Ejemplo n.º 1
			/// <summary>Initializes shared state for this new document </summary>
			internal void  Init(Document doc, int docID)

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(Enclosing_Instance.writer.TestPoint("DocumentsWriter.ThreadState.init start"));
				this.docID = docID;
				docBoost = doc.GetBoost();
				numStoredFields = 0;
				numFieldData = 0;
				numVectorFields = 0;
				maxTermPrefix = null;
				System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(0 == fdtLocal.Length());
				System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(0 == fdtLocal.GetFilePointer());
				System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(0 == tvfLocal.Length());
				System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(0 == tvfLocal.GetFilePointer());
				int thisFieldGen = fieldGen++;
				System.Collections.IList docFields = doc.GetFields();
				int numDocFields = docFields.Count;
				bool docHasVectors = false;
				// Absorb any new fields first seen in this document.
				// Also absorb any changes to fields we had already
				// seen before (eg suddenly turning on norms or
				// vectors, etc.):
				for (int i = 0; i < numDocFields; i++)
					Fieldable field = (Fieldable) docFields[i];
					FieldInfo fi = Enclosing_Instance.fieldInfos.Add(field.Name(), field.IsIndexed(), field.IsTermVectorStored(), field.IsStorePositionWithTermVector(), field.IsStoreOffsetWithTermVector(), field.GetOmitNorms(), false);
					if (fi.isIndexed && !fi.omitNorms)
						// Maybe grow our buffered norms
						if (Enclosing_Instance.norms.Length <= fi.number)
							int newSize = (int) ((1 + fi.number) * 1.25);
							BufferedNorms[] newNorms = new BufferedNorms[newSize];
							Array.Copy(Enclosing_Instance.norms, 0, newNorms, 0, Enclosing_Instance.norms.Length);
							Enclosing_Instance.norms = newNorms;
						if (Enclosing_Instance.norms[fi.number] == null)
							Enclosing_Instance.norms[fi.number] = new BufferedNorms();
						Enclosing_Instance.hasNorms = true;
					// Make sure we have a FieldData allocated
					int hashPos = fi.name.GetHashCode() & fieldDataHashMask;
					FieldData fp = fieldDataHash[hashPos];
					while (fp != null && !fp.fieldInfo.name.Equals(fi.name))
						fp = fp.next;
					if (fp == null)
						fp = new FieldData(this, fi);
						fp.next = fieldDataHash[hashPos];
						fieldDataHash[hashPos] = fp;
						if (numAllFieldData == allFieldDataArray.Length)
							int newSize = (int) (allFieldDataArray.Length * 1.5);
							int newHashSize = fieldDataHash.Length * 2;
							FieldData[] newArray = new FieldData[newSize];
							FieldData[] newHashArray = new FieldData[newHashSize];
							Array.Copy(allFieldDataArray, 0, newArray, 0, numAllFieldData);
							// Rehash
							fieldDataHashMask = newSize - 1;
							for (int j = 0; j < fieldDataHash.Length; j++)
								FieldData fp0 = fieldDataHash[j];
								while (fp0 != null)
									hashPos = fp0.fieldInfo.name.GetHashCode() & fieldDataHashMask;
									FieldData nextFP0 = fp0.next;
									fp0.next = newHashArray[hashPos];
									newHashArray[hashPos] = fp0;
									fp0 = nextFP0;
							allFieldDataArray = newArray;
							fieldDataHash = newHashArray;
						allFieldDataArray[numAllFieldData++] = fp;
						System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(fp.fieldInfo == fi);
					if (thisFieldGen != fp.lastGen)
						// First time we're seeing this field for this doc
						fp.lastGen = thisFieldGen;
						fp.fieldCount = 0;
						fp.doVectors = fp.doVectorPositions = fp.doVectorOffsets = false;
						fp.doNorms = fi.isIndexed && !fi.omitNorms;
						if (numFieldData == fieldDataArray.Length)
							int newSize = fieldDataArray.Length * 2;
							FieldData[] newArray = new FieldData[newSize];
							Array.Copy(fieldDataArray, 0, newArray, 0, numFieldData);
							fieldDataArray = newArray;
						fieldDataArray[numFieldData++] = fp;
					if (field.IsTermVectorStored())
						if (!fp.doVectors && numVectorFields++ == vectorFieldPointers.Length)
							int newSize = (int) (numVectorFields * 1.5);
							vectorFieldPointers = new long[newSize];
							vectorFieldNumbers = new int[newSize];
						fp.doVectors = true;
						docHasVectors = true;
						fp.doVectorPositions |= field.IsStorePositionWithTermVector();
						fp.doVectorOffsets |= field.IsStoreOffsetWithTermVector();
					if (fp.fieldCount == fp.docFields.Length)
						Fieldable[] newArray = new Fieldable[fp.docFields.Length * 2];
						Array.Copy(fp.docFields, 0, newArray, 0, fp.docFields.Length);
						fp.docFields = newArray;
					// Lazily allocate arrays for postings:
					if (field.IsIndexed() && fp.postingsHash == null)
					fp.docFields[fp.fieldCount++] = field;
				// Maybe init the local & global fieldsWriter
				if (localFieldsWriter == null)
					if (Enclosing_Instance.fieldsWriter == null)
						System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(Enclosing_Instance.docStoreSegment == null);
						System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(Enclosing_Instance.segment != null);
						Enclosing_Instance.docStoreSegment = Enclosing_Instance.segment;
						// If we hit an exception while init'ing the
						// fieldsWriter, we must abort this segment
						// because those files will be in an unknown
						// state:
							Enclosing_Instance.fieldsWriter = new FieldsWriter(Enclosing_Instance.directory, Enclosing_Instance.docStoreSegment, Enclosing_Instance.fieldInfos);
						catch (System.Exception t)
							throw new AbortException(t, Enclosing_Instance);
						Enclosing_Instance.files = null;
					localFieldsWriter = new FieldsWriter(null, fdtLocal, Enclosing_Instance.fieldInfos);
				// First time we see a doc that has field(s) with
				// stored vectors, we init our tvx writer
				if (docHasVectors)
					if (Enclosing_Instance.tvx == null)
						System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(Enclosing_Instance.docStoreSegment != null);
						// If we hit an exception while init'ing the term
						// vector output files, we must abort this segment
						// because those files will be in an unknown
						// state:
							Enclosing_Instance.tvx = Enclosing_Instance.directory.CreateOutput(Enclosing_Instance.docStoreSegment + "." + IndexFileNames.VECTORS_INDEX_EXTENSION);
							Enclosing_Instance.tvd = Enclosing_Instance.directory.CreateOutput(Enclosing_Instance.docStoreSegment + "." + IndexFileNames.VECTORS_DOCUMENTS_EXTENSION);
							Enclosing_Instance.tvf = Enclosing_Instance.directory.CreateOutput(Enclosing_Instance.docStoreSegment + "." + IndexFileNames.VECTORS_FIELDS_EXTENSION);
							// We must "catch up" for all docs before us
							// that had no vectors:
							for (int i = 0; i < Enclosing_Instance.numDocsInStore; i++)
						catch (System.Exception t)
							throw new AbortException(t, Enclosing_Instance);
						Enclosing_Instance.files = null;
					numVectorFields = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
		private void  InitBlock()
			threadStates = new ThreadState[0];
			waitingThreadStates = new ThreadState[MAX_THREAD_STATE];
			maxBufferedDeleteTerms = IndexWriter.DEFAULT_MAX_BUFFERED_DELETE_TERMS;
			ramBufferSize = (long) (IndexWriter.DEFAULT_RAM_BUFFER_SIZE_MB * 1024 * 1024);  // {{Aroush-2.3.1}} should 'ramBufferSize'
			maxBufferedDocs = IndexWriter.DEFAULT_MAX_BUFFERED_DOCS;
			norms = new BufferedNorms[0];