Ejemplo n.º 1
        public BodyStatus(AccountModel account, Boolean typeStation)
            #region controls Declaration

            //Adding something to the collection otherwise the listview doesn't like to display
            var b = new BodyStatusModel();
            b.Name = "loading bodies";

            bodies.ItemsSource     = bodyList;
            bodies.ItemTemplate    = new DataTemplate(typeof(ViewCells.PlanetStatusViewCell));
            bodies.BackgroundColor = Color.FromRgb(0, 0, 128);

            var mainLayout = new StackLayout
                BackgroundColor = Color.FromRgb(0, 0, 128),
                Children        =

            Content = mainLayout;
            if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.iOS)
                mainLayout.Padding = new Thickness(0, 20, 0, 0);

            this.Appearing += async(sender, e) =>
                await LoadPage(typeStation);

            notifyAllianceOfStations.IsVisible = false;
            notifyAllianceOfStations.Clicked  += async(sender, e) => {
                var bodyString = "The following stations have warning indicators: ";
                foreach (var station in warningStations)
                    bodyString += station + ", \n";
                var json     = Inbox.SendMessage(1, account.SessionID, "@ally", "Stations in trouble", bodyString);
                var server   = new Data.Server();
                var response = await server.GetHttpResultStringAsyncAsString(account.Server, Inbox.url, json);

                var s = response;
            bodies.ItemTapped += async(sender, e) =>
                await Navigation.PushModalAsync(new BodyStatusDetail((bodies.SelectedItem as BodyStatusModel).response,
                                                                     (bodies.SelectedItem as BodyStatusModel).Name));

                bodies.SelectedItem = null;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        async Task <bool> LoadPage(Boolean typeStation)
            AccountManager accountMan = new AccountManager();

            account = await accountMan.GetActiveAccountAsync();

            var originalAccount = account;

            if (typeStation)
                foreach (var s in account.Stations.Keys)
                    var json     = LacunaExpanseAPIWrapper.Body.GetBuildings(1, account.SessionID, s);
                    var server   = new LacunaExpress.Data.Server();
                    var response = await server.GetHttpResultAsync(account.Server, LacunaExpanseAPIWrapper.Body.url, json);

                    if (response.result != null)
                        BodyStatusModel bdy = new BodyStatusModel();
                        bdy.response = response;
                        bdy.Name     = response.result.status.body.name;
                        bdy.Star     = response.result.status.body.star_name;
                        bdy.Zone     = response.result.status.body.zone;
                        bdy.X        = response.result.status.body.x;
                        bdy.Y        = response.result.status.body.y;
                        if (!Scripts.StatusCheckers.StationOk(response))
                            bdy.Status = "Warning";
                            notifyAllianceOfStations.IsVisible = true;
                            warningStations.Add(bdy.Name + "{ Planet " + bdy.Name + " " + response.result.status.body.id + " }");
                        if (response.result.buildings != null)
                            foreach (var b in response.result.buildings)
                                if (account.Parliaments == null)
                                    account.Parliaments = new List <BuildingCache>();
                                if (b.Value.url.Contains(Parliament.URL))
                                    account.Parliaments.Add(new BuildingCache {
                                        planetID = b.Value.name, buildingID = b.Key, level = Convert.ToInt16(b.Value.level)
                            //var parliament = (from p in response.result.buildings
                            //                  where p.Value.url.Contains(Parliament.URL)
                            //                  select new { id = p.Key, level = p.Value.level, }).First();

                            //account.Parliaments.Add(new BuildingCache { planetID = bdy.Name, buildingID = parliament.id, level = Convert.ToInt16(parliament.level) });
                if (account.Parliaments.Count > 0)
                    accountMan.ModifyAccountAsync(account, originalAccount);
                foreach (var c in account.Colonies.Keys)
                    var json     = LacunaExpanseAPIWrapper.Body.GetBuildings(1, account.SessionID, c);
                    var s        = new LacunaExpress.Data.Server();
                    var response = await s.GetHttpResultAsync(account.Server, LacunaExpanseAPIWrapper.Body.url, json);

                    if (response.result != null)
                        BodyStatusModel bdy = new BodyStatusModel();
                        bdy.response = response;
                        bdy.Name     = response.result.status.body.name;
                        bdy.Star     = response.result.status.body.star_name;
                        bdy.Zone     = response.result.status.body.zone;
                        bdy.X        = response.result.status.body.x;
                        bdy.Y        = response.result.status.body.y;
                        if (!Scripts.StatusCheckers.PlanetOk(response))
                            bdy.Status = "Warning";

                    //BodyStatus bodyresult = response.result.Bodies;
                    //(BodyStatus)bodyresult =