Ejemplo n.º 1
        //mxd. Normals calculation algorithm taken from OpenGl wiki
        private void CalculateNormals()
            if (triangles == 0)

            BoundingBoxSizes bbs = new BoundingBoxSizes(vertices[0]);

            for (int i = 0; i < triangles; i++)
                int         startindex = i * 3;
                WorldVertex p1         = vertices[startindex];
                WorldVertex p2         = vertices[startindex + 1];
                WorldVertex p3         = vertices[startindex + 2];

                Vector3f U = new Vector3f(p2.x - p1.x, p2.y - p1.y, p2.z - p1.z);
                Vector3f V = new Vector3f(p3.x - p1.x, p3.y - p1.y, p3.z - p1.z);

                p1.nx = p2.nx = p3.nx = -(U.Y * V.Z - U.Z * V.Y);
                p1.ny = p2.ny = p3.ny = -(U.Z * V.X - U.X * V.Z);
                p1.nz = p2.nz = p3.nz = -(U.X * V.Y - U.Y * V.X);

                vertices[startindex]     = p1;
                vertices[startindex + 1] = p2;
                vertices[startindex + 2] = p3;

                BoundingBoxTools.UpdateBoundingBoxSizes(ref bbs, p1);
                BoundingBoxTools.UpdateBoundingBoxSizes(ref bbs, p2);
                BoundingBoxTools.UpdateBoundingBoxSizes(ref bbs, p3);

            boundingBox = BoundingBoxTools.CalculateBoundingPlane(bbs);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static MD3LoadResult ReadMD2Model(ref BoundingBoxSizes bbs, Stream s, Device device, int frame, string framename)
            long          start  = s.Position;
            MD3LoadResult result = new MD3LoadResult();

            using (var br = new BinaryReader(s, Encoding.ASCII))
                string magic = ReadString(br, 4);
                if (magic != "IDP2")                //magic number: "IDP2"
                    result.Errors = "unknown header: expected \"IDP2\", but got \"" + magic + "\"";

                int modelVersion = br.ReadInt32();
                if (modelVersion != 8)                //MD2 version. Must be equal to 8
                    result.Errors = "expected MD3 version 15, but got " + modelVersion;

                int texWidth  = br.ReadInt32();
                int texHeight = br.ReadInt32();
                int framesize = br.ReadInt32();  // Size of one frame in bytes
                s.Position += 4;                 //Number of textures
                int num_verts = br.ReadInt32();  //Number of vertices
                int num_uv    = br.ReadInt32();  //The number of UV coordinates in the model
                int num_tris  = br.ReadInt32();  //Number of triangles
                s.Position += 4;                 //Number of OpenGL commands
                int num_frames = br.ReadInt32(); //Total number of frames

                // Sanity checks
                if (frame < 0 || frame >= num_frames)
                    result.Errors = "frame " + frame + " is outside of model's frame range [0.." + (num_frames - 1) + "]";

                s.Position += 4;                    //Offset to skin names (each skin name is an unsigned char[64] and are null terminated)
                int ofs_uv        = br.ReadInt32(); //Offset to s-t texture coordinates
                int ofs_tris      = br.ReadInt32(); //Offset to triangles
                int ofs_animFrame = br.ReadInt32(); //An offset to the first animation frame

                List <int>         polyIndecesList = new List <int>();
                List <int>         uvIndecesList   = new List <int>();
                List <Vector2>     uvCoordsList    = new List <Vector2>();
                List <WorldVertex> vertList        = new List <WorldVertex>();

                // Polygons
                s.Position = ofs_tris + start;

                for (int i = 0; i < num_tris; i++)


                // UV coords
                s.Position = ofs_uv + start;

                for (int i = 0; i < num_uv; i++)
                    uvCoordsList.Add(new Vector2((float)br.ReadInt16() / texWidth, (float)br.ReadInt16() / texHeight));

                // Frames
                // Find correct frame
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(framename))
                    // Skip frames untill frame name matches
                    bool framefound = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < num_frames; i++)
                        s.Position  = ofs_animFrame + start + i * framesize;
                        s.Position += 24;                         // Skip scale and translate
                        string curframename = ReadString(br, 16).ToLowerInvariant();

                        if (curframename == framename)
                            // Step back so scale and translate can be read
                            s.Position -= 40;
                            framefound  = true;

                    // No dice? Bail out!
                    if (!framefound)
                        result.Errors = "unable to find frame \"" + framename + "\"!";
                    // If we have frame number, we can go directly to target frame
                    s.Position = ofs_animFrame + start + frame * framesize;

                Vector3 scale     = new Vector3(br.ReadSingle(), br.ReadSingle(), br.ReadSingle());
                Vector3 translate = new Vector3(br.ReadSingle(), br.ReadSingle(), br.ReadSingle());

                s.Position += 16;                 // Skip frame name

                // Prepare to fix rotation angle
                float angleOfsetCos = (float)Math.Cos(-Angle2D.PIHALF);
                float angleOfsetSin = (float)Math.Sin(-Angle2D.PIHALF);

                for (int i = 0; i < num_verts; i++)
                    WorldVertex v = new WorldVertex();

                    v.x = (br.ReadByte() * scale.X + translate.X);
                    v.y = (br.ReadByte() * scale.Y + translate.Y);
                    v.z = (br.ReadByte() * scale.Z + translate.Z);

                    // Fix rotation angle
                    float rx = angleOfsetCos * v.x - angleOfsetSin * v.y;
                    float ry = angleOfsetSin * v.x + angleOfsetCos * v.y;
                    v.y = ry;
                    v.x = rx;

                    s.Position += 1;                     //vertex normal

                for (int i = 0; i < polyIndecesList.Count; i++)
                    WorldVertex v = vertList[polyIndecesList[i]];

                    //bounding box
                    BoundingBoxTools.UpdateBoundingBoxSizes(ref bbs, new WorldVertex(v.y, v.x, v.z));

                    float tu = uvCoordsList[uvIndecesList[i]].X;
                    float tv = uvCoordsList[uvIndecesList[i]].Y;

                    //uv-coordinates already set?
                    if (v.c == -1 && (v.u != tu || v.v != tv))
                        //add a new vertex
                        vertList.Add(new WorldVertex(v.x, v.y, v.z, -1, tu, tv));
                        polyIndecesList[i] = vertList.Count - 1;
                        v.u = tu;
                        v.v = tv;
                        v.c = -1;                         //set color to white

                        //return to proper place
                        vertList[polyIndecesList[i]] = v;

                Mesh mesh = new Mesh(device, polyIndecesList.Count / 3, vertList.Count, MeshFlags.Use32Bit | MeshFlags.IndexBufferManaged | MeshFlags.VertexBufferManaged, vertexElements);

                using (DataStream stream = mesh.LockVertexBuffer(LockFlags.None))

                using (DataStream stream = mesh.LockIndexBuffer(LockFlags.None))


                //store in result
                result.Skins.Add("");                 //no skin support for MD2

Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static string ReadSurface(ref BoundingBoxSizes bbs, ref string skin, BinaryReader br, List <int> polyIndecesList, List <WorldVertex> vertList, int frame)
            int  vertexOffset = vertList.Count;
            long start        = br.BaseStream.Position;

            string magic = ReadString(br, 4);

            if (magic != "IDP3")
                return("error while reading surface. Unknown header: expected \"IDP3\", but got \"" + magic + "\"");

            string name         = ReadString(br, 64);
            int    flags        = br.ReadInt32();
            int    numFrames    = br.ReadInt32();   //Number of animation frames. This should match NUM_FRAMES in the MD3 header.
            int    numShaders   = br.ReadInt32();   //Number of Shader objects defined in this Surface, with a limit of MD3_MAX_SHADERS. Current value of MD3_MAX_SHADERS is 256.
            int    numVerts     = br.ReadInt32();   //Number of Vertex objects defined in this Surface, up to MD3_MAX_VERTS. Current value of MD3_MAX_VERTS is 4096.
            int    numTriangles = br.ReadInt32();   //Number of Triangle objects defined in this Surface, maximum of MD3_MAX_TRIANGLES. Current value of MD3_MAX_TRIANGLES is 8192.
            int    ofsTriangles = br.ReadInt32();   //Relative offset from SURFACE_START where the list of Triangle objects starts.
            int    ofsShaders   = br.ReadInt32();
            int    ofsST        = br.ReadInt32();   //Relative offset from SURFACE_START where the list of ST objects (s-t texture coordinates) starts.
            int    ofsNormal    = br.ReadInt32();   //Relative offset from SURFACE_START where the list of Vertex objects (X-Y-Z-N vertices) starts.
            int    ofsEnd       = br.ReadInt32();   //Relative offset from SURFACE_START to where the Surface object ends.

            // Sanity check
            if (frame < 0 || frame >= numFrames)
                return("frame " + frame + " is outside of model's frame range [0.." + (numFrames - 1) + "]");

            // Polygons
            if (start + ofsTriangles != br.BaseStream.Position)
                br.BaseStream.Position = start + ofsTriangles;

            for (int i = 0; i < numTriangles * 3; i++)
                polyIndecesList.Add(vertexOffset + br.ReadInt32());

            // Shaders
            if (start + ofsShaders != br.BaseStream.Position)
                br.BaseStream.Position = start + ofsShaders;

            skin = ReadString(br, 64);             //we are interested only in the first one

            // Vertices
            if (start + ofsST != br.BaseStream.Position)
                br.BaseStream.Position = start + ofsST;

            for (int i = 0; i < numVerts; i++)
                WorldVertex v = new WorldVertex();
                v.c = -1;                 //white
                v.u = br.ReadSingle();
                v.v = br.ReadSingle();


            // Positions and normals
            long vertoffset = start + ofsNormal + numVerts * 8 * frame;             // The length of Vertex struct is 8 bytes

            if (br.BaseStream.Position != vertoffset)
                br.BaseStream.Position = vertoffset;

            for (int i = vertexOffset; i < vertexOffset + numVerts; i++)
                WorldVertex v = vertList[i];

                //read vertex
                v.y = -(float)br.ReadInt16() / 64;
                v.x = (float)br.ReadInt16() / 64;
                v.z = (float)br.ReadInt16() / 64;

                //bounding box
                BoundingBoxTools.UpdateBoundingBoxSizes(ref bbs, v);

                var lat = br.ReadByte() * (2 * Math.PI) / 255.0;
                var lng = br.ReadByte() * (2 * Math.PI) / 255.0;

                v.nx = (float)(Math.Sin(lng) * Math.Sin(lat));
                v.ny = -(float)(Math.Cos(lng) * Math.Sin(lat));
                v.nz = (float)(Math.Cos(lat));

                vertList[i] = v;

            if (start + ofsEnd != br.BaseStream.Position)
                br.BaseStream.Position = start + ofsEnd;