Ejemplo n.º 1
        private BusinessAccountRecord CreateBusinessRecord(string accountNumber, string fullName, string line1, string line23,
                                                           string town, string county, string postcode, DateTime startDate,
                                                           DateTime dateClose, int scheduledRepayments, decimal currentBalance,
                                                           string transferredToCollectionFlag, string sortCode, string experianRefNum)
            // TODO: investigate if we need all the assigments to 0 and empty strings
            var record = new BusinessAccountRecord {
                AccountNumber = accountNumber,
                ProprietorPartnerDirectorNumber = 0,
                LimitedNonlimitedAndOtherFlag   = companyTypeCode,
                AddressType = string.Empty,
                NameChange  = "N",                // Tim Adkins complained about this field in a mail from 22-Sep-2014 (We assume that he is mistaken and didn't change anything)
                CompanyRegisteredNumberBusinessNumber = experianRefNum,
                SICCode                                          = 0,
                VATNumber                                        = string.Empty,
                YearBusinessStarted                              = 0,
                AdditionalTradingStyle                           = string.Empty,
                BusinessCompanyTelephoneNumber                   = string.Empty,
                BusinessCompanyWebsite                           = string.Empty,
                PointOfContactName                               = string.Empty,
                PointOfContactEmailAddress                       = string.Empty,
                PointOfContactTelephoneNumber                    = string.Empty,
                PointOfContactJobTitle                           = string.Empty,
                ParentCompanyRegisteredNumber                    = string.Empty,
                ParentCompanyTelephoneNumber                     = string.Empty,
                ParentCompanyVATNumber                           = string.Empty,
                ProprietorPartnerDirectororOtherFlag             = string.Empty,
                SignatoryontheAccountFlag                        = string.Empty,
                ShareholdersFlag                                 = string.Empty,
                CountryofRegistration                            = string.Empty,
                DateofBirth                                      = DateTime.MinValue,
                ProprietorsDirectorsGuarantee                    = string.Empty,
                ProprietorsDirectorsGuaranteeCancelledDischarged = string.Empty,
                AccountType                                      = 2,
                StartDateofAgreement                             = startDate,
                CloseDateofAgreement                             = startDate > dateClose ? DateTime.MinValue : dateClose,
                MonthlyPayment                                   = Convert.ToInt32(monthlyPayment),
                RepaymentPeriod                                  = Convert.ToInt32(scheduledRepayments),
                CurrentBalance                                   = Convert.ToInt32(currentBalance),
                CreditBalanceIndicator                           = string.Empty,
                AccountStatus                                    = accountStatus,
                SpecialInstructionIndicator                      = string.Empty,
                CreditLimit                                      = 0,
                FlagSettings                                     = null,
                Debenture                                        = string.Empty,
                MortgageFlags                                    = string.Empty,
                AirtimeStatusFlag                                = string.Empty,
                TransferredtoCollectionAccountFlag               = transferredToCollectionFlag,
                BalanceType                                      = string.Empty,
                CreditTurnover                                   = 0,
                PrimaryAccountIndicator                          = string.Empty,
                DefaultSatisfactionDate                          = DateTime.MinValue,
                RejectionFlag                                    = string.Empty,
                BankerDetailsSortCode                            = Convert.ToInt32(sortCode),
                OriginalDefaultBalance                           = Convert.ToInt32(originalDefaultBalance),
                PaymentFrequencyIndicator                        = "M",
                NumberofCreditCardsissued                        = 0,
                PaymentAmount                                    = 0,
                PaymentCreditIndicator                           = string.Empty,
                PreviousStatementBalance                         = 0,
                PreviousStatementBalanceIndicator                = string.Empty,
                NumberofCashAdvances                             = 0,
                ValueofCashAdvances                              = 0,
                PaymentCode                                      = string.Empty,
                PromotionActivityFlag                            = string.Empty,
                PaymentType                                      = "B",
                NewAccountNumber                                 = string.Empty,
                NewProprietorPartnerDirectorNumber               = string.Empty,
                NameAddressRegisteredOfficeTradingAddress        =
                    Name         = fullName,
                    AddressLine1 = line1,
                    AddressLine2 = line23,
                    AddressLine3 = town,
                    AddressLine4 = county,
                    PostCode     = postcode
                ParentCompanyNameAddress =
                    Name         = string.Empty,
                    AddressLine1 = string.Empty,
                    AddressLine2 = string.Empty,
                    AddressLine3 = string.Empty,
                    AddressLine4 = string.Empty,
                    PostCode     = string.Empty
                PreviousNameandAddress =
                    Name         = string.Empty,
                    AddressLine1 = string.Empty,
                    AddressLine2 = string.Empty,
                    AddressLine3 = string.Empty,
                    AddressLine4 = string.Empty,
                    PostCode     = string.Empty

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void TestBusinessSerialize()
            var cais = new BusinessCaisFileData
                Header =
                    CompanyPortfolioName             = "Test Company",
                    CreditCardBehaviouralSharingFlag = "",
                    DateOfCreation                   = DateTime.Now

            var record = new BusinessAccountRecord
                AccountNumber = "12345B6789B",
                ProprietorPartnerDirectorNumber           = 31,
                LimitedNonlimitedAndOtherFlag             = "L",
                NameAddressRegisteredOfficeTradingAddress =
                    Name         = "Patrick O'Neil Nurseries",
                    AddressLine1 = "Rose Cottage",
                    AddressLine2 = "5 Main Street",
                    AddressLine3 = "Wollaton",
                    AddressLine4 = "Nottingham Nottinghamshire",
                    PostCode     = "NG2 3SD"
                AddressType = "T",
                NameChange  = "N",
                CompanyRegisteredNumberBusinessNumber = "SC000123",
                SICCode                        = 201,
                VATNumber                      = "111222333",
                YearBusinessStarted            = 1980,
                AdditionalTradingStyle         = "Fishing Accessories Sales",
                BusinessCompanyTelephoneNumber = "01999996789",
                BusinessCompanyWebsite         = "www.abc.com",
                PointOfContactName             = "John Smith",
                PointOfContactEmailAddress     = "*****@*****.**",
                PointOfContactTelephoneNumber  = "01999996789",
                PointOfContactJobTitle         = "Managing Director",
                ParentCompanyNameAddress       =
                    Name         = "General Finance Co. Ltd.",
                    AddressLine1 = "Rose Cottage",
                    AddressLine2 = "5 Main Street",
                    AddressLine3 = "Wollaton",
                    AddressLine4 = "Nottingham Nottinghamshire",
                    PostCode     = "NG2 3SD"
                ParentCompanyRegisteredNumber = "",
                ParentCompanyTelephoneNumber  = "",
                ParentCompanyVATNumber        = "",
                PreviousNameandAddress        =
                    Name         = "",
                    AddressLine1 = "",
                    AddressLine2 = "",
                    AddressLine3 = "",
                    AddressLine4 = "",
                    PostCode     = ""
                ProprietorPartnerDirectororOtherFlag = "P",
                SignatoryontheAccountFlag            = "Y",
                ShareholdersFlag              = "",
                CountryofRegistration         = "FR",
                DateofBirth                   = DateTime.MinValue,
                ProprietorsDirectorsGuarantee = "",
                ProprietorsDirectorsGuaranteeCancelledDischarged = "",
                AccountType                 = 2,
                StartDateofAgreement        = new DateTime(1970, 6, 12),
                CloseDateofAgreement        = DateTime.MinValue,
                MonthlyPayment              = 200,
                RepaymentPeriod             = 48,
                CurrentBalance              = 3600,
                CreditBalanceIndicator      = "",
                AccountStatus               = "0",
                SpecialInstructionIndicator = "",
                CreditLimit                 = 5000,
                FlagSettings                = "A",
                Debenture         = "",
                MortgageFlags     = "",
                AirtimeStatusFlag = "L",
                TransferredtoCollectionAccountFlag = "",
                BalanceType                        = "A",
                CreditTurnover                     = 2000,
                PrimaryAccountIndicator            = "N",
                DefaultSatisfactionDate            = new DateTime(2012, 1, 1),
                RejectionFlag                      = "",
                BankerDetailsSortCode              = 19901,
                OriginalDefaultBalance             = 5000,
                PaymentFrequencyIndicator          = "W",
                NumberofCreditCardsissued          = 0,
                PaymentAmount                      = 0,
                PaymentCreditIndicator             = "",
                PreviousStatementBalance           = 0,
                PreviousStatementBalanceIndicator  = "",
                NumberofCashAdvances               = 0,
                ValueofCashAdvances                = 0,
                PaymentCode                        = "",
                PromotionActivityFlag              = "",
                PaymentType                        = "C",
                NewAccountNumber                   = "",
                NewProprietorPartnerDirectorNumber = ""

            var data = cais.WriteToString();

            Console.WriteLine("Cais business data: {0}", data);