Ejemplo n.º 1
    /// <summary>
    /// returns a Feature. int i is the Freature on the features array.
    /// </summary>
    private Feature FillFeature(int i, string name, int speed, int strength, int defense, int cost, BonusFeatures feat, string featureDescription)
        string changedOptions = "";

        if (speed != 0)
            changedOptions = changedOptions + " Speed +" + speed;
        if (strength != 0)
            changedOptions = changedOptions + " Strength +" + strength;
        if (defense != 0)
            changedOptions = changedOptions + " Defense +" + defense;

        string description = "Price: " + cost + " " + name + ":" + changedOptions + " Feature: " + feat.ToString();

        Feature feature = new Feature(name, speed, strength, defense, cost, feat, description, featureDescription);

        public static string DoSynchronization(MyRemoteServices.SinchronizationObject syncObj)
            string syncLog = "***************BEGIN LOG***************" + Environment.NewLine;

            MyRemoteServices.BonusFeature[]         incomingBonusFeatures = syncObj.bonusFeaturesList;
            MyRemoteServices.AccomodationCategory[] incomingAccCats       = syncObj.accCatsList;
            MyRemoteServices.AccomodationType[]     incomingAccTypes      = syncObj.accTypesList;
            MyRemoteServices.Country[]               incomingCountries    = syncObj.countriesList;
            MyRemoteServices.City[]                  incomingCities       = syncObj.citiesList;
            MyRemoteServices.RegUsrMessage[]         incomingMessages     = syncObj.regUserMessagesList;
            MyRemoteServices.MainServerReservation[] incomingReservations = syncObj.reservationsList;
            using (var ctx = new ApplicationDbContext())
                if (incomingBonusFeatures != null)
                    foreach (var bf in incomingBonusFeatures)
                        bool actionHappened = false;
                        var  localBfData    = ctx.BonusFeatures.FirstOrDefault(x => x.MainServerId == bf.mainServerId);
                        if (localBfData == null)
                            BonusFeatures localBf = new BonusFeatures
                                MainServerId = bf.mainServerId,
                                Name         = bf.name
                            actionHappened = true;
                            syncLog       += string.Format("Added a new BonusFeature: {0}" + Environment.NewLine, localBf.Name);
                            if (bf.name != localBfData.Name)
                                syncLog         += string.Format("Edited the {0} BonusFeature's name property from {1} to {2}" + Environment.NewLine, localBfData.Name, localBfData.Name, bf.name);
                                localBfData.Name = bf.name;
                                actionHappened   = true;

                        if (actionHappened)
                            syncLog += TrySave(ctx);

                    syncLog += "=============================================================" + Environment.NewLine;

                if (incomingAccCats != null)
                    foreach (var accCat in incomingAccCats)
                        bool actionHappened  = false;
                        var  localAccCatData = ctx.AccomodationCategories.FirstOrDefault(x => x.MainServerId == accCat.mainServerId);
                        if (localAccCatData == null)
                            AccomodationCategory localAccCat = new AccomodationCategory
                                MainServerId = accCat.mainServerId,
                                Name         = accCat.name
                            actionHappened = true;
                            syncLog       += string.Format("Added a new AccomodationCategory: {0}" + Environment.NewLine, localAccCat.Name);
                            if (localAccCatData.Name != accCat.name)
                                syncLog += string.Format("Edited the {0} AccomodationCategory's name property from {1} to {2}" + Environment.NewLine, localAccCatData.Name, localAccCatData.Name, accCat.name);
                                localAccCatData.Name = accCat.name;
                                actionHappened       = true;

                        if (actionHappened)
                            syncLog += TrySave(ctx);

                    syncLog += "=============================================================" + Environment.NewLine;

                if (incomingAccTypes != null)
                    foreach (var accType in incomingAccTypes)
                        bool actionHappened   = false;
                        var  localAccTypeData = ctx.AccomodationTypes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.MainServerId == accType.mainServerId);
                        if (localAccTypeData == null)
                            AccomodationType localAccType = new AccomodationType
                                MainServerId = accType.mainServerId,
                                Name         = accType.name
                            actionHappened = true;
                            syncLog       += string.Format("Added a new AccomodationType: {0}" + Environment.NewLine, localAccType.Name);
                            if (localAccTypeData.Name != accType.name)
                                syncLog += string.Format("Edited the {0} AccomodationType's name property from {1} to {2}" + Environment.NewLine, localAccTypeData.Name, localAccTypeData.Name, accType.name);
                                localAccTypeData.Name = accType.name;
                                actionHappened        = true;

                        if (actionHappened)
                            syncLog += TrySave(ctx);

                    syncLog += "=============================================================" + Environment.NewLine;

                if (incomingCountries != null)
                    foreach (var cntry in incomingCountries)
                        bool actionHappened = false;
                        var  localCntryData = ctx.Countries.FirstOrDefault(x => x.MainServerId == cntry.mainServerId);
                        if (localCntryData == null)
                            Country localCntry = new Country
                                MainServerId = cntry.mainServerId,
                                Name         = cntry.name
                            actionHappened = true;
                            syncLog       += string.Format("Added a new Country: {0}" + Environment.NewLine, localCntry.Name);
                            if (localCntryData.Name != cntry.name)
                                syncLog            += string.Format("Edited the {0} Country's name property from {1} to {2}" + Environment.NewLine, localCntryData.Name, localCntryData.Name, cntry.name);
                                localCntryData.Name = cntry.name;
                                actionHappened      = true;

                        if (actionHappened)
                            syncLog += TrySave(ctx);

                    syncLog += "=============================================================" + Environment.NewLine;

                if (incomingCities != null)
                    foreach (var city in incomingCities)
                        bool actionHappened = false;
                        var  localCityData  = ctx.Cities.FirstOrDefault(x => x.MainServerId == city.mainServerId);
                        if (localCityData == null)
                            var  cntry     = ctx.Countries.FirstOrDefault(x => x.MainServerId == city.country.mainServerId);
                            City localCity = new City
                                MainServerId = city.mainServerId,
                                Name         = city.name,
                                PostalCode   = city.postalCode,
                                Country      = cntry
                            actionHappened = true;
                            syncLog       += string.Format("Added a new City: {0}" + Environment.NewLine, localCity.Name);
                            if (localCityData.Name != city.name)
                                syncLog           += string.Format("Edited the {0} City's name property from {1} to {2}" + Environment.NewLine, localCityData.Name, localCityData.Name, city.name);
                                localCityData.Name = city.name;
                                actionHappened     = true;
                            if (localCityData.PostalCode != city.postalCode)
                                syncLog += string.Format("Edited the {0} City's postalCode property from {1} to {2}" + Environment.NewLine, localCityData.Name, localCityData.PostalCode, city.postalCode);
                                localCityData.PostalCode = city.postalCode;
                                actionHappened           = true;
                            if (localCityData.Country.MainServerId != city.country.mainServerId)
                                var newCountry = ctx.Countries.FirstOrDefault(x => x.MainServerId == city.country.mainServerId);
                                if (newCountry == null)
                                    syncLog += string.Format("Error while trying to edit the {0} City's country property: No Country with such id is found." + Environment.NewLine, localCityData.Name);
                                    syncLog += string.Format("Edited the {0} City's country property from {1} to {2}" + Environment.NewLine, localCityData.Name, localCityData.Country.Name, city.country.name);
                                    localCityData.Country = newCountry;
                                    actionHappened        = true;

                        if (actionHappened)
                            syncLog += TrySave(ctx);

                    syncLog += "=============================================================" + Environment.NewLine;

                if (incomingMessages != null)
                    foreach (var msg in incomingMessages)
                        bool actionHappened = false;
                        var  localMsgData   = ctx.Messages.FirstOrDefault(x => x.MainServerId == msg.mainServerId);
                        if (localMsgData == null)
                            var localRegUserInfo = ctx.RegisteredUsersInfo.FirstOrDefault(x => x.MainServerId == msg.regUsrInfo.mainServerId);
                            if (localRegUserInfo == null)
                                localRegUserInfo = new RegisteredUserInfo
                                    MainServerId = msg.regUsrInfo.mainServerId,
                                    UserName     = msg.regUsrInfo.userName
                                actionHappened = true;
                                syncLog       += string.Format("Added a new RegisteredUserInfo: {0}" + Environment.NewLine, localRegUserInfo.UserName);

                            var localAgent = ctx.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.MainServerId == msg.agentUserMainServerId);
                            if (localAgent == null)
                                syncLog += string.Format("Error while trying to add a new message: agent user not found." + Environment.NewLine);
                                Message localMsg = new Message
                                    MainServerId       = msg.mainServerId,
                                    AgentUserId        = localAgent.Id,
                                    Content            = msg.content,
                                    RegisteredUserInfo = localRegUserInfo,
                                    IsRead             = false,
                                    HasResponse        = false
                                actionHappened = true;
                                syncLog       += string.Format("Added a new Message" + Environment.NewLine);

                        if (actionHappened)
                            syncLog += TrySave(ctx);

                    syncLog += "=============================================================" + Environment.NewLine;

                if (incomingReservations != null)
                    foreach (var res in incomingReservations)
                        bool actionHappened       = false;
                        var  localReservationData = ctx.Reservations.FirstOrDefault(x => x.MainServerId == res.mainServerId);
                        if (localReservationData == null)
                            var bookingUnitLocal = ctx.BookingUnits.FirstOrDefault(x => x.MainServerId == res.bookingUnitMainServerId);
                            if (bookingUnitLocal == null)
                                syncLog += string.Format("Error while trying to add a new reservation: bookingUnit not found." + Environment.NewLine);
                                Reservation localReservation = new Reservation
                                    MainServerId      = res.mainServerId,
                                    From              = res.from,
                                    To                = res.to,
                                    ReservationStatus = (ReservationStatus)res.reservationStatus,
                                    SubjectName       = res.subjectName,
                                    SubjectSurname    = res.subjectSurname,
                                    TotalPrice        = res.totalPrice,
                                    BookingUnit       = bookingUnitLocal
                                actionHappened = true;
                                syncLog       += string.Format("Added a new Reservation of the booking unit: {0}" + Environment.NewLine, bookingUnitLocal.Name);
                            if (localReservationData.ReservationStatus != (ReservationStatus)res.reservationStatus)
                                var bUnit = ctx.BookingUnits.FirstOrDefault(x => x.MainServerId == res.bookingUnitMainServerId);
                                syncLog += string.Format("Edited the reservation status from {0} to {1} for the Booking unit: {2}" + Environment.NewLine, localReservationData.ReservationStatus.ToString(), res.reservationStatus.ToString(), bUnit.Name);
                                localReservationData.ReservationStatus = (ReservationStatus)res.reservationStatus;
                                actionHappened = true;

                        if (actionHappened)
                            syncLog += TrySave(ctx);

                    syncLog += "***************END LOG***************";
