Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void HappyOrSadPathTruths(BulkSyncResult result, BulkHubSpotContact[] hubSpotContacts, int expectedBatchCount, int successCount, int failureCount)
            HappyOrSadPathTruths(result, hubSpotContacts.Length, expectedBatchCount, successCount, failureCount);

            // assert data

            // assert behavior
            _httpMock.Verify(http => http.Post(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <BulkHubSpotContact[]>()), Times.Exactly(expectedBatchCount));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// https://developers.hubspot.com/docs/methods/contacts/batch_create_or_update
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hubSpotContacts">Contacts to create/update in HubSpot.</param>
        /// <param name="batchSize">Number of contacts to send to HubSpot per request.</param>
        public BulkSyncResult BulkSync(BulkHubSpotContact[] hubSpotContacts, int batchSize = DefaultBatchSize)
            var run = new BulkSyncResult(_clock.UtcNow)
                TotalContacts = hubSpotContacts.Length,
                BatchCount    = CalculateNumberOfBatches(hubSpotContacts, batchSize)

                for (int currentBatchNumber = 0; currentBatchNumber < run.BatchCount; currentBatchNumber++)
                    var contactBatch = hubSpotContacts.Skip(currentBatchNumber * batchSize).Take(batchSize).ToArray(); // extract the relevant group of contacts
                    var response     = _http.Post($"contacts/v1/contact/batch?hapikey={_hubSpotApiKey}", contactBatch);

                    switch (response.StatusCode)
                    case HttpStatusCode.Accepted:     // 202; deemed successful by HubSpot -- all in the batch were accepted
                        run.SuccessCount += contactBatch.Length;
                        _logger.LogInformation($"ACCEPTED: contact batch {currentBatchNumber + 1} of {run.BatchCount}");

                    default:     // 400, 429, etc; something went awry and NONE of the contacts were accepted
                        run.FailureCount += contactBatch.Length;
                        run.FailedBatches.Add(new BulkSyncFailure
                            Count           = contactBatch.Length,
                            BatchNumber     = currentBatchNumber + 1,
                            HttpStatusCode  = response.StatusCode,
                            Exception       = _http.GetResponseContent <HubSpotException>(response),
                            HubSpotContacts = contactBatch

                        // cast to print out the HTTP status code, just in case what's returned isn't
                        // defined in the https://stackoverflow.com/a/22645395
                        _logger.LogWarning($@"REJECTED: contact batch {currentBatchNumber + 1} of {run.BatchCount}
httpstatuscode: {(int) response.StatusCode}
More details will be available in the serial processing logs.");

                    PumpTheBreaksEveryNRequestsToAvoid429Exceptions(currentBatchNumber + 1);

                run.Execution.FinishUtc = _clock.UtcNow;