Ejemplo n.º 1
        public BufferInstances GetInstances()
            BufferInstances instances = new BufferInstances();

            foreach (string fileName in base.m_PluginAssemblies)
                Assembly filterAssembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(fileName);

                foreach (Type assemblyType in filterAssembly.GetTypes())
                    Type typeInterface = assemblyType.GetInterface("IBuffer", true);

                    if (assemblyType.IsPublic && !assemblyType.IsAbstract && typeInterface != null)
                        BufferInstance newBuffer = new BufferInstance();

                        newBuffer.Instance = Activator.CreateInstance(assemblyType) as IBuffer;

                        if (newBuffer.Instance != null)

                        newBuffer = null;

                    typeInterface = null;

                filterAssembly = null;

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PointCloudBinarySourceCompositeEnumerator"/> class.
        /// This version does not use a process, so that it can be managed by a composite.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sources">The sources.</param>
        /// <param name="buffer">The buffer.</param>
        public PointCloudBinarySourceCompositeEnumerator(IEnumerable <IPointCloudBinarySourceEnumerable> sources, BufferInstance buffer)
            m_sources = sources.ToArray();
            m_process = null;
            m_buffer  = buffer;
            m_points  = m_sources.Sum(s => s.Count);

        public PointCloudBinarySourceCompositeEnumerator(IEnumerable <IPointCloudBinarySourceEnumerable> sources, ProgressManagerProcess process)
            m_sources = sources.ToArray();
            m_process = process;
            m_buffer  = m_process.AcquireBuffer(true);
            m_points  = m_sources.Sum(s => s.Count);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public PointCloudTileSourceEnumeratorChunk(PointCloudTile tile, BufferInstance buffer)
            m_tile = tile;

            m_buffer         = buffer;
            m_pointSizeBytes = m_tile.TileSet.TileSource.PointSizeBytes;

            m_dataPtr    = buffer.DataPtr;
            m_dataEndPtr = m_dataPtr + m_tile.StorageSize;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public PointCloudTileSourceEnumerator(PointCloudTileSource source, ProgressManagerProcess process)
            m_source  = source;
            m_buffer  = process.AcquireBuffer(source.MaxTileBufferSize, true);
            m_process = process;

            m_stream = StreamManager.OpenReadStream(source.FilePath, source.PointDataOffset);

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public PointBufferWrapperChunk(int index, BufferInstance buffer, int byteIndex, int byteLength, short pointSizeBytes, float progress)
            m_buffer         = buffer;
            m_index          = index;
            m_pointSizeBytes = pointSizeBytes;
            m_bytesRead      = byteLength;
            m_pointsRead     = m_bytesRead / m_pointSizeBytes;
            m_dataPtr        = buffer.DataPtr + byteIndex;
            m_dataEndPtr     = m_dataPtr + m_bytesRead;

            m_progress = progress;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public PointBufferWrapperChunk(PointBufferWrapperChunk chunk, int pointCount)
            m_buffer         = chunk.m_buffer;
            m_index          = chunk.m_index;
            m_pointSizeBytes = chunk.m_pointSizeBytes;
            m_pointsRead     = pointCount;
            m_bytesRead      = m_pointsRead * m_pointSizeBytes;
            m_dataPtr        = chunk.m_dataPtr;
            m_dataEndPtr     = m_dataPtr + m_bytesRead;

            m_progress = chunk.m_progress;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public PointBufferWrapper(BufferInstance buffer, short pointSizeBytes, int pointCount)
            m_buffer = buffer;

            m_pointCount      = pointCount;
            m_pointSizeBytes  = pointSizeBytes;
            m_length          = m_pointCount * m_pointSizeBytes;
            m_pointDataPtr    = m_buffer.DataPtr;
            m_pointDataEndPtr = m_pointDataPtr + m_length;

            m_bufferIndex = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PointBufferWrapper"/> class,
        /// for wrapping a binary source segment buffer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">The buffer.</param>
        /// <param name="source">The source.</param>
        /// <param name="pointCount">The point count.</param>
        public PointBufferWrapper(BufferInstance buffer, IPointCloudBinarySource source, int pointCount)
            m_buffer = buffer;

            m_pointCount      = pointCount;
            m_pointSizeBytes  = source.PointSizeBytes;
            m_length          = m_pointCount * m_pointSizeBytes;
            m_pointDataPtr    = m_buffer.DataPtr;
            m_pointDataEndPtr = m_pointDataPtr + m_length;

            m_bufferIndex = 0;
        public PointCloudBinarySourceEnumeratorChunk(int index, BufferInstance buffer, int bytesRead, short pointSizeBytes, float progress)
            m_buffer         = buffer;
            m_index          = index;
            m_pointSizeBytes = pointSizeBytes;
            m_bytesRead      = bytesRead;
            m_pointsRead     = m_bytesRead / m_pointSizeBytes;
            m_dataPtr        = buffer.DataPtr;
            m_dataEndPtr     = m_dataPtr + m_bytesRead;

            m_progress = progress;
 public void Clear()
     this._startIndex = 0;
     this._index      = 0;
     this._length     = 0U;
     if (null == this._bufferEntry)
     this._bufferEntry = (BufferInstance)null;
 public void Add(TsPacket packet)
     if (null == this._handler)
     if (null != packet)
         if (packet.IsStart)
             if ((int)this._length == 0 && this._index > this._startIndex)
             this._index = this._startIndex;
         if (null != this._bufferEntry)
             if (this._index + packet.BufferLength > this._bufferEntry.Buffer.Length)
                 int minSize = Math.Max(this._index - this._startIndex + packet.BufferLength, 512);
                 if (this._index < this._bufferEntry.Buffer.Length / 2)
                     minSize *= 2;
                 BufferInstance bufferInstance = this._bufferPool.Allocate(minSize);
                 Array.Copy((Array)this._bufferEntry.Buffer, this._startIndex, (Array)bufferInstance.Buffer, 0, this._index - this._startIndex);
                 this._bufferEntry = bufferInstance;
                 this._index      -= this._startIndex;
                 this._startIndex  = 0;
             packet.CopyTo(this._bufferEntry.Buffer, this._index);
             this._index += packet.BufferLength;
     if (packet == null || this._length > 0U && (long)(this._index - this._startIndex) == (long)this._length)
     if (packet == null && null != this._bufferEntry)
         this._bufferEntry = (BufferInstance)null;
     if (packet != null || null == this._handler)
        public PointCloudBinarySourceEnumerator(IPointCloudBinarySourceSequentialEnumerable source, ProgressManagerProcess process)
            m_source  = source;
            m_stream  = m_source.GetStreamReader();
            m_buffer  = process.AcquireBuffer(true);
            m_process = process;

            m_endPosition = m_source.PointDataOffset + m_source.Count * m_source.PointSizeBytes;

            m_usableBytesPerBuffer = (m_buffer.Length / m_source.PointSizeBytes) * m_source.PointSizeBytes;

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PointCloudBinarySourceEnumerator"/> class.
        /// This version does not use a process, so that it can be managed by a composite.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">The source.</param>
        /// <param name="buffer">The buffer.</param>
        public PointCloudBinarySourceEnumerator(IPointCloudBinarySourceSequentialEnumerable source, BufferInstance buffer)
            m_source  = source;
            m_stream  = m_source.GetStreamReader();
            m_buffer  = buffer;
            m_process = null;

            m_endPosition = m_source.PointDataOffset + m_source.Count * m_source.PointSizeBytes;

            m_usableBytesPerBuffer = (m_buffer.Length / m_source.PointSizeBytes) * m_source.PointSizeBytes;

        private void ParseHeader(TsPacket packet)
            if (packet.BufferLength < 6)
            int bufferOffset = packet.BufferOffset;
            int index1       = bufferOffset;

            byte[] buffer = packet.Buffer;
            uint   num1   = (uint)((int)buffer[index1] << 16 | (int)buffer[index1 + 1] << 8) | (uint)buffer[index1 + 2];
            int    num2   = index1 + 3;

            if (1 != (int)num1)
            byte[] numArray = buffer;
            int    index2   = num2;
            int    num3     = 1;
            int    index3   = index2 + num3;

            this._streamId = numArray[index2];
            uint num4    = (uint)buffer[index3] << 8 | (uint)buffer[index3 + 1];
            int  num5    = index3 + 2;
            int  minSize = 4096;

            if (num4 > 0U)
                this._length = num4 + (uint)(num5 - bufferOffset);
                minSize      = (int)this._length;
                this._length = 0U;
            if (this._bufferEntry != null && this._bufferEntry.Buffer.Length - this._startIndex < minSize)
                this._bufferEntry = (BufferInstance)null;
            if (null == this._bufferEntry)
                this._bufferEntry = this._bufferPool.Allocate(minSize);
                this._startIndex  = 0;
            this._index = this._startIndex;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public PointCloudTileSource(LASFile file, PointCloudTileSet tileSet, Statistics zStats)
            : base(file, tileSet.PointCount, tileSet.Extent, file.Header.Quantization, file.Header.OffsetToPointData, (short)file.Header.PointDataRecordLength)
            m_file = file;

            m_id = IdentityManager.AcquireIdentity(GetType().Name);

            m_tileSet            = tileSet;
            m_tileSet.TileSource = this;

            m_statisticsZ          = zStats;
            m_statisticsQuantizedZ = zStats.ConvertToQuantized(Quantization);

            m_lowResBuffer = BufferManager.AcquireBuffer(m_id, tileSet.LowResCount * PointSizeBytes);

            m_file.UpdateEVLR(new LASRecordIdentifier("Jacere", 0), TileSet);
            m_file.UpdateEVLR(new LASRecordIdentifier("Jacere", 1), StatisticsZ);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public unsafe void LoadTileGrid(PointCloudTile tile, BufferInstance inputBuffer, Grid <float> grid, Grid <int> quantizedGrid)

            var quantizedExtent = tile.QuantizedExtent;

            double cellSizeX = (double)quantizedExtent.RangeX / grid.SizeX;
            double cellSizeY = (double)quantizedExtent.RangeY / grid.SizeY;

#warning Why did I do FillVal it this way?
            //grid.FillVal = -1.0f;

            byte *inputBufferPtr = inputBuffer.DataPtr;

            int bytesRead = tile.ReadTile(m_inputStream, inputBuffer.Data);

            byte *pb    = inputBufferPtr;
            byte *pbEnd = inputBufferPtr + tile.StorageSize;
            while (pb < pbEnd)
                var p = (SQuantizedPoint3D *)pb;
                pb += PointSizeBytes;

                var pixelX = (int)(((*p).X - quantizedExtent.MinX) / cellSizeX);
                var pixelY = (int)(((*p).Y - quantizedExtent.MinY) / cellSizeY);

                // max val for now, apparently
                if ((*p).Z > quantizedGrid.Data[pixelY, pixelX])
                    quantizedGrid.Data[pixelY, pixelX] = (*p).Z;

            quantizedGrid.CopyToUnquantized(grid, Quantization, Extent);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public void Free(BufferInstance bufferInstance)
     if (!bufferInstance.Dereference())
     for (int index = 0; index < bufferInstance.Buffer.Length; ++index)
         bufferInstance.Buffer[index] = byte.MaxValue;
     Interlocked.Increment(ref this._freeCount);
     Interlocked.Add(ref this._actualFreeBytes, bufferInstance.Buffer.Length);
     BufferPool.BufferSubPool pool = this.FindPool(bufferInstance.Buffer.Length);
     if (null == pool)
     if (pool.Size != bufferInstance.Buffer.Length)
         throw new ArgumentException("Invalid buffer size", "bufferInstance");
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public PointCloudTileSource TilePointFileIndex(LASFile tiledFile, BufferInstance segmentBuffer, ProgressManager progressManager)
            var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();


            var analysis        = AnalyzePointFile(segmentBuffer.Length, progressManager);
            var quantizedExtent = m_source.QuantizedExtent;
            var tileCounts      = analysis.Density.GetTileCountsForInitialization();

            var fileSize = tiledFile.PointDataOffset + (m_source.PointSizeBytes * m_source.Count);

            AttemptFastAllocate(tiledFile.FilePath, fileSize);

            var lowResPointCountMax = PROPERTY_MAX_LOWRES_POINTS.Value;
            var lowResBuffer        = BufferManager.AcquireBuffer(m_id, lowResPointCountMax * m_source.PointSizeBytes);
            var lowResWrapper       = new PointBufferWrapper(lowResBuffer, m_source.PointSizeBytes, lowResPointCountMax);

            var validTiles          = analysis.GridIndex.Sum(r => r.GridRange.ValidCells);
            var lowResPointsPerTile = lowResPointCountMax / validTiles;
            var lowResTileSize      = (ushort)Math.Sqrt(lowResPointsPerTile);

            var lowResGrid = Grid <int> .Create(lowResTileSize, lowResTileSize, true, -1);

            var lowResCounts = tileCounts.Copy <int>();

            using (var outputStream = StreamManager.OpenWriteStream(tiledFile.FilePath, fileSize, tiledFile.PointDataOffset))
                var i = 0;
                foreach (var segment in analysis.GridIndex)
                    progressManager.Log("~ Processing Index Segment {0}/{1}", ++i, analysis.GridIndex.Count);

                    var sparseSegment        = m_source.CreateSparseSegment(segment);
                    var sparseSegmentWrapper = new PointBufferWrapper(segmentBuffer, sparseSegment);

                    var tileRegionFilter = new TileRegionFilter(tileCounts, quantizedExtent, segment.GridRange);

                    // this call will fill the buffer with points, add the counts, and sort
                    QuantTilePointsIndexed(sparseSegment, sparseSegmentWrapper, tileRegionFilter, tileCounts, lowResWrapper, lowResGrid, lowResCounts, progressManager);
                    var segmentFilteredPointCount = tileRegionFilter.GetCellOrdering().Sum(t => tileCounts.Data[t.Row, t.Col]);
                    var segmentFilteredBytes      = segmentFilteredPointCount * sparseSegmentWrapper.PointSizeBytes;

                    // write out the buffer
                    using (var process = progressManager.StartProcess("WriteIndexSegment"))
                        var segmentBufferIndex = 0;
                        foreach (var tile in segment.GridRange.GetCellOrdering())
                            var tileCount = tileCounts.Data[tile.Row, tile.Col];
                            if (tileCount > 0)
                                var tileSize = (tileCount - lowResCounts.Data[tile.Row, tile.Col]) * sparseSegmentWrapper.PointSizeBytes;
                                outputStream.Write(sparseSegmentWrapper.Data, segmentBufferIndex, tileSize);
                                segmentBufferIndex += tileSize;

                                if (!process.Update((float)segmentBufferIndex / segmentFilteredBytes))

                    if (progressManager.IsCanceled())

                // write low-res
                var lowResActualPointCount = lowResCounts.Data.Cast <int>().Sum();
                outputStream.Write(lowResWrapper.Data, 0, lowResActualPointCount * lowResWrapper.PointSizeBytes);

            var actualDensity = new PointCloudTileDensity(tileCounts, m_source.Quantization);
            var tileSet       = new PointCloudTileSet(m_source, actualDensity, tileCounts, lowResCounts);
            var tileSource    = new PointCloudTileSource(tiledFile, tileSet, analysis.Statistics);

            if (!progressManager.IsCanceled())
                tileSource.IsDirty = false;


Ejemplo n.º 20
        public unsafe PointCloudBinarySource ConvertTextToBinary(string binaryPath, ProgressManager progressManager)
            short pointSizeBytes = 3 * sizeof(double);

            double minX = 0, minY = 0, minZ = 0;
            double maxX = 0, maxY = 0, maxZ = 0;
            int    pointCount = 0;

            using (var process = progressManager.StartProcess("ConvertTextToBinary"))
                BufferInstance inputBuffer  = process.AcquireBuffer(true);
                BufferInstance outputBuffer = process.AcquireBuffer(true);

                int pointsPerBuffer      = outputBuffer.Length / pointSizeBytes;
                int usableBytesPerBuffer = pointsPerBuffer * pointSizeBytes;

                byte *inputBufferPtr  = inputBuffer.DataPtr;
                byte *outputBufferPtr = outputBuffer.DataPtr;

                int bufferIndex = 0;
                int skipped     = 0;

                using (var inputStream = StreamManager.OpenReadStream(FilePath))
                    long inputLength           = inputStream.Length;
                    long estimatedOutputLength = inputLength;

                    using (var outputStream = StreamManager.OpenWriteStream(binaryPath, estimatedOutputLength, 0, true))
                        int bytesRead;
                        int readStart = 0;

                        while ((bytesRead = inputStream.Read(inputBuffer.Data, readStart, inputBuffer.Length - readStart)) > 0)
                            bytesRead += readStart;
                            readStart  = 0;
                            int i = 0;

                            while (i < bytesRead)
                                // identify line start
                                while (i < bytesRead && (inputBufferPtr[i] == '\r' || inputBufferPtr[i] == '\n'))

                                int lineStart = i;

                                // identify line end
                                while (i < bytesRead && inputBufferPtr[i] != '\r' && inputBufferPtr[i] != '\n')

                                // handle buffer overlap
                                if (i == bytesRead)
                                    Array.Copy(inputBuffer.Data, lineStart, inputBuffer.Data, 0, i - lineStart);
                                    readStart = i - lineStart;

                                // this may get overwritten if this is not a valid parse
                                double *p = (double *)(outputBufferPtr + bufferIndex);

                                if (!ParseXYZFromLine(inputBufferPtr, lineStart, i, p))

                                if (pointCount == 0)
                                    minX = maxX = p[0];
                                    minY = maxY = p[1];
                                    minZ = maxZ = p[2];
                                    if (p[0] < minX)
                                        minX = p[0];
                                    else if (p[0] > maxX)
                                        maxX = p[0];
                                    if (p[1] < minY)
                                        minY = p[1];
                                    else if (p[1] > maxY)
                                        maxY = p[1];
                                    if (p[2] < minZ)
                                        minZ = p[2];
                                    else if (p[2] > maxZ)
                                        maxZ = p[2];

                                bufferIndex += pointSizeBytes;

                                // write usable buffer chunk
                                if (usableBytesPerBuffer == bufferIndex)
                                    outputStream.Write(outputBuffer.Data, 0, bufferIndex);
                                    bufferIndex = 0;

                            if (!process.Update((float)inputStream.Position / inputLength))

                        // write remaining buffer
                        if (bufferIndex > 0)
                            outputStream.Write(outputBuffer.Data, 0, bufferIndex);

                process.Log("Skipped {0} lines", skipped);
                process.LogTime("Copied {0:0,0} points", pointCount);

            var extent = new Extent3D(minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ);

            var source = new PointCloudBinarySource(this, pointCount, extent, null, 0, pointSizeBytes);

Ejemplo n.º 21
 public IPointCloudBinarySourceEnumerator GetBlockEnumerator(BufferInstance buffer)
     return(new PointCloudBinarySourceEnumerator(this, buffer));
 public IPointCloudBinarySourceEnumerator GetBlockEnumerator(BufferInstance buffer)
     return(new PointCloudBinarySourceCompositeEnumerator(m_sources, buffer));
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public IPointCloudBinarySourceEnumerator GetBlockEnumerator(BufferInstance buffer)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public PointBufferWrapper(BufferInstance buffer, IPointCloudBinarySource source)
     : this(buffer, source, (int)source.Count)