Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Add units to the criteria list via a csv list of course id's
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strUnitIDs">Csv list of units.</param>
        public void AddUnits(string strUnitIDs)
            // Local variables
            if (strUnitIDs != null && strUnitIDs.Length > 0)
                string[] astrUnitIDs  = strUnitIDs.Split(',');
                string   strUnitNames = "";

                // Get Unit List
                BusinessServices.Unit objUnit = new BusinessServices.Unit();
                DataTable             dtbUnit;
                // Loop through all Units
                foreach (string strUnitID in astrUnitIDs)
                    dtbUnit       = objUnit.GetUnit(Int32.Parse(strUnitID));
                    strUnitNames += dtbUnit.Rows[0]["Pathway"].ToString();
                    strUnitNames += "<BR>";

                // Remove trailing command if it exists and replace with a full stop
                if (strUnitNames.Length > 0)
                    strUnitNames  = strUnitNames.Substring(0, strUnitNames.Length - 2);
                    strUnitNames += ".";

                // add to the criteria list
                this.Criteria.Add(ResourceManager.GetString("lblUnits"), strUnitNames);
                // add to the criteria list
                this.Criteria.Add(ResourceManager.GetString("lblUnits"), ResourceManager.GetString("lblAny"));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Get Unit's Details
        /// </summary>
        private void GetDetails()
            BusinessServices.Unit objUnit;
            DataTable             dtbUnit;
            int intOrganisationID;

            //1. Get Unit details
            objUnit             = new BusinessServices.Unit();
            dtbUnit             = objUnit.GetUnit(this.m_intUnitID);
            this.txtName.Text   = dtbUnit.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString();
            this.txtUnitID.Text = this.m_intUnitID.ToString();
            if (dtbUnit.Rows[0]["Active"].ToString() == "True")
                this.cboStatus.SelectedIndex = 0;
                this.cboStatus.SelectedIndex = 1;

            this.lblPathway.Text = dtbUnit.Rows[0]["Organisation"].ToString() + " > " + dtbUnit.Rows[0]["Pathway"].ToString();

            DateTime dteOriginalDateUpdated = (DateTime)dtbUnit.Rows[0]["DateUpdated"];

            this.OriginalDateUpdated = DatabaseTool.ToLongDateTimeString(dteOriginalDateUpdated);

            intOrganisationID = (int)dtbUnit.Rows[0]["OrganisationID"];

            //2. Get Sub-Units tree
            DataSet dstUnits = objUnit.GetUnitsByOrganisation(intOrganisationID, "", "", "", this.m_intUnitID);

            string strUnits = UnitTreeConvert.ConvertXml(dstUnits);

            if (strUnits == "")
                this.trvSubUnits.Visible   = false;
                this.lblNoSubUnits.Visible = true;
                this.trvSubUnits.Visible   = true;
                this.lblNoSubUnits.Visible = false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Load data the page is first loaded
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadData()
            BusinessServices.Unit objUnit;
            DataTable             dtbUnit;
            int intOrganisationID;

            objUnit = new BusinessServices.Unit();
            dtbUnit = objUnit.GetUnit(this.m_intUnitID);

            this.lblUnitName.Text = dtbUnit.Rows[0]["Pathway"].ToString();

            litMessage2.Text = String.Format(ResourceManager.GetString("litMessage"), dtbUnit.Rows[0]["Organisation"].ToString(), "<a href=\"UnitDetails.aspx?UnitID=" + m_intUnitID + "\">" + ResourceManager.GetString("lnkUnitDetails") + "</a>");

            intOrganisationID = (int)dtbUnit.Rows[0]["OrganisationID"];

            //1.Load Course list that are assigned to this organisation

            if (this.cboCourse.Items.Count > 0)
                //2. Lists all modules in the selected course

                //Show warning message
                this.btnSave.Attributes.Add("onclick", "javascript:return SaveConfirm();");
                this.cboCourse.Visible  = false;
                this.grdModules.Visible = false;
                this.btnSave.Visible    = false;

                this.lblMessage.Text     = ResourceManager.GetString("lblMessage.NoCourseAccess");            //"There is no course access";
                this.lblMessage.CssClass = "FeedbackMessage";
        /// <summary>
        /// Load data the page is first loaded
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadData()
            BusinessServices.Unit objUnit;              // Used to gather the unit details
            DataTable             dtbUnit;              // Holds the unit details
            int intOrganisationID;                      // the organisation id of the unit

            objUnit = new BusinessServices.Unit();

            // Get unit details
            dtbUnit = objUnit.GetUnit(this.m_intUnitID);

            this.lblUnitName.Text = dtbUnit.Rows[0]["Pathway"].ToString();

            intOrganisationID = (int)dtbUnit.Rows[0]["OrganisationID"];

            // Emerging bug 7, 8
            DataTable dtLoadOrg;

            string strLangCode = Request.Cookies["currentCulture"].Value;

            Bdw.Application.Salt.BusinessServices.Organisation objOrganisation = new Bdw.Application.Salt.BusinessServices.Organisation();
            dtLoadOrg = objOrganisation.GetOrganisation(strLangCode, intOrganisationID);
            this.cboLessonFrequency.SelectedValue = dtLoadOrg.Rows[0]["DefaultLessonFrequency"].ToString();
            this.cboQuizFrequency.SelectedValue   = dtLoadOrg.Rows[0]["DefaultQuizFrequency"].ToString();
            this.txtQuizPassMark.Text             = dtLoadOrg.Rows[0]["DefaultQuizPassMark"].ToString();

            // Setup date dropdowns with value
            if (dtLoadOrg.Rows[0]["DefaultLessonCompletionDate"] != System.DBNull.Value)
                DateTime defaultLessonCompletionDate = (DateTime)dtLoadOrg.Rows[0]["DefaultLessonCompletionDate"];
                cboLCompletionDay.SelectedValue   = defaultLessonCompletionDate.Day.ToString();
                cboLCompletionMonth.SelectedValue = defaultLessonCompletionDate.Month.ToString();
                cboLCompletionYear.SelectedValue  = defaultLessonCompletionDate.Year.ToString();

            if (dtLoadOrg.Rows[0]["DefaultQuizCompletionDate"] != System.DBNull.Value)
                DateTime defaultQuizCompletionDate = (DateTime)dtLoadOrg.Rows[0]["DefaultQuizCompletionDate"];
                cboQCompletionDay.SelectedValue   = defaultQuizCompletionDate.Day.ToString();
                cboQCompletionMonth.SelectedValue = defaultQuizCompletionDate.Month.ToString();
                cboQCompletionYear.SelectedValue  = defaultQuizCompletionDate.Year.ToString();
            // emerging end

            //1.Load Course list that are assigned to this organisation

            //2. Get Organisation Default Compliance Rules

            if (this.cboCourse.Items.Count > 0)
                //3. Lists all modules in the selected course
                this.cboCourse.Visible      = false;
                this.grdModules.Visible     = false;
                this.btnPopulateAll.Visible = false;

                this.lblMessage.Text     = ResourceManager.GetString("lblMessage.NoCourseAccess");            //"There is no course access.";
                this.lblMessage.CssClass = "FeedbackMessage";
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method called when the user elects to add the selected users to the unit
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void btnAssign_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            lblError.Text  = "";
            lblStatus.Text = "";
            // Check if user has select a unit
            if (this.trvToUnitsSelector.GetSelectedValue() == null)
                lblError.Visible       = true;
                lblError.Text          = ResourceManager.GetString("lblError.Select");       //"You must select a unit to continue.";
                this.lblError.CssClass = "WarningMessage";
                    int  intAdded = 0;                          // Counter of added users
                    int  intUnitID;                             // Desired Unit ID
                    int  intUserID;                             // User ID
                    User objUser = new User();

                    // Check a unit has been selected
                    if (trvToUnitsSelector.GetSelectedValue().ToString() != "")
                        // Get the unit it (its a single select tree)
                        intUnitID = Convert.ToInt32(trvToUnitsSelector.GetSelectedValue());

                        // Instantiate the unit
                        BusinessServices.Unit objUnit = new BusinessServices.Unit();
                        DataTable             dtbUnit = objUnit.GetUnit(intUnitID);
                        string strUnitName            = dtbUnit.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString();

                        // Update the users on the current page
                        foreach (DataGridItem objItem in this.dgrResults.Items)
                            // Get the checkbox in the first column
                            CheckBox objCheckbox = (CheckBox)objItem.Cells[0].Controls[1];

                            if (objCheckbox.Checked)
                                // Get the user id from the second column which is hidden.
                                intUserID = Int32.Parse(objItem.Cells[1].Text);

                                // Update the actual user.
                                objUser.Update(intUserID, intUnitID, UserContext.UserID, UserContext.UserData.OrgID);
                                objUser.UpdateUserProfilePeriodAccess(intUserID, intUnitID);
                                objUser.UpdateUserPolicyAccess(intUserID, intUnitID);

                        //if there are users from other pages
                        if (this.txtUserIDs.Text.Length > 1)
                            // Array of user IDs from the txtUserID's field on the page.
                            string[] strUserIDs = this.txtUserIDs.Text.Split(',');

                            // For each user id
                            foreach (string strUserID in strUserIDs)
                                if (strUserID.Length > 0)
                                    // Update those users as well
                                    objUser.Update(Int32.Parse(strUserID), intUnitID, UserContext.UserID, UserContext.UserData.OrgID);
                        // If users have been added
                        if (intAdded > 0)
                            // Display status message
                            //if (chkSelectAll.Checked)
                            //this.lblStatus.Text=String.Format(ResourceManager.GetString("lblStatus.Assigned"), strUnitName);//"Assigned all users to '" + strUnitName + "'.";
                            lblStatus.Visible   = true;
                            this.lblStatus.Text = String.Format(ResourceManager.GetString("lblStatus.Assigned2"), intAdded.ToString(), strUnitName);                                  //"Assigned " + intAdded.ToString() + " users to '" + strUnitName + "'.";
                            this.lblStatus.CssClass = "SuccessMessage";
                            this.chkSelectAll.Checked = false;
                            // Reset the record of selected users
                            this.txtAllUserIDs.Text = "";
                            this.txtUserIDs.Text    = "";
                            // No users selected
                            this.lblError.Text     = ResourceManager.GetString("lblError.SelectUsers");                        //"You must select some users to continue.";
                            this.lblError.CssClass = "WarningMessage";
                            this.lblStatus.Visible = false;
                        // No Unit selected
                        if (lblError.Text == "")
                            lblError.Visible       = true;
                            lblError.Text          = ResourceManager.GetString("lblError.SelectUnit");                 //"Please select a unit to assign these users to.";
                            this.lblError.CssClass = "WarningMessage";
                            this.lblStatus.Visible = false;
                            lblError.Visible       = true;
                            lblError.Text          = ResourceManager.GetString("lblError.SelectUnit");                 //"Please select a unit to assign these users to.";
                            this.lblError.CssClass = "WarningMessage";
                            this.lblStatus.Visible = false;
                catch (RecordNotFoundException ex)
                    lblError.Visible       = true;
                    lblError.Text          = ex.Message;
                    this.lblError.CssClass = "WarningMessage";
                    this.lblStatus.Visible = false;
                catch (Exception Ex)
                    // Error occurred, Log it.
                    throw new Exception(Ex.Message);