Ejemplo n.º 1
        private bool BrushHasFlag(int modelIndex, int solidNumber, BrushContents flag)
            var model = _bsp.Models[modelIndex];
            var node  = _bsp.Nodes[model.HeadNode];

            foreach (var leafIndex in BspUtils.GetNodeLeafs(_bsp, node))
                var leaf  = _bsp.Leaves[leafIndex];
                var first = leaf.FirstLeafBrush;
                var last  = leaf.FirstLeafBrush + leaf.NumLeafBrushes;
                var idx   = first + solidNumber;
                if (idx < last)

Ejemplo n.º 2
    /// <summary>
    /// Checks if player is standing on the ground and if he is in a water body.
    /// </summary>
    private static void PM_CategorizePosition()
        TraceT        trace;
        BrushContents cont;
        int           sample1, sample2;

        if (velocity.y > 180)
            groundentity = false;
            pmflags     &= ~PMFlags.PMF_ON_GROUND;
            trace          = Trace.CL_Trace(origin, mins, maxs, origin - new Vector3(0, 0.25f, 0));
            groundplane    = trace.plane;
            groundsurface  = trace.surface;
            groundcontents = trace.contents;

            if (trace.plane == null || (trace.plane.normal.y < 0.7f && !trace.startsolid))
                groundentity = false;
                pmflags     &= ~PMFlags.PMF_ON_GROUND;
                groundentity = true;

                //hitting solid ground will end a waterjump
                if (pmflags.HasFlag(PMFlags.PMF_TIME_WATERJUMP))
                    pmflags &= ~PMFlags.PMF_TIME_WATERJUMP;
                    timer    = 0;

                if (!pmflags.HasFlag(PMFlags.PMF_ON_GROUND))
                    //just hit the ground
                    pmflags |= PMFlags.PMF_ON_GROUND;

        //get waterlevel
        waterlevel = 0;
        watertype  = 0;

        sample2 = (int)viewheight - (int)mins.y;
        sample1 = sample2 / 2;

        Vector3 point = origin;

        point.y = origin.y + mins.y + 1;
        cont    = Utils.NodePointSearch(BSPFile.headnode, point).contents;

        if ((cont & BrushContents.MASK_WATER) != 0)
            watertype  = cont;
            waterlevel = 1;

            point.y = origin.y + mins.y + sample1;
            cont    = Utils.NodePointSearch(BSPFile.headnode, point).contents;

            if ((cont & BrushContents.MASK_WATER) != 0)
                waterlevel = 2;
                point.y    = origin.y + mins.y + sample2;
                cont       = Utils.NodePointSearch(BSPFile.headnode, point).contents;

                if ((cont & BrushContents.MASK_WATER) != 0)
                    waterlevel = 3;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    //for moving and rotating entities :x
    private static void CM_TransformedBoxTrace(ref TraceT trace, Vector3 start, Vector3 end, Vector3 mins, Vector3 maxs, BSPNode headnode, BrushContents brushmask, Vector3 origin, Vector3 angles)
        Vector3 start_l;
        Vector3 end_l;
        bool    rotated;

        Vector3[] axes = new Vector3[3];

        start_l = start - origin;
        end_l   = end - origin;

        rotated = angles != null;

        if (rotated)
            Utils.AnglesToAxis(angles, out axes[0], out axes[1], out axes[2]);
            start_l = Utils.RotatePoint(start_l, axes);
            end_l   = Utils.RotatePoint(end_l, axes);

        CM_BoxTrace(out trace, start_l, end_l, mins, maxs, headnode, (int)brushmask);

        if (rotated && trace.fraction != 1 && trace.plane != null)
            Utils.TransposeAxis(ref axes);
            trace.plane.normal = Utils.RotatePoint(trace.plane.normal, axes);

        //Carmack: FIXME: offset plane distance? M: wut?

        trace.endpos = Vector3.Lerp(start, end, trace.fraction);