Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static ColorScheme fromSwatch(
            MaterialColor primarySwatch = null,
            Color primaryColorDark      = null,
            Color accentColor           = null,
            Color cardColor             = null,
            Color backgroundColor       = null,
            Color errorColor            = null,
            Brightness?brightness       = Brightness.light)
            D.assert(brightness != null);
            primarySwatch = primarySwatch ?? Colors.blue;

            bool  isDark          = brightness == Brightness.dark;
            bool  primaryIsDark   = _brightnessFor(primarySwatch) == Brightness.dark;
            Color secondary       = accentColor ?? (isDark ? Colors.tealAccent[200] : primarySwatch);
            bool  secondaryIsDark = _brightnessFor(secondary) == Brightness.dark;

            return(new ColorScheme(
                       primary: primarySwatch,
                       primaryVariant: primaryColorDark ?? (isDark ? Colors.black : primarySwatch[700]),
                       secondary: secondary,
                       secondaryVariant: isDark ? Colors.tealAccent[700] : primarySwatch[700],
                       surface: cardColor ?? (isDark ? Colors.grey[800] : Colors.white),
                       background: backgroundColor ?? (isDark ? Colors.grey[700] : primarySwatch[200]),
                       error: errorColor ?? Colors.red[700],
                       onPrimary: primaryIsDark ? Colors.white : Colors.black,
                       onSecondary: secondaryIsDark ? Colors.white : Colors.black,
                       onSurface: isDark ? Colors.white : Colors.black,
                       onBackground: primaryIsDark ? Colors.white : Colors.black,
                       onError: isDark ? Colors.black : Colors.white,
                       brightness: brightness ?? Brightness.light
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public ColorScheme copyWith(
     Color primary          = null,
     Color primaryVariant   = null,
     Color secondary        = null,
     Color secondaryVariant = null,
     Color surface          = null,
     Color background       = null,
     Color error            = null,
     Color onPrimary        = null,
     Color onSecondary      = null,
     Color onSurface        = null,
     Color onBackground     = null,
     Color onError          = null,
     Brightness?brightness  = null)
     return(new ColorScheme(
                primary: primary ?? this.primary,
                primaryVariant: primaryVariant ?? this.primaryVariant,
                secondary: secondary ?? this.secondary,
                secondaryVariant: secondaryVariant ?? this.secondaryVariant,
                surface: surface ?? this.surface,
                background: background ?? this.background,
                error: error ?? this.error,
                onPrimary: onPrimary ?? this.onPrimary,
                onSecondary: onSecondary ?? this.onSecondary,
                onSurface: onSurface ?? this.onSurface,
                onBackground: onBackground ?? this.onBackground,
                onError: onError ?? this.onError,
                brightness: brightness ?? this.brightness
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public FlatButton(
     Key key = null,
     VoidCallback onPressed = null,
     ValueChanged <bool> onHighlightChanged = null,
     ButtonTextTheme?textTheme = null,
     Color textColor           = null,
     Color disabledTextColor   = null,
     Color color                = null,
     Color disabledColor        = null,
     Color highlightColor       = null,
     Color splashColor          = null,
     Brightness?colorBrightness = null,
     EdgeInsets padding         = null,
     ShapeBorder shape          = null,
     Clip?clipBehavior          = Clip.none,
     MaterialTapTargetSize?materialTapTargetSize = null,
     Widget child = null) : base(
         key: key,
         onPressed: onPressed,
         onHighlightChanged: onHighlightChanged,
         textTheme: textTheme,
         textColor: textColor,
         disabledTextColor: disabledTextColor,
         color: color,
         disabledColor: disabledColor,
         highlightColor: highlightColor,
         splashColor: splashColor,
         colorBrightness: colorBrightness,
         padding: padding,
         shape: shape,
         clipBehavior: clipBehavior,
         materialTapTargetSize: materialTapTargetSize,
         child: child)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public ChipThemeData copyWith(
     Color backgroundColor         = null,
     Color deleteIconColor         = null,
     Color disabledColor           = null,
     Color selectedColor           = null,
     Color secondarySelectedColor  = null,
     EdgeInsets labelPadding       = null,
     EdgeInsets padding            = null,
     ShapeBorder shape             = null,
     TextStyle labelStyle          = null,
     TextStyle secondaryLabelStyle = null,
     Brightness?brightness         = null,
     float?elevation      = null,
     float?pressElevation = null
     return(new ChipThemeData(
                backgroundColor: backgroundColor ?? this.backgroundColor,
                deleteIconColor: deleteIconColor ?? this.deleteIconColor,
                disabledColor: disabledColor ?? this.disabledColor,
                selectedColor: selectedColor ?? this.selectedColor,
                secondarySelectedColor: secondarySelectedColor ?? this.secondarySelectedColor,
                labelPadding: labelPadding ?? this.labelPadding,
                padding: padding ?? this.padding,
                shape: shape ?? this.shape,
                labelStyle: labelStyle ?? this.labelStyle,
                secondaryLabelStyle: secondaryLabelStyle ?? this.secondaryLabelStyle,
                brightness: brightness ?? this.brightness,
                elevation: elevation ?? this.elevation,
                pressElevation: pressElevation ?? this.pressElevation
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public MediaQueryData copyWith(
     Size size = null,
     float?devicePixelRatio        = null,
     float?textScaleFactor         = null,
     Brightness?platformBrightness = null,
     EdgeInsets viewInsets         = null,
     EdgeInsets padding            = null,
     bool?alwaysUse24HourFormat    = null,
     bool?accessibleNavigation     = null,
     bool?invertColors             = null,
     bool?disableAnimations        = null,
     bool?boldText = null
     return(new MediaQueryData(
                size: size ?? this.size,
                devicePixelRatio: devicePixelRatio ?? this.devicePixelRatio,
                textScaleFactor: textScaleFactor ?? this.textScaleFactor,
                platformBrightness: platformBrightness ?? this.platformBrightness,
                viewInsets: viewInsets ?? this.viewInsets,
                padding: padding ?? this.padding,
                alwaysUse24HourFormat: alwaysUse24HourFormat ?? this.alwaysUse24HourFormat,
                accessibleNavigation: accessibleNavigation ?? this.accessibleNavigation,
                invertColors: invertColors ?? this.invertColors,
                disableAnimations: disableAnimations ?? this.disableAnimations,
                boldText: boldText ?? this.boldText
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public _RaisedButtonWithIcon(
     Key key = null,
     VoidCallback onPressed = null,
     ValueChanged <bool> onHighlightChanged = null,
     ButtonTextTheme?textTheme = null,
     Color textColor           = null,
     Color disabledTextColor   = null,
     Color color                = null,
     Color disabledColor        = null,
     Color highlightColor       = null,
     Color splashColor          = null,
     Brightness?colorBrightness = null,
     double?elevation           = null,
     double?highlightElevation  = null,
     double?disabledElevation   = null,
     EdgeInsets padding         = null,
     ShapeBorder shape          = null,
     Clip?clipBehavior          = Clip.none,
     MaterialTapTargetSize?materialTapTargetSize = null,
     TimeSpan?animationDuration = null,
     Widget icon  = null,
     Widget label = null
     ) : base(
         key: key,
         onPressed: onPressed,
         onHighlightChanged: onHighlightChanged,
         textTheme: textTheme,
         textColor: textColor,
         disabledTextColor: disabledTextColor,
         color: color,
         disabledColor: disabledColor,
         highlightColor: highlightColor,
         splashColor: splashColor,
         colorBrightness: colorBrightness,
         elevation: elevation,
         highlightElevation: highlightElevation,
         disabledElevation: disabledElevation,
         padding: padding,
         shape: shape,
         clipBehavior: clipBehavior,
         materialTapTargetSize: materialTapTargetSize,
         animationDuration: animationDuration,
         child: new Row(
             mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
             children: new List <Widget> {
     new SizedBox(width: 8.0),
     D.assert(elevation == null || elevation >= 0.0);
     D.assert(highlightElevation == null || highlightElevation >= 0.0);
     D.assert(disabledElevation == null || disabledElevation >= 0.0);
     D.assert(icon != null);
     D.assert(label != null);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public SliverAppBar(
            Key key        = null,
            Widget leading = null,
            bool automaticallyImplyLeading = true,
            Widget title                   = null,
            List <Widget> actions          = null,
            Widget flexibleSpace           = null,
            PreferredSizeWidget bottom     = null,
            float?elevation                = null,
            bool forceElevated             = false,
            Color backgroundColor          = null,
            Brightness?brightness          = null,
            IconThemeData iconTheme        = null,
            IconThemeData actionsIconTheme = null,
            TextTheme textTheme            = null,
            bool primary                   = true,
            bool?centerTitle               = null,
            float titleSpacing             = NavigationToolbar.kMiddleSpacing,
            float?expandedHeight           = null,
            bool floating                  = false,
            bool pinned  = false,
            bool snap    = false,
            bool stretch = false,
            float stretchTriggerOffset     = 100.0f,
            AsyncCallback onStretchTrigger = null,
            ShapeBorder shape = null
            ) : base(key: key)
            D.assert(floating || !snap, () => "The 'snap' argument only makes sense for floating app bars.");
            D.assert(stretchTriggerOffset > 0.0);

            this.leading = leading;
            this.automaticallyImplyLeading = true;
            this.title                = title;
            this.actions              = actions;
            this.flexibleSpace        = flexibleSpace;
            this.bottom               = bottom;
            this.elevation            = elevation;
            this.forceElevated        = forceElevated;
            this.backgroundColor      = backgroundColor;
            this.brightness           = brightness;
            this.iconTheme            = iconTheme;
            this.actionsIconTheme     = actionsIconTheme;
            this.textTheme            = textTheme;
            this.primary              = primary;
            this.centerTitle          = centerTitle;
            this.titleSpacing         = NavigationToolbar.kMiddleSpacing;
            this.expandedHeight       = expandedHeight;
            this.floating             = floating;
            this.pinned               = pinned;
            this.snap                 = snap;
            this.stretch              = stretch;
            this.stretchTriggerOffset = stretchTriggerOffset;
            this.onStretchTrigger     = onStretchTrigger;
            this.shape                = shape;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public _FlatButtonWithIcon(
     Key key = null,
     VoidCallback onPressed = null,
     ValueChanged <bool> onHighlightChanged = null,
     VoidCallback onLongPress  = null,
     ButtonTextTheme?textTheme = null,
     Color textColor           = null,
     Color disabledTextColor   = null,
     Color color                = null,
     Color disabledColor        = null,
     Color focusColor           = null,
     Color hoverColor           = null,
     Color highlightColor       = null,
     Color splashColor          = null,
     Brightness?colorBrightness = null,
     EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
     ShapeBorder shape          = null,
     Clip clipBehavior          = Clip.none,
     FocusNode focusNode        = null,
     bool autofocus             = false,
     MaterialTapTargetSize?materialTapTargetSize = null,
     Widget icon  = null,
     Widget label = null) : base(
         key: key,
         onPressed: onPressed,
         onLongPress: onLongPress,
         onHighlightChanged: onHighlightChanged,
         textTheme: textTheme,
         textColor: textColor,
         disabledTextColor: disabledTextColor,
         color: color,
         disabledColor: disabledColor,
         focusColor: focusColor,
         hoverColor: hoverColor,
         highlightColor: highlightColor,
         splashColor: splashColor,
         colorBrightness: colorBrightness,
         padding: padding,
         shape: shape,
         clipBehavior: clipBehavior,
         focusNode: focusNode,
         autofocus: autofocus,
         materialTapTargetSize: materialTapTargetSize,
         child: new Row(
             mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
             children: new List <Widget> {
     new SizedBox(width: 8.0f),
     D.assert(icon != null);
     D.assert(label != null);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public _SliverAppBarDelegate(
     Widget leading,
     bool automaticallyImplyLeading,
     Widget title,
     List <Widget> actions,
     Widget flexibleSpace,
     PreferredSizeWidget bottom,
     bool forceElevated,
     Color backgroundColor,
     IconThemeData iconTheme,
     IconThemeData actionsIconTheme,
     TextTheme textTheme,
     bool primary,
     float titleSpacing,
     bool floating,
     bool pinned,
     FloatingHeaderSnapConfiguration snapConfiguration,
     OverScrollHeaderStretchConfiguration stretchConfiguration,
     ShapeBorder shape
     D.assert(primary || topPadding == 0.0);
     this.leading = leading;
     this.automaticallyImplyLeading = automaticallyImplyLeading;
     this.title                = title;
     this.actions              = actions;
     this.flexibleSpace        = flexibleSpace;
     this.bottom               = bottom;
     this.elevation            = elevation;
     this.forceElevated        = forceElevated;
     this.backgroundColor      = backgroundColor;
     this.brightness           = brightness;
     this.iconTheme            = iconTheme;
     this.actionsIconTheme     = actionsIconTheme;
     this.textTheme            = textTheme;
     this.primary              = primary;
     this.centerTitle          = centerTitle;
     this.titleSpacing         = titleSpacing;
     this.expandedHeight       = expandedHeight;
     this.collapsedHeight      = collapsedHeight;
     this.topPadding           = topPadding;
     this.floating             = floating;
     this.pinned               = pinned;
     this.snapConfiguration    = snapConfiguration;
     _bottomHeight             = bottom?.preferredSize?.height ?? 0.0f;
     this.snapConfiguration    = snapConfiguration;
     this.stretchConfiguration = stretchConfiguration;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public static ChipThemeData fromDefaults(
            Brightness?brightness = null,
            Color primaryColor    = null,
            Color secondaryColor  = null,
            TextStyle labelStyle  = null
            D.assert(primaryColor != null || brightness != null,
                     "One of primaryColor or brightness must be specified");
            D.assert(primaryColor == null || brightness == null,
                     "Only one of primaryColor or brightness may be specified");
            D.assert(secondaryColor != null);
            D.assert(labelStyle != null);

            if (primaryColor != null)
                brightness = ThemeData.estimateBrightnessForColor(primaryColor);

            const int   backgroundAlpha = 0x1f; // 12%
            const int   deleteIconAlpha = 0xde; // 87%
            const int   disabledAlpha   = 0x0c; // 38% * 12% = 5%
            const int   selectAlpha     = 0x3d; // 12% + 12% = 24%
            const int   textLabelAlpha  = 0xde; // 87%
            ShapeBorder shape           = new StadiumBorder();
            EdgeInsets  labelPadding    = EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 8.0f);
            EdgeInsets  padding         = EdgeInsets.all(4.0f);

            primaryColor = primaryColor ?? (brightness == Brightness.light ? Colors.black : Colors.white);
            Color     backgroundColor        = primaryColor.withAlpha(backgroundAlpha);
            Color     deleteIconColor        = primaryColor.withAlpha(deleteIconAlpha);
            Color     disabledColor          = primaryColor.withAlpha(disabledAlpha);
            Color     selectedColor          = primaryColor.withAlpha(selectAlpha);
            Color     secondarySelectedColor = secondaryColor.withAlpha(selectAlpha);
            TextStyle secondaryLabelStyle    = labelStyle.copyWith(
                color: secondaryColor.withAlpha(textLabelAlpha)

            labelStyle = labelStyle.copyWith(color: primaryColor.withAlpha(textLabelAlpha));

            return(new ChipThemeData(
                       backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
                       deleteIconColor: deleteIconColor,
                       disabledColor: disabledColor,
                       selectedColor: selectedColor,
                       secondarySelectedColor: secondarySelectedColor,
                       labelPadding: labelPadding,
                       padding: padding,
                       shape: shape,
                       labelStyle: labelStyle,
                       secondaryLabelStyle: secondaryLabelStyle,
                       brightness: brightness
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public static FlatButton icon(
            Key key = null,
            VoidCallback onPressed = null,
            ValueChanged <bool> onHighlightChanged = null,
            VoidCallback onLongPress  = null,
            ButtonTextTheme?textTheme = null,
            Color textColor           = null,
            Color disabledTextColor   = null,
            Color color                = null,
            Color disabledColor        = null,
            Color focusColor           = null,
            Color hoverColor           = null,
            Color highlightColor       = null,
            Color splashColor          = null,
            Brightness?colorBrightness = null,
            EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
            ShapeBorder shape          = null,
            Clip clipBehavior          = Clip.none,
            FocusNode focusNode        = null,
            bool autofocus             = false,
            MaterialTapTargetSize?materialTapTargetSize = null,
            Widget icon  = null,
            Widget label = null)
            D.assert(icon != null);
            D.assert(label != null);

            return(new _FlatButtonWithIcon(
                       key: key,
                       onPressed: onPressed,
                       onLongPress: onLongPress,
                       onHighlightChanged: onHighlightChanged,
                       textTheme: textTheme,
                       textColor: textColor,
                       disabledTextColor: disabledTextColor,
                       color: color,
                       disabledColor: disabledColor,
                       focusColor: focusColor,
                       hoverColor: hoverColor,
                       highlightColor: highlightColor,
                       splashColor: splashColor,
                       colorBrightness: colorBrightness,
                       padding: padding,
                       shape: shape,
                       clipBehavior: clipBehavior,
                       focusNode: focusNode,
                       autofocus: autofocus,
                       materialTapTargetSize: materialTapTargetSize,
                       icon: icon,
                       label: label
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public TextField(Key key = null, TextEditingController controller                = null, FocusNode focusNode         = null,
                         InputDecoration decoration            = null, bool noDecoration = false, TextInputType keyboardType = null,
                         TextInputAction?textInputAction       = null,
                         TextCapitalization textCapitalization = TextCapitalization.none, TextStyle style = null,
                         TextAlign textAlign               = TextAlign.left, TextDirection textDirection = TextDirection.ltr,
                         bool autofocus                    = false, bool obscureText      = false, bool autocorrect = false, int?maxLines = 1,
                         int?maxLength                     = null, bool maxLengthEnforced = true, ValueChanged <string> onChanged = null,
                         VoidCallback onEditingComplete    = null,
                         ValueChanged <string> onSubmitted = null, List <TextInputFormatter> inputFormatters = null,
                         bool?enabled = null, float?cursorWidth = 2.0f, Radius cursorRadius = null, Color cursorColor = null,
                         Brightness?keyboardAppearance          = null, EdgeInsets scrollPadding = null,
                         DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior    = DragStartBehavior.down,
                         bool?enableInteractiveSelection        = null,
                         GestureTapCallback onTap               = null,
                         InputCounterWidgetBuilder buildCounter = null
                         ) : base(key: key)
            D.assert(maxLines == null || maxLines > 0);
            D.assert(maxLength == null || maxLength == TextField.noMaxLength || maxLength > 0);

            this.controller         = controller;
            this.focusNode          = focusNode;
            this.decoration         = noDecoration ? null : (decoration ?? new InputDecoration());
            this.textInputAction    = textInputAction;
            this.textCapitalization = textCapitalization;
            this.style                      = style;
            this.textAlign                  = textAlign;
            this.textDirection              = textDirection;
            this.autofocus                  = autofocus;
            this.obscureText                = obscureText;
            this.autocorrect                = autocorrect;
            this.maxLines                   = maxLines;
            this.maxLength                  = maxLength;
            this.maxLengthEnforced          = maxLengthEnforced;
            this.onChanged                  = onChanged;
            this.onEditingComplete          = onEditingComplete;
            this.onSubmitted                = onSubmitted;
            this.inputFormatters            = inputFormatters;
            this.enabled                    = enabled;
            this.cursorWidth                = cursorWidth;
            this.cursorColor                = cursorColor;
            this.cursorRadius               = cursorRadius;
            this.onSubmitted                = onSubmitted;
            this.keyboardAppearance         = keyboardAppearance;
            this.enableInteractiveSelection = enableInteractiveSelection;
            this.onTap                      = onTap;
            this.keyboardType               = keyboardType ?? (maxLines == 1 ? TextInputType.text : TextInputType.multiline);
            this.scrollPadding              = scrollPadding ?? EdgeInsets.all(20.0f);
            this.dragStartBehavior          = dragStartBehavior;
            this.buildCounter               = buildCounter;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public _OutlineButton(
     Key key = null,
     VoidCallback onPressed    = null,
     VoidCallback onLongPress  = null,
     Brightness?brightness     = null,
     ButtonTextTheme?textTheme = null,
     Color textColor           = null,
     Color disabledTextColor   = null,
     Color color                  = null,
     Color focusColor             = null,
     Color hoverColor             = null,
     Color highlightColor         = null,
     Color splashColor            = null,
     float?highlightElevation     = null,
     BorderSide borderSide        = null,
     Color disabledBorderColor    = null,
     Color highlightedBorderColor = null,
     EdgeInsetsGeometry padding   = null,
     VisualDensity visualDensity  = null,
     ShapeBorder shape            = null,
     Clip?clipBehavior            = Clip.none,
     FocusNode focusNode          = null,
     bool autofocus               = false,
     Widget child                 = null
     ) : base(key: key)
     D.assert(highlightElevation != null && highlightElevation >= 0.0f);
     D.assert(highlightedBorderColor != null);
     this.onPressed              = onPressed;
     this.onLongPress            = onLongPress;
     this.brightness             = brightness;
     this.textTheme              = textTheme;
     this.textColor              = textColor;
     this.disabledTextColor      = disabledTextColor;
     this.color                  = color;
     this.focusColor             = focusColor;
     this.hoverColor             = hoverColor;
     this.highlightColor         = highlightColor;
     this.splashColor            = splashColor;
     this.highlightElevation     = highlightElevation;
     this.borderSide             = borderSide;
     this.disabledBorderColor    = disabledBorderColor;
     this.highlightedBorderColor = highlightedBorderColor;
     this.padding                = padding;
     this.visualDensity          = visualDensity;
     this.shape                  = shape;
     this.clipBehavior           = clipBehavior;
     this.focusNode              = focusNode;
     this.autofocus              = autofocus;
     this.child                  = child;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public AppBarTheme(
     Brightness?brightness   = null,
     Color color             = null,
     float?elevation         = null,
     IconThemeData iconTheme = null,
     TextTheme textTheme     = null
     this.brightness = brightness;
     this.color      = color;
     this.elevation  = elevation;
     this.iconTheme  = iconTheme;
     this.textTheme  = textTheme;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public static RaisedButton icon(
            Key key = null,
            VoidCallback onPressed = null,
            ValueChanged <bool> onHighlightChanged = null,
            ButtonTextTheme?textTheme = null,
            Color textColor           = null,
            Color disabledTextColor   = null,
            Color color                = null,
            Color disabledColor        = null,
            Color highlightColor       = null,
            Color splashColor          = null,
            Brightness?colorBrightness = null,
            double?elevation           = null,
            double?highlightElevation  = null,
            double?disabledElevation   = null,
            EdgeInsets padding         = null,
            ShapeBorder shape          = null,
            Clip?clipBehavior          = null,
            MaterialTapTargetSize?materialTapTargetSize = null,
            TimeSpan?animationDuration = null,
            Widget icon  = null,
            Widget label = null)
            D.assert(icon != null);
            D.assert(label != null);

            return(new _RaisedButtonWithIcon(
                       key: key,
                       onPressed: onPressed,
                       onHighlightChanged: onHighlightChanged,
                       textTheme: textTheme,
                       textColor: textColor,
                       disabledTextColor: disabledTextColor,
                       color: color,
                       disabledColor: disabledColor,
                       highlightColor: highlightColor,
                       splashColor: splashColor,
                       colorBrightness: colorBrightness,
                       elevation: elevation,
                       highlightElevation: highlightElevation,
                       disabledElevation: disabledElevation,
                       padding: padding,
                       shape: shape,
                       clipBehavior: clipBehavior,
                       materialTapTargetSize: materialTapTargetSize,
                       animationDuration: animationDuration,
                       icon: icon,
                       label: label));
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public ChipThemeData(
     Color backgroundColor           = null,
     Color deleteIconColor           = null,
     Color disabledColor             = null,
     Color selectedColor             = null,
     Color secondarySelectedColor    = null,
     Color shadowColor               = null,
     Color selectedShadowColor       = null,
     bool?showCheckmark              = null,
     Color checkmarkColor            = null,
     EdgeInsetsGeometry labelPadding = null,
     EdgeInsetsGeometry padding      = null,
     ShapeBorder shape               = null,
     TextStyle labelStyle            = null,
     TextStyle secondaryLabelStyle   = null,
     Brightness?brightness           = null,
     float?elevation      = null,
     float?pressElevation = null
     D.assert(backgroundColor != null);
     D.assert(disabledColor != null);
     D.assert(selectedColor != null);
     D.assert(secondarySelectedColor != null);
     D.assert(labelPadding != null);
     D.assert(padding != null);
     D.assert(shape != null);
     D.assert(labelStyle != null);
     D.assert(secondaryLabelStyle != null);
     D.assert(brightness != null);
     this.backgroundColor        = backgroundColor;
     this.deleteIconColor        = deleteIconColor;
     this.disabledColor          = disabledColor;
     this.selectedColor          = selectedColor;
     this.secondarySelectedColor = secondarySelectedColor;
     this.shadowColor            = shadowColor;
     this.selectedShadowColor    = selectedShadowColor;
     this.showCheckmark          = showCheckmark;
     this.checkmarkColor         = checkmarkColor;
     this.labelPadding           = labelPadding;
     this.padding             = padding;
     this.shape               = shape;
     this.labelStyle          = labelStyle;
     this.secondaryLabelStyle = secondaryLabelStyle;
     this.brightness          = brightness;
     this.elevation           = elevation;
     this.pressElevation      = pressElevation;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public SystemUiOverlayStyle(
     Color systemNavigationBarColor               = null,
     Color systemNavigationBarDividerColor        = null,
     Brightness?systemNavigationBarIconBrightness = null,
     Color statusBarColor               = null,
     Brightness?statusBarBrightness     = null,
     Brightness?statusBarIconBrightness = null
     this.systemNavigationBarColor          = systemNavigationBarColor;
     this.systemNavigationBarDividerColor   = systemNavigationBarDividerColor;
     this.systemNavigationBarIconBrightness = systemNavigationBarIconBrightness;
     this.statusBarColor          = statusBarColor;
     this.statusBarBrightness     = statusBarBrightness;
     this.statusBarIconBrightness = statusBarIconBrightness;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public _NoDefaultCupertinoThemeData(
     Color primaryColor,
     Color primaryContrastingColor,
     CupertinoTextThemeData textTheme,
     Color barBackgroundColor,
     Color scaffoldBackgroundColor
     this.brightness              = brightness;
     this.primaryColor            = primaryColor;
     this.primaryContrastingColor = primaryContrastingColor;
     this.textTheme               = textTheme;
     this.barBackgroundColor      = barBackgroundColor;
     this.scaffoldBackgroundColor = scaffoldBackgroundColor;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 AppBarTheme copyWith(
     Brightness?brightness   = null,
     Color color             = null,
     float?elevation         = null,
     IconThemeData iconTheme = null,
     TextTheme textTheme     = null
     return(new AppBarTheme(
                brightness: brightness ?? this.brightness,
                color: color ?? this.color,
                elevation: elevation ?? this.elevation,
                iconTheme: iconTheme ?? this.iconTheme,
                textTheme: textTheme ?? this.textTheme
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public CupertinoThemeData(
     Brightness?brightness            = null,
     Color primaryColor               = null,
     Color primaryContrastingColor    = null,
     CupertinoTextThemeData textTheme = null,
     Color barBackgroundColor         = null,
     Color scaffoldBackgroundColor    = null
     this._brightness              = brightness;
     this._primaryColor            = primaryColor;
     this._primaryContrastingColor = primaryContrastingColor;
     this._textTheme               = textTheme;
     this._barBackgroundColor      = barBackgroundColor;
     this._scaffoldBackgroundColor = scaffoldBackgroundColor;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public _CupertinoThemeDefaults(
     Color primaryColor,
     Color primaryContrastingColor,
     Color barBackgroundColor,
     Color scaffoldBackgroundColor,
     _CupertinoTextThemeDefaults textThemeDefaults
     this.brightness              = brightness;
     this.primaryColor            = primaryColor;
     this.primaryContrastingColor = primaryContrastingColor;
     this.barBackgroundColor      = barBackgroundColor;
     this.scaffoldBackgroundColor = scaffoldBackgroundColor;
     this.textThemeDefaults       = textThemeDefaults;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public MaterialButton(
     Key key = null,
     VoidCallback onPressed = null,
     ValueChanged <bool> onHighlightChanged = null,
     ButtonTextTheme?textTheme = null,
     Color textColor           = null,
     Color disabledTextColor   = null,
     Color color                = null,
     Color disabledColor        = null,
     Color highlightColor       = null,
     Color splashColor          = null,
     Brightness?colorBrightness = null,
     double?elevation           = null,
     double?highlightElevation  = null,
     double?disabledElevation   = null,
     EdgeInsets padding         = null,
     ShapeBorder shape          = null,
     Clip?clipBehavior          = Clip.none,
     MaterialTapTargetSize?materialTapTargetSize = null,
     TimeSpan?animationDuration = null,
     double?minWidth            = null,
     double?height = null,
     Widget child  = null
     ) : base(key: key)
     this.onPressed          = onPressed;
     this.onHighlightChanged = onHighlightChanged;
     this.textTheme          = textTheme;
     this.textColor          = textColor;
     this.disabledTextColor  = disabledTextColor;
     this.color                 = color;
     this.disabledColor         = disabledColor;
     this.highlightColor        = highlightColor;
     this.splashColor           = splashColor;
     this.colorBrightness       = colorBrightness;
     this.elevation             = elevation;
     this.highlightElevation    = highlightElevation;
     this.disabledElevation     = disabledElevation;
     this.padding               = padding;
     this.shape                 = shape;
     this.clipBehavior          = clipBehavior;
     this.materialTapTargetSize = materialTapTargetSize;
     this.animationDuration     = animationDuration;
     this.minWidth              = minWidth;
     this.height                = height;
     this.child                 = child;
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public FlatButton(
     Key key = null,
     VoidCallback onPressed = null,
     ValueChanged <bool> onHighlightChanged = null,
     VoidCallback onLongPress  = null,
     ButtonTextTheme?textTheme = null,
     Color textColor           = null,
     Color disabledTextColor   = null,
     Color color                 = null,
     Color disabledColor         = null,
     Color focusColor            = null,
     Color hoverColor            = null,
     Color highlightColor        = null,
     Color splashColor           = null,
     Brightness?colorBrightness  = null,
     EdgeInsetsGeometry padding  = null,
     VisualDensity visualDensity = null,
     ShapeBorder shape           = null,
     Clip clipBehavior           = Clip.none,
     FocusNode focusNode         = null,
     bool autofocus              = false,
     MaterialTapTargetSize?materialTapTargetSize = null,
     Widget child = null) : base(
         key: key,
         onPressed: onPressed,
         onLongPress: onLongPress,
         onHighlightChanged: onHighlightChanged,
         textTheme: textTheme,
         textColor: textColor,
         disabledTextColor: disabledTextColor,
         focusColor: focusColor,
         hoverColor: hoverColor,
         color: color,
         disabledColor: disabledColor,
         highlightColor: highlightColor,
         splashColor: splashColor,
         colorBrightness: colorBrightness,
         padding: padding,
         visualDensity: visualDensity,
         shape: shape,
         clipBehavior: clipBehavior,
         focusNode: focusNode,
         autofocus: autofocus,
         materialTapTargetSize: materialTapTargetSize,
         child: child)
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public RaisedButton(
     Key key = null,
     VoidCallback onPressed = null,
     ValueChanged <bool> onHighlightChanged = null,
     ButtonTextTheme?textTheme = null,
     Color textColor           = null,
     Color disabledTextColor   = null,
     Color color                = null,
     Color disabledColor        = null,
     Color highlightColor       = null,
     Color splashColor          = null,
     Brightness?colorBrightness = null,
     double?elevation           = null,
     double?highlightElevation  = null,
     double?disabledElevation   = null,
     EdgeInsets padding         = null,
     ShapeBorder shape          = null,
     Clip?clipBehavior          = Clip.none,
     MaterialTapTargetSize?materialTapTargetSize = null,
     TimeSpan?animationDuration = null,
     Widget child = null
     ) : base(
         key: key,
         onPressed: onPressed,
         onHighlightChanged: onHighlightChanged,
         textTheme: textTheme,
         textColor: textColor,
         disabledTextColor: disabledTextColor,
         color: color,
         disabledColor: disabledColor,
         highlightColor: highlightColor,
         splashColor: splashColor,
         colorBrightness: colorBrightness,
         elevation: elevation,
         highlightElevation: highlightElevation,
         disabledElevation: disabledElevation,
         padding: padding,
         shape: shape,
         clipBehavior: clipBehavior,
         materialTapTargetSize: materialTapTargetSize,
         animationDuration: animationDuration,
         child: child)
     D.assert(elevation == null || elevation >= 0.0);
     D.assert(highlightElevation == null || highlightElevation >= 0.0);
     D.assert(disabledElevation == null || disabledElevation >= 0.0);
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public new CupertinoThemeData copyWith(
     Brightness?brightness            = null,
     Color primaryColor               = null,
     Color primaryContrastingColor    = null,
     CupertinoTextThemeData textTheme = null,
     Color barBackgroundColor         = null,
     Color scaffoldBackgroundColor    = null
     return(new _NoDefaultCupertinoThemeData(
                brightness ?? this.brightness,
                primaryColor ?? this.primaryColor,
                primaryContrastingColor ?? this.primaryContrastingColor,
                textTheme ?? this.textTheme,
                barBackgroundColor ?? this.barBackgroundColor,
                scaffoldBackgroundColor ?? this.scaffoldBackgroundColor
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public CupertinoThemeData copyWith(
     Brightness?brightness            = null,
     Color primaryColor               = null,
     Color primaryContrastingColor    = null,
     CupertinoTextThemeData textTheme = null,
     Color barBackgroundColor         = null,
     Color scaffoldBackgroundColor    = null
     return(new CupertinoThemeData(
                brightness: brightness ?? this._brightness,
                primaryColor: primaryColor ?? this._primaryColor,
                primaryContrastingColor: primaryContrastingColor ?? this._primaryContrastingColor,
                textTheme: textTheme ?? this._textTheme,
                barBackgroundColor: barBackgroundColor ?? this._barBackgroundColor,
                scaffoldBackgroundColor: scaffoldBackgroundColor ?? this._scaffoldBackgroundColor
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public CupertinoThemeData(
     Brightness?brightness            = null,
     Color primaryColor               = null,
     Color primaryContrastingColor    = null,
     CupertinoTextThemeData textTheme = null,
     Color barBackgroundColor         = null,
     Color scaffoldBackgroundColor    = null,
     _CupertinoThemeDefaults defaults = null
     this.brightness          = brightness;// ?? Brightness.light;
     _primaryColor            = primaryColor;
     _primaryContrastingColor = primaryContrastingColor;
     _textTheme               = textTheme;
     _barBackgroundColor      = barBackgroundColor;
     _scaffoldBackgroundColor = scaffoldBackgroundColor;
     _defaults = defaults ?? CupertinoThemeDataUtils._kDefaultTheme;
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public AppBar(
     Key key        = null,
     Widget leading = null,
     bool automaticallyImplyLeading = true,
     Widget title                   = null,
     List <Widget> actions          = null,
     Widget flexibleSpace           = null,
     PreferredSizeWidget bottom     = null,
     float?elevation                = null,
     ShapeBorder shape              = null,
     Color backgroundColor          = null,
     Brightness?brightness          = null,
     IconThemeData iconTheme        = null,
     IconThemeData actionsIconTheme = null,
     TextTheme textTheme            = null,
     bool primary                   = true,
     bool?centerTitle               = null,
     float titleSpacing             = NavigationToolbar.kMiddleSpacing,
     float toolbarOpacity           = 1.0f,
     float bottomOpacity            = 1.0f
     ) : base(key: key)
     D.assert(elevation == null || elevation >= 0.0);
     this.leading = leading;
     this.automaticallyImplyLeading = automaticallyImplyLeading;
     this.title            = title;
     this.actions          = actions;
     this.flexibleSpace    = flexibleSpace;
     this.bottom           = bottom;
     this.elevation        = elevation;
     this.shape            = shape;
     this.backgroundColor  = backgroundColor;
     this.brightness       = brightness;
     this.iconTheme        = iconTheme;
     this.actionsIconTheme = actionsIconTheme;
     this.textTheme        = textTheme;
     this.primary          = primary;
     this.centerTitle      = centerTitle;
     this.titleSpacing     = titleSpacing;
     this.toolbarOpacity   = toolbarOpacity;
     this.bottomOpacity    = bottomOpacity;
     preferredSize         = Size.fromHeight(material_.kToolbarHeight + (bottom?.preferredSize?.height ?? 0.0f));
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public CupertinoTextThemeData(
     Color primaryColor               = null,
     Brightness?brightness            = null,
     TextStyle textStyle              = null,
     TextStyle actionTextStyle        = null,
     TextStyle tabLabelTextStyle      = null,
     TextStyle navTitleTextStyle      = null,
     TextStyle navLargeTitleTextStyle = null,
     TextStyle navActionTextStyle     = null
     this._primaryColor           = primaryColor ?? CupertinoColors.activeBlue;
     this._brightness             = brightness;
     this._textStyle              = textStyle;
     this._actionTextStyle        = actionTextStyle;
     this._tabLabelTextStyle      = tabLabelTextStyle;
     this._navTitleTextStyle      = navTitleTextStyle;
     this._navLargeTitleTextStyle = navLargeTitleTextStyle;
     this._navActionTextStyle     = navActionTextStyle;
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public CupertinoThemeData copyWith(
     Brightness?brightness            = null,
     Color primaryColor               = null,
     Color primaryContrastingColor    = null,
     CupertinoTextThemeData textTheme = null,
     Color barBackgroundColor         = null,
     Color scaffoldBackgroundColor    = null
     //return new CupertinoThemeData(
                brightness: brightness ?? this.brightness,
                primaryColor: primaryColor ?? _primaryColor,
                primaryContrastingColor: primaryContrastingColor ?? _primaryContrastingColor,
                textTheme: textTheme ?? _textTheme,
                barBackgroundColor: barBackgroundColor ?? _barBackgroundColor,
                scaffoldBackgroundColor: scaffoldBackgroundColor ?? _scaffoldBackgroundColor,