Ejemplo n.º 1
        public C1.C1Preview.C1PrintDocument MakeDoc(C1FlexGridPrintInfo printInfo, C1.C1Preview.LongOperationEventHandler longOperation)
            _callerLongOperation = longOperation;
            C1.C1Preview.C1PrintDocument doc = new C1.C1Preview.C1PrintDocument();
            // there are many ways to skin a cat, or to render the four splits.
            // here, we use a master table with two rows and two columns,
            // rendering each grid in its own cell:
            C1.C1Preview.RenderTable table = new C1.C1Preview.RenderTable();
            C1FlexGridPrinter        prnTL = new C1FlexGridPrinter(_flexTL);

            prnTL.PrintInfo      = printInfo;
            prnTL.LongOperation += new C1.C1Preview.LongOperationEventHandler(print_LongOperation);
            C1FlexGridPrinter prnTR = new C1FlexGridPrinter(_flexTR);

            prnTR.PrintInfo      = printInfo;
            prnTR.LongOperation += new C1.C1Preview.LongOperationEventHandler(print_LongOperation);
            C1FlexGridPrinter prnBL = new C1FlexGridPrinter(_flexBL);

            prnBL.PrintInfo      = printInfo;
            prnBL.LongOperation += new C1.C1Preview.LongOperationEventHandler(print_LongOperation);
            C1FlexGridPrinter prnBR = new C1FlexGridPrinter(_flexBR);

            prnBR.PrintInfo                = printInfo;
            prnBR.LongOperation           += new C1.C1Preview.LongOperationEventHandler(print_LongOperation);
            _currPrintedGrid               = 0;
            table.Cells[0, 0].RenderObject = prnTL.MakeGridTable(doc);
            _currPrintedGrid               = 1;
            table.Cells[0, 1].RenderObject = prnTR.MakeGridTable(doc);
            _currPrintedGrid               = 2;
            table.Cells[1, 0].RenderObject = prnBL.MakeGridTable(doc);
            _currPrintedGrid               = 3;
            table.Cells[1, 1].RenderObject = prnBR.MakeGridTable(doc);
            // by default, a table's width is set to 100% of its parent (here, page).
            // so we set it to auto, and enable horizontal page breaks:
            table.Width             = "auto";
            table.SplitHorzBehavior = C1.C1Preview.SplitBehaviorEnum.SplitIfNeeded;
            // by default, table rows and columns do not split; enable it here:
            table.Rows[0].SplitBehavior = C1.C1Preview.SplitBehaviorEnum.SplitIfNeeded;
            table.Rows[1].SplitBehavior = C1.C1Preview.SplitBehaviorEnum.SplitIfNeeded;
            table.Cols[0].SplitBehavior = C1.C1Preview.SplitBehaviorEnum.SplitIfNeeded;
            table.Cols[1].SplitBehavior = C1.C1Preview.SplitBehaviorEnum.SplitIfNeeded;
            // add thick blue gridlines between the splits:
            table.Style.GridLines.All = new C1.C1Preview.LineDef("2pt", Color.Blue);
            // the table with four splits is ready - add it to the documment:
            // use page headers from the top left grid:
            doc.PageLayout.PageHeader = prnTL.MakePageHeader(doc);
            doc.PageLayout.PageFooter = prnTL.MakePageFooter(doc);
            // done:
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // we must provide a MakeDoc implementation because
        // square brackets used in this sample grid's texts
        // are interpreted as expression parentheses otherwise.
        public C1.C1Preview.C1PrintDocument MakeDoc(C1FlexGridPrintInfo printInfo, C1.C1Preview.LongOperationEventHandler longOperation)
            bool customBorders = _flex.DrawMode == DrawModeEnum.OwnerDraw;

            C1.C1Preview.C1PrintDocument doc = new C1.C1Preview.C1PrintDocument();
            doc.TagOpenParen  = "@@@[";
            doc.TagCloseParen = "@@@]";
            C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.C1FlexGridPrinter printer = new C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.C1FlexGridPrinter(_flex);
            printer.LongOperation += longOperation;
            printer.PrintInfo      = printInfo;
            // the best way to draw custom borders around the resulting table's cells is
            // to do it explicitly against the C1PrintDocument object model, hence this:
            printer.PrintInfo.PrintBorders = !customBorders;
            C1.C1Preview.RenderTable rtbl = printer.MakeGridTable(doc);
            if (customBorders)
                // to draw custom borders, change them on the table returned:
                C1.C1Preview.LineDef lineBlack = new C1.C1Preview.LineDef("1pt", Color.Black);
                C1.C1Preview.LineDef lineGray  = new C1.C1Preview.LineDef("1pt", Color.LightGray);
                C1.C1Preview.LineDef lineGreen = new C1.C1Preview.LineDef("2pt", Color.Green);
                rtbl.Style.GridLines.Left   = lineBlack;
                rtbl.Style.GridLines.Top    = lineBlack;
                rtbl.Style.GridLines.Right  = lineBlack;
                rtbl.Style.GridLines.Bottom = lineBlack;
                rtbl.Style.GridLines.Vert   = lineGray;
                rtbl.Style.GridLines.Horz   = lineGray;
                // "company" cell:
                rtbl.Cells[0, 1].Style.Borders.All = lineGreen;
                // "sales" group:
                rtbl.UserCellGroups.Add(new C1.C1Preview.UserCellGroup(new Rectangle(2, 0, 4, 2)));
                rtbl.UserCellGroups[0].Style.Borders.All = lineGreen;
                // "purchases" group:
                rtbl.UserCellGroups.Add(new C1.C1Preview.UserCellGroup(new Rectangle(6, 0, 4, 2)));
                rtbl.UserCellGroups[1].Style.Borders.All = lineGreen;
            doc.PageLayout.PageHeader = printer.MakePageHeader(doc);
            doc.PageLayout.PageFooter = printer.MakePageFooter(doc);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void _flex_PrintCell(object sender, C1FlexGridPrintable2.PrintCellEventArgs e)
            C1FlexGridPrintable2 flex = (C1FlexGridPrintable2)sender;

            // check if this is a row break
            if (flex.Rows[e.Row].UserData != null && flex.Rows[e.Row].UserData.ToString() == "*")
                C1.C1Preview.RenderTable rtbl = e.TableCell.Table;
                int tblRow = e.TableCell.Row;
                // the marks are on LAST rows on page while PageBreakBehavior determines break BEFORE row, hence "+1":
                rtbl.Rows[tblRow + 1].PageBreakBehavior = C1.C1Preview.PageBreakBehaviorEnum.MustBreak;

            // check if this is a column break
            if (flex.Cols[e.Col].UserData != null && flex.Cols[e.Col].UserData.ToString() == "*")
                C1.C1Preview.RenderTable rtbl = e.TableCell.Table;
                int tblCol = e.TableCell.Col;
                // see comment above re "+1":
                rtbl.Cols[tblCol + 1].PageBreakBehavior = C1.C1Preview.PageBreakBehaviorEnum.MustBreak;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public C1.C1Preview.C1PrintDocument MakeDoc(C1FlexGridPrintInfo printInfo, C1.C1Preview.LongOperationEventHandler longOperation)
            C1.C1Preview.C1PrintDocument doc           = new C1.C1Preview.C1PrintDocument();
            C1FlexGridPrinter            prnCategories = new C1FlexGridPrinter(_flexCategories);

            prnCategories.LongOperation += longOperation;
            prnCategories.PrintInfo      = printInfo;
            C1FlexGridPrinter prnProducts = new C1FlexGridPrinter(_flexProducts);

            prnProducts.LongOperation += longOperation;
            prnProducts.PrintInfo      = printInfo;
            // make render tables representing the grids:
            C1.C1Preview.RenderTable tblCategories = prnCategories.MakeGridTable(doc);
            C1.C1Preview.RenderTable tblProducts   = prnProducts.MakeGridTable(doc);
            // add a page break before the 2nd grid:
            tblProducts.BreakBefore = C1.C1Preview.BreakEnum.Page;
            // add grids to document:
            // done: