Ejemplo n.º 1
            static void Main(string[] args)
                //Wire up an elastic client
                var elastic = new ElasticClient(
                    new ConnectionSettings(
                        new Uri("http://localhost:9200")));

                //Some useful constants
                const string IndexName = "indexName";
                const string Doc       = "doc";

                //Source and destination indices
                var          sourceIndex    = "test_user_click";
                const string Indices        = "indices";
                const string IndexNameField = "indexName.keyword";

                //Process updates by each index
                var indicesResponse = elastic.Search <dynamic>(s => s
                                                               .Aggregations(a => a
                                                                             .Terms(Indices, at => at

                foreach (var item in indicesResponse.Aggregations.Terms(Indices).Buckets)
                    var destinationIndex = item.Key;  //Set the destination index

                    //Scrolling information
                    var pageSize       = 1000;
                    var scrollLifetime = "10s";
                    ISearchResponse <dynamic> searchResponse = null;

                    //scrolling thru the documents to update
                    while (true)
                        //perform a dynamic scrolling query against the source index
                        if (searchResponse == null)
                            searchResponse = elastic.Search <dynamic>(s => s
                                                                      .Type(string.Empty) //Ignore types completely
                                                                      .Index(sourceIndex) //Feature index to query
                                                                      .Query(q => q
                                                                             .Match(m => m
                                                                                    .Query(destinationIndex))) //Find features for the destination index
                            //Using scroll to get the remaining pages of feature documents
                            searchResponse = elastic.Scroll <dynamic>(
                                new ScrollRequest(searchResponse.ScrollId, scrollLifetime));

                        //have we reached the end
                        if (searchResponse.Documents.Count == 0)

                        //create new bulk descriptior to hold the list of updates
                        var bulkDescriptor = new BulkDescriptor();

                        //create a partial update for the search record
                        //set the current userClickBoost for each boosted document
                        foreach (var analyticDoc in searchResponse.Documents)
                            bulkDescriptor.Update <dynamic, PartialDoc>(s => s
                                                                            new PartialDoc {
                                UserClickBoost = (double)analyticDoc.userClickBoost

                                                 // additional feature boosts here

                        //Send the bulk request to destination index
                        var updateResponse = elastic.Bulk(bulkDescriptor);

                        if (updateResponse.Errors)
                            //Handle errors if needed