Ejemplo n.º 1
        public PostView(AnalyzedPost post)
            this.post = post;
            Vertical_GridLayout_Builder mainBuilder  = new Vertical_GridLayout_Builder();
            Vertical_GridLayout_Builder titleBuilder = new Vertical_GridLayout_Builder();

            // post title
            foreach (AnalyzedString component in post.TitleComponents)
                Label label = new Label();
                if (component.Score > 0)
                    label.TextColor = Color.Green;
                    if (component.Score < 0)
                        label.TextColor = Color.Red;
                        label.TextColor = Color.White;
                label.BackgroundColor = Color.Black;
                TextblockLayout textBlockLayout = new TextblockLayout(label, 16, false, true);
            this.starButton = new Button();
            this.starButton.Clicked += SaveButton_Clicked;

            GridLayout topGrid = GridLayout.New(new BoundProperty_List(1), BoundProperty_List.WithRatios(new List <double>()
                5, 1
            }), LayoutScore.Zero);

            topGrid.AddLayout(new ButtonLayout(this.starButton));

            this.linkLayout = new TextblockLayout(post.Interaction.Post.Source, 16, false, true);

            Button openButton = new Button();

            mainBuilder.AddLayout(new ButtonLayout(openButton, "Open", 16));
            openButton.Clicked += OpenButton_Clicked;

            this.SubLayout = mainBuilder.BuildAnyLayout();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public ActivityNameEntryBox(string title, ActivityDatabase activityDatabase, LayoutStack layoutStack, bool createNewActivity = false, bool placeTitleAbove = true)
            // some settings
            this.layoutStack               = layoutStack;
            this.AutoAcceptAutocomplete    = true;
            this.createNewActivity         = createNewActivity;
            this.activityDatabase          = activityDatabase;
            this.numAutocompleteRowsToShow = 1;

            // the box the user is typing in
            this.nameBox              = new Editor();
            this.nameBox.TextChanged += NameBox_TextChanged;
            this.nameBox_layout       = new TextboxLayout(this.nameBox);

            // "X"/"?" button for clearing text or getting help
            // We use one button for both purposes so that the layout doesn't relayout (and shift focus) when this button switches from one to the other
            this.sideButton          = new Button();
            this.sideButton.Clicked += SideButton_Clicked;
            this.sideButtonLayout    = new ButtonLayout(this.sideButton);

            // layouts controlling the alignment of the main text box and the side button
            this.sideLayout           = new ContainerLayout();
            this.sideLayout.SubLayout = this.sideButtonLayout;

            GridView   gridView = new GridView();
            GridLayout evenBox  = GridLayout.New(new BoundProperty_List(1), BoundProperty_List.WithRatios(new List <double>()
                7, 1
            }), LayoutScore.Zero, 1, gridView);
            GridLayout unevenBox = GridLayout.New(new BoundProperty_List(1), new BoundProperty_List(2), LayoutScore.Get_UnCentered_LayoutScore(1), 1, gridView);

            this.nameBoxWithSideLayout = new LayoutUnion(evenBox, unevenBox);

            // the autocomplete above the text box
            this.autocompleteLayout = new TextblockLayout();
            this.autocompleteLayout.ScoreIfEmpty = false;

            // button that gives help with autocomplete
            this.helpWindow = new HelpWindowBuilder()
                              .AddMessage("This screen explains how to enter " + title + " in the previous screen. " +
                                          "If you haven't already created the activity that you want to enter here, you will have to go back and create it first in the Activities screen.")
                              .AddMessage("To input an activity name, you may type it in using the letters on the keyboard.")
                              .AddMessage("While you do this, ActivityRecommender will try to guess which activity you mean, and " +
                                          "that autocomplete guess will appear above. If this autocomplete suggestion is what you want, then you can press " +
                                          "[enter] to use the autocomplete suggestion.")
                              .AddMessage("Autocomplete does not require you to type full words but it does require spaces between words.")
                              .AddMessage("Autocomplete does not require that you type letters using the correct case but it is more effective if you do.")
                              .AddMessage("Consider the following example:")
                              .AddMessage("If you have already entered an activity named \"Taking out the Garbage\", " +
                                          "here are some things you can type that might cause it to become the autocomplete suggestion:")
                              .AddMessage("Taking out the")
                              .AddMessage("Taking o t G")
                              .AddMessage("T o t G")
                              .AddMessage("Note, of course, that the longer and more unique your text, the more likely that it will be matched with the activity that you intend, rather than " +
                                          "with another activity, like for example, 'Talking on the Phone'")
                              .AddLayout(new CreditsButtonBuilder(layoutStack)
                                         .AddContribution(ActRecContributor.ANNI_ZHANG, new DateTime(2020, 6, 7), "Pointed out that completed ToDos should have a very low autocomplete priority")

            // help buttons that appear when the user types something invalid
            Button help_createNew_button = new Button();

            help_createNew_button.Clicked   += help_createNew_button_Clicked;
            this.autocomplete_longHelpLayout = new Horizontal_GridLayout_Builder().Uniform()
                                               .AddLayout(new ButtonLayout(help_createNew_button, "Create"))
                                               .AddLayout(new HelpButtonLayout(this.helpWindow, layoutStack))

            // the main layout that contains everything
            LayoutChoice_Set content;

            if (createNewActivity)
                content = unevenBox;
                GridLayout contentWithFeedback = GridLayout.New(new BoundProperty_List(2), new BoundProperty_List(1), LayoutScore.Get_UnCentered_LayoutScore(1));

                content = contentWithFeedback;



            TextblockLayout titleLayout = new TextblockLayout(title);

            if (placeTitleAbove)
                this.SubLayout = new Vertical_GridLayout_Builder()
                GridLayout evenGrid   = GridLayout.New(new BoundProperty_List(1), BoundProperty_List.Uniform(2), LayoutScore.Zero);
                GridLayout unevenGrid = GridLayout.New(new BoundProperty_List(1), new BoundProperty_List(2), LayoutScore.Get_UnCentered_LayoutScore(1));
                this.SubLayout = new LayoutUnion(evenGrid, unevenGrid);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public SuggestionView(ActivitiesSuggestion suggestion, bool isFirstSuggestion, Dictionary <ActivitySuggestion, bool> repeatingDeclinedSuggestion, LayoutStack layoutStack)
            this.suggestion  = suggestion;
            this.layoutStack = layoutStack;

            bool allWorseThanAverage = true;

            foreach (ActivitySuggestion child in suggestion.Children)
                if (!child.WorseThanRootActivity)
                    allWorseThanAverage = false;

            GridLayout_Builder fullBuilder   = new Vertical_GridLayout_Builder();
            string             startTimeText = suggestion.Children[0].StartDate.ToString("HH:mm");

            bool badSuggestion = (allWorseThanAverage && suggestion.Skippable);

            if (badSuggestion)
                fullBuilder.AddLayout(new TextblockLayout("Best ideas at " + startTimeText + ":", 24).AlignHorizontally(TextAlignment.Center));
                fullBuilder.AddLayout(new TextblockLayout("At " + startTimeText + ":", 24).AlignHorizontally(TextAlignment.Center));

            List <LayoutChoice_Set> specificFont_contentChoices = new List <LayoutChoice_Set>(); // list of layouts we might use, each with a different font size

            this.explainButtons = new Dictionary <Button, ActivitySuggestion>();
            this.doButtons      = new Dictionary <Button, ActivitySuggestion>();
            for (int mainFontSize = 20; mainFontSize >= 12; mainFontSize -= 8)
                // grid containing the specific activities the user could do
                GridLayout activityOptionsGrid = GridLayout.New(new BoundProperty_List(3), BoundProperty_List.Uniform(suggestion.Children.Count), LayoutScore.Zero);

                for (int i = 0; i < suggestion.Children.Count; i++)
                    ActivitySuggestion child = suggestion.Children[i];

                    // set up the options for the text
                    string          mainText  = this.summarize(child, repeatingDeclinedSuggestion[child]);
                    TextblockLayout mainBlock = new TextblockLayout(mainText, mainFontSize);
                    TextAlignment   horizontalAlignment;
                    TextAlignment   verticalAlignment;
                    if (i == 0)
                        horizontalAlignment = TextAlignment.Start;
                        if (suggestion.Children.Count == 1)
                            verticalAlignment = TextAlignment.Start;
                            verticalAlignment = TextAlignment.End;
                        if (i == suggestion.Children.Count - 1)
                            horizontalAlignment = TextAlignment.End;
                            verticalAlignment   = TextAlignment.Start;
                            horizontalAlignment = TextAlignment.Center;
                            verticalAlignment   = TextAlignment.Center;
                    activityOptionsGrid.PutLayout(mainBlock, i, 0);

                    // set up the buttons
                    GridLayout_Builder buttonsBuilder = new Horizontal_GridLayout_Builder().Uniform();
                    double             buttonFontSize = mainFontSize * 0.9;
                    // make a doNow button if needed
                    if (isFirstSuggestion)
                        Button doNowButton = new Button();
                        doNowButton.Clicked        += DoNowButton_Clicked;
                        this.doButtons[doNowButton] = child;
                        ButtonLayout doButtonLayout = new ButtonLayout(doNowButton, "OK", buttonFontSize);
                    if (child.PredictedScoreDividedByAverage != null)
                        Button explainButton = new Button();
                        explainButton.Clicked += explainButton_Clicked;
                        this.explainButtons[explainButton] = child;
                        ButtonLayout explainLayout = new ButtonLayout(explainButton, "?", buttonFontSize);
                    activityOptionsGrid.PutLayout(buttonsBuilder.BuildAnyLayout(), i, 1);
                    if (child.ExpectedReaction != null)
                        TextblockLayout reactionLayout = new TextblockLayout(child.ExpectedReaction, buttonFontSize * 0.9);
                        activityOptionsGrid.PutLayout(reactionLayout, i, 2);

                LayoutChoice_Set optionsAtThisFontSize;
                if (badSuggestion)
                    // If the suggestion is bad and we don't really want the user to do it, then we also show the user some convenient buttons for making more activities
                    GridLayout wrapper = GridLayout.New(new BoundProperty_List(1), BoundProperty_List.WithRatios(new List <double>()
                        suggestion.Children.Count, 1
                    }), LayoutScore.Zero);
                    wrapper.AddLayout(activityOptionsGrid);                            // activity suggestions
                    wrapper.AddLayout(this.make_otherActivities_layout(mainFontSize)); // layout for making new activities
                    optionsAtThisFontSize = wrapper;
                    // If the suggestion isn't bad, then the options we give are just the activities being suggested
                    optionsAtThisFontSize = activityOptionsGrid;

            LayoutChoice_Set contentGrid = LayoutUnion.New(specificFont_contentChoices);

            // Add cancel buttons to the bottom
            this.cancelButton                         = new Button();
            this.cancelButton.Clicked                += cancelButton_Click;
            this.explainWhyYouCantSkipButton          = new Button();
            this.explainWhyYouCantSkipButton.Clicked += ExplainWhyYouCantSkipButton_Clicked;
            ButtonLayout cancelLayout;

            if (suggestion.Skippable)
                cancelLayout = new ButtonLayout(this.cancelButton, "X");
                cancelLayout = new ButtonLayout(this.explainWhyYouCantSkipButton, "!");


            this.SubLayout = fullBuilder.BuildAnyLayout();