Ejemplo n.º 1
        public JsonResult SendMessages(List <Message> toSend)
            if (toSend == null)
                return(Json(new SMSResponse()
                    Status = 404, Message = "Nema poruka za poslati!"
            SMSResponse response = new SMSResponse();
            Dictionary <Message, bool> sendStatus = new Dictionary <Message, bool>();

                foreach (Message msg in toSend)
                    sendStatus.Add(msg, msg.SendMessage());

                BulkInsertStatus   insStatus   = this.msgRep.InsertMessage(toSend.Select(x => x.MapToMessageDB()).ToList());
                BulkDeliveryStatus delivStatus = Message.DetermineMessageDeliveryStatus(sendStatus);
                response = Message.MessageToDeliver(delivStatus, insStatus);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ///TODO log exception
                return(Json(new SMSResponse(500, "Error in saving messages")));

            return(Json(response, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Ejemplo n.º 2
		public override void Respond(IHttpContext context)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request.QueryString["no-op"]) == false)
				// this is a no-op request which is there just to force the client HTTP layer to handle the authentication
				// only used for legacy clients
				// using windows auth with anonymous access = none sometimes generate a 401 even though we made two requests
				// instead of relying on windows auth, which require request buffering, we generate a one time token and return it.
				// we KNOW that the user have access to this db for writing, since they got here, so there is no issue in generating 
				// a single use token for them.
				var token = server.RequestAuthorizer.GenerateSingleUseAuthToken(Database, context.User);
					Token = token

			if (HttpContext.Current != null)
				HttpContext.Current.Server.ScriptTimeout = 60*60*6; // six hours should do it, I think.
			var options = new BulkInsertOptions
				CheckForUpdates = context.GetCheckForUpdates(),
				CheckReferencesInIndexes = context.GetCheckReferencesInIndexes()

			var operationId = ExtractOperationId(context);
			var sp = Stopwatch.StartNew();

			var status = new BulkInsertStatus();

			int documents = 0;
			var mre = new ManualResetEventSlim(false);

			var currentDatbase = Database;
			var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
				currentDatbase.BulkInsert(options, YieldBatches(context, mre, batchSize => documents += batchSize), operationId);
			    status.Documents = documents;
			    status.Completed = true;

			long id;
			Database.AddTask(task, status, out id);


			context.Log(log => log.Debug("\tBulk inserted received {0:#,#;;0} documents in {1}, task #: {2}", documents, sp.Elapsed, id));

				OperationId = id
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static SMSResponse MessageToDeliver(BulkDeliveryStatus dlvStat, BulkInsertStatus insStat)
            SMSResponse resp = new SMSResponse();
            string      msg  = string.Empty;

            if (dlvStat == BulkDeliveryStatus.SUCCESS && insStat == BulkInsertStatus.SUCCESS)
                resp.Message = "Poruke poslane i zabilježene!";
                resp.Status  = 200;
            else if (dlvStat == BulkDeliveryStatus.SUCCESS && insStat != BulkInsertStatus.SUCCESS)
                resp.Message = "Poruke poslane ali njihovo slanje nije zabilježeno!";
                resp.Status  = 202;
            else if (dlvStat == BulkDeliveryStatus.PARTIAL)
                resp.Message = "Nisu sve poruke poslane!";
                resp.Status  = 500;
                resp.Message = "Poruke nisu poslane!";
                resp.Status  = 500;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override void Respond(IHttpContext context)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request.QueryString["no-op"]) == false)
                // this is a no-op request which is there just to force the client HTTP layer to handle the authentication
                // only used for legacy clients

            if (HttpContext.Current != null)
                HttpContext.Current.Server.ScriptTimeout = 60 * 60 * 6;             // six hours should do it, I think.
            var options = new BulkInsertOptions
                CheckForUpdates          = context.GetCheckForUpdates(),
                CheckReferencesInIndexes = context.GetCheckReferencesInIndexes()

            var operationId = ExtractOperationId(context);
            var sp          = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            var status = new BulkInsertStatus();

            int documents = 0;
            var mre       = new ManualResetEventSlim(false);

            var currentDatbase = Database;
            var task           = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                currentDatbase.BulkInsert(options, YieldBatches(context, mre, batchSize => documents += batchSize), operationId);
                status.Documents = documents;
                status.Completed = true;

            long id;

            Database.AddTask(task, status, out id);


            context.Log(log => log.Debug("\tBulk inserted received {0:#,#;;0} documents in {1}, task #: {2}", documents, sp.Elapsed, id));

                OperationId = id
Ejemplo n.º 5
		public override void Respond(IHttpContext context)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request.QueryString["no-op"]) == false)
				// this is a no-op request which is there just to force the client HTTP layer to handle the authentication
				// only used for legacy clients

			if (HttpContext.Current != null)
				HttpContext.Current.Server.ScriptTimeout = 60*60*6; // six hours should do it, I think.
			var options = new BulkInsertOptions
				CheckForUpdates = context.GetCheckForUpdates(),
				CheckReferencesInIndexes = context.GetCheckReferencesInIndexes()

			var operationId = ExtractOperationId(context);
			var sp = Stopwatch.StartNew();

			var status = new BulkInsertStatus();

			int documents = 0;
			var mre = new ManualResetEventSlim(false);

			var currentDatbase = Database;
			var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
				currentDatbase.BulkInsert(options, YieldBatches(context, mre, batchSize => documents += batchSize), operationId);
			    status.Documents = documents;
			    status.Completed = true;

			long id;
			Database.AddTask(task, status, out id);


			context.Log(log => log.Debug("\tBulk inserted received {0:#,#;;0} documents in {1}, task #: {2}", documents, sp.Elapsed, id));

				OperationId = id
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> BulkInsertPost()
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetQueryStringValue("no-op")) == false)
                // this is a no-op request which is there just to force the client HTTP layer to handle the authentication
                // only used for legacy clients
                return GetEmptyMessage();
            if ("generate-single-use-auth-token".Equals(GetQueryStringValue("op"), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                // using windows auth with anonymous access = none sometimes generate a 401 even though we made two requests
                // instead of relying on windows auth, which require request buffering, we generate a one time token and return it.
                // we KNOW that the user have access to this db for writing, since they got here, so there is no issue in generating 
                // a single use token for them.

                var authorizer = (MixedModeRequestAuthorizer)Configuration.Properties[typeof(MixedModeRequestAuthorizer)];

                var token = authorizer.GenerateSingleUseAuthToken(DatabaseName, User);
                return GetMessageWithObject(new
                    Token = token

            if (HttpContext.Current != null)
                HttpContext.Current.Server.ScriptTimeout = 60 * 60 * 6; // six hours should do it, I think.

            var options = new BulkInsertOptions
                OverwriteExisting = GetOverwriteExisting(),
                CheckReferencesInIndexes = GetCheckReferencesInIndexes(),
				SkipOverwriteIfUnchanged = GetSkipOverwriteIfUnchanged()

            var operationId = ExtractOperationId();
            var sp = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            var status = new BulkInsertStatus();
            status.IsTimedOut = false;

            var documents = 0;
            var mre = new ManualResetEventSlim(false);
            var tre = new CancellationTokenSource();
            var inputStream = await InnerRequest.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            var currentDatabase = Database;
            var timeout = tre.TimeoutAfter(currentDatabase.Configuration.BulkImportBatchTimeout);
            var user = CurrentOperationContext.User.Value;
            var headers = CurrentOperationContext.Headers.Value;
            Exception error = null;
            var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                    CurrentOperationContext.User.Value = user;
                    CurrentOperationContext.Headers.Value = headers;
                    currentDatabase.Documents.BulkInsert(options, YieldBatches(timeout, inputStream, mre, batchSize => documents += batchSize), operationId, tre.Token, timeout);
				catch (InvalidDataException e)
					status.Faulted = true;
					status.State = RavenJObject.FromObject(new { Error = "Could not understand json.", InnerError = e.SimplifyException().Message });
					status.IsSerializationError = true;
					error = e;
				catch (OperationCanceledException)
                    // happens on timeout
                    currentDatabase.Notifications.RaiseNotifications(new BulkInsertChangeNotification { OperationId = operationId, Message = "Operation cancelled, likely because of a batch timeout", Type = DocumentChangeTypes.BulkInsertError });
                    status.IsTimedOut = true;
                    status.Faulted = true;
                catch (Exception e)
                    status.Faulted = true;
                    status.State = RavenJObject.FromObject(new { Error = e.SimplifyException().Message });
                    error = e;
                    status.Completed = true;
                    status.Documents = documents;
	                CurrentOperationContext.User.Value = null;
	                CurrentOperationContext.Headers.Value = null;

			}, tre.Token);

            long id;
            Database.Tasks.AddTask(task, status, new TaskActions.PendingTaskDescription
                                                     StartTime = SystemTime.UtcNow,
                                                     TaskType = TaskActions.PendingTaskType.BulkInsert,
                                                     Payload = operationId.ToString()
                                                 }, out id, tre);

            await task;

            if (error != null)
				var httpStatusCode = status.IsSerializationError ? (HttpStatusCode)422 : HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
	            return GetMessageWithObject(new
                    Error = error.ToString()
				}, httpStatusCode);
	        if (status.IsTimedOut)
				throw new TimeoutException("Bulk insert operation did not receive new data longer than configured threshold");


            AddRequestTraceInfo(log => log.AppendFormat("\tBulk inserted received {0:#,#;;0} documents in {1}, task #: {2}", documents, sp.Elapsed, id));

            return GetMessageWithObject(new
                OperationId = id
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public override void Respond(IHttpContext context)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request.QueryString["no-op"]) == false)
                // this is a no-op request which is there just to force the client HTTP layer to handle the authentication
                // only used for legacy clients
            if ("generate-single-use-auth-token".Equals(context.Request.QueryString["op"], StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                // using windows auth with anonymous access = none sometimes generate a 401 even though we made two requests
                // instead of relying on windows auth, which require request buffering, we generate a one time token and return it.
                // we KNOW that the user have access to this db for writing, since they got here, so there is no issue in generating
                // a single use token for them.
                var token = server.RequestAuthorizer.GenerateSingleUseAuthToken(Database, context.User);
                    Token = token

            if (HttpContext.Current != null)
                HttpContext.Current.Server.ScriptTimeout = 60 * 60 * 6;             // six hours should do it, I think.
            var options = new BulkInsertOptions
                CheckForUpdates          = context.GetCheckForUpdates(),
                CheckReferencesInIndexes = context.GetCheckReferencesInIndexes()

            var operationId = ExtractOperationId(context);
            var sp          = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            var status = new BulkInsertStatus();

            int documents = 0;
            var mre       = new ManualResetEventSlim(false);

            var currentDatbase = Database;
            var task           = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                currentDatbase.BulkInsert(options, YieldBatches(context, mre, batchSize => documents += batchSize), operationId);
                status.Documents = documents;
                status.Completed = true;

            long id;

            Database.AddTask(task, status, out id);


            context.Log(log => log.Debug("\tBulk inserted received {0:#,#;;0} documents in {1}, task #: {2}", documents, sp.Elapsed, id));

                OperationId = id
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> BulkInsertPost()
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetQueryStringValue("no-op")) == false)
                // this is a no-op request which is there just to force the client HTTP layer to handle the authentication
                // only used for legacy clients
            if ("generate-single-use-auth-token".Equals(GetQueryStringValue("op"), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                // using windows auth with anonymous access = none sometimes generate a 401 even though we made two requests
                // instead of relying on windows auth, which require request buffering, we generate a one time token and return it.
                // we KNOW that the user have access to this db for writing, since they got here, so there is no issue in generating
                // a single use token for them.

                var authorizer = (MixedModeRequestAuthorizer)Configuration.Properties[typeof(MixedModeRequestAuthorizer)];

                var token = authorizer.GenerateSingleUseAuthToken(DatabaseName, User);
                    Token = token

            if (HttpContext.Current != null)
                HttpContext.Current.Server.ScriptTimeout = 60 * 60 * 6; // six hours should do it, I think.
            var options = new BulkInsertOptions
                OverwriteExisting        = GetOverwriteExisting(),
                CheckReferencesInIndexes = GetCheckReferencesInIndexes(),
                SkipOverwriteIfUnchanged = GetSkipOverwriteIfUnchanged()

            var operationId = ExtractOperationId();
            var sp          = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            var status = new BulkInsertStatus();

            status.IsTimedOut = false;

            var documents = 0;
            var mre       = new ManualResetEventSlim(false);
            var tre       = new CancellationTokenSource();

            var inputStream = await InnerRequest.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            var currentDatabase = Database;
            var timeout         = tre.TimeoutAfter(currentDatabase.Configuration.BulkImportBatchTimeout);
            var task            = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                    currentDatabase.Documents.BulkInsert(options, YieldBatches(timeout, inputStream, mre, batchSize => documents += batchSize), operationId, tre.Token);
                catch (OperationCanceledException)
                    // happens on timeout
                    currentDatabase.Notifications.RaiseNotifications(new BulkInsertChangeNotification {
                        OperationId = operationId, Message = "Operation cancelled, likely because of a batch timeout", Type = DocumentChangeTypes.BulkInsertError
                    status.Completed  = true;
                    status.IsTimedOut = true;
                status.Completed = true;
                status.Documents = documents;

            long id;

            Database.Tasks.AddTask(task, status, new TaskActions.PendingTaskDescription
                StartTime = SystemTime.UtcNow,
                TaskType  = TaskActions.PendingTaskType.BulkInsert,
                Payload   = operationId.ToString()
            }, out id, tre);

            if (status.IsTimedOut)
                throw new TimeoutException("Bulk insert operation did not receive new data longer than configured treshold");


            AddRequestTraceInfo(log => log.AppendFormat("\tBulk inserted received {0:#,#;;0} documents in {1}, task #: {2}", documents, sp.Elapsed, id));

                OperationId = id
Ejemplo n.º 9
		public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> BulkInsertPost()
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetQueryStringValue("no-op")) == false)
				// this is a no-op request which is there just to force the client HTTP layer to handle the authentication
				// only used for legacy clients
				return GetEmptyMessage();
			if ("generate-single-use-auth-token".Equals(GetQueryStringValue("op"), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
				// using windows auth with anonymous access = none sometimes generate a 401 even though we made two requests
				// instead of relying on windows auth, which require request buffering, we generate a one time token and return it.
				// we KNOW that the user have access to this db for writing, since they got here, so there is no issue in generating 
				// a single use token for them.

				var authorizer = (MixedModeRequestAuthorizer)Configuration.Properties[typeof(MixedModeRequestAuthorizer)];

				var token = authorizer.GenerateSingleUseAuthToken(Database, User, this);
				return GetMessageWithObject(new
					Token = token

			if (HttpContext.Current != null)
				HttpContext.Current.Server.ScriptTimeout = 60*60*6; // six hours should do it, I think.

			var options = new BulkInsertOptions
				OverwriteExisting = GetOverwriteExisting(),
				CheckReferencesInIndexes = GetCheckReferencesInIndexes()

			var operationId = ExtractOperationId();
			var sp = Stopwatch.StartNew();

			var status = new BulkInsertStatus();

			var documents = 0;
			var mre = new ManualResetEventSlim(false);

			var inputStream = await InnerRequest.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();
			var currentDatabase = Database;
			var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
				currentDatabase.Documents.BulkInsert(options, YieldBatches(inputStream , mre, batchSize => documents += batchSize), operationId);
				status.Documents = documents;
				status.Completed = true;

			long id;
			Database.Tasks.AddTask(task, status, out id);


			//TODO: log
			//context.Log(log => log.Debug("\tBulk inserted received {0:#,#;;0} documents in {1}, task #: {2}", documents, sp.Elapsed, id));

			return GetMessageWithObject(new
				OperationId = id
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public BulkInsertStatus CreateInventory(Inventory inventory)
            string CreateInventoryItemQuery(long transactionId, InventoryItem inventoryItem)
                var query = $@"
                    INSERT INTO INVTRS


            OdbcTransaction transaction = null;
            var             result      = new BulkInsertStatus();

                using (var connection = new OdbcConnection(this.ConnetionString))
                    transaction = connection.BeginTransaction();

                    var command = new OdbcCommand();

                    command.Connection  = connection;
                    command.Transaction = transaction;

                    inventory.Items.ForEach(inventoryItem => {
                        var transactionId   = PervasiveDBHelper.GetColumnMaxValue(command, "INVTRS", "TrsNo");
                        command.CommandText = CreateInventoryItemQuery(transactionId, inventoryItem);



            catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> BulkInsertPost()
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetQueryStringValue("no-op")) == false)
                // this is a no-op request which is there just to force the client HTTP layer to handle the authentication
                // only used for legacy clients
            if ("generate-single-use-auth-token".Equals(GetQueryStringValue("op"), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                // using windows auth with anonymous access = none sometimes generate a 401 even though we made two requests
                // instead of relying on windows auth, which require request buffering, we generate a one time token and return it.
                // we KNOW that the user have access to this db for writing, since they got here, so there is no issue in generating
                // a single use token for them.

                var authorizer = (MixedModeRequestAuthorizer)Configuration.Properties[typeof(MixedModeRequestAuthorizer)];

                var token = authorizer.GenerateSingleUseAuthToken(Database, User, this);
                    Token = token

            if (HttpContext.Current != null)
                HttpContext.Current.Server.ScriptTimeout = 60 * 60 * 6;             // six hours should do it, I think.
            var options = new BulkInsertOptions
                OverwriteExisting        = GetOverwriteExisting(),
                CheckReferencesInIndexes = GetCheckReferencesInIndexes()

            var operationId = ExtractOperationId();
            var sp          = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            var status = new BulkInsertStatus();

            var documents = 0;
            var mre       = new ManualResetEventSlim(false);

            var inputStream = await InnerRequest.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            var currentDatabase = Database;
            var task            = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                currentDatabase.Documents.BulkInsert(options, YieldBatches(inputStream, mre, batchSize => documents += batchSize), operationId);
                status.Documents = documents;
                status.Completed = true;

            long id;

            Database.Tasks.AddTask(task, status, out id);



            AddRequestTraceInfo(log => log.AppendFormat("\tBulk inserted received {0:#,#;;0} documents in {1}, task #: {2}", documents, sp.Elapsed, id));

                OperationId = id