public RegisterUserCode HashClearTextPassword(string UserName)
            BorrowerDAL dal = new BorrowerDAL(_connection);
            Borrower    b   = dal.BorrowerFindByName(UserName);

            if (b == null)
            BorrowerSecuredDAL sdal = new BorrowerSecuredDAL(_connection);
            BorrowerSecured    sb   = sdal.BorrowerSecuredFindByID(b.BorrowerID);

            if (sb == null)
            // when using cleartext the SALT Field contains "ClearText" instead of salt
            // the cleartext password in in HASH
            if (sb.Salt == "ClearText")
                string salt = System.Web.Helpers.Crypto.GenerateSalt(20);
                // when using cleartext, the HASH field contains the cleartext password
                string pw   = sb.Hash + salt;
                string hash = System.Web.Helpers.Crypto.HashPassword(pw);
                sdal.BorrowerSecuredUpdateJust(b.BorrowerID, hash, salt);
        public Borrower ValidateUserClearText(string UserName, string Password)
            BorrowerSecured    rv  = null;
            BorrowerSecuredDAL dal = new BorrowerSecuredDAL(_connection);

                rv = dal.BorrowerSecuredFindByName(UserName);
                if (rv == null)
                if (Password == rv.Hash)
        public Borrower ValidateUserHashed(string UserName, string Password)
            BorrowerSecured    rv  = null;
            BorrowerSecuredDAL dal = new BorrowerSecuredDAL(_connection);

                rv = dal.BorrowerSecuredFindByName(UserName);
                if (rv == null)
                string pw       = Password + rv.Salt;
                bool   verified =
                    System.Web.Helpers.Crypto.VerifyHashedPassword(rv.Hash, pw);
                if (verified)
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public BorrowerSecured ToBorrowerSecured(IDataReader reader)
            // rolename is read only so it must be constructed
            BorrowerSecured rv = new BorrowerSecured(reader.GetString(5));

            // the values of the GetXXX have been validated by the constructor
            // the GetNullableXXX are EXTENSION methods.  Look in class
            // readerHelper.  these functions 'appear' in reader when the
            // readerHelper is in scope.  dot into reader and see the icon
            // in front of the GetNullableXXX methods.  This is the indicator
            // that the methods come from somewhere else.
            rv.BorrowerID    = reader.GetInt32(0);
            rv.BorrowerName  = reader.GetNullableString(1);
            rv.BorrowerEMail = reader.GetNullableString(2);
            rv.BorrowerDOB   = reader.GetNullableDateTime(3);

            rv.RoleID = reader.GetInt32(4);

            rv.Hash = reader.GetNullableString(6);
            rv.Salt = reader.GetNullableString(7);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public BorrowerSecured BorrowerSecuredFindByEMail(string EMail)
            BorrowerSecured rv = null;

            // a default return value
                using (IDbCommand command = _connection.CreateCommand())
                    // configure the command object
                    command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                    command.CommandText = "BorrowerSecuredFindByEmail";
                    IDbDataParameter p = command.CreateParameter();
                    p.ParameterName = "@BorrowerEmail";
                    p.DbType        = DbType.String;
                    p.Direction     = ParameterDirection.Input;
                    p.Value         = EMail;

                    // load the data from the database
                    using (IDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                        // the mapper is constructed, and this is where the shape
                        // is validated to insure it is correct
                        // if the database structure changes,
                        // an exception will be thrown
                        // the less efficient Get Ordinal methods are only
                        // invoked one time per command
                        // this less efficient (but required) code
                        // is outside the loop
                        BorrowerSecuredMapper mapper = new BorrowerSecuredMapper(reader);
                        int count = 0;
                        while (reader.Read())
                            rv = mapper.ToBorrowerSecured(reader);
                            // the mapper uses the much more efficient getXXX
                            // methods internally to avoid boxing and
                            // string manipulation.  this more efficient code is
                            // inside the loop
                        // this method is expecting a single record to be returned
                        // check to see if more than one record was returned
                        // this probably means that a where clause is incorrect in the SQL layer
                        if (count > 1)
                            throw new Exception("Multiple reccords found with id: {BorrowerID}");
            catch (Exception ex) when(Logger.Log(ex, "DAL"))
                // ALL exceptions are logged by the when clause
                // and then the exception is tossed to the next layer up.
                // the catch block is NEVER invoked because the
                // when clause never evaluates to true since the
                // Log method returns false