Ejemplo n.º 1
    private static void ImportDetails(XmlDocument xml, BuildrData data)
        foreach (XmlNode node in xml.SelectNodes("buildr/details/detail"))
            BuildrDetail detail = new BuildrDetail("");

            detail.name = node["name"].FirstChild.Value;
            detail.mesh = (Mesh)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(node["mesh"].FirstChild.Value, typeof(Mesh));
            detail.material.mainTexture = (Texture2D)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(node["texture"].FirstChild.Value, typeof(Texture2D));
            Vector2 faceUV = new Vector2();
            faceUV.x = float.Parse(node["faceuvx"].FirstChild.Value);
            faceUV.y = float.Parse(node["faceuvy"].FirstChild.Value);
            detail.faceUv = faceUV;
            detail.faceHeight = float.Parse(node["faceheight"].FirstChild.Value);
            Vector3 scale = new Vector3();
            scale.x = float.Parse(node["scalex"].FirstChild.Value);
            scale.y = float.Parse(node["scaley"].FirstChild.Value);
            scale.z = float.Parse(node["scalez"].FirstChild.Value);
            detail.scale = scale;
            detail.orientation = (BuildrDetail.Orientations)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(BuildrDetail.Orientations), node["orientation"].FirstChild.Value);
            Vector3 userRotation = new Vector3();
            userRotation.x = float.Parse(node["userRotationx"].FirstChild.Value);
            userRotation.y = float.Parse(node["userRotationy"].FirstChild.Value);
            userRotation.z = float.Parse(node["userRotationz"].FirstChild.Value);
            detail.userRotation = userRotation;
            detail.face = int.Parse(node["face"].FirstChild.Value);
            detail.type = (BuildrDetail.Types)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(BuildrDetail.Types), node["type"].FirstChild.Value);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public BuildrDetail Duplicate(string newName)
        BuildrDetail newDetail = new BuildrDetail(newName);

        newDetail.mesh         = mesh;
        newDetail.faceUv       = _faceUv;
        newDetail.faceHeight   = faceHeight;
        newDetail.scale        = scale;
        newDetail.face         = face;
        newDetail.type         = type;
        newDetail.userRotation = userRotation;
        newDetail.orientation  = orientation;
        newDetail.material     = new Material(material);

Ejemplo n.º 3
    public static void InspectorGUI(BuildrEditMode editMode, BuildrData data)
        BuildrDetail[] details         = data.details.ToArray();
        int            numberOfDetails = details.Length;

        selectedDetail = Mathf.Clamp(selectedDetail, 0, numberOfDetails - 1);

        if (numberOfDetails == 0)
            EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("There are no details to show", MessageType.Info);
            if (GUILayout.Button("Add New"))
                data.details.Add(new BuildrDetail("new detail " + numberOfDetails));
                selectedDetail = numberOfDetails - 1;

        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Detail", GUILayout.Width(75));
        string[] detailNames = new string[numberOfDetails];
        for (int t = 0; t < numberOfDetails; t++)
            detailNames[t] = details[t].name;
        selectedDetail = EditorGUILayout.Popup(selectedDetail, detailNames);

        BuildrDetail bDetail = details[selectedDetail];



        if (GUILayout.Button("Add New", GUILayout.Width(81)))
            data.details.Add(new BuildrDetail("new detail " + numberOfDetails));
            selectedDetail = numberOfDetails - 1;

        if (GUILayout.Button("Duplicate", GUILayout.Width(90)))
            selectedDetail = numberOfDetails - 1;

        if (GUILayout.Button("Delete", GUILayout.Width(71)))
            if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Deleting Building Detail Entry", "Are you sure you want to delete this detail?", "Delete", "Cancel"))
                selectedDetail = 0;
                GUI.changed    = true;


        details     = data.details.ToArray();
        detailNames = new string[numberOfDetails];
        for (int t = 0; t < numberOfDetails; t++)
            detailNames[t] = details[t].name;
        bDetail = details[selectedDetail];//reassign


        bDetail.name = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Name", bDetail.name);

        bDetail.mesh = (Mesh)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Mesh", bDetail.mesh, typeof(Mesh), false);
        bDetail.material.mainTexture = (Texture)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Texture", bDetail.material.mainTexture, typeof(Texture), false, GUILayout.Height(140));

        if (bDetail.material.mainTexture != null)
            string          texturePath     = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(bDetail.material.mainTexture);
            TextureImporter textureImporter = (TextureImporter)AssetImporter.GetAtPath(texturePath);

            if (!textureImporter.isReadable)
                EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("The texture you have selected is not readable." +
                                        "\nPlease select the readable checkbox under advanced texture settings." +
                                        "\nOr move this texture to the BuildR texture folder and reimport.",

        BuildrPlan    plan                    = data.plan;
        int           numberOfVolumes         = plan.numberOfVolumes;
        int           numberOfFaces           = 0;
        List <int>    faceSeletionsList       = new List <int>();
        List <string> faceSeletionsStringList = new List <string>();

        if (bDetail.type == BuildrDetail.Types.Facade)
            for (int s = 0; s < numberOfVolumes; s++)
                int numberOfPoints = plan.volumes[s].Count;
                numberOfFaces += numberOfPoints;
                for (int p = 0; p < numberOfPoints; p++)
                    int index = faceSeletionsList.Count;
                    faceSeletionsStringList.Add("facade " + index);
            bDetail.face = Mathf.Clamp(0, numberOfVolumes - 1, bDetail.face);
            for (int s = 0; s < numberOfVolumes; s++)
                int index = faceSeletionsList.Count;
                faceSeletionsStringList.Add("roof " + index);

        if (!clickPlace)
            if (GUILayout.Button("Place Detail with Mouse"))
                clickPlace = true;
            if (GUILayout.Button("Cancel Place Detail"))
                clickPlace = false;

        BuildrDetail.Types bDetailtype = (BuildrDetail.Types)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Face Type", bDetail.type);
        if (bDetailtype != bDetail.type)
            bDetail.type = bDetailtype;
        int[]    faceSelections      = faceSeletionsList.ToArray();
        string[] faceSelectionString = faceSeletionsStringList.ToArray();
        int      bDetailface         = EditorGUILayout.IntPopup("Selected Face", bDetail.face, faceSelectionString, faceSelections);

        if (bDetailface != bDetail.face)
            bDetail.face = bDetailface;

        Vector2 bDetailfaceUv = EditorGUILayout.Vector2Field("Face UV", bDetail.faceUv);

        if (bDetailfaceUv != bDetail.faceUv)
            bDetail.faceUv = bDetailfaceUv;
        float bDetailfaceHeight = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Face Height", bDetail.faceHeight);

        if (bDetailfaceHeight != bDetail.faceHeight)
            bDetail.faceHeight = bDetailfaceHeight;
        Vector3 bDetailuserRotation = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Rotation", bDetail.userRotation);

        if (bDetailuserRotation != bDetail.userRotation)
            bDetail.userRotation = bDetailuserRotation;
        Vector3 bDetailscale = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Object Scale", bDetail.scale);

        if (bDetailscale != bDetail.scale)
            bDetail.scale = bDetailscale;

        if (bDetail.mesh != null)
            Texture2D previewMeshImage = AssetPreview.GetAssetPreview(bDetail.mesh);
            Texture2D previewMeshImage = new Texture2D(118, 118);
            GUILayout.Label("No Mesh Selected");

        if (bDetail.material.mainTexture != null)
            Texture previewMeshImage = bDetail.material.mainTexture;
            GUILayout.Label(previewMeshImage, GUILayout.Width(128), GUILayout.Height(128));
            Texture2D previewMeshImage = new Texture2D(118, 118);
            GUILayout.Label("No Texture Selected");
Ejemplo n.º 4
    public static void SceneGUI(BuildrEditMode editMode, BuildrData data, bool shouldSnap, float handleSize)
        if (data.details.Count == 0)
        Undo.RecordObject(data, "Detail Modified");

        int numberOfFacades  = data.facades.Count;
        int numberOfRoofs    = data.roofs.Count;
        int numberOfTextures = data.textures.Count;

        if (numberOfFacades == 0 || numberOfRoofs == 0 || numberOfTextures == 0)

        Vector3 position = editMode.transform.position;

        BuildrPlan   plan            = data.plan;
        int          numberOfVolumes = plan.numberOfVolumes;
        BuildrDetail bDetail         = data.details[selectedDetail];
        float        volumeHeight    = 0;
        Vector3      baseLeft        = Vector3.zero;
        Vector3      baseRight       = Vector3.zero;
        int          faceIndex       = bDetail.face;

        int facadeCounter = 0;

        for (int v = 0; v < numberOfVolumes; v++)
            BuildrVolume volume      = data.plan.volumes[v];
            int          volumeSize  = volume.Count;
            Vector3      floorCentre = Vector3.zero;
            Handles.color = Color.white;

            for (int p = 0; p < volumeSize; p++)
                int     point  = volume.points[p];
                int     indexB = volume.points[(p + 1) % volumeSize];
                Vector3 fb0    = plan.points[point].vector3;
                Vector3 fb1    = plan.points[indexB].vector3;
                if (bDetail.face == facadeCounter && bDetail.type == BuildrDetail.Types.Facade)
                    baseLeft  = fb0;
                    baseRight = fb1;
                floorCentre += baseLeft;

                List <Vector3> verts = new List <Vector3>();
                volumeHeight = (volume.numberOfFloors * data.floorHeight);
                Vector3 volumeHeightVector = Vector3.up * volumeHeight;
                verts.Add(fb0 + position);
                verts.Add(fb1 + position);
                verts.Add(verts[1] + volumeHeightVector);
                verts.Add(verts[0] + volumeHeightVector);
                if (bDetail.face == facadeCounter && bDetail.type == BuildrDetail.Types.Facade)
                    //display something to highlight this facade
                    Handles.DrawSolidRectangleWithOutline(verts.ToArray(), Color.clear, BuildrColours.MAGENTA);
                Handles.color = BuildrColours.CYAN;
                if (v == bDetail.face && bDetail.type == BuildrDetail.Types.Roof)
                    Handles.DrawLine(verts[2], verts[3]);
                if (editMode.showFacadeMarkers)
                    Handles.color = Color.white;
                    Vector3  camDirection     = Camera.current.transform.forward;
                    Vector3  facadeDirection  = Vector3.Cross((verts[0] - verts[1]), Vector3.up);
                    GUIStyle facadeLabelStyle = new GUIStyle();
                    facadeLabelStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;
                    facadeLabelStyle.alignment        = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
                    facadeLabelStyle.fixedWidth       = 75.0f;
                    if (Vector3.Dot(camDirection, facadeDirection) < 0)//only display label when facade is facing camera
                        Vector3 centerPos = (verts[0] + verts[1]) * 0.5f;
                        Vector3 labelPos  = centerPos + facadeDirection.normalized;
                        Handles.Label(labelPos, "facade " + facadeCounter, facadeLabelStyle);
                        Handles.DrawLine(centerPos, labelPos);

        Vector3    handlePosition = bDetail.worldPosition + position;// new Vector3(basePos.x, volumeHeight * bDetail.faceUv.y, basePos.z);
        Vector3    baseDir        = (baseRight - baseLeft).normalized;
        Vector3    baseCross      = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, baseDir);
        Quaternion currentRot     = Quaternion.Euler(bDetail.userRotation);
        Quaternion faceRotation   = (bDetail.type == BuildrDetail.Types.Facade) ? Quaternion.LookRotation(baseCross) : Quaternion.identity;

        switch (Tools.current)
        case Tool.Move:
            Vector3 dirX, dirY, dirZ;
            if (bDetail.type == BuildrDetail.Types.Facade)
                dirX = baseDir;
                dirY = baseCross;
                dirZ = Vector3.up;
                dirX = Vector3.right;
                dirY = Vector3.up;
                dirZ = Vector3.forward;
            Vector3 newSliderPos;
            Handles.color = BuildrColours.RED;
            newSliderPos  = Handles.Slider(handlePosition, dirX, handleSize * 0.666f, Handles.ArrowCap, 0.0f);
            Handles.color = BuildrColours.BLUE;
            newSliderPos  = Handles.Slider(newSliderPos, dirZ, handleSize * 0.666f, Handles.ArrowCap, 0.0f);
            Handles.color = BuildrColours.GREEN;
            newSliderPos  = Handles.Slider(newSliderPos, dirY, handleSize * 0.666f, Handles.ArrowCap, 0.0f);
            Vector3 sliderDiff = newSliderPos - handlePosition;

            if (sliderDiff != Vector3.zero)
                float newXUV = 0, newYUV = 0, newHeight = bDetail.faceHeight;
                if (bDetail.type == BuildrDetail.Types.Facade)
                    float facadeWidth = Vector3.Distance(baseLeft, baseRight);
                    float sliderDiffX = Mathf.Sqrt(sliderDiff.x * sliderDiff.x + sliderDiff.z * sliderDiff.z) * Mathf.Sign(Vector3.Dot(baseDir, sliderDiff));
                    newXUV = sliderDiffX / facadeWidth + bDetail.faceUv.x;
                    newYUV = sliderDiff.y / volumeHeight + bDetail.faceUv.y;
                    BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[faceIndex];
                    int          numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;
                    Vector3      minPoint             = plan.points[volume.points[0]].vector3;
                    Vector3      maxPoint             = plan.points[volume.points[0]].vector3;
                    for (int p = 1; p < numberOfVolumePoints; p++)
                        Vector3 fp0 = plan.points[volume.points[p]].vector3;
                        if (fp0.x < minPoint.x)
                            minPoint.x = fp0.x;
                        if (fp0.z < minPoint.z)
                            minPoint.z = fp0.z;
                        if (fp0.x > maxPoint.x)
                            maxPoint.x = fp0.x;
                        if (fp0.z > maxPoint.z)
                            maxPoint.z = fp0.z;
                    float roofWidth = maxPoint.x - minPoint.x;
                    float roofDepth = maxPoint.z - minPoint.z;
                    newXUV     = sliderDiff.x / roofWidth + bDetail.faceUv.x;
                    newYUV     = sliderDiff.z / roofDepth + bDetail.faceUv.y;
                    newHeight += sliderDiff.y;
                bDetail.faceUv     = new Vector2(newXUV, newYUV);
                bDetail.faceHeight = newHeight;

        case Tool.Rotate:
            currentRot           = Handles.RotationHandle(currentRot, handlePosition);
            bDetail.userRotation = currentRot.eulerAngles;

        case Tool.Scale:
            bDetail.scale = Handles.ScaleHandle(bDetail.scale, handlePosition, currentRot * faceRotation, handleSize * 0.666f);


        //draw mesh bounds
        if (bDetail.mesh != null)
            Bounds     meshBounds = bDetail.mesh.bounds;
            Quaternion rotation   = bDetail.worldRotation;
            Vector3    p0         = rotation * (new Vector3(meshBounds.min.x, meshBounds.min.y, meshBounds.min.z)) + bDetail.worldPosition;
            Vector3    p1         = rotation * (new Vector3(meshBounds.max.x, meshBounds.min.y, meshBounds.min.z)) + bDetail.worldPosition;
            Vector3    p2         = rotation * (new Vector3(meshBounds.min.x, meshBounds.min.y, meshBounds.max.z)) + bDetail.worldPosition;
            Vector3    p3         = rotation * (new Vector3(meshBounds.max.x, meshBounds.min.y, meshBounds.max.z)) + bDetail.worldPosition;
            Vector3    p4         = rotation * (new Vector3(meshBounds.min.x, meshBounds.max.y, meshBounds.min.z)) + bDetail.worldPosition;
            Vector3    p5         = rotation * (new Vector3(meshBounds.max.x, meshBounds.max.y, meshBounds.min.z)) + bDetail.worldPosition;
            Vector3    p6         = rotation * (new Vector3(meshBounds.min.x, meshBounds.max.y, meshBounds.max.z)) + bDetail.worldPosition;
            Vector3    p7         = rotation * (new Vector3(meshBounds.max.x, meshBounds.max.y, meshBounds.max.z)) + bDetail.worldPosition;

            Handles.color = BuildrColours.BLUE;
            Handles.DrawLine(p0, p1);
            Handles.DrawLine(p0, p2);
            Handles.DrawLine(p1, p3);
            Handles.DrawLine(p2, p3);
            Handles.DrawLine(p0, p4);
            Handles.DrawLine(p1, p5);
            Handles.DrawLine(p2, p6);
            Handles.DrawLine(p3, p7);
            Handles.DrawLine(p4, p5);
            Handles.DrawLine(p4, p6);
            Handles.DrawLine(p5, p7);
            Handles.DrawLine(p6, p7);

            if (clickPlace)
                Vector3 planeBase   = Vector3.zero;
                Vector3 planeNormal = Vector3.up;
                Vector3 planeSize   = Vector3.zero;
                if (bDetail.type == BuildrDetail.Types.Facade)
                    //find facade
                    int  facadeCount = 0;
                    bool facadeFound = false;
                    for (int s = 0; s < numberOfVolumes; s++)
                        BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[s];
                        int          numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;
                        for (int p = 0; p < numberOfVolumePoints; p++)
                            if (facadeCount == faceIndex)
                                int     indexA = p;
                                int     indexB = (p + 1) % numberOfVolumePoints;
                                Vector3 fp0    = plan.points[volume.points[indexA]].vector3;
                                Vector3 fp1    = plan.points[volume.points[indexB]].vector3;
                                planeBase   = fp0;
                                planeNormal = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, fp1 - fp0).normalized;
                                planeSize.x = Vector3.Distance(fp0, fp1);
                                planeSize.y = volume.numberOfFloors * data.floorHeight;
                                facadeFound = true;
                        if (facadeFound)
                    BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[faceIndex];
                    int          numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;
                    Vector3      minPoint             = plan.points[volume.points[0]].vector3;
                    Vector3      maxPoint             = plan.points[volume.points[0]].vector3;
                    for (int p = 1; p < numberOfVolumePoints; p++)
                        Vector3 fp0 = plan.points[volume.points[p]].vector3;
                        if (fp0.x < minPoint.x)
                            minPoint.x = fp0.x;
                        if (fp0.z < minPoint.z)
                            minPoint.z = fp0.z;
                        if (fp0.x > maxPoint.x)
                            maxPoint.x = fp0.x;
                        if (fp0.z > maxPoint.z)
                            maxPoint.z = fp0.z;
                    planeSize.x = maxPoint.x - minPoint.x;
                    planeSize.z = maxPoint.z - minPoint.z;
                    planeBase   = minPoint;
                    planeBase.y = (data.floorHeight * volume.numberOfFloors);
                float distance;
                Plane buildingPlane = new Plane(planeNormal, planeBase);
                Ray   ray           = Camera.current.ScreenPointToRay(new Vector3(Event.current.mousePosition.x, Screen.height - Event.current.mousePosition.y - 30, 0));
                if (buildingPlane.Raycast(ray, out distance))
                    Vector3    mousePlanePoint    = ray.GetPoint(distance);
                    Quaternion mouseLookDirection = Quaternion.LookRotation(buildingPlane.normal);

                    if (Handles.Button(mousePlanePoint, mouseLookDirection, handleSize * 0.1f, handleSize * 0.1f, Handles.CircleCap))
                        float xUv, yUv;
                        if (bDetail.type == BuildrDetail.Types.Facade)
                            Vector3 facadeBaseMousePoint = new Vector3(mousePlanePoint.x, 0, mousePlanePoint.z);
                            xUv = Vector3.Distance(planeBase, facadeBaseMousePoint) / planeSize.x;
                            yUv = (mousePlanePoint.y - planeBase.y) / planeSize.y;
                            xUv = (mousePlanePoint.x - planeBase.x) / planeSize.x;
                            yUv = (mousePlanePoint.z - planeBase.z) / planeSize.z;
                        bDetail.faceUv = new Vector2(xUv, yUv);
                        clickPlace     = false;
                        GUI.changed    = true;

        if (GUI.changed)
    private static void ImportDetails(XmlDocument xml, BuildrData data)
        foreach (XmlNode node in xml.SelectNodes("buildr/details/detail"))
            BuildrDetail detail = new BuildrDetail("");

            detail.name = node["name"].FirstChild.Value;
            detail.mesh = (Mesh)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(node["mesh"].FirstChild.Value, typeof(Mesh));
            detail.material.mainTexture = (Texture2D)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(node["texture"].FirstChild.Value, typeof(Texture2D));
            Vector2 faceUV = new Vector2();
            faceUV.x = float.Parse(node["faceuvx"].FirstChild.Value);
            faceUV.y = float.Parse(node["faceuvy"].FirstChild.Value);
            detail.faceUv = faceUV;
            detail.faceHeight = float.Parse(node["faceheight"].FirstChild.Value);
            Vector3 scale = new Vector3();
            scale.x = float.Parse(node["scalex"].FirstChild.Value);
            scale.y = float.Parse(node["scaley"].FirstChild.Value);
            scale.z = float.Parse(node["scalez"].FirstChild.Value);
            detail.scale = scale;
            detail.orientation = (BuildrDetail.Orientations)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(BuildrDetail.Orientations), node["orientation"].FirstChild.Value);
            Vector3 userRotation = new Vector3();
            userRotation.x = float.Parse(node["userRotationx"].FirstChild.Value);
            userRotation.y = float.Parse(node["userRotationy"].FirstChild.Value);
            userRotation.z = float.Parse(node["userRotationz"].FirstChild.Value);
            detail.userRotation = userRotation;
            detail.face = int.Parse(node["face"].FirstChild.Value);
            detail.type = (BuildrDetail.Types)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(BuildrDetail.Types), node["type"].FirstChild.Value);
Ejemplo n.º 6
    public BuildrDetail Duplicate(string newName)
        BuildrDetail newDetail = new BuildrDetail(newName);
        newDetail.mesh = mesh;
        newDetail.faceUv = _faceUv;
        newDetail.faceHeight = faceHeight;
        newDetail.scale = scale;
        newDetail.face = face;
        newDetail.type = type;
        newDetail.userRotation = userRotation;
        newDetail.orientation = orientation;
        newDetail.material = new Material(material);

        return newDetail;
Ejemplo n.º 7
    /// <summary>
    /// Generate the detail meshes and return the export object
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="mesh"></param>
    /// <param name="data"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static BuildrDetailExportObject Build(DynamicMeshGenericMultiMaterialMesh mesh, BuildrData data)
        BuildrDetailExportObject exportObject   = new BuildrDetailExportObject();
        List <Texture2D>         detailTextures = new List <Texture2D>();
        List <int> detailSubmeshesWithTextures  = new List <int>();
        int        numberOfDetails = data.details.Count;

        mesh.subMeshCount = numberOfDetails;

        for (int d = 0; d < numberOfDetails; d++)
            BuildrDetail detail = data.details[d];
            if (detail.mesh == null)
            int        faceIndex       = detail.face;
            Vector3    position        = Vector3.zero;
            BuildrPlan plan            = data.plan;
            int        numberOfVolumes = plan.numberOfVolumes;
            Vector2    faceUv          = detail.faceUv;
            Quaternion faceAngle       = Quaternion.identity;
            //Place the detail mesh
            if (detail.type == BuildrDetail.Types.Facade)
                //find facade
                int  facadeCount = 0;
                bool facadeFound = false;
                for (int s = 0; s < numberOfVolumes; s++)
                    BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[s];
                    int          numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;
                    for (int p = 0; p < numberOfVolumePoints; p++)
                        if (facadeCount == faceIndex)
                            int     indexA       = p;
                            int     indexB       = (p + 1) % numberOfVolumePoints;
                            Vector3 p0           = plan.points[volume.points[indexA]].vector3;
                            Vector3 p1           = plan.points[volume.points[indexB]].vector3;
                            Vector3 basePosition = Vector3.Lerp(p0, p1, faceUv.x);
                            Vector3 detailHeight = Vector3.up * (volume.numberOfFloors * data.floorHeight * faceUv.y);
                            Vector3 facadeCross  = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, p1 - p0).normalized;
                            Vector3 detailDepth  = facadeCross * detail.faceHeight;
                            faceAngle   = Quaternion.LookRotation(facadeCross);
                            position    = basePosition + detailHeight + detailDepth;
                            facadeFound = true;
                    if (facadeFound)
            else//roof detail
                BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[Mathf.Clamp(0, numberOfVolumes - 1, faceIndex)];
                int          numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;
                Vector3      minimumRoofPoint     = plan.points[volume.points[0]].vector3;
                Vector3      maximumRoofPoint     = minimumRoofPoint;
                for (int p = 1; p < numberOfVolumePoints; p++)
                    Vector3 p0 = plan.points[volume.points[p]].vector3;
                    if (p0.x < minimumRoofPoint.x)
                        minimumRoofPoint.x = p0.x;
                    if (p0.z < minimumRoofPoint.y)
                        minimumRoofPoint.y = p0.z;
                    if (p0.x > maximumRoofPoint.x)
                        maximumRoofPoint.x = p0.x;
                    if (p0.z > maximumRoofPoint.y)
                        maximumRoofPoint.y = p0.z;
                position.x = Mathf.Lerp(minimumRoofPoint.x, maximumRoofPoint.x, faceUv.x);
                position.z = Mathf.Lerp(minimumRoofPoint.y, maximumRoofPoint.y, faceUv.y);
                position.y = volume.numberOfFloors * data.floorHeight + detail.faceHeight;

            Quaternion userRotation = Quaternion.Euler(detail.userRotation);
            int        vertexCount  = detail.mesh.vertexCount;
            Vector3[]  verts        = new Vector3[vertexCount];
            Quaternion rotate       = faceAngle * userRotation;
            for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
                Vector3 sourceVertex = Vector3.Scale(detail.mesh.vertices[i], detail.scale);
                Vector3 outputVertex = (rotate) * sourceVertex + position;
                verts[i] = outputVertex;
            mesh.AddData(verts, detail.mesh.uv, detail.mesh.triangles, d);
            detail.worldPosition = position;
            detail.worldRotation = rotate;

            if (detail.material.mainTexture != null)
                string          texturePath     = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(detail.material.mainTexture);
                TextureImporter textureImporter = (TextureImporter)AssetImporter.GetAtPath(texturePath);

                if (!textureImporter.isReadable)
                    Debug.LogWarning("The texture you have selected is not readable. Cannot render");


        if (detailtexture != null)

        List <Mesh> outputMeshes = new List <Mesh>();
        if (detailSubmeshesWithTextures.Count > 0)
            Rect[] textureRects = BuildrTexturePacker2.Pack(out detailtexture, detailTextures.ToArray(), 512);
            if (detailSubmeshesWithTextures.Count > 0)
                mesh.Atlas(detailSubmeshesWithTextures.ToArray(), textureRects);
            int numberOfMeshes = mesh.meshCount;
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfMeshes; i++)

        exportObject.detailMeshes = outputMeshes.ToArray();
        exportObject.texture      = detailtexture;

        /*if (detailMat == null)
         *      detailMat = new Material(Shader.Find("Diffuse"));
         *  detailMat.mainTexture = detailtexture;
         *  List<Mesh> outputMeshes = new List<Mesh>();
         *  for (int i = 0; i < numberOfMeshes; i++)
         *  {
         *      outputMeshes.Add(mesh[i].mesh);
         *      GameObject details = new GameObject("details " + i);
         *      details.AddComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = mesh[i].mesh;
         *      details.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>().sharedMaterial = detailMat;
         *      detailGameobjects.Add(details);
         *  }
         * }
         * //        Debug.Log("BuildR Detail Pack Complete: " + (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - timestart) + " sec");
         * return detailGameobjects.ToArray();*/