 1 + j, 1, 11);

                                    xlsSheet[rRent + 1 + j, 12].Value = LastSumPriceUSD[0];
                                    xlsSheet[rRent + 1 + j, 13].Value = LastSumPriceVND[0];

                                    xlsSheetEn[rRent + 1 + j, 12].Value = LastSumPriceUSD[0];
                                    xlsSheetEn[rRent + 1 + j, 13].Value = LastSumPriceVND[0];

                                    for (int row = rRent + sumRow; row <= rRent + dt.Rows.Count - k; row++)
                                        for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                            xlsSheet[row, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                                            xlsSheetEn[row, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                                    sumRow += dt.Rows.Count - 1 - k;

                                    for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                        xlsSheet[rRent + 1 + j, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                                        xlsSheetEn[rRent + 1 + j, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                                    line = rManager - 3 + j;
                                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 1, 3);

                                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 4, 5);

                                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 4, 5);

                                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 2, line + 2, 4, 5);

                                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 6, 7);

                                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 6, 7);

                                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 8, 9);

                                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 8, 9);

                                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 10, 11);

                                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 10, 11);

                                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 12, 13);

                                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 12, 13);

                                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 1, 3);

                                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 4, 5);

                                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 4, 5);

                                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 2, line + 2, 4, 5);

                                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 6, 7);

                                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 6, 7);

                                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 8, 9);

                                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 8, 9);

                                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 10, 11);

                                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 10, 11);

                                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 12, 13);

                                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 12, 13);
                                    k = 0;
                                    count = 0;
                                    foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                                        decimal tmp01 = Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastManagerSumUSD"]);
                                        decimal tmp02 = Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastManagerSumVND"]);

                                        if (tmp01 > 0 || tmp02 > 0)

                                            if (count >= 1)
                                                xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rManager + 1 + j);
                                                xlsSheetEn.Rows.Insert(rManager + 1 + j);
                                            int tmp = rManager + j;

                                            string YearMonth = Func.ParseString(row["YearMonth"]);
                                            string Area = Func.ParseString(row["Area"]);

                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 1].Value = Name;
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 4].Value = row["Area"];
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 6].Value = row["MonthManagerPriceUSD"];
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 7].Value = row["MonthManagerPriceVND"];

                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 8].Value = row["MonthManagerSumUSD"];
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 9].Value = row["MonthManagerSumVND"];

                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 10].Value = row["VatManagerPriceUSD"];
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 11].Value = row["VatManagerPriceVND"];

                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 12].Value = row["LastManagerSumUSD"];
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 13].Value = row["LastManagerSumVND"];

                                            XLCellRange mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 1, 3);

                                            mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 4, 5);

                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 1].Value = Name;
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 4].Value = row["Area"];
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 6].Value = row["MonthManagerPriceUSD"];
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 7].Value = row["MonthManagerPriceVND"];

                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 8].Value = row["MonthManagerSumUSD"];
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 9].Value = row["MonthManagerSumVND"];

                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 10].Value = row["VatManagerPriceUSD"];
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 11].Value = row["VatManagerPriceVND"];

                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 12].Value = row["LastManagerSumUSD"];
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 13].Value = row["LastManagerSumVND"];

                                            mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 1, 3);

                                            mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 4, 5);
                                            LastSumPriceVND[1] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastManagerSumVND"]);
                                            LastSumPriceUSD[1] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastManagerSumUSD"]);
                                        else { k++; }
                                    mCell = new XLCellRange(rManager + 1 + j, rManager + 1 + j, 1, 11);

                                    xlsSheet[rManager + 1 + j, 12].Value = LastSumPriceUSD[1];
                                    xlsSheet[rManager + 1 + j, 13].Value = LastSumPriceVND[1];

                                    xlsSheetEn[rManager + 1 + j, 12].Value = LastSumPriceUSD[1];
                                    xlsSheetEn[rManager + 1 + j, 13].Value = LastSumPriceVND[1];

                                    for (int row = rManager + sumRow; row <= rManager + sumRow + dt.Rows.Count - k; row++)
                                        for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                            xlsSheet[row, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                                            xlsSheetEn[row, col].Style = xlstStyle;

                                    for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                        xlsSheet[rManager + 1 + j, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                                        xlsSheetEn[rManager + 1 + j, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                                    sumRow += dt.Rows.Count - 1 - k;

                            ds = new DataSet();
                            //Xuất ra toàn bộ nội dung theo Trang
                            sql = " SELECT COUNT(*) AS Num, YearMonth, TariffsParkingName, PriceVND, PriceUSD, SUM(VatVND) AS VatVND,SUM(VatUSD) AS VatUSD, SUM(SumVND) AS SumVND, SUM(SumUSD) AS SumUSD, SUM(LastPriceVND) AS LastPriceVND";
                            sql += "        , SUM(LastPriceUSD) AS LastPriceUSD";
                            sql += " FROM         dbo.PaymentParking";
                            sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + sBuildingId + "' and CustomerId = '" + CustomerId + "' and YearMonth in (" + lsYearmonth + ")";

                            sql += " GROUP BY YearMonth, TariffsParkingName, PriceVND, PriceUSD, Vat, daysParking";
                            sql += " HAVING (SUM(LastPriceVND) >0 or SUM(LastPriceUSD) >0)";
                            using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                                SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                                line = rParking - 3 + j;
                                XLCellRange mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 1, 3);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 4, 5);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 4, 5);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 2, line + 2, 4, 5);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 6, 7);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 6, 7);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 8, 9);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 8, 9);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 10, 11);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 10, 11);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 12, 13);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 12, 13);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 1, 3);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 4, 5);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 4, 5);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 2, line + 2, 4, 5);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 6, 7);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 6, 7);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 8, 9);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 8, 9);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 10, 11);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 10, 11);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 12, 13);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 12, 13);
                                if (ds != null)
                                    int count = 0;
                                    DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

                                    foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                                        if (count >= 1)
                                            xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rParking + 1 + j);
                                            xlsSheetEn.Rows.Insert(rParking + 1 + j);
                                        int tmp = rParking + j;

                                        string Num = Func.ParseString(row["Num"]);
                                        string TariffsParkingName = Func.ParseString(row["TariffsParkingName"]);

                                        xlsSheet[tmp, 1].Value = TariffsParkingName;
                                        xlsSheet[tmp, 4].Value = Num;
                                        xlsSheet[tmp, 6].Value = row["PriceUSD"];
                                        xlsSheet[tmp, 7].Value = row["PriceVND"];

                                        xlsSheet[tmp, 8].Value = row["SumUSD"];
                                        xlsSheet[tmp, 9].Value = row["SumVND"];

                                        xlsSheet[tmp, 10].Value = row["VatUSD"];
                                        xlsSheet[tmp, 11].Value = row["VatVND"];

                                        xlsSheet[tmp, 12].Value = row["LastPriceUSD"];
                                        xlsSheet[tmp, 13].Value = row["LastPriceVND"];

                                        XLCellRange mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 1, 3);

                                        mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 4, 5);

                                        xlsSheetEn[tmp, 1].Value = TariffsParkingName;
                                        xlsSheetEn[tmp, 4].Value = Num;
                                        xlsSheetEn[tmp, 6].Value = row["PriceUSD"];
                                        xlsSheetEn[tmp, 7].Value = row["PriceVND"];

                                        xlsSheetEn[tmp, 8].Value = row["SumUSD"];
                                        xlsSheetEn[tmp, 9].Value = row["SumVND"];

                                        xlsSheetEn[tmp, 10].Value = row["VatUSD"];
                                        xlsSheetEn[tmp, 11].Value = row["VatVND"];

                                        xlsSheetEn[tmp, 12].Value = row["LastPriceUSD"];
                                        xlsSheetEn[tmp, 13].Value = row["LastPriceVND"];

                                        mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 1, 3);

                                        mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 4, 5);
                                        LastSumPriceVND[2] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceVND"]);
                                        LastSumPriceUSD[2] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceUSD"]);
                                    xlsSheet[rParking + 1 + j, 12].Value = LastSumPriceUSD[2];
                                    xlsSheet[rParking + 1 + j, 13].Value = LastSumPriceVND[2];

                                    mCell = new XLCellRange(rParking + 1 + j, rParking + 1 + j, 1, 11);

                                    xlsSheetEn[rParking + 1 + j, 12].Value = LastSumPriceUSD[2];
                                    xlsSheetEn[rParking + 1 + j, 13].Value = LastSumPriceVND[2];

                                    mCell = new XLCellRange(rParking + 1 + j, rParking + 1 + j, 1, 11);

                                    for (int row = rParking + sumRow; row <= rParking + sumRow + dt.Rows.Count; row++)
                                        for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                            xlsSheet[row, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                                            xlsSheetEn[row, col].Style = xlstStyle;

                                    for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                        xlsSheet[rParking + 1 + j, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                                        xlsSheetEn[rParking + 1 + j, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                                    sumRow += dt.Rows.Count - 1;

                            ds = new DataSet();
                            sql = "SELECT id";
                            sql += " ,YearMonth,BuildingId,CustomerId,RoomId,ExtraHour,VAT,OtherFee01,OtherFee02";
                            sql += " ,PriceUSD,PriceVND,VatUSD,VatVND,SumUSD,SumVND,IsNull(LastPriceUSD,0) LastPriceUSD      ,IsNull(LastPriceVND,0) LastPriceVND ";
                            sql += " ,RentArea,dbo.fnDateTime(FromWD) BeginDate,dbo.fnDateTime(EndWD) EndDate,ExtratimeType";
                            sql += " FROM PaymentExtraTimeMonth";
                            sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + sBuildingId + "' and CustomerId = '" + CustomerId + "' and YearMonth in (" + lsYearmonth + ")";

                            using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                                SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);
                                line = rExtra - 3 + j;
                                //Phi dien
                                XLCellRange mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 1, 3);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 4, 4);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 6, 7);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 6, 7);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 8, 9);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 8, 9);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 10, 11);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 10, 11);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 12, 13);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 12, 13);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 1, 3);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 4, 4);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 6, 7);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 6, 7);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 8, 9);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 8, 9);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 10, 11);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 10, 11);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 12, 13);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 12, 13);
                                if (ds != null)
                                    int count = 0;
                                    DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

                                    foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                                        if (count >= 1)
                                            xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rExtra + 1 + j);
                                            xlsSheetEn.Rows.Insert(rExtra + 1 + j);
                                        int tmp = rExtra + j;

                                        string ExtraHour = Func.ParseString(row["ExtraHour"]);
                                        string BeginDate = Func.ParseString(row["BeginDate"]);
                                        string EndDate = Func.ParseString(row["EndDate"]);

                                        string ExtratimeType = Func.ParseString(row["ExtratimeType"]);

                                        xlsSheet[tmp, 1].Value = BeginDate + "~" + EndDate;
                                        xlsSheet[tmp, 5].Value = ExtraHour;

                                        xlsSheet[tmp, 4].Value = "Diện tích";
                                        if ("0".Equals(ExtratimeType))
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 4].Value = "m2*h";
                                        xlsSheet[tmp, 6].Value = row["PriceUSD"];
                                        xlsSheet[tmp, 7].Value = row["PriceVND"];

                                        xlsSheet[tmp, 8].Value = row["SumUSD"];
                                        xlsSheet[tmp, 9].Value = row["SumVND"];

                                        xlsSheet[tmp, 10].Value = row["VatUSD"];
                                        xlsSheet[tmp, 11].Value = row["VatVND"];

                                        xlsSheet[tmp, 12].Value = row["LastPriceUSD"];
                                        xlsSheet[tmp, 13].Value = row["LastPriceVND"];

                                        LastSumPriceVND[3] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceVND"]);
                                        LastSumPriceUSD[3] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceUSD"]);

                                        XLCellRange mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 1, 3);
                                        xlsSheetEn[tmp, 1].Value = BeginDate + "~" + EndDate;
                                        xlsSheetEn[tmp, 5].Value = ExtraHour;

                                        xlsSheetEn[tmp, 4].Value = "Di?n tích";
                                        if ("0".Equals(ExtratimeType))
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 4].Value = "m2*h";
                                        xlsSheetEn[tmp, 6].Value = row["PriceUSD"];
                                        xlsSheetEn[tmp, 7].Value = row["PriceVND"];

                                        xlsSheetEn[tmp, 8].Value = row["SumUSD"];
                                        xlsSheetEn[tmp, 9].Value = row["SumVND"];

                                        xlsSheetEn[tmp, 10].Value = row["VatUSD"];
                                        xlsSheetEn[tmp, 11].Value = row["VatVND"];

                                        xlsSheetEn[tmp, 12].Value = row["LastPriceUSD"];
                                        xlsSheetEn[tmp, 13].Value = row["LastPriceVND"];

                                        //LastSumPriceVND[3] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceVND"]);
                                        //LastSumPriceUSD[3] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceUSD"]);

                                        mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 1, 3);

                                        for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, col].Style = xlstStyle;

                                    mCell = new XLCellRange(rExtra + 1 + j, rExtra + 1 + j, 1, 11);

                                    xlsSheet[rExtra + 1 + j, 12].Value = LastSumPriceUSD[3];
                                    xlsSheet[rExtra + 1 + j, 13].Value = LastSumPriceVND[3];

                                    xlsSheetEn[rExtra + 1 + j, 12].Value = LastSumPriceUSD[3];
                                    xlsSheetEn[rExtra + 1 + j, 13].Value = LastSumPriceVND[3];

                                    for (int row = rExtra + sumRow; row <= rExtra + sumRow + dt.Rows.Count; row++)
                                        for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                            xlsSheet[row, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                                            xlsSheetEn[row, col].Style = xlstStyle;

                                    for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                        xlsSheet[rExtra + 1 + j, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                                        xlsSheetEn[rExtra + 1 + j, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                                    sumRow += dt.Rows.Count - 1;

                            ds = new DataSet();
                            //Xuất ra toàn bộ nội dung theo Trang
                            sql = " SELECT dbo.fnDateTime(A.DateFrom) DateFrom, dbo.fnDateTime(A.DateTo) DateTo, A.Vat, B.id, B.UsedElecWaterId, B.FromIndex, B.ToIndex, B.OtherFee01, B.OtherFee02, B.Mount, B.PriceVND, B.PriceUSD, B.SumVND, B.SumUSD, ";
                            sql += "        B.VatVND, B.VatUSD ,IsNull(B.LastPriceUSD,0) LastPriceUSD      ,IsNull(B.LastPriceVND,0) LastPriceVND , B.Name, B.WaterPricePercent,B.ElecPricePercent ";
                            sql += " FROM   PaymentElecWater AS A INNER JOIN ";
                            sql += "        PaymentElecWaterDetail AS B ON A.UsedElecWaterId = B.UsedElecWaterId";
                            sql += " WHERE A.BuildingId = '" + sBuildingId + "' and A.CustomerId = '" + CustomerId + "' and TarrifsOfWaterId = 0  and A.YearMonth in (" + lsYearmonth + ")";
                            sql += " Order by A.DateFrom, B.FromIndex";

                            using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                                SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                                line = rElec - 3 + j;
                                //Phi dien
                                XLCellRange mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 1, 1);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 2, 2);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 3, 3);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 4, 4);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 5, 5);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 7, 7);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 8, 8);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 9, 9);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 10, 10);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 11, 11);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 12, 13);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 12, 13);
                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 1, 1);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 2, 2);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 3, 3);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 4, 4);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 5, 5);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 7, 7);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 8, 8);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 9, 9);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 10, 10);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 11, 11);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 12, 13);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 12, 13);

                                for (int col = 1; col < 13; col++)
                                    xlsSheet[line, col].Style = xlstStyleH;
                                    xlsSheet[line + 1, col].Style = xlstStyleH;
                                    xlsSheet[line + 2, col].Style = xlstStyleH;

                                    xlsSheetEn[line, col].Style = xlstStyleH;
                                    xlsSheetEn[line + 1, col].Style = xlstStyleH;
                                    xlsSheetEn[line + 2, col].Style = xlstStyleH;

                                if (ds != null)
                                    int count = 0;
                                    DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                                    if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                                        foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                                            if (count >= 1)
                                                xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rElec + 1 + j);
                                                xlsSheetEn.Rows.Insert(rElec + 1 + j);

                                            int tmp = rElec + j;

                                            string DateFrom = Func.ParseString(row["DateFrom"]);
                                            string DateTo = Func.ParseString(row["DateTo"]);

                                            string FromIndex = Func.ParseString(row["FromIndex"]);
                                            string ToIndex = Func.ParseString(row["ToIndex"]);
                                            string OtherFee01 = Func.ParseString(row["OtherFee01"]);
                                            string OtherFee02 = Func.ParseString(row["OtherFee02"]);
                                            string Mount = Func.ParseString(row["Mount"]);
                                            string ElecPricePercent = Func.ParseString(row["ElecPricePercent"]);

                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 1].Value = DateFrom;
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 2].Value = DateTo;
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 3].Value = FromIndex;
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 4].Value = ToIndex;
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 5].Value = OtherFee01;
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 6].Value = Mount;
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 7].Value = row["PriceVND"];
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 8].Value = row["VatVND"];

                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 9].Value = row["SumVND"];
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 10].Value = row["OtherFee02"];
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 11].Value = row["ElecPricePercent"];
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 12].Value = row["LastPriceVND"];

                                            mCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 12, 13);

                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 1].Value = DateFrom;
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 2].Value = DateTo;
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 3].Value = FromIndex;
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 4].Value = ToIndex;
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 5].Value = OtherFee01;
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 6].Value = Mount;
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 7].Value = row["PriceVND"];
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 8].Value = row["VatVND"];

                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 9].Value = row["SumVND"];
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 10].Value = row["OtherFee02"];
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 11].Value = row["ElecPricePercent"];
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 12].Value = row["LastPriceVND"];

                                            mCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 12, 13);
                                            for (int col = 1; col <= 12; col++)
                                                xlsSheet[tmp, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                                            LastSumPriceVND[4] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceVND"]);
                                            LastSumPriceUSD[4] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceUSD"]);
                                        xlsSheet[rElec + 1 + j, 12].Value = LastSumPriceVND[4];
                                        mCell = new XLCellRange(rElec + 1 + j, rElec + 1 + j, 1, 11);

                                        mCell = new XLCellRange(rElec + 1 + j, rElec + 1 + j, 12, 13);

                                        xlsSheetEn[rElec + 1 + j, 12].Value = LastSumPriceVND[4];
                                        mCell = new XLCellRange(rElec + 1 + j, rElec + 1 + j, 1, 11);

                                        mCell = new XLCellRange(rElec + 1 + j, rElec + 1 + j, 12, 13);

                                        for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                            xlsSheet[rElec + 1 + j, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                                            xlsSheetEn[rElec + 1 + j, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                                        sumRow += dt.Rows.Count - 1;

                            ds = new DataSet();
                            //Xuất ra toàn bộ nội dung theo Trang
                            sql = " SELECT dbo.fnDateTime(A.DateFrom) DateFrom, dbo.fnDateTime(A.DateTo) DateTo, A.Vat, B.id, B.UsedElecWaterId, B.FromIndex, B.ToIndex, B.OtherFee01, B.OtherFee02, B.Mount, B.PriceVND, B.PriceUSD, B.SumVND, B.SumUSD, ";
                            sql += "        B.VatVND, B.VatUSD,IsNull(B.LastPriceUSD,0) LastPriceUSD,IsNull(B.LastPriceVND,0) LastPriceVND, B.Name, B.WaterPricePercent,B.ElecPricePercent  ";
                            sql += " FROM   PaymentElecWater AS A INNER JOIN ";
                            sql += "        PaymentElecWaterDetail AS B ON A.UsedElecWaterId = B.UsedElecWaterId";
                            sql += " WHERE A.BuildingId = '" + sBuildingId + "' and A.CustomerId = '" + CustomerId + "' and TarrifsOfElecId = 0 and A.YearMonth in (" + lsYearmonth + ")";
                            sql += " Order by A.DateFrom, B.FromIndex";

                            using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                                SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);
                                line = rWater - 3 + j;
                                //Phi dien
                                XLCellRange mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 1, 1);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 2, 2);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 3, 3);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 4, 4);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 6, 6);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 7, 7);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 8, 8);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 9, 9);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 10, 10);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 11, 11);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 12, 13);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 12, 13);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 1, 1);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 2, 2);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 3, 3);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 4, 4);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 6, 6);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 7, 7);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 8, 8);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 9, 9);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 10, 10);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 11, 11);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 12, 13);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 12, 13);

                                for (int col = 1; col < 13; col++)
                                    xlsSheet[line, col].Style = xlstStyleH;
                                    xlsSheet[line + 1, col].Style = xlstStyleH;
                                    xlsSheet[line + 2, col].Style = xlstStyleH;

                                    xlsSheetEn[line, col].Style = xlstStyleH;
                                    xlsSheetEn[line + 1, col].Style = xlstStyleH;
                                    xlsSheetEn[line + 2, col].Style = xlstStyleH;

                                if (ds != null)
                                    int count = 0;
                                    DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                                    if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                                        foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                                            if (count >= 1)
                                                xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rWater + 1 + j);
                                                xlsSheetEn.Rows.Insert(rWater + 1 + j);
                                            int tmp = rWater + j;

                                            string DateFrom = Func.ParseString(row["DateFrom"]);
                                            string DateTo = Func.ParseString(row["DateTo"]);

                                            string FromIndex = Func.ParseString(row["FromIndex"]);
                                            string ToIndex = Func.ParseString(row["ToIndex"]);
                                            string OtherFee01 = Func.ParseString(row["OtherFee01"]);
                                            string OtherFee02 = Func.ParseString(row["OtherFee02"]);
                                            string Mount = Func.ParseString(row["Mount"]);

                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 1].Value = DateFrom;
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 2].Value = DateTo;
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 3].Value = FromIndex;
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 4].Value = ToIndex;
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 5].Value = Mount;
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 6].Value = row["PriceVND"];
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 7].Value = row["OtherFee01"];
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 8].Value = row["VatVND"];

                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 9].Value = row["SumVND"];
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 10].Value = row["OtherFee02"];
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 11].Value = row["WaterPricePercent"];
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 12].Value = row["LastPriceVND"];

                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 1].Value = DateFrom;
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 2].Value = DateTo;
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 3].Value = FromIndex;
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 4].Value = ToIndex;
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 5].Value = Mount;
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 6].Value = row["PriceVND"];
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 7].Value = row["OtherFee01"];
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 8].Value = row["VatVND"];

                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 9].Value = row["SumVND"];
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 10].Value = row["OtherFee02"];
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 11].Value = row["WaterPricePercent"];
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 12].Value = row["LastPriceVND"];

                                            for (int col = 1; col <= 12; col++)
                                                xlsSheet[tmp, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                                            LastSumPriceVND[5] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceVND"]);
                                            LastSumPriceUSD[5] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceUSD"]);

                                            mCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 12, 13);
                                        xlsSheet[rWater + 1 + j, 12].Value = LastSumPriceVND[5];
                                        xlsSheetEn[rWater + 1 + j, 12].Value = LastSumPriceVND[5];
                                        mCell = new XLCellRange(rWater + 1 + j, rWater + 1 + j, 1, 11);

                                        mCell = new XLCellRange(rWater + 1 + j, rWater + 1 + j, 12, 13);

                                        for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                            xlsSheet[rWater + 1 + j, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                                            xlsSheetEn[rWater + 1 + j, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                                        sumRow += dt.Rows.Count - 1;

                            ds = new DataSet();

                            sql = string.Empty;
                            sql = " SELECT Service,dbo.fnDateTime(ServiceDateFrom) ServiceDateFrom,dbo.fnDateTime(ServiceDateTo) ServiceDateTo,PriceVND,PriceUSD,VatUSD,VatVND,Mount,Unit,SumVND,SumUSD,isnull(LastPriceVND,0) LastPriceVND,isnull(LastPriceUSD,0) LastPriceUSD";
                            sql += " FROM   PaymentService";
                            sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + sBuildingId + "' and CustomerId = '" + CustomerId + "' and YearMonth in (" + lsYearmonth + ")";
                            sql += " Order By ServiceDate ";

                            using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                                SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);
                                line = rService - 3 + j;
                                //Phi khác
                                XLCellRange mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 1, 1);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 2, 2);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 3, 3);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 4, 4);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 5, 5);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 6, 7);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 6, 7);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 8, 9);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 8, 9);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 10, 11);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 10, 11);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 1, 1);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 2, 2);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 3, 3);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 4, 4);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 5, 5);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 6, 7);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 6, 7);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 8, 9);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 8, 9);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 10, 11);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 10, 11);
                                for (int col = 1; col < 13; col++)
                                    xlsSheet[line, col].Style = xlstStyleH;
                                    xlsSheet[line + 1, col].Style = xlstStyleH;
                                    xlsSheet[line + 2, col].Style = xlstStyleH;

                                    xlsSheetEn[line, col].Style = xlstStyleH;
                                    xlsSheetEn[line + 1, col].Style = xlstStyleH;
                                    xlsSheetEn[line + 2, col].Style = xlstStyleH;
                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 12, 13);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 12, 13);

                                if (ds != null)
                                    int count = 0;
                                    DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

                                    if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)

                                        foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                                            if (count >= 1)
                                                xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rService + 1 + j);
                                                xlsSheetEn.Rows.Insert(rService + 1 + j);
                                            int tmp = rService + j;

                                            string Service = Func.ParseString(row["Service"]);
                                            string ServiceDateFrom = Func.ParseString(row["ServiceDateFrom"]);
                                            string ServiceDateTo = Func.ParseString(row["ServiceDateTo"]);

                                            string Mount = Func.ParseString(row["Mount"]);

                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 1].Value = Service;
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 2].Value = Func.ParseString(row["Unit"]);
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 3].Value = ServiceDateFrom;
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 4].Value = ServiceDateTo;
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 5].Value = Mount;

                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 6].Value = row["PriceUSD"];
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 7].Value = row["PriceVND"];

                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 8].Value = row["SumUSD"];
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 9].Value = row["SumVND"];

                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 10].Value = row["VatUSD"];
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 11].Value = row["VatVND"];

                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 12].Value = row["LastPriceUSD"];
                                            xlsSheet[tmp, 13].Value = row["LastPriceVND"];

                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 1].Value = Service;
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 2].Value = Func.ParseString(row["Unit"]);
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 3].Value = ServiceDateFrom;
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 4].Value = ServiceDateTo;
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 5].Value = Mount;

                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 6].Value = row["PriceUSD"];
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 7].Value = row["PriceVND"];

                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 8].Value = row["SumUSD"];
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 9].Value = row["SumVND"];

                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 10].Value = row["VatUSD"];
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 11].Value = row["VatVND"];

                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 12].Value = row["LastPriceUSD"];
                                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 13].Value = row["LastPriceVND"];

                                            for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                                xlsSheet[tmp, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                                            LastSumPriceVND[6] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceVND"]);
                                            LastSumPriceUSD[6] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceUSD"]);
                                        xlsSheet[rService + 1 + j, 12].Value = LastSumPriceUSD[6];
                                        xlsSheet[rService + 1 + j, 13].Value = LastSumPriceVND[6];

                                        xlsSheetEn[rService + 1 + j, 12].Value = LastSumPriceUSD[6];
                                        xlsSheetEn[rService + 1 + j, 13].Value = LastSumPriceVND[6];

                                        mCell = new XLCellRange(rService + 1 + j, rService + 1 + j, 1, 11);

                                        for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                            xlsSheet[rService + 1 + j, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                                            xlsSheetEn[rService + 1 + j, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                                        sumRow += dt.Rows.Count - 1;

                            sql = "Select  *";
                            sql += " From    PaymentBillDetail";
                            sql += " Where   BuildingId = '" + sBuildingId + "' and CustomerId = '" + CustomerId + "' and YearMonth in (" + lsYearmonth + ") and YearMonth < " + maxYearMonth + "";
                            string strYearMonth = "";
                            int lineTmp = rPaid - 2 + j;

                            XLCellRange mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp + 1, 1, 1);

                            mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 2, 3);

                            mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 4, 5);

                            mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 6, 7);

                            mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 8, 9);

                            mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 12, 13);

                            mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp + 1, 1, 1);

                            mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 2, 3);

                            mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 4, 5);

                            mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 6, 7);

                            mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 8, 9);

                            mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 12, 13);
                            Hashtable rowNo = new Hashtable();
                            decimal[] PaidSumVND = new decimal[7] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
                            decimal[] PaidSumUSD = new decimal[7] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };

                            DataTable dtPaid = DbHelper.GetDataTable(sql);
                            for (int i = 0; i < dtPaid.Rows.Count; i++)
                                string PaymentType = Func.ParseString(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaymentType"]);
                                string MoneyUSD = Func.ParseString(dtPaid.Rows[i]["MoneyUSD"]);
                                string MoneyVND = Func.ParseString(dtPaid.Rows[i]["MoneyVND"]);
                                string PaidUSD = Func.ParseString(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"]);
                                string PaidVND = Func.ParseString(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]);
                                string ExchangeType = Func.ParseString(dtPaid.Rows[i]["ExchangeType"]);
                                string YearMonth = Func.ParseString(dtPaid.Rows[i]["YearMonth"]);

                                if (!rowNo.Contains(YearMonth))
                                    if (rowNo.Count != 0)
                                        xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rPaid + j + 1);
                                        xlsSheetEn.Rows.Insert(rPaid + j + 1);
                                    rowNo.Add(YearMonth, j);
                                int m = Func.ParseInt(rowNo[YearMonth]);
                                strYearMonth = YearMonth;
                                decimal tmpUSD = Convert.ToDecimal(MoneyUSD) - Convert.ToDecimal(PaidUSD);
                                decimal tmpVND = Convert.ToDecimal(MoneyVND) - Convert.ToDecimal(PaidVND);

                                PaidPriceUSD += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"]);
                                PaidPriceVND += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]);

                                xlsSheet[rPaid + m, 1].Value = YearMonth.Substring(4, 2) + "/" + YearMonth.Substring(0, 4);
                                xlsSheetEn[rPaid + m, 1].Value = YearMonth.Substring(4, 2) + "/" + YearMonth.Substring(0, 4);
                                switch (PaymentType)
                                    case "1":
                                        xlsSheet[rPaid + m, 2].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"];
                                        xlsSheet[rPaid + m, 3].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"];

                                        xlsSheetEn[rPaid + m, 2].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"];
                                        xlsSheetEn[rPaid + m, 3].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"];

                                        PaidSumUSD[0] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"]);
                                        PaidSumVND[0] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]);

                                    case "2":
                                        xlsSheet[rPaid + m, 4].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"];
                                        xlsSheet[rPaid + m, 5].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"];

                                        xlsSheetEn[rPaid + m, 4].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"];
                                        xlsSheetEn[rPaid + m, 5].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"];

                                        PaidSumUSD[1] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"]);
                                        PaidSumVND[1] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]);

                                    case "3":
                                        xlsSheet[rPaid + m, 6].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"];
                                        xlsSheet[rPaid + m, 7].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"];

                                        xlsSheetEn[rPaid + m, 6].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"];
                                        xlsSheetEn[rPaid + m, 7].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"];

                                        PaidSumUSD[2] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"]);
                                        PaidSumVND[2] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]);
                                    case "4":
                                        xlsSheet[rPaid + m, 8].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"];
                                        xlsSheet[rPaid + m, 9].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"];

                                        xlsSheetEn[rPaid + m, 8].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"];
                                        xlsSheetEn[rPaid + m, 9].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"];

                                        PaidSumUSD[3] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"]);
                                        PaidSumVND[3] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]);
                                    case "5":
                                        xlsSheet[rPaid + m, 10].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"];
                                        xlsSheetEn[rPaid + m, 10].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"];

                                        PaidSumUSD[4] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"]);
                                        PaidSumVND[4] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]);
                                    case "6":
                                        xlsSheet[rPaid + m, 11].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"];
                                        xlsSheetEn[rPaid + m, 11].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"];

                                        PaidSumUSD[5] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"]);
                                        PaidSumVND[5] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]);
                                    case "7":
                                        xlsSheet[rPaid + m, 12].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"];
                                        xlsSheet[rPaid + m, 13].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"];

                                        xlsSheetEn[rPaid + m, 12].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"];
                                        xlsSheetEn[rPaid + m, 13].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"];
                                for (int row = rPaid + m; row <= rPaid + 1 + j; row++)
                                    for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                        xlsSheet[row, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                            lineTmp = rPaid - 2 + j;

                            xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 2].Value = PaidSumUSD[0];
                            xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 3].Value = PaidSumVND[0];
                            xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 4].Value = PaidSumUSD[1];
                            xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 5].Value = PaidSumVND[1];
                            xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 6].Value = PaidSumUSD[2];
                            xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 7].Value = PaidSumVND[2];
                            xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 8].Value = PaidSumUSD[3];
                            xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 9].Value = PaidSumVND[3];
                            xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 10].Value = PaidSumVND[4];
                            xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 11].Value = PaidSumVND[5];
                            xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 12].Value = PaidSumUSD[6];
                            xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 13].Value = PaidSumVND[6];

                            xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 2].Value = PaidSumUSD[0];
                            xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 3].Value = PaidSumVND[0];
                            xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 4].Value = PaidSumUSD[1];
                            xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 5].Value = PaidSumVND[1];
                            xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 6].Value = PaidSumUSD[2];
                            xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 7].Value = PaidSumVND[2];
                            xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 8].Value = PaidSumUSD[3];
                            xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 9].Value = PaidSumVND[3];
                            xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 10].Value = PaidSumVND[4];
                            xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 11].Value = PaidSumVND[5];
                            xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 12].Value = PaidSumUSD[6];
                            xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 13].Value = PaidSumVND[6];

                            for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                                xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;

                            sql = "  Select *";
                            sql += " From   v_DeptBill";
                            sql += " Where  BuildingId = '" + sBuildingId + "' and CustomerId = '" + CustomerId + "' and YearMonth not in (" + lsYearmonth + ") and YearMonth < " + maxYearMonth + "";
                            sql += " And    (DeptUsd <> 0 or DeptVnd <> 0)";
                            strYearMonth = "";
                            lineTmp = rDept - 2 + j;

                            mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp + 1, 1, 1);

                            mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 2, 3);

                            mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 4, 5);

                            mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 6, 7);

                            mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 8, 9);

                            mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 12, 13);

                            mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp + 1, 1, 1);

                            mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 2, 3);

                            mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 4, 5);

                            mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 6, 7);

                            mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 8, 9);

                            mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 12, 13);
                            rowNo = new Hashtable();
                            decimal DeptPriceVND = 0;
                            decimal DeptPriceUSD = 0;

                            decimal[] DeptSumVND = new decimal[7] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
                            decimal[] DeptSumUSD = new decimal[7] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };

                            DataTable dtDept = DbHelper.GetDataTable(sql);
                            for (int i = 0; i < dtDept.Rows.Count; i++)
                                string PaymentType = Func.ParseString(dtDept.Rows[i]["PaymentType"]);
                                string DeptUSD = Func.ParseString(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptUSD"]);
                                string DeptVND = Func.ParseString(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]);
                                string YearMonth = Func.ParseString(dtDept.Rows[i]["YearMonth"]);

                                if (!rowNo.Contains(YearMonth))
                                    if (rowNo.Count != 0)
                                        xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rDept + j + 1);
                                        xlsSheetEn.Rows.Insert(rDept + j + 1);
                                    rowNo.Add(YearMonth, j);
                                int m = Func.ParseInt(rowNo[YearMonth]);
                                strYearMonth = YearMonth;

                                DeptPriceUSD += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptUSD"]);
                                DeptPriceVND += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]);

                                xlsSheet[rDept + m, 1].Value = YearMonth.Substring(4, 2) + "/" + YearMonth.Substring(0, 4);
                                xlsSheetEn[rDept + m, 1].Value = YearMonth.Substring(4, 2) + "/" + YearMonth.Substring(0, 4);

                                switch (PaymentType)
                                    case "1":
                                        xlsSheet[rDept + m, 2].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptUSD"];
                                        xlsSheet[rDept + m, 3].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"];

                                        xlsSheetEn[rDept + m, 2].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptUSD"];
                                        xlsSheetEn[rDept + m, 3].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"];

                                        DeptSumUSD[0] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptUSD"]);
                                        DeptSumVND[0] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]);

                                    case "2":
                                        xlsSheet[rDept + m, 4].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptUSD"];
                                        xlsSheet[rDept + m, 5].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"];

                                        xlsSheetEn[rDept + m, 4].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptUSD"];
                                        xlsSheetEn[rDept + m, 5].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"];

                                        DeptSumUSD[1] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptUSD"]);
                                        DeptSumVND[1] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]);

                                    case "3":
                                        xlsSheet[rDept + m, 6].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptUSD"];
                                        xlsSheet[rDept + m, 7].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"];

                                        xlsSheetEn[rDept + m, 6].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptUSD"];
                                        xlsSheetEn[rDept + m, 7].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"];

                                        DeptSumUSD[2] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptUSD"]);
                                        DeptSumVND[2] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]);
                                    case "4":
                                        xlsSheet[rDept + m, 8].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptUSD"];
                                        xlsSheet[rDept + m, 9].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"];

                                        xlsSheetEn[rDept + m, 8].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptUSD"];
                                        xlsSheetEn[rDept + m, 9].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"];

                                        DeptSumUSD[3] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptUSD"]);
                                        DeptSumVND[3] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]);
                                    case "5":
                                        xlsSheet[rDept + m, 10].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"];
                                        xlsSheetEn[rDept + m, 10].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"];

                                        DeptSumUSD[4] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptUSD"]);
                                        DeptSumVND[4] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]);
                                    case "6":
                                        xlsSheet[rDept + m, 11].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"];
                                        xlsSheetEn[rDept + m, 11].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"];

                                        DeptSumUSD[5] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptUSD"]);
                                        DeptSumVND[5] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]);
                                    case "7":
                                        xlsSheet[rDept + m, 12].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptUSD"];
                                        xlsSheet[rDept + m, 13].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"];

                                        xlsSheetEn[rDept + m, 12].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptUSD"];
                                        xlsSheetEn[rDept + m, 13].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"];

                                        DeptSumUSD[6] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptUSD"]);
                                        DeptSumVND[6] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]);
                                for (int row = rDept + m; row <= rDept + 1 + j; row++)
                                    for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                        xlsSheet[row, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                                        xlsSheetEn[row, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                            lineTmp = rDept - 2 + j;

                            xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 2].Value = DeptSumUSD[0];
                            xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 3].Value = DeptSumVND[0];
                            xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 4].Value = DeptSumUSD[1];
                            xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 5].Value = DeptSumVND[1];
                            xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 6].Value = DeptSumUSD[2];
                            xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 7].Value = DeptSumVND[2];
                            xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 8].Value = DeptSumUSD[3];
                            xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 9].Value = DeptSumVND[3];
                            xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 10].Value = DeptSumVND[4];
                            xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 11].Value = DeptSumVND[5];
                            xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 12].Value = DeptSumUSD[6];
                            xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 13].Value = DeptSumVND[6];

                            xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 2].Value = DeptSumUSD[0];
                            xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 3].Value = DeptSumVND[0];
                            xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 4].Value = DeptSumUSD[1];
                            xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 5].Value = DeptSumVND[1];
                            xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 6].Value = DeptSumUSD[2];
                            xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 7].Value = DeptSumVND[2];
                            xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 8].Value = DeptSumUSD[3];
                            xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 9].Value = DeptSumVND[3];
                            xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 10].Value = DeptSumVND[4];
                            xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 11].Value = DeptSumVND[5];
                            xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 12].Value = DeptSumUSD[6];
                            xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 13].Value = DeptSumVND[6];
                            for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                                xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;

                            xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 1].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                            xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 1].Style = xlstStyleSum;

                            decimal AllSumVND = 0;
                            decimal AllSumUSD = 0;
                            for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                                AllSumVND += LastSumPriceVND[i];
                                AllSumUSD += LastSumPriceUSD[i];

                            AllSumVND -= PaidPriceVND;
                            AllSumUSD -= PaidPriceUSD;

                            AllSumVND += DeptPriceVND;
                            AllSumUSD += DeptPriceUSD;

                            xlsSheet[rSumVND + j, cSumVND].Value = Func.FormatNumber_New(AllSumUSD);
                            xlsSheet[rSumVND + j, cSumVND].Value += "(USD)";
                            xlsSheet[rSumVND + j, cSumVND + 1].Value = Func.FormatNumber_New(AllSumVND);
                            xlsSheet[rSumVND + j, cSumVND + 1].Value += "(VND)";

                            xlsSheetEn[rSumVND + j, cSumVND].Value = Func.FormatNumber_New(AllSumUSD);
                            xlsSheetEn[rSumVND + j, cSumVND].Value += "(USD)";
                            xlsSheetEn[rSumVND + j, cSumVND + 1].Value = Func.FormatNumber_New(AllSumVND);
                            xlsSheetEn[rSumVND + j, cSumVND + 1].Value += "(VND)";

                            AllSumVND += Convert.ToDecimal(AllSumUSD * Convert.ToDecimal(UsdExchange));

                            string strMoney = Func.docso(Convert.ToInt32(AllSumVND));
                            string strMoneyEn = Func.DocSo_En(Convert.ToInt32(AllSumVND));

                            xlsSheet[rContract, cContract].Value = xlsSheet[rContract, cContract].Value.ToString().Replace("{%HOP_DONG%}", String.IsNullOrEmpty(contract) ? "" : contract.Substring(1));
                            xlsSheet[rSum + j, cSum].Value = Convert.ToInt32(AllSumVND);

                            mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(rSum + j, rSum + j, cSum, cSum + 1);
                            xlsSheet[rSum + j, cSum].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                            xlsSheet[rSum + j, cSum + 1].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                            xlsSheet[rSumRead + j, cSumRead].Value = xlsSheet[rSumRead + j, cSumRead].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TONG_CHU%}", strMoney.ToUpper());

                            xlsSheetEn[rContract, cContract].Value = xlsSheetEn[rContract, cContract].Value.ToString().Replace("{%HOP_DONG%}", String.IsNullOrEmpty(contract) ? "" : contract.Substring(1));
                            xlsSheetEn[rSum + j, cSum].Value = Convert.ToInt32(AllSumVND);

                            mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(rSum + j, rSum + j, cSum, cSum + 1);
                            xlsSheetEn[rSum + j, cSum].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                            xlsSheetEn[rSum + j, cSum + 1].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                            xlsSheetEn[rSumRead + j, cSumRead].Value = xlsSheetEn[rSumRead + j, cSumRead].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TONG_CHU%}", strMoneyEn.ToUpper());

                            //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "", "PopUp('" + strFilePathExport + "'," + PopupWidth + "," + PopupHeight + ",'EditReport', true);", true);
Ejemplo n.º 25
        static public void ToExcel(C1TrueDBGrid _Dgd)
            if (_Dgd.RowCount == 0)
            string filename = "";
            var    book     = new C1XLBook();

                SaveFileDialog dialog = new SaveFileDialog
                    Filter   = "*.xls|*.xls",
                    FileName = "DgdExcel.xls"
                if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    filename = dialog.FileName;
                    var sheet = book.Sheets[0];
                    sheet.Name = "Page1";
                    XLStyle            style = new XLStyle(book);
                    DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi  = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat;
                    style.Format = XLStyle.FormatDotNetToXL(dtfi.ShortDatePattern);
                    var k = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < _Dgd.Columns.Count; i++)
                        if (_Dgd.Splits[0].DisplayColumns[i] == null)
                        if (_Dgd.Splits[0].DisplayColumns[i].Visible)
                            sheet[0, k].Value = _Dgd.Columns[i].Caption;
                    for (int i = 0; i < _Dgd.RowCount; i++)
                        k = 0;
                        for (int j = 0; j < _Dgd.Columns.Count; j++)
                            if (_Dgd.Splits[0].DisplayColumns[j] == null)
                            if (_Dgd.Splits[0].DisplayColumns[j].Visible)
                                var obj = _Dgd[i, j];
                                if (obj != null)
                                    if (obj.GetType() == typeof(DateTime))
                                        sheet[i + 1, k].Style = style;
                                    sheet[i + 1, k].Value = _Dgd[i, j];
                                    sheet[i + 1, k].Value = "";
            catch (Exception ex)
            if (MBox.ShowAsk(string.Format("数据导出成功。保存路径:{0}\r\n是否打开?", filename)))
Ejemplo n.º 26
        protected void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            string sql = string.Empty;

            sql = " SELECT *";
            sql += " FROM v_BuildingTechStatusInfo";
            sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and StatusDate >= '"+ Func.FormatYYYYmmdd(txtFromDate.Text.Substring(0,10))   +"' and StatusDate <= '"+ Func.FormatYYYYmmdd(txtToDate.Text.Substring(0,10))   +"'";

            using (SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase())
                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    if (ds != null)
                        C1XLBook xlbBook = new C1XLBook();
                        string fileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Template\SuCoKyThuat.xls");
                        if (!Directory.Exists(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\SuCoKyThuat"))
                            Directory.CreateDirectory(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\SuCoKyThuat"));
                        string strDT = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
                        string strFilePath = @"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\SuCoKyThuat\SuCoKyThuat" + strDT + ".xls";
                        string strFilePathExport = "Report/Building/" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "/SuCoKyThuat/SuCoKyThuat" + strDT + ".xls";

                        string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(strFilePath);
                        File.Copy(fileName, fileNameDes);

                        XLSheet xlsSheet = xlbBook.Sheets["SuCoKyThuat"];

                        int i = 3;
                        XLCellRange mrCell = new XLCellRange(0, 0, 0, 2);

                        XLStyle xlstStyle = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                        xlstStyle.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Left;
                        xlstStyle.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Top;
                        xlstStyle.WordWrap = true;
                        xlstStyle.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
                        xlstStyle.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyle.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyle.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyle.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;

                        XLStyle xlstStyle01 = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                        xlstStyle01.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center;
                        xlstStyle01.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Top;
                        xlstStyle01.WordWrap = true;
                        xlstStyle01.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
                        xlstStyle01.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyle01.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyle01.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyle01.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;

                        xlsSheet[0, 0].Value = xlsSheet[0, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%BUILDING%}", DbHelper.GetScalar("Select Name From Mst_Building Where BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "'"));
                        xlsSheet[1, 0].Value = xlsSheet[1, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TU_NGAY%}", txtFromDate.Text);
                        xlsSheet[1, 0].Value = xlsSheet[1, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%DEN_NGAY%}", txtToDate.Text);

                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
                            string col01 = Func.FormatDMY(rowType[0].ToString());
                            string col02 = rowType[1].ToString();
                            string col03 = rowType[2].ToString();
                            string col04 = rowType[3].ToString();
                            string col05 = rowType[4].ToString();
                            string col06 = rowType[5].ToString();
                            string col07 = rowType[6].ToString();
                            string col08 = rowType[7].ToString();
                            string col09 = rowType[8].ToString();
                            string col10 = rowType[9].ToString();
                            string col11 = rowType[10].ToString();
                            string col12 = rowType[11].ToString();

                            xlsSheet[i, 0].Value = col01;
                            xlsSheet[i, 1].Value = col02;
                            xlsSheet[i, 2].Value = col03;
                            xlsSheet[i, 3].Value = col04;
                            xlsSheet[i, 4].Value = col05;
                            xlsSheet[i, 5].Value = col06;
                            xlsSheet[i, 6].Value = col07;
                            xlsSheet[i, 7].Value = col08;
                            xlsSheet[i, 8].Value = col09;
                            xlsSheet[i, 9].Value = col10;
                            xlsSheet[i, 10].Value = col11;

                            xlsSheet[i, 0].Style = xlstStyle01;
                            xlsSheet[i, 1].Style = xlstStyle;
                            xlsSheet[i, 2].Style = xlstStyle;
                            xlsSheet[i, 3].Style = xlstStyle;
                            xlsSheet[i, 4].Style = xlstStyle;
                            xlsSheet[i, 5].Style = xlstStyle;
                            xlsSheet[i, 6].Style = xlstStyle;
                            xlsSheet[i, 7].Style = xlstStyle;
                            xlsSheet[i, 8].Style = xlstStyle;
                            xlsSheet[i, 9].Style = xlstStyle;
                            xlsSheet[i, 10].Style = xlstStyle;
                        ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "", "PopUp('../" + strFilePathExport + "'," + PopupWidth + "," + PopupHeight + ",'EditReport', true);", true);

        protected void btnView_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            mvMessage.CheckRequired(txtContractDate, "Ngày xuất HĐ : Danh mục phải nhập");
            mvMessage.CheckRequired(txtContractNo, "Hợp đồng số : Danh mục phải nhập");
            mvMessage.CheckRequired(txtRate, "Tỉ giá quy đổi USD->VND : Danh mục phải nhập");
            mvMessage.CheckRequired(txtRateDate, "Thời gian quy đổi: Danh mục phải nhập");
            if (!mvMessage.IsValid) return;

            C1XLBook xlbBook = new C1XLBook();
            string fileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Template\BillPhongHop.xlsx");
            if (!Directory.Exists(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\BillPhongHop"))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\BillPhongHop"));

            decimal[] LastSumPriceVND = { 0, 0, 0 };
            decimal[] LastSumPriceUSD = { 0, 0, 0 };

            XLStyle xlstStyle = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
            xlstStyle.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center;
            xlstStyle.WordWrap = true;
            xlstStyle.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
            xlstStyle.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyle.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyle.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyle.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyle.Format = "#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)";

            XLStyle xlstStyleSum = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
            xlstStyleSum.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Right;
            xlstStyleSum.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center;
            xlstStyleSum.Font = new Font("Times New Roman", 10, FontStyle.Bold);
            xlstStyleSum.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleSum.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleSum.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleSum.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleSum.WordWrap = true;
            xlstStyleSum.Format = "#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)";

            string strDT = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
            string strFilePath = @"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"BillPhongHop\BillPhongHop" + "_" + lnbCustomerId.Text + "_" + strDT + ".xlsx";
            string strFilePathExport = @"../../Report/Building/" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "/BillPhongHop/BillPhongHop" + "_" + lnbCustomerId.Text + "_" + strDT + ".xlsx";

            string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(strFilePath);

            //string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\TongHopDienTich" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".xlsx");
            File.Copy(fileName, fileNameDes);

            XLSheet xlsSheet = xlbBook.Sheets["HoaDon"];

            int k = 2;
            xlsSheet[1, 6 + k].Value = xlsSheet[1, 6 + k].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NGAY%}", DateTime.Today.ToString("dd"));
            xlsSheet[1, 6 + k].Value = xlsSheet[1, 6 + k].Value.ToString().Replace("{%THANG%}", DateTime.Today.ToString("MM"));
            xlsSheet[1, 6 + k].Value = xlsSheet[1, 6 + k].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NAM%}", DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy"));

            using (SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase())
                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                string sql = string.Empty;

                sql = " SELECT Name, ContactName";
                sql += " FROM Customer";
                sql += " WHERE CustomerId = '" + lnbCustomerId.Text + "' ";

                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    if (ds != null)
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
                            string Name = rowType[0].ToString();
                            string ContactName = rowType[1].ToString();

                            xlsSheet[6, 0].Value = xlsSheet[6, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TEN_CONG_TY%}", Name);
                            xlsSheet[7, 0].Value = xlsSheet[7, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NGUOI_DAI_DIEN%}", ContactName);

                            xlsSheet[9, 0].Value = xlsSheet[9, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NGAY_HOP_DONG%}", lblBookingDate.Text).Replace("{%HOP_DONG%}", txtContractNo.Text);

                            xlsSheet[11, 0].Value = xlsSheet[11, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%GIO_TU%}", drpHourFrom.SelectedValue);
                            xlsSheet[11, 0].Value = xlsSheet[11, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%PHUT_TU%}", drpMinuteFrom.Value);
                            xlsSheet[11, 0].Value = xlsSheet[11, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%GIO_DEN%}", drpHourTo.SelectedValue);
                            xlsSheet[11, 0].Value = xlsSheet[11, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%PHUT_DEN%}", drpMinuteTo.Value);
                            xlsSheet[11, 0].Value = xlsSheet[11, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NGAY_THUE%}", lblBookingDate.Text);

                ds = new DataSet();
                sql = " SELECT Bank,Account,AccountName,Office,OfficeAddress,OfficePhone";
                sql += " FROM Mst_Building";
                sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' ";
                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    if (ds != null)
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
                            string Bank = rowType["Bank"].ToString();
                            string Account = rowType["Account"].ToString();
                            string AccountName = rowType["AccountName"].ToString();
                            string Office = rowType["Office"].ToString();
                            string OfficeAddress = rowType["OfficeAddress"].ToString();
                            string OfficePhone = rowType["OfficePhone"].ToString();

                            xlsSheet[35, 0].Value = xlsSheet[35, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%VAN_PHONG%}", Office);
                            xlsSheet[36, 0].Value = xlsSheet[36, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%DIEN_THOAI%}", OfficePhone);

                            xlsSheet[38, 0].Value = xlsSheet[38, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NGAN_HANG%}", Bank);
                            xlsSheet[39, 0].Value = xlsSheet[39, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TEN_TAI_KHOAN%}", AccountName);
                            xlsSheet[40, 0].Value = xlsSheet[40, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%SO_TAI_KHOAN%}", Account);
                XLCellRange mrCell = new XLCellRange(0, 0, 0, 0);

                xlsSheet[27, 0].Value = xlsSheet[27, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TI_GIA%}", Func.FormatNumber_New(txtRate.Text)).Replace("{%NGAY_AP_DUNG%}", txtRateDate.Text.Substring(0, 10));

                ds = new DataSet();
                sql = " SELECT *";
                sql += " FROM v_BookingRoomInfo";
                sql += " WHERE BookingId = '" + hidId.Value + "' ";

                int j = 0;
                int count = 0;
                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    if (ds != null)
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
                            if (count >= 1)
                                xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(18 + 1 + j);
                            int tmp = 18 + j;

                            string Name = rowType["Name"].ToString();
                            string Regional = rowType["Regional"].ToString();
                            string Floor = rowType["Floor"].ToString();
                            string Area = rowType["Area"].ToString();
                            string PriceUSD = rowType["PriceUSD"].ToString();
                            string PriceVND = rowType["PriceVND"].ToString();
                            string SumUSD = rowType["SumUSD"].ToString();
                            string SumVND = rowType["SumVND"].ToString();
                            string VatUSD = rowType["VatUSD"].ToString();
                            string VatVND = rowType["VatVND"].ToString();
                            string LastPriceUSD = rowType["LastPriceUSD"].ToString();
                            string LastPriceVND = rowType["LastPriceVND"].ToString();
                            string BookingId = rowType["BookingId"].ToString();

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 1].Value = Name;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 2].Value = Regional;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 3].Value = Floor;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 4].Value = rowType["Area"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 5].Value = rowType["PriceUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 6].Value = rowType["PriceVND"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 7].Value = rowType["SumUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 8].Value = rowType["SumVND"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 9].Value = rowType["VatUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 10].Value = rowType["VatVND"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 11].Value = rowType["LastPriceUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 12].Value = rowType["LastPriceVND"];

                            LastSumPriceVND[0] += Convert.ToDecimal(rowType["LastPriceVND"]);
                            LastSumPriceUSD[0] += Convert.ToDecimal(rowType["LastPriceUSD"]);

                            for (int col = 1; col <= 12; col++)
                                xlsSheet[tmp, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                        mrCell = new XLCellRange(18 + 1 + j, 18 + 1 + j, 1, 10);

                        xlsSheet[18 + 1 + j, 11].Value = LastSumPriceUSD[0];
                        xlsSheet[18 + 1 + j, 12].Value = LastSumPriceVND[0];

                        for (int col = 1; col <= 12; col++)
                            xlsSheet[18 + 1 + j, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                XLSheet source = xlbBook.Sheets["tpl"];

                for (int row = 21; row <= 25; row++)
                    for (int col = 0; col <= 12; col++)
                        xlsSheet[row + j, col].Style = source[row, col].Style;
                        xlsSheet[row + j, col].Value = source[row, col].Value;

                //XLCellRange mrCell = new XLCellRange(22 + j, 23 + j, 1, 1);

                //mrCell = new XLCellRange(22 + j, 23 + j, 2, 2);

                //mrCell = new XLCellRange(22 + j, 23 + j, 3, 4);

                //mrCell = new XLCellRange(22 + j, 22 + j, 5, 6);

                //mrCell = new XLCellRange(22 + j, 22 + j, 7, 8);

                //mrCell = new XLCellRange(22 + j, 22 + j, 9, 10);

                //mrCell = new XLCellRange(22 + j, 22 + j, 11, 12);

                ds = new DataSet();
                sql = " SELECT  Service, Mount, PriceUSD, PriceVND, SumUSD, SumVND, VatUSD, VatVND, LastPriceUSD, LastPriceVND, Unit";
                sql += " FROM    PaymentBookingService";
                sql += " WHERE BookingId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and (Delflag is null or Delflag = 0)";

                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    if (ds != null)
                        count = 0;
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
                            if (count >= 1)
                                xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(24 + 1 + j);
                            int tmp = 24 + j;

                            string Service = rowType["Service"].ToString();
                            string Mount = rowType["Mount"].ToString();
                            string Unit = rowType["Unit"].ToString();
                            string PriceUSD = rowType["PriceUSD"].ToString();
                            string PriceVND = rowType["PriceVND"].ToString();
                            string SumUSD = rowType["SumUSD"].ToString();
                            string SumVND = rowType["SumVND"].ToString();
                            string VatUSD = rowType["VatUSD"].ToString();
                            string VatVND = rowType["VatVND"].ToString();
                            string LastPriceUSD = rowType["LastPriceUSD"].ToString();
                            string LastPriceVND = rowType["LastPriceVND"].ToString();

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 1].Value = Service;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 2].Value = rowType["Mount"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 3].Value = Unit;

                            mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 3, 4);

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 5].Value = rowType["PriceUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 6].Value = rowType["PriceVND"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 7].Value = rowType["SumUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 8].Value = rowType["SumVND"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 9].Value = rowType["VatUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 10].Value = rowType["VatVND"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 11].Value = rowType["LastPriceUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 12].Value = rowType["LastPriceVND"];

                            LastSumPriceVND[1] += Convert.ToDecimal(rowType["LastPriceVND"]);
                            LastSumPriceUSD[1] += Convert.ToDecimal(rowType["LastPriceUSD"]);

                            for (int col = 1; col <= 12; col++)
                                xlsSheet[tmp, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                        mrCell = new XLCellRange(24 + 1 + j, 24 + 1 + j, 1, 10);

                        xlsSheet[24 + 1 + j, 11].Value = LastSumPriceUSD[1];
                        xlsSheet[24 + 1 + j, 12].Value = LastSumPriceVND[1];

                        for (int col = 1; col <= 12; col++)
                            xlsSheet[24 + 1 + j, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;

                //////////////////Da Tra
                ds = new DataSet();
                sql = " SELECT  Sum(isnull(MoneyUSD,0)) USD, Sum(isnull(MoneyVND,0)) VND";
                sql += " FROM    Payment";
                sql += " WHERE BookingId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and (Delflag is null or Delflag = 0)";

                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    if (ds != null)
                        count = 0;
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
                            int tmp = 29 + j;

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 2].Value = (Func.ParseString(rowType["USD"]) == "" ? 0 : rowType["USD"]);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 4].Value = (Func.ParseString(rowType["VND"]) == "" ? 0 : rowType["VND"]);

                            LastSumPriceVND[2] += Convert.ToDecimal(Func.ParseString(rowType["VND"]) == "" ? 0 : rowType["VND"]);
                            LastSumPriceUSD[2] += Convert.ToDecimal(Func.ParseString(rowType["USD"]) == "" ? 0 : rowType["USD"]);

                //////////////////Da Tra

                xlsSheet[28 + j, 2].Value = Func.FormatNumber_New(LastSumPriceUSD[0] + LastSumPriceUSD[1]);
                xlsSheet[28 + j, 4].Value = Func.FormatNumber_New(LastSumPriceVND[0] + LastSumPriceVND[1]);

                xlsSheet[30 + j, 2].Value = Func.FormatNumber_New(Convert.ToDecimal(txtRate.Text) * (LastSumPriceUSD[0] + LastSumPriceUSD[1] - LastSumPriceUSD[2]));
                xlsSheet[30 + j, 4].Value = Func.FormatNumber_New(LastSumPriceVND[0] + LastSumPriceVND[1] - LastSumPriceVND[2]);

                xlsSheet[31 + j, 3].Value = Func.FormatNumber_New(Convert.ToDecimal(txtRate.Text) * (LastSumPriceUSD[0] + LastSumPriceUSD[1] - LastSumPriceUSD[2]) + (LastSumPriceVND[0] + LastSumPriceVND[1] - LastSumPriceVND[2]));
                xlsSheet[32 + j, 2].Value = Func.docso(Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToDecimal(txtRate.Text) * (LastSumPriceUSD[0] + LastSumPriceUSD[1] - LastSumPriceUSD[2]) + (LastSumPriceVND[0] + LastSumPriceVND[1] - LastSumPriceVND[2]))).ToUpper();

                //xlsSheet[28 + j, 2].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                //xlsSheet[28 + j, 4].Style = xlstStyleSum;

                //xlsSheet[30 + j, 2].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                //xlsSheet[30 + j, 4].Style = xlstStyleSum;

                //xlsSheet[31 + j, 3].Style = xlstStyleSum;

                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "", "PopUp('" + strFilePathExport + "'," + PopupWidth + "," + PopupHeight + ",'EditReport', true);", true);
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public void FullNewViewMultiBoth(string lsYearmonth)
            string[] strTmpYearMonth = lsYearmonth.Split(',');
            string maxYearMonth = "";
            for (int l = 0; l < strTmpYearMonth.Length; l++)
                string tmp = strTmpYearMonth[l];
                if (maxYearMonth == "")
                    maxYearMonth = tmp;
                if (maxYearMonth.CompareTo(tmp) < 0)
                    maxYearMonth = tmp;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(lsYearmonth))
                mvMessage.AddError("Phải chọn ít nhất 1 tháng");

            int rBillNo = 0;
            int cBillNo = 1;

            int rBillDate = 0;
            int cBillDate = 10;

            int rBillMonth = 2;
            int cBillMonth = 0;

            int rContact = 5;
            int cContact = 3;

            int rCustomer = 5;
            int cCustomer = 7;

            int rContract = 7;
            int cContract = 1;

            //int rRate = 11;
            //int cRate = 9;

            //int rRateDate = 11;
            //int cRateDate = 12;

            int rRent = 15;

            int rManager = 23;

            int rParking = 31;

            int rExtra = 39;

            int rElec = 47;

            int rWater = 55;

            int rService = 63;

            int rPaid = 70;

            int rDept = 77;

            int rOffice = 88;
            int cOffice = 1;

            int rPhone = 89;
            int cPhone = 1;

            int rBank = 88;
            int cBank = 7;

            int rAccountName = 89;
            int cAccountName = 7;

            int rAccount = 90;
            int cAccount = 7;

            int rSum = 81;
            int cSum = 12;

            int rSumVND = 80;
            int cSumVND = 12;

            int rSumRead = 82;

            ArrayList removeRow = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList hideRow = new ArrayList();

            int check = DbHelper.GetCount("Select count(*) from PaymentBillInfo Where BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and CustomerId = '" + lblCustomerId.Text + "' and YearMonth = '" + drpYear.SelectedValue + drpMonth.SelectedValue + "'");
            if (check == 0)
                mvMessage.AddError("Xin vui lòng tạo hóa đơn trước khi xem");
            mvMessage.CheckRequired(txtBillDate, "Ngày xuất Hóa đơn là danh mục bắt buộc");
            mvMessage.CheckRequired(txtBillNo, "Số Hóa đơn là danh mục bắt buộc");
            mvMessage.CheckRequired(txtUsdExchange, "Tỉ giá USD-VN là danh mục bắt buộc");
            mvMessage.CheckRequired(txtUsdExchangeDate, "Ngày tỉ giá là danh mục bắt buộc");

            xlbBook = new C1XLBook();

            string fileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Template\NewBillTongQuat.xlsx");
            if (!Directory.Exists(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"])))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"])));

            XLStyle xlstStyleLeftCH = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
            xlstStyleLeftCH.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Left;
            xlstStyleLeftCH.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center;
            xlstStyleLeftCH.Font = new Font("Times New Roman", 10, FontStyle.Bold);
            xlstStyleLeftCH.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleLeftCH.WordWrap = false;

            XLStyle xlstStyleC = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
            xlstStyleC.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center;
            xlstStyleC.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center;
            xlstStyleC.WordWrap = true;
            xlstStyleC.Font = new Font("Times New Roman", 10, FontStyle.Regular);
            xlstStyleC.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleC.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleC.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleC.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleC.Format = "#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)";

            XLStyle xlstStyleC2 = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
            xlstStyleC2.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center;
            xlstStyleC2.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center;
            xlstStyleC2.WordWrap = true;
            xlstStyleC2.Font = new Font("Times New Roman", 10, FontStyle.Regular);
            xlstStyleC2.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleC2.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleC2.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleC2.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleC2.Format = "#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)";

            XLStyle xlstStyleC1 = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
            xlstStyleC1.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center;
            xlstStyleC1.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center;
            xlstStyleC1.WordWrap = true;
            xlstStyleC1.Font = new Font("Times New Roman", 10, FontStyle.Regular);
            xlstStyleC1.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleC1.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleC1.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleC1.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleC1.Format = "#,##0.0_);(#,##0.0)";

            XLStyle xlstStyleC0 = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
            xlstStyleC0.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center;
            xlstStyleC0.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center;
            xlstStyleC0.WordWrap = true;
            xlstStyleC0.Font = new Font("Times New Roman", 10, FontStyle.Regular);
            xlstStyleC0.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleC0.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleC0.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleC0.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleC0.Format = "#,##0_);(#,##0)";

            XLStyle xlstStyleCH = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
            xlstStyleCH.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center;
            xlstStyleCH.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center;
            xlstStyleCH.Font = new Font("Times New Roman", 10, FontStyle.Bold);
            xlstStyleCH.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleCH.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleCH.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleCH.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleCH.WordWrap = true;

            XLStyle xlstStyleCSum2 = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
            xlstStyleCSum2.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center;
            xlstStyleCSum2.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center;
            xlstStyleCSum2.Font = new Font("Times New Roman", 10, FontStyle.Bold);
            xlstStyleCSum2.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleCSum2.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleCSum2.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleCSum2.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleCSum2.WordWrap = true;
            xlstStyleCSum2.Format = "#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)";

            XLStyle xlstStyleCSum1 = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
            xlstStyleCSum1.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center;
            xlstStyleCSum1.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center;
            xlstStyleCSum1.Font = new Font("Times New Roman", 10, FontStyle.Bold);
            xlstStyleCSum1.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleCSum1.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleCSum1.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleCSum1.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleCSum1.WordWrap = true;
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            XLStyle xlstStyle0 = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
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            XLStyle xlstStyleSum2 = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
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            XLStyle xlstStyleSum1 = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
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            XLStyle xlstStyleSum0 = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
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            xlstStyleSum0.Format = "#,##0_);(#,##0)";

            if (!Directory.Exists(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\Bill"))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\Bill"));

            string strDT = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
            string strFilePath = @"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\Bill\Bill_" + lblCustomerId.Text + "_" + strDT + ".xlsx";
            string strFilePathExport = @"../../Report/Building/" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"/Bill/Bill_" + lblCustomerId.Text + "_" + strDT + ".xlsx";

            string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(strFilePath);

            File.Copy(fileName, fileNameDes);

            xlsSheet = xlbBook.Sheets["TongHop"];
            xlsSheetEn = xlbBook.Sheets["TongHop_En"];

            //Bill No
            setValReplace(rBillNo, cBillNo, "{%BILL_NO%}", txtBillNo.Text);
            //Ngay Thang Nam
            DateTime dtime = DateTime.Today;

            setValReplace(rBillDate, cBillDate, "{%NGAY%}", dtime.ToString("dd"));
            setValReplace(rBillDate, cBillDate, "{%THANG%}", dtime.ToString("MM"));
            setValReplace(rBillDate, cBillDate, "{%NAM%}", dtime.ToString("yyyy"));

            setValReplace(rBillMonth, cBillMonth, "{%NAM_THANG%}", drpMonth.SelectedValue + "/" + drpYear.SelectedValue);

            using (SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase())
                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                string sql = string.Empty;

                sql = " SELECT Name, ContactName";
                sql += " FROM Customer";
                sql += " WHERE CustomerId = '" + lblCustomerId.Text + "' ";

                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    if (ds != null)
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
                            string Name = rowType[0].ToString();
                            string ContactName = rowType[1].ToString();

                            setValReplace(rCustomer, cCustomer, "{%TEN_CONG_TY%}", Name);
                            setValReplace(rContact, cContact, "{%NGUOI_DAI_DIEN%}", ContactName);
                Hashtable contractIdLst = new Hashtable();
                string contract = "";
                ds = new DataSet();
                sql = " SELECT Bank,Account,AccountName,Office,OfficeAddress,OfficePhone";
                sql += " FROM Mst_Building";
                sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' ";
                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    if (ds != null)
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
                            string Bank = rowType["Bank"].ToString();
                            string Account = rowType["Account"].ToString();
                            string AccountName = rowType["AccountName"].ToString();
                            string Office = rowType["Office"].ToString();
                            string OfficeAddress = rowType["OfficeAddress"].ToString();
                            string OfficePhone = rowType["OfficePhone"].ToString();

                            setVal(rOffice, 2, Office);
                            setVal(rPhone, 2, OfficePhone);

                            setVal(rBank, 10, Bank);
                            setVal(rAccountName, 10, AccountName);
                            setVal(rAccount, 10, Account);


                //setVal(rRate, cRate,  xlsSheet[rRate, cRate].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TI_GIA%}", Func.FormatNumber_New(txtUsdExchange.Text)));
                //setVal(rRateDate, cRateDate,  xlsSheet[rRateDate, cRateDate].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NGAY_AP_DUNG%}", txtUsdExchangeDate.Text));

                //Thue phong
                ds = new DataSet();
                sql = " Select A.*, B.ContractDate";
                sql += " FROM PaymentRoom A, RentContract B";
                sql += " WHERE A.ContractId = B.ContractId and A.BuildingId = B.BuildingId and A.BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and A.CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and A.YearMonth in (" + lsYearmonth + ")";
                sql += " and A.BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and A.CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and A.YearMonth in (" + lsYearmonth + ")";

                int sumRow = 0;
                int j = 0;
                decimal[] LastSumPriceVND = new decimal[7] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
                decimal[] LastSumPriceUSD = new decimal[7] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };

                decimal PaidPriceVND = 0;
                decimal PaidPriceUSD = 0;

                int viewNumber = 1;
                string strSum = "";

                int line = 0;
                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    line = rRent - 3 + j;

                    removeRow.Add(line + 2);

                    mergeCell(line, line + 1, 1, 3);
                    mergeCell(line, line, 4, 5);
                    mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 4, 5);
                    mergeCell(line + 2, line + 2, 4, 5);
                    mergeCell(line, line, 6, 7);
                    mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 6, 7);
                    mergeCell(line, line, 8, 9);
                    mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 8, 9);
                    mergeCell(line, line, 10, 11);
                    mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 10, 11);
                    mergeCell(line, line, 12, 13);
                    mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 12, 13);

                    if (ds != null)
                        int count = 0;
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        int k = 0;
                        if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0)
                            for (int rHideLine = 0; rHideLine < 13; rHideLine++)

                                //setHideRow(rHideLine + line - 1);
                            setVal(line - 1, 0, viewNumber + ".");
                            strSum += viewNumber + " + ";

                            setVal(line - 1, 0, viewNumber + ".");
                            strSum += viewNumber + " + ";


                            foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
                                decimal tmp02 = Convert.ToDecimal(rowType["LastRentSumVND"]);

                                string ContractId = Func.ParseString(rowType["ContractId"]);
                                string ContractNo = Func.ParseString(rowType["ContractNo"]);
                                string YearMonth = Func.ParseString(rowType["YearMonth"]);
                                string Area = Func.ParseString(rowType["Area"]);
                                string Name = Func.ParseString(rowType["Name"]);
                                string Regional = Func.ParseString(rowType["Regional"]);
                                string Floor = Func.ParseString(rowType["Floor"]);
                                string BeginContract = Func.ParseString(rowType["ContractDate"]);

                                if (!contractIdLst.ContainsKey(ContractId + "(" + Func.FormatDMY(BeginContract) + ")"))
                                    contractIdLst.Add(ContractId + "(" + Func.FormatDMY(BeginContract) + ")", ContractNo + "(" + Func.FormatDMY(BeginContract) + ")");
                                    contract += ";" + ContractNo + "(" + Func.FormatDMY(BeginContract) + ")";
                                if (tmp02 > 0)

                                    if (count >= 1)
                                        xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rRent + 1 + j);
                                        xlsSheetEn.Rows.Insert(rRent + 1 + j);
                                    int tmp = rRent + j;
                                    setVal(tmp, 1, YearMonth.Substring(4, 2) + "/" + YearMonth.Substring(0, 4));
                                    setVal(tmp, 4, rowType["Area"]);
                                    setVal(tmp, 6, rowType["MonthRentPriceVND"]);
                                    setVal(tmp, 8, rowType["MonthRentSumVND"]);
                                    setVal(tmp, 10, rowType["VatRentPriceVND"]);
                                    setVal(tmp, 12, rowType["LastRentSumVND"]);

                                    mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 1, 3);
                                    mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 4, 5);
                                    mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 6, 7);
                                    mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 8, 9);
                                    mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 10, 11);
                                    mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 12, 13);

                                    mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 1, 3);
                                    mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 4, 5);

                                    for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                        setStyle(tmp, col, xlstStyle);


                                    setStyle(tmp, 4, xlstStyleC1);
                                    setStyle(tmp, 6, xlstStyle0);
                                    setStyle(tmp, 8, xlstStyle0);
                                    setStyle(tmp, 10, xlstStyle0);
                                    setStyle(tmp, 12, xlstStyle0);

                                    LastSumPriceVND[0] += Convert.ToDecimal(rowType["LastRentSumVND"]);
                            mergeCell(rRent + 1 + j, rRent + 1 + j, 1, 11);

                            setVal(rRent + 1 + j, 12, LastSumPriceVND[0]);

                            mergeCell(rRent + 1 + j, rRent + 1 + j, 12, 13);

                            setStyle(rRent + 1 + j, 12, xlstStyleSum1);
                            setStyle(rRent + 1 + j, 13, xlstStyleSum0);

                            sumRow += dt.Rows.Count - 1 - k;

                            //Phi quan ly
                            line = rManager - 3 + j;
                            setVal(line - 1, 0, viewNumber + ".");
                            strSum += viewNumber + " + ";


                            removeRow.Add(line + 2);

                            mergeCell(line, line + 1, 1, 3);
                            mergeCell(line, line, 4, 5);
                            mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 4, 5);
                            mergeCell(line + 2, line + 2, 4, 5);
                            mergeCell(line, line, 6, 7);
                            mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 6, 7);
                            mergeCell(line, line, 8, 9);
                            mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 8, 9);

                            mergeCell(line, line, 10, 11);
                            mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 10, 11);
                            mergeCell(line, line, 12, 13);
                            mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 12, 13);

                            k = 0;
                            count = 0;
                            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                                decimal tmp02 = Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastManagerSumVND"]);

                                if (tmp02 > 0)

                                    if (count >= 1)
                                        xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rManager + 1 + j);
                                        xlsSheetEn.Rows.Insert(rManager + 1 + j);
                                    int tmp = rManager + j;

                                    string YearMonth = Func.ParseString(row["YearMonth"]);
                                    string Area = Func.ParseString(row["Area"]);
                                    string Name = Func.ParseString(row["Name"]);

                                    setVal(tmp, 1, YearMonth.Substring(4, 2) + "/" + YearMonth.Substring(0, 4));
                                    setVal(tmp, 4, row["Area"]);
                                    setVal(tmp, 6, row["MonthManagerPriceVND"]);

                                    setVal(tmp, 8, row["MonthManagerSumVND"]);

                                    setVal(tmp, 10, row["VatManagerPriceVND"]);

                                    setVal(tmp, 12, row["LastManagerSumVND"]);

                                    mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 1, 3);
                                    mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 4, 5);

                                    for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                        setStyle(tmp, col, xlstStyle);
                                    setStyle(tmp, 4, xlstStyleC1);
                                    setStyle(tmp, 6, xlstStyle0);
                                    setStyle(tmp, 8, xlstStyle0);
                                    setStyle(tmp, 10, xlstStyle0);
                                    setStyle(tmp, 12, xlstStyle0);

                                    mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 1, 3);
                                    mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 4, 5);
                                    mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 6, 7);
                                    mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 8, 9);
                                    mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 10, 11);
                                    mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 12, 13);

                                    LastSumPriceVND[1] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastManagerSumVND"]);
                                else { k++; }
                            mergeCell(rManager + 1 + j, rManager + 1 + j, 1, 11);

                            setVal(rManager + 1 + j, 12, LastSumPriceVND[1]);

                            mergeCell(rManager + 1 + j, rManager + 1 + j, 12, 13);

                            setStyle(rManager + 1 + j, 12, xlstStyleSum0);

                            sumRow += dt.Rows.Count - 1 - k;
                        setVal(line - 1, 0, viewNumber + ".");
                        strSum += viewNumber + " + ";

                        for (int rRentLine = 0; rRentLine < 15; rRentLine++)
                            //setHideRow(rRentLine + rRent - 4 + line);

                ds = new DataSet();
                //Xuất ra toàn bộ nội dung theo Trang
                sql = " SELECT COUNT(*) AS Num, YearMonth, TariffsParkingName, PriceVND, PriceUSD, SUM(VatVND) AS VatVND,SUM(VatUSD) AS VatUSD, SUM(SumVND) AS SumVND, SUM(SumUSD) AS SumUSD, SUM(LastPriceVND) AS LastPriceVND";
                sql += "        , SUM(LastPriceUSD) AS LastPriceUSD";
                sql += " FROM         dbo.PaymentParking";
                sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and YearMonth in (" + lsYearmonth + ")";

                sql += " GROUP BY YearMonth, TariffsParkingName, PriceVND, PriceUSD, Vat, daysParking";
                sql += " HAVING (SUM(LastPriceVND) >0 or SUM(LastPriceUSD) >0)";
                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    line = rParking - 3 + j;
                    removeRow.Add(line + 2);

                    mergeCell(line, line + 1, 1, 3);
                    mergeCell(line, line, 4, 5);
                    mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 4, 5);
                    mergeCell(line + 2, line + 2, 4, 5);
                    mergeCell(line, line, 6, 7);
                    mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 6, 7);
                    mergeCell(line, line, 8, 9);
                    mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 8, 9);
                    mergeCell(line, line, 10, 11);
                    mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 10, 11);
                    mergeCell(line, line, 12, 13);
                    mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 12, 13);
                    if (ds != null)
                        int count = 0;
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                            setVal(line - 1, 0, viewNumber + ".");
                            strSum += viewNumber + " + ";


                            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                                if (count >= 1)
                                    xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rParking + 1 + j);
                                    xlsSheetEn.Rows.Insert(rParking + 1 + j);
                                int tmp = rParking + j;

                                string Num = Func.ParseString(row["Num"]);
                                string TariffsParkingName = Func.ParseString(row["TariffsParkingName"]);
                                // Phi gui xe
                                setVal(tmp, 1, TariffsParkingName);
                                setVal(tmp, 4, Num);
                                setVal(tmp, 6, row["PriceVND"]);
                                setVal(tmp, 8, row["SumVND"]);
                                setVal(tmp, 10, row["VatVND"]);
                                setVal(tmp, 12, row["LastPriceVND"]);

                                mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 1, 3);
                                mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 4, 5);

                                for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                    setStyle(tmp, col, xlstStyle);
                                setStyle(tmp, 4, xlstStyleC1);
                                setStyle(tmp, 5, xlstStyleC1);
                                setStyle(tmp, 6, xlstStyle0);
                                setStyle(tmp, 8, xlstStyle0);
                                setStyle(tmp, 10, xlstStyle0);
                                setStyle(tmp, 12, xlstStyle0);

                                mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 1, 3);
                                mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 4, 5);
                                mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 6, 7);
                                mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 8, 9);
                                mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 10, 11);
                                mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 12, 13);

                                LastSumPriceVND[2] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceVND"]);
                            setVal(rParking + 1 + j, 12, LastSumPriceVND[2]);

                            mergeCell(rParking + 1 + j, rParking + 1 + j, 1, 11);
                            mergeCell(rParking + 1 + j, rParking + 1 + j, 12, 13);

                            setStyle(rParking + 1 + j, 12, xlstStyleSum0);
                            mergeCell(rParking + 1 + j, rParking + 1 + j, 1, 11);

                            sumRow += dt.Rows.Count - 1;
                            setVal(line - 1, 0, viewNumber + ".");
                            strSum += viewNumber + " + ";

                            for (int rHideLine = 0; rHideLine < 6; rHideLine++)
                                //setHideRow(rHideLine + line - 1);

                ds = new DataSet();
                sql = "SELECT id";
                sql += " ,YearMonth,BuildingId,CustomerId,RoomId,ExtraHour,VAT,OtherFee01,OtherFee02";
                sql += " ,PriceUSD,PriceVND,VatUSD,VatVND,SumUSD,SumVND,IsNull(LastPriceUSD,0) LastPriceUSD      ,IsNull(LastPriceVND,0) LastPriceVND ";
                sql += " ,RentArea,dbo.fnDateTime(FromWD) BeginDate,dbo.fnDateTime(EndWD) EndDate,ExtratimeType";
                sql += " FROM PaymentExtraTimeMonth";
                sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and YearMonth in (" + lsYearmonth + ")";

                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);
                    line = rExtra - 3 + j;
                    removeRow.Add(line + 2);

                    //Phi ngoai gio
                    mergeCell(line, line + 1, 1, 2);
                    mergeCell(line, line + 1, 4, 4);
                    mergeCell(line, line, 6, 7);
                    mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 6, 7);
                    mergeCell(line, line, 8, 9);
                    mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 8, 9);
                    mergeCell(line, line, 10, 11);
                    mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 10, 11);
                    mergeCell(line, line, 12, 13);
                    mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 12, 13);
                    if (ds != null)
                        int count = 0;
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

                        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                            setVal(line - 1, 0, viewNumber + ".");
                            strSum += viewNumber + " + ";


                            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                                if (count >= 1)
                                    xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rExtra + 1 + j);
                                    xlsSheetEn.Rows.Insert(rExtra + 1 + j);
                                int tmp = rExtra + j;

                                string ExtraHour = Func.ParseString(row["ExtraHour"]);
                                string BeginDate = Func.ParseString(row["BeginDate"]);
                                string EndDate = Func.ParseString(row["EndDate"]);

                                string ExtratimeType = Func.ParseString(row["ExtratimeType"]);

                                setVal(tmp, 1, BeginDate + "~" + EndDate);
                                setVal(tmp, 3, row["RentArea"]);
                                setVal(tmp, 5, ExtraHour);

                                setVal(tmp, 4, "Diện tích");
                                if ("0".Equals(ExtratimeType))
                                    setVal(tmp, 4, "m2*h");
                                setVal(tmp, 6, row["PriceVND"]);
                                setVal(tmp, 8, row["SumVND"]);
                                setVal(tmp, 10, row["VatVND"]);
                                setVal(tmp, 12, row["LastPriceVND"]);
                                LastSumPriceVND[3] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceVND"]);

                                mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 1, 2);

                                for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                    setStyle(tmp, col, xlstStyle);

                                setStyle(tmp, 4, xlstStyleC1);
                                setStyle(tmp, 5, xlstStyleC1);
                                setStyle(tmp, 6, xlstStyle0);
                                setStyle(tmp, 7, xlstStyle0);
                                setStyle(tmp, 8, xlstStyle0);
                                setStyle(tmp, 9, xlstStyle0);
                                setStyle(tmp, 10, xlstStyle0);
                                setStyle(tmp, 11, xlstStyle0);
                                setStyle(tmp, 12, xlstStyle0);
                                setStyle(tmp, 13, xlstStyle0);

                                mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 1, 3);
                                mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 6, 7);
                                mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 8, 9);
                                mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 10, 11);
                                mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 12, 13);
                            setVal(line - 1, 0, viewNumber + ".");
                            strSum += viewNumber + " + ";

                            for (int rHideLine = 0; rHideLine < 6; rHideLine++)
                                //setHideRow(rHideLine + line - 1);
                        mergeCell(rExtra + 1 + j, rExtra + 1 + j, 1, 11);

                        setVal(rExtra + 1 + j, 12, LastSumPriceVND[3]);
                        mergeCell(rExtra + 1 + j, rExtra + 1 + j, 12, 13);

                        setStyle(rExtra + 1 + j, 12, xlstStyleSum1);
                        setStyle(rExtra + 1 + j, 13, xlstStyleSum0);

                        sumRow += dt.Rows.Count - 1;

                ds = new DataSet();
                //Xuất ra toàn bộ nội dung theo Trang
                sql = " SELECT dbo.fnDateTime(A.DateFrom) DateFrom, dbo.fnDateTime(A.DateTo) DateTo, A.Vat, B.id, B.UsedElecWaterId, B.FromIndex, B.ToIndex, B.OtherFee01, B.OtherFee02, B.Mount, B.PriceVND, isnull(B.Mount,0) * isnull(B.PriceVND,0) as Sum, (isnull(B.Mount,0) * isnull(B.PriceVND,0))*isnull(A.Vat, 0)/100 as SumVAT ,B.PriceUSD, B.SumVND, B.SumUSD, ";
                sql += "        B.VatVND, B.VatUSD ,IsNull(B.LastPriceUSD,0) LastPriceUSD      ,IsNull(B.LastPriceVND,0) LastPriceVND , B.Name, B.WaterPricePercent,B.ElecPricePercent ";
                sql += " FROM   PaymentElecWater AS A INNER JOIN ";
                sql += "        PaymentElecWaterDetail AS B ON A.UsedElecWaterId = B.UsedElecWaterId";
                sql += " WHERE A.BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and A.CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and TarrifsOfWaterId = 0  and A.YearMonth in (" + lsYearmonth + ")  and B.DetailType = 1";
                sql += " Order by A.DateFrom, B.FromIndex";

                bool rElecVat = true;
                bool rWaterVat = true;

                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    line = rElec - 3 + j;
                    removeRow.Add(line + 2);

                    //Phi dien
                    mergeCell(line, line + 1, 1, 1);
                    mergeCell(line, line + 1, 2, 2);
                    mergeCell(line, line, 12, 13);
                    mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 12, 13);

                    for (int col = 1; col < 13; col++)
                        setStyle(line, col, xlstStyleH);
                        setStyle(line + 1, col, xlstStyleH);
                        setStyle(line + 2, col, xlstStyleH);

                    if (ds != null)
                        int count = 0;
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

                        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                            setVal(line - 1, 0, viewNumber + ".");
                            strSum += viewNumber + " + ";


                            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                                if (count >= 1)
                                    xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rElec + 1 + j);
                                    xlsSheetEn.Rows.Insert(rElec + 1 + j);

                                int tmp = rElec + j;

                                string DateFrom = Func.ParseString(row["DateFrom"]);
                                string DateTo = Func.ParseString(row["DateTo"]);

                                string FromIndex = Func.ParseString(row["FromIndex"]);
                                string ToIndex = Func.ParseString(row["ToIndex"]);
                                string OtherFee01 = Func.ParseString(row["OtherFee01"]);
                                string OtherFee02 = Func.ParseString(row["OtherFee02"]);
                                string Mount = Func.ParseString(row["Mount"]);
                                string ElecPricePercent = Func.ParseString(row["ElecPricePercent"]);
                                string vat = Func.ParseString(row["vat"]);

                                if (rElecVat)
                                    setValReplace(line, 9, "(%VAT)", "(" + vat.Replace(",00", "") + "%VAT)");
                                    rElecVat = false;
                                setVal(tmp, 1, DateFrom);
                                setVal(tmp, 2, DateTo);
                                setVal(tmp, 3, FromIndex);
                                setVal(tmp, 4, ToIndex);
                                setVal(tmp, 5, row["OtherFee01"]);
                                setVal(tmp, 6, Mount);
                                setVal(tmp, 7, row["PriceVND"]);
                                setVal(tmp, 8, row["Sum"]);

                                setVal(tmp, 9, row["SumVAT"]);
                                setVal(tmp, 10, row["OtherFee02"]);
                                setVal(tmp, 11, row["ElecPricePercent"]);
                                setVal(tmp, 12, row["LastPriceVND"]);

                                mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 12, 13);
                                for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                    setStyle(tmp, col, xlstStyle);

                                setStyle(tmp, 3, xlstStyleC2);
                                setStyle(tmp, 4, xlstStyleC2);
                                setStyle(tmp, 5, xlstStyleC0);
                                setStyle(tmp, 6, xlstStyle2);
                                setStyle(tmp, 7, xlstStyle0);
                                setStyle(tmp, 8, xlstStyle0);
                                setStyle(tmp, 9, xlstStyle0);
                                setStyle(tmp, 10, xlstStyle0);
                                setStyle(tmp, 11, xlstStyle2);
                                setStyle(tmp, 12, xlstStyle0);
                            DataSet dsSum = new DataSet();
                            //Xuất ra toàn bộ nội dung theo Trang
                            string sqlSum = " SELECT IsNull(A.LastPriceUSD,0) LastPriceUSD      ,IsNull(A.LastPriceVND,0) LastPriceVND  ";
                            sqlSum += " FROM   PaymentElecWater AS A ";
                            sqlSum += " WHERE A.BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and A.CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and TarrifsOfElecId > 0  and A.YearMonth in (" + lsYearmonth + ")  and A.DetailType = 1";
                            using (SqlCommand cmSum = db.CreateCommand(sqlSum))
                                SqlDataAdapter daSum = new SqlDataAdapter(cmSum);

                                if (daSum != null)
                                    DataTable dtSum = dsSum.Tables[0];
                                    if (dtSum.Rows.Count > 0)
                                        foreach (DataRow row in dtSum.Rows)
                                            LastSumPriceUSD[4] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceUSD"]);
                                            LastSumPriceVND[4] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceVND"]);

                            setVal(rElec + 1 + j, 12, Decimal.Round(LastSumPriceVND[4], 0));
                            mergeCell(rElec + 1 + j, rElec + 1 + j, 1, 11);
                            mergeCell(rElec + 1 + j, rElec + 1 + j, 12, 13);
                            setStyle(rElec + 1 + j, 12, xlstStyleSum0);
                            mergeCell(rElec + 1 + j, rElec + 1 + j, 1, 11);
                            mergeCell(rElec + 1 + j, rElec + 1 + j, 12, 13);

                            sumRow += dt.Rows.Count - 1;
                            setVal(line - 1, 0, viewNumber + ".");
                            strSum += viewNumber + " + ";

                            for (int rHideLine = 0; rHideLine < 6; rHideLine++)
                                //setHideRow(rHideLine + line - 1);

                ds = new DataSet();
                //Phi Nuoc
                //Xuất ra toàn bộ nội dung theo Trang
                sql = " SELECT dbo.fnDateTime(A.DateFrom) DateFrom, dbo.fnDateTime(A.DateTo) DateTo, A.Vat, B.id, B.UsedElecWaterId, B.FromIndex, B.ToIndex, B.OtherFee01, B.OtherFee02, B.Mount, B.PriceVND, isnull(B.Mount,0) * isnull(B.PriceVND,0) as Sum, (isnull(B.Mount,0) * isnull(B.PriceVND,0))*isnull(A.Vat, 0)/100 as SumVAT , B.PriceUSD, B.SumVND, B.SumUSD, ";
                sql += "        B.VatVND, B.VatUSD,IsNull(B.LastPriceUSD,0) LastPriceUSD,IsNull(B.LastPriceVND,0) LastPriceVND, B.Name, B.WaterPricePercent,B.ElecPricePercent  ";
                sql += " FROM   PaymentElecWater AS A INNER JOIN ";
                sql += "        PaymentElecWaterDetail AS B ON A.UsedElecWaterId = B.UsedElecWaterId";
                sql += " WHERE A.BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and A.CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and TarrifsOfElecId = 0 and A.YearMonth in (" + lsYearmonth + ")  and B.DetailType = 2";
                sql += " Order by A.DateFrom, B.FromIndex";

                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);
                    line = rWater - 3 + j;
                    removeRow.Add(line + 2);

                    //Phi nuoc
                    mergeCell(line, line + 1, 1, 1);
                    mergeCell(line, line + 1, 2, 2);
                    mergeCell(line, line, 12, 13);
                    mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 12, 13);

                    for (int col = 1; col < 13; col++)
                        setStyle(line, col, xlstStyleH);
                        setStyle(line + 1, col, xlstStyleH);
                        setStyle(line + 2, col, xlstStyleH);


                    for (int col = 1; col < 13; col++)
                        setStyle(line, col, xlstStyleH);
                        setStyle(line + 1, col, xlstStyleH);
                        setStyle(line + 2, col, xlstStyleH);

                    if (ds != null)
                        int count = 0;
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                            setVal(line - 1, 0, viewNumber + ".");
                            strSum += viewNumber + " + ";


                            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                                if (count >= 1)
                                    xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rWater + 1 + j);
                                    xlsSheetEn.Rows.Insert(rWater + 1 + j);
                                int tmp = rWater + j;

                                string DateFrom = Func.ParseString(row["DateFrom"]);
                                string DateTo = Func.ParseString(row["DateTo"]);

                                string FromIndex = Func.ParseString(row["FromIndex"]);
                                string ToIndex = Func.ParseString(row["ToIndex"]);
                                string OtherFee01 = Func.ParseString(row["OtherFee01"]);
                                string OtherFee02 = Func.ParseString(row["OtherFee02"]);
                                string Mount = Func.ParseString(row["Mount"]);
                                string vat = Func.ParseString(row["vat"]);
                                if (rWaterVat)
                                    setValReplace(line, 9, "(%VAT)", "(" + vat.Replace(",00", "") + "%VAT)");
                                    rWaterVat = false;
                                setVal(tmp, 1, DateFrom);
                                setVal(tmp, 2, DateTo);
                                setVal(tmp, 3, FromIndex);
                                setVal(tmp, 4, ToIndex);
                                setVal(tmp, 5, Mount);
                                setVal(tmp, 6, row["PriceVND"]);

                                setVal(tmp, 8, row["OtherFee01"]);
                                setVal(tmp, 7, row["Sum"]);

                                setVal(tmp, 9, row["SumVAT"]);
                                setVal(tmp, 10, row["OtherFee02"]);
                                setVal(tmp, 11, row["WaterPricePercent"]);
                                setVal(tmp, 12, row["LastPriceVND"]);
                                for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                    setStyle(tmp, col, xlstStyle);

                                setStyle(tmp, 3, xlstStyleC2);
                                setStyle(tmp, 4, xlstStyleC2);
                                setStyle(tmp, 5, xlstStyleC2);
                                setStyle(tmp, 6, xlstStyle0);
                                setStyle(tmp, 7, xlstStyle0);
                                setStyle(tmp, 8, xlstStyle0);
                                setStyle(tmp, 9, xlstStyle0);
                                setStyle(tmp, 10, xlstStyle2);
                                setStyle(tmp, 11, xlstStyle2);
                                setStyle(tmp, 12, xlstStyle0);

                                mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 12, 13);

                            DataSet dsSum = new DataSet();
                            //Xuất ra toàn bộ nội dung theo Trang
                            string sqlSum = " SELECT IsNull(A.LastPriceUSD,0) LastPriceUSD      ,IsNull(A.LastPriceVND,0) LastPriceVND  ";
                            sqlSum += " FROM   PaymentElecWater AS A ";
                            sqlSum += " WHERE A.BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and A.CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and TarrifsOfWaterId > 0  and A.YearMonth in (" + lsYearmonth + ")  and A.DetailType = 2";
                            using (SqlCommand cmSum = db.CreateCommand(sqlSum))
                                SqlDataAdapter daSum = new SqlDataAdapter(cmSum);
                                if (daSum != null)
                                    DataTable dtSum = dsSum.Tables[0];
                                    if (dtSum.Rows.Count > 0)
                                        foreach (DataRow row in dtSum.Rows)
                                            LastSumPriceVND[5] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceVND"]);
                            setVal(rWater + 1 + j, 12, Decimal.Round(LastSumPriceVND[5], 0));
                            mergeCell(rWater + 1 + j, rWater + 1 + j, 1, 11);
                            mergeCell(rWater + 1 + j, rWater + 1 + j, 12, 13);

                            setStyle(rWater + 1 + j, 12, xlstStyleSum0);
                            sumRow += dt.Rows.Count - 1;
                            setVal(line - 1, 0, viewNumber + ".");
                            strSum += viewNumber + " + ";

                            for (int rHideLine = 0; rHideLine < 6; rHideLine++)
                                //setHideRow(rHideLine + line - 1);

                ds = new DataSet();

                sql = string.Empty;
                sql = " SELECT Service,dbo.fnDateTime(ServiceDateFrom) ServiceDateFrom,dbo.fnDateTime(ServiceDateTo) ServiceDateTo,PriceVND,PriceUSD,VatUSD,VatVND,Mount,Unit,SumVND,SumUSD,isnull(LastPriceVND,0) LastPriceVND,isnull(LastPriceUSD,0) LastPriceUSD";
                sql += " FROM   PaymentService";
                sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and YearMonth in (" + lsYearmonth + ")";
                sql += " Order By ServiceDate ";

                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);
                    line = rService - 3 + j;
                    removeRow.Add(line + 2);

                    //Phi khác
                    mergeCell(line, line + 1, 1, 1);
                    mergeCell(line, line + 1, 2, 2);
                    mergeCell(line, line + 1, 3, 3);
                    mergeCell(line, line + 1, 4, 4);

                    for (int col = 1; col < 13; col++)
                        setStyle(line, col, xlstStyleH);
                        setStyle(line + 1, col, xlstStyleH);
                        setStyle(line + 2, col, xlstStyleH);
                    mergeCell(line, line, 12, 13);
                    mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 12, 13);

                    if (ds != null)
                        int count = 0;
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

                        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                            setVal(line - 1, 0, viewNumber + ".");
                            strSum += viewNumber + " + ";


                            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                                if (count >= 1)
                                    xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rService + 1 + j);
                                    xlsSheetEn.Rows.Insert(rService + 1 + j);
                                int tmp = rService + j;

                                string Service = Func.ParseString(row["Service"]);
                                string ServiceDateFrom = Func.ParseString(row["ServiceDateFrom"]);
                                string ServiceDateTo = Func.ParseString(row["ServiceDateTo"]);

                                string Mount = Func.ParseString(row["Mount"]);

                                setVal(tmp, 1, Service);
                                setVal(tmp, 2, Func.ParseString(row["Unit"]));
                                setVal(tmp, 3, ServiceDateFrom);
                                setVal(tmp, 4, ServiceDateTo);
                                setVal(tmp, 5, Mount);

                                setVal(tmp, 6, row["PriceVND"]);
                                setVal(tmp, 8, row["SumVND"]);
                                setVal(tmp, 10, row["VatVND"]);
                                setVal(tmp, 12, row["LastPriceVND"]);

                                mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 6, 7);
                                mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 8, 9);
                                mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 10, 11);
                                mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 12, 13);

                                for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                    setStyle(tmp, col, xlstStyle);

                                setStyle(tmp, 5, xlstStyleC2);
                                setStyle(tmp, 6, xlstStyle0);
                                setStyle(tmp, 8, xlstStyle0);
                                setStyle(tmp, 10, xlstStyle0);
                                setStyle(tmp, 12, xlstStyle0);

                                LastSumPriceVND[6] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceVND"]);
                            setVal(rService + 1 + j, 12, LastSumPriceVND[6]);

                            setStyle(rService + 1 + j, 12, xlstStyleSum0);
                            mergeCell(rService + 1 + j, rService + 1 + j, 1, 11);
                            mergeCell(rService + 1 + j, rService + 1 + j, 12, 13);

                            sumRow += dt.Rows.Count - 1;
                            setVal(line - 1, 0, viewNumber + ".");
                            strSum += viewNumber + " + ";

                            for (int rHideLine = 0; rHideLine < 6; rHideLine++)
                                //setHideRow(rHideLine + line - 1);

                sql = "Select  PaymentType,isnull(MoneyUSD,0) MoneyUSD,isnull(MoneyVND,0) MoneyVND,isnull(PaidUSD,0) PaidUSD,isnull(PaidVND,0) PaidVND,isnull(ExchangeType,0) ExchangeType,isnull(UsdExchange,0) UsdExchange,isnull(YearMonth,0) YearMonth";
                sql += " From    PaymentBillDetail";
                sql += " Where   BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and YearMonth in (" + lsYearmonth + ") and YearMonth <= " + maxYearMonth + "";
                sql += " and isnull(PaidVND,0) > 0";
                string strYearMonth = "";
                int lineTmp = rPaid - 2 + j;
                removeRow.Add(lineTmp + 1);

                mergeCell(lineTmp, lineTmp + 1, 1, 1);
                mergeCell(lineTmp, lineTmp, 2, 3);
                mergeCell(lineTmp, lineTmp, 4, 5);
                mergeCell(lineTmp, lineTmp, 6, 7);
                mergeCell(lineTmp, lineTmp, 8, 9);
                mergeCell(lineTmp, lineTmp, 12, 13);
                Hashtable rowNo = new Hashtable();
                decimal[] PaidSumVND = new decimal[7] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
                decimal[] PaidSumUSD = new decimal[7] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };

                int iPaidNo = 0;
                DataTable dtPaid = DbHelper.GetDataTable(sql);
                if (dtPaid.Rows.Count > 0)
                    setVal(lineTmp - 1, 0, viewNumber + ".");
                    iPaidNo = viewNumber;

                    for (int i = 0; i < dtPaid.Rows.Count; i++)
                        string PaymentType = Func.ParseString(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaymentType"]);
                        string MoneyVND = Func.ParseString(dtPaid.Rows[i]["MoneyVND"]);
                        string PaidVND = Func.ParseString(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]);
                        string ExchangeType = Func.ParseString(dtPaid.Rows[i]["ExchangeType"]);
                        string UsdExchange = Func.ParseString(dtPaid.Rows[i]["UsdExchange"]);
                        string YearMonth = Func.ParseString(dtPaid.Rows[i]["YearMonth"]);

                        if (!rowNo.Contains(YearMonth))
                            if (rowNo.Count != 0)
                                xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rPaid + j + 1);
                                xlsSheetEn.Rows.Insert(rPaid + j + 1);
                            rowNo.Add(YearMonth, j);
                        int m = Func.ParseInt(rowNo[YearMonth]);
                        strYearMonth = YearMonth;
                        decimal tmpVND = Convert.ToDecimal(MoneyVND) - Convert.ToDecimal(PaidVND);
                        PaidPriceVND += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]);

                        setVal(rPaid + m, 1, YearMonth.Substring(4, 2) + "/" + YearMonth.Substring(0, 4));
                        switch (PaymentType)
                            case "1":
                                setVal(rPaid + m, 2, dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]);
                                PaidSumVND[0] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]);

                            case "2":
                                setVal(rPaid + m, 4, dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]);
                                PaidSumVND[1] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]);

                            case "3":
                                setVal(rPaid + m, 6, dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]);
                                PaidSumVND[2] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]);
                            case "4":
                                setVal(rPaid + m, 8, dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]);
                                PaidSumVND[3] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]);
                            case "5":
                                setVal(rPaid + m, 10, dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]);
                                PaidSumVND[4] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]);
                            case "6":
                                setVal(rPaid + m, 11, dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]);
                                PaidSumVND[5] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]);
                            case "7":
                                setVal(rPaid + m, 12, dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]);
                                PaidSumVND[6] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]);
                        for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                            setStyle(rPaid + m, col, xlstStyle);

                        setStyle(rPaid + m, 2, xlstStyle0);
                        setStyle(rPaid + m, 3, xlstStyle0);

                        setStyle(rPaid + m, 4, xlstStyle0);
                        setStyle(rPaid + m, 5, xlstStyle0);

                        setStyle(rPaid + m, 6, xlstStyle0);
                        setStyle(rPaid + m, 7, xlstStyle0);

                        setStyle(rPaid + m, 8, xlstStyle0);
                        setStyle(rPaid + m, 9, xlstStyle0);

                        setStyle(rPaid + m, 10, xlstStyle0);

                        setStyle(rPaid + m, 11, xlstStyle0);

                        setStyle(rPaid + m, 12, xlstStyle0);
                        setStyle(rPaid + m, 13, xlstStyle0);

                        mergeCell(rPaid + m, rPaid + m, 2, 3);
                        mergeCell(rPaid + m, rPaid + m, 4, 5);
                        mergeCell(rPaid + m, rPaid + m, 6, 7);
                        mergeCell(rPaid + m, rPaid + m, 8, 9);
                        mergeCell(rPaid + m, rPaid + m, 12, 13);
                    setVal(lineTmp - 1, 0, viewNumber + ".");
                    iPaidNo = viewNumber;

                    for (int rHideLine = 0; rHideLine < 6; rHideLine++)
                        //setHideRow(rHideLine + lineTmp - 1);

                lineTmp = rPaid - 2 + j;

                setVal(lineTmp + 3, 2, PaidSumVND[0]);
                setVal(lineTmp + 3, 4, PaidSumVND[1]);
                setVal(lineTmp + 3, 6, PaidSumVND[2]);
                setVal(lineTmp + 3, 8, PaidSumVND[3]);
                setVal(lineTmp + 3, 10, PaidSumVND[4]);
                setVal(lineTmp + 3, 11, PaidSumVND[5]);
                setVal(lineTmp + 3, 12, PaidSumVND[6]);

                mergeCell(lineTmp + 3, lineTmp + 3, 2, 3);
                mergeCell(lineTmp + 3, lineTmp + 3, 4, 5);
                mergeCell(lineTmp + 3, lineTmp + 3, 6, 7);
                mergeCell(lineTmp + 3, lineTmp + 3, 8, 9);
                mergeCell(lineTmp + 3, lineTmp + 3, 12, 13);

                setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 2, xlstStyleSum1);
                setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 3, xlstStyleSum0);
                setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 4, xlstStyleSum0);
                setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 5, xlstStyleSum0);
                setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 6, xlstStyleSum0);
                setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 7, xlstStyleSum0);
                setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 8, xlstStyleSum0);
                setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 9, xlstStyleSum0);
                setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 10, xlstStyleSum0);
                setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 11, xlstStyleSum0);
                setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 12, xlstStyleSum0);
                setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 13, xlstStyleSum0);

                sql = "  Select *";
                sql += " From   v_DeptBill";
                sql += " Where  BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and YearMonth not in (" + lsYearmonth + ") and YearMonth < " + maxYearMonth + "";
                sql += " And    (DeptUsd <> 0 or DeptVnd <> 0)";
                strYearMonth = "";
                lineTmp = rDept - 2 + j;
                removeRow.Add(lineTmp + 1);

                mergeCell(lineTmp, lineTmp + 1, 1, 1);
                mergeCell(lineTmp, lineTmp, 2, 3);
                mergeCell(lineTmp, lineTmp, 4, 5);
                mergeCell(lineTmp, lineTmp, 6, 7);
                mergeCell(lineTmp, lineTmp, 8, 9);
                mergeCell(lineTmp, lineTmp, 12, 13);
                rowNo = new Hashtable();
                decimal DeptPriceVND = 0;
                decimal DeptPriceUSD = 0;

                decimal[] DeptSumVND = new decimal[7] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
                decimal[] DeptSumUSD = new decimal[7] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };

                DataTable dtDept = DbHelper.GetDataTable(sql);
                if (dtDept.Rows.Count > 0)
                    setVal(lineTmp - 1, 0, viewNumber + ".");

                    strSum += viewNumber + " + ";


                    for (int i = 0; i < dtDept.Rows.Count; i++)
                        string PaymentType = Func.ParseString(dtDept.Rows[i]["PaymentType"]);
                        string DeptVND = Func.ParseString(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]);
                        string YearMonth = Func.ParseString(dtDept.Rows[i]["YearMonth"]);

                        if (!rowNo.Contains(YearMonth))
                            if (rowNo.Count != 0)
                                xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rDept + j + 1);
                                xlsSheetEn.Rows.Insert(rDept + j + 1);
                            rowNo.Add(YearMonth, j);
                        int m = Func.ParseInt(rowNo[YearMonth]);
                        strYearMonth = YearMonth;

                        DeptPriceVND += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]);

                        setVal(rDept + m, 1, YearMonth.Substring(4, 2) + "/" + YearMonth.Substring(0, 4));

                        switch (PaymentType)
                            case "1":
                                setVal(rDept + m, 3, dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]);
                                DeptSumVND[0] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]);

                            case "2":
                                setVal(rDept + m, 5, dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]);
                                DeptSumVND[1] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]);

                            case "3":
                                setVal(rDept + m, 7, dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]);
                                DeptSumVND[2] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]);
                            case "4":
                                setVal(rDept + m, 9, dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]);
                                DeptSumVND[3] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]);
                            case "5":
                                setVal(rDept + m, 10, dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]);
                                DeptSumVND[4] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]);
                            case "6":
                                setVal(rDept + m, 11, dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]);
                                DeptSumVND[5] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]);
                            case "7":
                                setVal(rDept + m, 13, dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]);
                                DeptSumVND[6] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]);
                        for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                            setStyle(rDept + m, col, xlstStyle);
                        setStyle(rDept + m, 2, xlstStyle1);
                        setStyle(rDept + m, 3, xlstStyle0);

                        setStyle(rDept + m, 4, xlstStyle1);
                        setStyle(rDept + m, 5, xlstStyle0);

                        setStyle(rDept + m, 6, xlstStyle1);
                        setStyle(rDept + m, 7, xlstStyle0);

                        setStyle(rDept + m, 8, xlstStyle1);
                        setStyle(rDept + m, 9, xlstStyle0);

                        setStyle(rDept + m, 10, xlstStyle0);

                        setStyle(rDept + m, 11, xlstStyle0);

                        setStyle(rDept + m, 12, xlstStyle1);
                        setStyle(rDept + m, 13, xlstStyle0);

                        mergeCell(rDept + m, rDept + m, 2, 3);
                        mergeCell(rDept + m, rDept + m, 4, 5);
                        mergeCell(rDept + m, rDept + m, 6, 7);
                        mergeCell(rDept + m, rDept + m, 8, 9);
                        mergeCell(rDept + m, rDept + m, 10, 11);
                        mergeCell(rDept + m, rDept + m, 12, 13);
                    setVal(lineTmp - 1, 0, viewNumber + ".");

                    strSum += viewNumber + " + ";


                    for (int rHideLine = 0; rHideLine < 5; rHideLine++)
                        //setHideRow(rHideLine + lineTmp - 1);
                lineTmp = rDept - 2 + j;

                setVal(lineTmp + 3, 3, DeptSumVND[0]);
                setVal(lineTmp + 3, 5, DeptSumVND[1]);
                setVal(lineTmp + 3, 7, DeptSumVND[2]);
                setVal(lineTmp + 3, 9, DeptSumVND[3]);
                setVal(lineTmp + 3, 10, DeptSumVND[4]);
                setVal(lineTmp + 3, 11, DeptSumVND[5]);
                setVal(lineTmp + 3, 13, DeptSumVND[6]);

                setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 2, xlstStyleSum1);
                setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 3, xlstStyleSum0);
                setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 4, xlstStyleSum0);
                setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 5, xlstStyleSum0);
                setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 6, xlstStyleSum0);
                setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 7, xlstStyleSum0);
                setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 8, xlstStyleSum0);
                setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 9, xlstStyleSum0);
                setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 10, xlstStyleSum0);
                setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 11, xlstStyleSum0);
                setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 12, xlstStyleSum0);
                setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 13, xlstStyleSum0);

                mergeCell(lineTmp + 3, lineTmp + 3, 2, 3);
                mergeCell(lineTmp + 3, lineTmp + 3, 4, 5);
                mergeCell(lineTmp + 3, lineTmp + 3, 6, 7);
                mergeCell(lineTmp + 3, lineTmp + 3, 8, 9);
                mergeCell(lineTmp + 3, lineTmp + 3, 10, 11);
                mergeCell(lineTmp + 3, lineTmp + 3, 12, 13);

                strSum = strSum.Substring(0, strSum.Length - 2) + (iPaidNo > 0 ? " - " + iPaidNo : "") + ":";

                decimal AllSumVND = 0;
                decimal AllSumUSD = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                    AllSumVND += LastSumPriceVND[i];
                    AllSumUSD += LastSumPriceUSD[i];

                AllSumVND -= PaidPriceVND;
                AllSumUSD -= PaidPriceUSD;

                AllSumVND += DeptPriceVND;
                AllSumUSD += DeptPriceUSD;

                //setVal(rSumVND + j, cSumVND - 2, Func.FormatNumber_New(AllSumUSD));
                setVal(rSumVND + j, cSumVND, Func.FormatNumber_New(Math.Truncate(Convert.ToDecimal(AllSumVND))).Replace(",00", ""));

                mergeCell(rSumVND + j, rSumVND + j, 10, 13);

                //setStyle(rSumVND + j, cSumVND - 2, xlstStyleCH);
                setStyle(rSumVND + j, cSumVND, xlstStyleCH);

                //AllSumVND += Convert.ToDecimal(AllSumUSD * Convert.ToDecimal(txtUsdExchange.Text));

                string strMoney = Func.docso(Convert.ToDecimal(AllSumVND));
                string strMoneyEn = Func.DocSo_En(Convert.ToDecimal(AllSumVND));
                //Hop Dong
                setValReplace(rContract, cContract, "{%HOP_DONG%}", String.IsNullOrEmpty(contract) ? "" : contract.Substring(1));

                //Sum 1 + 2...
                setVal(rSum + j - 1, 7, strSum);
                //Sum số tiền
                setVal(rSum + j - 1, 10, Func.FormatNumber_New(Math.Truncate(Convert.ToDecimal(AllSumVND))).Replace(",00", ""));
                mergeCell(rSum + j - 1, rSum + j - 1, 10, 13);
                setStyle(rSum + j - 1, 10, xlstStyleCSum0);

                //mergeCell(rSumRead + j, rSumRead + j, 7, 13);
                setVal(rSum + j + 1, 7, strMoney.ToUpper());
                xlsSheetEn[rSum + j + 1, 7].Value = strMoneyEn.ToUpper();

                setStyle(rSum + j + 1, 7, xlstStyleLeftCH);

                for (int r = 0; r < removeRow.Count; r++)

                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "", "PopUp('" + strFilePathExport + "'," + PopupWidth + "," + PopupHeight + ",'EditReport', true);", true);
Ejemplo n.º 29
        protected void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            string sql = string.Empty;

            sql = " SELECT  A.GroupName, B.MaintenanceItem, B.ScheduleDate";
            sql += " FROM    BD_SuppliesGroup AS A Left outer JOIN";
            sql += "         BD_SuppliesGroupMaintenance AS B ON A.id = B.SuppliesGroupId";
            sql += "         and substring(ScheduleDate,1,4) = '" + drpYear.SelectedValue + "'";
            sql += " and B.DelFlag = 0 Where BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and A.SuppliesType = '" + hidSuppliesType.Value + "'";
            sql += " Order by GroupName, MaintenanceItem";

            using (SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase())
                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);
                    if (ds != null)
                        C1XLBook xlbBook = new C1XLBook();
                        XLStyle xlstStyle = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                        xlstStyle.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Left;
                        xlstStyle.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center;
                        xlstStyle.WordWrap = true;
                        xlstStyle.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
                        xlstStyle.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyle.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyle.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyle.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;

                        XLStyle xlstStyleS = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                        xlstStyleS.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Left;
                        xlstStyleS.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center;
                        xlstStyleS.WordWrap = true;
                        xlstStyleS.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
                        xlstStyleS.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyleS.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyleS.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyleS.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyleS.BackColor = Color.Red;

                        string fileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Template\BaoTriDinhKy.xls");
                        if (!Directory.Exists(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\BaoTriDinhKy"))
                            Directory.CreateDirectory(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\BaoTriDinhKy"));

                        string strDT = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
                        string strFilePath = @"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\BaoTriDinhKy\BaoTriDinhKy" + strDT + ".xls";
                        string strFilePathExport = "../../Report/Building/" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "/BaoTriDinhKy/BaoTriDinhKy" + strDT + ".xls";

                        string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(strFilePath);

                        File.Copy(fileName, fileNameDes);


                        XLSheet xlsSheet = xlbBook.Sheets["BaoTri"];
                        xlsSheet[1, 0].Value = xlsSheet[1, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NAM%}", drpYear.SelectedValue);

                        int stt = 0;
                        XLCellRange mCell = new XLCellRange(0, 0, 0, 0);

                        int i = 4;
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        string tmpMaintenanceItem = "";
                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
                            string GroupName = rowType["GroupName"].ToString();
                            string MaintenanceItem = rowType["MaintenanceItem"].ToString();
                            string ScheduleDate = rowType["ScheduleDate"].ToString();
                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpMaintenanceItem))
                                tmpMaintenanceItem = GroupName + MaintenanceItem;

                            if (!tmpMaintenanceItem.Equals(GroupName + MaintenanceItem))
                                tmpMaintenanceItem = GroupName + MaintenanceItem;

                            xlsSheet[i, 1].Value = GroupName;
                            xlsSheet[i, 2].Value = MaintenanceItem;

                            mCell = new XLCellRange(i, i, 2, 3);

                            xlsSheet[i, 1].Style = xlstStyle;
                            xlsSheet[i, 2].Style = xlstStyle;

                            for (int m = 0; m <= 51; m++)
                                xlsSheet[i, m].Style = xlstStyle;
                                if ("X".Equals(xlsSheet[i, m].Value))
                                    xlsSheet[i, m].Style = xlstStyleS;

                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ScheduleDate))
                                int month = Func.ParseInt(ScheduleDate.Substring(4, 2));
                                int date = Func.ParseInt(ScheduleDate.Substring(6, 2));
                                int x = month * 4;
                                if (date >= 1 && date <= 7)
                                    x += 0;
                                if (date >= 8 && date <= 14)
                                    x += 1;
                                if (date >= 15 && date <= 21)
                                    x += 2;
                                if (date >= 22 && date <= 31)
                                    x += 3;
                                xlsSheet[i, x].Value = "X";
                                xlsSheet[i, x].Style = xlstStyleS;


                        i = 5;
                        int k = 1;
                        string tmp = xlsSheet[i, 1].Value.ToString();
                        xlsSheet[i, 0].Value = k;
                        int y = i;
                        mCell = new XLCellRange(0, 0, 0, 0); ;
                        while (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Func.ParseString(xlsSheet[i, 1].Value)))
                            if (xlsSheet[i, 1].Value.ToString() != tmp)
                                tmp = xlsSheet[i, 1].Value.ToString();
                                mCell = new XLCellRange(y, i - 1, 1, 1);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(y, i - 1, 0, 0);

                                y = i;
                                xlsSheet[i, 0].Value = ++k;
                        mCell = new XLCellRange(y, i - 1, 1, 1);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(y, i - 1, 0, 0);

                        ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "", "PopUp('../" + strFilePathExport + "'," + PopupWidth + "," + PopupHeight + ",'EditReport', true);", true);

Ejemplo n.º 30
        protected void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            string sql = string.Empty;

            sql = " SELECT *";
            sql += " FROM Report_BuildingInfo where id = 42";

            using (SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase())
                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);
                    if (ds != null)
                        C1XLBook xlbBook = new C1XLBook();
                        XLStyle xlstStyle = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                        xlstStyle.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center;
                        xlstStyle.WordWrap = true;
                        xlstStyle.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
                        xlstStyle.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyle.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyle.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyle.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;

                        string fileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Template\NuocTieuThuThang.xlsx");
                        if (!Directory.Exists(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\NuocTieuThuThang"))
                            Directory.CreateDirectory(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\NuocTieuThuThang"));

                        string strDT = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
                        string strFilePath = @"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\NuocTieuThuThang\NuocTieuThuThang" + strDT + ".xlsx";
                        string strFilePathExport = "Report/Building/" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "/NuocTieuThuThang/NuocTieuThuThang" + strDT + ".xlsx";

                        string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(strFilePath);

                        File.Copy(fileName, fileNameDes);


                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
                            int stt = 0;
                            string id = rowType["id"].ToString();
                            string sheet = "Report";
                            int NumOfCol = Func.ParseInt(rowType["NoOfColumn"].ToString());
                            string SqlSelect = rowType["SqlSelect"].ToString();
                            SqlSelect = SqlSelect.Replace("{%DATE_FROM%}", Func.FormatYYYYmmdd(txtFromDate.Text));
                            SqlSelect = SqlSelect.Replace("{%DATE_TO%}", Func.FormatYYYYmmdd(txtToDate.Text));
                            SqlSelect = SqlSelect.Replace("{%TOA_NHA%}", Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]));

                            XLSheet xlsSheet = xlbBook.Sheets[sheet];
                            xlsSheet[0, 1].Value = xlsSheet[0, 1].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TOA_NHA%}", DbHelper.GetScalar("Select Name From Mst_Building Where BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "'"));
                            xlsSheet[0, 1].Value = xlsSheet[0, 1].Value.ToString().Replace("{%THANG_NAM%}", txtFromDate.Text + "~" + txtToDate.Text);

                            int CellY = Func.ParseInt(rowType["CellBeginY"].ToString());
                            int CellX = Func.ParseInt(rowType["CellBeginX"].ToString());

                            using (SqlCommand cmSheet = db.CreateCommand(SqlSelect))
                                DataSet dsSheet = new DataSet();
                                SqlDataAdapter daSheet = new SqlDataAdapter(cmSheet);
                                if (dsSheet != null)

                                    DataTable dtSheet = dsSheet.Tables[0];
                                    foreach (DataRow rowSheet in dtSheet.Rows)
                                        xlsSheet[CellY + stt, CellX].Style = xlstStyle;
                                        xlsSheet[CellY + stt, CellX].Value = ++stt + "";
                                        for (int k = 0; k < NumOfCol; k++)
                                            xlsSheet[CellY + stt - 1, CellX + k + 1].Value = rowSheet[k];
                                            xlsSheet[CellY + stt - 1, CellX + k + 1].Style = xlstStyle;

                        ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "", "PopUp('../" + strFilePathExport + "'," + PopupWidth + "," + PopupHeight + ",'EditReport', true);", true);

Ejemplo n.º 31
        private void cmdExcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                string reportcode = "BHYT_21A_EXCEL";
                string duongdan   = Utility.GetPathExcel(reportcode);
                var    book       = new C1XLBook();
                book.DefaultFont = new Font("Time New Roman", 11, FontStyle.Regular);
                XLSheet   sheet     = book.Sheets[0];
                DataTable dt        = m_dataTH;
                int       idxRow    = 6;
                int       idxColSh  = 0;
                string    codintion = string.Format("Từ ngày {0} đến ngày {1}. Tuyến {2}",
                                                    dtpFromDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), dtpToDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), cboTuyen.Text);
                sheet[3, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(codintion), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book));
                int sttloaidichvu = 1;
                if (chktuyen.Checked)
                    for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                        if (i == 0)
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["DoiTuong"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft_Bold(book));
                            idxRow = idxRow + 1;
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(string.Format("{0}.{1}", sttloaidichvu, Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["Ten_nhombaocao_dichvu"])), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft_Bold(book));
                            sttloaidichvu = sttloaidichvu + 1;
                            idxRow        = idxRow + 1;
                            if (dt.Rows[i]["DoiTuong"].ToString() != dt.Rows[i - 1]["DoiTuong"].ToString())
                                sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["DoiTuong"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft_Bold(book));
                                idxRow        = idxRow + 1;
                                sttloaidichvu = 1;
                                sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(string.Format("{0}.{1}", sttloaidichvu, Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["Ten_nhombaocao_dichvu"])), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft_Bold(book));
                                sttloaidichvu = sttloaidichvu + 1;
                                idxRow        = idxRow + 1;
                            if (dt.Rows[i]["DoiTuong"].ToString() == dt.Rows[i - 1]["DoiTuong"].ToString() && dt.Rows[i]["Ten_nhombaocao_dichvu"].ToString() != dt.Rows[i - 1]["Ten_nhombaocao_dichvu"].ToString())
                                sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(string.Format("{0}.{1}", sttloaidichvu, Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["Ten_nhombaocao_dichvu"])), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft_Bold(book));
                                sttloaidichvu = sttloaidichvu + 1;
                                idxRow        = idxRow + 1;
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ma_QD"]),
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 1].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ma_chitiet_bhyt"]),
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 2].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_chitietdichvu"]),
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 3].SetValue(Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["SO_LUONG"]),
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 4].SetValue(Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["soluong_nt"]),
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 5].SetValue(Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["DON_GIA"]),
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 6].SetValue(Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["thanh_tien"]),
                        idxRow = idxRow + 1;
                    for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                        if (i == 0)
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(string.Format("{0}.{1}", sttloaidichvu, Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["Ten_nhombaocao_dichvu"])), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft_Bold(book));
                            sttloaidichvu = sttloaidichvu + 1;
                            idxRow        = idxRow + 1;
                            if (dt.Rows[i]["Ten_nhombaocao_dichvu"].ToString() != dt.Rows[i - 1]["Ten_nhombaocao_dichvu"].ToString())
                                sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(string.Format("{0}.{1}", sttloaidichvu, Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["Ten_nhombaocao_dichvu"])), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft_Bold(book));
                                sttloaidichvu = sttloaidichvu + 1;
                                idxRow        = idxRow + 1;
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ma_QD"]),
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 1].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ma_chitiet_bhyt"]),
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 2].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_chitietdichvu"]),
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 3].SetValue(Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["SO_LUONG"]),
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 4].SetValue(Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["soluong_nt"]),
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 5].SetValue(Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["DON_GIA"]),
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 6].SetValue(Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["thanh_tien"]),
                        idxRow = idxRow + 1;
                sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 3].SetValue(Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Compute("Sum(SO_LUONG)", "1=1")), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book));
                sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 4].SetValue(Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Compute("Sum(soluong_nt)", "1=1")), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book));
                sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 6].SetValue(Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Compute("Sum(thanh_tien)", "1=1")), HamDungChung.styleDecimalBoldAllBorder_Money(book));
                string getdate = string.Format("Ngày {0} tháng {1} năm {2}", dtpNgayIn.Value.Day,
                                               dtpNgayIn.Value.Month, dtpNgayIn.Value.Year);
                sheet[idxRow + 2, 5].SetValue(getdate, HamDungChung.styleStringCenter_UnBorder(book));

                sheet[idxRow + 3, 1].SetValue("NGƯỜI LẬP BẢNG", HamDungChung.styleDecimalBoldAllBorder_Money(book));
                sheet[idxRow + 3, 4].SetValue("PHÒNG TÀI CHÍNH KẾ TOÁN",
                sheet[idxRow + 3, 5].SetValue("GIÁM ĐỐC BỆNH VIỆN", HamDungChung.styleDecimalBoldAllBorder_Money(book));
                // vị trí dòng dữ liệu của table tiếp theo, vị trí cột bắt đầu t? 0
                string getTime       = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss"));
                string pathDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\";
                if (!Directory.Exists(pathDirectory))

                book.Save(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" + reportcode +
                          getTime + ".xls");
                    new ProcessStartInfo(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" +
                                         reportcode + getTime + ".xls"));
            catch (Exception ex)
                Utility.ShowMsg("Lỗi: " + ex.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 32
        protected void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string yearmonth = drpYear.SelectedValue;
            string building = Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]);

            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            string sql = string.Empty;

            sql = " SELECT *";
            sql += " FROM BD_BudgetSchedule ";
            sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + building + "' ";
            sql += " and YearMonth = '" + yearmonth + "' ";
            sql += " and id ='" + drpBudgetExport.SelectedValue + "' and DelFlag = 0 Order by id";

            using (SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase())
                C1XLBook xlbBook = new C1XLBook();

                string fileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Template\NganSach.xlsx");
                if (!Directory.Exists(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"])))
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"])));

                string strDT = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
                string strFilePath = @"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\NganSach" + strDT + ".xlsx";
                string strFilePathExport = @"../../Report/Building/" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"/NganSach" + strDT + ".xlsx";

                string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(strFilePath);

                //string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\TongHopDienTich" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".xlsx");
                File.Copy(fileName, fileNameDes);


                string sheet = "NganSach";

                XLSheet xlsSheet = xlbBook.Sheets[sheet];

                string IDs = "";
                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);
                    if (ds != null)
                        xlsSheet[0, 1].Value = xlsSheet[0, 1].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TOA_NHA%}", DbHelper.GetScalar("Select Name From Mst_Building Where BuildingId = '" + building + "'"));
                        xlsSheet[0, 1].Value = xlsSheet[0, 1].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NAM_THANG%}", "NĂM " + yearmonth);

                        int j = 2;
                        DataTable dtReport = ds.Tables[0];

                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dtReport.Rows)
                            string Budget = rowType["Budget"].ToString();
                            string id = rowType["id"].ToString();

                            IDs += ",'" + id + "'";
                            xlsSheet[2, j].Value = id;
                            xlsSheet[3, j].Value = Budget;
                            j += 2;
                        for (int i = j; i < j * 12; i++)
                            XLColumn col = new XLColumn();
                            col = xlsSheet.Columns[j];

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(IDs))
                    mvMessage.AddError("Hiện tại chưa có Kỳ ngân sách nào được tạo");

                DataTable dtTable = new DataTable();
                dtTable.Columns.Add("SessionId", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                dtTable.Columns.Add("BuggetScheduleId", Type.GetType("System.Int32"));
                dtTable.Columns.Add("PaymentId", Type.GetType("System.Int32"));
                dtTable.Columns.Add("ParentId", Type.GetType("System.String"));

                string buildingId = Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]);
                string sessionId = Session.SessionID;
                string sqlTmp = "Select * from BD_BudgetScheduleDetail where BuggetScheduleId in (" + IDs.Substring(1) + ") and delFlag = 0 Order by ParentId";

                DbHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("Delete From BD_BudgetScheduleDetailReport where SessionId = '" + sessionId + "'");
                DataTable dt = DbHelper.GetDataTable(sqlTmp);
                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    if (dr["ParentId"].ToString() == "0")
                        int j = 1;
                        int BuggetScheduleId = Func.ParseInt(dr["BuggetScheduleId"]);
                        int PaymentId = Func.ParseInt(dr["PaymentId"]);
                        string ParentId = dr["ParentId"].ToString();

                        dtTable.Rows.Add(sessionId, BuggetScheduleId, PaymentId, ParentId);

                        GetChildItems(dr["PaymentId"].ToString(), dt, dtTable, j);
                using (SqlBulkCopy copy = new SqlBulkCopy(Gnt.Configuration.ApplicationConfiguration.ConnectionString))
                    copy.DestinationTableName = "BD_BudgetScheduleDetailReport";
                    copy.BatchSize = 3000;
                    copy.BulkCopyTimeout = 99999;

                    copy.ColumnMappings.Add(0, "SessionId");
                    copy.ColumnMappings.Add(1, "BuggetScheduleId");
                    copy.ColumnMappings.Add(2, "PaymentId");
                    copy.ColumnMappings.Add(3, "ParentId");


                ds = new DataSet();
                sql = "Select * from BD_BudgetScheduleDetailReport where SessionId = '" + sessionId + "' Order by Id";
                int k = 5;
                int colData = -1;
                string bsId = "";

                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);
                    if (ds != null)
                        DataTable dtReport = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dtReport.Rows)
                            string PaymentType = rowType["PaymentType"].ToString();
                            string InVND = rowType["InVND"].ToString();
                            string InUSD = rowType["InUSD"].ToString();
                            string OutVND = rowType["OutVND"].ToString();
                            string OutUSD = rowType["OutUSD"].ToString();
                            string PaymentId = rowType["PaymentId"].ToString();
                            int colNo = Func.ParseInt(rowType["colNo"].ToString());
                            string id = rowType["BuggetScheduleId"].ToString();
                            string ParentId = rowType["ParentId"].ToString();
                            //string PaymentId = rowType["PaymentId"].ToString();
                            //xlsSheet[2, j].Value = id;
                            //xlsSheet[3, j].Value = Budget;
                            //j += 2;
                            if (!bsId.Equals(id))
                                k = 5;
                                colData += 2;
                                bsId = id;

                            xlsSheet[k, 1].Value = PaymentType;
                            xlsSheet[k, colData + 1].Value = Func.ParseDouble(InUSD);
                            xlsSheet[k, colData + 2].Value = Func.ParseDouble(InVND);
                            //xlsSheet[k, colData + 3].Value = Func.ParseDouble(OutUSD);
                            //xlsSheet[k, colData + 4].Value = Func.ParseDouble(OutVND);
                            xlsSheet[k, 0].Value = PaymentId;

                            XLStyle xlstStyle = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                            xlstStyle.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Left;
                            xlstStyle.WordWrap = false;
                            xlstStyle.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
                            xlstStyle.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            xlstStyle.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            xlstStyle.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            xlstStyle.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            if ("0".Equals(ParentId))
                                xlstStyle.BackColor = Color.Orange;
                            xlsSheet[k, 1].Style = xlstStyle;

                            xlstStyle = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ParentId))
                                xlstStyle.BackColor = Color.Orange;
                            xlstStyle.WordWrap = false;
                            xlstStyle.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
                            xlstStyle.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            xlstStyle.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            xlstStyle.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            xlstStyle.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            xlstStyle.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center;
                            xlsSheet[k, colData + 1].Style = xlstStyle;
                            xlsSheet[k, colData + 2].Style = xlstStyle;
                            //xlsSheet[k, colData+3].Style = xlstStyle;
                            //xlsSheet[k, colData+4].Style = xlstStyle;


                //ds = new DataSet();
                //sql = string.Empty;

                //sql = " SELECT *";
                //sql += " FROM BD_PaymentReportMonth ";
                //sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + building + "' ";
                //sql += " and YearMonth = '" + yearmonth + "' order by id";

                //using (db = new SqlDatabase())
                //    using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                //    {
                //        SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);
                //        da.Fill(ds);
                //        if (ds != null)
                //        {
                //            xlbBook = new C1XLBook();

                //            fileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Template\BaoCaoThuChiThang.xlsx");
                //            if (!Directory.Exists(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"])))
                //            {
                //                Directory.CreateDirectory(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"])));
                //            }

                //            strDT = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
                //            strFilePath = @"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\BaoCaoThuChiThang" + strDT + ".xlsx";
                //            strFilePathExport = "Report/Building/" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "/BaoCaoThuChiThang" + strDT + ".xlsx";

                //            fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(strFilePath);

                //            //string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\TongHopDienTich" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".xlsx");
                //            File.Copy(fileName, fileNameDes);

                //            xlbBook.Load(fileNameDes);

                //            sheet = "BaoCao";

                //            xlsSheet = xlbBook.Sheets[sheet];
                //            int i = 5;

                //            xlsSheet[0, 0].Value = xlsSheet[0, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TOA_NHA%}", DbHelper.GetScalar("Select Name From Mst_Building Where BuildingId = '" + building + "'"));
                //            xlsSheet[0, 0].Value = xlsSheet[0, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NAM_THANG%}", "THÁNG" + yearmonth.Substring(4, 2) + "/" + yearmonth.Substring(0, 4));

                //            DataTable dtReport = ds.Tables[0];
                //            foreach (DataRow rowType in dtReport.Rows)
                //            {
                //                int colNo = Func.ParseInt(rowType["colNo"]);
                //                string PaymentType = rowType["PaymentType"].ToString();
                //                string InVND = rowType["InVND"].ToString();
                //                string InUSD = rowType["InUSD"].ToString();
                //                string OutVND = rowType["OutVND"].ToString();
                //                string OutUSD = rowType["OutUSD"].ToString();
                //                bool bold = rowType["bold"].ToString().Equals("1") ? true : false;

                //                XLCellRange mrCell = new XLCellRange(i, i, 0, 3);
                //                xlsSheet.MergedCells.Add(mrCell);

                //                xlsSheet[i, 0].Value = "." + " ".PadLeft(colNo * 3, ' ') + PaymentType;
                //                xlsSheet[i, 4].Value = Func.ParseDouble(InUSD);
                //                xlsSheet[i, 5].Value = Func.ParseDouble(InVND);
                //                xlsSheet[i, 6].Value = Func.ParseDouble(OutUSD);
                //                xlsSheet[i, 7].Value = Func.ParseDouble(OutVND);

                //                XLStyle xlstStyle = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                //                xlstStyle.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Left;
                //                xlstStyle.WordWrap = false;
                //                xlstStyle.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
                //                xlstStyle.SetBorderColor(Color.Black);
                //                xlstStyle.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                //                xlstStyle.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                //                xlstStyle.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                //                xlstStyle.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;

                //                xlsSheet[i, 0].Style = xlstStyle;
                //                xlsSheet[i, 1].Style = xlstStyle;
                //                xlsSheet[i, 2].Style = xlstStyle;
                //                xlsSheet[i, 3].Style = xlstStyle;

                //                xlstStyle = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                //                xlstStyle.WordWrap = false;
                //                xlstStyle.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
                //                xlstStyle.SetBorderColor(Color.Black);
                //                xlstStyle.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                //                xlstStyle.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                //                xlstStyle.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                //                xlstStyle.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                //                xlstStyle.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center;
                //                xlsSheet[i, 4].Style = xlstStyle;
                //                xlsSheet[i, 5].Style = xlstStyle;
                //                xlsSheet[i, 6].Style = xlstStyle;
                //                xlsSheet[i, 7].Style = xlstStyle;

                //                i++;
                //            }

                //            xlbBook.Save(fileNameDes);
                //            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "", "PopUp('../" + strFilePathExport + "'," + PopupWidth + "," + PopupHeight + ",'EditReport', true);", true);
                //        }
                //    }

                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "", "PopUp('" + strFilePathExport + "'," + PopupWidth + "," + PopupHeight + ",'EditReport', true);", true);

Ejemplo n.º 33
        public static Boolean ArticleDataExportListToExcel(ArticleDataExportModel articleDataExportModel, string FilePathName)
            Boolean result = false;
            //Application ExcelApp = new Application();
            //Workbook ExcelWorkBook = null;
            //Worksheet ExcelWorkSheet = null;
            //ExcelApp.Visible = false;

            //// Get a new workbook.
            //ExcelWorkBook = ExcelApp.Workbooks.Add(Missing.Value);
            ////ExcelWorkBook = ExcelApp.Workbooks.Add(XlWBATemplate.xlWBATWorksheet);
            //    IList<PurchaseDetails> listPurchaseDetails = new List<PurchaseDetails>();
            //    listPurchaseDetails = articleDataExportModel.PurchaseDetails;
            //    ExcelWorkSheet = ExcelWorkBook.Worksheets.Add(); //Adding New sheet in Excel Workbook
            //    ExcelWorkSheet.Name = "PurchaseDetails";
            //    ListsToExcel(listPurchaseDetails, ref ExcelWorkSheet);

            //    IList<SalesDetails> listSalesDetails = new List<SalesDetails>();
            //    listSalesDetails = articleDataExportModel.SalesDetails;
            //    ExcelWorkSheet = ExcelWorkBook.Worksheets.Add(); //Adding New sheet in Excel Workbook
            //    ExcelWorkSheet.Name = "SalesDetails";
            //    ListsToExcel(listSalesDetails, ref ExcelWorkSheet);

            //    IList<CharDetails> listCharDetails = new List<CharDetails>();
            //    listCharDetails = articleDataExportModel.CharDetails;
            //    ExcelWorkSheet = ExcelWorkBook.Worksheets.Add(); //Adding New sheet in Excel Workbook
            //    ExcelWorkSheet.Name = "CharDetails";
            //    ListsToExcel(listCharDetails, ref ExcelWorkSheet);

            //    IList<TaxDetails> listTaxDetails = new List<TaxDetails>();
            //    listTaxDetails = articleDataExportModel.TaxDetails;
            //    ExcelWorkSheet = ExcelWorkBook.Worksheets.Add(); //Adding New sheet in Excel Workbook
            //    ExcelWorkSheet.Name = "TaxDetails";
            //    ListsToExcel(listTaxDetails, ref ExcelWorkSheet);

            //    IList<ArticleDetails> listArticleDetails = new List<ArticleDetails>();
            //    listArticleDetails = articleDataExportModel.ArticleDetails;
            //    ExcelWorkSheet = ExcelWorkBook.Worksheets.Add(); //Adding New sheet in Excel Workbook
            //    ExcelWorkSheet.Name = "ArticleDetails";
            //    ListsToExcel(listArticleDetails, ref  ExcelWorkSheet);

            //    ExcelWorkBook.SaveAs(FilePathName);
            //    ExcelWorkBook.Close();
            //    ExcelApp.Quit();
            //    Marshal.ReleaseComObject(ExcelWorkSheet);
            //    Marshal.ReleaseComObject(ExcelWorkBook);
            //    Marshal.ReleaseComObject(ExcelApp);
            //    result = true;

            C1XLBook ExcelWorkBook = new C1XLBook();  //vipin on 02-04-2016

                IList <ArticleDetails> listArticleDetails = new List <ArticleDetails>();
                listArticleDetails = articleDataExportModel.ArticleDetails;
                // ExcelWorkSheet = ExcelWorkBook.Worksheets.Add(); //Adding New sheet in Excel Workbook
                XLSheet ExcelWorkSheet4 = ExcelWorkBook.Sheets[0];
                //  ExcelWorkSheet4.Name = "ArticleDetails";Article Data
                ExcelWorkSheet4.Name = "Article Data";
                ListsToExcelUsingC1(listArticleDetails, ref ExcelWorkSheet4, "Article Data");

                IList <TaxDetails> listTaxDetails = new List <TaxDetails>();
                listTaxDetails = articleDataExportModel.TaxDetails;
                // ExcelWorkSheet = ExcelWorkBook.Worksheets.Add(); //Adding New sheet in Excel Workbook
                XLSheet ExcelWorkSheet3 = ExcelWorkBook.Sheets.Add();
                ExcelWorkSheet3.Name = "Article Tax";
                ListsToExcelUsingC1(listTaxDetails, ref ExcelWorkSheet3, "Article Tax");

                IList <CharDetails> listCharDetails = new List <CharDetails>();
                listCharDetails = articleDataExportModel.CharDetails;
                // ExcelWorkSheet = ExcelWorkBook.Worksheets.Add(); //Adding New sheet in Excel Workbook
                XLSheet ExcelWorkSheet2 = ExcelWorkBook.Sheets.Add();
                ExcelWorkSheet2.Name = "Article Char";
                ListsToExcelUsingC1(listCharDetails, ref ExcelWorkSheet2, "Article Char");

                IList <SalesDetails> listSalesDetails = new List <SalesDetails>();
                listSalesDetails = articleDataExportModel.SalesDetails;
                // ExcelWorkSheet = ExcelWorkBook.Worksheets.Add(); //Adding New sheet in Excel Workbook
                XLSheet ExcelWorkSheet1 = ExcelWorkBook.Sheets.Add();
                ExcelWorkSheet1.Name = "Barcode Pricing";
                ListsToExcelUsingC1(listSalesDetails, ref ExcelWorkSheet1, "Barcode Pricing");

                IList <PurchaseDetails> listPurchaseDetails = new List <PurchaseDetails>();
                listPurchaseDetails = articleDataExportModel.PurchaseDetails;
                //  ExcelWorkSheet = ExcelWorkBook.Worksheets.Add(); //Adding New sheet in Excel Workbook
                // Worksheet ExcelWorkSheet = ExcelWorkBook.Worksheets[1];
                XLSheet ExcelWorkSheet0 = ExcelWorkBook.Sheets.Add();
                ExcelWorkSheet0.Name = "Add. Purchase UOMs";
                ListsToExcelUsingC1(listPurchaseDetails, ref ExcelWorkSheet0, "Add. Purchase UOMs");

                //   ExcelWorkBook.Close();
                //   xlApp.Quit();
                // Marshal.ReleaseComObject(ExcelWorkSheet);
                //  Marshal.ReleaseComObject(ExcelWorkBook);
                //    Marshal.ReleaseComObject(xlApp);
                result = true;
            catch (Exception exHandle)
                Logging.Logger.Log(exHandle, Logging.Logger.LogingLevel.Error);
                throw exHandle;
                foreach (Process process in Process.GetProcessesByName("Excel"))
Ejemplo n.º 34
        protected void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            C1XLBook xlbBook = new C1XLBook();
            XLStyle xlstStyle = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
            xlstStyle.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Left;
            xlstStyle.WordWrap = true;
            xlstStyle.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
            xlstStyle.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyle.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyle.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyle.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            //xlstStyle.Format = "#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)";
            xlstStyle.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Top;

            XLStyle xlstStyleN = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
            xlstStyleN.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Right;
            xlstStyleN.WordWrap = true;
            xlstStyleN.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
            xlstStyleN.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleN.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleN.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleN.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleN.Format = "#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)";
            xlstStyleN.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Top;

            XLStyle xlstStyleS = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
            xlstStyleS.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Left;
            xlstStyleS.WordWrap = true;
            xlstStyleS.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Bold);
            xlstStyleS.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleS.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleS.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleS.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleS.Format = "#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)";
            xlstStyleS.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Top;

            string fileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Template\MayMocThietBi.xls");
            if (!Directory.Exists(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\MayMocThietBi"))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\MayMocThietBi"));

            string strDT = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
            string strFilePath = @"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\MayMocThietBi\MayMocThietBi" + strDT + ".xls";
            string strFilePathExport = "Report/Building/" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "/MayMocThietBi/MayMocThietBi" + strDT + ".xls";

            string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(strFilePath);

            File.Copy(fileName, fileNameDes);


            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            string sql = string.Empty;

            //sql = " SELECT *";
            //sql += " FROM Report_BuildingInfo where delflag = '0'";
            ////sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' ";
            ////sql += " AND ((NgayKetThuc is null) OR ";
            ////sql += "      (NgayKetThuc is not null and substring(NgayKetThuc,1,6) >= '" + drpYear.SelectedValue + drpMonth.SelectedValue + "'))";

            //using (SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase())
            //    using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
            //    {
            //        SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);
            //        da.Fill(ds);
            //        if (ds != null)
            //        {
            //            XLSheet xlsSheetMenu = xlbBook.Sheets["Menu"];
            //            xlsSheetMenu[2, 1].Value = xlsSheetMenu[2, 1].Value.ToString().Replace("{%THANG%}", drpMonth.SelectedValue + "/" + drpYear.SelectedValue);

            //            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
            //            foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
            //            {
            //                int stt = 0;
            //                string id = rowType["id"].ToString();
            //                string sheet = rowType["Sheet"].ToString();
            //                int NumOfCol = Func.ParseInt(rowType["NoOfColumn"].ToString());
            //                string SqlSelect = rowType["SqlSelect"].ToString().Replace("{%NAM_THANG%}", drpYear.SelectedValue + drpMonth.SelectedValue);
            //                SqlSelect = SqlSelect.Replace("{%TOA_NHA%}", Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]));
            //                int CellY = Func.ParseInt(rowType["CellBeginY"].ToString());
            //                int CellX = Func.ParseInt(rowType["CellBeginX"].ToString());
            //                string[] Col = rowType["SumCol"].ToString().Split(',');

            //                decimal[] SumCol = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
            //                using (SqlCommand cmSheet = db.CreateCommand(SqlSelect))
            //                {
            //                    DataSet dsSheet = new DataSet();
            //                    SqlDataAdapter daSheet = new SqlDataAdapter(cmSheet);
            //                    daSheet.Fill(dsSheet);
            //                    if (dsSheet != null)
            //                    {
            //                        XLSheet xlsSheet = xlbBook.Sheets[sheet];

            //                        DataTable dtSheet = dsSheet.Tables[0];
            //                        foreach (DataRow rowSheet in dtSheet.Rows)
            //                        {
            //                            xlsSheet[CellY + stt, CellX].Style = xlstStyle;
            //                            xlsSheet[CellY + stt, CellX].Value = Func.ParseString(++stt);

            //                            for (int k = 0; k < NumOfCol; k++)
            //                            {
            //                                string tmp = rowSheet[k].ToString();

            //                                xlsSheet[CellY + stt - 1, CellX + k + 1].Value = rowSheet[k];
            //                                xlsSheet[CellY + stt - 1, CellX + k + 1].Style = xlstStyle;

            //                                switch (rowSheet[k].GetType().Name)
            //                                {
            //                                    case "Decimal":
            //                                        //xlsSheet[CellY + stt - 1, CellX + k + 1].Value = Func.ParseDouble(tmp);
            //                                        //break;
            //                                        SumCol[k] += Convert.ToDecimal(rowSheet[k]);
            //                                        xlsSheet[CellY + stt - 1, CellX + k + 1].Style = xlstStyleN;

            //                                        break;
            //                                    case "Double":
            //                                        //xlsSheet[CellY + stt - 1, CellX + k + 1].Value = Func.ParseDouble(tmp);
            //                                        SumCol[k] += Convert.ToDecimal(rowSheet[k]);
            //                                        xlsSheet[CellY + stt - 1, CellX + k + 1].Style = xlstStyleN;

            //                                        break;
            //                                    //break;
            //                                    case "Int32":
            //                                        //xlsSheet[CellY + stt - 1, CellX + k + 1].Value = Func.ParseInt(tmp);
            //                                        SumCol[k] += Convert.ToDecimal(rowSheet[k]);
            //                                        xlsSheet[CellY + stt - 1, CellX + k + 1].Style = xlstStyleN;

            //                                        break;
            //                                    //break;
            //                                    case "Single":
            //                                        SumCol[k] += Convert.ToDecimal(rowSheet[k]);
            //                                        xlsSheet[CellY + stt - 1, CellX + k + 1].Style = xlstStyleN;

            //                                        break;

            //                                    //xlsSheet[CellY + stt - 1, CellX + k + 1].Value = rowSheet[k];// Func.ParseInt(tmp);
            //                                    //xlsSheet[CellY + stt - 1, CellX + k + 1].Style = xlstStyleN;
            //                                    default:
            //                                        xlsSheet[CellY + stt - 1, CellX + k + 1].Value = tmp;
            //                                        xlsSheet[CellY + stt - 1, CellX + k + 1].Style = xlstStyle;
            //                                        break;
            //                                }
            //                                //xlsSheet[CellY + stt - 1, CellX + k + 1].Value = tmp;
            //                                //xlsSheet[CellY + stt - 1, CellX + k + 1].Style = xlstStyle;
            //                            }
            //                        }
            //                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Col[0]))
            //                        {
            //                            for (int m = 0; m < NumOfCol + 1; m++)
            //                            {
            //                                xlsSheet[CellY + stt, m].Style = xlstStyleS;
            //                            }
            //                        }
            //                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Col[0]))
            //                        {
            //                            xlsSheet[CellY + stt, 0].Value = "Tổng cộng";
            //                            XLCellRange mrCell = new XLCellRange(CellY + stt, CellY + stt, 0, Func.ParseInt(Col[0]));
            //                            xlsSheet.MergedCells.Add(mrCell);
            //                            for (int m = 0; m <= Func.ParseInt(Col[0]); m++)
            //                            {
            //                                xlsSheet[CellY + stt, m].Style = xlstStyleS;
            //                            }
            //                        }
            //                        for (int m = 0; m < Col.Length; m++)
            //                        {
            //                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Col[m]))
            //                            {
            //                                xlsSheet[CellY + stt, CellX + Func.ParseInt(Col[m]) + 1].Value = SumCol[Func.ParseInt(Col[m])];
            //                                xlsSheet[CellY + stt, CellX + Func.ParseInt(Col[m]) + 1].Style = xlstStyleS;
            //                            }
            //                        }
            //                    }
            //                }
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }
            ds = new DataSet();
            sql = string.Empty;

            sql = " SELECT *";
            sql += " FROM Report_BuildingInfo where id = 54 and delflag = '2'";

            using (SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase())
                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);
                    if (ds != null)
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
                            int stt = 0;
                            string id = rowType["id"].ToString();
                            string sheet = "BaoCao";
                            int NumOfCol = Func.ParseInt(rowType["NoOfColumn"].ToString());
                            string SqlSelect = rowType["SqlSelect"].ToString().Replace("{%NAM_THANG%}", drpYear.SelectedValue + drpMonth.SelectedValue);
                            SqlSelect = SqlSelect.Replace("{%TOA_NHA%}", Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]));
                            int CellY = Func.ParseInt(rowType["CellBeginY"].ToString());
                            int CellX = Func.ParseInt(rowType["CellBeginX"].ToString());
                            string[] Col = rowType["SumCol"].ToString().Split(',');

                            decimal[] SumCol = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
                            XLCellRange mrCell = new XLCellRange(0, 0, 0, 0);

                            string group = "";
                            int i = 0;
                            using (SqlCommand cmSheet = db.CreateCommand(SqlSelect))
                                DataSet dsSheet = new DataSet();
                                SqlDataAdapter daSheet = new SqlDataAdapter(cmSheet);
                                if (dsSheet != null)
                                    XLSheet xlsSheet = xlbBook.Sheets[sheet];
                                    xlsSheet[0, 0].Value = xlsSheet[0, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%THANG%}", drpMonth.SelectedValue + "/" + drpYear.SelectedValue);
                                    xlsSheet[0, 0].Value = xlsSheet[0, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TOA_NHA%}", drpMonth.SelectedValue + "/" + drpYear.SelectedValue);

                                    DataTable dtSheet = dsSheet.Tables[0];
                                    foreach (DataRow rowSheet in dtSheet.Rows)
                                        string col11 = rowSheet[NumOfCol].ToString();

                                        if (!group.Equals(col11))
                                            xlsSheet[CellY + i, CellX].Value = col11;
                                            group = col11;

                                            for (int k = 0; k <= NumOfCol; k++)
                                                xlsSheet[CellY + i, CellX + k].Style = xlstStyleS;
                                            mrCell = new XLCellRange(CellY + i, CellY + i, 0, NumOfCol);

                                            xlsSheet[CellY + i, CellX].Style = xlstStyleS;
                                        xlsSheet[CellY + i, CellX + 0].Value = ++stt;
                                        xlsSheet[CellY + i, CellX + 0].Style = xlstStyle;

                                        for (int m = 1; m <= NumOfCol; m++)
                                            xlsSheet[CellY + i, CellX + m].Value = rowSheet[m - 1];
                                            xlsSheet[CellY + i, CellX + m].Style = xlstStyle;
            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "", "PopUp('../" + strFilePathExport + "'," + PopupWidth + "," + PopupHeight + ",'EditReport', true);", true);
Ejemplo n.º 35
        public ActionResult ExportResults(int id)
            C1.C1Excel.C1XLBook book = new C1XLBook();
            book.Author = "Kevin Griffin";

            var sheet = book.Sheets[0];

            using (var context = new LeadGenContext())
                // sheet 0, contact info
                sheet.Name = "Respondents";

                var responseEvents = context.Responses.Include("OriginalEvent").Include("Responses").Include("Responses.OriginalQuestion").Where(p => p.OriginalEvent.EventId == id);

                sheet[0, 0].Value = "First Name";
                sheet[0, 1].Value = "Last Name";
                sheet[0, 2].Value = "Email Address";
                sheet[0, 3].Value = "Zip Code";

                int currentRow = 1;
                foreach (var response in responseEvents)
                    sheet[currentRow, 0].Value = response.FirstName;
                    sheet[currentRow, 1].Value = response.LastName;
                    sheet[currentRow, 2].Value = response.EmailAddress;
                    sheet[currentRow, 3].Value = response.ZipCode;

                sheet = book.Sheets.Add();
                sheet.Name = "Results";

                var results = new List<QuestionResult>();
                foreach (var e in responseEvents)
                    foreach (var q in e.Responses.OrderBy(p => p.OriginalQuestion.QuestionId))
                        // is q in result list?
                        QuestionResponse q1 = q;
                        var questionResults = results.Where(p => p.QuestionText == q1.OriginalQuestion.QuestionText);
                        if (questionResults.Any())
                            // is answer in questionResult
                            var first = questionResults.First();
                            var answers = first.QuestionAnswers.Where(p => p.AnswerText == q1.Answer);
                            if (answers.Any())
                                var firstAnswer = answers.First();
                                first.QuestionAnswers.Add(new Answer() { AnswerText = q.Answer, AnswerCount = 1 });
                            results.Add(new QuestionResult
                                QuestionText = q.OriginalQuestion.QuestionText,
                                QuestionAnswers = new List<Answer>() { new Answer() { AnswerCount = 1, AnswerText = q.Answer } }

                sheet[0, 0].Value = "Question Text";
                sheet[0, 1].Value = "Answer Count";
                sheet[0, 2].Value = "Answer Text";

                currentRow = 1;
                foreach (var questionResult in results)
                    sheet[currentRow, 0].Value = questionResult.QuestionText;
                    foreach (var answer in questionResult.QuestionAnswers)
                        sheet[currentRow, 1].Value = answer.AnswerCount;
                        sheet[currentRow, 2].Value = answer.AnswerText;

                sheet = book.Sheets.Add();
                sheet.Name = "Results per Attendee";

                sheet[0, 0].Value = "Attendee Name";
                sheet[0, 1].Value = "Question Text";
                sheet[0, 2].Value = "Answer Text";

                currentRow = 1;
                foreach (var response in context.Responses.Where(p => p.OriginalEvent.EventId == id).Include("Responses"))
                    sheet[currentRow, 0].Value = string.Format("{0} {1}", response.FirstName, response.LastName);

                    foreach (var r in response.Responses)
                        sheet[currentRow, 1].Value = r.OriginalQuestion.QuestionText;
                        sheet[currentRow, 2].Value = r.Answer;


            var tempFile = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName();

            return File(tempFile, "application/vnd.ms-excel", "event.xls");
Ejemplo n.º 36
        protected void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            string sql = string.Empty;

            sql = " SELECT *";
            sql += " FROM vBuildingRoomInfo";
            sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' ";

            using (SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase())
                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    string selectDate = Func.FormatYYYYmmdd(txtDate.Text);
                    if (ds != null)
                        C1XLBook xlbBook = new C1XLBook();
                        string fileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Template\TongHopDienTichTrong.xls");
                        if (!Directory.Exists(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"])))
                            Directory.CreateDirectory(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"])));

                        string strDT = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
                        string strFilePath = @"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\TongHopDienTich" + strDT + ".xls";
                        string strFilePathExport = "Report/Building/" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "/TongHopDienTich" + strDT + ".xls";

                        string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(strFilePath);

                        //string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\TongHopDienTich" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".xls");
                        File.Copy(fileName, fileNameDes);

                        XLSheet xlsSheet = xlbBook.Sheets["TongHop"];
                        //xlsSheet.Name = drpMonth.SelectedValue + "_" + drpYear.SelectedValue;

                        int i = 4;
                        XLCellRange mrCell = new XLCellRange(0, 0, 0, 2);

                        XLStyle xlstStyle = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                        xlstStyle.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center;
                        xlstStyle.Font = new Font("", 12, FontStyle.Bold);

                        XLStyle xlstStyle01 = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                        xlstStyle01.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center;
                        xlstStyle01.Font = new Font("", 10, FontStyle.Bold);

                        xlsSheet[1, 0].Value = xlsSheet[1, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%BUILDING%}", DbHelper.GetScalar("Select Name From Mst_Building Where BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "'"));
                        xlsSheet[0, 0].Value = xlsSheet[0, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NGAY%}", txtDate.Text);

                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
                            string col01 = rowType[0].ToString();
                            string col02 = rowType[1].ToString();
                            string col03 = rowType[2].ToString();
                            string col04 = rowType[3].ToString();
                            string col05 = rowType[4].ToString();
                            string col06 = rowType[5].ToString();

                            xlsSheet[i, 0].Value = col02;
                            xlsSheet[i, 1].Value = col03;
                            xlsSheet[i, 2].Value = col04;
                            xlsSheet[i, 3].Value = col05;
                            xlsSheet[i, 4].Value = DbHelper.GetScalar("Select sum(Area) from vRentRoom Where BuildingId = '" + col01 + "' and Regional ='" + col02 + "' and Floor = '" + col03 + "' and (BeginContract <= '" + selectDate + "' and (EndContract >= '" + selectDate + "' or EndContract is null))");
                            xlsSheet[i, 5].Value = col05;

                            xlsSheet[i, 0].Style = xlstStyle01;
                            xlsSheet[i, 1].Style = xlstStyle01;
                            xlsSheet[i, 2].Style = xlstStyle01;

                        ////ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "", "PopUp('/CSV/DownloadZipFile.aspx'," + PopupWidth + "," + PopupHeight + ",'EditFlat', true);", true);

                        ////xlsSheet[i++, 0].Value = "Ghi chú:";
                        //DataSet ds1 = new DataSet();
                        //sql = string.Empty;

                        //sql = " SELECT *";
                        //sql += " FROM BD_WorkingHour";
                        //sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and DelFlag <> 1";
                        //sql += " Order By Name";

                        //using (SqlCommand cm1 = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                        //    SqlDataAdapter da1 = new SqlDataAdapter(cm1);
                        //    da1.Fill(ds1);
                        //    db.Close();

                        //    if (ds != null)
                        //    {

                        //        xlsSheet[i++ + 1, 0].Value = "Ghi chú:";
                        //        DataTable dt1 = ds1.Tables[0];
                        //        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt1.Rows)
                        //        {
                        //            i++;
                        //            string Ma = rowType["WorkingHourId"].ToString();
                        //            string Name = rowType["Name"].ToString();
                        //            xlsSheet[i, 0].Value = Ma + ":";
                        //            xlsSheet[i, 1].Value = Name;
                        //        }
                        //        xlsSheet[i + 1, 0].Value = "OF:";
                        //        xlsSheet[i + 1, 1].Value = "OF: nghỉ";
                        //    }
                        //string dataPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"\Building\Staff\DataTmp");
                        //string tmpFolder = dataPath;
                        //if (!Directory.Exists(tmpFolder))
                        //    Directory.CreateDirectory(tmpFolder);
                        //string name = "KhaiBaoLichLamViec_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss") + ".xls";
                        //string fileName = Path.Combine(tmpFolder, name);
            //                        string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"\Report\Template\THSLXT_tpl_1.xlsx");

                        //Session["ZipFilePath"] = null;
                        //Session["ZipFilePath"] = fileName;

                        ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "", "PopUp('../" + strFilePathExport + "'," + PopupWidth + "," + PopupHeight + ",'EditReport', true);", true);

        protected void btnView_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int rBillNo = 0;
            int cBillNo = 1;

            int rBillDate = 0;
            int cBillDate = 10;

            int rBillMonth = 2;
            int cBillMonth = 0;

            int rContact = 5;
            int cContact = 3;

            int rCustomer = 5;
            int cCustomer = 9;

            int rContract = 7;
            int cContract = 1;

            int rRate = 11;
            int cRate = 9;

            int rRateDate = 11;
            int cRateDate = 12;

            int rRent = 15;

            int rManager = 23;

            int rParking = 31;

            int rExtra = 39;

            int rElec = 47;

            int rWater = 55;

            int rService = 63;

            int rPaid = 70;

            int rDept = 77;

            int rOffice = 88;
            int cOffice = 3;

            int rPhone = 89;
            int cPhone = 3;

            int rBank = 89;
            int cBank = 7;

            int rAccountName = 91;
            int cAccountName = 7;

            int rAccount = 92;
            int cAccount = 7;

            int rSum = 81;
            int cSum = 11;

            int rSumRead = 82;
            int cSumRead = 13;

            int check = DbHelper.GetCount("Select count(*) from PaymentBillInfo Where BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and CustomerId = '" + lblCustomerId.Text + "' and YearMonth = '" + drpYear.SelectedValue + drpMonth.SelectedValue + "'");
            if (check == 0)
                mvMessage.AddError("Xin vui lòng tạo hóa đơn trước khi xem");
            mvMessage.CheckRequired(txtBillDate, "Ngày xuất Hóa đơn là danh mục bắt buộc");
            mvMessage.CheckRequired(txtBillNo, "Số Hóa đơn là danh mục bắt buộc");
            mvMessage.CheckRequired(txtUsdExchange, "Tỉ giá USD-VN là danh mục bắt buộc");
            mvMessage.CheckRequired(txtUsdExchangeDate, "Ngày tỉ giá là danh mục bắt buộc");
            //ShowData(drpYear.SelectedValue + drpMonth.SelectedValue);
            C1XLBook xlbBook = new C1XLBook();
            string fileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Template\BillTongQuat.xlsx");
            if (!Directory.Exists(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"])))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"])));

            XLStyle xlstStyle = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
            xlstStyle.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center;
            xlstStyle.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center;
            xlstStyle.WordWrap = true;
            xlstStyle.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
            xlstStyle.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyle.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyle.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyle.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyle.Format = "#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)";

            XLStyle xlstStyleH = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
            xlstStyleH.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center;
            xlstStyleH.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center;
            xlstStyleH.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Bold);
            xlstStyleH.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleH.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleH.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleH.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleH.WordWrap = true;

            XLStyle xlstStyleSum = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
            xlstStyleSum.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Right;
            xlstStyleSum.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center;
            xlstStyleSum.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Bold);
            xlstStyleSum.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleSum.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleSum.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleSum.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleSum.WordWrap = true;

            string strDT = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
            string strFilePath = @"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\BillTongQuat" + strDT + ".xlsx";
            string strFilePathExport = @"../../Report/Building/" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"/BillTongQuat" + strDT + ".xlsx";

            string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(strFilePath);

            //string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\TongHopDienTich" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".xls");
            File.Copy(fileName, fileNameDes);

            XLSheet xlsSheet = xlbBook.Sheets["TongHop"];

            //Bill No
            xlsSheet[rBillNo, cBillNo].Value = xlsSheet[rBillNo, cBillNo].Value.ToString().Replace("{%BILL_NO%}", txtBillNo.Text);

            //Ngay Thang Nam
            DateTime dtime = DateTime.Today;

            string strTmp = xlsSheet[rBillDate, cBillDate].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NGAY%}", dtime.ToString("dd"));
            strTmp = strTmp.Replace("{%THANG%}", dtime.ToString("MM"));
            xlsSheet[rBillDate, cBillDate].Value = strTmp.Replace("{%NAM%}", dtime.ToString("yyyy"));

            xlsSheet[rBillMonth, cBillMonth].Value = xlsSheet[rBillMonth, cBillMonth].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NAM_THANG%}", drpMonth.SelectedValue + "/" + drpYear.SelectedValue);

            using (SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase())
                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                string sql = string.Empty;

                sql = " SELECT Name, ContactName";
                sql += " FROM Customer";
                sql += " WHERE CustomerId = '" + lblCustomerId.Text + "' ";

                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    if (ds != null)
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
                            string Name = rowType[0].ToString();
                            string ContactName = rowType[1].ToString();

                            xlsSheet[rCustomer, cCustomer].Value = xlsSheet[rCustomer, cCustomer].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TEN_CONG_TY%}", Name);
                            xlsSheet[rContact, cContact].Value = xlsSheet[rContact, cContact].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NGUOI_DAI_DIEN%}", ContactName);
                Hashtable contractIdLst = new Hashtable();
                string contract = "";
                ds = new DataSet();
                sql = " SELECT Bank,Account,AccountName,Office,OfficeAddress,OfficePhone";
                sql += " FROM Mst_Building";
                sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' ";
                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    if (ds != null)
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
                            string Bank = rowType["Bank"].ToString();
                            string Account = rowType["Account"].ToString();
                            string AccountName = rowType["AccountName"].ToString();
                            string Office = rowType["Office"].ToString();
                            string OfficeAddress = rowType["OfficeAddress"].ToString();
                            string OfficePhone = rowType["OfficePhone"].ToString();

                            xlsSheet[rOffice, cOffice].Value = xlsSheet[rOffice, cOffice].Value.ToString().Replace("{%VAN_PHONG%}", Office);
                            xlsSheet[rPhone, cPhone].Value = xlsSheet[rPhone, cPhone].Value.ToString().Replace("{%DIEN_THOAI%}", OfficePhone);

                            xlsSheet[rBank, cBank].Value = xlsSheet[rBank, cBank].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NGAN_HANG%}", Bank);
                            xlsSheet[rAccountName, cAccountName].Value = xlsSheet[rAccountName, cAccountName].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TEN_TAI_KHOAN%}", AccountName);
                            xlsSheet[rAccount, cAccount].Value = xlsSheet[rAccount, cAccount].Value.ToString().Replace("{%SO_TAI_KHOAN%}", Account);

                xlsSheet[rRate, cRate].Value = xlsSheet[rRate, cRate].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TI_GIA%}", txtUsdExchange.Text);
                xlsSheet[rRateDate, cRateDate].Value = xlsSheet[rRateDate, cRateDate].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NGAY_AP_DUNG%}", txtUsdExchangeDate.Text);

                //Thue phong
                ds = new DataSet();
                sql = " Select *";
                sql += " FROM PaymentRoom";
                sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and YearMonth = '" + drpYear.SelectedValue + drpMonth.SelectedValue + "'";

                int sumRow = 0;
                int j = 0;
                decimal[] LastSumPriceVND = new decimal[7] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
                decimal[] LastSumPriceUSD = new decimal[7] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };

                decimal PaidPriceVND = 0;
                decimal PaidPriceUSD = 0;

                int line = 0;
                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    line = rRent - 3 + j;

                    XLCellRange mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 1, 3);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 4, 5);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 4, 5);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 2, line + 2, 4, 5);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 6, 7);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 6, 7);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 8, 9);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 8, 9);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 10, 11);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 10, 11);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 12, 13);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 12, 13);

                    if (ds != null)
                        int count = 0;
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
                            if (count >= 1)
                                xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rRent + j);


                            int tmp = rRent + j;

                            string ContractId = Func.ParseString(rowType["ContractId"]);
                            string YearMonth = Func.ParseString(rowType["YearMonth"]);
                            string Area = Func.ParseString(rowType["Area"]);
                            string Name = Func.ParseString(rowType["Name"]);
                            string Regional = Func.ParseString(rowType["Regional"]);
                            string Floor = Func.ParseString(rowType["Floor"]);

                            string BeginContract = Func.ParseString(rowType["BeginContract"]);

                            if (!contractIdLst.ContainsKey(ContractId + "(" + BeginContract.Substring(0, 10) + ")"))
                                contractIdLst.Add(ContractId + "(" + BeginContract.Substring(0, 10) + ")", ContractId + "(" + BeginContract.Substring(0, 10) + ")");
                                contract += ";" + ContractId + "(" + BeginContract.Substring(0, 10) + ")";

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 1].Value = Name;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 4].Value = rowType["Area"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 6].Value = rowType["MonthRentPriceUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 7].Value = rowType["MonthRentPriceVND"];

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 8].Value = rowType["MonthRentSumUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 9].Value = rowType["MonthRentSumVND"];

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 10].Value = rowType["VatRentPriceUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 11].Value = rowType["VatRentPriceVND"];

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 12].Value = rowType["LastRentSumUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 13].Value = rowType["LastRentSumVND"];

                            XLCellRange mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 1, 3);

                            mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 4, 5);

                            LastSumPriceVND[0] += Convert.ToDecimal(rowType["LastRentSumVND"]);
                            LastSumPriceUSD[0] += Convert.ToDecimal(rowType["LastRentSumUSD"]);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(rRent + 1 + j, rRent + 1 + j, 1, 11);

                        xlsSheet[rRent + 1 + j, 12].Value = LastSumPriceUSD[0];
                        xlsSheet[rRent + 1 + j, 13].Value = LastSumPriceVND[0];

                        for (int row = rRent + sumRow - 2; row <= rRent + dt.Rows.Count; row++)
                            for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                xlsSheet[row, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                        sumRow += dt.Rows.Count - 1;

                        for (int col = 1; col <= 11; col++)
                            xlsSheet[rRent + 1 + j, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                        line = rManager - 3 + j;

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 1, 3);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 4, 5);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 4, 5);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 2, line + 2, 4, 5);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 6, 7);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 6, 7);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 8, 9);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 8, 9);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 10, 11);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 10, 11);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 12, 13);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 12, 13);

                        count = 0;
                        foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                            if (count >= 1)
                                xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rManager + j);

                            int tmp = rManager;

                            string YearMonth = Func.ParseString(row["YearMonth"]);
                            string Area = Func.ParseString(row["Area"]);
                            string Name = Func.ParseString(row["Name"]);

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 1].Value = Name;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 4].Value = row["Area"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 6].Value = row["MonthManagerPriceUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 7].Value = row["MonthManagerPriceVND"];

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 8].Value = row["MonthManagerSumUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 9].Value = row["MonthManagerSumVND"];

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 19].Value = row["VatManagerPriceUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 11].Value = row["VatManagerPriceVND"];

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 12].Value = row["LastManagerSumUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 13].Value = row["LastManagerSumVND"];

                            XLCellRange mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 1, 3);

                            mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 4, 5);

                            LastSumPriceVND[1] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastManagerSumVND"]);
                            LastSumPriceUSD[1] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastManagerSumUSD"]);
                        mCell = new XLCellRange(rManager + 1 + j, rManager + 1 + j, 1, 11);

                        xlsSheet[rManager + 1 + j, 12].Value = LastSumPriceUSD[1];
                        xlsSheet[rManager + 1 + j, 13].Value = LastSumPriceVND[1];

                        for (int row = rManager + sumRow - 2; row <= rManager + sumRow + dt.Rows.Count; row++)
                            for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                xlsSheet[row, col].Style = xlstStyle;

                        for (int col = 1; col <= 11; col++)
                            xlsSheet[rManager + 1 + j, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                        sumRow += dt.Rows.Count - 1;


                ds = new DataSet();
                //Xuất ra toàn bộ nội dung theo Trang
                sql = " SELECT COUNT(*) AS Num, YearMonth, TariffsParkingName, PriceVND, PriceUSD, SUM(VatVND) AS VatVND,SUM(VatUSD) AS VatUSD, SUM(SumVND) AS SumVND, SUM(SumUSD) AS SumUSD, SUM(LastPriceVND) AS LastPriceVND";
                sql += "        , SUM(LastPriceUSD) AS LastPriceUSD";
                sql += " FROM         dbo.PaymentParking";
                sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and YearMonth = '" + drpYear.SelectedValue + drpMonth.SelectedValue + "'";
                sql += " GROUP BY YearMonth, TariffsParkingName, PriceVND, PriceUSD, Vat";

                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    line = rParking - 3 + j;
                    XLCellRange mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 1, 3);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 4, 5);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 4, 5);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 2, line + 2, 4, 5);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 6, 7);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 6, 7);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 8, 9);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 8, 9);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 10, 11);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 10, 11);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 12, 13);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 12, 13);
                    if (ds != null)
                        int count = 0;
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

                        foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                            if (count >= 1)
                                xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rParking + 1 + j);
                            int tmp = rParking + j;

                            string Num = Func.ParseString(row["Num"]);
                            string TariffsParkingName = Func.ParseString(row["TariffsParkingName"]);

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 1].Value = TariffsParkingName;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 4].Value = Num;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 6].Value = row["PriceUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 7].Value = row["PriceVND"];

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 8].Value = row["SumUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 9].Value = row["SumVND"];

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 10].Value = row["VatUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 11].Value = row["VatVND"];

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 12].Value = row["LastPriceUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 13].Value = row["LastPriceVND"];

                            XLCellRange mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 1, 3);

                            mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 4, 5);

                            LastSumPriceVND[2] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceVND"]);
                            LastSumPriceUSD[2] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceUSD"]);
                        xlsSheet[rParking + 1 + j, 12].Value = LastSumPriceUSD[2];
                        xlsSheet[rParking + 1 + j, 13].Value = LastSumPriceVND[2];

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(rParking + 1 + j, rParking + 1 + j, 1, 11);

                        for (int row = rParking + sumRow - 2; row <= rParking + sumRow + dt.Rows.Count; row++)
                            for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                xlsSheet[row, col].Style = xlstStyle;

                        for (int col = 1; col <= 11; col++)
                            xlsSheet[rParking + 1 + j, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                        sumRow += dt.Rows.Count - 1;

                //Lam ngoai gio
                ds = new DataSet();
                sql = " SELECT ExtraHour, dbo.fnDateTime(WorkingDate) WorkingDate, PriceVND,PriceUSD,VatUSD,VatVND,SumVND,SumUSD,LastPriceVND,LastPriceUSD  ";
                sql += " FROM   PaymentExtraTime";
                sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and YearMonth = '" + drpYear.SelectedValue + drpMonth.SelectedValue + "'";

                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);
                    line = rExtra - 3 + j;
                    //Phi dien
                    XLCellRange mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 1, 3);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 4, 5);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 4, 5);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 2, line + 2, 4, 5);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 6, 7);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 6, 7);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 8, 9);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 8, 9);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 10, 11);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 10, 11);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 12, 13);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 12, 13);

                    if (ds != null)
                        int count = 0;
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

                        foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                            if (count >= 1)
                                xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rExtra + 1 + j);
                            int tmp = rExtra + j;

                            //string id = Func.ParseString(row["id"]);
                            string ExtraHour = Func.ParseString(row["ExtraHour"]);
                            string WorkingDate = Func.ParseString(row["WorkingDate"]);

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 1].Value = WorkingDate;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 4].Value = ExtraHour;

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 6].Value = row["PriceUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 7].Value = row["PriceVND"];

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 8].Value = row["SumUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 9].Value = row["SumVND"];

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 10].Value = row["VatUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 11].Value = row["VatVND"];

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 12].Value = row["LastPriceUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 13].Value = row["LastPriceVND"];

                            XLCellRange mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 1, 3);

                            mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 4, 5);

                            for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                xlsSheet[tmp, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                            LastSumPriceVND[3] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceVND"]);
                            LastSumPriceUSD[3] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceUSD"]);
                        mCell = new XLCellRange(rExtra + 1 + j, rExtra + 1 + j, 1, 11);

                        xlsSheet[rExtra + 1 + j, 12].Value = LastSumPriceUSD[3];
                        xlsSheet[rExtra + 1 + j, 13].Value = LastSumPriceVND[3];

                        for (int row = rExtra + sumRow - 2; row <= rExtra + sumRow + dt.Rows.Count; row++)
                            for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                xlsSheet[row, col].Style = xlstStyle;

                        for (int col = 1; col <= 12; col++)
                            xlsSheet[rExtra + 1 + j, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                        sumRow += dt.Rows.Count - 1;

                ds = new DataSet();
                //Xuất ra toàn bộ nội dung theo Trang
                sql = " SELECT dbo.fnDateTime(A.DateFrom) DateFrom, dbo.fnDateTime(A.DateTo) DateTo, A.Vat, B.id, B.UsedElecWaterId, B.FromIndex, B.ToIndex, B.OtherFee01, B.OtherFee02, B.Mount, B.PriceVND, B.PriceUSD, B.SumVND, B.SumUSD, ";
                sql += "        B.VatVND, B.VatUSD, B.LastPriceVND, B.LastPriceUSD, B.Name ";
                sql += " FROM   PaymentElecWater AS A INNER JOIN ";
                sql += "        PaymentElecWaterDetail AS B ON A.UsedElecWaterId = B.UsedElecWaterId";
                sql += " WHERE A.BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and A.CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and TarrifsOfWaterId = 0  and A.YearMonth = '" + drpYear.SelectedValue + drpMonth.SelectedValue + "'";
                sql += " Order by A.DateFrom, B.FromIndex";

                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    line = rElec - 3 + j;
                    //Phi dien
                    XLCellRange mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 1, 1);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 2, 2);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 3, 3);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 4, 4);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 5, 5);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 7, 7);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 8, 8);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 9, 10);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 9, 10);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 11, 11);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 12, 13);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 12, 13);

                    if (ds != null)
                        int count = 0;
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                            if (count >= 1)
                                xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rElec + 1 + j);

                            int tmp = rElec + j;

                            string DateFrom = Func.ParseString(row["DateFrom"]);
                            string DateTo = Func.ParseString(row["DateTo"]);

                            string FromIndex = Func.ParseString(row["FromIndex"]);
                            string ToIndex = Func.ParseString(row["ToIndex"]);
                            string OtherFee01 = Func.ParseString(row["OtherFee01"]);
                            string OtherFee02 = Func.ParseString(row["OtherFee02"]);
                            string Mount = Func.ParseString(row["Mount"]);

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 1].Value = DateFrom;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 2].Value = DateTo;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 3].Value = FromIndex;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 4].Value = ToIndex;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 5].Value = OtherFee01;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 6].Value = Mount;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 7].Value = row["PriceVND"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 8].Value = row["VatVND"];

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 9].Value = row["SumVND"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 11].Value = row["OtherFee02"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 12].Value = row["LastPriceVND"];

                            mCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 9, 10);

                            mCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 12, 13);

                            for (int col = 1; col <= 12; col++)
                                xlsSheet[tmp, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                            LastSumPriceVND[4] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceVND"]);
                            LastSumPriceUSD[4] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceUSD"]);
                        xlsSheet[rElec + 1 + j, 12].Value = LastSumPriceVND[4];
                        mCell = new XLCellRange(rElec + 1 + j, rElec + 1 + j, 1, 11);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(rElec + 1 + j, rElec + 1 + j, 12, 13);

                        for (int row = rElec + sumRow - 2; row <= rElec + sumRow + dt.Rows.Count; row++)
                            for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                xlsSheet[row, col].Style = xlstStyle;

                        for (int col = 1; col <= 11; col++)
                            xlsSheet[rElec + 1 + j, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                        sumRow += dt.Rows.Count - 1;

                ds = new DataSet();
                //Xuất ra toàn bộ nội dung theo Trang
                sql = " SELECT dbo.fnDateTime(A.DateFrom) DateFrom, dbo.fnDateTime(A.DateTo) DateTo, A.Vat, B.id, B.UsedElecWaterId, B.FromIndex, B.ToIndex, B.OtherFee01, B.OtherFee02, B.Mount, B.PriceVND, B.PriceUSD, B.SumVND, B.SumUSD, ";
                sql += "        B.VatVND, B.VatUSD, B.LastPriceVND, B.LastPriceUSD, B.Name ";
                sql += " FROM   PaymentElecWater AS A INNER JOIN ";
                sql += "        PaymentElecWaterDetail AS B ON A.UsedElecWaterId = B.UsedElecWaterId";
                sql += " WHERE A.BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and A.CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and TarrifsOfElecId = 0 and A.YearMonth = '" + drpYear.SelectedValue + drpMonth.SelectedValue + "'";
                sql += " Order by A.DateFrom, B.FromIndex";

                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);
                    line = rWater - 3 + j;
                    //Phi dien
                    XLCellRange mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 1, 1);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 2, 2);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 3, 3);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 4, 4);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 6, 6);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 7, 7);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 8, 8);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 9, 10);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 9, 10);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 11, 11);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 12, 13);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 12, 13);

                    if (ds != null)
                        int count = 0;
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                            if (count >= 1)
                                xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rWater + 1 + j);

                            int tmp = rWater + j;

                            string DateFrom = Func.ParseString(row["DateFrom"]);
                            string DateTo = Func.ParseString(row["DateTo"]);

                            string FromIndex = Func.ParseString(row["FromIndex"]);
                            string ToIndex = Func.ParseString(row["ToIndex"]);
                            string OtherFee01 = Func.ParseString(row["OtherFee01"]);
                            string OtherFee02 = Func.ParseString(row["OtherFee02"]);
                            string Mount = Func.ParseString(row["Mount"]);

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 1].Value = DateFrom;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 2].Value = DateTo;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 3].Value = FromIndex;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 4].Value = ToIndex;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 5].Value = Mount;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 6].Value = row["PriceVND"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 7].Value = row["OtherFee01"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 8].Value = row["VatVND"];

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 9].Value = row["SumVND"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 11].Value = row["OtherFee02"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 12].Value = row["LastPriceVND"];

                            for (int col = 1; col <= 12; col++)
                                xlsSheet[tmp, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                            LastSumPriceVND[5] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceVND"]);
                            LastSumPriceUSD[5] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceUSD"]);

                            mCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 9, 10);

                            mCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 12, 13);
                        xlsSheet[rWater + 1 + j, 12].Value = LastSumPriceVND[5];
                        mCell = new XLCellRange(rWater + 1 + j, rWater + 1 + j, 1, 11);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(rWater + 1 + j, rWater + 1 + j, 12, 13);

                        for (int row = rWater + sumRow - 2; row <= rWater + sumRow + dt.Rows.Count; row++)
                            for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                xlsSheet[row, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                        for (int col = 1; col <= 11; col++)
                            xlsSheet[rWater + 1 + j, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                        sumRow += dt.Rows.Count - 1;

                ds = new DataSet();

                sql = string.Empty;
                sql = " SELECT Service,dbo.fnDateTime(ServiceDateFrom) ServiceDateFrom,dbo.fnDateTime(ServiceDateTo) ServiceDateTo,PriceVND,PriceUSD,VatUSD,VatVND,Mount,SumVND,SumUSD,LastPriceVND,LastPriceUSD ";
                sql += " FROM   PaymentService";
                sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and YearMonth = '" + drpYear.SelectedValue + drpMonth.SelectedValue + "'";
                sql += " Order By ServiceDate ";

                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);
                    line = rService - 3 + j;
                    //Phi khác
                    XLCellRange mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 1, 2);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 3, 3);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 4, 4);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 5, 5);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 6, 7);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 6, 7);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 8, 9);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 8, 9);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 10, 11);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 10, 11);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 12, 13);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 12, 13);

                    if (ds != null)
                        int count = 0;
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

                        foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                            if (count >= 1)
                                xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rService + j);

                            int tmp = rService + j;

                            string Service = Func.ParseString(row["Service"]);
                            string ServiceDateFrom = Func.ParseString(row["ServiceDateFrom"]);
                            string ServiceDateTo = Func.ParseString(row["ServiceDateTo"]);

                            string Mount = Func.ParseString(row["Mount"]);

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 1].Value = Service;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 3].Value = ServiceDateFrom;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 4].Value = ServiceDateTo;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 5].Value = Mount;

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 6].Value = row["PriceUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 7].Value = row["PriceVND"];

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 8].Value = row["SumUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 9].Value = row["SumVND"];

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 10].Value = row["VatUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 11].Value = row["VatVND"];

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 12].Value = row["LastPriceUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 13].Value = row["LastPriceVND"];

                            for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                xlsSheet[tmp, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                            LastSumPriceVND[6] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceVND"]);
                            LastSumPriceUSD[6] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceUSD"]);
                        xlsSheet[rService + 1 + j, 12].Value = LastSumPriceUSD[6];
                        xlsSheet[rService + 1 + j, 13].Value = LastSumPriceVND[6];

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(rService + 1 + j, rService + 1 + j, 1, 11);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(rService + 1 + j, rService + 1 + j, 12, 13);

                        for (int row = rService + sumRow - 2; row <= rService + sumRow + dt.Rows.Count; row++)
                            for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                xlsSheet[row, col].Style = xlstStyle;

                        for (int col = 1; col <= 11; col++)
                            xlsSheet[rService + 1 + j, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                        sumRow += dt.Rows.Count - 1;


                sql = "Select  *";
                sql += " From    PaymentBillDetail";
                sql += " Where   BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and YearMonth = '" + drpYear.SelectedValue + drpMonth.SelectedValue + "'";
                DataTable dtPaid = DbHelper.GetDataTable(sql);
                for (int i = 0; i < dtPaid.Rows.Count; i++)
                    string PaymentType = Func.ParseString(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaymentType"]);
                    string MoneyUSD = Func.ParseString(dtPaid.Rows[i]["MoneyUSD"]);
                    string MoneyVND = Func.ParseString(dtPaid.Rows[i]["MoneyVND"]);
                    string PaidUSD = Func.ParseString(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"]);
                    string PaidVND = Func.ParseString(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]);
                    string ExchangeType = Func.ParseString(dtPaid.Rows[i]["ExchangeType"]);
                    string UsdExchange = Func.ParseString(dtPaid.Rows[i]["UsdExchange"]);
                    string YearMonth = Func.ParseString(dtPaid.Rows[i]["YearMonth"]);

                    decimal tmpUSD = Convert.ToDecimal(MoneyUSD) - Convert.ToDecimal(PaidUSD);
                    decimal tmpVND = Convert.ToDecimal(MoneyVND) - Convert.ToDecimal(PaidVND);

                    PaidPriceUSD += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"]);
                    PaidPriceVND += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]);

                    xlsSheet[rPaid + j, 1].Value = YearMonth.Substring(4, 2) + "/" + YearMonth.Substring(0, 4);
                    switch (PaymentType)
                        case "1":
                            xlsSheet[rPaid + 1 + j, 2].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[rPaid + 1 + j, 3].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"];
                        case "2":
                            xlsSheet[rPaid + 1 + j, 4].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[rPaid + 1 + j, 5].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"];
                        case "3":
                            xlsSheet[rPaid + 1 + j, 6].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[rPaid + 1 + j, 7].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"];
                        case "4":
                            xlsSheet[rPaid + 1 + j, 8].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[rPaid + 1 + j, 9].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"];
                        case "5":
                            xlsSheet[rPaid + 1 + j, 10].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"];
                        case "6":
                            xlsSheet[rPaid + 1 + j, 11].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"];
                        case "7":
                            xlsSheet[rPaid + 1 + j, 12].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[rPaid + 1 + j, 13].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"];
                int lineTmp = rPaid - 2 + j;
                //Phi khác
                XLCellRange mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp + 1, 1, 1);

                mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 2, 3);

                mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 4, 5);

                mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 6, 7);

                mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 8, 9);

                mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 12, 13);
                for (int row = lineTmp; row <= rPaid + 1 + j; row++)
                    for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                        xlsSheet[row, col].Style = xlstStyle;

                xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 1].Style = xlstStyleSum;

                lineTmp = rDept - 2 + j;
                mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp + 1, 1, 1);

                mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 2, 3);

                mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 4, 5);

                mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 6, 7);

                mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 8, 9);

                mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 12, 13);

                for (int row = lineTmp; row <= rDept + 1 + j; row++)
                    for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                        xlsSheet[row, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 1].Style = xlstStyleSum;

                decimal AllSumVND = 0;
                decimal AllSumUSD = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                    AllSumVND += LastSumPriceVND[i];
                    AllSumUSD += LastSumPriceUSD[i];

                AllSumVND -= PaidPriceVND;
                AllSumUSD -= PaidPriceUSD;
                AllSumVND += Convert.ToDecimal(AllSumUSD * Convert.ToDecimal(txtUsdExchange.Text));

                string strMoney = Func.docso(Convert.ToInt32(AllSumVND));

                xlsSheet[rContract, cContract].Value = xlsSheet[rContract, cContract].Value.ToString().Replace("{%HOP_DONG%}", contract.Substring(1));
                xlsSheet[rSum + j, cSum].Value = Convert.ToInt32(AllSumVND);
                xlsSheet[rSumRead + j, cSumRead].Value = xlsSheet[rSumRead + j, cSumRead].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TONG_CHU%}", strMoney.ToUpper());

                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "", "PopUp('" + strFilePathExport + "'," + PopupWidth + "," + PopupHeight + ",'EditReport', true);", true);
        private void cmdExportToExcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                int trangthai = -1;
                if (radTatca.Checked)
                    trangthai = -1;
                if (radDathuchien.Checked)
                    trangthai = 1;
                if (radChuathuchien.Checked)
                    trangthai = 0;
                DataTable dtDanhsach =
                    SPs.BaocaoThongkedanhsachThuchienchucnang(dtFromDate.Value, dtToDate.Value,
                                                              Utility.Int16Dbnull(cboDoituongKCB.SelectedValue, -1),
                                                              Utility.sDbnull(cboKhoa.SelectedValue, "KKB"), Args,
                                                              Utility.Int32Dbnull(txtdichvu.MyID, -1), trangthai).GetDataSet().Tables[0];
                if (dtDanhsach.Rows.Count > 0)
                    Utility.SetDataSourceForDataGridEx(grdResult, dtDanhsach, false, true, "1=1", "");
                    string    reportcode    = "";
                    string    duongdan      = "";
                    string    codintion     = "";
                    DataTable dt            = new DataTable();
                    int       idxRow        = 0;
                    int       idxColSh      = 0;
                    var       book          = new C1XLBook();
                    XLSheet   sheet         = book.Sheets[0];
                    string    getTime       = "";
                    string    pathDirectory = "";
                    switch (Args.Substring(0, 2))
                    case "SA":
                        reportcode = "baocao_thongkedanhsach_sieuam";
                        duongdan   = Utility.GetPathExcel(reportcode);
                        book       = new C1XLBook();
                        book.DefaultFont = new Font("Time New Roman", 11, FontStyle.Regular);
                        sheet            = book.Sheets[0];
                        dt        = dtDanhsach;
                        idxRow    = 7;
                        idxColSh  = 0;
                        codintion = string.Format("Từ ngày {0} đến ngày {1}. Đối tượng: {2}",
                                                  dtFromDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), dtToDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"),
                        sheet[3, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(codintion),
                        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(i + 1), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 1].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benhnhan"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 2].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["nam_sinh"]), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 3].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["gioi_tinh"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 4].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["dia_chi"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 5].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["IsBHYT"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 6].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benh"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 7].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_khoaphong"]), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 8].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_chitietdichvu"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 9].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ket_qua"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 10].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["nguoi_thuchien"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 11].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ghi_chu"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            idxRow = idxRow + 1;
                        getTime       = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss"));
                        pathDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory +
                        if (!Directory.Exists(pathDirectory))

                        book.Save(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" +
                                  reportcode +
                                  getTime + ".xls");
                            new ProcessStartInfo(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory +
                                                 "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" +
                                                 reportcode + getTime + ".xls"));

                    case "XQ":
                        reportcode = "baocao_thongkedanhsach_xquang";
                        duongdan   = Utility.GetPathExcel(reportcode);
                        book       = new C1XLBook();
                        book.DefaultFont = new Font("Time New Roman", 11, FontStyle.Regular);
                        sheet            = book.Sheets[0];
                        dt        = dtDanhsach;
                        idxRow    = 7;
                        idxColSh  = 0;
                        codintion = string.Format("Từ ngày {0} đến ngày {1}. Đối tượng: {2}",
                                                  dtFromDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), dtToDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"),
                        sheet[3, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(codintion),
                        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(i + 1), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 1].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benhnhan"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 2].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["nam_sinh"]), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 3].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["gioi_tinh"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 4].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["dia_chi"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 5].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["IsBHYT"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 6].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benh"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 7].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_khoaphong"]), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 8].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_chitietdichvu"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 9].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ket_qua"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 10].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["nguoi_thuchien"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 11].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ghi_chu"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            idxRow = idxRow + 1;
                        getTime       = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss"));
                        pathDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory +
                        if (!Directory.Exists(pathDirectory))

                        book.Save(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" +
                                  reportcode +
                                  getTime + ".xls");
                            new ProcessStartInfo(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory +
                                                 "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" +
                                                 reportcode + getTime + ".xls"));

                    case "DT":


                    case "NS":
                        reportcode = "baocao_thongkedanhsach_noisoi";
                        duongdan   = Utility.GetPathExcel(reportcode);
                        book.DefaultFont = new Font("Time New Roman", 11, FontStyle.Regular);
                        dt        = dtDanhsach;
                        idxRow    = 7;
                        idxColSh  = 0;
                        codintion = string.Format("Từ ngày {0} đến ngày {1}. Đối tượng: {2}",
                                                  dtFromDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), dtToDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"),
                        sheet[3, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(codintion),
                        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(i + 1), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 1].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benhnhan"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 2].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["nam_sinh"]), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 3].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["gioi_tinh"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 4].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["dia_chi"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 5].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["IsBHYT"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 6].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benh"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 7].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_khoaphong"]), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 8].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_chitietdichvu"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 9].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ket_qua"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 10].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["nguoi_thuchien"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 11].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ghi_chu"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            idxRow = idxRow + 1;
                        getTime       = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss"));
                        pathDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory +
                        if (!Directory.Exists(pathDirectory))
                        book.Save(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" +
                                  reportcode +
                                  getTime + ".xls");
                            new ProcessStartInfo(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory +
                                                 "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" +
                                                 reportcode + getTime + ".xls"));

                    case "PT":
                        reportcode = "baocao_thongkedanhsach_pttt";
                        duongdan   = Utility.GetPathExcel(reportcode);
                        book       = new C1XLBook();
                        book.DefaultFont = new Font("Time New Roman", 11, FontStyle.Regular);
                        sheet            = book.Sheets[0];
                        dt        = dtDanhsach;
                        idxRow    = 7;
                        idxColSh  = 0;
                        codintion = string.Format("Từ ngày {0} đến ngày {1}. Đối tượng: {2}",
                                                  dtFromDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), dtToDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"),
                        sheet[3, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(codintion),
                        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(i + 1), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 1].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benhnhan"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 2].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["nam_sinh"]), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 3].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["gioi_tinh"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 4].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["dia_chi"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 5].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["IsBHYT"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 6].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benh"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 7].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benh"]), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 8].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_chitietdichvu"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 9].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["phuongphap_vocam"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 10].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ngay_thuchien"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 11].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["loai_phauthuat"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 12].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["nguoi_thuchien"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 13].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["bacsy_gayme"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 14].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ghi_chu"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            idxRow = idxRow + 1;
                        getTime       = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss"));
                        pathDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory +
                        if (!Directory.Exists(pathDirectory))

                        book.Save(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" +
                                  reportcode +
                                  getTime + ".xls");
                            new ProcessStartInfo(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory +
                                                 "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" +
                                                 reportcode + getTime + ".xls"));

                    case "TT":
                        reportcode = "baocao_thongkedanhsach_tt";
                        duongdan   = Utility.GetPathExcel(reportcode);
                        book       = new C1XLBook();
                        book.DefaultFont = new Font("Time New Roman", 11, FontStyle.Regular);
                        sheet            = book.Sheets[0];
                        dt        = dtDanhsach;
                        idxRow    = 7;
                        idxColSh  = 0;
                        codintion = string.Format("Từ ngày {0} đến ngày {1}. Đối tượng: {2}",
                                                  dtFromDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), dtToDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"),
                        sheet[3, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(codintion),
                        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(i + 1), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 1].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benhnhan"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 2].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["nam_sinh"]), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 3].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["gioi_tinh"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 4].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["dia_chi"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 5].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["IsBHYT"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 6].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benh"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 7].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benh"]), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 8].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_chitietdichvu"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 9].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["phuongphap_vocam"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 10].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ngay_thuchien"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 11].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["loai_phauthuat"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 12].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["nguoi_thuchien"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 13].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["bacsy_gayme"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 14].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ghi_chu"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            idxRow = idxRow + 1;
                        getTime       = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss"));
                        pathDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory +
                        if (!Directory.Exists(pathDirectory))

                        book.Save(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" +
                                  reportcode +
                                  getTime + ".xls");
                            new ProcessStartInfo(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory +
                                                 "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" +
                                                 reportcode + getTime + ".xls"));

                        reportcode = "baocao_thongkedanhsach_tt";
                        duongdan   = Utility.GetPathExcel(reportcode);
                        book       = new C1XLBook();
                        book.DefaultFont = new Font("Time New Roman", 11, FontStyle.Regular);
                        sheet            = book.Sheets[0];
                        dt        = dtDanhsach;
                        idxRow    = 7;
                        idxColSh  = 0;
                        codintion = string.Format("Từ ngày {0} đến ngày {1}. Đối tượng: {2}",
                                                  dtFromDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), dtToDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"),
                        sheet[3, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(codintion),
                        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(i + 1), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 1].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benhnhan"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 2].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["nam_sinh"]), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 3].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["gioi_tinh"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 4].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["dia_chi"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 5].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["IsBHYT"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 6].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benh"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 7].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benh"]), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 8].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_chitietdichvu"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 9].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["phuongphap_vocam"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 10].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ngay_thuchien"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 11].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["loai_phauthuat"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 12].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["nguoi_thuchien"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 13].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["bacsy_gayme"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 14].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ghi_chu"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            idxRow = idxRow + 1;
                        getTime       = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss"));
                        pathDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory +
                        if (!Directory.Exists(pathDirectory))

                        book.Save(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" +
                                  reportcode +
                                  getTime + ".xls");
                            new ProcessStartInfo(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory +
                                                 "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" +
                                                 reportcode + getTime + ".xls"));
                    Utility.ShowMsg("Không có dữ liệu để báo cáo!");
                //  ExcelUtlity.ExportGridEx(grdResult);
            catch (Exception exception)
                Utility.ShowMsg("Lỗi:" + exception.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 39
        protected void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string building = Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]);

            DbHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("Delete from BD_PaymentReportMonth Where BuildingId = '" + building + "' and substring(yearmonth,1,4) = '" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + "'");

            DataTable dtTable = new DataTable();
            dtTable.Columns.Add("YearMonth", Type.GetType("System.String"));
            dtTable.Columns.Add("BuildingId", Type.GetType("System.String"));
            dtTable.Columns.Add("PaymentType", Type.GetType("System.String"));
            dtTable.Columns.Add("PaymentId", Type.GetType("System.String"));
            dtTable.Columns.Add("colNo", Type.GetType("System.String"));
            dtTable.Columns.Add("ItemLevel", Type.GetType("System.String"));
            dtTable.Columns.Add("ParentId", Type.GetType("System.String"));

            string buildingId = Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]);
            string sqlTmp = "Select Name,id,ParentId,ItemLevel from BD_PaymentType Where delflag = '0' and BuildingId = '" + buildingId + "' ";
            sqlTmp += "Union ";
            sqlTmp += "Select Name,id,ParentId,ItemLevel from Mst_PaymentType";

            DataTable dt = DbHelper.GetDataTable("Select * from (" + sqlTmp + ") A order by id");
            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                if (dr["ParentId"].ToString() == "")
                    int j = 1;
                    ListItem item = new ListItem();
                    item.Text = dr["Name"].ToString();
                    item.Value = dr["Id"].ToString();

                    for (int k = 0; k < 13; k++)
                        string month = Func.ParseString(k).PadLeft(2, '0');
                        string yearmonthTmp = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + month;
                        dtTable.Rows.Add(yearmonthTmp, building, item.Text, item.Value, k, dr["ItemLevel"].ToString(), dr["ParentId"].ToString());

                    GetChildItems(dr["Id"].ToString(), dt, dtTable, j);
            using (SqlBulkCopy copy = new SqlBulkCopy(Gnt.Configuration.ApplicationConfiguration.ConnectionString))
                copy.DestinationTableName = "BD_PaymentReportMonth";
                copy.BatchSize = 3000;
                copy.BulkCopyTimeout = 99999;
                copy.ColumnMappings.Add(0, "YearMonth");
                copy.ColumnMappings.Add(1, "BuildingId");
                copy.ColumnMappings.Add(2, "PaymentType");
                copy.ColumnMappings.Add(3, "PaymentId");
                copy.ColumnMappings.Add(4, "colNo");
                copy.ColumnMappings.Add(5, "ItemLevel");
                copy.ColumnMappings.Add(6, "ParentId");

            using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(Gnt.Configuration.ApplicationConfiguration.ConnectionString))
                using (SqlCommand cm = new SqlCommand("sp_PaymentMonthReport", con))
                        cm.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                        cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@BuildingId", building);
                        cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Year", drpYear.SelectedValue);

                        cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Created", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"));
                        cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CreatedBy", Page.User.Identity.Name);
                        cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Modified", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"));
                        cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ModifiedBy", Page.User.Identity.Name);

                        cm.CommandTimeout = 9999;

                        int ret = cm.ExecuteNonQuery();
                    catch (Exception ex)
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            string sql = string.Empty;

            sql = " SELECT id,YearMonth,BuildingId,PaymentType,isnull(InVND,0) InVND,isnull(InUSD,0) InUSD,isnull(OutVND,0) OutVND,isnull(OutUSD,0) OutUSD,Created,CreatedBy,Modified,ModifiedBy,PaymentId,colNo,bold,ItemLevel,ParentId";
            sql += " FROM BD_PaymentReportMonth ";
            sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + building + "' ";
            sql += " order by yearmonth, id";

            using (SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase())
                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);
                    if (ds != null)
                        C1XLBook xlbBook = new C1XLBook();

                        string fileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Template\BaoCaoThuChiThang.xlsx");
                        if (!Directory.Exists(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\BaoCaoThuChiThang"))
                            Directory.CreateDirectory(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\BaoCaoThuChiThang"));

                        string strDT = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
                        string strFilePath = @"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\BaoCaoThuChiThang\BaoCaoThuChiThang" + strDT + ".xlsx";
                        string strFilePathExport = "Building/" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "/BaoCaoThuChiThang/BaoCaoThuChiThang" + strDT + ".xlsx";

                        string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(strFilePath);

                        File.Copy(fileName, fileNameDes);


                        string sheet = "BaoCao";

                        XLSheet xlsSheet = xlbBook.Sheets[sheet];

                        xlsSheet[0, 2].Value = xlsSheet[0, 2].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TOA_NHA%}", DbHelper.GetScalar("Select Name From Mst_Building Where BuildingId = '" + building + "'"));
                        xlsSheet[0, 2].Value = xlsSheet[0, 2].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NAM_THANG%}", "NĂM " + drpYear.SelectedValue);

                        int k = 5;
                        int colData = 6;
                        string bsId = "";
                        string[] alpha = "A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. W. X. Y. Z.".Split(' ');
                        string[] alphaLevel2 = "I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XII. XIV.".Split(' ');
                        string[] alphaLevel3 = "1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.".Split(' ');
                        string[] alphaLevel4 = "a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. u. v. w.".Split(' ');
                        int level1 = -1;
                        int level2 = -1;
                        int level3 = -1;
                        int level4 = -1;
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                        xlsSheet.Columns[4].Width = 300;
                        xlsSheet.Columns[5].Width = 300;

                        int lastrow = 0;
                        decimal inSumVND = 0;
                        decimal outSumVND = 0;

                        DataTable dtReport = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dtReport.Rows)
                            string PaymentType = rowType["PaymentType"].ToString();
                            //string InVND = rowType["InVND"].ToString();
                            //string InUSD = rowType["InUSD"].ToString();
                            //string OutVND = rowType["OutVND"].ToString();
                            //string OutUSD = rowType["OutUSD"].ToString();
                            string PaymentId = rowType["PaymentId"].ToString();
                            int colNo = Func.ParseInt(rowType["colNo"].ToString());
                            string id = rowType["yearmonth"].ToString();
                            string ParentId = rowType["ParentId"].ToString();
                            string itemLevel = rowType["ItemLevel"].ToString();
                            //string PaymentId = rowType["PaymentId"].ToString();
                            //xlsSheet[2, j].Value = id;
                            //xlsSheet[3, j].Value = Budget;
                            //j += 2;
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                            xlstStyleRight.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
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                            xlsSheet[k, 4].Style = xlstStyleMiddle;
                            xlsSheet[k, 5].Style = xlstStyleMiddle;
                            xlsSheet[k, 6].Style = xlstStyleRight;

                            if (itemLevel.Equals("0"))
                                xlstStyleAll.BackColor = Color.Orange;
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                                xlstStyleMiddle.BackColor = Color.Orange;
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                                xlstStyleLeft.BackColor = Color.White;
                                xlstStyleRight.BackColor = Color.White;
                                xlstStyleMiddle.BackColor = Color.White;

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                                xlstStyleAll.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Bold);
                                xlstStyleLeft.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Bold);
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                                xlstStyleMiddle.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Bold);
                            xlsSheet[k, colData].Style = xlstStyleAll;

                            if (!bsId.Equals(id))
                                if (k > 5)
                                    lastrow = k;
                                    xlsSheet[k, 2].Value = alpha[level1 + 1];
                                    xlsSheet[k, 3].Value = "CÂN ĐỐI THU - CHI (Phần Lãi)";
                                    xlsSheet[k, colData].Value = Func.ParseDouble(inSumVND - outSumVND);

                                k = 5;
                                bsId = id;
                                level1 = -1;
                            int col = Func.ParseInt(itemLevel) + 3;

                            if (itemLevel.Equals("0"))
                                xlsSheet[k, col - 1].Value = alpha[level1];

                                level2 = -1;
                            else if (itemLevel.Equals("1"))
                                xlsSheet[k, col - 1].Value = alphaLevel2[level2];

                                level3 = -1;
                            else if (itemLevel.Equals("2"))
                                xlsSheet[k, col - 1].Value = alphaLevel3[level3];

                                level4 = -1;
                            else if (itemLevel.Equals("3"))
                                xlsSheet[k, col - 1].Value = alphaLevel4[level4];
                            xlsSheet[k, col].Value = PaymentType;
                            xlsSheet[k, colData].Value = rowType["InVND"];
                            xlsSheet[k, 0].Value = PaymentId;

                            if (PaymentId.Equals("9"))
                                inSumVND = Convert.ToDecimal(rowType["InVND"]);
                            else if (PaymentId.Equals("10"))
                                outSumVND = Convert.ToDecimal(rowType["InVND"]);

                            xlsSheet[k, colData].Style = xlstStyleAll;

                            if (k == lastrow)
                                XLStyle xlstStyleLast = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                                xlstStyleLast.WordWrap = false;
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                                xlstStyleLast.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                                xlstStyleLast.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Bold);
                                xlstStyleLast.BackColor = Color.Orange;
                                xlstStyleLast.Format = "#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)";

                                xlsSheet[k, colData].Value = inSumVND - outSumVND;
                                xlsSheet[k, colData].Style = xlstStyleLast;
                        ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "", "PopUp('" + strFilePathExport + "'," + PopupWidth + "," + PopupHeight + ",'EditReport', true);", true);
        private void cboXuatTrenLuoi_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                _dtData =
                    SPs.BaoCaoChiDinhHangNgay(dtFromDate.Value, dtToDate.Value,
                                              Utility.Int16Dbnull(cboDoituongKCB.SelectedValue, -1),
                                              Utility.Int16Dbnull(cboTinhTrang.SelectedValue, -1)).GetDataSet().
                if (_dtData.Rows.Count > 0)
                    Utility.SetDataSourceForDataGridEx(grdList, _dtData, true, true, "1=1", "");
                    const string reportcode = "BAOCAO_HANGNGAY";
                    string       duongdan   = Utility.GetPathExcel(reportcode);
                    var          book       = new C1XLBook();
                    book.DefaultFont = new Font("Time New Roman", 11, FontStyle.Regular);
                    XLSheet   sheet     = book.Sheets[0];
                    DataTable dt        = _dtData;
                    int       idxRow    = 5;
                    int       idxColSh  = 0;
                    string    condition =
                        string.Format("Từ ngày {0} đến {1} - Đối tượng : {2} - Trạng thái :{3} ",
                                      dtFromDate.Text, dtToDate.Text,
                                      cboDoituongKCB.SelectedIndex >= 0
                              ? Utility.sDbnull(cboDoituongKCB.Text)
                              : "Tất cả",
                                      cboTinhTrang.SelectedIndex > 0
                              ? Utility.sDbnull(cboTinhTrang.Text)
                              : "Tất cả");

                    sheet[3, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(condition), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book));
                    int idx = 0;
                    foreach (GridEXRow grdExRow in grdList.GetDataRows())
                        if (idx == 0)
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["DoiTuong"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft_Bold(book));
                            idxRow = idxRow + 1;
                            if (dt.Rows[idx]["DoiTuong"].ToString() != dt.Rows[idx - 1]["DoiTuong"].ToString())
                                sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["DoiTuong"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft_Bold(book));
                                idxRow = idxRow + 1;
                            //if (dt.Rows[i]["DoiTuong"].ToString() == dt.Rows[i - 1]["DoiTuong"].ToString() && dt.Rows[i]["Ten_nhombaocao_dichvu"].ToString() != dt.Rows[i - 1]["Ten_nhombaocao_dichvu"].ToString())
                            //    sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(string.Format("{0}.{1}", sttloaidichvu, Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["Ten_nhombaocao_dichvu"])), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft_Bold(book));
                            //    sttloaidichvu = sttloaidichvu + 1;
                            //    idxRow = idxRow + 1;
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(idx + 1), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 1].SetValue(Convert.ToInt64(grdExRow.Cells["id_benhnhan"].Value), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 2].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["ma_luotkham"].Value), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 3].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["ten_benhnhan"].Value), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 4].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["nam_sinh"].Value), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 5].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["gioitinh"].Value), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 6].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["mathe_bhyt"].Value), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 7].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["gt_the_tu"].Value), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 8].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["gt_the_den"].Value), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 9].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["dia_chi"].Value), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 10].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["mabenh_chinh"].Value), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 11].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["mabenh_phu"].Value), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 12].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["ma_kcbbd"].Value), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 13].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["ngay_vao"].Value), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 14].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["ngay_ra"].Value), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 15].SetValue(Convert.ToDecimal(grdExRow.Cells["tong_tien"].Value), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 16].SetValue(Convert.ToDecimal(grdExRow.Cells["t_bhyt_chitra"].Value), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 17].SetValue(Convert.ToDecimal(grdExRow.Cells["t_bnhan_chitra"].Value), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 18].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["loai_kcb"].Value), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 19].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["loai_dichvu"].Value), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 20].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["ma_dichvu"].Value), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 21].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["ten_dichvu"].Value), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 22].SetValue(Convert.ToDecimal(grdExRow.Cells["so_luong"].Value), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 23].SetValue(Convert.ToDecimal(grdExRow.Cells["don_gia"].Value), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 24].SetValue(Convert.ToDecimal(grdExRow.Cells["thanh_tien"].Value), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 25].SetValue(Convert.ToDecimal(grdExRow.Cells["bhyt_chitra"].Value), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 26].SetValue(Convert.ToDecimal(grdExRow.Cells["bnhan_chitra"].Value), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 27].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["ngay_thanhtoan"].Value), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 28].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["ten_dung_tuyen"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 29].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["DoiTuong"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        idxRow = idxRow + 1;
                    // vị trí dòng dữ liệu của table tiếp theo, vị trí cột bắt đầu t? 0
                    string getTime       = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss"));
                    string pathDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\";
                    if (!Directory.Exists(pathDirectory))

                    book.Save(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" + reportcode +
                              getTime + ".xls");
                        new ProcessStartInfo(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory +
                                             "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" +
                                             reportcode + getTime + ".xls"));
                    Utility.ShowMsg("Không có dữ liệu để báo cáo!");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Utility.ShowMsg("Lỗi: " + ex.Message);
        protected void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            string sql = string.Empty;

            sql = " SELECT *";
            sql += " FROM Report_BuildingInfo where id = 43";

            using (SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase())
                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);
                    if (ds != null)
                        C1XLBook xlbBook = new C1XLBook();
                        XLStyle xlstStyle = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                        xlstStyle.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center;
                        xlstStyle.WordWrap = true;
                        xlstStyle.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
                        xlstStyle.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyle.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyle.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyle.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;

                        string fileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Template\LamNgoaiGio.xlsx");
                        if (!Directory.Exists(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"])))
                            Directory.CreateDirectory(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"])));

                        string strDT = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
                        string strFilePath = @"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\LamNgoaiGio" + strDT + ".xlsx";
                        string strFilePathExport = "Report/Building/" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "/LamNgoaiGio" + strDT + ".xlsx";

                        string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(strFilePath);

                        //string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\TongHopDienTich" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".xlsx");
                        File.Copy(fileName, fileNameDes);


                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
                            int stt = 0;
                            string id = rowType["id"].ToString();
                            string sheet = "Report";
                            int NumOfCol = Func.ParseInt(rowType["NoOfColumn"].ToString());
                            string SqlSelect = rowType["SqlSelect"].ToString();
                            SqlSelect = SqlSelect.Replace("{%NAM_THANG%}", drpYear.SelectedValue + drpMonth.SelectedValue);

                            SqlSelect = SqlSelect.Replace("{%TOA_NHA%}", Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]));
                            int CellY = Func.ParseInt(rowType["CellBeginY"].ToString());
                            int CellX = Func.ParseInt(rowType["CellBeginX"].ToString());

                            using (SqlCommand cmSheet = db.CreateCommand(SqlSelect))
                                DataSet dsSheet = new DataSet();
                                SqlDataAdapter daSheet = new SqlDataAdapter(cmSheet);
                                if (dsSheet != null)
                                    XLSheet xlsSheet = xlbBook.Sheets[sheet];

                                    DataTable dtSheet = dsSheet.Tables[0];
                                    foreach (DataRow rowSheet in dtSheet.Rows)
                                        xlsSheet[CellY + stt, CellX].Style = xlstStyle;
                                        xlsSheet[CellY + stt, CellX].Value = ++stt;

                                        for (int k = 0; k < NumOfCol; k++)
                                            //string tmp = rowSheet[k].ToString();
                                            //switch (rowSheet[k].GetType().Name)
                                            //    case "Decimal":
                                            //        xlsSheet[CellY + stt - 1, CellX + k + 1].Value = Func.ParseDouble(tmp);
                                            //        break;

                                            //    case "Double":
                                            //        xlsSheet[CellY + stt - 1, CellX + k + 1].Value = Func.ParseDouble(tmp);

                                            //        break;
                                            //    case "Int32":
                                            //        xlsSheet[CellY + stt - 1, CellX + k + 1].Value = Func.ParseInt(tmp);

                                            //        break;
                                            //    case "Single":
                                            //        xlsSheet[CellY + stt - 1, CellX + k + 1].Value = Func.ParseInt(tmp);
                                            //        break;
                                            //    default:
                                            //        xlsSheet[CellY + stt - 1, CellX + k + 1].Value = tmp;
                                            //        break;
                                            //xlsSheet[CellY + stt - 1, CellX + k + 1].Value = tmp;
                                            xlsSheet[CellY + stt - 1, CellX + k + 1].Value = rowSheet[k];

                                            xlsSheet[CellY + stt - 1, CellX + k + 1].Style = xlstStyle;
                            //xlsSheet.Name = drpMonth.SelectedValue + "_" + drpYear.SelectedValue;

                            //int i = 4;
                            //XLCellRange mrCell = new XLCellRange(0, 0, 0, 2);

                            //XLStyle xlstStyle = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                            //xlstStyle.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center;
                            //xlstStyle.WordWrap = true;
                            //xlstStyle.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
                            //xlstStyle.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            //xlstStyle.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            //xlstStyle.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            //xlstStyle.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;

                            //XLStyle xlstStyle01 = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                            //xlstStyle01.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center;
                            //xlstStyle01.Font = new Font("", 10, FontStyle.Bold);

                            //xlsSheet[1, 0].Value = xlsSheet[1, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TOA_NHA%}", DbHelper.GetScalar("Select Name From Mst_Building Where BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "'"));
                            //xlsSheet[0, 0].Value = xlsSheet[0, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%THANG%}", drpMonth.SelectedValue + "/" + drpYear.SelectedValue);

                            //xlsSheet[i, 0].Value = ++stt;
                            //xlsSheet[i, 1].Value = col03;
                            //xlsSheet[i, 2].Value = col04;
                            //xlsSheet[i, 3].Value = col05;
                            //xlsSheet[i, 4].Value = col06;
                            //xlsSheet[i, 5].Value = col07;
                            //xlsSheet[i, 6].Value = col08;
                            //xlsSheet[i, 7].Value = col09;

                            //xlsSheet[i, 0].Style = xlstStyle;
                            //xlsSheet[i, 1].Style = xlstStyle;
                            //xlsSheet[i, 2].Style = xlstStyle;
                            //xlsSheet[i, 3].Style = xlstStyle;
                            //xlsSheet[i, 4].Style = xlstStyle;
                            //xlsSheet[i, 5].Style = xlstStyle;
                            //xlsSheet[i, 6].Style = xlstStyle;
                            //xlsSheet[i, 7].Style = xlstStyle;

                        ////ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "", "PopUp('/CSV/DownloadZipFile.aspx'," + PopupWidth + "," + PopupHeight + ",'EditFlat', true);", true);

                        ////xlsSheet[i++, 0].Value = "Ghi chú:";
                        //DataSet ds1 = new DataSet();
                        //sql = string.Empty;

                        //sql = " SELECT *";
                        //sql += " FROM BD_WorkingHour";
                        //sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and DelFlag <> 1";
                        //sql += " Order By Name";

                        //using (SqlCommand cm1 = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                        //    SqlDataAdapter da1 = new SqlDataAdapter(cm1);
                        //    da1.Fill(ds1);
                        //    db.Close();

                        //    if (ds != null)
                        //    {

                        //        xlsSheet[i++ + 1, 0].Value = "Ghi chú:";
                        //        DataTable dt1 = ds1.Tables[0];
                        //        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt1.Rows)
                        //        {
                        //            i++;
                        //            string Ma = rowType["WorkingHourId"].ToString();
                        //            string Name = rowType["Name"].ToString();
                        //            xlsSheet[i, 0].Value = Ma + ":";
                        //            xlsSheet[i, 1].Value = Name;
                        //        }
                        //        xlsSheet[i + 1, 0].Value = "OF:";
                        //        xlsSheet[i + 1, 1].Value = "OF: nghỉ";
                        //    }
                        //string dataPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"\Building\Staff\DataTmp");
                        //string tmpFolder = dataPath;
                        //if (!Directory.Exists(tmpFolder))
                        //    Directory.CreateDirectory(tmpFolder);
                        //string name = "KhaiBaoLichLamViec_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss") + ".xlsx";
                        //string fileName = Path.Combine(tmpFolder, name);
                        //                        string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"\Report\Template\THSLXT_tpl_1.xlsxx");
                        ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "", "PopUp('../" + strFilePathExport + "'," + PopupWidth + "," + PopupHeight + ",'EditReport', true);", true);

Ejemplo n.º 42
        protected void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            string sql = string.Empty;

            sql = " SELECT *";
            sql += " FROM v_MonthParkingCount";
            sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' ";
            sql += " Order By CompanyName";

            using (SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase())
                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    if (ds != null)
                        C1XLBook xlbBook = new C1XLBook();
                        string fileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"\Report\Template\THSLXT_tpl.xlsx");

                        XLSheet xlsSheet = xlbBook.Sheets["DANH SÁCH BẢO VỆ"];
                        //xlsSheet.Name = drpMonth.SelectedValue + "_" + drpYear.SelectedValue;

                        int i = 0;
                        XLCellRange mrCell = new XLCellRange(0, 0, 0, 2);

                        XLStyle xlstStyle = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                        xlstStyle.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center;
                        xlstStyle.Font = new Font("", 12, FontStyle.Bold);

                        xlsSheet[i, 0].Value = "Tháng " + drpMonth.SelectedValue + "/" + drpYear.SelectedValue;
                        xlsSheet[i, 0].Style = xlstStyle;

                        xlsSheet[i + 1, 0].Value = "STT";
                        xlsSheet[i + 1, 1].Value = "Mã Nhân Viên";
                        xlsSheet[i + 1, 2].Value = "Họ và Tên";

                        XLStyle xlstStyle01 = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                        xlstStyle01.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center;
                        xlstStyle01.Font = new Font("", 10, FontStyle.Bold);

                        for (int j = 1; j <= 31; j++)
                            //xlsSheet[i, 2 + j].Value = j;
                            //DateTime date = new DateTime(Func.ParseInt(drpYear.SelectedValue), Func.ParseInt(drpMonth.SelectedValue), j);
                            //xlsSheet[i + 1, 2 + j].Value = dictionary[date.DayOfWeek.ToString().ToLower()];

                            //xlsSheet[i, 2 + j].Style = xlstStyle01;
                            //xlsSheet[i + 1, 2 + j].Style = xlstStyle01;
                            //if (j == DateTime.DaysInMonth(Func.ParseInt(drpYear.SelectedValue), Func.ParseInt(drpMonth.SelectedValue)))
                            //    break;

                        //DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        //foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
                        //    int No = i;
                        //    i++;
                        //    string StaffId = rowType["StaffId"].ToString();
                        //    string Name = rowType["Name"].ToString();

                        //    xlsSheet[i, 0].Value = No;
                        //    xlsSheet[i, 1].Value = StaffId;
                        //    xlsSheet[i, 2].Value = Name;

                        //    xlsSheet[i, 0].Style = xlstStyle01;
                        //    xlsSheet[i, 1].Style = xlstStyle01;
                        //    xlsSheet[i, 2].Style = xlstStyle01;


                        ////ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "", "PopUp('/CSV/DownloadZipFile.aspx'," + PopupWidth + "," + PopupHeight + ",'EditFlat', true);", true);

                        ////xlsSheet[i++, 0].Value = "Ghi chú:";
                        //DataSet ds1 = new DataSet();
                        //sql = string.Empty;

                        //sql = " SELECT *";
                        //sql += " FROM BD_WorkingHour";
                        //sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and DelFlag <> 1";
                        //sql += " Order By Name";

                        //using (SqlCommand cm1 = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                        //    SqlDataAdapter da1 = new SqlDataAdapter(cm1);
                        //    da1.Fill(ds1);
                        //    db.Close();

                        //    if (ds != null)
                        //    {

                        //        xlsSheet[i++ + 1, 0].Value = "Ghi chú:";
                        //        DataTable dt1 = ds1.Tables[0];
                        //        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt1.Rows)
                        //        {
                        //            i++;
                        //            string Ma = rowType["WorkingHourId"].ToString();
                        //            string Name = rowType["Name"].ToString();
                        //            xlsSheet[i, 0].Value = Ma + ":";
                        //            xlsSheet[i, 1].Value = Name;
                        //        }
                        //        xlsSheet[i + 1, 0].Value = "OF:";
                        //        xlsSheet[i + 1, 1].Value = "OF: nghỉ";
                        //    }
                        //string dataPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"\Building\Staff\DataTmp");
                        //string tmpFolder = dataPath;
                        //if (!Directory.Exists(tmpFolder))
                        //    Directory.CreateDirectory(tmpFolder);
                        //string name = "KhaiBaoLichLamViec_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss") + ".xls";
                        //string fileName = Path.Combine(tmpFolder, name);
                        string fileName1 = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"\Report\Template\THSLXT_tpl_1.xlsx");

                        //Session["ZipFilePath"] = null;
                        //Session["ZipFilePath"] = fileName;

                        //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "", "PopUp('../Staff/DataTmp/" + name + "'," + PopupWidth + "," + PopupHeight + ",'EditReport', true);", true);

Ejemplo n.º 43
        protected void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string yearmonth = drpYear.SelectedValue;
            string building = Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]);

            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            string sql = string.Empty;

            sql = " SELECT *";
            sql += " FROM BD_BudgetSchedule ";
            sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + building + "' ";
            sql += " and YearMonth = '" + yearmonth + "' ";
            sql += drpBudgetExport.SelectedValue.Equals("") ? "" : " and id ='" + drpBudgetExport.SelectedValue + "'";
            sql += " and DelFlag = 0 Order by id";

            using (SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase())
                C1XLBook xlbBook = new C1XLBook();

                string fileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Template\NganSach.xlsx");
                if (!Directory.Exists(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"])))
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"])));

                string strDT = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
                string strFilePath = @"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\NganSach" + strDT + ".xlsx";
                string strFilePathExport = @"../../Report/Building/" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"/NganSach" + strDT + ".xlsx";

                string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(strFilePath);

                //string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\TongHopDienTich" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".xlsx");
                File.Copy(fileName, fileNameDes);


                string sheet = "NganSach";

                XLSheet xlsSheet = xlbBook.Sheets[sheet];

                string IDs = "";
                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);
                    if (ds != null)
                        xlsSheet[0, 2].Value = xlsSheet[0, 2].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TOA_NHA%}", DbHelper.GetScalar("Select Name From Mst_Building Where BuildingId = '" + building + "'"));
                        xlsSheet[0, 2].Value = xlsSheet[0, 2].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NAM_THANG%}", "NĂM " + yearmonth);

                        int j = 7;
                        DataTable dtReport = ds.Tables[0];

                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dtReport.Rows)
                            string Budget = rowType["Budget"].ToString();
                            string id = rowType["id"].ToString();

                            IDs += ",'" + id + "'";
                            xlsSheet[2, j].Value = id;
                            xlsSheet[3, j].Value = Budget;
                        for (int i = j; i < j * 12; i++)
                            XLColumn col = new XLColumn();
                            col = xlsSheet.Columns[j];

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(IDs))
                    mvMessage.AddError("Hiện tại chưa có Kỳ ngân sách nào được tạo");

                string buildingId = Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]);
                string sessionId = Session.SessionID;
                DbHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("Delete From BD_BudgetScheduleDetailReport where SessionId = '" + sessionId + "'");

                string[] idList = IDs.Substring(1).Split(',');
                for (int m = 0; m < idList.Length; m++)
                    string sqlTmp = "Select * from BD_BudgetScheduleDetail where BuggetScheduleId in (" + idList[m] + ") and delFlag = 0 Order by Id";
                    DataTable dtTable = new DataTable();
                    dtTable.Columns.Add("SessionId", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dtTable.Columns.Add("BuggetScheduleId", Type.GetType("System.Int32"));
                    dtTable.Columns.Add("PaymentType", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    dtTable.Columns.Add("PaymentId", Type.GetType("System.Int32"));
                    dtTable.Columns.Add("ParentId", Type.GetType("System.Int32"));
                    dtTable.Columns.Add("InVND", Type.GetType("System.Double"));
                    dtTable.Columns.Add("InUSD", Type.GetType("System.Decimal"));
                    dtTable.Columns.Add("OutVND", Type.GetType("System.Double"));
                    dtTable.Columns.Add("OutUSD", Type.GetType("System.Decimal"));
                    dtTable.Columns.Add("ItemLevel", Type.GetType("System.String"));

                    DataTable dt = DbHelper.GetDataTable(sqlTmp);
                    foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                        if (dr["ParentId"].ToString() == "0")
                            int j = 1;
                            int BuggetScheduleId = Func.ParseInt(dr["BuggetScheduleId"]);
                            string PaymentType = dr["PaymentType"].ToString();
                            int PaymentId = Func.ParseInt(dr["PaymentId"]);
                            int ParentId = Func.ParseInt(dr["ParentId"]);
                            double InVND = Func.ParseDouble(dr["InVND"]);
                            decimal InUSD = Func.ParseInt(dr["InUSD"]);
                            double OutVND = Func.ParseDouble(dr["OutVND"]);
                            decimal OutUSD = Func.ParseInt(dr["OutUSD"]);
                            string itemLevel = Func.ParseString(dr["itemLevel"]);

                            dtTable.Rows.Add(sessionId, BuggetScheduleId, PaymentType, PaymentId, ParentId, InVND, InUSD, OutVND, OutUSD, itemLevel);

                            GetChildItems(Func.ParseString(PaymentId), dt, dtTable, j);
                    using (SqlBulkCopy copy = new SqlBulkCopy(Gnt.Configuration.ApplicationConfiguration.ConnectionString))
                        copy.DestinationTableName = "BD_BudgetScheduleDetailReport";
                        copy.BatchSize = 3000;
                        copy.BulkCopyTimeout = 99999;

                        copy.ColumnMappings.Add(0, "SessionId");
                        copy.ColumnMappings.Add(1, "BuggetScheduleId");
                        copy.ColumnMappings.Add(2, "PaymentType");
                        copy.ColumnMappings.Add(3, "PaymentId");
                        copy.ColumnMappings.Add(4, "ParentId");
                        copy.ColumnMappings.Add(5, "InVND");
                        copy.ColumnMappings.Add(6, "InUSD");
                        copy.ColumnMappings.Add(7, "OutVND");
                        copy.ColumnMappings.Add(8, "OutUSD");
                        copy.ColumnMappings.Add(9, "ItemLevel");

                ds = new DataSet();
                sql = "Select * from BD_BudgetScheduleDetailReport where SessionId = '" + sessionId + "' Order by BuggetScheduleId,Id";
                int k = 5;
                int colData = 6;
                string bsId = "";
                string[] alpha = "A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. W. X. Y. Z.".Split(' ');
                string[] alphaLevel2 = "I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XII. XIV.".Split(' ');
                string[] alphaLevel3 = "1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.".Split(' ');
                string[] alphaLevel4 = "a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. u. v. w.".Split(' ');
                int level1 = -1;
                int level2 = -1;
                int level3 = -1;
                int level4 = -1;
                xlsSheet.Columns[1].Width = 300;
                xlsSheet.Columns[2].Width = 300;
                xlsSheet.Columns[3].Width = 300;
                xlsSheet.Columns[4].Width = 300;
                xlsSheet.Columns[5].Width = 300;
                int lastrow = 0;
                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);
                    if (ds != null)
                        double inSumVND = 0;
                        double outSumVND = 0;
                        DataTable dtReport = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dtReport.Rows)
                            XLStyle xlstStyleAll = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                            //xlstStyleAll.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Left;
                            xlstStyleAll.WordWrap = false;
                            xlstStyleAll.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
                            xlstStyleAll.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            xlstStyleAll.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            xlstStyleAll.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            xlstStyleAll.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;

                            XLStyle xlstStyleLeft = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                            //xlstStyleLeft.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Left;
                            xlstStyleLeft.WordWrap = false;
                            xlstStyleLeft.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
                            xlstStyleLeft.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            xlstStyleLeft.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            xlstStyleLeft.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;

                            XLStyle xlstStyleRight = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                            //xlstStyleRight.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Left;
                            xlstStyleRight.WordWrap = false;
                            xlstStyleRight.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
                            xlstStyleRight.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            xlstStyleRight.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            xlstStyleRight.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;

                            XLStyle xlstStyleMiddle = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                            //xlstStyleMiddle.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Left;
                            xlstStyleMiddle.WordWrap = false;
                            xlstStyleMiddle.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
                            xlstStyleMiddle.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            xlstStyleMiddle.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;

                            xlsSheet[k, 2].Style = xlstStyleLeft;
                            xlsSheet[k, 3].Style = xlstStyleMiddle;
                            xlsSheet[k, 4].Style = xlstStyleMiddle;
                            xlsSheet[k, 5].Style = xlstStyleMiddle;
                            xlsSheet[k, 6].Style = xlstStyleRight;

                            string PaymentType = rowType["PaymentType"].ToString();
                            string InVND = rowType["InVND"].ToString();
                            string InUSD = rowType["InUSD"].ToString();
                            string OutVND = rowType["OutVND"].ToString();
                            string OutUSD = rowType["OutUSD"].ToString();
                            string PaymentId = rowType["PaymentId"].ToString();
                            int colNo = Func.ParseInt(rowType["colNo"].ToString());
                            string id = rowType["BuggetScheduleId"].ToString();
                            string ParentId = rowType["ParentId"].ToString();
                            string itemLevel = rowType["ItemLevel"].ToString();

                            if (itemLevel.Equals("0"))
                                xlstStyleAll.BackColor = Color.Orange;
                                xlstStyleLeft.BackColor = Color.Orange;
                                xlstStyleRight.BackColor = Color.Orange;
                                xlstStyleMiddle.BackColor = Color.Orange;
                                xlstStyleAll.BackColor = Color.White;
                                xlstStyleLeft.BackColor = Color.White;
                                xlstStyleRight.BackColor = Color.White;
                                xlstStyleMiddle.BackColor = Color.White;

                            if (itemLevel.Equals("0") || itemLevel.Equals("1") || itemLevel.Equals("2"))
                                xlstStyleAll.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Bold);
                                xlstStyleLeft.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Bold);
                                xlstStyleRight.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Bold);
                                xlstStyleMiddle.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Bold);
                            xlsSheet[k, colData].Style = xlstStyleAll;

                            //j += 2;
                            if (!bsId.Equals(id))
                                if (k > 5)
                                    lastrow = k;
                                    xlsSheet[k, 2].Value = alpha[level1+1];
                                    xlsSheet[k, 3].Value = "CÂN ĐỐI THU - CHI (Phần Lãi)";
                                    //xlsSheet[k, colData + 1].Value = Func.ParseDouble(InUSD);
                                    xlsSheet[k, colData].Value = Func.ParseDouble(inSumVND - outSumVND);
                                k = 5;
                                bsId = id;
                                level1 = -1;
                            int col = Func.ParseInt(itemLevel) + 3;

                            if (itemLevel.Equals("0"))
                                xlsSheet[k, col - 1].Value = alpha[level1];

                                level2 = -1;
                            else if (itemLevel.Equals("1"))
                                xlsSheet[k, col - 1].Value = alphaLevel2[level2];

                                level3 = -1;
                            else if (itemLevel.Equals("2"))
                                xlsSheet[k, col - 1].Value = alphaLevel3[level3];

                                level4 = -1;
                            else if (itemLevel.Equals("3"))
                                xlsSheet[k, col - 1].Value = alphaLevel4[level4];
                            xlsSheet[k, col].Value = PaymentType;
                            //xlsSheet[k, colData + 1].Value = Func.ParseDouble(InUSD);
                            xlsSheet[k, colData].Value = Func.ParseDouble(InVND);
                            ////xlsSheet[k, colData + 3].Value = Func.ParseDouble(OutUSD);
                            ////xlsSheet[k, colData + 4].Value = Func.ParseDouble(OutVND);
                            xlsSheet[k, 0].Value = PaymentId;

                            if (PaymentId.Equals("9"))
                                inSumVND = Func.ParseDouble(InVND);
                            else if (PaymentId.Equals("10"))
                                outSumVND = Func.ParseDouble(InVND);

                            //XLStyle xlstStyleAll = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                            //xlstStyleAll.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Left;
                            //xlstStyleAll.WordWrap = false;
                            //xlstStyleAll.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
                            //xlstStyleAll.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            //xlstStyleAll.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            //xlstStyleAll.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            //xlstStyleAll.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;

                            //XLStyle xlstStyleLeft = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                            //xlstStyleLeft.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Left;
                            //xlstStyleLeft.WordWrap = false;
                            //xlstStyleLeft.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
                            //xlstStyleLeft.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            //xlstStyleLeft.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            //xlstStyleLeft.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;

                            //XLStyle xlstStyleRight = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                            //xlstStyleRight.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Left;
                            //xlstStyleRight.WordWrap = false;
                            //xlstStyleRight.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
                            //xlstStyleRight.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            //xlstStyleRight.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            //xlstStyleRight.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;

                            //XLStyle xlstStyleMiddle = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                            //xlstStyleMiddle.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Left;
                            //xlstStyleMiddle.WordWrap = false;
                            //xlstStyleMiddle.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
                            //xlstStyleMiddle.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                            //xlstStyleMiddle.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;

                            //xlsSheet[k, 2].Style = xlstStyleLeft;
                            //xlsSheet[k, 3].Style = xlstStyleMiddle;
                            //xlsSheet[k, 4].Style = xlstStyleMiddle;
                            //xlsSheet[k, 5].Style = xlstStyleMiddle;
                            //xlsSheet[k, 6].Style = xlstStyleRight;

                            //if (itemLevel.Equals("0"))
                            //    xlstStyleAll.BackColor = Color.Orange;
                            //    xlstStyleLeft.BackColor = Color.Orange;
                            //    xlstStyleRight.BackColor = Color.Orange;
                            //    xlstStyleMiddle.BackColor = Color.Orange;
                            //    xlstStyleAll.BackColor = Color.White;
                            //    xlstStyleLeft.BackColor = Color.White;
                            //    xlstStyleRight.BackColor = Color.White;
                            //    xlstStyleMiddle.BackColor = Color.White;

                            //if (itemLevel.Equals("0") || itemLevel.Equals("1") || itemLevel.Equals("2"))
                            //    xlstStyleAll.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Bold);
                            //    xlstStyleLeft.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Bold);
                            //    xlstStyleRight.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Bold);
                            //    xlstStyleMiddle.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Bold);
                            xlsSheet[k, colData].Style = xlstStyleAll;

                            if (k == lastrow)
                                XLStyle xlstStyleLast = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                                xlstStyleLast.WordWrap = false;
                                xlstStyleLast.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
                                xlstStyleLast.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                                xlstStyleLast.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                                xlstStyleLast.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                                xlstStyleLast.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                                xlstStyleLast.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Bold);
                                xlstStyleLast.BackColor = Color.Orange;

                                xlsSheet[k, colData].Value = Func.ParseDouble(inSumVND - outSumVND);
                                xlsSheet[k, colData].Style = xlstStyleLast;


                //ds = new DataSet();
                //sql = string.Empty;

                //sql = " SELECT *";
                //sql += " FROM BD_PaymentReportMonth ";
                //sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + building + "' ";
                //sql += " and YearMonth = '" + yearmonth + "' order by id";

                //using (db = new SqlDatabase())
                //    using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                //    {
                //        SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);
                //        da.Fill(ds);
                //        if (ds != null)
                //        {
                //            xlbBook = new C1XLBook();

                //            fileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Template\BaoCaoThuChiThang.xlsx");
                //            if (!Directory.Exists(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"])))
                //            {
                //                Directory.CreateDirectory(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"])));
                //            }

                //            strDT = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
                //            strFilePath = @"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\BaoCaoThuChiThang" + strDT + ".xlsx";
                //            strFilePathExport = "Report/Building/" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "/BaoCaoThuChiThang" + strDT + ".xlsx";

                //            fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(strFilePath);

                //            //string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\TongHopDienTich" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".xlsx");
                //            File.Copy(fileName, fileNameDes);

                //            xlbBook.Load(fileNameDes);

                //            sheet = "BaoCao";

                //            xlsSheet = xlbBook.Sheets[sheet];
                //            int i = 5;

                //            xlsSheet[0, 0].Value = xlsSheet[0, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TOA_NHA%}", DbHelper.GetScalar("Select Name From Mst_Building Where BuildingId = '" + building + "'"));
                //            xlsSheet[0, 0].Value = xlsSheet[0, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NAM_THANG%}", "THÁNG" + yearmonth.Substring(4, 2) + "/" + yearmonth.Substring(0, 4));

                //            DataTable dtReport = ds.Tables[0];
                //            foreach (DataRow rowType in dtReport.Rows)
                //            {
                //                int colNo = Func.ParseInt(rowType["colNo"]);
                //                string PaymentType = rowType["PaymentType"].ToString();
                //                string InVND = rowType["InVND"].ToString();
                //                string InUSD = rowType["InUSD"].ToString();
                //                string OutVND = rowType["OutVND"].ToString();
                //                string OutUSD = rowType["OutUSD"].ToString();
                //                bool bold = rowType["bold"].ToString().Equals("1") ? true : false;

                //                XLCellRange mrCell = new XLCellRange(i, i, 0, 3);
                //                xlsSheet.MergedCells.Add(mrCell);

                //                xlsSheet[i, 0].Value = "." + " ".PadLeft(colNo * 3, ' ') + PaymentType;
                //                xlsSheet[i, 4].Value = Func.ParseDouble(InUSD);
                //                xlsSheet[i, 5].Value = Func.ParseDouble(InVND);
                //                xlsSheet[i, 6].Value = Func.ParseDouble(OutUSD);
                //                xlsSheet[i, 7].Value = Func.ParseDouble(OutVND);

                //                XLStyle xlstStyle = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                //                xlstStyle.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Left;
                //                xlstStyle.WordWrap = false;
                //                xlstStyle.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
                //                xlstStyle.SetBorderColor(Color.Black);
                //                xlstStyle.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                //                xlstStyle.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                //                xlstStyle.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                //                xlstStyle.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;

                //                xlsSheet[i, 0].Style = xlstStyle;
                //                xlsSheet[i, 1].Style = xlstStyle;
                //                xlsSheet[i, 2].Style = xlstStyle;
                //                xlsSheet[i, 3].Style = xlstStyle;

                //                xlstStyle = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                //                xlstStyle.WordWrap = false;
                //                xlstStyle.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
                //                xlstStyle.SetBorderColor(Color.Black);
                //                xlstStyle.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                //                xlstStyle.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                //                xlstStyle.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                //                xlstStyle.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                //                xlstStyle.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center;
                //                xlsSheet[i, 4].Style = xlstStyle;
                //                xlsSheet[i, 5].Style = xlstStyle;
                //                xlsSheet[i, 6].Style = xlstStyle;
                //                xlsSheet[i, 7].Style = xlstStyle;

                //                i++;
                //            }

                //            xlbBook.Save(fileNameDes);
                //            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "", "PopUp('../" + strFilePathExport + "'," + PopupWidth + "," + PopupHeight + ",'EditReport', true);", true);
                //        }
                //    }

                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "", "PopUp('" + strFilePathExport + "'," + PopupWidth + "," + PopupHeight + ",'EditReport', true);", true);

Ejemplo n.º 44
        /// <summary>
        /// hàm thực iheenj viecj
        /// export to excel
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void cmdExportToExcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                    _dtData =
                        SPs.ThuocSotonghopthuocHangngay(dtFromDate.Value, dtToDate.Value, Utility.Int16Dbnull(cboStock.SelectedValue, -1),
                                                        Utility.Int16Dbnull(cboDoiTuong.SelectedValue, -1), Utility.Int16Dbnull(cbotinhtrang.SelectedValue, -1), "").GetDataSet().
                    if (_dtData.Rows.Count > 0)
                        Utility.SetDataSourceForDataGridEx(grdList, _dtData, true, true, "1=1", "");
                        const string reportcode = "thuoc_sotonghop_hangngay";
                        string       duongdan   = Utility.GetPathExcel(reportcode);
                        var          book       = new C1XLBook();
                        book.DefaultFont = new Font("Time New Roman", 11, FontStyle.Regular);
                        XLSheet   sheet     = book.Sheets[0];
                        DataTable dt        = _dtData;
                        int       idxRow    = 6;
                        int       idxColSh  = 0;
                        string    condition =
                            string.Format("Từ ngày {0} đến {1} - Đối tượng : {2} - Tình trạng :{3}",
                                          dtFromDate.Text, dtToDate.Text,
                                          cboDoiTuong.SelectedIndex >= 0
                                  ? Utility.sDbnull(cboDoiTuong.Text)
                                  : "Tất cả",
                                          cbotinhtrang.SelectedIndex > 0
                                  ? Utility.sDbnull(cbotinhtrang.Text)
                                  : "Tất cả");
                        const int idxRowT   = 5;
                        const int idxColShT = 0;
                        //sheet[5, 0].SetValue("STT", HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book));
                        //sheet[5, 1].SetValue("HỌ TÊN NGƯỜI BỆNH", HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book));
                        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Columns.Count; i++)
                            if (Utility.sDbnull(dt.Columns[i].ColumnName) == "ten_benhnhan")
                                sheet[idxRowT, idxColShT + i].SetValue(Utility.sDbnull("HỌ TÊN NGƯỜI BỆNH"), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter_Bold(book));
                            sheet[idxRowT, idxColShT + i].SetValue(Utility.sDbnull(dt.Columns[i].ColumnName), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter_Bold(book));
                            if (i >= 2)
                                sheet[idxRowT, idxColShT + i].SetValue(Utility.sDbnull(dt.Columns[i].ColumnName), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter_Rotate(book));
                        //sheet[3, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(condition), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book));
                        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(i + 1), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book));
                            sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 1].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benhnhan"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                            for (int j = 2; j < dt.Columns.Count; j++)
                                sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + j].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i][dt.Columns[j].ColumnName]), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book));
                            idxRow = idxRow + 1;
                        // vị trí dòng dữ liệu của table tiếp theo, vị trí cột bắt đầu t? 0
                        string getTime       = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss"));
                        string pathDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\";
                        if (!Directory.Exists(pathDirectory))

                        book.Save(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" + reportcode +
                                  getTime + ".xls");
                            new ProcessStartInfo(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory +
                                                 "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" +
                                                 reportcode + getTime + ".xls"));
                        Utility.ShowMsg("Không có dữ liệu để báo cáo!");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Utility.ShowMsg("Lỗi: " + ex.Message);

                //Janus.Windows.GridEX.GridEXRow[] gridExRows = grdList.GetCheckedRows();
                //if (grdList.RowCount <= 0)
                //    Utility.ShowMsg("Không có dữ liệu", "Thông báo");
                //    grdList.Focus();
                //    return;
                //saveFileDialog1.Filter = "Excel File(*.xls)|*.xls";
                //saveFileDialog1.FileName = string.Format("{0}.xls", baocaO_TIEUDE1.TIEUDE);
                //if (saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                //    string sPath = saveFileDialog1.FileName;
                //    FileStream fs = new FileStream(sPath, FileMode.Create);
                //    fs.CanWrite.CompareTo(true);
                //    fs.CanRead.CompareTo(true);
                //    gridEXExporter1.Export(fs);
                //    fs.Dispose();
            catch (Exception exception)
Ejemplo n.º 45
        public void RPT2(C1XLBook book, C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.C1FlexGrid vs, string title, string filename)
            //string ID="RPT1";
            book = new C1XLBook();

            XLSheet sheet = book.Sheets[0];

            sheet.Name = "Sheet1";

            XLStyle Title   = FormatExcel.Get_Style(book, 16, true, XLAlignVertEnum.Center, XLAlignHorzEnum.Center, true, false, "");
            XLStyle Caption = FormatExcel.Get_Style(book, 10, true, XLAlignVertEnum.Center, XLAlignHorzEnum.Center, true, true, "");
            XLStyle StringN = FormatExcel.Get_Style(book, 10, false, XLAlignVertEnum.Undefined, XLAlignHorzEnum.Undefined, false, false, "");
            XLStyle String  = FormatExcel.Get_Style(book, 10, false, XLAlignVertEnum.Undefined, XLAlignHorzEnum.Undefined, false, true, "");
            XLStyle Number  = FormatExcel.Get_Style(book, 10, false, XLAlignVertEnum.Undefined, XLAlignHorzEnum.Undefined, false, true, "#,##0.00");

            sheet.Columns[0].Width = 500;

            int       r = 0, cols = 0;
            ArrayList a = new ArrayList();

            for (int i = 0; i < vs.Cols.Count; i++)
                if (vs.Cols[i].Visible == true)
            sheet.MergedCells.Add(r, 0, 1, cols);
            sheet.Rows[r].Height = 800;
            FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, 0],
                                 T_String.GetDataFromSQL("COM_N1", "FILA01A"), Title);
            sheet.MergedCells.Add(r, 0, 1, cols);
            sheet.Rows[r].Height = 800;
            FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, 0], title, Title);
            FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, cols - 6], PublicFunction.L_Get_RPT("RptTa", 1) + ":" + PublicFunction.A_UserID, StringN);
            FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, cols - 6], PublicFunction.L_Get_RPT("RptTa", 2) + ":" + T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"), StringN);

            for (int j = 0; j < vs.Rows.Count; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < a.Count; i++)
                    if (j == 0)
                        FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, i], vs.Rows[j][(int)a[i]] + "", Caption);
                        if (vs.Cols[(int)a[i]].DataType == typeof(DateTime))
                                FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, i], DateTime.Parse(vs.Rows[j][(int)a[i]] + "").ToString(vs.Cols[(int)a[i]].Format), String);
                                sheet.Columns[i].Width = 1500;
                            catch { FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, i], "", String); }
                            if (vs.Cols[(int)a[i]].DataType == typeof(Boolean))
                                if (vs.GetDataDisplay(j, (int)a[i]) + "" != "True")
                                    FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, i], "False", String);
                                    FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, i], "True", String);
                                if (vs.Cols[(int)a[i]].DataType == typeof(String))
                                    FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, i], vs.GetDataDisplay(j, (int)a[i]) + "", String);
//									FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r,i],"",String);
//									sheet[r,i].Value= T_String.IsNullTo00(vs.GetDataDisplay(j,(int)a[i]));
                                    FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, i], vs.GetDataDisplay(j, (int)a[i]) + "", String);
                                //FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r,i], vs.GetDataDisplay(j,(int)a[i])+"",Number);
            sheet.Columns[1].Width = 1200;
            sheet.Columns[2].Width = 1000;
            sheet.Columns[3].Width = 3000;
                string fileName = Application.StartupPath + @"\\Reports\\" + filename + ".xls";
                MessageBox.Show("You must close " + filename + ".xls file first!!!!!");
Ejemplo n.º 46
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string[] dateOfWeekVN = { "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T6", "T7", "CN" };
            string[] dateOfWeekEN = { "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Sartuday", "Sunday" };

            Dictionary<string, string> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            dictionary.Add("monday", "T2");
            dictionary.Add("tuesday", "T3");
            dictionary.Add("wednesday", "T4");
            dictionary.Add("thursday", "T5");
            dictionary.Add("friday", "T6");
            dictionary.Add("saturday", "T7");
            dictionary.Add("sunday", "CN");

            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            string sql = string.Empty;

            sql = " SELECT *";
            sql += " FROM BD_Staff";
            sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and DelFlag <> 1 and jobtypeid = '"+ hidJobType.Value +"'";
            sql += " Order By Name";

            using (SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase())
                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    if (ds != null)
                        mvMessage.SetCompleteMessage("File CSV đã xuất thành công.");

                        C1XLBook xlbBook = new C1XLBook();
                        XLSheet xlsSheet = xlbBook.Sheets[0];
                        xlsSheet.Name = drpMonth.SelectedValue + "_" + drpYear.SelectedValue;

                        int i = 0;
                        XLCellRange mrCell = new XLCellRange(0, 0, 0, 2);

                        XLStyle xlstStyle = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                        xlstStyle.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center;
                        xlstStyle.Font = new Font("", 12, FontStyle.Bold);

                        xlsSheet[i, 0].Value = "Tháng " + drpMonth.SelectedValue + "/" + drpYear.SelectedValue;
                        xlsSheet[i, 0].Style = xlstStyle;

                        xlsSheet[i + 1, 0].Value = "STT";
                        xlsSheet[i + 1, 1].Value = "Mã Nhân Viên";
                        xlsSheet[i + 1, 2].Value = "Họ và Tên";

                        XLStyle xlstStyle01 = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                        xlstStyle01.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center;
                        xlstStyle01.Font = new Font("", 10, FontStyle.Bold);

                        for (int j = 1; j <= 31; j++)
                            xlsSheet[i, 2 + j].Value = j;
                            DateTime date = new DateTime(Func.ParseInt(drpYear.SelectedValue), Func.ParseInt(drpMonth.SelectedValue), j);
                            xlsSheet[i + 1, 2 + j].Value = dictionary[date.DayOfWeek.ToString().ToLower()];

                            xlsSheet[i, 2 + j].Style = xlstStyle01;
                            xlsSheet[i + 1, 2 + j].Style = xlstStyle01;
                            if (j == DateTime.DaysInMonth(Func.ParseInt(drpYear.SelectedValue), Func.ParseInt(drpMonth.SelectedValue)))

                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
                            int No = i;
                            string StaffId = rowType["StaffId"].ToString();
                            string Name = rowType["Name"].ToString();

                            xlsSheet[i, 0].Value = No;
                            xlsSheet[i, 1].Value = StaffId;
                            xlsSheet[i, 2].Value = Name;

                            xlsSheet[i, 0].Style = xlstStyle01;
                            xlsSheet[i, 1].Style = xlstStyle01;
                            xlsSheet[i, 2].Style = xlstStyle01;


                        //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "", "PopUp('/CSV/DownloadZipFile.aspx'," + PopupWidth + "," + PopupHeight + ",'EditFlat', true);", true);

                        //xlsSheet[i++, 0].Value = "Ghi chú:";
                        DataSet ds1 = new DataSet();
                        sql = string.Empty;

                        sql = " SELECT *";
                        sql += " FROM BD_WorkingHour";
                        sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and DelFlag <> 1 and jobtypeid = '"+ hidJobType.Value +"'";
                        sql += " Order By Name";

                        using (SqlCommand cm1 = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                            SqlDataAdapter da1 = new SqlDataAdapter(cm1);

                            if (ds != null)

                                xlsSheet[i++ + 1, 0].Value = "Ghi chú:";
                                DataTable dt1 = ds1.Tables[0];
                                foreach (DataRow rowType in dt1.Rows)
                                    string Ma = rowType["WorkingHourId"].ToString();
                                    string Name = rowType["Name"].ToString();
                                    xlsSheet[i, 0].Value = Ma + ":";
                                    xlsSheet[i, 1].Value = Name;
                                xlsSheet[i + 1, 0].Value = "OF:";
                                xlsSheet[i + 1, 1].Value = "OF: nghỉ";
                        string dataPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"\Building\Staff\DataTmp");
                        string tmpFolder = dataPath;
                        if (!Directory.Exists(tmpFolder))
                        string name ="KhaiBaoLichLamViec_"+ DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss") + ".xls";
                        string fileName = Path.Combine(tmpFolder, name);
                        //Session["ZipFilePath"] = null;
                        //Session["ZipFilePath"] = fileName;

                        ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "", "PopUp('../Staff/DataTmp/" + name + "'," + PopupWidth + "," + PopupHeight + ",'EditReport', true);", true);

Ejemplo n.º 47
        public void RPTta(C1XLBook book, string RPT_ID, string title, string wh)
            //string ID="RPT1";
            book = new C1XLBook();

            XLSheet sheet = book.Sheets[0];

            sheet.Name = "Sheet1";

            XLStyle Title   = FormatExcel.Get_Style(book, 16, true, XLAlignVertEnum.Center, XLAlignHorzEnum.Center, true, false, "");
            XLStyle Caption = FormatExcel.Get_Style(book, 10, true, XLAlignVertEnum.Center, XLAlignHorzEnum.Center, true, true, "");
            XLStyle StringN = FormatExcel.Get_Style(book, 10, false, XLAlignVertEnum.Undefined, XLAlignHorzEnum.Undefined, false, false, "");
            XLStyle String  = FormatExcel.Get_Style(book, 10, false, XLAlignVertEnum.Undefined, XLAlignHorzEnum.Undefined, false, true, "");
            XLStyle INT     = FormatExcel.Get_Style(book, 10, false, XLAlignVertEnum.Undefined, XLAlignHorzEnum.Undefined, false, true, "#,###");
            XLStyle GIO     = FormatExcel.Get_Style(book, 10, false, XLAlignVertEnum.Undefined, XLAlignHorzEnum.Undefined, false, true, "#,###");
            XLStyle DOU     = FormatExcel.Get_Style(book, 10, false, XLAlignVertEnum.Undefined, XLAlignHorzEnum.Undefined, false, true, "#,###.##");

            string sql = "";

            sql = "Select * from FILE07B where RPT_ID=N'" + RPT_ID + "' and SHO_BT=1 ORDER BY SEQ_NO";
            Func.RecordSet rscon = new Func.RecordSet(sql, PublicFunction.C_con);
            sql = GET_SQL(rscon, wh);
            Func.RecordSet rs = new RecordSet(sql, PublicFunction.C_con);
                if (rs.rows <= 0)
            catch { return; }
            int       r = 0, cols = 0;
            ArrayList a = new ArrayList();

            sheet.Columns[0].Width = 680;
            for (int i = 0; i < rs.cols; i++)

            // tieu de
            sheet.MergedCells.Add(r, 0, 1, cols);
            sheet.Rows[r].Height = 800;
            FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, 0],
                                 T_String.GetDataFromSQL("COM_N1", "FILA01A"), Title);
            sheet.MergedCells.Add(r, 0, 1, cols);
            sheet.Rows[r].Height = 800;
            FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, 0], title, Title);
            FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, cols - 2], PublicFunction.L_Get_RPT("RptTa", 1) + ":" + PublicFunction.A_UserID, StringN);
            FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, cols - 2], PublicFunction.L_Get_RPT("RptTa", 2) + ":" + T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"), StringN);
            FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, 0], "STT", Caption);
            for (int i = 0; i < rscon.rows; i++)
                FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, i + 1], rscon.record(i, "COL_NM"), Caption);
                sheet.Columns[i + 1].Width = T_String.IsNullTo0(rscon.record(i, "WID_VL")) * 17;



            for (int i = 0; i < rs.rows; i++)
                FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, 0], i + 1 + "", INT);
                for (int c = 0; c < rscon.rows; c++)
                    int c1 = c + 1;
                    switch (rscon.record(c, "TYP_ID") + "")
                    case "1":                            // DateTime
                            FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, c1], DateTime.Parse(rs.record(i, c) + "").ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), String);
                        catch { FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, c1], "", String); }

                    case "2":                            // boolean
                        if (rs.record(i, c) + "" != "True")
                            FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, c1], "False", String);
                            FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, c1], "True", String);

                    case "":
                        FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, c1], rs.record(i, c), String);

                    case "3":                             // 00:00
                        FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, c1], T_String.IsNullTo00(rs.record(i, c)).ToString("##:##"), String);
//							if(rscon.record(c,"SUM_BT")+""=="True")
//							{
//								a[c1]= T_String.CongTG(T_String.IsNullTo00(a[c1]+""),T_String.IsNullTo00(rs.record(i,c)));
//							}

                    case "4":                             // double
                        FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, c1], T_String.IsNullTo00(rs.record(i, c)).ToString("#,###.##"), DOU);
                        if (rscon.record(c, "SUM_BT") + "" == "True")
                            a[c1] = T_String.IsNullTo00(a[c1] + "") + T_String.IsNullTo00(rs.record(i, c));

                    case "5":                             // int
                        FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, c1], T_String.IsNullTo00(rs.record(i, c)).ToString("#,###.##"), INT);
                        if (rscon.record(c, "SUM_BT") + "" == "True")
                            a[c1] = T_String.IsNullTo00(a[c1] + "") + T_String.IsNullTo00(rs.record(i, c));
                if (i + 1 == rs.rows)            //dong cuoi
                    for (int c = 0; c < rscon.rows; c++)
                        int c1 = c + 1;
                        if (rscon.record(c, "SUM_BT") + "" == "True")
                            switch (rscon.record(c, "TYP_ID") + "")
                            //							case "3": // 00:00
                            //							{
                            //								FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r,c1], T_String.IsNullTo00(a[c1]+"").ToString("##:##"),String);
                            //								break;
                            //							}
                            case "4":                                     // double
                                FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, c1], T_String.IsNullTo00(a[c1] + "").ToString("#,###.##"), DOU);

                            case "5":                                     // int
                                FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, c1], T_String.IsNullTo00(a[c1] + "").ToString("#,###.##"), INT);

//			}

                string fileName = Application.StartupPath + @"\\Reports\\TAPO_" + RPT_ID + ".xls";
                MessageBox.Show("You must close TAPO_" + RPT_ID + ".xls file first!!!!!");
Ejemplo n.º 48
        private void cmdExportToExcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                _dtData =
                    SPs.BaocaoThongkeSonoitru(dtFromDate.Value, dtToDate.Value,
                                              Utility.Int16Dbnull(cboDoituongKCB.SelectedValue, -1),
                                              Utility.Int16Dbnull(txtNhanvientiepdon.txtMyID, -1),
                                              Utility.sDbnull(cboKhoa.SelectedValue, "KKB"), thamso, Utility.Int16Dbnull(cboTinhTrang.SelectedValue, -1)).GetDataSet().
                if (_dtData.Rows.Count > 0)
                    Utility.SetDataSourceForDataGridEx(grdList, _dtData, true, true, "1=1", "");
                    const string reportcode = "baocao_thongke_sokhambenh_noitru";
                    string       duongdan   = Utility.GetPathExcel(reportcode);
                    var          book       = new C1XLBook();
                    book.DefaultFont = new Font("Time New Roman", 11, FontStyle.Regular);
                    XLSheet   sheet     = book.Sheets[0];
                    DataTable dt        = _dtData;
                    int       idxRow    = 9;
                    int       idxColSh  = 0;
                    string    condition =
                        string.Format("Từ ngày {0} đến {1} - Đối tượng : {2} - Tình trạng :{3}",
                                      dtFromDate.Text, dtToDate.Text,
                                      cboDoituongKCB.SelectedIndex >= 0
                              ? Utility.sDbnull(cboDoituongKCB.Text)
                              : "Tất cả",
                                      cboTinhTrang.SelectedIndex > 0
                              ? Utility.sDbnull(cboKhoa.Text)
                              : "Tất cả");

                    sheet[4, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(condition), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book));
                    for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(i + 1), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 1].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benhnhan"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 2].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["tuoinam"]), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 3].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["tuoinu"]), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 4].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["IsCongNhanVienChuc"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 5].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["Isbhyt"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 6].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["thanh_thi"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 7].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["nong_thon"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 8].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["Nho12thang"]), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 9].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["tu1den15tuoi"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 10].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["nghe_nghiep"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 11].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["dia_chi"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 12].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["noi_gioithieu"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 13].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ngay_vaovien"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 14].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ngay_chuyenvien"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 15].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ngay_ravien"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 16].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["chandoantuyenduoi"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 17].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benh"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 18].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benh"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 19].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benh"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 20].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["khoi"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 21].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["do_giam"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 22].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["nang_hon"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 23].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["khong_thay_doi"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book));
                        idxRow = idxRow + 1;
                    // vị trí dòng dữ liệu của table tiếp theo, vị trí cột bắt đầu t? 0
                    string getTime       = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss"));
                    string pathDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\";
                    if (!Directory.Exists(pathDirectory))

                    book.Save(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" + reportcode +
                              getTime + ".xls");
                        new ProcessStartInfo(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory +
                                             "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" +
                                             reportcode + getTime + ".xls"));
                    Utility.ShowMsg("Không có dữ liệu để báo cáo!");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Utility.ShowMsg("Lỗi: " + ex.Message);
        public void ViewMultiBoth(string lsYearmonth)
            //string lsYearmonth = "";
            //foreach (ListItem lstItem in lstSelectedYearMonth.Items)
            //    lsYearmonth += ",'" + lstItem.Value + "'";

            //    if (String.Compare(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"), lstItem.Value) < 0)
            //    {
            //        using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(Gnt.Configuration.ApplicationConfiguration.ConnectionString))
            //        {
            //            con.Open();
            //            using (SqlCommand cm = new SqlCommand("sp_PaymentDetailOneCustomerRentManager", con))
            //            {
            //                try
            //                {
            //                    cm.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            //                    cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@BuildingId", Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]));
            //                    cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CustomerId", lblCustomerId.Text);
            //                    cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@YearMonth", lstItem.Value);
            //                    cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Created", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"));
            //                    cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CreatedBy", Page.User.Identity.Name);
            //                    cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Modified", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"));
            //                    cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ModifiedBy", Page.User.Identity.Name);

            //                    cm.CommandTimeout = 9999;

            //                    int ret = cm.ExecuteNonQuery();
            //                }
            //                catch (Exception ex)
            //                {
            //                    ApplicationLog.WriteError(ex);
            //                }
            //                finally
            //                {
            //                    con.Close();
            //                }
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(lsYearmonth))
                mvMessage.AddError("Phải chọn ít nhất 1 tháng");
            //lsYearmonth = lsYearmonth.Substring(1);

            int rBillNo = 0;
            int cBillNo = 1;

            int rBillDate = 0;
            int cBillDate = 10;

            int rBillMonth = 2;
            int cBillMonth = 0;

            int rContact = 5;
            int cContact = 3;

            int rCustomer = 5;
            int cCustomer = 7;

            int rContract = 7;
            int cContract = 1;

            int rRate = 11;
            int cRate = 9;

            int rRateDate = 11;
            int cRateDate = 12;

            int rRent = 15;

            int rManager = 23;

            int rParking = 31;

            int rExtra = 39;

            int rElec = 47;

            int rWater = 55;

            int rService = 63;

            int rPaid = 70;

            int rDept = 77;

            int rOffice = 88;
            int cOffice = 3;

            int rPhone = 89;
            int cPhone = 3;

            int rBank = 88;
            int cBank = 7;

            int rAccountName = 89;
            int cAccountName = 7;

            int rAccount = 90;
            int cAccount = 7;

            int rSum = 81;
            int cSum = 12;

            int rSumVND = 80;
            int cSumVND = 12;

            int rSumRead = 82;
            int cSumRead = 13;

            int check = DbHelper.GetCount("Select count(*) from PaymentBillInfo Where BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and CustomerId = '" + lblCustomerId.Text + "' and YearMonth = '" + drpYear.SelectedValue + drpMonth.SelectedValue + "'");
            if (check == 0)
                mvMessage.AddError("Xin vui lòng tạo hóa đơn trước khi xem");
            mvMessage.CheckRequired(txtBillDate, "Ngày xuất Hóa đơn là danh mục bắt buộc");
            mvMessage.CheckRequired(txtBillNo, "Số Hóa đơn là danh mục bắt buộc");
            mvMessage.CheckRequired(txtUsdExchange, "Tỉ giá USD-VN là danh mục bắt buộc");
            mvMessage.CheckRequired(txtUsdExchangeDate, "Ngày tỉ giá là danh mục bắt buộc");
            //ShowData(drpYear.SelectedValue + drpMonth.SelectedValue);
            C1XLBook xlbBook = new C1XLBook();
            string fileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Template\BillTongQuat.xlsx");
            if (!Directory.Exists(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"])))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"])));

            XLStyle xlstStyle = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
            xlstStyle.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center;
            xlstStyle.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center;
            xlstStyle.WordWrap = true;
            xlstStyle.Font = new Font("Times New Roman", 12, FontStyle.Regular);
            xlstStyle.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyle.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyle.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyle.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyle.Format = "#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)";

            XLStyle xlstStyleH = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
            xlstStyleH.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center;
            xlstStyleH.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center;
            xlstStyleH.Font = new Font("Times New Roman", 12, FontStyle.Bold);
            xlstStyleH.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleH.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleH.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleH.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleH.WordWrap = true;

            XLStyle xlstStyleSum = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
            xlstStyleSum.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Right;
            xlstStyleSum.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center;
            xlstStyleSum.Font = new Font("Times New Roman", 12, FontStyle.Bold);
            xlstStyleSum.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleSum.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleSum.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleSum.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleSum.WordWrap = true;
            xlstStyleSum.Format = "#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)";

            string strDT = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
            string strFilePath = @"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\Bill_" + lblCustomerId.Text + "_" + strDT + ".xlsx";
            string strFilePathExport = @"../../Report/Building/" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"/Bill_" + lblCustomerId.Text + "_" + strDT + ".xlsx";

            string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(strFilePath);

            //string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\TongHopDienTich" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".xls");
            File.Copy(fileName, fileNameDes);

            XLSheet xlsSheet = xlbBook.Sheets["TongHop"];
            XLSheet xlsSheetEn = xlbBook.Sheets["TongHop_En"];

            //Bill No
            xlsSheet[rBillNo, cBillNo].Value = xlsSheet[rBillNo, cBillNo].Value.ToString().Replace("{%BILL_NO%}", txtBillNo.Text);
            xlsSheetEn[rBillNo, cBillNo].Value = xlsSheetEn[rBillNo, cBillNo].Value.ToString().Replace("{%BILL_NO%}", txtBillNo.Text);

            //Ngay Thang Nam
            DateTime dtime = DateTime.Today;

            string strTmp = xlsSheet[rBillDate, cBillDate].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NGAY%}", dtime.ToString("dd"));
            strTmp = strTmp.Replace("{%THANG%}", dtime.ToString("MM"));
            xlsSheet[rBillDate, cBillDate].Value = strTmp.Replace("{%NAM%}", dtime.ToString("yyyy"));

            strTmp = xlsSheetEn[rBillDate, cBillDate].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NGAY%}", dtime.ToString("dd"));
            strTmp = strTmp.Replace("{%THANG%}", dtime.ToString("MM"));
            xlsSheetEn[rBillDate, cBillDate].Value = strTmp.Replace("{%NAM%}", dtime.ToString("yyyy"));

            xlsSheet[rBillMonth, cBillMonth].Value = xlsSheet[rBillMonth, cBillMonth].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NAM_THANG%}", drpMonth.SelectedValue + "/" + drpYear.SelectedValue);
            xlsSheetEn[rBillMonth, cBillMonth].Value = xlsSheetEn[rBillMonth, cBillMonth].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NAM_THANG%}", drpMonth.SelectedValue + "/" + drpYear.SelectedValue);

            using (SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase())
                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                string sql = string.Empty;

                sql = " SELECT Name, ContactName";
                sql += " FROM Customer";
                sql += " WHERE CustomerId = '" + lblCustomerId.Text + "' ";

                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    if (ds != null)
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
                            string Name = rowType[0].ToString();
                            string ContactName = rowType[1].ToString();

                            xlsSheet[rCustomer, cCustomer].Value = xlsSheet[rCustomer, cCustomer].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TEN_CONG_TY%}", Name);
                            xlsSheetEn[rCustomer, cCustomer].Value = xlsSheetEn[rCustomer, cCustomer].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TEN_CONG_TY%}", Name);
                            xlsSheet[rContact, cContact].Value = xlsSheet[rContact, cContact].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NGUOI_DAI_DIEN%}", ContactName);
                            xlsSheetEn[rContact, cContact].Value = xlsSheetEn[rContact, cContact].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NGUOI_DAI_DIEN%}", ContactName);
                Hashtable contractIdLst = new Hashtable();
                string contract = "";
                ds = new DataSet();
                sql = " SELECT Bank,Account,AccountName,Office,OfficeAddress,OfficePhone";
                sql += " FROM Mst_Building";
                sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' ";
                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    if (ds != null)
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
                            string Bank = rowType["Bank"].ToString();
                            string Account = rowType["Account"].ToString();
                            string AccountName = rowType["AccountName"].ToString();
                            string Office = rowType["Office"].ToString();
                            string OfficeAddress = rowType["OfficeAddress"].ToString();
                            string OfficePhone = rowType["OfficePhone"].ToString();

                            xlsSheet[rOffice, cOffice].Value = xlsSheet[rOffice, cOffice].Value.ToString().Replace("{%VAN_PHONG%}", Office);
                            xlsSheet[rPhone, cPhone].Value = xlsSheet[rPhone, cPhone].Value.ToString().Replace("{%DIEN_THOAI%}", OfficePhone);

                            xlsSheet[rBank, cBank].Value = xlsSheet[rBank, cBank].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NGAN_HANG%}", Bank);
                            xlsSheet[rAccountName, cAccountName].Value = xlsSheet[rAccountName, cAccountName].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TEN_TAI_KHOAN%}", AccountName);
                            xlsSheet[rAccount, cAccount].Value = xlsSheet[rAccount, cAccount].Value.ToString().Replace("{%SO_TAI_KHOAN%}", Account);

                            xlsSheetEn[rOffice, cOffice].Value = xlsSheetEn[rOffice, cOffice].Value.ToString().Replace("{%VAN_PHONG%}", Office);
                            xlsSheetEn[rPhone, cPhone].Value = xlsSheetEn[rPhone, cPhone].Value.ToString().Replace("{%DIEN_THOAI%}", OfficePhone);

                            xlsSheetEn[rBank, cBank].Value = xlsSheetEn[rBank, cBank].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NGAN_HANG%}", Bank);
                            xlsSheetEn[rAccountName, cAccountName].Value = xlsSheetEn[rAccountName, cAccountName].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TEN_TAI_KHOAN%}", AccountName);
                            xlsSheetEn[rAccount, cAccount].Value = xlsSheetEn[rAccount, cAccount].Value.ToString().Replace("{%SO_TAI_KHOAN%}", Account);

                xlsSheet[rRate, cRate].Value = xlsSheet[rRate, cRate].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TI_GIA%}", txtUsdExchange.Text);
                xlsSheet[rRateDate, cRateDate].Value = xlsSheet[rRateDate, cRateDate].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NGAY_AP_DUNG%}", txtUsdExchangeDate.Text);

                xlsSheetEn[rRate, cRate].Value = xlsSheetEn[rRate, cRate].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TI_GIA%}", txtUsdExchange.Text);
                xlsSheetEn[rRateDate, cRateDate].Value = xlsSheetEn[rRateDate, cRateDate].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NGAY_AP_DUNG%}", txtUsdExchangeDate.Text);

                //Thue phong
                ds = new DataSet();
                sql = " Select *";
                sql += " FROM PaymentRoom";
                sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and YearMonth in (" + lsYearmonth + ")";

                int sumRow = 0;
                int j = 0;
                decimal[] LastSumPriceVND = new decimal[7] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
                decimal[] LastSumPriceUSD = new decimal[7] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };

                decimal PaidPriceVND = 0;
                decimal PaidPriceUSD = 0;

                int line = 0;
                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    line = rRent - 3 + j;

                    XLCellRange mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 1, 3);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 4, 5);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 4, 5);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 2, line + 2, 4, 5);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 6, 7);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 6, 7);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 8, 9);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 8, 9);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 10, 11);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 10, 11);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 12, 13);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 12, 13);

                    if (ds != null)
                        int count = 0;
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
                            if (count >= 1)
                                xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rRent + 1 + j);
                                xlsSheetEn.Rows.Insert(rRent + 1 + j);
                            int tmp = rRent + j;

                            string ContractId = Func.ParseString(rowType["ContractId"]);
                            string ContractNo = Func.ParseString(rowType["ContractNo"]);
                            string YearMonth = Func.ParseString(rowType["YearMonth"]);
                            string Area = Func.ParseString(rowType["Area"]);
                            string Name = Func.ParseString(rowType["Name"]);
                            string Regional = Func.ParseString(rowType["Regional"]);
                            string Floor = Func.ParseString(rowType["Floor"]);

                            string BeginContract = Func.ParseString(rowType["BeginContract"]);

                            if (!contractIdLst.ContainsKey(ContractId + "(" + BeginContract.Substring(0, 10) + ")"))
                                contractIdLst.Add(ContractId + "(" + BeginContract.Substring(0, 10) + ")", ContractNo + "(" + BeginContract.Substring(0, 10) + ")");
                                contract += ";" + ContractNo + "(" + BeginContract.Substring(0, 10) + ")";

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 1].Value = Name;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 4].Value = rowType["Area"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 6].Value = rowType["MonthRentPriceUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 7].Value = rowType["MonthRentPriceVND"];

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 8].Value = rowType["MonthRentSumUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 9].Value = rowType["MonthRentSumVND"];

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 10].Value = rowType["VatRentPriceUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 11].Value = rowType["VatRentPriceVND"];

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 12].Value = rowType["LastRentSumUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 13].Value = rowType["LastRentSumVND"];

                            XLCellRange mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 1, 3);

                            mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 4, 5);

                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 1].Value = Name;
                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 4].Value = rowType["Area"];
                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 6].Value = rowType["MonthRentPriceUSD"];
                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 7].Value = rowType["MonthRentPriceVND"];

                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 8].Value = rowType["MonthRentSumUSD"];
                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 9].Value = rowType["MonthRentSumVND"];

                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 10].Value = rowType["VatRentPriceUSD"];
                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 11].Value = rowType["VatRentPriceVND"];

                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 12].Value = rowType["LastRentSumUSD"];
                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 13].Value = rowType["LastRentSumVND"];

                            mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 1, 3);

                            mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 4, 5);

                            LastSumPriceVND[0] += Convert.ToDecimal(rowType["LastRentSumVND"]);
                            LastSumPriceUSD[0] += Convert.ToDecimal(rowType["LastRentSumUSD"]);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(rRent + 1 + j, rRent + 1 + j, 1, 11);

                        xlsSheet[rRent + 1 + j, 12].Value = LastSumPriceUSD[0];
                        xlsSheet[rRent + 1 + j, 13].Value = LastSumPriceVND[0];

                        xlsSheetEn[rRent + 1 + j, 12].Value = LastSumPriceUSD[0];
                        xlsSheetEn[rRent + 1 + j, 13].Value = LastSumPriceVND[0];

                        for (int row = rRent + sumRow; row <= rRent + dt.Rows.Count; row++)
                            for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                xlsSheet[row, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                                xlsSheetEn[row, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                        sumRow += dt.Rows.Count - 1;

                        for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                            xlsSheet[rRent + 1 + j, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                            xlsSheetEn[rRent + 1 + j, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                        line = rManager - 3 + j;
                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 1, 3);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 4, 5);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 4, 5);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 2, line + 2, 4, 5);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 6, 7);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 6, 7);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 8, 9);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 8, 9);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 10, 11);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 10, 11);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 12, 13);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 12, 13);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 1, 3);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 4, 5);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 4, 5);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 2, line + 2, 4, 5);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 6, 7);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 6, 7);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 8, 9);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 8, 9);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 10, 11);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 10, 11);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 12, 13);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 12, 13);
                        count = 0;
                        foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                            if (count >= 1)
                                xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rManager + 1 + j);
                                xlsSheetEn.Rows.Insert(rManager + 1 + j);
                            int tmp = rManager + j;

                            string YearMonth = Func.ParseString(row["YearMonth"]);
                            string Area = Func.ParseString(row["Area"]);
                            string Name = Func.ParseString(row["Name"]);

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 1].Value = Name;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 4].Value = row["Area"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 6].Value = row["MonthManagerPriceUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 7].Value = row["MonthManagerPriceVND"];

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 8].Value = row["MonthManagerSumUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 9].Value = row["MonthManagerSumVND"];

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 19].Value = row["VatManagerPriceUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 11].Value = row["VatManagerPriceVND"];

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 12].Value = row["LastManagerSumUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 13].Value = row["LastManagerSumVND"];

                            XLCellRange mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 1, 3);

                            mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 4, 5);

                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 1].Value = Name;
                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 4].Value = row["Area"];
                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 6].Value = row["MonthManagerPriceUSD"];
                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 7].Value = row["MonthManagerPriceVND"];

                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 8].Value = row["MonthManagerSumUSD"];
                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 9].Value = row["MonthManagerSumVND"];

                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 19].Value = row["VatManagerPriceUSD"];
                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 11].Value = row["VatManagerPriceVND"];

                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 12].Value = row["LastManagerSumUSD"];
                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 13].Value = row["LastManagerSumVND"];

                            mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 1, 3);

                            mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 4, 5);
                            LastSumPriceVND[1] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastManagerSumVND"]);
                            LastSumPriceUSD[1] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastManagerSumUSD"]);
                        mCell = new XLCellRange(rManager + 1 + j, rManager + 1 + j, 1, 11);

                        xlsSheet[rManager + 1 + j, 12].Value = LastSumPriceUSD[1];
                        xlsSheet[rManager + 1 + j, 13].Value = LastSumPriceVND[1];

                        xlsSheetEn[rManager + 1 + j, 12].Value = LastSumPriceUSD[1];
                        xlsSheetEn[rManager + 1 + j, 13].Value = LastSumPriceVND[1];

                        for (int row = rManager + sumRow; row <= rManager + sumRow + dt.Rows.Count; row++)
                            for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                xlsSheet[row, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                                xlsSheetEn[row, col].Style = xlstStyle;

                        for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                            xlsSheet[rManager + 1 + j, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                            xlsSheetEn[rManager + 1 + j, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                        sumRow += dt.Rows.Count - 1;

                ds = new DataSet();
                //Xuất ra toàn bộ nội dung theo Trang
                sql = " SELECT COUNT(*) AS Num, YearMonth, TariffsParkingName, PriceVND, PriceUSD, SUM(VatVND) AS VatVND,SUM(VatUSD) AS VatUSD, SUM(SumVND) AS SumVND, SUM(SumUSD) AS SumUSD, SUM(LastPriceVND) AS LastPriceVND";
                sql += "        , SUM(LastPriceUSD) AS LastPriceUSD";
                sql += " FROM         dbo.PaymentParking";
                sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and YearMonth in (" + lsYearmonth + ")";
                sql += " GROUP BY YearMonth, TariffsParkingName, PriceVND, PriceUSD, Vat, daysParking";

                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    line = rParking - 3 + j;
                    XLCellRange mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 1, 3);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 4, 5);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 4, 5);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 2, line + 2, 4, 5);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 6, 7);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 6, 7);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 8, 9);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 8, 9);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 10, 11);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 10, 11);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 12, 13);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 12, 13);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 1, 3);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 4, 5);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 4, 5);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 2, line + 2, 4, 5);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 6, 7);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 6, 7);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 8, 9);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 8, 9);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 10, 11);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 10, 11);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 12, 13);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 12, 13);
                    if (ds != null)
                        int count = 0;
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

                        foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                            if (count >= 1)
                                xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rParking + 1 + j);
                                xlsSheetEn.Rows.Insert(rParking + 1 + j);
                            int tmp = rParking + j;

                            string Num = Func.ParseString(row["Num"]);
                            string TariffsParkingName = Func.ParseString(row["TariffsParkingName"]);

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 1].Value = TariffsParkingName;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 4].Value = Num;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 6].Value = row["PriceUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 7].Value = row["PriceVND"];

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 8].Value = row["SumUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 9].Value = row["SumVND"];

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 10].Value = row["VatUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 11].Value = row["VatVND"];

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 12].Value = row["LastPriceUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 13].Value = row["LastPriceVND"];

                            XLCellRange mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 1, 3);

                            mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 4, 5);

                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 1].Value = TariffsParkingName;
                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 4].Value = Num;
                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 6].Value = row["PriceUSD"];
                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 7].Value = row["PriceVND"];

                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 8].Value = row["SumUSD"];
                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 9].Value = row["SumVND"];

                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 10].Value = row["VatUSD"];
                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 11].Value = row["VatVND"];

                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 12].Value = row["LastPriceUSD"];
                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 13].Value = row["LastPriceVND"];

                            mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 1, 3);

                            mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 4, 5);
                            LastSumPriceVND[2] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceVND"]);
                            LastSumPriceUSD[2] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceUSD"]);
                        xlsSheet[rParking + 1 + j, 12].Value = LastSumPriceUSD[2];
                        xlsSheet[rParking + 1 + j, 13].Value = LastSumPriceVND[2];

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(rParking + 1 + j, rParking + 1 + j, 1, 11);

                        xlsSheetEn[rParking + 1 + j, 12].Value = LastSumPriceUSD[2];
                        xlsSheetEn[rParking + 1 + j, 13].Value = LastSumPriceVND[2];

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(rParking + 1 + j, rParking + 1 + j, 1, 11);

                        for (int row = rParking + sumRow; row <= rParking + sumRow + dt.Rows.Count; row++)
                            for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                xlsSheet[row, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                                xlsSheetEn[row, col].Style = xlstStyle;

                        for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                            xlsSheet[rParking + 1 + j, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                            xlsSheetEn[rParking + 1 + j, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                        sumRow += dt.Rows.Count - 1;

                ds = new DataSet();
                sql = "SELECT id";
                sql += " ,YearMonth,BuildingId,CustomerId,RoomId,ExtraHour,VAT,OtherFee01,OtherFee02";
                sql += " ,PriceUSD,PriceVND,VatUSD,VatVND,SumUSD,SumVND,LastPriceUSD,LastPriceVND";
                sql += " ,RentArea,dbo.fnDateTime(FromWD) BeginDate,dbo.fnDateTime(EndWD) EndDate,ExtratimeType";
                sql += " FROM PaymentExtraTimeMonth";
                sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and YearMonth in (" + lsYearmonth + ")";

                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);
                    line = rExtra - 3 + j;
                    //Phi dien
                    XLCellRange mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 1, 3);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 4, 4);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 6, 7);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 6, 7);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 8, 9);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 8, 9);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 10, 11);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 10, 11);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 12, 13);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 12, 13);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 1, 3);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 4, 4);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 6, 7);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 6, 7);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 8, 9);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 8, 9);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 10, 11);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 10, 11);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 12, 13);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 12, 13);
                    if (ds != null)
                        int count = 0;
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

                        foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                            if (count >= 1)
                                xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rExtra + 1 + j);
                                xlsSheetEn.Rows.Insert(rExtra + 1 + j);
                            int tmp = rExtra + j;

                            string ExtraHour = Func.ParseString(row["ExtraHour"]);
                            string BeginDate = Func.ParseString(row["BeginDate"]);
                            string EndDate = Func.ParseString(row["EndDate"]);

                            string ExtratimeType = Func.ParseString(row["ExtratimeType"]);

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 1].Value = BeginDate + "~" + EndDate;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 5].Value = ExtraHour;

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 4].Value = "Diện tích";
                            if ("0".Equals(ExtratimeType))
                                xlsSheet[tmp, 4].Value = "m2*h";
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 6].Value = row["PriceUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 7].Value = row["PriceVND"];

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 8].Value = row["SumUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 9].Value = row["SumVND"];

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 10].Value = row["VatUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 11].Value = row["VatVND"];

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 12].Value = row["LastPriceUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 13].Value = row["LastPriceVND"];

                            LastSumPriceVND[3] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceVND"]);
                            LastSumPriceUSD[3] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceUSD"]);

                            XLCellRange mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 1, 3);
                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 1].Value = BeginDate + "~" + EndDate;
                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 5].Value = ExtraHour;

                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 4].Value = "Di?n tích";
                            if ("0".Equals(ExtratimeType))
                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, 4].Value = "m2*h";
                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 6].Value = row["PriceUSD"];
                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 7].Value = row["PriceVND"];

                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 8].Value = row["SumUSD"];
                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 9].Value = row["SumVND"];

                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 10].Value = row["VatUSD"];
                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 11].Value = row["VatVND"];

                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 12].Value = row["LastPriceUSD"];
                            xlsSheetEn[tmp, 13].Value = row["LastPriceVND"];

                            LastSumPriceVND[3] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceVND"]);
                            LastSumPriceUSD[3] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceUSD"]);

                            mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 1, 3);

                            for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                xlsSheet[tmp, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, col].Style = xlstStyle;

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(rExtra + 1 + j, rExtra + 1 + j, 1, 11);

                        xlsSheet[rExtra + 1 + j, 12].Value = LastSumPriceUSD[3];
                        xlsSheet[rExtra + 1 + j, 13].Value = LastSumPriceVND[3];

                        xlsSheetEn[rExtra + 1 + j, 12].Value = LastSumPriceUSD[3];
                        xlsSheetEn[rExtra + 1 + j, 13].Value = LastSumPriceVND[3];

                        for (int row = rExtra + sumRow; row <= rExtra + sumRow + dt.Rows.Count; row++)
                            for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                xlsSheet[row, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                                xlsSheetEn[row, col].Style = xlstStyle;

                        for (int col = 1; col <= 12; col++)
                            xlsSheet[rExtra + 1 + j, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                            xlsSheetEn[rExtra + 1 + j, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                        sumRow += dt.Rows.Count - 1;

                ds = new DataSet();
                //Xuất ra toàn bộ nội dung theo Trang
                sql = " SELECT dbo.fnDateTime(A.DateFrom) DateFrom, dbo.fnDateTime(A.DateTo) DateTo, A.Vat, B.id, B.UsedElecWaterId, B.FromIndex, B.ToIndex, B.OtherFee01, B.OtherFee02, B.Mount, B.PriceVND, B.PriceUSD, B.SumVND, B.SumUSD, ";
                sql += "        B.VatVND, B.VatUSD, B.LastPriceVND, B.LastPriceUSD, B.Name, B.WaterPricePercent,B.ElecPricePercent ";
                sql += " FROM   PaymentElecWater AS A INNER JOIN ";
                sql += "        PaymentElecWaterDetail AS B ON A.UsedElecWaterId = B.UsedElecWaterId";
                sql += " WHERE A.BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and A.CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and TarrifsOfWaterId = 0  and A.YearMonth in (" + lsYearmonth + ")";
                sql += " Order by A.DateFrom, B.FromIndex";

                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    line = rElec - 3 + j;
                    //Phi dien
                    XLCellRange mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 1, 1);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 2, 2);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 3, 3);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 4, 4);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 5, 5);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 7, 7);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 8, 8);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 9, 9);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 10, 10);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 11, 11);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 12, 13);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 12, 13);
                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 1, 1);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 2, 2);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 3, 3);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 4, 4);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 5, 5);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 7, 7);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 8, 8);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 9, 9);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 10, 10);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 11, 11);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 12, 13);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 12, 13);

                    for (int col = 1; col < 13; col++)
                        xlsSheet[line, col].Style = xlstStyleH;
                        xlsSheet[line + 1, col].Style = xlstStyleH;
                        xlsSheet[line + 2, col].Style = xlstStyleH;

                        xlsSheetEn[line, col].Style = xlstStyleH;
                        xlsSheetEn[line + 1, col].Style = xlstStyleH;
                        xlsSheetEn[line + 2, col].Style = xlstStyleH;

                    if (ds != null)
                        int count = 0;
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                                if (count >= 1)
                                    xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rElec + 1 + j);
                                    xlsSheetEn.Rows.Insert(rElec + 1 + j);

                                int tmp = rElec + j;

                                string DateFrom = Func.ParseString(row["DateFrom"]);
                                string DateTo = Func.ParseString(row["DateTo"]);

                                string FromIndex = Func.ParseString(row["FromIndex"]);
                                string ToIndex = Func.ParseString(row["ToIndex"]);
                                string OtherFee01 = Func.ParseString(row["OtherFee01"]);
                                string OtherFee02 = Func.ParseString(row["OtherFee02"]);
                                string Mount = Func.ParseString(row["Mount"]);
                                string ElecPricePercent = Func.ParseString(row["ElecPricePercent"]);

                                xlsSheet[tmp, 1].Value = DateFrom;
                                xlsSheet[tmp, 2].Value = DateTo;
                                xlsSheet[tmp, 3].Value = FromIndex;
                                xlsSheet[tmp, 4].Value = ToIndex;
                                xlsSheet[tmp, 5].Value = OtherFee01;
                                xlsSheet[tmp, 6].Value = Mount;
                                xlsSheet[tmp, 7].Value = row["PriceVND"];
                                xlsSheet[tmp, 8].Value = row["VatVND"];

                                xlsSheet[tmp, 9].Value = row["SumVND"];
                                xlsSheet[tmp, 10].Value = row["OtherFee02"];
                                xlsSheet[tmp, 11].Value = row["ElecPricePercent"];
                                xlsSheet[tmp, 12].Value = row["LastPriceVND"];

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 12, 13);

                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, 1].Value = DateFrom;
                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, 2].Value = DateTo;
                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, 3].Value = FromIndex;
                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, 4].Value = ToIndex;
                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, 5].Value = OtherFee01;
                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, 6].Value = Mount;
                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, 7].Value = row["PriceVND"];
                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, 8].Value = row["VatVND"];

                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, 9].Value = row["SumVND"];
                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, 10].Value = row["OtherFee02"];
                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, 11].Value = row["ElecPricePercent"];
                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, 12].Value = row["LastPriceVND"];

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 12, 13);
                                for (int col = 1; col <= 12; col++)
                                    xlsSheet[tmp, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                                    xlsSheetEn[tmp, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                                LastSumPriceVND[4] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceVND"]);
                                LastSumPriceUSD[4] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceUSD"]);
                            xlsSheet[rElec + 1 + j, 12].Value = LastSumPriceVND[4];
                            mCell = new XLCellRange(rElec + 1 + j, rElec + 1 + j, 1, 11);

                            mCell = new XLCellRange(rElec + 1 + j, rElec + 1 + j, 12, 13);

                            xlsSheetEn[rElec + 1 + j, 12].Value = LastSumPriceVND[4];
                            mCell = new XLCellRange(rElec + 1 + j, rElec + 1 + j, 1, 11);

                            mCell = new XLCellRange(rElec + 1 + j, rElec + 1 + j, 12, 13);

                            for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                xlsSheet[rElec + 1 + j, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                                xlsSheetEn[rElec + 1 + j, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                            sumRow += dt.Rows.Count - 1;

                ds = new DataSet();
                //Xuất ra toàn bộ nội dung theo Trang
                sql = " SELECT dbo.fnDateTime(A.DateFrom) DateFrom, dbo.fnDateTime(A.DateTo) DateTo, A.Vat, B.id, B.UsedElecWaterId, B.FromIndex, B.ToIndex, B.OtherFee01, B.OtherFee02, B.Mount, B.PriceVND, B.PriceUSD, B.SumVND, B.SumUSD, ";
                sql += "        B.VatVND, B.VatUSD, B.LastPriceVND, B.LastPriceUSD, B.Name, B.WaterPricePercent,B.ElecPricePercent  ";
                sql += " FROM   PaymentElecWater AS A INNER JOIN ";
                sql += "        PaymentElecWaterDetail AS B ON A.UsedElecWaterId = B.UsedElecWaterId";
                sql += " WHERE A.BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and A.CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and TarrifsOfElecId = 0 and A.YearMonth in (" + lsYearmonth + ")";
                sql += " Order by A.DateFrom, B.FromIndex";

                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);
                    line = rWater - 3 + j;
                    //Phi dien
                    XLCellRange mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 1, 1);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 2, 2);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 3, 3);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 4, 4);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 6, 6);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 7, 7);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 8, 8);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 9, 9);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 10, 10);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 11, 11);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 12, 13);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 12, 13);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 1, 1);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 2, 2);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 3, 3);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 4, 4);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 6, 6);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 7, 7);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 8, 8);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 9, 9);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 10, 10);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 11, 11);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 12, 13);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 12, 13);

                    for (int col = 1; col < 13; col++)
                        xlsSheet[line, col].Style = xlstStyleH;
                        xlsSheet[line + 1, col].Style = xlstStyleH;
                        xlsSheet[line + 2, col].Style = xlstStyleH;

                        xlsSheetEn[line, col].Style = xlstStyleH;
                        xlsSheetEn[line + 1, col].Style = xlstStyleH;
                        xlsSheetEn[line + 2, col].Style = xlstStyleH;

                    if (ds != null)
                        int count = 0;
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                                if (count >= 1)
                                    xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rWater + 1 + j);
                                    xlsSheetEn.Rows.Insert(rWater + 1 + j);
                                int tmp = rWater + j;

                                string DateFrom = Func.ParseString(row["DateFrom"]);
                                string DateTo = Func.ParseString(row["DateTo"]);

                                string FromIndex = Func.ParseString(row["FromIndex"]);
                                string ToIndex = Func.ParseString(row["ToIndex"]);
                                string OtherFee01 = Func.ParseString(row["OtherFee01"]);
                                string OtherFee02 = Func.ParseString(row["OtherFee02"]);
                                string Mount = Func.ParseString(row["Mount"]);

                                xlsSheet[tmp, 1].Value = DateFrom;
                                xlsSheet[tmp, 2].Value = DateTo;
                                xlsSheet[tmp, 3].Value = FromIndex;
                                xlsSheet[tmp, 4].Value = ToIndex;
                                xlsSheet[tmp, 5].Value = Mount;
                                xlsSheet[tmp, 6].Value = row["PriceVND"];
                                xlsSheet[tmp, 7].Value = row["OtherFee01"];
                                xlsSheet[tmp, 8].Value = row["VatVND"];

                                xlsSheet[tmp, 9].Value = row["SumVND"];
                                xlsSheet[tmp, 10].Value = row["OtherFee02"];
                                xlsSheet[tmp, 11].Value = row["WaterPricePercent"];
                                xlsSheet[tmp, 12].Value = row["LastPriceVND"];

                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, 1].Value = DateFrom;
                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, 2].Value = DateTo;
                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, 3].Value = FromIndex;
                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, 4].Value = ToIndex;
                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, 5].Value = Mount;
                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, 6].Value = row["PriceVND"];
                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, 7].Value = row["OtherFee01"];
                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, 8].Value = row["VatVND"];

                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, 9].Value = row["SumVND"];
                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, 10].Value = row["OtherFee02"];
                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, 11].Value = row["WaterPricePercent"];
                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, 12].Value = row["LastPriceVND"];

                                for (int col = 1; col <= 12; col++)
                                    xlsSheet[tmp, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                                    xlsSheetEn[tmp, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                                LastSumPriceVND[5] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceVND"]);
                                LastSumPriceUSD[5] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceUSD"]);

                                mCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 12, 13);
                            xlsSheet[rWater + 1 + j, 12].Value = LastSumPriceVND[5];
                            xlsSheetEn[rWater + 1 + j, 12].Value = LastSumPriceVND[5];
                            mCell = new XLCellRange(rWater + 1 + j, rWater + 1 + j, 1, 11);

                            mCell = new XLCellRange(rWater + 1 + j, rWater + 1 + j, 12, 13);

                            for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                xlsSheet[rWater + 1 + j, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                                xlsSheetEn[rWater + 1 + j, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                            sumRow += dt.Rows.Count - 1;

                ds = new DataSet();

                sql = string.Empty;
                sql = " SELECT Service,dbo.fnDateTime(ServiceDateFrom) ServiceDateFrom,dbo.fnDateTime(ServiceDateTo) ServiceDateTo,PriceVND,PriceUSD,VatUSD,VatVND,Mount,Unit,SumVND,SumUSD,LastPriceVND,LastPriceUSD ";
                sql += " FROM   PaymentService";
                sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and YearMonth in (" + lsYearmonth + ")";
                sql += " Order By ServiceDate ";

                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);
                    line = rService - 3 + j;
                    //Phi khác
                    XLCellRange mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 1, 1);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 2, 2);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 3, 3);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 4, 4);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 5, 5);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 6, 7);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 6, 7);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 8, 9);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 8, 9);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 10, 11);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 10, 11);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 1, 1);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 2, 2);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 3, 3);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 2, 4, 4);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 2, 5, 5);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 6, 7);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 6, 7);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 8, 9);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 8, 9);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 10, 11);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 10, 11);
                    for (int col = 1; col < 13; col++)
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                        xlsSheet[line + 1, col].Style = xlstStyleH;
                        xlsSheet[line + 2, col].Style = xlstStyleH;

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                        xlsSheetEn[line + 1, col].Style = xlstStyleH;
                        xlsSheetEn[line + 2, col].Style = xlstStyleH;
                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 12, 13);

                    mCell = new XLCellRange(line + 1, line + 1, 12, 13);

                    if (ds != null)
                        int count = 0;
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

                        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)

                            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                                if (count >= 1)
                                    xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rService + 1 + j);
                                    xlsSheetEn.Rows.Insert(rService + 1 + j);
                                int tmp = rService + j;

                                string Service = Func.ParseString(row["Service"]);
                                string ServiceDateFrom = Func.ParseString(row["ServiceDateFrom"]);
                                string ServiceDateTo = Func.ParseString(row["ServiceDateTo"]);

                                string Mount = Func.ParseString(row["Mount"]);

                                xlsSheet[tmp, 1].Value = Service;
                                xlsSheet[tmp, 2].Value = Func.ParseString(row["Unit"]);
                                xlsSheet[tmp, 3].Value = ServiceDateFrom;
                                xlsSheet[tmp, 4].Value = ServiceDateTo;
                                xlsSheet[tmp, 5].Value = Mount;

                                xlsSheet[tmp, 6].Value = row["PriceUSD"];
                                xlsSheet[tmp, 7].Value = row["PriceVND"];

                                xlsSheet[tmp, 8].Value = row["SumUSD"];
                                xlsSheet[tmp, 9].Value = row["SumVND"];

                                xlsSheet[tmp, 10].Value = row["VatUSD"];
                                xlsSheet[tmp, 11].Value = row["VatVND"];

                                xlsSheet[tmp, 12].Value = row["LastPriceUSD"];
                                xlsSheet[tmp, 13].Value = row["LastPriceVND"];

                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, 1].Value = Service;
                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, 2].Value = Func.ParseString(row["Unit"]);
                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, 3].Value = ServiceDateFrom;
                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, 4].Value = ServiceDateTo;
                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, 5].Value = Mount;

                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, 6].Value = row["PriceUSD"];
                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, 7].Value = row["PriceVND"];

                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, 8].Value = row["SumUSD"];
                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, 9].Value = row["SumVND"];

                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, 10].Value = row["VatUSD"];
                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, 11].Value = row["VatVND"];

                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, 12].Value = row["LastPriceUSD"];
                                xlsSheetEn[tmp, 13].Value = row["LastPriceVND"];

                                for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                    xlsSheet[tmp, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                                    xlsSheetEn[tmp, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                                LastSumPriceVND[6] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceVND"]);
                                LastSumPriceUSD[6] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceUSD"]);
                            xlsSheet[rService + 1 + j, 12].Value = LastSumPriceUSD[6];
                            xlsSheet[rService + 1 + j, 13].Value = LastSumPriceVND[6];

                            xlsSheetEn[rService + 1 + j, 12].Value = LastSumPriceUSD[6];
                            xlsSheetEn[rService + 1 + j, 13].Value = LastSumPriceVND[6];

                            mCell = new XLCellRange(rService + 1 + j, rService + 1 + j, 1, 11);

                            for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                                xlsSheet[rService + 1 + j, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                                xlsSheetEn[rService + 1 + j, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                            sumRow += dt.Rows.Count - 1;

                sql = "Select  *";
                sql += " From    PaymentBillDetail";
                sql += " Where   BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and YearMonth in (" + lsYearmonth + ")";
                string strYearMonth = "";
                int lineTmp = rPaid - 2 + j;

                XLCellRange mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp + 1, 1, 1);

                mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 2, 3);

                mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 4, 5);

                mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 6, 7);

                mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 8, 9);

                mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 12, 13);

                mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp + 1, 1, 1);

                mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 2, 3);

                mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 4, 5);

                mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 6, 7);

                mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 8, 9);

                mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 12, 13);
                Hashtable rowNo = new Hashtable();
                decimal[] PaidSumVND = new decimal[7] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
                decimal[] PaidSumUSD = new decimal[7] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };

                DataTable dtPaid = DbHelper.GetDataTable(sql);
                for (int i = 0; i < dtPaid.Rows.Count; i++)
                    string PaymentType = Func.ParseString(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaymentType"]);
                    string MoneyUSD = Func.ParseString(dtPaid.Rows[i]["MoneyUSD"]);
                    string MoneyVND = Func.ParseString(dtPaid.Rows[i]["MoneyVND"]);
                    string PaidUSD = Func.ParseString(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"]);
                    string PaidVND = Func.ParseString(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]);
                    string ExchangeType = Func.ParseString(dtPaid.Rows[i]["ExchangeType"]);
                    string UsdExchange = Func.ParseString(dtPaid.Rows[i]["UsdExchange"]);
                    string YearMonth = Func.ParseString(dtPaid.Rows[i]["YearMonth"]);

                    if (!rowNo.Contains(YearMonth))
                        if (rowNo.Count != 0)
                            xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rPaid + j + 1);
                            xlsSheetEn.Rows.Insert(rPaid + j + 1);
                        rowNo.Add(YearMonth, j);
                    int m = Func.ParseInt(rowNo[YearMonth]);
                    strYearMonth = YearMonth;
                    decimal tmpUSD = Convert.ToDecimal(MoneyUSD) - Convert.ToDecimal(PaidUSD);
                    decimal tmpVND = Convert.ToDecimal(MoneyVND) - Convert.ToDecimal(PaidVND);

                    PaidPriceUSD += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"]);
                    PaidPriceVND += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]);

                    xlsSheet[rPaid + m, 1].Value = YearMonth.Substring(4, 2) + "/" + YearMonth.Substring(0, 4);
                    xlsSheetEn[rPaid + m, 1].Value = YearMonth.Substring(4, 2) + "/" + YearMonth.Substring(0, 4);
                    switch (PaymentType)
                        case "1":
                            xlsSheet[rPaid + m, 2].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[rPaid + m, 3].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"];

                            xlsSheetEn[rPaid + m, 2].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"];
                            xlsSheetEn[rPaid + m, 3].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"];

                            PaidSumUSD[0] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"]);
                            PaidSumVND[0] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]);

                        case "2":
                            xlsSheet[rPaid + m, 4].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[rPaid + m, 5].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"];

                            xlsSheetEn[rPaid + m, 4].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"];
                            xlsSheetEn[rPaid + m, 5].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"];

                            PaidSumUSD[1] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"]);
                            PaidSumVND[1] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]);

                        case "3":
                            xlsSheet[rPaid + m, 6].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[rPaid + m, 7].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"];

                            xlsSheetEn[rPaid + m, 6].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"];
                            xlsSheetEn[rPaid + m, 7].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"];

                            PaidSumUSD[2] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"]);
                            PaidSumVND[2] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]);
                        case "4":
                            xlsSheet[rPaid + m, 8].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[rPaid + m, 9].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"];

                            xlsSheetEn[rPaid + m, 8].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"];
                            xlsSheetEn[rPaid + m, 9].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"];

                            PaidSumUSD[3] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"]);
                            PaidSumVND[3] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]);
                        case "5":
                            xlsSheet[rPaid + m, 10].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"];
                            xlsSheetEn[rPaid + m, 10].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"];

                            PaidSumUSD[4] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"]);
                            PaidSumVND[4] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]);
                        case "6":
                            xlsSheet[rPaid + m, 11].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"];
                            xlsSheetEn[rPaid + m, 11].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"];

                            PaidSumUSD[5] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"]);
                            PaidSumVND[5] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]);
                        case "7":
                            xlsSheet[rPaid + m, 12].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[rPaid + m, 13].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"];

                            xlsSheetEn[rPaid + m, 12].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidUSD"];
                            xlsSheetEn[rPaid + m, 13].Value = dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"];
                    for (int row = rPaid + m; row <= rPaid + 1 + j; row++)
                        for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                            xlsSheet[row, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                lineTmp = rPaid - 2 + j;

                xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 2].Value = PaidSumUSD[0];
                xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 3].Value = PaidSumVND[0];
                xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 4].Value = PaidSumUSD[1];
                xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 5].Value = PaidSumVND[1];
                xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 6].Value = PaidSumUSD[2];
                xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 7].Value = PaidSumVND[2];
                xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 8].Value = PaidSumUSD[3];
                xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 9].Value = PaidSumVND[3];
                xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 10].Value = PaidSumVND[4];
                xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 11].Value = PaidSumVND[5];
                xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 12].Value = PaidSumUSD[6];
                xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 13].Value = PaidSumVND[6];

                xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 2].Value = PaidSumUSD[0];
                xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 3].Value = PaidSumVND[0];
                xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 4].Value = PaidSumUSD[1];
                xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 5].Value = PaidSumVND[1];
                xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 6].Value = PaidSumUSD[2];
                xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 7].Value = PaidSumVND[2];
                xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 8].Value = PaidSumUSD[3];
                xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 9].Value = PaidSumVND[3];
                xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 10].Value = PaidSumVND[4];
                xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 11].Value = PaidSumVND[5];
                xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 12].Value = PaidSumUSD[6];
                xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 13].Value = PaidSumVND[6];

                for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                    xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                    xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;

                sql = "  Select *";
                sql += " From   v_DeptBill";
                sql += " Where  BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and YearMonth not in (" + lsYearmonth + ")";
                sql += " And    (DeptUsd <> 0 or DeptVnd <> 0)";
                strYearMonth = "";
                lineTmp = rDept - 2 + j;

                mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp + 1, 1, 1);

                mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 2, 3);

                mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 4, 5);

                mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 6, 7);

                mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 8, 9);

                mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 12, 13);

                mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp + 1, 1, 1);

                mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 2, 3);

                mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 4, 5);

                mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 6, 7);

                mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 8, 9);

                mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(lineTmp, lineTmp, 12, 13);
                rowNo = new Hashtable();
                decimal DeptPriceVND = 0;
                decimal DeptPriceUSD = 0;

                decimal[] DeptSumVND = new decimal[7] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
                decimal[] DeptSumUSD = new decimal[7] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };

                DataTable dtDept = DbHelper.GetDataTable(sql);
                for (int i = 0; i < dtDept.Rows.Count; i++)
                    string PaymentType = Func.ParseString(dtDept.Rows[i]["PaymentType"]);
                    string DeptUSD = Func.ParseString(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptUSD"]);
                    string DeptVND = Func.ParseString(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]);
                    string YearMonth = Func.ParseString(dtDept.Rows[i]["YearMonth"]);

                    if (!rowNo.Contains(YearMonth))
                        if (rowNo.Count != 0)
                            xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rDept + j + 1);
                            xlsSheetEn.Rows.Insert(rDept + j + 1);
                        rowNo.Add(YearMonth, j);
                    int m = Func.ParseInt(rowNo[YearMonth]);
                    strYearMonth = YearMonth;

                    DeptPriceUSD += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptUSD"]);
                    DeptPriceVND += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]);

                    xlsSheet[rDept + m, 1].Value = YearMonth.Substring(4, 2) + "/" + YearMonth.Substring(0, 4);
                    xlsSheetEn[rDept + m, 1].Value = YearMonth.Substring(4, 2) + "/" + YearMonth.Substring(0, 4);

                    xlsSheetEn[rDept + m, 2].Value = 0;
                    xlsSheetEn[rDept + m, 3].Value = 0;
                    xlsSheetEn[rDept + m, 4].Value = 0;
                    xlsSheetEn[rDept + m, 5].Value = 0;
                    xlsSheetEn[rDept + m, 6].Value = 0;
                    xlsSheetEn[rDept + m, 7].Value = 0;
                    xlsSheetEn[rDept + m, 8].Value = 0;
                    xlsSheetEn[rDept + m, 9].Value = 0;
                    xlsSheetEn[rDept + m, 10].Value = 0;
                    xlsSheetEn[rDept + m, 11].Value = 0;
                    xlsSheetEn[rDept + m, 12].Value = 0;
                    xlsSheetEn[rDept + m, 13].Value = 0;

                    xlsSheet[rDept + m, 2].Value = 0;
                    xlsSheet[rDept + m, 3].Value = 0;
                    xlsSheet[rDept + m, 4].Value = 0;
                    xlsSheet[rDept + m, 5].Value = 0;
                    xlsSheet[rDept + m, 6].Value = 0;
                    xlsSheet[rDept + m, 7].Value = 0;
                    xlsSheet[rDept + m, 8].Value = 0;
                    xlsSheet[rDept + m, 9].Value = 0;
                    xlsSheet[rDept + m, 10].Value = 0;
                    xlsSheet[rDept + m, 11].Value = 0;
                    xlsSheet[rDept + m, 12].Value = 0;
                    xlsSheet[rDept + m, 13].Value = 0;

                    switch (PaymentType)
                        case "1":
                            xlsSheet[rDept + m, 2].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[rDept + m, 3].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"];

                            xlsSheetEn[rDept + m, 2].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptUSD"];
                            xlsSheetEn[rDept + m, 3].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"];

                            DeptSumUSD[0] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptUSD"]);
                            DeptSumVND[0] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]);

                        case "2":
                            xlsSheet[rDept + m, 4].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[rDept + m, 5].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"];

                            xlsSheetEn[rDept + m, 4].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptUSD"];
                            xlsSheetEn[rDept + m, 5].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"];

                            DeptSumUSD[1] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptUSD"]);
                            DeptSumVND[1] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]);

                        case "3":
                            xlsSheet[rDept + m, 6].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[rDept + m, 7].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"];

                            xlsSheetEn[rDept + m, 6].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptUSD"];
                            xlsSheetEn[rDept + m, 7].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"];

                            DeptSumUSD[2] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptUSD"]);
                            DeptSumVND[2] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]);
                        case "4":
                            xlsSheet[rDept + m, 8].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[rDept + m, 9].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"];

                            xlsSheetEn[rDept + m, 8].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptUSD"];
                            xlsSheetEn[rDept + m, 9].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"];

                            DeptSumUSD[3] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptUSD"]);
                            DeptSumVND[3] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]);
                        case "5":
                            xlsSheet[rDept + m, 10].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"];
                            xlsSheetEn[rDept + m, 10].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"];

                            DeptSumUSD[4] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptUSD"]);
                            DeptSumVND[4] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]);
                        case "6":
                            xlsSheet[rDept + m, 11].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"];
                            xlsSheetEn[rDept + m, 11].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"];

                            DeptSumUSD[5] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptUSD"]);
                            DeptSumVND[5] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]);
                        case "7":
                            xlsSheet[rDept + m, 12].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[rDept + m, 13].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"];

                            xlsSheetEn[rDept + m, 12].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptUSD"];
                            xlsSheetEn[rDept + m, 13].Value = dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"];

                            DeptSumUSD[6] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptUSD"]);
                            DeptSumVND[6] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]);
                    for (int row = rDept + m; row <= rDept + 1 + j; row++)
                        for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                            xlsSheet[row, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                            xlsSheetEn[row, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                lineTmp = rDept - 2 + j;

                xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 2].Value = DeptSumUSD[0];
                xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 3].Value = DeptSumVND[0];
                xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 4].Value = DeptSumUSD[1];
                xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 5].Value = DeptSumVND[1];
                xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 6].Value = DeptSumUSD[2];
                xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 7].Value = DeptSumVND[2];
                xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 8].Value = DeptSumUSD[3];
                xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 9].Value = DeptSumVND[3];
                xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 10].Value = DeptSumVND[4];
                xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 11].Value = DeptSumVND[5];
                xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 12].Value = DeptSumUSD[6];
                xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 13].Value = DeptSumVND[6];

                xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 2].Value = DeptSumUSD[0];
                xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 3].Value = DeptSumVND[0];
                xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 4].Value = DeptSumUSD[1];
                xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 5].Value = DeptSumVND[1];
                xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 6].Value = DeptSumUSD[2];
                xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 7].Value = DeptSumVND[2];
                xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 8].Value = DeptSumUSD[3];
                xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 9].Value = DeptSumVND[3];
                xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 10].Value = DeptSumVND[4];
                xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 11].Value = DeptSumVND[5];
                xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 12].Value = DeptSumUSD[6];
                xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 13].Value = DeptSumVND[6];
                for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++)
                    xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                    xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, col].Style = xlstStyleSum;

                xlsSheet[lineTmp + 3, 1].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                xlsSheetEn[lineTmp + 3, 1].Style = xlstStyleSum;

                decimal AllSumVND = 0;
                decimal AllSumUSD = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                    AllSumVND += LastSumPriceVND[i];
                    AllSumUSD += LastSumPriceUSD[i];

                AllSumVND -= PaidPriceVND;
                AllSumUSD -= PaidPriceUSD;

                AllSumVND += DeptPriceVND;
                AllSumUSD += DeptPriceUSD;

                xlsSheet[rSumVND + j, cSumVND].Value = Func.FormatNumber_New(AllSumUSD);
                xlsSheet[rSumVND + j, cSumVND].Value += "(USD)";
                xlsSheet[rSumVND + j, cSumVND + 1].Value = Func.FormatNumber_New(AllSumVND);
                xlsSheet[rSumVND + j, cSumVND + 1].Value += "(VND)";

                xlsSheetEn[rSumVND + j, cSumVND].Value = Func.FormatNumber_New(AllSumUSD);
                xlsSheetEn[rSumVND + j, cSumVND].Value += "(USD)";
                xlsSheetEn[rSumVND + j, cSumVND + 1].Value = Func.FormatNumber_New(AllSumVND);
                xlsSheetEn[rSumVND + j, cSumVND + 1].Value += "(VND)";

                AllSumVND += Convert.ToDecimal(AllSumUSD * Convert.ToDecimal(txtUsdExchange.Text));

                string strMoney = Func.docso(Convert.ToInt32(AllSumVND));
                string strMoneyEn = Func.DocSo_En(Convert.ToInt32(AllSumVND));

                xlsSheet[rContract, cContract].Value = xlsSheet[rContract, cContract].Value.ToString().Replace("{%HOP_DONG%}", contract.Substring(1));
                xlsSheet[rSum + j, cSum].Value = Convert.ToInt32(AllSumVND);

                mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(rSum + j, rSum + j, cSum, cSum + 1);
                xlsSheet[rSum + j, cSum].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                xlsSheet[rSum + j, cSum + 1].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                xlsSheet[rSumRead + j, cSumRead].Value = xlsSheet[rSumRead + j, cSumRead].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TONG_CHU%}", strMoney.ToUpper());

                xlsSheetEn[rContract, cContract].Value = xlsSheetEn[rContract, cContract].Value.ToString().Replace("{%HOP_DONG%}", contract.Substring(1));
                xlsSheetEn[rSum + j, cSum].Value = Convert.ToInt32(AllSumVND);

                mCellTmp = new XLCellRange(rSum + j, rSum + j, cSum, cSum + 1);
                xlsSheetEn[rSum + j, cSum].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                xlsSheetEn[rSum + j, cSum + 1].Style = xlstStyleSum;
                xlsSheetEn[rSumRead + j, cSumRead].Value = xlsSheetEn[rSumRead + j, cSumRead].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TONG_CHU%}", strMoneyEn.ToUpper());

                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "", "PopUp('" + strFilePathExport + "'," + PopupWidth + "," + PopupHeight + ",'EditReport', true);", true);
Ejemplo n.º 50
        protected void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string type = Func.ParseString(Request["type"]);

            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            string sql = string.Empty;

            //sql = " SELECT *";
            //sql += " FROM v_BuildingStatusInfo";
            //sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and StatusDate >= '" + Func.FormatYYYYmmdd(txtFromDate.Text.Substring(0, 10)) + "' and StatusDate <= '" + Func.FormatYYYYmmdd(txtToDate.Text.Substring(0, 10)) + "' and Type = '" + type + "'";

            sql = "  SELECT  right('0'+convert(varchar,[Month]),2) + '/' + convert(varchar,[Year]),[Week],MainName,SubName";
            sql += " ,dbo.fnDateTime(ExecDate),ExecCompany,ExecDescription,ExecComment,ExecConfirmer,ModifiedBy,dbo.fnDateTime(Modified)";
            sql += " FROM BD_Maintenance ";
            sql += " WHERE    BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' ";
            sql += " and  convert(varchar,[Year]) + right('0'+convert(varchar,[Month]),2) >= '" + drpYear.SelectedValue + drpMonth.SelectedValue + "'";
            sql += " and  convert(varchar,[Year]) + right('0'+convert(varchar,[Month]),2) <= '" + drpYearTo.SelectedValue + drpMonthTo.SelectedValue + "'";
            sql += " and DelFlag = '0'  ";
            sql += " and UPPER(IsMaintenance) = 'X'  ";
            sql += " Order by  right('0'+convert(varchar,[Month]),2) + '/' + convert(varchar,[Year]), MainName, SubName,Week ";

            using (SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase())
                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    if (ds != null)
                        C1XLBook xlbBook = new C1XLBook();
                        string fileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Template\KeHoachBaoTri.xlsx");
                        if (!Directory.Exists(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\KeHoachBaoTri"))
                            Directory.CreateDirectory(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\KeHoachBaoTri"));
                        string strDT = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");

                        string strFilePath = "";
                        string strFilePathExport = "";

                        strFilePath = @"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\KeHoachBaoTri\KeHoachBaoTri" + strDT + ".xlsx";
                        strFilePathExport = "Report/Building/" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "/KeHoachBaoTri/KeHoachBaoTri" + strDT + ".xlsx";

                        string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(strFilePath);
                        File.Copy(fileName, fileNameDes);

                        string sheet = "KeHoachBaoTri";

                        XLSheet xlsSheet = xlbBook.Sheets[sheet];

                        int i = 3;
                        XLCellRange mrCell = new XLCellRange(0, 0, 0, 2);

                        XLStyle xlstStyle = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                        xlstStyle.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center;
                        xlstStyle.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center;
                        xlstStyle.WordWrap = true;
                        xlstStyle.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
                        xlstStyle.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyle.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyle.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyle.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;

                        XLStyle xlstStyleB = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                        xlstStyleB.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Left;
                        xlstStyleB.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Top;
                        xlstStyleB.WordWrap = false;
                        xlstStyleB.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
                        xlstStyleB.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyleB.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyleB.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyleB.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;

                        xlsSheet[0, 0].Value = xlsSheet[0, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%BUILDING%}", DbHelper.GetScalar("Select Name From Mst_Building Where BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "'"));
                        string tmp = Func.ParseString( xlsSheet[1, 0].Value);
                        tmp = tmp.Replace("{%NAM%}", drpYear.SelectedValue);
                        tmp = tmp.Replace("{%THANG%}", drpMonth.SelectedValue);
                        tmp = tmp.Replace("{%NAM_TO%}", drpYearTo.SelectedValue);
                        tmp = tmp.Replace("{%THANG_TO%}", drpMonthTo.SelectedValue);
                        xlsSheet[1, 0].Value = tmp;

                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
                            string col01 = rowType[0].ToString();
                            string col02 = rowType[1].ToString();
                            string col03 = rowType[2].ToString();
                            string col04 = rowType[3].ToString();
                            string col05 = rowType[4].ToString();
                            string col06 = rowType[5].ToString();
                            string col07 = rowType[6].ToString();
                            string col08 = rowType[7].ToString();
                            string col09 = rowType[8].ToString();
                            string col10 = rowType[9].ToString();
                            string col11 = rowType[10].ToString();

                            xlsSheet[i, 0].Value = col01;
                            xlsSheet[i, 1].Value = col02;
                            xlsSheet[i, 2].Value = col03;
                            xlsSheet[i, 3].Value = col04;
                            xlsSheet[i, 4].Value = col05;
                            xlsSheet[i, 5].Value = col06;
                            xlsSheet[i, 6].Value = col07;
                            xlsSheet[i, 7].Value = col08;
                            xlsSheet[i, 8].Value = col09;
                            xlsSheet[i, 9].Value = col10;
                            xlsSheet[i, 10].Value = col11;

                            xlsSheet[i, 0].Style = xlstStyle;
                            xlsSheet[i, 1].Style = xlstStyleB;
                            xlsSheet[i, 2].Style = xlstStyleB;
                            xlsSheet[i, 3].Style = xlstStyleB;
                            xlsSheet[i, 4].Style = xlstStyleB;
                            xlsSheet[i, 5].Style = xlstStyleB;
                            xlsSheet[i, 6].Style = xlstStyleB;
                            xlsSheet[i, 7].Style = xlstStyleB;
                            xlsSheet[i, 8].Style = xlstStyleB;
                            xlsSheet[i, 9].Style = xlstStyleB;
                            xlsSheet[i, 10].Style = xlstStyleB;
                            xlsSheet[i, 11].Style = xlstStyleB;

                        ////ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "", "PopUp('/CSV/DownloadZipFile.aspx'," + PopupWidth + "," + PopupHeight + ",'EditFlat', true);", true);

                        ////xlsSheet[i++, 0].Value = "Ghi chú:";
                        //DataSet ds1 = new DataSet();
                        //sql = string.Empty;

                        //sql = " SELECT *";
                        //sql += " FROM BD_WorkingHour";
                        //sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and DelFlag <> 1";
                        //sql += " Order By Name";

                        //using (SqlCommand cm1 = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                        //    SqlDataAdapter da1 = new SqlDataAdapter(cm1);
                        //    da1.Fill(ds1);
                        //    db.Close();

                        //    if (ds != null)
                        //    {

                        //        xlsSheet[i++ + 1, 0].Value = "Ghi chú:";
                        //        DataTable dt1 = ds1.Tables[0];
                        //        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt1.Rows)
                        //        {
                        //            i++;
                        //            string Ma = rowType["WorkingHourId"].ToString();
                        //            string Name = rowType["Name"].ToString();
                        //            xlsSheet[i, 0].Value = Ma + ":";
                        //            xlsSheet[i, 1].Value = Name;
                        //        }
                        //        xlsSheet[i + 1, 0].Value = "OF:";
                        //        xlsSheet[i + 1, 1].Value = "OF: nghỉ";
                        //    }
                        //string dataPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"\Building\Staff\DataTmp");
                        //string tmpFolder = dataPath;
                        //if (!Directory.Exists(tmpFolder))
                        //    Directory.CreateDirectory(tmpFolder);
                        //string name = "KhaiBaoLichLamViec_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss") + ".xls";
                        //string fileName = Path.Combine(tmpFolder, name);
                        //                        string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"\Report\Template\THSLXT_tpl_1.xlsx");

                        //Session["ZipFilePath"] = null;
                        //Session["ZipFilePath"] = fileName;

                        ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "", "PopUp('../" + strFilePathExport + "'," + PopupWidth + "," + PopupHeight + ",'EditReport', true);", true);

Ejemplo n.º 51
        protected void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            string sql = string.Empty;

            sql = " SELECT *";
            sql += " FROM v_TicketStubs";
            sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' ";
            sql += " AND (ReceiveDate is not null and substring(ReceiveDate,1,6) >= '" + drpYear.SelectedValue + drpMonth.SelectedValue + "')";

            using (SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase())
                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    if (ds != null)
                        C1XLBook xlbBook = new C1XLBook();
                        string fileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Template\ThongTinVeXeLuot.xls");
                        if (!Directory.Exists(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\ThongTinVeXeLuot"))
                            Directory.CreateDirectory(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\ThongTinVeXeLuot"));

                        string strDT = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
                        string strFilePath = @"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\ThongTinVeXeLuot\ThongTinVeXeLuot" + strDT + ".xls";
                        string strFilePathExport = "Report/Building/" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "/ThongTinVeXeLuot/ThongTinVeXeLuot" + strDT + ".xls";

                        string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(strFilePath);

                        File.Copy(fileName, fileNameDes);

                        XLSheet xlsSheet = xlbBook.Sheets["BaoCao"];

                        int i = 3;
                        XLCellRange mrCell = new XLCellRange(0, 0, 0, 2);

                        XLStyle xlstStyle = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                        //xlstStyle.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Left;
                        xlstStyle.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Top;
                        xlstStyle.WordWrap = true;
                        xlstStyle.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
                        xlstStyle.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyle.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyle.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyle.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyle.Format = "#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)";

                        XLStyle xlstStyle01 = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                        xlstStyle01.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center;
                        xlstStyle01.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Top;
                        xlstStyle01.WordWrap = true;
                        xlstStyle01.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
                        xlstStyle01.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyle01.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyle01.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyle01.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;

                        xlsSheet[1, 0].Value = xlsSheet[1, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TOA_NHA%}", DbHelper.GetScalar("Select Name From Mst_Building Where BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "'"));
                        xlsSheet[1, 0].Value = xlsSheet[1, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%THANG%}", drpMonth.SelectedValue+"/"+drpYear.SelectedValue);

                        string seriTmp = "";
                        decimal remainTmp = 0;
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)

                            string col01 = rowType[0].ToString();
                            string col02 = rowType[1].ToString();
                            string col03 = Func.FormatDMY(rowType[2].ToString());
                            string col04 = rowType[3].ToString();
                            string col05 = rowType[4].ToString();
                            string col06 = Func.FormatDMY(rowType[5].ToString());
                            string col07 = rowType[6].ToString();
                            string col08 = rowType[7].ToString();
                            string col09 = rowType[8].ToString();
                            string col10 = rowType[9].ToString();
                            string col11 = rowType[10].ToString();
                            string col12 = rowType[11].ToString();
                            string col13 = rowType[12].ToString();

                            if (!seriTmp.Equals(col01))
                                xlsSheet[i, 0].Value = col01;
                                xlsSheet[i, 1].Value = rowType[1];
                                xlsSheet[i, 2].Value = col03;
                                xlsSheet[i, 3].Value = col04;
                                xlsSheet[i, 4].Value = col05;

                                xlsSheet[i, 0].Style = xlstStyle;
                                xlsSheet[i, 1].Style = xlstStyle;
                                xlsSheet[i, 2].Style = xlstStyle;
                                xlsSheet[i, 3].Style = xlstStyle;
                                xlsSheet[i, 4].Style = xlstStyle;

                                int remain = Func.ParseInt(col02) - Func.ParseInt(col09);
                                remainTmp = remain;
                                xlsSheet[i, 11].Value = remain;

                                seriTmp = col01;
                            else {
                                remainTmp -= Convert.ToDecimal(col09);
                                xlsSheet[i, 11].Value = remainTmp;

                            xlsSheet[i, 5].Value = col06;
                            xlsSheet[i, 6].Value = col07;
                            xlsSheet[i, 7].Value = col08;
                            xlsSheet[i, 8].Value = rowType[8];
                            xlsSheet[i, 9].Value = rowType[9];
                            xlsSheet[i, 10].Value = rowType[10];
                            xlsSheet[i,12].Value = col13;

                            xlsSheet[i, 5].Style = xlstStyle;
                            xlsSheet[i, 6].Style = xlstStyle;
                            xlsSheet[i, 7].Style = xlstStyle;
                            xlsSheet[i, 8].Style = xlstStyle;
                            xlsSheet[i, 9].Style = xlstStyle;
                            xlsSheet[i, 10].Style = xlstStyle;
                            xlsSheet[i, 11].Style = xlstStyle;
                            xlsSheet[i, 12].Style = xlstStyle;

                        ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "", "PopUp('../" + strFilePathExport + "'," + PopupWidth + "," + PopupHeight + ",'EditReport', true);", true);

        protected void btnView_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int rBillNo = 0;
            int cBillNo = 1;

            int rBillDate = 0;
            int cBillDate = 10;

            int rBillMonth = 2;
            int cBillMonth = 0;

            int rContact = 5;
            int cContact = 3;

            int rCustomer = 5;
            int cCustomer = 9;

            int rContract = 7;
            int cContract = 1;

            int rRate = 11;
            int cRate = 9;

            int rRateDate = 11;
            int cRateDate = 12;

            int rRent = 15;
            int cRent = 1;

            int rManager = 23;
            int cManager = 1;

            int rParking = 31;
            int cParking = 1;

            int rExtra = 39;
            int cExtra = 1;

            int rElec = 47;
            int cElec = 1;

            int rWater = 55;
            int cWater = 1;

            int rService = 63;
            int cService = 1;

            int rPaid = 70;
            int cPaid = 1;

            int rDept = 77;
            int cDept = 1;

            int check = DbHelper.GetCount("Select count(*) from PaymentBillInfo Where BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and CustomerId = '" + lblCustomerId.Text + "' and YearMonth = '" + drpYear.SelectedValue + drpMonth.SelectedValue + "'");
            if (check == 0)
                mvMessage.AddError("Xin vui lòng tạo hóa đơn trước khi xem");
            mvMessage.CheckRequired(txtBillDate, "Ngày xuất Hóa đơn là danh mục bắt buộc");
            mvMessage.CheckRequired(txtBillNo, "Số Hóa đơn là danh mục bắt buộc");
            mvMessage.CheckRequired(txtUsdExchange, "Tỉ giá USD-VN là danh mục bắt buộc");
            mvMessage.CheckRequired(txtUsdExchangeDate, "Ngày tỉ giá là danh mục bắt buộc");
            //ShowData(drpYear.SelectedValue + drpMonth.SelectedValue);
            C1XLBook xlbBook = new C1XLBook();
            string fileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Template\BillTongQuat.xlsx");
            if (!Directory.Exists(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"])))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"])));

            XLStyle xlstStyle = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
            xlstStyle.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center;
            xlstStyle.WordWrap = true;
            xlstStyle.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
            xlstStyle.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyle.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyle.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyle.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyle.Format = "#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)";

            XLStyle xlstStyleH = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
            xlstStyleH.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center;
            xlstStyleH.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center;
            xlstStyleH.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Bold);
            xlstStyleH.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleH.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleH.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleH.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleH.WordWrap = true;

            string strDT = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
            string strFilePath = @"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\BillTongQuat" + strDT + ".xlsx";
            string strFilePathExport = @"../../Report/Building/" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"/BillTongQuat" + strDT + ".xlsx";

            string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(strFilePath);

            //string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\TongHopDienTich" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".xls");
            File.Copy(fileName, fileNameDes);

            XLSheet xlsSheet = xlbBook.Sheets["TongHop"];

            xlsSheet[0, 0].Value = xlsSheet[0, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%BILL_NO%}", txtBillNo.Text);
            xlsSheet[1, 8].Value = xlsSheet[1, 8].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NGAY%}", DateTime.Today.ToString("dd"));
            xlsSheet[1, 8].Value = xlsSheet[1, 8].Value.ToString().Replace("{%THANG%}", DateTime.Today.ToString("MM"));
            xlsSheet[1, 8].Value = xlsSheet[1, 8].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NAM%}", DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy"));

            using (SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase())
                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                string sql = string.Empty;

                sql = " SELECT Name, ContactName";
                sql += " FROM Customer";
                sql += " WHERE CustomerId = '" + lblCustomerId.Text + "' ";

                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    if (ds != null)
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
                            string Name = rowType[0].ToString();
                            string ContactName = rowType[1].ToString();

                            xlsSheet[6, 0].Value = xlsSheet[6, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TEN_CONG_TY%}", Name);
                            xlsSheet[7, 0].Value = xlsSheet[7, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NGUOI_DAI_DIEN%}", ContactName);
                Hashtable contractIdLst = new Hashtable();
                string contract = "";
                ds = new DataSet();
                sql = " SELECT Bank,Account,AccountName,Office,OfficeAddress,OfficePhone";
                sql += " FROM Mst_Building";
                sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' ";
                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    if (ds != null)
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
                            string Bank = rowType["Bank"].ToString();
                            string Account = rowType["Account"].ToString();
                            string AccountName = rowType["AccountName"].ToString();
                            string Office = rowType["Office"].ToString();
                            string OfficeAddress = rowType["OfficeAddress"].ToString();
                            string OfficePhone = rowType["OfficePhone"].ToString();

                            xlsSheet[62, 0].Value = xlsSheet[62, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%VAN_PHONG%}", Office);
                            xlsSheet[63, 0].Value = xlsSheet[63, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%DIEN_THOAI%}", OfficePhone);

                            xlsSheet[65, 0].Value = xlsSheet[65, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NGAN_HANG%}", Bank);
                            xlsSheet[66, 0].Value = xlsSheet[66, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TEN_TAI_KHOAN%}", AccountName);
                            xlsSheet[67, 0].Value = xlsSheet[67, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%SO_TAI_KHOAN%}", Account);

                xlsSheet[56, 0].Value = xlsSheet[56, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TI_GIA%}", txtUsdExchange.Text).Replace("{%NGAY_AP_DUNG%}", txtUsdExchangeDate.Text);

                //Thue phong
                ds = new DataSet();
                sql = " Select *";
                sql += " FROM PaymentRoom";
                sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and YearMonth = '" + drpYear.SelectedValue + drpMonth.SelectedValue + "'";

                int j = 0;

                double[] LastSumPriceVND = new double[7] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
                float[] LastSumPriceUSD = new float[7] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };

                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    if (ds != null)
                        int count = 0;
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
                            if (count >= 1)
                                xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(17 + j);

                            int tmp = 16 + j;

                            string id = Func.ParseString(rowType["id"]);
                            string BuildingId = Func.ParseString(rowType["BuildingId"]);
                            string CustomerId = Func.ParseString(rowType["CustomerId"]);
                            string ContractId = Func.ParseString(rowType["ContractId"]);
                            string RoomId = Func.ParseString(rowType["RoomId"]);

                            string OtherFee01 = Func.ParseString(rowType["OtherFee01"]);
                            string OtherFee02 = Func.ParseString(rowType["OtherFee02"]);

                            string YearMonth = Func.ParseString(rowType["YearMonth"]);
                            string Area = Func.ParseString(rowType["Area"]);
                            string Name = Func.ParseString(rowType["Name"]);
                            string Regional = Func.ParseString(rowType["Regional"]);
                            string Floor = Func.ParseString(rowType["Floor"]);

                            string RentPriceVND = Func.ParseString(rowType["MonthRentPriceVND"]);
                            string RentPriceUSD = Func.ParseString(rowType["MonthRentPriceUSD"]);
                            string VatVND = Func.ParseString(rowType["VatRentPriceVND"]);
                            string VatUSD = Func.ParseString(rowType["VatRentPriceUSD"]);

                            string SumVND = Func.ParseString(rowType["MonthRentSumVND"]);
                            string SumUSD = Func.ParseString(rowType["MonthRentSumUSD"]);

                            string LastPriceVND = Func.ParseString(rowType["LastRentSumVND"]);
                            string LastPriceUSD = Func.ParseString(rowType["LastRentSumUSD"]);

                            string BeginContract = Func.ParseString(rowType["BeginContract"]);

                            if (!contractIdLst.ContainsKey(ContractId + "(" + BeginContract + ")"))
                                contractIdLst.Add(ContractId + "(" + BeginContract + ")", ContractId + "(" + BeginContract + ")");
                                contract += ";" + ContractId + "(" + BeginContract + ")";

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 1].Value = Name;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 4].Value = Regional;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 5].Value = Floor;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 6].Value = Func.ParseFloat(Area);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 7].Value = Func.ParseFloat(RentPriceUSD);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 8].Value = Func.ParseFloat(RentPriceVND);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 9].Value = Func.ParseFloat(SumUSD);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 10].Value = Func.ParseFloat(SumVND);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 11].Value = Func.ParseFloat(VatUSD);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 12].Value = Func.ParseFloat(VatVND);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 13].Value = Func.ParseFloat(LastPriceUSD);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 14].Value = Func.ParseFloat(LastPriceVND);

                            XLCellRange mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 1, 3);

                            for (int col = 1; col <= 14; col++)
                                xlsSheet[tmp, col].Style = xlstStyle;

                            LastSumPriceVND[0] += Func.ParseFloat(LastPriceVND);
                            LastSumPriceUSD[0] += Func.ParseFloat(LastPriceUSD);

                        xlsSheet[17 + j, 13].Value = LastSumPriceUSD[0];
                        xlsSheet[17 + j, 14].Value = LastSumPriceVND[0];

                        int line = 20 + j;
                        //Quan ly
                        XLCellRange mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 1, 1, 3);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 1, 4, 4);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 1, 5, 5);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 7, 8);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 9, 10);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 11, 12);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 13, 14);

                        for (int col = 1; col <= 14; col++)
                            xlsSheet[line, col].Style = xlstStyleH;

                        count = 0;
                        foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                            if (count >= 1)
                                xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(23 + j);
                            int tmp = 22;

                            string id = Func.ParseString(row["id"]);
                            string BuildingId = Func.ParseString(row["BuildingId"]);
                            string CustomerId = Func.ParseString(row["CustomerId"]);
                            string ContractId = Func.ParseString(row["ContractId"]);
                            string RoomId = Func.ParseString(row["RoomId"]);
                            string ManagerPriceVND = Func.ParseString(row["MonthManagerPriceVND"]);
                            string ManagerPriceUSD = Func.ParseString(row["MonthManagerPriceUSD"]);
                            string VatVND = Func.ParseString(row["VatManagerPriceVND"]);
                            string VatUSD = Func.ParseString(row["VatManagerPriceUSD"]);

                            string OtherFee01 = Func.ParseString(row["OtherFee01"]);
                            string OtherFee02 = Func.ParseString(row["OtherFee02"]);
                            string SumVND = Func.ParseString(row["MonthManagerSumVND"]);
                            string SumUSD = Func.ParseString(row["MonthManagerSumUSD"]);

                            string LastPriceVND = Func.ParseString(row["LastManagerSumVND"]);
                            string LastPriceUSD = Func.ParseString(row["LastManagerSumUSD"]);

                            string YearMonth = Func.ParseString(row["YearMonth"]);
                            string Area = Func.ParseString(row["Area"]);
                            string Name = Func.ParseString(row["Name"]);
                            string Regional = Func.ParseString(row["Regional"]);
                            string Floor = Func.ParseString(row["Floor"]);

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 1].Value = Name;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 4].Value = Regional;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 5].Value = Floor;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 6].Value = Func.ParseFloat(Area);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 7].Value = Func.ParseFloat(ManagerPriceUSD);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 8].Value = Func.ParseFloat(ManagerPriceVND);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 9].Value = Func.ParseFloat(SumUSD);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 10].Value = Func.ParseFloat(SumVND);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 11].Value = Func.ParseFloat(VatUSD);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 12].Value = Func.ParseFloat(VatVND);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 13].Value = Func.ParseFloat(LastPriceUSD);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 14].Value = Func.ParseFloat(LastPriceVND);

                            XLCellRange mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 1, 3);

                            for (int col = 1; col <= 14; col++)
                                xlsSheet[tmp, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                            LastSumPriceVND[1] += Func.ParseFloat(LastPriceVND);
                            LastSumPriceUSD[1] += Func.ParseFloat(LastPriceUSD);
                        xlsSheet[23 + j, 13].Value = LastSumPriceUSD[1];
                        xlsSheet[23 + j, 14].Value = LastSumPriceVND[1];
                ds = new DataSet();
                //Xuất ra toàn bộ nội dung theo Trang
                sql = " SELECT COUNT(*) AS Num, YearMonth, TariffsParkingName, PriceVND, PriceUSD, SUM(VatVND) AS VatVND,SUM(VatUSD) AS VatUSD, SUM(SumVND) AS SumVND, SUM(SumUSD) AS SumUSD, SUM(LastPriceVND) AS LastPriceVND";
                sql += "        , SUM(LastPriceUSD) AS LastPriceUSD";
                sql += " FROM         dbo.PaymentParking";
                sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and YearMonth = '" + drpYear.SelectedValue + drpMonth.SelectedValue + "'";
                sql += " GROUP BY YearMonth, TariffsParkingName, PriceVND, PriceUSD, Vat";

                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    if (ds != null)
                        int count = 0;
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        int line = 26 + j;
                        //Phi gui xe
                        XLCellRange mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 1, 1, 5);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 7, 8);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 9, 10);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 11, 12);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 13, 14);

                        for (int col = 1; col <= 14; col++)
                            xlsSheet[line, col].Style = xlstStyleH;

                        foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                            if (count >= 1)
                                xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(29 + j);
                            int tmp = 28 + j;

                            string Num = Func.ParseString(row["Num"]);
                            string TariffsParkingName = Func.ParseString(row["TariffsParkingName"]);

                            string PriceVND = Func.ParseString(row["PriceVND"]);
                            string PriceUSD = Func.ParseString(row["PriceUSD"]);
                            string VatVND = Func.ParseString(row["VatVND"]);
                            string VatUSD = Func.ParseString(row["VatUSD"]);

                            string SumVND = Func.ParseString(row["SumVND"]);
                            string SumUSD = Func.ParseString(row["SumUSD"]);
                            string LastPriceVND = Func.ParseString(row["LastPriceVND"]);
                            string LastPriceUSD = Func.ParseString(row["LastPriceUSD"]);

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 1].Value = TariffsParkingName;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 6].Value = Num;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 7].Value = Func.ParseFloat(PriceUSD);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 8].Value = Func.ParseFloat(PriceVND);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 9].Value = Func.ParseFloat(SumUSD);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 10].Value = Func.ParseFloat(SumVND);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 11].Value = Func.ParseFloat(VatUSD);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 12].Value = Func.ParseFloat(VatVND);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 13].Value = Func.ParseFloat(LastPriceUSD);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 14].Value = Func.ParseFloat(LastPriceVND);

                            XLCellRange mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 1, 5);

                            for (int col = 1; col <= 14; col++)
                                xlsSheet[tmp, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                            LastSumPriceVND[2] += Func.ParseFloat(LastPriceVND);
                            LastSumPriceUSD[2] += Func.ParseFloat(LastPriceUSD);
                        xlsSheet[29 + j, 13].Value = LastSumPriceUSD[2];
                        xlsSheet[29 + j, 14].Value = LastSumPriceVND[2];

                //Lam ngoai gio
                ds = new DataSet();
                sql = " SELECT * ";
                sql += " FROM   PaymentExtraTime";
                sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and YearMonth = '" + drpYear.SelectedValue + drpMonth.SelectedValue + "'";

                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    if (ds != null)
                        int count = 0;
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        int line = 32 + j;
                        //Phi ngoai gio
                        XLCellRange mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 1, 1, 5);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 7, 8);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 9, 10);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 11, 12);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 13, 14);

                        for (int col = 1; col <= 14; col++)
                            xlsSheet[line, col].Style = xlstStyleH;

                        foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                            if (count >= 1)
                                xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(35 + j);
                            int tmp = 34 + j;

                            //string id = Func.ParseString(row["id"]);
                            string ExtraHour = Func.ParseString(row["ExtraHour"]);
                            string WorkingDate = Func.ParseString(row["WorkingDate"]);

                            string PriceVND = Func.ParseString(row["PriceVND"]);
                            string PriceUSD = Func.ParseString(row["PriceUSD"]);
                            string VatUSD = Func.ParseString(row["VatUSD"]);
                            string VatVND = Func.ParseString(row["VatVND"]);

                            //string OtherFee01 = Func.ParseString(row["OtherFee01"]);
                            //string OtherFee02 = Func.ParseString(row["OtherFee02"]);
                            string SumVND = Func.ParseString(row["SumVND"]);
                            string SumUSD = Func.ParseString(row["SumUSD"]);
                            string LastPriceVND = Func.ParseString(row["LastPriceVND"]);
                            string LastPriceUSD = Func.ParseString(row["LastPriceUSD"]);

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 1].Value = WorkingDate;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 6].Value = ExtraHour;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 7].Value = Func.ParseFloat(PriceUSD);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 8].Value = Func.ParseFloat(PriceVND);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 9].Value = Func.ParseFloat(SumUSD);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 10].Value = Func.ParseFloat(SumVND);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 11].Value = Func.ParseFloat(VatUSD);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 12].Value = Func.ParseFloat(VatVND);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 13].Value = Func.ParseFloat(LastPriceUSD);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 14].Value = Func.ParseFloat(LastPriceVND);

                            XLCellRange mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 1, 5);

                            for (int col = 1; col <= 14; col++)
                                xlsSheet[tmp, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                            LastSumPriceVND[3] += Func.ParseFloat(LastPriceVND);
                            LastSumPriceUSD[3] += Func.ParseFloat(LastPriceUSD);
                        xlsSheet[35 + j, 13].Value = LastSumPriceUSD[3];
                        xlsSheet[35 + j, 14].Value = LastSumPriceVND[3];

                ds = new DataSet();
                //Xuất ra toàn bộ nội dung theo Trang
                sql = " SELECT A.DateFrom, A.DateTo, A.Vat, B.id, B.UsedElecWaterId, B.FromIndex, B.ToIndex, B.OtherFee01, B.Mount, B.PriceVND, B.PriceUSD, B.SumVND, B.SumUSD, ";
                sql += "        B.VatVND, B.VatUSD, B.LastPriceVND, B.LastPriceUSD, B.Name ";
                sql += " FROM   PaymentElecWater AS A INNER JOIN ";
                sql += "        PaymentElecWaterDetail AS B ON A.UsedElecWaterId = B.UsedElecWaterId";
                sql += " WHERE A.BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and A.CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and TarrifsOfWaterId = 0  and A.YearMonth = '" + drpYear.SelectedValue + drpMonth.SelectedValue + "'";
                sql += " Order by A.DateFrom, B.FromIndex";

                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    if (ds != null)
                        int count = 0;
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        int line = 38 + j;
                        //Phi dien
                        XLCellRange mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 1, 1, 1);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 1, 2, 2);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 1, 3, 3);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 1, 4, 4);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 1, 5, 5);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 7, 8);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 9, 10);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 11, 12);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 13, 14);

                        for (int col = 1; col <= 14; col++)
                            xlsSheet[line, col].Style = xlstStyleH;

                        foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                            if (count >= 1)
                                xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(41 + j);
                            int tmp = 40 + j;

                            string Name = Func.ParseString(row["Name"]);
                            string DateFrom = Func.ParseString(row["DateFrom"]);
                            string DateTo = Func.ParseString(row["DateTo"]);

                            string FromIndex = Func.ParseString(row["FromIndex"]);
                            string ToIndex = Func.ParseString(row["ToIndex"]);
                            string OtherFee01 = Func.ParseString(row["OtherFee01"]);
                            string Mount = Func.ParseString(row["Mount"]);

                            string PriceVND = Func.ParseString(row["PriceVND"]);
                            string PriceUSD = Func.ParseString(row["PriceUSD"]);
                            string VatUSD = Func.ParseString(row["VatUSD"]);
                            string VatVND = Func.ParseString(row["VatVND"]);

                            string SumVND = Func.ParseString(row["SumVND"]);
                            string SumUSD = Func.ParseString(row["SumUSD"]);
                            string LastPriceVND = Func.ParseString(row["LastPriceVND"]);
                            string LastPriceUSD = Func.ParseString(row["LastPriceUSD"]);

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 1].Value = DateFrom;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 2].Value = DateTo;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 3].Value = FromIndex;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 4].Value = ToIndex;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 5].Value = OtherFee01;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 6].Value = Mount;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 7].Value = Func.ParseFloat(PriceUSD);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 8].Value = Func.ParseFloat(PriceVND);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 9].Value = Func.ParseFloat(SumUSD);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 10].Value = Func.ParseFloat(SumVND);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 11].Value = Func.ParseFloat(VatUSD);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 12].Value = Func.ParseFloat(VatVND);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 13].Value = Func.ParseFloat(LastPriceUSD);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 14].Value = Func.ParseFloat(LastPriceVND);

                            for (int col = 1; col <= 14; col++)
                                xlsSheet[tmp, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                            LastSumPriceVND[4] += Func.ParseFloat(LastPriceVND);
                            LastSumPriceUSD[4] += Func.ParseFloat(LastPriceUSD);
                        xlsSheet[41 + j, 13].Value = LastSumPriceUSD[4];
                        xlsSheet[41 + j, 14].Value = LastSumPriceVND[4];

                //sql = string.Empty;

                ////Xuất ra toàn bộ nội dung theo Trang
                //sql += " SELECT A.DateFrom, A.DateTo, A.Vat, B.id, B.UsedElecWaterId, B.FromIndex, B.ToIndex, B.OtherFee01, B.Mount, B.PriceVND, B.PriceUSD, B.SumVND, B.SumUSD, ";
                //sql += "        B.VatVND, B.VatUSD, B.LastPriceVND, B.LastPriceUSD, B.Name ";
                //sql += " FROM   PaymentElecWater AS A INNER JOIN ";
                //sql += "        PaymentElecWaterDetail AS B ON A.UsedElecWaterId = B.UsedElecWaterId";
                //sql += " WHERE A.BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and A.CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and TarrifsOfElecId = 0 and A.YearMonth = '" + YearMonth + "'";
                //sql += " Order by A.DateFrom, B.FromIndex";
                ds = new DataSet();
                sql = string.Empty;
                sql = " SELECT * ";
                sql += " FROM   PaymentService";
                sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and YearMonth = '" + drpYear.SelectedValue + drpMonth.SelectedValue + "'";
                sql += " Order By ServiceDate ";

                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    if (ds != null)
                        int count = 0;
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        int line = 44 + j;
                        //Phi khác
                        XLCellRange mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 1, 1, 3);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 1, 4, 4);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line + 1, 5, 5);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 7, 8);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 9, 10);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 11, 12);

                        mCell = new XLCellRange(line, line, 13, 14);

                        for (int col = 1; col <= 14; col++)
                            xlsSheet[line, col].Style = xlstStyleH;

                        foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                            if (count >= 1)
                                xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(41 + j);
                            int tmp = 46 + j++;

                            string Service = Func.ParseString(row["Service"]);
                            string ServiceDateFrom = Func.ParseString(row["ServiceDateFrom"]);
                            string ServiceDateTo = Func.ParseString(row["ServiceDateTo"]);

                            string PriceVND = Func.ParseString(row["PriceVND"]);
                            string PriceUSD = Func.ParseString(row["PriceUSD"]);
                            string VatUSD = Func.ParseString(row["VatUSD"]);
                            string VatVND = Func.ParseString(row["VatVND"]);

                            string Mount = Func.ParseString(row["Mount"]);
                            //string OtherFee02 = Func.ParseString(row["OtherFee02"]);
                            string SumVND = Func.ParseString(row["SumVND"]);
                            string SumUSD = Func.ParseString(row["SumUSD"]);
                            string LastPriceVND = Func.ParseString(row["LastPriceVND"]);
                            string LastPriceUSD = Func.ParseString(row["LastPriceUSD"]);

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 1].Value = Service;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 4].Value = ServiceDateFrom;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 5].Value = ServiceDateTo;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 6].Value = Mount;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 7].Value = Func.ParseFloat(PriceUSD);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 8].Value = Func.ParseFloat(PriceVND);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 9].Value = Func.ParseFloat(SumUSD);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 10].Value = Func.ParseFloat(SumVND);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 11].Value = Func.ParseFloat(VatUSD);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 12].Value = Func.ParseFloat(VatVND);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 13].Value = Func.ParseFloat(LastPriceUSD);
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 14].Value = Func.ParseFloat(LastPriceVND);

                            XLCellRange mrCell = new XLCellRange(tmp, tmp, 1, 3);

                            for (int col = 1; col <= 14; col++)
                                xlsSheet[tmp, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                            LastSumPriceVND[5] += Func.ParseFloat(LastPriceVND);
                            LastSumPriceUSD[5] += Func.ParseFloat(LastPriceUSD);
                        xlsSheet[47 + j, 13].Value = LastSumPriceUSD[5];
                        xlsSheet[47 + j, 14].Value = LastSumPriceVND[5];
                double AllSumVND = 0;
                float AllSumUSD = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                    AllSumVND += LastSumPriceVND[i];
                    AllSumUSD += LastSumPriceUSD[i];
                string strMoney = Func.docso(Convert.ToInt32(AllSumVND));

                xlsSheet[8, 0].Value = xlsSheet[8, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%HOP_DONG%}", contract.Substring(1));
                xlsSheet[57 + j, 0].Value = xlsSheet[57 + j, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TONG%}", Func.ParseString(AllSumVND));
                xlsSheet[58 + j, 0].Value = xlsSheet[58 + j, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TONG_CHU%}", strMoney.ToUpper());

                //XLSheet source = xlbBook.Sheets["tpl"];

                //for (int row = 22; row <= 26; row++)
                //    for (int col = 1; col <= 12; col++)
                //    {
                //        xlsSheet[row + j, col].Style = source[row, col].Style;
                //        xlsSheet[row + j, col].Value = source[row, col].Value;
                //    }

                //XLCellRange mrCell = new XLCellRange(22 + j, 23 + j, 1, 1);

                //mrCell = new XLCellRange(22 + j, 23 + j, 2, 2);

                //mrCell = new XLCellRange(22 + j, 23 + j, 3, 4);

                //mrCell = new XLCellRange(22 + j, 22 + j, 5, 6);

                //mrCell = new XLCellRange(22 + j, 22 + j, 7, 8);

                //mrCell = new XLCellRange(22 + j, 22 + j, 9, 10);

                //mrCell = new XLCellRange(22 + j, 22 + j, 11, 12);

                //ds = new DataSet();
                //sql = " SELECT  Service, Mount, PriceUSD, PriceVND, SumUSD, SumVND, VatUSD, VatVND, LastPriceUSD, LastPriceVND, Unit";
                //sql += " FROM    PaymentBookingService";
                //sql += " WHERE BookingId = '" + hidId.Value + "' ";

                //j = 0;
                //using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                //    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);
                //    da.Fill(ds);

                //    if (ds != null)
                //    {
                //        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                //        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
                //        {
                //            if (j >= 1)
                //            {
                //                xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(19);
                //            }
                //            int tmp = 24 + j++;

                //            string Service = rowType["Service"].ToString();
                //            string Mount = rowType["Mount"].ToString();
                //            string Unit = rowType["Unit"].ToString();
                //            string PriceUSD = rowType["PriceUSD"].ToString();
                //            string PriceVND = rowType["PriceVND"].ToString();
                //            string SumUSD = rowType["SumUSD"].ToString();
                //            string SumVND = rowType["SumVND"].ToString();
                //            string VatUSD = rowType["VatUSD"].ToString();
                //            string VatVND = rowType["VatVND"].ToString();
                //            string LastPriceUSD = rowType["LastPriceUSD"].ToString();
                //            string LastPriceVND = rowType["LastPriceVND"].ToString();

                //            xlsSheet[tmp, 1].Value = Service;
                //            xlsSheet[tmp, 2].Value = Func.ParseFloat(Mount);
                //            xlsSheet[tmp, 3].Value = Unit;

                //            xlsSheet[tmp, 5].Value = Func.ParseFloat(PriceUSD);
                //            xlsSheet[tmp, 6].Value = Func.ParseFloat(PriceVND);
                //            xlsSheet[tmp, 7].Value = Func.ParseFloat(SumUSD);
                //            xlsSheet[tmp, 8].Value = Func.ParseFloat(SumVND);
                //            xlsSheet[tmp, 9].Value = Func.ParseFloat(VatUSD);
                //            xlsSheet[tmp, 10].Value = Func.ParseFloat(VatVND);
                //            xlsSheet[tmp, 11].Value = Func.ParseFloat(LastPriceUSD);
                //            xlsSheet[tmp, 12].Value = Func.ParseFloat(LastPriceVND);

                //            for (int col = 1; col <= 12; col++)
                //            {
                //                xlsSheet[tmp, col].Style = xlstStyle;
                //            }
                //        }

                //    }

                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "", "PopUp('" + strFilePathExport + "'," + PopupWidth + "," + PopupHeight + ",'EditReport', true);", true);
        protected void btnView_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            C1XLBook xlbBook = new C1XLBook();
            string fileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Template\BillPhongHop.xlsx");
            if (!Directory.Exists(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"])))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"])));

            decimal LastSumPriceVND = 0;
            decimal LastSumPriceUSD = 0;

            XLStyle xlstStyle = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
            xlstStyle.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center;
            xlstStyle.WordWrap = true;
            xlstStyle.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
            xlstStyle.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyle.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyle.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyle.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;

            string strDT = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
            string strFilePath = @"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\BillPhongHop" + strDT + ".xlsx";
            string strFilePathExport = @"../../Report/Building/" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"/BillPhongHop" + strDT + ".xlsx";

            string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(strFilePath);

            //string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\TongHopDienTich" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".xlsx");
            File.Copy(fileName, fileNameDes);

            XLSheet xlsSheet = xlbBook.Sheets["HoaDon"];

            int k = 2;
            xlsSheet[1, 6 + k].Value = xlsSheet[1, 6 + k].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NGAY%}", DateTime.Today.ToString("dd"));
            xlsSheet[1, 6 + k].Value = xlsSheet[1, 6 + k].Value.ToString().Replace("{%THANG%}", DateTime.Today.ToString("MM"));
            xlsSheet[1, 6 + k].Value = xlsSheet[1, 6 + k].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NAM%}", DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy"));

            using (SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase())
                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                string sql = string.Empty;

                sql = " SELECT Name, ContactName";
                sql += " FROM Customer";
                sql += " WHERE CustomerId = '" + lnbCustomerId.Text + "' ";

                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    if (ds != null)
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
                            string Name = rowType[0].ToString();
                            string ContactName = rowType[1].ToString();

                            xlsSheet[6, 0].Value = xlsSheet[6, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TEN_CONG_TY%}", Name);
                            xlsSheet[7, 0].Value = xlsSheet[7, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NGUOI_DAI_DIEN%}", ContactName);

                            xlsSheet[9, 0].Value = xlsSheet[9, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NGAY_HOP_DONG%}", lblBookingDate.Text);

                            xlsSheet[11, 0].Value = xlsSheet[11, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%GIO_TU%}", drpHourFrom.SelectedValue);
                            xlsSheet[11, 0].Value = xlsSheet[11, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%PHUT_TU%}", drpMinuteFrom.Value);
                            xlsSheet[11, 0].Value = xlsSheet[11, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%GIO_DEN%}", drpHourTo.SelectedValue);
                            xlsSheet[11, 0].Value = xlsSheet[11, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%PHUT_DEN%}", drpMinuteTo.Value);
                            xlsSheet[11, 0].Value = xlsSheet[11, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NGAY_THUE%}", lblBookingDate.Text);

                ds = new DataSet();
                sql = " SELECT Bank,Account,AccountName,Office,OfficeAddress,OfficePhone";
                sql += " FROM Mst_Building";
                sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' ";
                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    if (ds != null)
                        int tmp = 2;
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
                            string Bank = rowType["Bank"].ToString();
                            string Account = rowType["Account"].ToString();
                            string AccountName = rowType["AccountName"].ToString();
                            string Office = rowType["Office"].ToString();
                            string OfficeAddress = rowType["OfficeAddress"].ToString();
                            string OfficePhone = rowType["OfficePhone"].ToString();

                            xlsSheet[30 + tmp, 0].Value = xlsSheet[30 + tmp, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%VAN_PHONG%}", Office);
                            xlsSheet[31 + tmp, 0].Value = xlsSheet[31 + tmp, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%DIEN_THOAI%}", OfficePhone);

                            xlsSheet[33 + tmp, 0].Value = xlsSheet[33 + tmp, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NGAN_HANG%}", Bank);
                            xlsSheet[34 + tmp, 0].Value = xlsSheet[34 + tmp, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TEN_TAI_KHOAN%}", AccountName);
                            xlsSheet[35 + tmp, 0].Value = xlsSheet[35 + tmp, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%SO_TAI_KHOAN%}", Account);

                xlsSheet[27, 3].Value = Convert.ToDecimal(txtRate.Text);
                xlsSheet[27, 7].Value = txtRateDate.Text.Substring(0, 10);

                ds = new DataSet();
                sql = " SELECT *";
                sql += " FROM v_BookingRoomInfo";
                sql += " WHERE BookingId = '" + hidId.Value + "' ";

                int j = 0;

                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    if (ds != null)
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
                            if (j >= 1)

                            int tmp = 18 + j++;
                            string Name = rowType["Name"].ToString();
                            string Regional = rowType["Regional"].ToString();
                            string Floor = rowType["Floor"].ToString();
                            string Area = rowType["Area"].ToString();
                            string PriceUSD = rowType["PriceUSD"].ToString();
                            string PriceVND = rowType["PriceVND"].ToString();
                            string SumUSD = rowType["SumUSD"].ToString();
                            string SumVND = rowType["SumVND"].ToString();
                            string VatUSD = rowType["VatUSD"].ToString();
                            string VatVND = rowType["VatVND"].ToString();
                            string LastPriceUSD = rowType["LastPriceUSD"].ToString();
                            string LastPriceVND = rowType["LastPriceVND"].ToString();
                            string BookingId = rowType["BookingId"].ToString();

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 1].Value = Name;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 2].Value = Regional;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 3].Value = Floor;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 4].Value = rowType["Area"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 5].Value = rowType["PriceUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 6].Value = rowType["PriceVND"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 7].Value = rowType["SumUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 8].Value = rowType["SumVND"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 9].Value = rowType["VatUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 10].Value = rowType["VatVND"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 11].Value = rowType["LastPriceUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 12].Value = rowType["LastPriceVND"];

                            LastSumPriceVND += Convert.ToDecimal(rowType["LastPriceVND"]);
                            LastSumPriceUSD += Convert.ToDecimal(rowType["LastPriceUSD"]);

                            for (int col = 1; col <= 12; col++)
                                xlsSheet[tmp, col].Style = xlstStyle;

                XLSheet source = xlbBook.Sheets["tpl"];

                for (int row = 22; row <= 26; row++)
                    for (int col = 1; col <= 12; col++)
                        xlsSheet[row + j, col].Style = source[row, col].Style;
                        xlsSheet[row + j, col].Value = source[row, col].Value;

                XLCellRange mrCell = new XLCellRange(22 + j, 23 + j, 1, 1);

                mrCell = new XLCellRange(22 + j, 23 + j, 2, 2);

                mrCell = new XLCellRange(22 + j, 23 + j, 3, 4);

                mrCell = new XLCellRange(22 + j, 22 + j, 5, 6);

                mrCell = new XLCellRange(22 + j, 22 + j, 7, 8);

                mrCell = new XLCellRange(22 + j, 22 + j, 9, 10);

                mrCell = new XLCellRange(22 + j, 22 + j, 11, 12);

                ds = new DataSet();
                sql = " SELECT  Service, Mount, PriceUSD, PriceVND, SumUSD, SumVND, VatUSD, VatVND, LastPriceUSD, LastPriceVND, Unit";
                sql += " FROM    PaymentBookingService";
                sql += " WHERE BookingId = '" + hidId.Value + "' ";

                j = 0;
                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    if (ds != null)
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
                            if (j >= 1)
                            int tmp = 24 + j++;

                            string Service = rowType["Service"].ToString();
                            string Mount = rowType["Mount"].ToString();
                            string Unit = rowType["Unit"].ToString();
                            string PriceUSD = rowType["PriceUSD"].ToString();
                            string PriceVND = rowType["PriceVND"].ToString();
                            string SumUSD = rowType["SumUSD"].ToString();
                            string SumVND = rowType["SumVND"].ToString();
                            string VatUSD = rowType["VatUSD"].ToString();
                            string VatVND = rowType["VatVND"].ToString();
                            string LastPriceUSD = rowType["LastPriceUSD"].ToString();
                            string LastPriceVND = rowType["LastPriceVND"].ToString();

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 1].Value = Service;
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 2].Value = rowType["Mount"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 3].Value = Unit;

                            xlsSheet[tmp, 5].Value = rowType["PriceUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 6].Value = rowType["PriceVND"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 7].Value = rowType["SumUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 8].Value = rowType["SumVND"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 9].Value = rowType["VatUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 10].Value = rowType["VatVND"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 11].Value = rowType["LastPriceUSD"];
                            xlsSheet[tmp, 12].Value = rowType["LastPriceVND"];

                            LastSumPriceVND += Convert.ToDecimal(rowType["LastPriceVND"]);
                            LastSumPriceUSD += Convert.ToDecimal(rowType["LastPriceUSD"]);

                            for (int col = 1; col <= 12; col++)
                                xlsSheet[tmp, col].Style = xlstStyle;

                xlsSheet[28 + j - 1, 2].Value = LastSumPriceVND;
                xlsSheet[29 + j - 1, 2].Value = Func.docso(Convert.ToInt32(LastSumPriceVND));

                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "", "PopUp('" + strFilePathExport + "'," + PopupWidth + "," + PopupHeight + ",'EditReport', true);", true);
        protected void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            string sql = string.Empty;

            sql = " SELECT *";
            sql += " FROM v_GuiXeThang";
            sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' ";
            sql += " AND ((NgayKetThuc is null) OR ";
            sql += "      (NgayKetThuc is not null and substring(NgayKetThuc,1,6) >= '" + drpYear.SelectedValue + drpMonth.SelectedValue + "'))";

            using (SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase())
                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    if (ds != null)
                        C1XLBook xlbBook = new C1XLBook();
                        string fileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Template\GuixeThang.xls");
                        if (!Directory.Exists(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"])))
                            Directory.CreateDirectory(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"])));

                        string strDT = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
                        string strFilePath = @"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\GuiXeThang" + strDT + ".xls";
                        string strFilePathExport = "Report/Building/" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "/GuiXeThang" + strDT + ".xls";

                        string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(strFilePath);

                        //string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\TongHopDienTich" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".xls");
                        File.Copy(fileName, fileNameDes);

                        XLSheet xlsSheet = xlbBook.Sheets["GuiXeThang"];
                        //xlsSheet.Name = drpMonth.SelectedValue + "_" + drpYear.SelectedValue;

                        int i = 4;
                        XLCellRange mrCell = new XLCellRange(0, 0, 0, 2);

                        XLStyle xlstStyle = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                        xlstStyle.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center;
                        xlstStyle.WordWrap = true;
                        xlstStyle.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
                        xlstStyle.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyle.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyle.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyle.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;

                        XLStyle xlstStyle01 = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                        xlstStyle01.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center;
                        xlstStyle01.Font = new Font("", 10, FontStyle.Bold);

                        xlsSheet[1, 0].Value = xlsSheet[1, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TOA_NHA%}", DbHelper.GetScalar("Select Name From Mst_Building Where BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "'"));
                        xlsSheet[0, 0].Value = xlsSheet[0, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%THANG%}", drpMonth.SelectedValue+"/"+drpYear.SelectedValue);

                        int stt = 0;
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
                            string col01 = rowType[0].ToString();
                            string col02 = rowType[1].ToString();
                            string col03 = rowType[2].ToString();
                            string col04 = rowType[3].ToString();
                            string col05 = rowType[4].ToString();
                            string col06 = rowType[5].ToString();
                            string col07 = Func.FormatDMY(rowType[6].ToString());
                            string col08 = Func.FormatDMY(rowType[7].ToString());
                            string col09 = rowType[8].ToString();

                            xlsSheet[i, 0].Value = ++stt;
                            xlsSheet[i, 1].Value = col03;
                            xlsSheet[i, 2].Value = col04;
                            xlsSheet[i, 3].Value = col05;
                            xlsSheet[i, 4].Value = col06;
                            xlsSheet[i, 5].Value = col07;
                            xlsSheet[i, 6].Value = col08;
                            xlsSheet[i, 7].Value = col09;

                            xlsSheet[i, 0].Style = xlstStyle;
                            xlsSheet[i, 1].Style = xlstStyle;
                            xlsSheet[i, 2].Style = xlstStyle;
                            xlsSheet[i, 3].Style = xlstStyle;
                            xlsSheet[i, 4].Style = xlstStyle;
                            xlsSheet[i, 5].Style = xlstStyle;
                            xlsSheet[i, 6].Style = xlstStyle;
                            xlsSheet[i, 7].Style = xlstStyle;

                        ////ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "", "PopUp('/CSV/DownloadZipFile.aspx'," + PopupWidth + "," + PopupHeight + ",'EditFlat', true);", true);

                        ////xlsSheet[i++, 0].Value = "Ghi chú:";
                        //DataSet ds1 = new DataSet();
                        //sql = string.Empty;

                        //sql = " SELECT *";
                        //sql += " FROM BD_WorkingHour";
                        //sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and DelFlag <> 1";
                        //sql += " Order By Name";

                        //using (SqlCommand cm1 = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                        //    SqlDataAdapter da1 = new SqlDataAdapter(cm1);
                        //    da1.Fill(ds1);
                        //    db.Close();

                        //    if (ds != null)
                        //    {

                        //        xlsSheet[i++ + 1, 0].Value = "Ghi chú:";
                        //        DataTable dt1 = ds1.Tables[0];
                        //        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt1.Rows)
                        //        {
                        //            i++;
                        //            string Ma = rowType["WorkingHourId"].ToString();
                        //            string Name = rowType["Name"].ToString();
                        //            xlsSheet[i, 0].Value = Ma + ":";
                        //            xlsSheet[i, 1].Value = Name;
                        //        }
                        //        xlsSheet[i + 1, 0].Value = "OF:";
                        //        xlsSheet[i + 1, 1].Value = "OF: nghỉ";
                        //    }
                        //string dataPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"\Building\Staff\DataTmp");
                        //string tmpFolder = dataPath;
                        //if (!Directory.Exists(tmpFolder))
                        //    Directory.CreateDirectory(tmpFolder);
                        //string name = "KhaiBaoLichLamViec_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss") + ".xls";
                        //string fileName = Path.Combine(tmpFolder, name);
            //                        string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"\Report\Template\THSLXT_tpl_1.xlsx");

                        //Session["ZipFilePath"] = null;
                        //Session["ZipFilePath"] = fileName;

                        ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "", "PopUp('../" + strFilePathExport + "'," + PopupWidth + "," + PopupHeight + ",'EditReport', true);", true);

Ejemplo n.º 55
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void btnExport2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string buildingId = Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]);
            string sql = "Select CustomerId, Name From Customer Where BuildingId = '" + buildingId + "' and DelFlag = 0 order by CustomerId";
            Hashtable CusList = new Hashtable();
            DataTable dtCus = DbHelper.GetDataTable(sql);
            foreach (DataRow drCus in dtCus.Rows)
                if (!CusList.Contains(drCus["CustomerId"].ToString()))
                    CusList.Add(drCus["CustomerId"].ToString(), drCus["Name"].ToString());

            Hashtable PaymentList = new Hashtable();
            sql = "Select * from v_PaymentBillDetailGeneral Where BuildingId = '" + buildingId + "' order by CustomerId";

            DataTable dt = DbHelper.GetDataTable(sql);
            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                string CustomerId = dr["CustomerId"].ToString();
                string key = CustomerId;
                DeptInfo tmp;

                if (!PaymentList.Contains(key))
                    tmp = new DeptInfo();
                    tmp.CustomerId = CustomerId;
                    tmp.Customer = Func.ParseString(CusList[CustomerId]);
                    PaymentList.Add(key, tmp);
                string PaymentType = dr["PaymentType"].ToString();

                decimal MoneyUSD = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["MoneyUSD"]);
                decimal MoneyVND = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["MoneyVND"]);
                decimal PaidUSD = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["PaidUSD"]);
                decimal PaidVND = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["PaidVND"]);

                tmp = (DeptInfo)PaymentList[key];
                switch (PaymentType)
                    case "1":
                        tmp.RentUSD = MoneyUSD;
                        tmp.RentVND = MoneyVND;
                        tmp.RentPaidUSD = PaidUSD;
                        tmp.RentPaidVND = PaidVND;
                    case "2":
                        tmp.ManagerUSD = MoneyUSD;
                        tmp.ManagerVND = MoneyVND;
                        tmp.ManagerPaidUSD = PaidUSD;
                        tmp.ManagerPaidVND = PaidVND;
                    case "3":
                        tmp.ParkingUSD = MoneyUSD;
                        tmp.ParkingVND = MoneyVND;
                        tmp.ParkingPaidUSD = PaidUSD;
                        tmp.ParkingPaidVND = PaidVND;
                    case "4":
                        tmp.ExtraUSD = MoneyUSD;
                        tmp.ExtraVND = MoneyVND;
                        tmp.ExtraPaidUSD = PaidUSD;
                        tmp.ExtraPaidVND = PaidVND;
                    case "5":
                        tmp.ElecUSD = MoneyUSD;
                        tmp.ElecVND = MoneyVND;
                        tmp.ElecPaidUSD = PaidUSD;
                        tmp.ElecPaidVND = PaidVND;
                    case "6":
                        tmp.WaterUSD = MoneyUSD;
                        tmp.WaterVND = MoneyVND;
                        tmp.WaterPaidUSD = PaidUSD;
                        tmp.WaterPaidVND = PaidVND;
                    case "7":
                        tmp.ServiceUSD = MoneyUSD;
                        tmp.ServiceVND = MoneyVND;
                        tmp.ServicePaidUSD = PaidUSD;
                        tmp.ServicePaidVND = PaidVND;
                    case "8":
                        tmp.BookingUSD = MoneyUSD;
                        tmp.BookingVND = MoneyVND;
                        tmp.BookingPaidUSD = PaidUSD;
                        tmp.BookingPaidVND = PaidVND;

            C1XLBook xlbBook = new C1XLBook();

            string fileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Template\BaoCaoCongNo_TongQuat.xlsx");
            if (!Directory.Exists(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\BaoCaoCongNo"))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\BaoCaoCongNo"));

            string strDT = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
            string strFilePath = @"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\BaoCaoCongNo\BaoCaoCongNo_TongQuat" + strDT + ".xlsx";
            string strFilePathExport = "Report/Building/" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "/BaoCaoCongNo/BaoCaoCongNo_TongQuat" + strDT + ".xlsx";

            string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(strFilePath);

            //string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\TongHopDienTich" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".xlsx");
            File.Copy(fileName, fileNameDes);


            XLStyle xlstStyle2 = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
            xlstStyle2.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center;
            xlstStyle2.WordWrap = false;
            xlstStyle2.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
            xlstStyle2.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyle2.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyle2.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyle2.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyle2.Format = "#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)";

            XLStyle xlstStyle1 = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
            xlstStyle1.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center;
            xlstStyle1.WordWrap = false;
            xlstStyle1.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
            xlstStyle1.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyle1.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyle1.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyle1.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyle1.Format = "#,##0.0_);(#,##0.0)";

            XLStyle xlstStyle0 = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
            xlstStyle0.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center;
            xlstStyle0.WordWrap = false;
            xlstStyle0.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
            xlstStyle0.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyle0.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyle0.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyle0.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyle0.Format = "#,##0_);(#,##0)";

            XLStyle xlstStyleB2 = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
            xlstStyleB2.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Right;
            xlstStyleB2.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center;
            xlstStyleB2.WordWrap = false;
            xlstStyleB2.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Bold);
            xlstStyleB2.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleB2.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleB2.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleB2.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleB2.Format = "#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)";

            XLStyle xlstStyleB1 = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
            xlstStyleB1.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Right;
            xlstStyleB1.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center;
            xlstStyleB1.WordWrap = false;
            xlstStyleB1.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Bold);
            xlstStyleB1.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleB1.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleB1.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleB1.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleB1.Format = "#,##0.0_);(#,##0.0)";

            XLStyle xlstStyleB0 = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
            xlstStyleB0.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Right;
            xlstStyleB0.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center;
            xlstStyleB0.WordWrap = false;
            xlstStyleB0.Font = new Font("", 8, FontStyle.Bold);
            xlstStyleB0.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleB0.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleB0.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleB0.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
            xlstStyleB0.Format = "#,##0_);(#,##0)";

            decimal[] AllSumUsd = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
            decimal[] AllSumVnd = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };

            string sheet = "BaoCao";

            XLSheet xlsSheet = xlbBook.Sheets[sheet];
            int i = 5;

            xlsSheet[0, 1].Value = xlsSheet[0, 1].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TOA_NHA%}", DbHelper.GetScalar("Select Name From Mst_Building Where BuildingId = '" + buildingId + "'"));
            int j = 1;
            foreach (DictionaryEntry tmp in PaymentList)
                string key = (string)tmp.Key;
                DeptInfo dept = (DeptInfo)tmp.Value;

                xlsSheet[i, 0 + j].Value = Func.ParseString(i - 4);
                xlsSheet[i, 1 + j].Value = dept.CustomerId;
                xlsSheet[i, 2 + j].Value = dept.Customer;

                xlsSheet[i, 3 + j].Value = dept.RentUSD;
                xlsSheet[i, 4 + j].Value = dept.RentVND;

                xlsSheet[i, 5 + j].Value = dept.ManagerUSD;
                xlsSheet[i, 6 + j].Value = dept.ManagerVND;

                xlsSheet[i, 7 + j].Value = dept.ParkingUSD;
                xlsSheet[i, 8 + j].Value = dept.ParkingVND;

                xlsSheet[i, 9 + j].Value = dept.ExtraUSD;
                xlsSheet[i, 10 + j].Value = dept.ExtraVND;

                //xlsSheet[i, 11 + j].Value = dept.ElecUSD;
                xlsSheet[i, 11 + j].Value = dept.ElecVND;

                //xlsSheet[i, 13 + j].Value = dept.WaterUSD;
                xlsSheet[i, 12 + j].Value = dept.WaterVND;

                xlsSheet[i, 13 + j].Value = dept.ServiceUSD;
                xlsSheet[i, 14 + j].Value = dept.ServiceVND;

                xlsSheet[i, 15 + j].Value = dept.BookingUSD;
                xlsSheet[i, 16 + j].Value = dept.BookingVND;

                xlsSheet[i, 17 + j].Value = dept.SumUSD();
                xlsSheet[i, 18 + j].Value = dept.SumVND();

                xlsSheet[i, j + 19].Value = dept.RentPaidUSD;
                xlsSheet[i, j + 20].Value = dept.RentPaidVND;

                xlsSheet[i, j + 21].Value = dept.ManagerPaidUSD;
                xlsSheet[i, j + 22].Value = dept.ManagerPaidVND;

                xlsSheet[i, j + 23].Value = dept.ParkingPaidUSD;
                xlsSheet[i, j + 24].Value = dept.ParkingPaidVND;

                xlsSheet[i, j + 25].Value = dept.ExtraPaidUSD;
                xlsSheet[i, j + 26].Value = dept.ExtraPaidVND;

                //xlsSheet[i, 11 + j + 18].Value = dept.ElecPaidUSD;
                xlsSheet[i, j + 27].Value = dept.ElecPaidVND;

                //xlsSheet[i, 13 + j + 18].Value = dept.WaterPaidUSD;
                xlsSheet[i, j + 28].Value = dept.WaterPaidVND;

                xlsSheet[i, j + 29].Value = dept.ServicePaidUSD;
                xlsSheet[i, j + 30].Value = dept.ServicePaidVND;

                xlsSheet[i, j + 31].Value = dept.BookingPaidUSD;
                xlsSheet[i, j + 32].Value = dept.BookingPaidVND;

                xlsSheet[i, j + 33].Value = dept.SumPaidUSD();
                xlsSheet[i, j + 34].Value = dept.SumPaidVND();

                xlsSheet[i, j + 35].Value = dept.SumUSD() - dept.SumPaidUSD();
                xlsSheet[i, j + 36].Value = dept.SumVND() - dept.SumPaidVND();

                AllSumUsd[0] += dept.RentUSD;
                AllSumVnd[0] += dept.RentVND;

                AllSumUsd[1] += dept.ManagerUSD;
                AllSumVnd[1] += dept.ManagerVND;

                AllSumUsd[2] += dept.ParkingUSD;
                AllSumVnd[2] += dept.ParkingVND;

                AllSumUsd[3] += dept.ExtraUSD;
                AllSumVnd[3] += dept.ExtraVND;

                AllSumUsd[4] += dept.ElecUSD;
                AllSumVnd[4] += dept.ElecVND;

                AllSumUsd[5] += dept.WaterUSD;
                AllSumVnd[5] += dept.WaterVND;

                AllSumUsd[6] += dept.ServiceUSD;
                AllSumVnd[6] += dept.ServiceVND;

                AllSumUsd[7] += dept.BookingUSD;
                AllSumVnd[7] += dept.BookingVND;

                AllSumUsd[8] += dept.SumUSD();
                AllSumVnd[8] += dept.SumVND();

                AllSumUsd[9] += dept.RentPaidUSD;
                AllSumVnd[9] += dept.RentPaidVND;

                AllSumUsd[10] += dept.ManagerPaidUSD;
                AllSumVnd[10] += dept.ManagerPaidVND;

                AllSumUsd[11] += dept.ParkingPaidUSD;
                AllSumVnd[11] += dept.ParkingPaidVND;

                AllSumUsd[12] += dept.ExtraPaidUSD;
                AllSumVnd[12] += dept.ExtraPaidVND;

                AllSumUsd[13] += dept.ElecPaidUSD;
                AllSumVnd[13] += dept.ElecPaidVND;

                AllSumUsd[14] += dept.WaterPaidUSD;
                AllSumVnd[14] += dept.WaterPaidVND;

                AllSumUsd[15] += dept.ServicePaidUSD;
                AllSumVnd[15] += dept.ServicePaidVND;

                AllSumUsd[16] += dept.BookingPaidUSD;
                AllSumVnd[16] += dept.BookingPaidVND;

                AllSumUsd[17] += dept.SumPaidUSD();
                AllSumVnd[17] += dept.SumPaidVND();

                AllSumUsd[18] += dept.SumUSD() - dept.SumPaidUSD();
                AllSumVnd[18] += dept.SumVND() - dept.SumPaidVND();

                for (int m = 0; m < 37; m++)
                    xlsSheet[i, m + j].Style = xlstStyle1;
                xlsSheet[i, 4 + j].Style = xlstStyle0;
                xlsSheet[i, 6 + j].Style = xlstStyle0;
                xlsSheet[i, 8 + j].Style = xlstStyle0;
                xlsSheet[i, 10 + j].Style = xlstStyle0;
                xlsSheet[i, 11 + j].Style = xlstStyle0;
                xlsSheet[i, 12 + j].Style = xlstStyle0;
                xlsSheet[i, 14 + j].Style = xlstStyle0;
                xlsSheet[i, 16 + j].Style = xlstStyle0;
                xlsSheet[i, 18 + j].Style = xlstStyle0;
                xlsSheet[i, j + 20].Style = xlstStyle0;
                xlsSheet[i, j + 22].Style = xlstStyle0;
                xlsSheet[i, j + 24].Style = xlstStyle0;
                xlsSheet[i, j + 26].Style = xlstStyle0;
                xlsSheet[i, j + 27].Style = xlstStyle0;
                xlsSheet[i, j + 28].Style = xlstStyle0;
                xlsSheet[i, j + 30].Style = xlstStyle0;
                xlsSheet[i, j + 32].Style = xlstStyle0;
                xlsSheet[i, j + 34].Style = xlstStyle0;
                xlsSheet[i, j + 36].Style = xlstStyle0;

            xlsSheet[i, 3 + j].Value = AllSumUsd[0];
            xlsSheet[i, 4 + j].Value = AllSumVnd[0];

            xlsSheet[i, 5 + j].Value = AllSumUsd[1];
            xlsSheet[i, 6 + j].Value = AllSumVnd[1];

            xlsSheet[i, 7 + j].Value = AllSumUsd[2];
            xlsSheet[i, 8 + j].Value = AllSumVnd[2];

            xlsSheet[i, 9 + j].Value = AllSumUsd[3];
            xlsSheet[i, 10 + j].Value = AllSumVnd[3];

            xlsSheet[i, 11 + j].Value = AllSumVnd[4];

            xlsSheet[i, 12 + j].Value = AllSumVnd[5];

            xlsSheet[i, 13 + j].Value = AllSumUsd[6];
            xlsSheet[i, 14 + j].Value = AllSumVnd[6];

            xlsSheet[i, 15 + j].Value = AllSumUsd[7];
            xlsSheet[i, 16 + j].Value = AllSumVnd[7];

            xlsSheet[i, 17 + j].Value = AllSumUsd[8];
            xlsSheet[i, 18 + j].Value = AllSumVnd[8];

            //-----------------------							                //-----------------------
            xlsSheet[i, j + 19].Value = AllSumUsd[9];
            xlsSheet[i, j + 20].Value = AllSumVnd[9];

            xlsSheet[i, j + 21].Value = AllSumUsd[10];
            xlsSheet[i, j + 22].Value = AllSumVnd[10];

            xlsSheet[i, j + 23].Value = AllSumUsd[11];
            xlsSheet[i, j + 24].Value = AllSumVnd[11];

            xlsSheet[i, j + 25].Value = AllSumUsd[12];
            xlsSheet[i, j + 26].Value = AllSumVnd[12];

            xlsSheet[i, j + 27].Value = AllSumVnd[13];

            xlsSheet[i, j + 28].Value = AllSumVnd[14];

            xlsSheet[i, j + 29].Value = AllSumUsd[15];
            xlsSheet[i, j + 30].Value = AllSumVnd[15];

            xlsSheet[i, j + 31].Value = AllSumUsd[16];
            xlsSheet[i, j + 32].Value = AllSumVnd[16];

            xlsSheet[i, j + 33].Value = AllSumUsd[17];
            xlsSheet[i, j + 34].Value = AllSumVnd[17];

            xlsSheet[i, j + 35].Value = AllSumUsd[18];
            xlsSheet[i, j + 36].Value = AllSumVnd[18];

            XLCellRange mrCell = new XLCellRange(i, i, 1, 3);
            xlsSheet[i, 1].Value = "Tổng Cộng";

            for (int m = 0; m < 37; m++)
                xlsSheet[i, m + j].Style = xlstStyleB1;

            xlsSheet[i, 4 + j].Style = xlstStyleB0;
            xlsSheet[i, 6 + j].Style = xlstStyleB0;
            xlsSheet[i, 8 + j].Style = xlstStyleB0;
            xlsSheet[i, 10 + j].Style = xlstStyleB0;
            xlsSheet[i, 11 + j].Style = xlstStyleB0;
            xlsSheet[i, 12 + j].Style = xlstStyleB0;
            xlsSheet[i, 14 + j].Style = xlstStyleB0;
            xlsSheet[i, 16 + j].Style = xlstStyleB0;
            xlsSheet[i, 18 + j].Style = xlstStyleB0;
            xlsSheet[i, j + 20].Style = xlstStyleB0;
            xlsSheet[i, j + 22].Style = xlstStyleB0;
            xlsSheet[i, j + 24].Style = xlstStyleB0;
            xlsSheet[i, j + 26].Style = xlstStyleB0;
            xlsSheet[i, j + 27].Style = xlstStyleB0;
            xlsSheet[i, j + 28].Style = xlstStyleB0;
            xlsSheet[i, j + 30].Style = xlstStyleB0;
            xlsSheet[i, j + 32].Style = xlstStyleB0;
            xlsSheet[i, j + 34].Style = xlstStyleB0;
            xlsSheet[i, j + 36].Style = xlstStyleB0;
            XLSheet source = xlbBook.Sheets["tpl"];

            for (int row = 2; row <= 4; row++)
                for (int col = 1; col <= 17; col++)
                    xlsSheet[row, col].Style = source[row, col].Style;
                    xlsSheet[row, col].Value = source[row, col].Value;

            for (int row = 6; row <= 8; row++)
                for (int col = 4; col <= 23; col++)
                    xlsSheet[row - 4, col + 14].Style = source[row, col].Style;
                    xlsSheet[row - 4, col + 14].Value = source[row, col].Value;

            mrCell = new XLCellRange(2, 4, 1, 1);

            mrCell = new XLCellRange(2, 4, 2, 2);

            mrCell = new XLCellRange(2, 4, 3, 3);

            mrCell = new XLCellRange(2, 2, 4, 17);

            mrCell = new XLCellRange(2, 2, 20, 33);

            for (int m = 0; m < 17; m++)
                mrCell = new XLCellRange(3, 3, 4 + m, 5 + m);

                mrCell = new XLCellRange(3, 3, 6 + m, 7 + m);

                mrCell = new XLCellRange(3, 3, 8 + m, 9 + m);

                mrCell = new XLCellRange(3, 3, 10 + m, 11 + m);

                mrCell = new XLCellRange(3, 3, 14 + m, 15 + m);

                mrCell = new XLCellRange(3, 3, 16 + m, 17 + m);

                mrCell = new XLCellRange(2, 3, 18 + m, 19 + m);

                mrCell = new XLCellRange(2, 3, 20 + m, 21 + m);

                m += 15;

            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "", "PopUp('../" + strFilePathExport + "'," + PopupWidth + "," + PopupHeight + ",'EditReport', true);", true);
Ejemplo n.º 56
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string job = "";
            switch (hidJobType.Value)
                case "1":
                    job = "BV";
                case "2":
                    job = "VS";
                case "3":
                    job = "KT";
                case "4":
                    job = "QL";

            string buildingId = Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]);

            Hashtable staffIdRow = new Hashtable();
            string[] dateOfWeekVN = { "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T6", "T7", "CN" };
            string[] dateOfWeekEN = { "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Sartuday", "Sunday" };

            Dictionary<string, string> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            dictionary.Add("monday", "T2");
            dictionary.Add("tuesday", "T3");
            dictionary.Add("wednesday", "T4");
            dictionary.Add("thursday", "T5");
            dictionary.Add("friday", "T6");
            dictionary.Add("saturday", "T7");
            dictionary.Add("sunday", "CN");

            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            string sql = string.Empty;

            sql = " SELECT *";
            sql += " FROM BD_WorkingWorkedInfo";
            sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + buildingId + "' and DelFlag = 0 and jobtypeid = '" + hidJobType.Value + "'";
            sql += " and YearMonth = '" + drpYear.SelectedValue + drpMonth.SelectedValue + "'";

            Hashtable scheduleLst = new Hashtable();

            using (SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase())
                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    if (ds != null)
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
                            string StaffId = rowType["StaffId"].ToString();
                            string WorkingHourId = rowType["WorkingHourId"].ToString();
                            string WorkingDate = rowType["WorkingDate"].ToString().Substring(6, 2);
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(WorkingHourId) && scheduleLst.ContainsKey(StaffId + WorkingDate))
                                scheduleLst.Add(StaffId + WorkingDate, WorkingHourId);

            ds = new DataSet();
            sql = " SELECT *";
            sql += " FROM BD_Staff";
            sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + buildingId + "' and DelFlag = 0 and jobtypeid = '" + hidJobType.Value + "' and SUBSTRING(JobBegin,0,7) <= '" + drpYear.SelectedValue + drpMonth.SelectedValue + "' and (JobEnd = '' or JobEnd is Null or SUBSTRING(JobEnd,0,7) >= '" + drpYear.SelectedValue + drpMonth.SelectedValue + "')";
            sql += " Order By Name";

            using (SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase())
                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    if (ds != null)
                        mvMessage.SetCompleteMessage("File CSV đã xuất thành công.");

                        C1XLBook xlbBook = new C1XLBook();

                        string fileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Template\LichLamViec.xls");
                        if (!Directory.Exists(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"])))
                            Directory.CreateDirectory(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + buildingId));

                        string strDT = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
                        string strFilePath = @"~\Report\Building\" + buildingId + @"\" + buildingId + "_LichLamViec_" + job + "_" + strDT + "export.xls";
                        string strFilePathExport = @"../../Report/Building/" + buildingId + @"/" + buildingId + "_LichLamViec_" + job + "_" + strDT + "export.xls";

                        string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(strFilePath);

                        File.Copy(fileName, fileNameDes);


                        string sheet = "LichLamViec";

                        XLSheet xlsSheet = xlbBook.Sheets[sheet];

                        int i = 0;
                        XLCellRange mrCell = new XLCellRange(0, 0, 1, 2);

                        XLStyle xlstStyle = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                        xlstStyle.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center;
                        xlstStyle.Font = new Font("", 12, FontStyle.Bold);
                        xlstStyle.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyle.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyle.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyle.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;

                        xlsSheet[i, 1].Value = "Tháng " + drpMonth.SelectedValue + "/" + drpYear.SelectedValue;
                        xlsSheet[i, 1].Style = xlstStyle;

                        xlsSheet[i + 1, 1].Value = "STT";
                        //xlsSheet[i + 1, 1].Value = "Mã Nhân Viên";
                        xlsSheet[i + 1, 2].Value = "Họ và Tên";

                        XLStyle xlstStyle01 = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
                        xlstStyle01.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Left;
                        xlstStyle01.Font = new Font("", 10, FontStyle.Bold);
                        xlstStyle01.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyle01.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyle01.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyle01.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;

                        for (int j = 1; j <= 31; j++)
                            xlsSheet[i, 2 + j].Value = j;
                            DateTime date = new DateTime(Func.ParseInt(drpYear.SelectedValue), Func.ParseInt(drpMonth.SelectedValue), j);
                            xlsSheet[i + 1, 2 + j].Value = dictionary[date.DayOfWeek.ToString().ToLower()];

                            xlsSheet[i, 2 + j].Style = xlstStyle01;
                            xlsSheet[i + 1, 2 + j].Style = xlstStyle01;
                            if (j == DateTime.DaysInMonth(Func.ParseInt(drpYear.SelectedValue), Func.ParseInt(drpMonth.SelectedValue)))

                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
                            int No = i;
                            string StaffId = rowType["ID"].ToString();
                            string Name = rowType["Name"].ToString();

                            staffIdRow.Add(StaffId, i);

                            xlsSheet[i, 1].Value = No;
                            xlsSheet[i, 0].Value = StaffId;
                            xlsSheet[i, 2].Value = Name;

                            xlsSheet[i, 0].Style = xlstStyle01;
                            xlsSheet[i, 1].Style = xlstStyle01;
                            xlsSheet[i, 2].Style = xlstStyle01;

                            for (int j = 1; j <= 31; j++)
                                if (scheduleLst.ContainsKey(StaffId + "" + j.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0')))
                                    xlsSheet[i, 2 + j].Value = scheduleLst[StaffId + "" + j.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0')];
                                    xlsSheet[i, 2 + j].Style = xlstStyle01;
                                    xlsSheet[i, 2 + j].Style = xlstStyle01;
                                if (j == DateTime.DaysInMonth(Func.ParseInt(drpYear.SelectedValue), Func.ParseInt(drpMonth.SelectedValue)))

                        ds = new DataSet();
                        sql = string.Empty;

                        //sql = " SELECT *";
                        //sql += " FROM BD_WorkingWorkedInfo";
                        //sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and DelFlag <> 1 and jobtypeid = '" + hidJobType.Value + "' and YearMonth = '" + drpYear.SelectedValue + drpMonth.SelectedValue + "'";
                        //sql += " Order By StaffId";

                        //using (SqlCommand cm1 = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                        //    SqlDataAdapter da1 = new SqlDataAdapter(cm1);
                        //    da1.Fill(ds);
                        //    db.Close();

                        //    if (ds != null)
                        //    {
                        //        xlsSheet[i++ + 1, 2].Value = "Ghi chú:";
                        //        DataTable dt1 = ds.Tables[0];
                        //        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt1.Rows)
                        //        {
                        //            i++;
                        //            string StaffId = rowType["StaffId"].ToString();
                        //            string WorkingHourId = rowType["WorkingHourId"].ToString();
                        //            string WorkingDate = rowType["WorkingDate"].ToString().Substring(6, 2);

                        //            int col = Func.ParseInt(WorkingDate) + 2;
                        //            int row = Func.ParseInt(staffIdRow[StaffId]);
                        //            xlsSheet[row, col].Value = WorkingHourId;
                        //        }
                        //    }

                        DataSet ds1 = new DataSet();
                        sql = string.Empty;

                        sql = " SELECT *";
                        sql += " FROM BD_WorkingHour";
                        sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and DelFlag <> 1 and jobtypeid = '" + hidJobType.Value + "'";
                        sql += " Order By Name";

                        using (SqlCommand cm1 = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                            SqlDataAdapter da1 = new SqlDataAdapter(cm1);

                            if (ds != null)
                                xlsSheet[i++ + 1, 2].Value = "Ghi chú:";
                                DataTable dt1 = ds1.Tables[0];
                                foreach (DataRow rowType in dt1.Rows)
                                    string Ma = rowType["WorkingHourId"].ToString();
                                    string Name = rowType["Name"].ToString();
                                    xlsSheet[i, 2].Value = Ma + ":" + Name;
                                xlsSheet[i + 1, 2].Value = "OFF:nghỉ";
                        ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "", "PopUp('" + strFilePathExport + "'," + PopupWidth + "," + PopupHeight + ",'EditReport', true);", true);
Ejemplo n.º 57
        protected void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            string sql = string.Empty;
            C1XLBook xlbBook = new C1XLBook();
            string fileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Template\GuixeThang.xlsx");
            if (!Directory.Exists(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\GuixeThang"))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\GuixeThang"));

            string strDT = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
            string strFilePath = @"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\GuixeThang\GuiXeThang" + strDT + ".xlsx";
            string strFilePathExport = "Report/Building/" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "/GuixeThang/GuiXeThang" + strDT + ".xlsx";

            string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(strFilePath);

            File.Copy(fileName, fileNameDes);


            sql = " SELECT *";
            sql += " FROM v_GuiXeThang";
            sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' ";
            sql += " AND substring(NgayGui,1,6) <= '" + drpYear.SelectedValue + drpMonth.SelectedValue + "' AND ((NgayKetThuc is null) OR ";
            sql += "      (NgayKetThuc is not null and rtrim(LTRIM(NgayKetThuc)) <> '' and substring(NgayKetThuc,1,6) >= '" + drpYear.SelectedValue + drpMonth.SelectedValue + "')) Order by CustomerId";

            string[] sheetName = { "Oto", "XeMay", "XeDap", "Oto_HetHD", "XeMay_HetHD", "XeDap_HetHD" };
            int[] lines = { 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 };

            using (SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase())
                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    if (ds != null)
                        int i = 4;
                        XLCellRange mrCell = new XLCellRange(0, 0, 0, 2);

                        XLStyle xlstStyle = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
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                        XLStyle xlstStyle01 = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
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                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
                            XLSheet xlsSheet = xlbBook.Sheets[sheetName[Func.ParseInt(rowType[10]) - 1]];

                            string col01 = rowType[0].ToString();
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                            string col04 = rowType[3].ToString();
                            string col05 = rowType[4].ToString();
                            string col06 = rowType[5].ToString();
                            string col07 = Func.FormatDMY(rowType[6].ToString());
                            string col08 = Func.FormatDMY(rowType[7].ToString());
                            string col09 = rowType[8].ToString();

                            i = lines[Func.ParseInt(rowType[10]) - 1];

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                            xlsSheet[i, 4].Style = xlstStyle;
                            xlsSheet[i, 5].Style = xlstStyle01;
                            xlsSheet[i, 6].Style = xlstStyle01;
                            xlsSheet[i, 7].Style = xlstStyle;
                            lines[Func.ParseInt(rowType[10]) - 1]++;

            sql = " SELECT *";
            sql += " FROM v_GuiXeThang";
            sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' ";
            sql += " AND ((substring(NgayGui,1,6) > '" + drpYear.SelectedValue + drpMonth.SelectedValue + "') OR ";
            sql += "      (NgayKetThuc is not null and rtrim(LTRIM(NgayKetThuc)) <> '' and substring(NgayKetThuc,1,6) < '" + drpYear.SelectedValue + drpMonth.SelectedValue + "')) Order by CustomerId";

            ds = new DataSet();
            using (SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase())
                using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql))
                    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);

                    if (ds != null)
                        int i = 4;
                        XLCellRange mrCell = new XLCellRange(0, 0, 0, 2);

                        XLStyle xlstStyle = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
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                        xlstStyle.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
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                        XLStyle xlstStyle01 = new XLStyle(xlbBook);
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                        xlstStyle01.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
                        xlstStyle01.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin;
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                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows)
                            XLSheet xlsSheet = xlbBook.Sheets[sheetName[Func.ParseInt(rowType[10]) + 2]];

                            string col01 = rowType[0].ToString();
                            string col02 = rowType[1].ToString();
                            string col03 = rowType[2].ToString();
                            string col04 = rowType[3].ToString();
                            string col05 = rowType[4].ToString();
                            string col06 = rowType[5].ToString();
                            string col07 = Func.FormatDMY(rowType[6].ToString());
                            string col08 = Func.FormatDMY(rowType[7].ToString());
                            string col09 = rowType[8].ToString();

                            i = lines[Func.ParseInt(rowType[10]) + 2];

                            xlsSheet[i, 0].Value = i - 3;
                            xlsSheet[i, 1].Value = col03;
                            xlsSheet[i, 2].Value = col04;
                            xlsSheet[i, 3].Value = col05;
                            xlsSheet[i, 4].Value = col06;
                            xlsSheet[i, 5].Value = col07;
                            xlsSheet[i, 6].Value = col08;
                            xlsSheet[i, 7].Value = col09;

                            xlsSheet[i, 0].Style = xlstStyle01;
                            xlsSheet[i, 1].Style = xlstStyle;
                            xlsSheet[i, 2].Style = xlstStyle;
                            xlsSheet[i, 3].Style = xlstStyle01;
                            xlsSheet[i, 4].Style = xlstStyle;
                            xlsSheet[i, 5].Style = xlstStyle01;
                            xlsSheet[i, 6].Style = xlstStyle01;
                            xlsSheet[i, 7].Style = xlstStyle;
                            lines[Func.ParseInt(rowType[10]) + 2]++;


            XLSheet sheet = xlbBook.Sheets["OTo"];
            sheet[1, 0].Value = sheet[1, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TOA_NHA%}", DbHelper.GetScalar("Select Name From Mst_Building Where BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "'"));
            sheet[0, 0].Value = sheet[0, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%THANG%}", drpMonth.SelectedValue + "/" + drpYear.SelectedValue);

            sheet = xlbBook.Sheets["OTo"];
            sheet[1, 0].Value = sheet[1, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TOA_NHA%}", DbHelper.GetScalar("Select Name From Mst_Building Where BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "'"));
            sheet[0, 0].Value = sheet[0, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%THANG%}", drpMonth.SelectedValue + "/" + drpYear.SelectedValue);

            sheet = xlbBook.Sheets["OTo"];
            sheet[1, 0].Value = sheet[1, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TOA_NHA%}", DbHelper.GetScalar("Select Name From Mst_Building Where BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "'"));
            sheet[0, 0].Value = sheet[0, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%THANG%}", drpMonth.SelectedValue + "/" + drpYear.SelectedValue);

            sheet = xlbBook.Sheets["OTo"];
            sheet[1, 0].Value = sheet[1, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TOA_NHA%}", DbHelper.GetScalar("Select Name From Mst_Building Where BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "'"));
            sheet[0, 0].Value = sheet[0, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%THANG%}", drpMonth.SelectedValue + "/" + drpYear.SelectedValue);

            sheet = xlbBook.Sheets["OTo"];
            sheet[1, 0].Value = sheet[1, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TOA_NHA%}", DbHelper.GetScalar("Select Name From Mst_Building Where BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "'"));
            sheet[0, 0].Value = sheet[0, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%THANG%}", drpMonth.SelectedValue + "/" + drpYear.SelectedValue);

            sheet = xlbBook.Sheets["XeMay"];
            sheet[1, 0].Value = sheet[1, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TOA_NHA%}", DbHelper.GetScalar("Select Name From Mst_Building Where BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "'"));
            sheet[0, 0].Value = sheet[0, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%THANG%}", drpMonth.SelectedValue + "/" + drpYear.SelectedValue);

            sheet = xlbBook.Sheets["XeDap"];
            sheet[1, 0].Value = sheet[1, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TOA_NHA%}", DbHelper.GetScalar("Select Name From Mst_Building Where BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "'"));
            sheet[0, 0].Value = sheet[0, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%THANG%}", drpMonth.SelectedValue + "/" + drpYear.SelectedValue);

            sheet = xlbBook.Sheets["OTo_HetHD"];
            sheet[1, 0].Value = sheet[1, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TOA_NHA%}", DbHelper.GetScalar("Select Name From Mst_Building Where BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "'"));
            sheet[0, 0].Value = sheet[0, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%THANG%}", drpMonth.SelectedValue + "/" + drpYear.SelectedValue);

            sheet = xlbBook.Sheets["XeMay_HetHD"];
            sheet[1, 0].Value = sheet[1, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TOA_NHA%}", DbHelper.GetScalar("Select Name From Mst_Building Where BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "'"));
            sheet[0, 0].Value = sheet[0, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%THANG%}", drpMonth.SelectedValue + "/" + drpYear.SelectedValue);

            sheet = xlbBook.Sheets["XeDap_HetHD"];
            sheet[1, 0].Value = sheet[1, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TOA_NHA%}", DbHelper.GetScalar("Select Name From Mst_Building Where BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "'"));
            sheet[0, 0].Value = sheet[0, 0].Value.ToString().Replace("{%THANG%}", drpMonth.SelectedValue + "/" + drpYear.SelectedValue);
            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "", "PopUp('../" + strFilePathExport + "'," + PopupWidth + "," + PopupHeight + ",'EditReport', true);", true);