public Preconditions Ldelem(APC pc, Type type, Variable dest, Variable array, Variable index, Preconditions pre)
                    BreakHere(pc, pre);

                    if (pre != null)
                        var result = new Preconditions();

                        var ldElemExp = new BoxedExpression.ArrayIndexExpression <Type>(BoxedExpression.Var(array), BoxedExpression.Var(index), type);
                        var destExp   = BoxedExpression.Var(dest);

                        foreach (var p in pre)
                            if (p != null)
                                result.AddIfNotNull(p.Substitute(destExp, ldElemExp));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private bool TrySplitBaseWBAndOffset(APC pc, Polynomial<BoxedVariable<Variable>, BoxedExpression> pol, out BoxedExpression basePtr, out BoxedExpression wbPtr, out BoxedExpression offset)
          var foundAPointer = false;
          var offsets = new List<Monomial<BoxedVariable<Variable>>>(pol.Left.Length);
          var basePtrVar = default(Variable);

          // 1. Fetch the pointer
          foreach (var m in pol.Left)
            BoxedVariable<Variable> tryVar;
            Variable v;
            if (m.IsVariable(out tryVar) && tryVar.TryUnpackVariable(out v))
              var type = this.Context.ValueContext.GetType(this.Context.MethodContext.CFG.Post(pc), v);

              if(type.IsNormal && (this.DecoderForMetaData.IsUnmanagedPointer(type.Value) || this.DecoderForMetaData.IsReferenceType(type.Value)))
                basePtrVar = v;

                Contract.Assume(foundAPointer == false);
                foundAPointer = true;


          if (!foundAPointer)
            basePtr = offset = wbPtr = default(BoxedExpression);

            return false;

          // 2. Get the WB
          Variable varForWB;
          if (!this.Context.ValueContext.TryGetWritableBytes(this.Context.MethodContext.CFG.Post(pc), basePtrVar, out varForWB))
            basePtr = offset = wbPtr = default(BoxedExpression);

            return false;

          // 3. Construct the offset
          Polynomial<BoxedVariable<Variable>, BoxedExpression> tmpPol;
          if (!Polynomial<BoxedVariable<Variable>, BoxedExpression>.TryToPolynomialForm(offsets.ToArray(), out tmpPol))
            throw new AbstractInterpretationException("Impossible case?");

          Contract.Assert(this.Encoder != null);

          basePtr = BoxedExpression.Var(basePtrVar);
          wbPtr = BoxedExpression.Var(varForWB);
          offset = tmpPol.ToPureExpression(this.Encoder);

          return true;
        public BoxedExpression Variable(object variable)
            var variableAsBoxedExp = variable as BoxedExpression;

            if (variableAsBoxedExp != null)

            if (VariableConverter != null)
                var variableAsBoxedVar = variable as BoxedVariable <Var>;
                if (variableAsBoxedVar != null)
                    Var v;
                    if (variableAsBoxedVar.TryUnpackVariable(out v))
                else if (variable is Var)

Ejemplo n.º 4
                protected override ProofOutcome ValidateInternalSpecific(IFactQuery <BoxedExpression, Variable> query, ContractInferenceManager inferenceManager, IOutputResults output)
                    // Check if expForIndex >= 0
                    return(query.IsGreaterEqualToZero(this.PC, index));

#if false
                    // Try to use weakest preconditions
                    if (result == ProofOutcome.Top)
                        if (CanAssumeLowerBoundPrecondition(output, this.index))
                            result = ProofOutcome.True;
                            // if we have lb <= i, then we can suggest 0 <= lb
                            foreach (Variable lb in query.LowerBounds(this.PC, index, false))
                                BoxedExpression lbbox = BoxedExpression.Var(lb);
                                if (CanAssumeLowerBoundPrecondition(output, lbbox))
                                    result = ProofOutcome.True;

                private BoxedExpression GenerateTheExists(APC exitPC, BoxedExpression variable, Type arrayType, BoxedExpression array)
                    Contract.Requires(variable != null);
                    Contract.Requires(array != null);

                    BoxedExpression newPost = null;

                    var boundedVariable = BoxedExpression.Var("__j__");

                    var      lowerBound = BoxedExpression.Const(0, this.DecoderForMetaData.System_Int32, this.DecoderForMetaData);
                    Variable arrayVar, arrayLength;

                    if (array.TryGetFrameworkVariable(out arrayVar) &&
                        this.Context.ValueContext.TryGetArrayLength(exitPC, arrayVar, out arrayLength))
                        var upperBound = BoxedExpression.Var(arrayLength, this.Context.ValueContext.VisibleAccessPathListFromPost(exitPC, arrayLength));

                        // arr[boundedVariable] == variable
                        var arrayLoad = new BoxedExpression.ArrayIndexExpression <Type>(array, boundedVariable, arrayType);

                        var eq = BoxedExpression.Binary(BinaryOperator.Ceq, arrayLoad, variable);

                        newPost = new ExistsIndexedExpression(null, boundedVariable, lowerBound, upperBound, eq);

                private List <BoxedExpression> GetForAllVisibleOutsideOfTheMethod(
                    BoxedVariable <Variable> array,
                    ArraySegmentation <FlatAbstractDomainOfBoolsWithRenaming <BoxedVariable <Variable> >, BoxedVariable <Variable>, BoxedExpression> segmentation)
                    Contract.Requires(array != null);
                    Contract.Requires(segmentation != null);

                    var result = new List <BoxedExpression>();

                    var arrayBE = ReadVariableInPreStateForRequires(this.Context.MethodContext.CFG.EntryAfterRequires, array);

                    if (arrayBE != null)
                        var boundVar   = BoxedExpression.Var("i");
                        var arrayindex = new BoxedExpression.ArrayIndexExpression <Type>(arrayBE, boundVar, this.DecoderForMetaData.System_Object);
                        var factory    = new BoxedExpressionFactory <Local, Parameter, Method, Field, Property, Event, Type, Attribute, Assembly, Variable>(
                            boundVar, arrayindex,
                            (v => ReadVariableInPreStateForRequires(this.Context.MethodContext.CFG.EntryAfterRequires, v)),
                            this.DecoderForMetaData, null);
                        var formula = segmentation.To(factory);
                        if (formula != null)

        protected virtual BoxedExpression Variable(BoxedExpression original, object var, PathElement[] path)
            Contract.Requires(original != null);
            Contract.Requires(original.UnderlyingVariable == var);

            if (path != null || this.PathFetcher == null)
                Contract.Assert(this.PathFetcher != null);
                var newPath = this.PathFetcher(original.UnderlyingVariable);
                return(newPath != null?BoxedExpression.Var(original.UnderlyingVariable, newPath) : null);
Ejemplo n.º 8
            public bool TryCollectWitnesses(out bool mayReturnNull)
                Trace("Try to collect a witness for the return value");

                mayReturnNull = false;
                if (this.timeout.HasAlreadyTimeOut)

                    Variable retVar;

                    if (this.Mdriver.Context.ValueContext.TryResultValue(this.pcCondition, out retVar))
                        var initialState = new Witness(BoxedExpression.Var(retVar));
                        Visit(this.pcCondition, initialState, 0);
                        if (this.Found)
                            mayReturnNull = this.Result.State == Witness.Kind.ReturnNull || this.Result.State == Witness.Kind.ReturnNullIndirectly;
                catch (TimeoutExceptionFixpointComputation)
                catch (AccessViolationException)
                    Console.WriteLine("Internal error in CLR: memory is corrupted? -- Continuing as we where simply searching for a witness");

        /// <summary>
        /// If failIfCannotReplaceVarsWithAccessPaths is true, whenever we cannot convert a variable into an expression, we return null.
        /// Otherwise (when failIfCannotReplaceVarsWithAccessPaths is false), then we return the same expression
        /// </summary>
        public BoxedExpression ReadAt(APC pc, BoxedExpression exp, bool failIfCannotReplaceVarsWithAccessPaths = true, Typ allowReturnValue = default(Typ))
            Contract.Requires(exp != null);

            if (this.boundVariables.Contains(exp))

            if (exp.IsVariable)
                Variable var;
                if (exp.TryGetFrameworkVariable(out var))
                    var accessPath = context.ValueContext.AccessPathList(pc, var, true, true, allowReturnValue);

                    if (accessPath != null)
                        return(BoxedExpression.Var(var, accessPath));

                    Contract.Assert(accessPath == null, "Just for readibility: we are here if we do not have an access path for the variable");

                    return(failIfCannotReplaceVarsWithAccessPaths ? null : exp);


            BinaryOperator  bop;
            BoxedExpression left, right;

            if (exp.IsBinaryExpression(out bop, out left, out right))
                Variable leftVar, rightVar;
                if (left.TryGetFrameworkVariable(out leftVar) && right.IsConstant)
                    var typeLeft = this.context.ValueContext.GetType(pc, leftVar);
                    if (typeLeft.IsNormal && IsInterestingBoundFromTheTypeRange(right, typeLeft.Value))
                        var recurse = ReadAt(pc, left, failIfCannotReplaceVarsWithAccessPaths, allowReturnValue);
                        if (recurse != null)
                            return(BoxedExpression.Binary(bop, recurse, right));


                if (left.IsConstant && right.TryGetFrameworkVariable(out rightVar))
                    var typeRight = this.context.ValueContext.GetType(pc, rightVar);
                    if (typeRight.IsNormal && IsInterestingBoundFromTheTypeRange(left, typeRight.Value))
                        var recurse = ReadAt(pc, right, failIfCannotReplaceVarsWithAccessPaths, allowReturnValue);
                        if (recurse != null)
                            return(BoxedExpression.Binary(bop, left, recurse));


                var recurseLeft  = ReadAt(pc, left, failIfCannotReplaceVarsWithAccessPaths, allowReturnValue);
                var recurseRight = ReadAt(pc, right, failIfCannotReplaceVarsWithAccessPaths, allowReturnValue);

                if (recurseLeft != null && recurseRight != null)
                    return(BoxedExpression.Binary(bop, recurseLeft, recurseRight));

            UnaryOperator uop;

            if (exp.IsUnaryExpression(out uop, out left))
                var recurse = ReadAt(pc, left, failIfCannotReplaceVarsWithAccessPaths, allowReturnValue);
                if (recurse != null)
                    return(BoxedExpression.Unary(uop, recurse));

            object type;

            if (exp.IsIsInstExpression(out left, out type))
                var recurse = ReadAt(pc, left, failIfCannotReplaceVarsWithAccessPaths, allowReturnValue);
                if (recurse != null)
                    return(ClousotExpression <Type> .MakeIsInst((Type)type, recurse));
            bool            isForAll;
            BoxedExpression boundVar, inf, sup, body;

            if (exp.IsQuantifiedExpression(out isForAll, out boundVar, out inf, out sup, out body))
                Contract.Assert(boundVar != null);
                Contract.Assert(inf != null);
                Contract.Assert(sup != null);
                Contract.Assert(body != null);


                var infRec = ReadAt(pc, inf, failIfCannotReplaceVarsWithAccessPaths, allowReturnValue);
                if (infRec != null)
                    var supRec = ReadAt(pc, sup, failIfCannotReplaceVarsWithAccessPaths, allowReturnValue);
                    if (supRec != null)
                        var bodyRec = ReadAt(pc, body, failIfCannotReplaceVarsWithAccessPaths, allowReturnValue);
                        if (bodyRec != null)

                            if (isForAll)
                                return(new ForAllIndexedExpression(null, boundVar, infRec, supRec, bodyRec));
                                return(new ExistsIndexedExpression(null, boundVar, infRec, supRec, bodyRec));


            object          t;
            BoxedExpression array, index;

            if (exp.IsArrayIndexExpression(out array, out index, out t) && t is Typ)
                var arrayRec = ReadAt(pc, array, failIfCannotReplaceVarsWithAccessPaths, allowReturnValue);
                if (arrayRec != null)
                    var indexRec = ReadAt(pc, index, failIfCannotReplaceVarsWithAccessPaths, allowReturnValue);
                    if (indexRec != null)
                        return(new BoxedExpression.ArrayIndexExpression <Typ>(arrayRec, indexRec, (Typ)t));

        private BoxedExpression ExpressionInPostStateHelper(BoxedExpression exp, bool replaceReturnValue, bool overrideAccessModifiers, bool allowReturnValue, ref Details details)
            if (exp.IsConstant || exp.IsSizeOf /*|| exp.IsNull*/)
            { // Nothing to do
            if (exp.IsNull)
                return(BoxedExpression.Const(null, this.metaDataDecoder.System_Object, this.metaDataDecoder));
            if (exp.IsVariable)
                if (exp.IsVariableBoundedInQuantifier)

                // F: this check is there as there may be slack variables form subpolyhedra

                Variable var;
                if (!exp.TryGetFrameworkVariable(out var))

                // We want to replace the return variable with the marker for the return value
                if (replaceReturnValue && this.returnVariable.IsValid && var.Equals(this.returnVariable.Value))
                    details.HasVariables      = true;
                    details.HasReturnVariable = true;


                #region First try: Read it in the post-state
                var accessPath =
                    context.ValueContext.VisibleAccessPathListFromPost(context.MethodContext.CFG.NormalExit, var, allowReturnValue);

#if false
                // F: change!!!!

                // Console.WriteLine("Access paths for sv = {0}", var);
                foreach (var ap in context.ValueContext.AccessPaths(context.MethodContext.CFG.NormalExit, var, AccessPathFilter <Method> .FromPostcondition(this.context.MethodContext.CurrentMethod)))
                    // Console.WriteLine(ap);
                    if (context.ValueContext.PathSuitableInEnsures(context.MethodContext.CFG.NormalExit, ap))
                        // we found our accesspath
                        accessPath = ap;
                if (accessPath != null)
                    details.HasVariables = true;

                    details.HasReturnVariable = accessPath.Head.IsReturnValue;

                    if (accessPath.Length() == 1 && accessPath.ToString() == "this")
                        details.IsThis = true;

                    if (accessPath.Head.ToString() == "this")
                        details.IsRootedInThis = true;

                    // TODO: check possible bug here: this should be var not exp.UnderlyingVariable
                    return(BoxedExpression.Var(var, accessPath));

                #region Second try: Read it in the pre-state
                accessPath =
                    // context.ValueContext.VisibleAccessPathListFromPre(context.MethodContext.CFG.EntryAfterRequires, var);
                    context.ValueContext.AccessPathList(context.MethodContext.CFG.EntryAfterRequires, var, false, false);

                if (accessPath != null)
                    details.HasVariables = true;

                    var type = this.context.ValueContext.GetType(this.context.MethodContext.CFG.NormalExit, var);

                    if (type.IsNormal)
                        details.HasOldVariable = true;

                        return(BoxedExpression.Old(BoxedExpression.Var(var, accessPath), type.Value));

                #region Third try: use the extended refined, if any

                if (this.extendedRefiner != null)
                    BoxedExpression refined;
                    if (this.extendedRefiner.TryRefineExpression(this.context.MethodContext.CFG.NormalExit, var, out refined) &&
                        refined.IsArrayIndex) // F: it seems we generate some recursive expression which causes a stack overflow. Should investigate!!!!
                        return(ExpressionInPostStateHelper(refined, replaceReturnValue, overrideAccessModifiers, allowReturnValue, ref details));


                // giving up
            if (exp.IsUnary)
                var rec = ExpressionInPostStateHelper(exp.UnaryArgument, replaceReturnValue, overrideAccessModifiers, allowReturnValue, ref details);
                if (rec == null)

                // Avoid copying the expression (optimization?)
                if (rec == exp.UnaryArgument)
                    return(BoxedExpression.Unary(exp.UnaryOp, rec));
            if (exp.IsBinary)
                if (!exp.BinaryOp.IsComparisonBinaryOperator())
                    details.HasCompoundExp = true;
                var recLeft = ExpressionInPostStateHelper(exp.BinaryLeft, replaceReturnValue, overrideAccessModifiers, allowReturnValue, ref details);
                if (recLeft == null)

                var recRight = ExpressionInPostStateHelper(exp.BinaryRight, replaceReturnValue, overrideAccessModifiers, allowReturnValue, ref details);
                if (recRight == null)

                // Heuristics to rule out trivial expressions arr.Length >= 0 or 0 <= arr.Length or this.Count >= 0 or 0 <= this.Count
                int value;
                if ((exp.BinaryOp == BinaryOperator.Cge && recLeft.IsArrayLengthOrThisDotCount(context.MethodContext.CFG.NormalExit, this.context, this.metaDataDecoder) && recRight.IsConstantInt(out value) && value == 0)
                    (exp.BinaryOp == BinaryOperator.Cle && recLeft.IsConstantInt(out value) && value == 0 && recRight.IsArrayLengthOrThisDotCount(context.MethodContext.CFG.NormalExit, this.context, this.metaDataDecoder)))

                if (recLeft == exp.BinaryLeft && recRight == exp.BinaryRight)
                    return(BoxedExpression.Binary(exp.BinaryOp, recLeft, recRight));
            object          t;
            BoxedExpression array, index;
            if (exp.IsArrayIndexExpression(out array, out index, out t) && t is Typ)
                // Sanity check. We have a case with post-inference where the array and the index get swapped by the underlying framework
                if (array.UnderlyingVariable is Variable)
                    var type = this.context.ValueContext.GetType(context.MethodContext.CFG.NormalExit, (Variable)array.UnderlyingVariable);
                    if (type.IsNormal && this.metaDataDecoder.IsArray(type.Value))
                        var arrayRef = ExpressionInPostStateHelper(array, replaceReturnValue, overrideAccessModifiers, allowReturnValue, ref details);
                        if (arrayRef != null)
                            var indexRef = ExpressionInPostStateHelper(index, replaceReturnValue, overrideAccessModifiers, allowReturnValue, ref details);
                            if (indexRef != null)
                                return(new BoxedExpression.ArrayIndexExpression <Typ>(arrayRef, indexRef, (Typ)t));


            // Unreachable?
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private static bool TrySplitBaseWBAndOffset <Local, Parameter, Method, Field, Property, Event, Type, Attribute, Assembly, Expression, Variable, LogOptions>
            this IMethodDriver <Local, Parameter, Method, Field, Property, Event, Type, Attribute, Assembly, Expression, Variable, LogOptions> mdriver,
            APC pc, Polynomial <BoxedVariable <Variable>, BoxedExpression> pol, out BoxedExpression basePtr, out BoxedExpression wbPtr, out BoxedExpression offset
            where LogOptions : IFrameworkLogOptions
            where Type : IEquatable <Type>
            where Variable : IEquatable <Variable>
            where Expression : IEquatable <Expression>
            var foundAPointer = false;
            var offsets       = new List <Monomial <BoxedVariable <Variable> > >(pol.Left.Length);
            var basePtrVar    = default(Variable);

            // 1. Fetch the pointer
            foreach (var m in pol.Left)
                BoxedVariable <Variable> tryVar;
                Variable v;
                if (m.IsVariable(out tryVar) && tryVar.TryUnpackVariable(out v))
                    var type = mdriver.Context.ValueContext.GetType(mdriver.Context.MethodContext.CFG.Post(pc), v);

                    if (type.IsNormal && (mdriver.MetaDataDecoder.IsUnmanagedPointer(type.Value) || mdriver.MetaDataDecoder.IsReferenceType(type.Value)))
                        basePtrVar = v;

                        Contract.Assume(foundAPointer == false);
                        foundAPointer = true;


            if (!foundAPointer)
                basePtr = offset = wbPtr = default(BoxedExpression);


            // 2. Get the WB

            Variable varForWB;

            if (!mdriver.Context.ValueContext.TryGetWritableBytes(mdriver.Context.MethodContext.CFG.Post(pc), basePtrVar, out varForWB))
                basePtr = offset = wbPtr = default(BoxedExpression);


            // 3. Construct the offset
            Polynomial <BoxedVariable <Variable>, BoxedExpression> tmpPol;

            if (!Polynomial <BoxedVariable <Variable>, BoxedExpression> .TryToPolynomialForm(offsets.ToArray(), out tmpPol))
                throw new AbstractInterpretationException("Impossible case?");

            basePtr = BoxedExpression.Var(basePtrVar);
            wbPtr   = BoxedExpression.Var(varForWB);
            offset  = tmpPol.ToPureExpression(mdriver.BoxedEncoder());

 protected BoxedExpression.BinaryExpressionMethodCall MakeMethodCallExpression(Method method, Variable var, FList <PathElement> accessPath)
     return(new BoxedExpression.BinaryExpressionMethodCall(/* dummy? */ BinaryOperator.Add,
                                                           BoxedExpression.Var(var, accessPath, this.Mdriver.MetaDataDecoder.System_Object), this.Mdriver.MetaDataDecoder.Name(method)));
                protected bool TryInferNonRelationalProperty(BoxedExpression index, BoxedExpression body,
                                                             INumericalAbstractDomain <BoxedVariable <Variable>, BoxedExpression> dom,
                                                             out BoxedExpression array, out NonRelationalValueAbstraction <BoxedVariable <Variable>, BoxedExpression> elementsProperty)
                    Contract.Ensures(!Contract.Result <bool>() || Contract.ValueAtReturn(out array) != null);
                    Contract.Ensures(!Contract.Result <bool>() || Contract.ValueAtReturn(out elementsProperty) != null);

                    BoxedExpression.ArrayIndexExpression <Type> arrayExp;
                    if (body.TryFindArrayExp(index, out arrayExp))
                        array = arrayExp.Array;
                        Contract.Assert(array != null);

                        var slackVar    = new BoxedVariable <Variable>(true);
                        var slackExp    = BoxedExpression.Var(slackVar);
                        var renamedBody = body.Substitute(arrayExp, slackExp);
                        var nonTrivial  = false;

                        var symbolicConditions = SymbolicExpressionTracker <BoxedVariable <Variable>, BoxedExpression> .Unknown;
                        var equalities         = SetOfConstraints <BoxedVariable <Variable> > .Unknown;
                        var disequalities      = SetOfConstraints <BoxedVariable <Variable> > .Unknown;
                        var weakUpperBounds    = SetOfConstraints <BoxedVariable <Variable> > .Unknown;
                        var strictUpperBounds  = SetOfConstraints <BoxedVariable <Variable> > .Unknown;
                        var existential        = SetOfConstraints <BoxedVariable <Variable> > .Unknown;

                        #region Look for an interval
                        var augmentedDom = dom.TestTrue(renamedBody) as INumericalAbstractDomain <BoxedVariable <Variable>, BoxedExpression>;
                        var intv         = augmentedDom.BoundsFor(slackVar);

                        if (intv.IsNormal)
                            nonTrivial = true;

                        // TODO: upgrade the non-relational values to disintervals, to avoid those checks
                        if (intv.IsTop && augmentedDom.CheckIfNonZero(slackExp).IsTrue())
                            intv       = DisInterval.For(1);
                            nonTrivial = true;

                        #region Look for equalities

                        BoxedExpression left, right;
                        if (renamedBody.IsCheckExp1EqExp2(out left, out right))
                            Variable eq;
                            // a[i] == v
                            if (
                                (left.Equals(slackExp) && right.TryGetFrameworkVariable(out eq))
                                (right.Equals(slackExp) && left.TryGetFrameworkVariable(out eq))
                                equalities = new SetOfConstraints <BoxedVariable <Variable> >(ToBoxedVariable(eq));
                                nonTrivial = true;


                        if (nonTrivial)
                            elementsProperty = new NonRelationalValueAbstraction <BoxedVariable <Variable>, BoxedExpression>(
                                intv, symbolicConditions, equalities, disequalities, weakUpperBounds, strictUpperBounds, existential);

                            elementsProperty = default(NonRelationalValueAbstraction <BoxedVariable <Variable>, BoxedExpression>);

                    array            = default(BoxedExpression);
                    elementsProperty = default(NonRelationalValueAbstraction <BoxedVariable <Variable>, BoxedExpression>);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public BoxedExpression VariableFor(BoxedVariable <TVar> var)