Ejemplo n.º 1
        //private void SelectMenu(string automationID)
        //    Execute(() => {
        //        Menu rc = (Menu)mMainWindow.FindName("MainRibbon");
        //        foreach (RibbonTab RT in rc.Items)
        //        {
        //            if (AutomationProperties.GetAutomationId(RT) == automationID)
        //            {
        //                //mimic user click
        //                //MouseEventArgs - not working...
        //                //MouseDevice mouse = InputManager.Current.PrimaryMouseDevice;
        //                //MouseButtonEventArgs arg = new MouseButtonEventArgs(Mouse.PrimaryDevice, 0, MouseButton.Left);
        //                //arg.RoutedEvent = RibbonTab.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDownEvent;
        //                //RT.RaiseEvent(arg);

        //                // for now use direct change of the tab
        //                rc.SelectedItem = RT;

        //                SleepWithDoEvents(100);

        //                //while (!rc.IsVisible)
        //                //{
        //                //    Thread.Sleep(100);
        //                //}
        //                return;
        //            }
        //        }
        //        throw new Exception("SelectRibbonTab element not found by AutomationID: " + automationID);
        //    });

        //private void SelectRibbonTab(string automationID)
        //    Execute(() => {
        //        Ribbon rc = (Ribbon)mMainWindow.FindName("MainRibbon");
        //        foreach (RibbonTab RT in rc.Items)
        //        {
        //            if (AutomationProperties.GetAutomationId(RT) == automationID)
        //            {
        //                //mimic user click
        //                //MouseEventArgs - not working...
        //                //MouseDevice mouse = InputManager.Current.PrimaryMouseDevice;
        //                //MouseButtonEventArgs arg = new MouseButtonEventArgs(Mouse.PrimaryDevice, 0, MouseButton.Left);
        //                //arg.RoutedEvent = RibbonTab.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDownEvent;
        //                //RT.RaiseEvent(arg);

        //                // for now use direct change of the tab
        //                rc.SelectedItem = RT;

        //                SleepWithDoEvents(100);

        //                //while (!rc.IsVisible)
        //                //{
        //                //    Thread.Sleep(100);
        //                //}
        //                return;
        //            }
        //        }
        //        throw new Exception("SelectRibbonTab element not found by AutomationID: " + automationID);
        //    });

        public BusinessFlowPOM SelectBusinessFlow()
            businessFlow = null;
            Execute(() =>
                Frame f = (Frame)mMainWindow.FindName("xMainWindowFrame");
                BusinessFlowsAutomatePage resourcesPage = (BusinessFlowsAutomatePage)f.Content;
                Frame f2 = (Frame)resourcesPage.FindName("xContentFrame");
                SingleItemTreeViewExplorerPage singleItemTreePage = (SingleItemTreeViewExplorerPage)f2.Content;

                TreeView1 lv = (TreeView1)singleItemTreePage.FindName("xTreeView");

                while (!singleItemTreePage.IsVisible)

                businessFlow = new BusinessFlowPOM(singleItemTreePage);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void UndoForSwitchBFTest()
            BusinessFlowPOM businessflow         = mGingerAutomator.MainWindowPOM.SelectBusinessFlow();
            BusinessFlow    selectedBusinessFlow = businessflow.selectBusinessFlow("Flow 1");

            businessflow.AutomatePage("Flow 1");

            BusinessFlow selectedBusinessFlow1 = businessflow.selectBusinessFlow("Flow 2");

            businessflow.AutomatePage("Flow 2");

            BusinessFlow selectedBusinessFlow2 = businessflow.selectBusinessFlow("Flow 1");

            businessflow.AutomatePage("Flow 1");

            int activityCount = mGingerAutomator.MainWindowPOM.ClickOnUndoBtn();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, activityCount);