Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void SetBundleData(int bundle_type, bool use_seed)
            Random r = null;

            r = ((!use_seed) ? new Random() : new Random((int)Game1.uniqueIDForThisGame * 9));

            switch (bundle_type)
            // Normal
                Game1.netWorldState.Value.SetBundleData(Game1.content.LoadBase <Dictionary <string, string> >("Data\\Bundles"));

            // Remixed
            case 1:
                Dictionary <string, string> bundle_data = new BundleGenerator().Generate("Data\\RandomBundles", r);

            // Custom
            case 2:
                string path = Path.Combine(Main.Helper.DirectoryPath, "Data\\RandomizedBundles.json");

                Dictionary <string, string> bundle_data = new CustomBundleGenerator().Generate(path, r);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void TestFileLoaderSaver()
            Bundle bundle = BundleGenerator.GenerateTestBundle(0);
            Stream stream = new MemoryStream();

            PixelariaFile originalFile = new PixelariaFile(bundle, stream);


            // Test if the memory stream is now filled
            Assert.IsTrue(stream.Length > 0, "After a call to PixelariaFileSaver.Save(), the pixelaria file's stream should not be empty");

            // Bring the bundle back with a PixelariaFileLoader
            PixelariaFile newFile = new PixelariaFile(new Bundle(""), stream);

            stream.Position = 0;

            Assert.AreEqual(originalFile.LoadedBundle, newFile.LoadedBundle, "After persisting a file to a stream and loading it back up again, the bundles must be equal");

            // Save the bundle a few more times to test resilience of the save/load process
            newFile.CurrentStream.Position = 0;
            newFile.CurrentStream.Position = 0;

                                           ((MemoryStream)originalFile.CurrentStream).GetBuffer()), "Two streams that represent the same Pixelaria File should be bitwise equal");

            Assert.AreEqual(originalFile.LoadedBundle, newFile.LoadedBundle, "After persisting a file to a stream and loading it back up again, the bundles must be equal");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void TestBundleEquality()
            Bundle bundle1 = BundleGenerator.GenerateTestBundle(0);
            Bundle bundle2 = bundle1.Clone();

            Assert.AreEqual(bundle1, bundle2, "After a Clone() operation, both Bundles must be equal");

            // Modify the new bundle
            bundle2.RemoveAnimationFromAnimationSheet(bundle2.Animations[0], bundle2.AnimationSheets[0]);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(bundle1, bundle2, "Equal bundles after a Clone() operation must not be equal after a successful call to RemoveAnimationFromAnimationSheet()");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void GameLoop_SaveCreated(object sender, SaveCreatedEventArgs e)
            if (bundlesEnabled)
                Dictionary <string, string> data = new BundleGenerator().Generate(
                    "Data\\ExpertBundles", new Random((int)Game1.uniqueIDForThisGame * 9));

                data = IridiumQualityItemsFix.FixIridiumQualityItems(data);

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void TestBundleFrameIdGeneration()
            Bundle bundle1 = BundleGenerator.GenerateTestBundle(0);
            Bundle bundle2 = new Bundle("TestBundle2");

            // Remove animation from one bundle and add to another
            Animation anim = bundle1.Animations[0];


            // Create a frame on the animation on bundle2
            Frame newFrame = bundle2.Animations[0].CreateFrame();

            // Test if the frame's ID matches the previos frame's ID + 1
            Assert.AreEqual(newFrame.ID, bundle2.Animations[0][bundle2.Animations[0].FrameCount - 2].ID + 1,
                            "When adding an animation to a bundle, the frame ID index should be bumped up to match the highest frame ID available + 1");
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void TestPersistenceClass()
            // Generate a dummy file name
            _testFilePath = Path.GetTempFileName();

            Bundle originalBundle = BundleGenerator.GenerateTestBundle(0);

            // Test new file format saving and loading
            PixelariaSaverLoader.SaveBundleToDisk(originalBundle, _testFilePath);
            Bundle newBundle = PixelariaSaverLoader.LoadBundleFromDisk(_testFilePath);

            Assert.AreEqual(originalBundle, newBundle, "After persisting a new (>= v8) file to disk and loading it back up again, the bundles must be equal");

            // Test old file format loading
            SaveBundle(originalBundle, _testFilePath);
            newBundle = PixelariaSaverLoader.LoadBundleFromDisk(_testFilePath);

            Assert.AreEqual(originalBundle, newBundle, "After loading a legacy (< v8) file to disk and loading it back up again, the bundles must be equal");

            // Now load the bundle using the LoadFileFromDisk
            newBundle = PixelariaSaverLoader.LoadFileFromDisk(_testFilePath).LoadedBundle;
            Assert.AreEqual(originalBundle, newBundle, "After loading a legacy (< v8) file to disk and loading it back up again, the bundles must be equal");