Ejemplo n.º 1
        static void ReceiveDemoAsync()
            // demonstrate receiving asynchrnously - ReceiveAsync processes messages as and when they arrive.
            // Open another instance to send messages while the other receives.

            IBus bus = new BusBuilder()
                       .WithLogging(new ConsoleLogger())

            bus.RegisterHandler(new PersonHandler(false));
            bus.ReceiveAsync <Person>();

            Console.WriteLine("\nPress a key to exit");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //static void Main(string[] args)
        public Boat(int M, int N)
            string[] ms          = new string[M + N];
            var      processInfo = new ProcessStartInfo
                //UseShellExecute = false, // redirect all input/output streams to parent's console
                FileName  = Constants.FILENAME_PASSENGER,
                Arguments = Constants.ARGUMENT_PASSENGER_M_MISIONARA

            for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
                // create missionary
                var pid = i;
                //new Passenger(pid, false); // TO DO: start process
                processInfo.Arguments = pid + " " + Constants.ARGUMENT_PASSENGER_M_MISIONARA;

                ms.Append(pre + pid);

            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                // create cannibal
                var pid = i + M;
                //new Passenger(pid, false); // TO DO: start process
                processInfo.Arguments = pid + " " + Constants.ARGUMENT_PASSENGER_M_MISIONARA;

                ms.Append(pre + pid);

            // create a bus for receiving messages
            IBus bus = new BusBuilder()
                       .WithLogging(new ConsoleLogger())


            // register one or more message handlers
            bus.RegisterHandler <Message>(new PassengerHandler());
            // process messages on the read queue synchronously
            bus.ReceiveAsync <Message>(); // bus.ReceiveAsync<PlaceOrder>();

            aTimer = new Timer(Constants.BOAT_CHECK_PERIOD);

            aTimer.Elapsed += (sender, args) =>
                if (!ProcessPassengers())
                    //    bus.Receive<Message>();
                    // die
                    aTimer.Enabled = false;
                    Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit...");

            aTimer.AutoReset = true;
            aTimer.Enabled   = true;